Report Template - Cumbria

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|TITLE OF MEETING: Barrow and South Lakeland District Delivery Group |

|Attendees | | |

| |Jon Griffiths, (JG) (Chair) – Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service; |Gordon Rutherford (GR) – Cumbria Constabulary; |

| |Christine Clark (CC) – Public Health; |Joanne Smith (JS) – Cumbria Constabulary; |

| |Ian Twiselton (IT) – Public Health; |Liz Cornford (LC) – Voluntary Sector Reference Group; |

| |Claire Willett (CW) – Inspira Cumbria; |Councillor Shirley Evans (SE) – South Lakeland Local Committee; |

| |John Dryer (JD) – South Lakeland District Council; |Sam Hambley (SH) – Youth Offending Service; |

| |Keith Johnson (KeJ) – Barrow Borough Council; |Debbie Holt (DH) – Children’s Services; |

| |Helen Bailey (HB) – NHS Cumbria; |Ann Armstrong (AA) – Barnardo’s; |

| |Jenny Weaver (JW) – NHS Cumbria CCG; |Graham Bassett (GB) – Children Services; |

|Date |Thursday 20th June 2013 |Directorate/Partnership |Children’s |

| |14:00 to 16:00 | | |

| | |Venue |The Georgian Room, Kendal Town Hall, Highgate, Kendal. LA9 4ED |

|Apologies | | |

| |Jane Ridyard (JR) – Furness College; |Enid Frazer (EF) – South Lakes Federation; |

| |Jon Sherlock (JS) – Cumbria Constabulary; |Kelly Alty (KA) – Cumbria County Council, Area Support; |

| |Joyce Hawthorn (JH) – Action for Children; |Helen Watt (HW) – Primary Head teachers Association; |

| |Beverly Morgan (BM) – Children Services; |Councillor Tina Macur (TM) – Barrow Local Committee; |

| |Lynn Berryman( LB) – Children Services - Early Intervention; |Karen Hull (KH) – Parent Partnership Service; |

| |Linda Potts (LP) – Furness Education Consortium; |Stephen Hubbard (SHu) – Cumbria Probation Trust; |

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|Agenda item |Notes |Actions |

|3. Notes and actions from |JG thanked John Dryer and SLDC for organising the meeting room and refreshments. | |

|last meet | | |

| |LC has raised with Children’s Service if schools are able to provide relevant background information on students who come to Furness College. It is with | |

| |Children’s Service legal department, LC will inform group when she has more information. | |

| |LC no longer attends this DDG meeting so GB will follow up with CS for next meeting | |

| | |GB to follow up. |

| |All other actions in agenda | |

|4. Update from Children’s |The CTB met on the 30th May and the following points are the key updates and actions. | |

|Trust Board Event / DDG |CTB working on the refresh of the CYPP for sign off in November – priorities may develop | |

|Chairs meeting |DDG’s need to have a sub-group around Early Help and will need to improve the numbers of CAF’s created | |

| |DDG’s to write a regular report to the CTB updating them on their performance (one DDG report to the board but made of a submission from each).  All sub | |

| |groups of the CTB should be being held to account by the CTB and supported to advance their work by the CTB. | |

| |The partnership diagram / information paper is being amended and then will be shared amongst the partnership for all staff to ensure all colleagues have | |

| |knowledge of the partnership landscape. | |

| |The CIEG scorecard was well received and this will enable the CTB to start to challenge DDG’s on their performance against the priorities | |

| |The conversation regarding the sexual assault provision is still to be agreed and the CTB will be receiving updates from Dr Neela Shabde at future | |

| |meetings | |

| |The full set of action notes will are available on the CTB website. | |

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| |JG has been told that the DDG chairs meeting will be taking place more regularly. | |

