1 - Chiropractic

Which of the following pulses can be palpated just proximal to the hypothenar pad?

A. Subclavian

B. Brachial

C. Radial


1. Calcitonin is secreted by which of the following cells?


A. Follicular

B. Chief

C. Macrophages

2. Which of the following muscles is the medial rotator of the hip?

A. Gluteus maximus

Gluteus medius

B. Obturator internus

C. Quadratus lumborum

3. Damage to the long thoracic nerve produces paralysis of which of the following muscles?

A. Pectorals major

Serratus anterior

B. Latissimus dorsi

C. Subscapularis

4. Which embryological structure is the adrenal medulla derived from?

A. Endoderm

B. Ectoderm

Neural crest cells

C. Mesoderm

5. Which nerve innervate the peronei muscles?

A. Deep peroneal

Superficial peroneal

B. Superior gluteal

C. Inferior gluteal

6. What type of cells are found throughout the respiratory tract?

A. Simple squamous

B. Simple columnar

C. Stratified squamous

Psudostratified ciliated columnar

7. Which of the following nerves is palpable on the lateral aspect of the neck of the fibula?

A. Deep peroneal

B. Superficial peroneal

Common peroneal

C. Tibial

|Posterior superficial muscles of the leg insert on which bone?

A. Cuboid


B. Talus1

C. 1st metatarsal

8. The epiphyseal plate is considered to be what type of joint?


A. Syndesmosis

B. Symphysis

C. Synovial

9. In which bone is the soleal line?

A. Femur


B. Fibula

C. Calcaneous

10. The lateral malleolus is a feature of which of the following bones?

A. Femur

B. Tibia


C. Calcaneous

11. The anterior interventricular artery is a branch of which artery?

Left coronary

A. Marginal

B. Circumflex

C. Right coronary

12. Which ligament prevents the lateral displacement of the tibia?

A. Tibia collateral

Fibula collateral

B. Post cruciate

C. Ant cruciate

13. The spring ligament connects the calcaneous to which of the following bones?

A. Cuboid

B. Talus


C. Tibia

14. Which of the following muscles inserts on the 5th metatarsal?

A. Peroneus longus

Peroneus brevis

B. Flexor hallicus longus

C. Polliteus | |

|Which of the following nerves innervates the tibialis anterior |The coronoid process is located on which bone? |

|muscles |Scapula |

|Deep peroneal |Ulna |

|Superficial peroneal |Radius |

|Tibial |Humerus |

|Saphenous | |

| |Haversion systems are separated from each other by which of the |

|The primary ossification of a long bone is located on? |following? |

|Metaphysis |Volkmann canals |

|Diaphysis |Interstitial lamina |

|Epiphysis |Endosteum |

|Epiphyseal plate |Canaliculi |

| | |

|Palatoglussus and palatopharyngeus form which of the following? |Ankle inversion and plantar flexion of the foot is most |

|Soft palate |restricted by which of the following ligaments? |

|Uvula |Deltoid |

|Piriform recess |Ant tibial |

|Pillars of fauceus |Post talofibular |

| |Ant talofibular |

|Which of the following is a characteristic of the large | |

|intestine? |Which of the following nerves supplies the extensor muscles of |

|Villi |the fingers? |

|Rugae |Radial |

|Peyers patches |Ulnar |

|Haustra |Median |

| |Musculocutaneous |

|The radial notch articulates with which of the following? | |

|Head of the radius |Which of the following muscles externally rotates the arm? |

|Head of the ulna |Infraspinatus |

|Trochlea of the humerus |Subscapularis |

|Neck of the radius |Pectorals major |

| |Latissimus dorsi |

|On which bone is the olecranon fossa located? | |

|Scaphoid |Which of the following ligaments prevents anterior displacement |

|Radius |of the tibia? |

|Ulna |Lateral collateral |

|Humerus |Medial collateral |

| |Ant cruciate |

|The radial nerve is found on which bone? |Post cruciate |

|Post radius | |

|Medial ulna |In the fetus blood bypasses the liver sinusoid through which of |

|Medial scaphoid |the following? |

|Medial pisiform |Ductus arteriosus |

| |Ductus venosus |

|The esophageal hiatus is located at which vertebral level? |Foramen ovale |

|T8 |Ligamentus teres |

|T9 | |

|T10 |The peroneus longus tendon into the foot and attaches to which |

|T11 |bone? |

| |Cuboid |

| |Navicular |

| |Calcaneous |

| |Lateral cuneiform |

|What part of the humerus articulates with the radius? |Which muscle inserts into the scapula? |

