University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Betsy Clifton Ayankoya

517 S. Greensboro Street, Carrboro, NC 27510

919-962-7313 (Office) 919-333-3524 (Mobile)


• Special Education

• Facilitate and coordinate strategic activities related to equity, diversity and inclusion

• Oversight for multiple work groups and staff to achieve Center goals

• Technical Assistance to state agencies and national projects – 27+ years

• Training and professional development 30+ years

• Secured funding for local, national and state initiatives

• Public and Professional Service – local, state and national leadership activities

• Coordinate and lead planning for numerous conferences


Associate Director October 2011- Present

Early Childhood TA Center (ECTA)

TA Specialist IDEA Early Childhood Data Center (DaSy) October 2015-October 2018

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

• Supervise work teams responsible for conceptual development and outputs to achieve organizational goals and/or address TA needs of clients: DEC Recommended Practices Revision and TA related to RP, TA Processes

• Assure that work teams and initiatives communicate and coordinate with the larger Center staff, including the Information and Evaluation Units, as appropriate.

• Manage related budgets and authorize expenditures

• Write related sections of the Monthly report and deliverables to Director and OSEP Project Officer, as appropriate

• Collaborate in the management of Center, contributing to the TA Center design, development and organizational functioning as a learning organization to maximize outputs and performance.

• Serve on leadership team to plan, implement and evaluate organizational functioning

• Supervise 5 advanced Educational Consultant positions and 1 Research Associate

• Determine organizational and individual needs, encourages and supports the professional development of supervised staff in accordance with policy.

• Represent the Center in collaborative activities with OSEP, other related Federal Agencies, TA Partners, Research and Training Centers, Parent Groups, and other Projects and Initiatives.

• Provide technical assistance and support to administrators, professional development staff and data managers and local programs for Part C and Section 619 programs in the US states and Territories on improving outcomes for young children and their families

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Officer

FPG Child Development Institute September 2018- Present

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

• Facilitate and coordinate FPG strategic initiatives related to equity, diversity and inclusion

|Technical Assistance Specialist |March 1992 – September 2011 |

|National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (formerly NECTAS) University of North | |

|Carolina at Chapel Hill | |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Conduct strategic planning consultations and presentations to state Part C and 619 staff |

|Facilitate problem-solving activities related to implementing federal requirements |

|Analyze State Performance Plans (SPP) and Annual Performance Reports (APR). |

|Provide technical assistance to state clients in writing state applications, SPP/APR and in the areas of general supervision and |

|monitoring, family involvement and support, natural environments, personnel development. |

|Maintain up-to-date information on current legislation (including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA) affecting |

|delivery of services to children and families. |

|Plan prepare and conduct needs assessments and evaluation activities. |

|Plan and coordinate topical workshops, conferences, group business meetings and teleconferences. |

|In collaboration with OSEP, lead and coordinate planning efforts for national conference for early childhood constituency groups |

|Consultant, TA Specialist, Southeast Regional Resource Center |August 2010 – May 2014 |

|Conduct strategic planning consultations, presentations and problem-solving activities. |

|Provide technical assistance and support in multiple topics to 7 states in the southern region. |

|Coordinate and participate in meetings, conference and activities of the Regional Resource Program (RRCP). |

|Serve on RRCP priority teams and other RRCP workgroups. |

|Provide support to states in preparation for and at Continuous Improvement and Results Visits |

| |

| |


|Arkansas Evaluation Project, Co-Principal Investigator |March 2010 – September 2011 |

|(with Lynne Kahn and Christina Kasprzak) | |

|FPG Child Development Institute | |

|University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Secured Initial $252,000 ARRA funding from state to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of Arkansas early intervention program |

|and toddlers with disabilities and their families, and make recommendations for improving this system. Directed, lead and supervised|

|evaluation team. Secured additional $100K dollars to implement recommendations. Directed activities to create vision, enhance |

|training and technical assistance system, and garner leadership support and buy-in – Total funding $352,000. |

| |

|New Voices/Nuevas Voces, Co-Principal Investigator, |September 2001 – August 2006 |

|(with Dina Castro) | |

|FPG Child Development Institute | |

|University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Co-wrote proposal and secured funding for a 5 year Model Demonstration grant designed to provide early childhood professionals with |

