AGENDA - Revize




OCTOBER 5, 2020 @ 7:00PM

Both meetings were opened with a statement by City Administrator Greg Elliott explaining the process of the zoom meeting.

The City Commission met for a pre-meeting on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 5:30pm via Zoom for a work study session.

The following items were discussed:

1. Ambulance Discussion.

2. Compost Site Fee Discussion.

3. Special Assessments for Lowe St, Addison and Myles Streets.

4. Having meetings at the Chambers building versus using Zoom for future meetings.

On motion by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Strayer, the motion to adjourn the pre-meeting was approved by an all yes vote.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.

The Commission began the regularly scheduled meeting via Zoom at 7:00 pm.

Official proceedings of the October 5, 2020 regular meeting of the City Commission, Adrian, Michigan.

The regular meeting was opened with a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

PRESENT: Mayor Heath & Commissioners Heldt, Roberts, Strayer, Watson and Gauss.

Mayor Heath in the Chair

On motion by Commissioner Watson, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, the minutes of the September 21, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Adrian City Commission were approved by a 6-0 vote.


|Utility Department Vouchers | |

| Vouchers #4841 through #4842 | $23,382.81 |

|General Fund | |

|Vouchers #24422 through #24432 |$27,779.22 |

|Clearing Account Vouchers | |

|amounting to............................................................. |$353,021.99 |

|TOTAL EXPENDITURES |$404,184.02 |

On motion by Commissioner Heldt, seconded by Commissioner Strayer, the motion to approve the Vouchers was approved by a 6-0 vote.



Ord. 20-009. First reading and introduction of an ordinance to amend the City of Adrian Zoning/Development Regulations and the Zoning Map by deleting property located at 1610 W. Beecher St. from the B-2 Community Business District and RT Two-Family Residential District and including the same in the I-1 Light Industrial District and to include both properties in the Overlay Zone Marihuana 2 (West) (OZM) District.

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………. OCTOBER 5, 2020


SO-1. Public Hearing to hear and consider comments regarding the proposed Downtown Parking Special Assessment District.

City Administrator Greg Elliott explained that this was an annual assessment for the downtown property owners since the removal of the parking meters.

OPEN: 7:06 PM





R20-179 - ASSESSING OFFICE – Downtown Parking Special Assessment


WHEREAS, the City Administrator has recommended that downtown parking be partially maintained on a special assessment basis, has prepared and filed plans and specifications for the proposal, and has prepared and filed a report and recommendations relating thereto pursuant to the provisions of Article I, Section 70-6 of the Adrian City Code of Ordinances; and

WHEREAS, the Adrian City Commission, on September 21, 2020, adopted Resolution #R20-171 Downtown Special Assessment – Notice of Intent, detailing the proposed Financial Plan and Proposed Special Assessment in the amount of $60,000, establishing a Public Hearing, via Zoom, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 2020, and instructing the City Clerk to mail appropriate Notices of Intent to affected parties.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Adrian City Commission, by this resolution:

1. Deems it necessary and declares its intention to maintain the downtown parking system;

2. Estimates the annual cost thereof to be $205,150 to be defrayed by revenue from contributions from the Fee Estate, Downtown Development Authority TIFA, City General Fund, as well as a Special Assessment to downtown property owners in the amount of $60,000;

3. Specifies that the Special Assessment District within the Downtown Development District shall include the following land and premises located within the following boundaries:

North of Church Street

West of Broad Street

South of Front Street

West Side of Winter Street

East of College Avenue

4. Authorizes the Special Assessment to partially defray the cost of the proposal shall be levied on the lands and premises within the proposed Special Assessment District according to zoning;

5. Directs that the report of the City Administrator be filed with the City Clerk forthwith for public examination.

Public Comment

Ken Tokarz

City Resident

Doesn’t feel that City of Adrian consistently applies special assessment districts when it is residential properties.

On motion by Commissioner Heldt, seconded by Commissioner Watson, this Resolution was approved by a 5-1 vote.

R20-180 - PARKS & ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT – Authorization to Purchase Inspection Truck


WHEREAS, the Director of Parks & Engineering Services budgeted for the purchase of one (1) truck in the 2020/21 approved capital budget for the Inspection Department; and