|Trochlear |Pectorals major |

|Lateral epicondyle |Pectorals minor |

|Olecranon |Subscapularis |

|Capitulum |Brachialis |

| | |

|Fracture of the medial epicondyle results in damage to which of |The gracillus muscle is supplied by which nerve? |

|the following muscles? |Superficial gluteal |

|Biceps brachii |Obturator |

|Abductor pollicis longus |Femoral |

|Flexor carpi ulnaris |Tibial |

|Flexor digitorum superficialis | |

| |Surfactant is produced by? |

|What are the 8-12 conical projections in the renal medulla |Type 1 alveolar cells |

|called? |Type 2 aveolar cells |

|Pyramids |Dust cells |

|Minor calyces |Goblet cells |

|Major calyces | |

|Papilla |Chordae tendonae are fibrous cords the connect _____ to _____? |

| |Valve cusps to papillary muscles |

|Which structure pierces the central tendon of the diaphragm? |Valve cusps to arterial wall |

|Aorta |Papillary muscles to arterial wall |

|Esophagus |Papillary muscles to ventricular walls |

|Inf vena cava | |

|Vagus nerve |Which structure passes thru the deep inguinal of the male? |

| |Epididymus |

|The apex of the lug is located at what level? |Transverse abdominus muscle |

|At the level of the 1st rib |Tunica albuginea |

|Above the 1st rib |Spermatis cord |

|At the level of the 2nd rib | |

|Below the 1st rib |Which of the following taste buds are the largest and fewest in |

| |number? |

|The lacrimal fossa is part of what bone? |Fungiform |

|Frontal |Filliform |

|Maxillary |Foliate |

|Ethmoid |Circumvallate |

|Zygomatic | |

| |Posterior costal pleura extends caudally to the level of? |

|The axillary nerve lies within which? |T10 |

|Quadrangular sulcus |9th rib |

|Triangular sulcus |12th rib |

|Triangular space |L2 |

|Quadrangular space | |

| |Which of the following cells types is located in the Lucunae of |

|Which of the following is part of the nephron? |Howship? |

|Efferent arteriole |Osteoblasts |

|Loop of Henle |Osteoclasts |

|Straight collecting tubule |Osteocytes |

|Transverse collecting duct |Melanocyte |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|The radial artery terminates at? |Medial Rotation of the Tibia is accomplished by which of the |

|Deep palmer arch |following muscles? |

|Superficial palmer arch |Rectus Femoris |

|Post interosseus |Popliteus |

|Profunda brachii |Plantaris |

| |Biceps femoris |

|Which of the following is the insertion of the long head of the | |

|biceps brachii? |The thickest par t of the heart is? |

|Intertubercular groove |Right atrium |

|Radial tuberosity |Right ventrical |

|Trochlear notch |Left atrium |

|Olecranon fossa |Left ventrical |

| | |

|Which of the following is the superficial boundary of the |Which of the following of the following bones contains the |

|perineal caviity? |coronoid tubercle? |

|Pouch of Douglas |Scapula |

|Pelvic diaphragm |Ulna |

|Perineal space |Clavicle |

|Colles flexure (fascia) |Humerous |

| | |

|The ureter runs anterior to which of the following structures? |The embryological derivation for epithelium is? |

|Psoas major |Ectoderm |

|Abdominal aorta |Endoderm |

|Sup mesenteric artery |Splanchinic mesoderm |

|Renal vein |Somatic mesoderm |

| | |

|Which of the following is the vein most superficial on the calf? |Paralysis of which of the following muscles results in loss of |

|Schindylesis |abduction and external rotation of the humerus |

|Greater Saphenous |Lateral Dorsal & Serratus Anterior |

|Lesser Saphenous |Middle Deltoid & Sub-Scapulerus |

|Peroneal |Supraspinatus & Teres Major |

| |Supra & Infraspinatus |

|The Interossais membrane of the leg classified? | |

|Schindylesis |Muscle spindles are what type of receptors? |

|Syndesmosis |Pain |

|Symphysis |Touch |

|Synchondrosis |Stretch |

| | |

|Which of the following planes divides the body into Right & Left |Which of the following structures is found in the peritoneal |

|halves? |cavity? |

|Horizontal |Kidney |

|Median |Abdominal aorta |

|Transverse |Pancreas |

|Coronal |Sigmoid colon |

| | |

|The superior mesenteric arteries which of the following? |From which granular structure is renin secreted? |

|The spleen |Afferent arteriole |

|Jejunum |Glomerular capillary fenestration |

|Descending Colon |Peritubular capillary |

|Sigmoid Colon |Basement membrane of glomerular capillary |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|The sustentoculum tali is part of which bone? |What divides the muscles into fascicles? |