|tools to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills for working with children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds |

|and their families, with an emphasis on Latino families. |

|Total Funding $695,820 |

| |

|Create curriculum and facilitators manual and develop process for training trainers; develop, implement and evaluate a training |

|module; provide training and technical assistance to service providers and administrators. |

| |

|Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood: June 1999 - June 2000 |

|A Training Grant |

|(with Dina Castro) |

|Orange County Partnership for Children |

|Chapel Hill, NC |

| |

|Develop and presented training to child care providers in Orange County Total funding: $7,667.00 |

| |

| |

|National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) Training of Trainers . August 1999 |

|UNC Office of Student Affairs |

|Chapel Hill, NC |

| |

|Obtained funding to train a team from the university in the diversity model developed by a Washington based international associated|

|dedicated to welcoming diversity and reducing prejudice. Total Funding: $4,000.00. |

| |

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| |

|Adjunct Faculty |January 2005 to June 2005 |

|Mount Olive College at RTP | |

|Early Childhood Department | |

|RTP, NC 27709 | |

| | |

|Project Manager, Building Blocks Project, ASHA Infant Project (federally-funded) 3/90 - 3/92 |July 1984 – March 1992 |

|Coordinator for Education Programs 1/88 - 3/90 | |

|Continuing Education Registry Specialist 4/85 -1/88 | |

|Certification Specialist 7/84 - 4/85 | |

|American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | |

|Rockville, MD | |

|Managed project activities, coordinated field testing, training, evaluation and dissemination. Coordinated logistics and | |

|developed contracts for project activities including travel, housing, training and special events. | |

|Planned, developed, administered, and evaluated professional education programs (workshops, conferences and teleconferences. | |

|Developed marketing plans for individual programs. Prepared annual education and expense/revenue reports and conducted needs | |

|assessments. | |

|Created operating procedures for a newly established computerized continuing education (CE) registry. Prepared reports from the | |

|registry and developed forms and procedures. | |

|Edited and proofed items for publication and dissemination. Maintained and updated CE computer files, including transcripts for | |

|over 35,000 participants | |

|Evaluated academic coursework, clinical practicum, clinical fellowship year plans and reports on behalf of the Clinical | |

|Certification Board. Provided technical assistance. Maintained and updated certification files. | |

| | |

|Instructor/Registration Officer/Graduate Assistant | |

|University of Ibadan |October 1980 – June 1984 |

|Department of Special Education | |

|Ibadan, Nigeria | |

|Taught courses and supervised student teaching and research. Provided therapy in the departmental speech and hearing clinic. | |

|Evaluated credentials and approved course selection for registration | |

|Speech Therapist |May 1980 – October 1980 |

|University of Ibadan | |

|Speech and Hearing Clinic | |

|Ibadan, Nigeria | |

|Provided speech and language therapy services | |

Academic Background:

M.Ed., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria (1982) Special Education

B.S., (Cum Laude) University of the District of Columbia (1979) Speech/Language Pathology

Additional Training:

|UNC Title IX Awareness and Violence Prevention for Staff |December 2014 |

| | |

| | |

|The Compression Planning Institute |May 2014 |

|McNellis & Associates | |

| | |

|Spanish–level two, three |June 2006, September 2006 |

|Open Space Technology; Facilitation training |September 2005 |

|Technology of Participation, Group facilitation methods The Institute of Cultural Affairs, USA |October 2000 |

|Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training; Facilitation skills training-Orange County Dispute |1994-Present |

|Settlement Center, Carrboro, NC | |

|Diversity Leadership Training-Workshop Facilitation |1994, 1996, 1999 |

|National Coalition Building Institute, Inc. Washington, DC | |

|Manager training EEO Institute- NC Office of State Personnel |May 1993 |

|Conventions, Special Events, Educational Programs Module 10/89-12/89 |October -December 1989 |

|Executive Development Program – American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) | |

|Education Certificate Program – American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) 6/88 |June 1988 |

