Chapter 15 Study Guide

Chapter 15 Study Guide

1. Charles Darwin drew ideas for his theory of evolution from observations of organisms on the _______________________ __________________. The species of finches that Darwin observed differed in the shape of their beaks. According to Darwin, all of these species probably had a ________________ ____________________.

2. According to Darwin, evolution occurs by ____________________ selection, a process by which organisms with __________________ well suited to their environment ____________________ and ______________________ more successfully than organisms less suited to the same environment.

3. When Darwin published his first book about evolution, he included the idea that species change _____________________ over time by natural selection. Darwin also included that some species became ______________ suited to their _________________________ than others, and that some organisms _______________________ at greater rates than others.

4. The process in which a population becomes better suited to its environment is known as


5. Darwin thought that the animals of Galapagos Islands were similar to those of the nearby

coast of South America because the animals had ________________________ from South America to

the Galapagos Islands.

Since natural resources are limited, all organisms must _____________________ for resources. Scarcity of resources and a ___________________ population are most likely to result in ______________________ competition.

Natural ____________________ could not occur without __________________ variations in species.

Populations of the same species living in different places become increasing ________________ as each population becomes adapted to its own __________________.

The idea of ___________________________________, which was developed by Charles Lyell, states that the geological processes that shaped Earth in the past continue to operate in the same way of today.

The idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics was proposed by __________________________.

The process in which two or more species become more adapted over time to each other’s presence is called ____________________________. For example, over millions of years plants and their pollinators have coevolved.

The accumulation of differences between populations that once formed a single population is called __________________________ evolution.

Evidence that evolution occurs includes:

a. the _____________________ record.

b. ________________________ structures among different organisms.

c. Similarities and differences in ___________ and _______ sequences between organisms.

The occurrence of the same blood protein in a group of species provides evidence that these species ___________________ from a ___________________ ancestor.

Anatomical structures that appear to be derived from a functional structure of an ancestor, but that currently do no serve an important function, are called _____________________ _____________________

Which of the following is most likely a vestigal structure?

a. the human appendix b. the beak of a finch c. a fossil of a snail


Refer to the illustration above. An analysis of DNA from these organisms would indicate that

a. they have identical DNA

b. they all have the same number of bones

c. they all have the same number of chromosomes

d. their nucleotide sequences show many similarities

Refer to the illustration above. The similarity of these structures is one form of evidence that the organisms share a __________________________________.

19. Refer to the illustration above. The bones labeled “X” can be referred to as ___________________________ structures.


Refer to the illustration above. While the shark and dolphin are similar in appearance, dolphins evolved from ancestors that were very different from sharks. The current similarity between sharks and dolphins is an example of ________________________________________ evolution.

Chapter 16 Study Guide:

1. _______________________________________ is a change in the gene frequency of a population due to chance. Where as ________________________ are the ultimate source of gene variation; the opposite of genetic drift.

2. Recessive allele frequency : dominant allele frequency :: 0.02 : _____________

3. Speciation can occur as a result of geographic isolation because

a. members of a species can no longer find mates.

b. populations that live in different environments may be exposed to different selection pressures.

c. the biological concept of species defines individuals that do not interbreed as members of

different species.

4. The hypothesis that evolution occurs at a slow, constant rate is known as ___________________.

5. Three mechanisms of evolution are mutations, natural selection and _________________________________.

6. What type of population is most susceptible to loss of genetic variability as a result of genetic drift?

a. large populations b. medium-sized populations c. small populations

Chapter 18 Study Guide:

1. __________________ is the study of the interaction of living things with each other and with their physical environment.

2. A group of organisms of different species living together in a particular place is called a _____________________________

3. An ecosystem consists of

a. energy

b. a ______________________________ of organisms (biotic factors)

c. ___________________ factors such as soil, water and weather.

4. All organisms in an ecosystem are linked together in a network of interactions


5. Use the illustration above to answer the following questions.

a. List the primary producers ________________________________________________________________________

b. List the primary consumers _______________________________________________________________________


c. The diagram, which shows how energy moves through an ecosystem, is called a _____________________


d. Among all of the food chains, the organism at the highest trophic level is the __________________________.

e. Are leopard seals considered producers, herbivores, or carnivores? _____________________________________

f. In a food web, which type of organism receives energy from every other type?

a. a producer b. a herbivore c. carnivore d. decomposer

6. The ____________________ of an organism includes its habitat, its feeding habits, other aspects of its biology, and its interactions with other organisms and with the environment.

7. Organisms that do not regulate their internal conditions are called _________________________, while

those that do are called ____________________________________.

8. The physical area in which an organism lives is called its ________________________.

9. An ecosystem consists of the living and _________________________ environment.

10. Bacteria that break down dead tissue are called ___________________________________________.

11. Animals that eat only primary producers are classified as ________________________________________.

12. If a deer in a forest is classified as a herbivore, then the cougar that eats the deer is classified as

a(n) __________________________________.

13. The primary productivity of an ecosystem is a measure of the amount of organic material that the

__________________________________________ organisms in the ecosystem produce.


14. Use the illustration above to answer the following questions.

a. On the pyramid, animals that feed on plant eaters are no lower than level ____________.

b. If the rat obtains 200,000 kcal from the plant, how much energy will the snake obtain

from the rat? _________________________________ kcal.

c. If the eagle receives 350 kcal from eating the snake, then how much energy does the plant

begin with? __________________________ kcal

15. When the interrelated food chains in an ecosystem are represented together, the model is called

a(n) ____________________________________________________.

16. An energy pyramid shows the amount of energy contained in the bodies of organisms at each

_________________________________ level.

17. Rabbits, coyotes, and clover plants are some of the organisms that occupy a particular ecosystem.

Assign the roles of primary producers, consumers, herbivores, and carnivores to these three

groups of organisms and explain your answer.

a. Primary producer = ________________________________ c. Consumers = __________________________________________

b. Herbivores =________________________________________ d. Carnivores =___________________________________________


18. Refer to the illustration above. On the pyramid, animals that feed on plant eaters are no lower than

level ____________.

19. In an ecological energy pyramid, animals that feed on plants are at least in the _________ trophic


20. Refer to the illustration above. How much energy is available to the organisms in level 3?

a. all of the energy in level 1 plus the energy in level 2

b. about 10 percent of the energy in level 2

c. about 90 percent of the energy in level 2

22. Refer to the illustration above. How much energy would be available to a quaternary

consumer? ___________________________________ kcal

23. True or False: The number of trophic levels in an ecological energy pyramid

__________ a. is limitless.

___________b. is limited by the amount of energy that is lost at each trophic level.

___________c. is impossible to count because energy is lost at each trophic level.

24. In going from one trophic level to the next higher level the amount of usable energy _________________


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