Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Administrators

What are the minimum system requirements?

Many issues encountered by learners can be resolved by ensuring the computer in use is equipped with the minimum system requirements. If you are unsure of how to check any of these things, check with your Information Technology department or whoever provides support for your computer.

• Your Computer must have a Pentium II 450Mhz or faster processor running one of the following operating systems: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) and higher, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.

• Your Browser must be Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher. Other browsers (AOL, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, etc.) may not allow you access to the site or certain features.

• Your Browser settings must be set to:

o Refresh the page each visit

o Java Script Enabled

o Cookies Enabled

o Popup Blockers Disabled

I can't access the website

Check your Internet connection. See if you can access another Internet site such as or . If you cannot access or , then you may not be connected to the Internet and you cannot access any site. Check with your Internet Provider or your internal Information Systems department or Help Desk.

I can't access the website but I can access or

If you are connected, make sure you have the correct address in the address line and not in Search.

Still can't get to the website….

Have your Information Systems department or Help Desk check the following to ensure they are not preventing or limiting access to any sites:

• Minimum System Requirements described above.

• Check Proxy server settings

• Check Firewall settings

• IP addresses allowed or restricted

I can get to the login screen but cannot successfully log in.

• Make sure that you are using the correct Learner ID and password. The Learner ID and password are not case sensitive.

• Make sure you are at the correct website. is our company website. You should only be prompted for a Learner ID and password. If you don’t know the specific web address, please contact your training administrator.

How can a System Administrator set the passing score?

The System Administrator User ID sets the default scores for Tests and Pre-Tests globally for all modules in the E-Learning System Configuration area. Administrators that can create or edit modules can set override the passing scores if their training goals are different from the system-wide settings for modules.

Note: For detailed information see the Help document named “Manage E-Learning (Modules & Lessons).”

There are two ways to set the passing scores for both pre-tests and tests: globally or individually.

• To set globally for a test, click Administration – System – System Configuration in the MENU BAR. From ‘e-Learning Options’ on the lower left, click Configure eLearning Options.’ Scroll down to ‘Minimum Test Score.’ Then change to the minimum you would like to have for all lessons.

• To set globally for a pretest, click Administration – System – System Configuration in the MENU BAR. From ‘e-Learning Options’ on the lower left, click Configure eLearning Options.’ Scroll down to ‘Minimum Test Score.’ Then change to the minimum you would like to have for all lessons.

• To set individually for a specific module, click Administration – eLearning – Edit Existing Modules in the MENU BAR. Click the Edit button to the right of the module’s name. Click the ‘Test Properties’ tab, and enter the minimum test score and the minimum pretest scores as needed for the selected module. For step-by-step instructions see the Help document, “Manage E-Learning (Modules & Lessons).”

How can I limit a Learner from taking a test repeatedly until they are able to determine correct answers by process of elimination?

When you are editing your modules, you will see a tab labeled Test Properties. This page displays an option called Retake Frequency. If you leave this field blank, a Learner can take the test multiple times, with no time restriction between testing attempts. To set a number of days the Learner must wait between test attempts you will put a number in this field. Please note this option works on 24-hour increments. If the retake frequency is set for 1 and a Learner takes a test at 2:00 PM, that Learner may not access the test again until 2:01 the following day. For step-by-step instructions see the Help document, “Manage E-Learning (Modules & Lessons).”

Module Questions

I'm trying to delete a module from a learner, but after I click the Remove button, the module still appears.

The Remove button removes only incomplete lessons from a learner’s lesson plan. If the Learner has completed one or more lessons in the module, the module name and the completed lessons will remain in the lesson plan, but the incomplete lessons will be removed.

Service Related Questions

What Internet provider does MC Strategies use?

MC Strategies, Inc. has a contract with Verisign that ensures us a secure website and also allows us to offer security certificates to ensure each client has an individual secure website.

What plans have you taken to provide uninterrupted service to the MC Strategies website?

Service can be interrupted from basically four different places - a problem at your facility, a problem here with our system, a problem with our Internet service provider, or on the network lines somewhere in between. We have taken measures to ensure that our system has minimal down time by doing two things -- signing with a reputable service provider and having a backup system in place.

MC Strategies, Inc. has a contract with a major service provider that has a local point of presence. What does that mean? That means we receive fast, reliable Internet connections and are provided with service technicians to solve any problems within a timely manner. Fewer miles between the "point of presence" and the physical location of our office means less chances for problems to occur. We also have in place a redundant system that we can initiate if there are difficulties on our end. Occasionally, we will have scheduled down time for maintenance or updates. You will be notified prior to the scheduled down time so that the inconvenience will be lessened.

How is a client's website set up?

Each client has its own database and their own virtual website. What does this mean for the client? A Personal Client Database means that the clients will only have data in their database that is for their employees. One of the advantages is they have the ability to run reports for their facility, customized to their departments. It also means that only authorized users from their facility can access the site. And it means they won't be competing with the world to access their site.


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