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|Synder, Patricia and Ayankoya, Betsy. (2015). Revising the Division for Early Childhood Recommended Practices: When, Who, and | |

|How. In DEC Recommended Practices: Enhancing services for young children with disabilities and their families. Division for Early| |

|Childhood. | |

| | |

|Castro, D., Ayankoya, B., & Kasprzak, C. (2011). New Voices~Nuevas Voces Facilitator’s guide on cultural and linguistic diversity| |

|in early childhood. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. | |

| | |

|Castro, D., Ayankoya, B., & Kasprzak, C. (2011) New Voices~Nuevas Voces Guide to cultural and linguistic diversity in early | |

|childhood. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. | |

| | |

|Shaw, E., Goode, S., Ringwalt, S. and Ayankoya, B. (2005). Early Identification of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse | |

|Children (Aged 0-5). Minibibliography. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National Early| |

|Childhood Technical Assistance Center. | |

|Swett, J., Xiong, D., Ayankoya, B., and Shackelford, J. (2004). Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Parent Representation on | |

|Interagency Coordinating Councils. (NECTAC Notes No. 17. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development | |

|Institute, National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. | |

| | |

|Oser, C, and Ayankoya, B. (2000). The Early Interventionist. Zero to Three, 21, 24-31. | |

|Online Products and Briefs | |

| | |

|Recommended Practices for Engaging Families Webinar Series - 2019 | |

|Introduction to DEC and the Recommended Practices - June 25, 2019 | |

|Resources and Materials that Support Family Use of the Recommended Practices - July 16,2019 | |

|Resources and Supports for Parent Centers - August 7,2019 | |

|aRPy Family Ambassador Initiative - September 11, 2019 | |

| | |

|J.D. Morgan, De Marco, A.C. LaForett, D.R., Oh, S., Ayankoya, B., Morgan, W., Franco, X., & FPG's Race, Culture, and Ethnicity | |

|Committee. (2018, May). What Racism Looks Like: An Infographic. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of | |

|North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Available at: | |

| | |

|De Marco. A. C., Morgan, J.D., Ayankoya, B., LaForett, D. R., Franco, X., Morgan. W., & FPG's Race, Culture, and Ethnicity | |

|Committee. (2018, January). Racial Microaggressions Perpetuate Inequity: An Infographic. Frank Porter Graham Child Development | |

|Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Available at: | |

| | |

|De Marco. A. C., Morgan, J. D., Ayankoya, B., & FPG's Race, Culture, and Ethnicity Committee. (2017, June). A Brief Primer on | |

|Racial Equity: A Handout. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Available| |

|at: | |

| | |

|Morgan, W., Ayankoya, B., De Marco. A. C., Morgan, J.D., LaForett, D. R., Franco, X., Morgan. W., & FPG's Race, Culture, and | |

|Ethnicity Committee. (2017, September). Racial Inequities in School Discipline: An Infographic. Frank Porter Graham Child | |

|Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Available at: | |

| | |

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| | |

|Building Stakeholder Knowledge about Data: A Toolkit for IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Stakeholders. February 2018 | |

| | |

|Webinar Series: | |

|Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes | |

|Session 4 – More on infusing partnership principles and practices – June 21, 2017 | |

|Session 3 – Infusing partnership principles and practices into family engagement activities – May 24, 2017 | |

| | |

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|An Introduction to streamlining and integrating general supervision activities. August 2013 | |

| | |

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|Streamlining and Integrating Part C General Supervision Activities: Monitoring and Program Improvement, August 2013. | |

|Available: | |

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|DEC Recommended Practices: How you can help. September 2013 | |

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| | |

|Auditory Training and Speech Reading | |

|Articulation Disorders | |

|Basic Physiology of Speech and Hearing | |

|Cerebral Palsy and Speech Habilitation | |

|Child Development | |

|Communication Skills | |

|Disorders of Voicing and Articulation | |

|School Speech and Hearing Program | |

|Speech Development and Pathologies | |

|Speech and Language Development in Children | |

|Speech and Language Disorders in Children | |

|New Voices Three Day Training Institutes: | |

| | |

|Kenansville, NC - May 26, 27 and 28, 2004 | |

|Winston-Salem, NC-March 3, 4 and 5, 2004 | |

|Carthage, NC -February 3, 4 and 5, 2004 | |

|Asheville, NC - April 29, April 30 and May 1, 2003 | |

|Raleigh, NC - March 14, April 3 and April 25, 2003 | |

|Greenville, NC - October 22, October 28 and November 20, 2002 | |

| | |

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|Selected Presentations and Training Events | |