WHEREAS, results of the bids are below:

| |Specifications |Total Part A |

|Bell Ford Lincoln |2021 F-150 |$25,088.92 |

|Adrian, MI | | |

| |6- Speed automatic with overdrive & auxiliary trans fluid cooler (not available) | |

| |GVWR 7,000 lbs minimum (6,010 lbs) | |

| |40/20/40 bench seat with storage (no storage) | |

| |Delivery 90-120 days | |

|LaFontaine CDJR of Lansing |2021 Ram 1500 Tradesman 4x4 |$23,793.00 |

|Lansing, MI | | |

| |Victory Red, Vermillion Red or equal (Case 1H red) | |

| |GVWR 7,000 lbs minimum (6,600 lbs) | |

| |Delivery 120-180 days | |

|Clift Buick GMC |2021 GMC Sierra Regular Cab |Regular Cab $27,539.65 |

|Adrian, MI | | |

| |Cardinal Red | |

| |GVWR 7,000 lbs minimum (6,900) | |

| |Delivery – unknown | |

| | | |

| |2021 GMC Sierra Double Cab | |

| | |Double Cab $27,792.35 |

| |Cardinal Red | |

| |Delivery - unknown | |

; and

WHEREAS, the City Administrator and the Director of Parks & Engineering Services recommend the purchase of this vehicle form the low bidder, LaFontaine CDJR of Lansing, Lansing, MI; and

WHEREAS, the Finance Director indicates that there are sufficient funds available for the purchase of this vehicle as detailed below:

662-371.62-977.000 Motor Vehicle Pool – Inspection $28,000

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adrian City Commission by this resolution hereby authorizes the acceptance of the bid and engagement of LaFontaine CDJR of Lansing, Lansing, MI, to enter into the City’s Standard Professional Services Contract.

Public Comment

Ken Tokarz

City Resident

Commented that he felt because the impact of COVID 19 is unknown that capital purchases should be deferred until we have a clear picture of what the future looks like.

On motion by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Heldt, this Resolution was approved by a 6-0 vote.

R20-181 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Set Public Hearing regarding PlaneWave Application for IFT Exemption Certificate


WHEREAS, pursuant to PA 198 of 1974, as amended, after a duly noticed public hearing held on 18th day of March 18, 2019, this Commission by resolution established an Industrial Development District at 1375 N. Main Street, XAO-126- 1375-00; and

WHEREAS, PlaneWave has filed an application for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate with respect to land and building improvements at 1375 N. Main; and WHEREAS, local taxing jurisdictions and the public shall have an opportunity to speak regarding the PlaneWave application for property tax abatements.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Adrian City Commission herby authorizes the scheduling of a public hearing for Monday, October 19, 2020 at 7p.m., via virtual meeting using the application Zoom, to receive comments on this matter, and directs the City Clerk to provide notice to the appropriate taxing units and the public as required by PA 198 of 1974. Information for joining the Zoom meeting will be available on the City website, , at noon on the day of the hearing.

On motion by Commissioner Gauss, seconded by Commissioner Strayer, this Resolution was approved by a 6-0 vote.

R20-182 - UTILITIES DEPARTMENT –Waste Water Treatment Plant Authorization to Purchase Crane Truck


WHEREAS the FY2020-21 Budget includes funds to purchase a replacement crane truck for the Waste Water Treatment Plant; and

WHEREAS on Thursday August 27, 2020, the Purchasing Office received three (3) bids for the aforementioned crane truck with the following results:

Vendor Location Amount

Signature Ford Owosso, MI $103,027

Signature Ford Owosso, MI $107,488

M-Tech Cleveland, OH $108,083; and

WHEREAS the Utilities Director and City Administrator recommend selection of the lowest bidder, Signature Ford of Owosso, MI, for purpose of purchasing one replacement crane truck for the Waste Water Treatment Plant at a total cost not to exceed $103,027; and

WHEREAS, the Finance Director indicates funds are available for this purpose in the FY2020-2021 Capital Budget as follows:

497-554.00-977.606 Truck/Crane Lift $103,027

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Adrian City Commission, by this resolution, hereby authorizes the purchase of one crane truck from the lowest bidder, Signature Ford of Owosso, MI at a cost not to exceed $103,027.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY2020-21 budget be amended as follows to properly fund this purchase:


497-553.00-975.586 Grit Building MCC ($13,027)

497-554.00-977.606 Truck/Crane Lift $13,027

On motion by Commissioner Watson, seconded by Commissioner Gauss, this Resolution was approved by a 6-0 vote.