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| |The group discussed the above points with the following actions:- | |

| |The group discussed the Early Help and CAF and will set up a T+F group. The lead to be agreed. The group will look at | |

| |Create clarity on the thresholds of CAF. | |

| |Seek clarity of the CAF guidance and promote to organisations in Barrow and South Lakeland. | |

| |To look at the information and background on who is instigating and setting up CAF’s. |JG to follow up with CTB |

| |Through the DDG partnerships look at publicising the implementation of CAF’s. | |

| |The reporting process will be through the B+SL DDG Action Plan and Reporting Tool. | |

| |As mention in Item 5 (CIEG) the B+SL DDG would like to request information and data to support the process measuring the outcomes and effectiveness of |JG/GB to appoint lead for this T+F group |

| |the DDG Sub Group T+F groups. | |

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| | |JG to take questions to the DDG Chairs meeting |

|5. CIEG (County Impact and |Joyce Hawthorn sent her apologies for this meeting. She attended the CIEG and JG read out the brief notes form the meeting | |

|Evaluation Group), feedback | | |

|from the meeting |Joyce felt the CIEG was a good meeting and thought that it will add significantly to the role of the DDG. Joyce has brought from the CIEG relevant | |

| |information on performance areas in Barrow and South Lakeland. An example is that in the MMR levels are low in South – could the Health Visitors hold MMR| |

| |clinics at the Children Centres (JH question – just an example!). | |

| |Joyce is not able to attend the next CIEG meeting and suggested that there be a 2nd person who could work with Joyce on the CIEG. Looking for volunteers,| |

| |if no one comes forward, JG will make suggestions. |JG/GB to get second person from this DDG to work |

| | |with Joyce on CIEG. |

| |Joyce has requested that there is a regular CIEG agenda item in the DDG. | |

| | |GB to add CIEG to future agendas |

|6. LSCB Quality Assurance |GB and AA feedback on the Cumbria LSCB organised meeting for the county Quality Assurance Group (QAG) to review progress to date. | |

|Group (QAG) | | |

| |Through the QAG reviews organisation have improved their working practices resulting in a more effective service for young people. | |

| |The County QAG agreed that the DDG’s have key role in ensuring that the learning from the QAG’s and the LSCB is implemented and delivered by agencies | |

| |working with children, young people and families in Barrow and South Lakeland. They suggested that issues from the QAG reviews are brought to the DDG so | |

| |they can be supported and delivered through the DDG. | |

| |For County wide actions learning will be delivered through the county Cumbria LSCB. | |

| |The County QAG meeting also discussed early intervention and the use of the CAF (covered in item 4, CTB Up Date). | |

| |They also agreed that the voice of children and young people must be heard and considered by all agencies so that the services know and act on the needs | |

| |of children and young people. | |

| | |LB – to feed issues raised at the QAG into the |

| |Information is available on the work and training available of Cumbria LSCB can be found in their website Cumbria Local Safeguarding Children Board LSCB |DDG. |

| | | |

|7. The DDG Action Plan and |JG reminded the group that the actions for each Sub group are based on the Priority Indicators set by the CTB. Members of the DDG can suggest issues to |Reminder that DDG members can raise issues for T+F|

|Sub Groups |be put forward as T+G groups. JG was also positive about progress in each of the sub groups and thanked each of the sub group and T+F leads in making |groups. Contact sub or GB group leads |

| |things happen. | |

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| |As mentioned at the last meeting there is difficulties in gathering relevant information to record the progress of the T+F groups but now the Barrow and | |

| |South Lakeland DDG has a regular presences on the CIEG group things will improve. | |

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| |As discussed in item 4 (CTB Up Date) agreed the ‘Early Help and CAF’ sub group be set up and will not be attached to a sub group as it covers all areas | |

| |and will report back independently from the Sub Groups. | |

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| |Each Sub Group or T+F lead gave an up-date on progress. All information on progress can be found in the Action Plan and reporting tool, embedded at end | |

| |of these notes. | |

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| |Sub Group 1 - Risk Taking Behaviour. Lead by Mike O'Hagan | |

| |Legal Highs Task and Finish Group – Joanne Smith | |

| |GR and LS up dated group - Group met on 9/3/13 with good progress. The meeting agreed on | |

| |~ Information sharing between police and hospitals. | |

| |~ Gather intelligence and share information around purchasing times/premises and use of legal highs. | |