|Building a Future for the DEC Recommended Practices |October 2019 |

|35th Annual DEC International Conference | |

|Dallas, Texas | |

| | |

|Spreading the DEC Recommended Practices Through aRPy Ambassadors and the ECTA Suite |October 2019 |

|35th Annual DEC International Conference | |

|Dallas, Texas | |

| | |

| | |

|Building State and Local Professional Development Capacity | |

|around Implementing the DEC Recommended Practices |July 2019 |

|2019 OSEP Leadership Conference | |

|Washington, DC | |

| | |

| | |

|Working toward Justice: Reducing Suspension and Expulsion by Practicing Inclusion | |

|National Training Institute on Effective Practices: Addressing Challenging Behavior |May 2019 |

|St Petersburg, FL | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Ambassadors for Change: State and Local Use of the DEC Recommended Practices, DEC International| |

|Conference | |

|Orlando, FL | |

| |October 2018 |

| | |

|Streamlining General Supervision Systems: Accounting for Quality. Little Rock, AR | |

| | |

| | |

|Local Infrastructure Analysis: Using Benchmarks of Quality as a planning tool. Little Rock, |June 7, 2018 |

|AR | |

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| | |

|Building Stakeholder Knowledge about Data. SICC/SAP Network Webinar. |June 5, 2018 |

| | |

| | |

|The Purpose and Intent of the Part C Program: What does it mean to have a continuum of services| |

| |May 15, 2018 |

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| | |

|From Representative Attendance to Shared Work: Involving partners in changing personnel | |

|development |April 13, 2018 |

|DEC International Conference | |

|Portland, OR | |

| | |

| | |

|Learnings from Implementation of Evidence Based Practices |October 6, 2017 |

|OSEP Leadership Conference | |

|Arlington, VA | |

| | |

|Arkansas Unlimited Potential Team Training | |

| | |

| |July 2017 |

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| | |

|Personnel Standards for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education, AR First | |

|Connections |May 10, 2017, April 5, 2017, March 9, |

|Little Rock, AR |2017, January 5, 2017 |

| | |

| | |

|aRPy Breaks It Down: Tools for promoting the use of the DEC |March 8, 2017 |

|Recommended Practices, DEC International Conference | |

|Louisville, KY | |

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| |October 20, 2016 |

|Understanding the SSIP (State Systemic Improvement Plan | |

|DaSy Family Data Institute | |

|DEC | |

|Louisville, KY | |

| | |

| |October 17, 2016 |

|Functional Assessment and Family Outcomes | |

|Unlimited Potentials | |

|Little Rock, AR | |

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| | |

| |September 28, 2016 |

| | |

|aRPy Breaks it Down: Tools for promoting the use of the DEC Recommended Practices, Chapel Hill,| |

|NC | |

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| | |

|A Parent’s Perspective: Inclusion, Collaboration, and | |

|Using Video to Tell Powerful Stories with Janelle Rethwisch |May 12, 2016 |

|Annual Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC | |

| | |

|Unlimited Potentials: Implementing the DEC Recommended | |

|Practices to increase Family Engagement |May 10, 2016 |

|Little Rock, AR | |

| | |

|Assess Infrastructure for a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development: Arkansas | |

|Cross-Agency PD leadership Initiative |March 31, 2016 |

|Little Rock, AR | |

| | |

|Introducing the State Systemic Improvement Plan: DaSy Family Leaders Institute; Atlanta, GA | |

| |March 29, 2016 |

| | |

|IDC Interactive Institute for the SSIP Presentations | |

|Jacksonville, Florida | |

|Expectations for Change in Child Outcomes Data |October 5, 2015 |

|Recommended Practices for Early Childhood | |

|Evaluating Systemic Improvement for the SSIP | |

|Understanding and Effectively Engaging Stakeholders in Data Use | |

|Aligning 619 Activities with the Part B SiMR |May 12-13, 2015 |

| | |

| | |

|Update on National and State Activities | |

|Arkansas Interagency Coordinating Council, Little Rock, AR | |

| | |

| | |

|DEC Recommended Practices in EI and ECSE | |

|FPG Bag Lunch with Christina Kasprzak | |

| | |

| | |

|Leadership and DEC Recommended Practices: Influencing People to Achieve Great Things with Cindy|April 15, 2015 |