R20-183 - FIRE DEPARTMENT –Assistance to Firefighters Grant Acceptance


WHEREAS, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency administers the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program, to assist fire departments in complying with recognized standards and government safety requirements, and;

WHEREAS, the City Commission along with the Fire Department recognizes the need to provide a safe working environment for firefighters by reducing cancer risk when possible, and;

WHEREAS, the Fire Department was granted permission from the City Commission to apply for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant to extend the current vehicle exhaust collections system to the station bays not covered by the current system on February 17, 2020, and;

WHEREAS, the Fire Department was notified that a grant in the amount of $24,999 has been awarded to the City of Adrian Fire Department with a required acceptance or rejection date of October 18, 2020, and;

WHEREAS, the Federal Government has pledged $22,727.26 toward the purchase and installation of a vehicle exhaust system with the City being required to fund a 10% match.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that City Commission, by this resolution, authorizes the acceptance of the grant in the amount not to exceed, $22,727.26 for the purpose of expanding the current vehicle exhaust system to all vehicles and reference the Building Space Cost Allocation Fund 663-336.00-975.000 for the required 10% match not to exceed the budgeted $2,500 and that the FY2020-21 budget be amended as follows:


101-336.00-500.000 Firefighters Assist. Grant $22,727


101-336.00-940.000 Building Cost – Fire ($22,727)

101-965.00-969.663 Transfer Out-Bldg Space $22,727

On motion by Commissioner Heldt, seconded by Commissioner Strayer, this Resolution was approved by a 6-0 vote.

R20-184 - CITY CLERK – Approval of a new Medical Marihuana Facility Permit for TC MI AG, LLC.


WHEREAS, the Adrian City Commission has adopted a Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities and Adult Use Establishments Ordinance, Medical Marihuana Zoning Ordinances, and Medical Marihuana Zoning Ordinance Overlays; and

WHEREAS, TC MI AG, LLC has properly submitted a 2020-2021 new application (#MM20-014) for a new Medical Marihuana Facility Permit for an additional Class C Grow for 554 S. Center Street, Adrian, Michigan; and

WHEREAS, the City Clerk has reviewed the new application, confirms that the required inspections have been conducted or the required waiver of inspections have been submitted, and that the new application meets the requirements of the adopted Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities and Adult Use Establishments Ordinance, and recommends approval of a new permit to TC MI AG, LLC for 554 S. Center Street.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adrian City Commission by this resolution, hereby approves a new Medical Marihuana Permit for TC MI AG, LLC, for 554 S. Center Street, Adrian, Michigan.

On motion by Commissioner Strayer, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, this Resolution was approved by a 6-0 vote.

R20-185 - CITY COMMISSION – Initiation of Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for Keeping of Chickens


WHEREAS, Section 4.38 of the City of Adrian Zoning Ordinance currently prohibits the keeping of chickens within the City, and

WHEREAS, the Adrian City Commission has held discussions regarding the appropriateness of allowing, on a limited basis, female chickens in certain areas of the City, and

WHEREAS, a draft text amendment has been developed that would allow the keeping of a limited number of hens in certain areas of the City; and

WHEREAS, the City Commission would like the City Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation on the proposed text amendment; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Commission directs the City Administrator to initiate a text amendment to the City of Adrian Zoning Ordinance in substantially the form attached hereto and refer the same to the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation regarding the same at their next Regular Meeting.

On an amended motion by Commissioner Watson, seconded by Commissioner Heldt, this Resolution was approved with the change made to exclude any mention of pre-school / primary or secondary schools. This resolution was approved with the above exclusions by a 6-0 vote.

The commission commented that this resolution was just passed to present the ordinance to the Planning Commission for their review.


Ken Tokarz

City Resident

Spoke of the stewardship of public records and his concerns. Mentioned his concerns about the situation at KFC and the Spotted Cow with cars being lined up on the road.

Gretchen Driskell

Spoke of her background as a Mayor and City Council and explained that she is running for office and what she would like to see accomplished. Talked about the City of Saline having a Chicken ordinance also. Thanked them for their service.

Andrea Benard

HRC Commission

City Resident

Invited the commission to a Zoom meeting with the NAACP on October 22, 2020 at 6:30 pm to listen to candidates Tim Walberg and Gretchen Driskell speak.

Joel Henricks

Board Member for Share the Warmth

Board of directors met and talked about the ordinance recently passed. They were not in favor of the ordinance. They understood where the commission was coming from based on experiences they have had to deal with because of COVID. The commission has been viewed as uncompassionate but understood they had to protect the parks. Three years ago, he personally stood before the commission and ask for help to open a homeless shelter. The City was with them every step of the way. They would not be here if it had not been for the City, City officials and the City Commission.

Promised anyone listening that the commission is not heartless and that they are doing their job to the best of their ability. Encouraged people to make a difference and come down to volunteer at the shelter.

Joaquin Ramos

City Resident

Voiced his complaint about the park closing too early.


The Mayor mentioned that on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 6:00 pm there will be a special meeting and they will be conducting interviews for the City Commission spot.


On motion by Commissioner Heldt, seconded by Commissioner Watson, the motion to adjourn was approved by an all yes vote.

The next regular meeting of the Adrian City Commission will be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, October 19, 2020.

Angela Heath Robin Connor

Mayor City Clerk


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