Associate in Science - - - Certificate of Specialization

Associate in Science - Certificate of ACHIEVEMENT


This curriculum provides training for entry-level accounting positions including general accounting clerks, bookkeepers, and similar workers in banks and business firms. Graduates from this program are qualified to meet the demands of offices requiring technical skills in general accounting and computerized bookkeeping. A grade of “C” or better in each major course is required to graduate. Accounting 62 and 63 must be taken at Evergreen Valley College, or equivalent courses at other accredited colleges must be approved by the discipline.


ACCTG 020 Financial Accounting 5.0

ACCTG 021 Managerial Accounting 5.0

ACCTG 030 Computerized Accounting 3.0

ACCTG 062 Cost Accounting 4.0

ACCTG 063 Intermediate Accounting 4.0

ACCTG 097 Accounting for Income Tax 3.0

BIS 003 Electronic Calculator 1.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 3.0

BUS 071 Legal Environment of Business 3.0


Major Requirements 31.0

Elective Units 5.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 24.0



(Complete the following with “C” or better)

ACCTG 020 Financial Accounting 5.0

ACCTG 021 Managerial Accounting 5.0

ACCTG 030 Computerized Accounting 3.0

ACCTG 097 Accounting for Income Tax 3.0

BIS 003 Electronic Calculator 1.0

BIS 011A Computer Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 3.0

BIS 007A Bus Writing Skills 3.0

BUS 001 Business Math 3.0

BUS 071 Legal Environment of Business 3.0


Associate in Arts - Associate in Science


The Administration of Justice program offers the Associate in Arts Degree or Associate in Science Degrees. Both degree programs have been articulated with the California State University system and, specifically, with San Jose State University. The two-year, sixty-unit program is intended to academically prepare candidates for professional careers in the criminal justice field. Students will complete a series of courses in the major and supporting disciplines intended to develop an understanding of the nature of crime and deviance and society’s response to criminal and deviant behavior. The program also focuses on enhancing student written and verbal communication skills, investigative techniques, cultural sensitivity, and a fundamental knowledge of legal principles. For the Associate in Science degree, students will take the five “core courses” then complete the degree by fulfilling either Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3.


AJ 010 Intro to Admin. of Justice 3.0

AJ 011 Criminal Law 3.0

AJ 013 Criminal Procedures 3.0

AJ 014 Contemporary Police Issues 3.0

AJ 015 Intro to Investigation 3.0


Major Requirements 15.0

*Elective Units 5.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 39.0

Grad. Req. (Physical Activity) 1.0


*Five Units of electives selected from Option 1

under the A.S. Degree requirements in addition

to the five core courses listed above.


AJ 010 Intro to Administration of Justice 3.0

AJ 011 Criminal Law 3.0

AJ 013 Criminal Procedures 3.0

AJ 014 Contemporary Police Issues 3.0

AJ 015 Intro to Investigation 3.0


Completion of one of the following three options:

1) Fifteen units from the following course list:

AJ 110, AJ 111, AJ 112, AJ 113, AJ 114, AJ 115, AJ 116, AJ 117, PSYCH 035, PSYCH 047, PSYCH 099, SOC 010, SOC 011, Foreign Language (6 units maximum).


2) Completion of the full “Reserve Officer Training Sequence” of:

LE 160 Basic Police Academy, Modular Format Level III, Part 2

LE 161 Basic Police Academy, Modular Format, Level II

LE 162 Basic Police Academy, Modular Format, Level I


3) Completion of LE 154 (Basic Police Academy)


6 units of electives (if needed) to complete 60 units

Major Requirements 36.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 24.0

Grad. Req. (Physical Activity) 1.0


Associate in Science


The Art and Design program offers an Associate in Science Degree. If the student desires to transfer, he/she may seek a Bachelor’s degree in Art, Art and Design, or Fine Arts. The Associate degree program at Evergreen Valley College offers lower division course work for students transferring into four-year programs in Design, General Studio Practice, History or Art Education.