|Brown, Phyllis Mondak and Kathy Whaley; Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Early Childhood | |

|National Conference; New Orleans, LA | |

| | |

|Early Intervention Competencies: Recommendations from the Field and Division for Early |October 20, 2014 |

|Childhood Recommended Practices (with Tricia Catalino and Priscilla Weaver) NEXT Conference and| |

|Exposition for the American Physical Therapy Association; Charlotte, NC | |

| | |

| |September 8-11, 2014 |

|State Systemic Improvement Plan – Requirements for Infrastructure Analysis, Webinar | |

|presentation – Arkansas First Connections – Stakeholder meeting | |

| | |

| | |

|Functional Assessment as a Foundation for Functional IFSP outcomes; Webinar presentation – |June 13, 2014 |

|Arkansas First Connections Program | |

| | |

|Developing Functional Outcomes; Webinar presentation – Arkansas First Connections Program | |

| | |

| | |

|State Systemic Improvement Plan – Planning Data Analysis and other Phase 1 Activities; First |June 11, 2014 |

|Connections Program, Little Rock, AR | |

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| | |

|State Systemic Improvement Plan – Phase 1 Activities and the Role of Stakeholders – webinar | |

|presentation (stakeholder meeting)- the US Virgin Island Infant and Toddler Program |June 10, 2014 |

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|State System Improvement Plan – SSIP Overview- webinar presentation (stakeholder meeting)- the | |

|US Virgin Island Infant and Toddler Program |June 3, 2014 |

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|State System Improvement Plan – SSIP Overview- webinar presentation- (stakeholder meeting) | |

|Arkansas First Connections Program | |

| |May 19, 2014 |

| | |

|Leading the Way to Quality in Early Steps. How and Why? | |

|Florida Partnering for Success Conference, Orlando, FL | |

| |May 13. 2014 |

| | |

|Providing Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments: Why Agreed Upon Practices? | |

|Florida Partnering for Success Conference, Orlando, FL | |

| | |

|SSIP- State Systemic Improvement Planning Process (with Grace Kelley), Little Rock, AR |April 15, 2014 |

| | |

|Recommended Practices Updates and Focus Groups (with Dale Epstein) at the Annual International | |

|DEC Conference, San Francisco, CA | |

| | |

|Annual Performance Report- Update and orientation (with Grace Kelley) for Georgia Babies Can’t |April 8, 2014 |

|Wait Program, Atlanta, GA | |

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|Update on Revisions to the DEC Recommended Practices (with Kathy Hebbeler, Judy Swett and Dale | |

|Epstein at the Improving data, Improving Outcomes Conference; Washington, DC |November 12, 2013 |

| | |

| | |

|Streamlining and Integrating Part C General Supervision Activities: |November 13 & 15, 2013 |

|Monitoring and Program Improvement (with Anne Lucas, Debbie Cate and Sharon Walsh)- Webinar | |

|presentation by ECTA Center | |

| | |

|Typical Child Development: birth through three. (with Grace Kelley and Sherre Davidson) |November 7, 2013 |

|Mississippi First Steps; Oxford, MS.; Jackson, MS | |

|Building Capacity in Every Child through Cultural Consciousness; Child Care Resource and | |

|Referral: Region 13 Diversity Conference, Smithfield, NC |October 18-19, 2013 |

| | |

|Evaluating Part C – How can we know what’s working? (with Christina Kasprzak) DEC 2010: The | |

|26th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families | |

|Kansas City, MO |October 2, 2013 |

| | |

| | |

|New Voices~ Nuevas Voces Program: Addressing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early | |

|Childhood Education and Intervention (with Dina Castro and Christina Kasprzak) National |September 16, 2013 |

|Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC | |

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| | |

|Early Childhood Outcome and using the COSF, Early Childhood Special Education, Washington, DC. | |

| |September 10, 2013 |

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|Early Childhood Outcomes and using the COSF, Babies Can’t Wait, Georgia Part C, Atlanta, GA. | |

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| | |

|Early Childhood Outcome and using the COSF, DC Infant and Toddlers Program Washington, DC. |June 2 -3, 2011 |

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|Communicating Across Cultures. Creating Cultural Harmony | |

|North Little Rock, AR |May 19, 2011 |

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| |October 15, 2010 |

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| |May 17, 2010 |

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| |June 2009, September 2009, October 2009 |