| |~ Produce a range of information mediums to target young people, parents, workers and the general public. | |

| |~ Look at media as a way of raising the issue of Legal Highs | |

| |Sub Group 2 - Early Years. Lead by Anne Armstrong and Joyce Hawthorn | |

| |Supported Settings for 2 year olds Task and Finish Group – Joyce Hawthorn and Anne Armstrong | |

| |AA and GB up dated meeting - An Early Years Foundation (EYFS) Group is in place whose work is to join up planning and delivery. The process for | |

| |registering a child for free two year old place is through the centre in Carlisle, they will contact the local Children's Centre who will get on touch | |

| |with the family. | |

| |A gap has been highlighted by the T+F group where private providers are not clear on linking with local Children's centres or the Health Visitor and how | |

| |to refer concerns on general care or developmental problems. Joyce Hawthorn will raise at next EYFS meeting and feed back to DDG. | |

| |Barrow poverty Reduction Group – Graham Bassett | |

| |GB attends this group and asked for a representative from the DDG to attend these meetings, | |

| |Barrow poverty Reduction Group set up in partnership with the Barrow Neighbourhood Management Group and meets every 2 months. It has developed work with | |

| |schools to target families in the greatest need promoting take up of Free School Meals with schools, support and promote the Credit Union, set up the | |

| |Challenge Fund which promotes programmes that reduce poverty and promoting the food banks. | |

| | | |

| |The Barrow T+F reports to and representatives attend the County Poverty reduction group. Christine Clark volunteered to attend this group. | |

| |SW asked if learning gained by the County Poverty Reduction Group on how to implement Free School Meals can be fed into the DDG. | |

| |Sub Group 3 - Children and Young Peoples Health. Christine Clarke | |

| |Under Age Conception Rates Task and Finish Group focusing on Barrow - Christine Clarke | |

| |Group meet on 22nd April 13. A briefing sheet was produced with key local TP data. Group are developing a 'deep dive' methodology to examine TP issues | |

| |across this DDG area. This will use both quantitative and qualitative data as part of the process which will provide data on where resources should be |GB to For member of the B+SL DDG group to attend |

| |targeted to make the greatest difference. |the Barrow Poverty reduction group and the |

| |Self Harm Task and Finish Group focusing on Soult Lakeland – Ian Twislton | |

| |This group is waiting on the results of the Silver and Gold command group from the suicides cases in South Lakeland. From this county wide strategy has | |

| |been written which is being published in July. A T+F will meet to review and take forward actions. | |

| |The group also asked to consider providing information, support and advice for parents/carers who are concerned about self harm for their children. IT |GB to inform the County Poverty Group |

| |provided a report which is embedded at end of these notes. | |

| |Sub Group 4 - Young People's Transition. Lead by Claire Willett. | |

| |Raising Participation Age Task and Finish Group - Claire Willett | |

| |There are existing Raising Participation Age (RPA) group who meets but T+F group felt vulnerable young people who were at risk of not achieving a | |

| |successful transition under RPA and the voice of the young people were not being heard. Group agreed to select a cohort of 40 YP in South Lakes and | |

| |Barrow and identify their needs, track their progress. This will identify issues which can influence practice in future years. | |

| |Housing for Young People - Claire Willett | |

| |CW provided and up date. CCC have employed a County wide young person’s housing officer who is reviewing and write the young people’s housing strategy. |IT/GB to bring together a T+F group |

| |South Lakeland and Eden District Councils have developed their strategy which will fit into the County wide one. CW will feed back progress to the B+SL | |

| |DDG. | |

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| |SW also asked that all groups consider Looked After young people when delivering the work of the DDG’s. | |

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| |The meeting agreed that membership of the Task and Finish group does not have to be restricted to members of DDG. It was | |

|8. AOB |No AOB. | |

|9. Date and time of next |Wednesday 18th September, 2:00 to 4:00 – Barrow Fire Station. | |

|meeting |Tuesday 17th December, 2:00 to 4:00 - Committee Room 2, County Offices, Kendal | |

|Documents circulated at the | [pic][pic] | |

|meeting | | |


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