Email completed applications to info@ or fax to 770-562-2742. Questions? Email info@

All adoption applications require a $20 non-refundable donation to our rescue group. Donations can be made at . Please note at checkout that your donation is for an adoption application.

After filling out the application, please call your veterinarian to give us permission to do a vet reference check.

Please re-save this file using your first and last name if completing online.

Preferred type(s) of adoption (check all that apply):

___ Adoptable with 28 Day OFF LEASH ULTIMATE TRAINING program $937.50 (dogs that will complete our full service training program normally priced $1749; includes 20% off boarding for life, private lessons for life, 24/7 support, remote training collar)

___ Adoptable with 14 Day OFF LEASH EXPRESS program $699.00 (dogs that will complete our full service training program normally priced $999; includes 20% off boarding for life, private lessons for life, 24/7 support, remote training collar)

___ Small Breed without training (dogs under 30 pounds) $350 - fenced yard required

___ Senior or Special Needs Adoptable $200 or negotiable based on dog and home (dogs 8+ yrs or dogs with special needs)

___ Service Dog Candidates $450 (dogs leaving LILR and immediately entering service dog training; requires meeting with trainer)

___ HOMEBUDDIES $FREE (INCLUDES our 14 day OFF LEASH EXPRESS program; difficult to place dogs that may have behavior issues that have not been responsive to training, but will still make great companions when matched with the right home; only expense is the cost of a remote training collar at $200)

ALL ADOPTIONS INCLUDE: Full vaccinations, parasite (flea/tick/all worms) free, current on parasite prevention, microchipped, spay/neuter if over six (6) months (otherwise, owners responsible for providing proof of spay/neuter by 6 months of age)

The purpose of this application is to help match you with a dog that is suitable for your home and lifestyle. Please take the time to answer the questions honestly and completely. We pride ourselves on matching you with a dog that will be as close to your perfect companion as possible.

|First Name: | |Last Name: | |

|Co-Applicant: | |Last Name: | |

|Street Address: | |

|City: |State & Zip: |Mailing address (if different) |

|Home Phone: | |Cell Phone: | |

|Work Phone(s): | |Email Address: | |

Complete answers to the following will help us match your specific needs and expectations.

|Age desired: Any, Specific Age, Senior (8 years and older): | |

|Is there a specific dog that you are interested in? | |

|If so, which one? Name, Specify color, and gender? | |

|Why are you interested in this particular dog? | |

|Would you consider a Special/needs dog - one who requires medication?  | |

|Will you accept a mix?  | |Activity Level: High, Med, Calm  | |

|Sex: (Male, Female, Either) | |Ages of ALL family members: | |

|Do they or other family members live with or visit you often?  | |

|Do they share your interest in adopting a dog?  | |

|Who is the dog primarily for:  (Adult, Child, Elderly) | |

|Who will care for, train and exercise the dog?  | |

|Does anyone in your household have | |If Yes, to what allergens? | |

|allergies?  | | | |

|May we visit your home prior to | |If Yes, when is best? | |

|application approval? | | | |

Please list all pets currently living in the home: (attach additional sheets if necessary)

|Name |Dog, Cat, |Sex   |Age |Spayed/ |Describe this pet (temperament, activity level, anything that might be helpful) |

| |Other | | |Neutered? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Please list all of your pets over the last 10 yrs: (attach additional sheets if necessary)

|Name |Dog, Cat, |Sex   |Spayed/ |Age at |What happened to the pet? |

| |Other | |Neutered? |passing? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Please provide the full name, City, State, and phone number (very important) of your current veterinarian:

|Name | |Phone | |

|City | |State & Zip | |

|Where do you purchase heartworm prevention if not from your veterinarian? |Brand? |

|Where do you purchase flea & tick prevention, if not from your veterinarian? |Brand? |

|If you have used your current vet for fewer than 4 yrs or recently used other veterinarians, please list them here -- attach sheets if necessary |

|Name | |Phone | |

|City | |State & Zip | |

Please provide contact information for two personal references (non-family members that have interacted with your pets in your home please):

|Name | |Phone | |

|Relation | |City/State of Residence | |

|Name | |Phone | |

|Relation | |City/State of Residence | |

|How long have you lived at your | |Do you own or rent? | |

|current address? | | | |

|Renters: Must provide Landlord's name/phone:  | |

|Do you have the permission of your landlord to have a dog? If so up to |Yes or No Size |

|what size? | |

|How many times have you moved in the last 5 yrs? | |Any plans to move in the near future? | |

|Will the dog be allowed in the house? | |How long daily will the dog be left alone (without | |

| | |humans)? | |

|Where will the dog stay when you are away from the house? | |

|Are you familiar with the use of a dog crate to train the pet | |

|during your absence or at night? | |

|Is your yard fully fenced?  | |Type of fence? (include Height, Width, and | |

| | |Length) | |

|If you do not have a fence, will you | |Approximate size of dog's yard area | |

|install one? | | | |

|Will the dog be walked daily? | |Exercised in a fenced yard? | |

|Ever allowed to run free without | |Will your dog receive formal obedience | |

|supervision? | |training? | |

|Have you ever had a dog before? | |Are you aware that routine costs average | |

| | |$500/dog/year?  | |

|Have you ever sold, given away, or surrendered a pet to a shelter? | |

|If yes, please specify why |

| |

|Please tell us why you want a dog: |

|Please tell us a little of your lifestyle, your family including any special activities in which your dog would be included.  (If you have any requirements or |

|requests for a dog, please let us know so that we can more carefully match a dog to your lifestyle) |

|When/if you move what will you do with your dog? | |

|Will your dog have restricted access to any areas of your home? i.e., | |

|bedrooms, furniture, upstairs, etc. etc. | |

|Do you know what heartworm disease is and how to prevent it? | |

|What circumstances justify giving up a pet? | |

|Under what circumstances do you think it's safe to leave a dog outside, | |

|unsupervised and in an unfenced area? | |

|Have you, or any member of your family or household ever been cited for | |

|leash law violations or cruelty to animals in the past? | |

|If YES please specify: | |

|Do you understand the state and local ordinances concerning licensing and | |

|leashing? | |

|Is there anything else you'd like to tell us that might be helpful to match | |

|you with the right dog? | |

|I/we attest that the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge.  I/we understand that completion and |

|submission of this application does not guarantee adoption of a dog. |

|Applicant's Signature |Submission by email will serve as signature agreement |Date: | |

| | | | |

|Co-applicant's Signature | |Date: | |

| | | | |


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