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| |October 2008 |

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| |November 2007 and February 2008 |

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| | |

| |May 2006 |

|Communicating with Families Across Cultures, (with Christina Kasprzak), National Smart Start |March 2006 |

|Conference, Greensboro, NC | |

|Working with culturally and linguistically diverse children (with Dina Castro). Region IV Head |February 2006 |

|Start Association, Inc, Atlanta, GA | |

|What we know about Supporting Language Development in Young English Learners (with Christina | |

|Kasprzak). OSEP National Early Childhood Conference, Washington, DC |December 2005 |

|Power Analysis and Racism Workshop (with Christina Kasprzak) |November 2005 |

|Department of Health Behavior and Health Education | |

|University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | |

| | |

|Welcoming Diversity, an NCBI workshop (with Christina Kasprzak). FPG Child Development |September 2005 |

|Institute Diversity Initiative, Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Understanding Diverse Families and Their role: Latino families childrearing beliefs and |February 2005 and November 2004 |

|practices (with Dina Castro and Christina Kasprzak) Henderson, NC | |

| | |

|Cultural Diversity and Racism Workshop (with Christina Kasprzak) School of Public Health, |November 2004 |

|Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill| |

|Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (with Dina Castro) |November 2004 |

|Governor Morehead Preschool, Greensboro, NC | |

| | |

|Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood (with Christina Kasprzak), New Hanover |October 2004 |

|County Local Interagency Coordinating Council Wilmington, NC | |

|English Language Learners in Inclusive Environments (with Dina Castro) National Inclusion |August 2004 |

|Institute Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Poster Session OSEP’S Project Directors Meeting Washington |July 2004 |

|New Voices in Early Childhood: Assessment of Young English Learners (with Dina Castro) National|June 2004 |

|Association for the Education of Young Children National Professional Development Institute | |

|Baltimore, MD | |

|Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood (with Dina Castro and Katushka Olave) |April 2004 |

|Alamance County Partnership for Children | |

| | |

|The Uniqueness of All Children (with Dina Castro) Child and Family Development Conference. UNC |April 2004 |

|Charlotte, Charlotte, NC | |

|Latino Cultural Perspectives (with Christina Kasprzak and Katushka Olave) Healthy Child Care |March 2004 |

|Conference. Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Understanding Diverse Families And Their Roles: Conference of North Carolina Preschool |August 2003 |

|Coordinators: William and Ida Friday Center | |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

|SERRC Conference on Disproportionality |April 2003 |

|Atlanta, Georgia | |

|The New Voices Project: Understanding Cultural Diversity with Christina Kasprzak: World View’s |March 2003 |

|Hispanics/Latinos Seminar UNC, Chapel Hill, NC | |

|New Voices: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (with Christina Kasprzak) Early Intervention |May 2002 |

|Training and Technical Assistance. Greenville, NC | |

| | |

|Cultural and linguistic diversity in early intervention. (with Dina Castro) National inclusion |August 2001 |

|institute, Focus on change. Chapel hill, NC | |

|New Voices: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special|Fall 2001 |

|Education (with Dina Castro) NCAEYC Greensboro, NC | |

|Meeting the needs of Latino children in early childhood settings. (with Dina Castro) Southern |November 2001 |

|regional AHEC and NC EI training and technical assistance system. | |

|Building community across the cultural divide. Head Start Summer Institute, Chapel Hill |July 2001 |

|Training and Outreach, NC | |

|The quest for improved outcomes: Does personnel training make a difference. CSPD conference. |April 2001 |

|Alexandria, VA. | |

| | |

|Recruitment and Retention of Personnel with Diverse backgrounds: After the Commitment, then |February 2001 |

|what | |

|Washington, DC. | |

| | |

|Cultural and Linguistic diversity in early intervention, (with Dina Castro), NC preschool |November 2000 |

|Coordinators conference. Focus on Readiness. Chapel Hill, NC | |

|An NCBI Welcoming Diversity Workshop” - Center for Development and Learning with Sue Rosman |June 2000 |

|Carrboro, NC | |

|NCBI Prejudice Reduction Workshop” - UNC Students for the Advancement of Race Relations (SARR) |April 2000 |