|Cuboid |Epimysium |

|Navicular |Perimysium |

|Talus |Endomysium |

|Calcaneous |Neurolemma |

| | |

|What joints is a fibrous articulation? |The biceps brachii tendon is held in place by? |

|Proximal tibiofibular |Transverse humeral ligament |

|Distal radiounlar |Coracoacromial ligament |

|Distal tibiofibular |Glenohumeral ligament |

|Interventricular disc |Acromiohumeral ligament |

| | |

|The laryngotrocheal diverticulum developed from which of the |Which of the following canals is located on the lateral wall of |

|following? |the ischiorectal fossa? |

|Pharynx |Pudendal |

|Foregut |Anal |

|Midgut |Obturator |

|Hindgut | |

| |Which organs is devoid of lymphatics? |

|The head of the fibula articulates with which of the following? |Kidney |

|Base of patella |Uterus |

|Base of talus |Liver |

|Lateral condyle of tibia |Brain |

|Lateral condyle of femurs | |

| |Which of the following organs has both endocrine and exocrine |

|The midgut forms which of the following structures? |functions? |

|Ileum |Stomach |

|Pancreas |Brain |

|Duodenum |Pancreas |

|Larynx |Liver |

| | |

|Which is a feature of the humerus? |The anterior portion of the hard palate is part of which of the |

|Glenoid fossa |following bones? |

|Coronoid fossa |Maxillary |

|Trochlear fossa |Sphenoid |

|Olecranon process |Ethmoid |

| |Palatine |

|How many tarsal bones are in the foot? | |

|5 |Which of the following forms the inferior attachment of the |

|6 |inguinal ligament? |

|7 |Pecten pubis |

|8 |Pubic crest |

| |Obturator crest |

|What ligament reinforces the posterior portion of the hip joint? |Pubic tubercle |

|Ischiofemoral | |

|Pubofemoral |Which of the following veins closely follows the medial |

|Iliofemoral |antebrachial cutaneous vein? |

|Transverse acetabular |Cephalic |

| |Basilic vein |

|The articulation of the humerus and ulna during extension occurs |Superficial venous palmer arch |

|at ____ &_____? |Accessory cephalic |

|Supraulna and radius | |

|Olecranon fossa and olecranon process |Which of the following ligaments connects the medial and lateral |

|Capitulum and radius |leminiscus of the knee? |

|Trochlea and olecranon |Transverse |

| |Ant cruciate |

| |Post cruciate |

| |Collateral |

|Which of the following structures separates the greater and |Meissner’s plexus is located in which part of the intestinal |

|lesser sciatic notches (foramen)? |lining? |

|Ishial spine |Submucosa |

|Ischial tuberosity |Mucosa |

|Ischial ramus |Muscularis |

|Ischiopubic ramus |Serosa |

| | |

|Which two carpal bones articulate with the radius? |Which of the following is not an infrahyoid muscle? |

|Pisiform and hamate |Mylohyoid |

|Triquetium and triangular |Thyrohyoid |

|Scaphoid and lunate |Omohyoid |

|Trapezium and trapezoid |Sternohyoid |

|What is the action of the soleus muscle (post aspect)? | |

|Eversion |Which of the following structures lies proximal to the trochlea |

|Inversion |on the distal humerus? |

|Dorsiflexion |Olecranon |

|Plantar flexion |Coronoid fossa |

| |Coracoid fossa |

|Fibrocartilage unites bone in which of the following |Radial artery |

|articulations? | |

|Suture |Arterial blood supply to urinary bladder is derived from superior|

|Symphysis |& inferior branches? |

|Hinge |Internal iliac |

|Saddle joint |External ilia |

| |Common iliac |

|The linea aspera is located on which of the following bones? |Aorta |

|Post femur | |

|Ant femur |Shape of the ligament on the liver that is a remnant of umbilical|

|Post fibula |vein? |

|Ant fibula |Oval |

| |Left triangular |

|Which of the following is the most common location for a sesmoid |Round ligament |

|bone? |Right triangular |

|Extensor pollicis longus | |

|Adductor pollicis |The peroneal artery is located in which of the following |

|Flexor pollicis brevis |compartments of the leg? |

|Flexor pollicis longus |Ant |

| |Post |

| |Lateral |

|At what vertebral level is the horizontal fissure of the lung |Medial |

|located? | |

|T3 |Which passes thru the foramen rotundum? |

|T4 |Abducens nerve |

|T6 |Trochlear nerve |

|T8 |Maxillary nerve |

| |Internal jugular nerve |


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