|with Rebecca Ashburn Chapel Hill, NC | |

|The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood” - Down East Partnership for Children |March 2000 |

|Rocky Mount, NC | |

|“Culturally Relevant Services for Children with Disabilities and their Families” at Shared |November 1999 |

|Connections & Family Perspectives: Designing systems that Strengthen Head Start children with | |

|Disabilities and their Families” - Chapel Hill Training and Outreach | |

|Memphis, TN | |

|“A Cultural Diversity Self Assessment” Cumberland County Partnership for Children Fayetteville,|June 1999 |

|NC | |

|Working with people of diverse cultures: the NCBI training model Washington, DC. |February 1999 |

|Welcoming Diversity” - Forsyth County Partnership for Children, Winston Salem, NC |November 1998 |

|“Role of Spirituality in Early Childhood Programming” and NECTAS exhibit - National Institute |June 1998 |

|for Early Childhood Professional Development, NAEYC, Miami,FL | |

|“Market Planning: Expert Marketers Don’t Sell, They Solve” with Joan Melner and Francine |March 1996 |

|Holland | |

|Houston, TX | |

|“Legislation and Funding: IDEA and EEPCD” North Carolina Central University, Graduate class - |June 1995 |

|Augmentative Communication and Assistive Technology | |

|Durham, NC | |

|Exploring Individual Differences: An Early Childhood Focus” - North Dakota DEC Pre-conference |February 1994 |

|Workshop (with Paula Goff) | |

|Grand Forks, ND | |

|“Multicultural Issues in Early Childhood Special Education” - NC Bits and Pieces Institute II, |April 1993 |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

|The Role of Culture in Exceptionality” – |February 1993 |

|UNC School of Education, Undergraduate class: Introduction to Exceptionality | |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

|Distance Learning Methods: Audio teleconferencing- |September 1992 |

|NECTAS Marketing & Dissemination Meeting, | |

|Chicago, IL | |

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|“Diversity Issues" – First NC Bits and Pieces Institute Durham, NC |July 1992 |

|Chapel Hill, NC | |

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|Co-Chair, RACE Committee 2016 - 2019 | |

|FPG Child Development Institute | |

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|Reviewer DEC Recommended Practices | |

|Family Practices Monograph 2016 | |

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|Search Committee- Executive Director 2013 | |

|Division for Early Childhood | |

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|Florida Early Steps Implementation Committee, 2011 - 2012 | |

|Strategic Plan for Sustainability | |

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|National Advisory Board, First School, a three-year FPG Project | |

|funded by Kellogg Foundation to support schools in NC and MI 2010 – 2013 | |

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|FPG Management Team 2010, 2014-2016 | |

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|DEC Governor, Executive Board 2005 - 2009 | |

|Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children | |

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|Representative Assembly, Council for Exceptional Children 2005 - 2009 | |

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|Board of Trustees The Women’s Center 1999 - 2001 | |

|Orange County, NC | |

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|Chair Program Committee, The Women’s Center 1999 - 2000 | |

|Orange County, NC | |

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|Member Chapel Hill High School Minority Achievement Committee 1999 - 2000 | |

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|Director UNC Campus Chapter National Coalition Building Institute 1998 - 2000 | |

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|Volunteer Facilitator Orange County Dispute Settlement Center 1998 - Present | |

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|National Advisory Board Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services | |

|(CLAS) Early Childhood Research Institute 1996 - 2002 | |

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|Steering Committee UNC Campus Diversity Project 1994 - 1998 | |

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|Member, Consultant North Carolina Interagency Coordinating 1994 - 2000 | |

|Council Cultural Diversity Committee | |

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|Field Reviewer US Department of Education, Washington DC 1991 | |

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University Diversity Award for FPG RACE Committee on Intergroup collaboration. University office for Diversity and Inclusion. UNC-Chapel Hill.

April 2018

The Pat Trohanis OPA Award for Excellence in TA for Exceptional Productivity and Impact on the Organization and/or Field at Large

September 2016

Trohanis Projects

The Pat Trohanis OPA Award for Excellence in TA for Overall Contributions to NECTAC

June 2009

The Order of the Long Leaf Pine (among the most prestigious awards conferred by the Governor of North Carolina)

November 1972

Governor Robert W Scott


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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