ART 012 Two-Dimensional Design 3.0

ART 013 Three-Dimensional Design 3.0

ART 014 Color 3.0

ART 022 Visualization 3.0

ART 024 Beginning Drawing 3.0

ART 025 Expressive Drawing OR

ART026A Representational Drawing 3.0

ART 026B Perspective Drawing 3.0

ART 055A Life Drawing I 3.0

ART 055B Life Drawing II 3.0

ART 060 Painting I 3.0

ART 061 Painting II 3.0

ART 091 Survey of Art History 3.0

ART 092 Survey of Art History 3.0

DESGN 029 Problem Solving by Design 3.0

DESGN 031 Design Modelmaking 3.0

Major Requirements 45.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 21.0


Associate in Science


The Art and Design program offers an Associate in Science Degree. If the student desires to transfer, he/she may seek a Bachelor’s degree in Art, Art and Design, or Fine Arts. The Associate degree program at Evergreen Valley College offers lower division course work for students transferring into four-year programs in Design, General Studio Practice, History or Art Education.

ART 012 Two-Dimensional Design 3.0

ART 013 Three-Dimensional Design 3.0

ART 014 Color 3.0

ART 024 Beginning Drawing 3.0

ART 025 Expressive Drawing OR

ART 026A Representational Drawing 3.0

ART 042 Sculpture I 3.0

ART 043 Sculpture II 3.0

ART 066 Jewelry Casting 3.0

ART 067 Fabrication Jewelry 3.0

ART 091 Survey of Art History 3.0

ART 092 Survey of Art History 3.0

DESGN 029 Problem Solving by Design 3.0

DESGN 031 Design Modelmaking 3.0

Major Requirements 39.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 21.0


Associate in Science


The Art and Design program offers an Associate in Science Degree. If the student desires to transfer, he/she may seek a Bachelor’s degree in Art, Art and Design, or Fine Arts. The Associate degree program at Evergreen Valley College offers lower division course work for students transferring into four-year programs in Design, General Studio Practice, History or Art Education.

ART 012 Two-Dimensional Design 3.0

ART 013 Three-Dimensional Design 3.0

ART 014 Color 3.0

ART 016 Advanced Color 2.0

ART 022 Visualization 3.0

ART 024 Beginning Drawing 3.0

ART 025 Expressive Drawing OR

ART 026A Representational Drawing 3.0

ART 026B Perspective Drawing 3.0

ART 055A Life Drawing I 3.0

ART 055B Life Drawing II 3.0

ART 060 Painting I 3.0

ART 061 Painting II 3.0

ART 092 Survey of Art History 3.0

DESGN 029 Problem Solving by Design 3.0

Major Requirements 41.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 21.0


Associate in Science


Students must complete required Automotive Technology courses with a grade of “C” or better to be awarded the degree or certificate in Automotive Technology. Students are also required to get a “C” or better in each course applied toward Apprenticeship.

Drivetrain & Chassis

AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0

AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0

AUTO 105 Suspension, Steering, & Alignment 3.0

AUTO 106 Brake Systems 2.0

AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 120 Automatic Transmission 2.5

AUTO 121 Manual Transmission 2.0

AUTO 135 Fundamentals of Air Conditioning 2.0

AUTO 136 Automotive Work Experience 2.0

AUTO 170 Electrical Systems 3.0

AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5

AUTO 172 Chassis/Drivetrain Systems 2.5

AUTO 173 Automotive Service Operations 2.0

AUTO 174 Chassis Electronics 2.0

Total Major Units 33.0

Major Electives 5.0

G.E. (see back) 24.0

Total Degree Units 62.0

Fuel & Electrical

AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0

AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0

AUTO 118 Fuel Systems/Emission Controls 3.0

AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 122 Advanced Electrical 3.0

AUTO 125 Automotive Electronics 2.0

AUTO 127 Ignition Systems 2.0

AUTO 129 DSO, GDMM, Scan Tool Diagnosis 1.0

AUTO 133 Computerized Engine Management 2.5

AUTO 134 Advanced Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 136 Automotive Work Experience 2.0

AUTO 141* The Clean Air Car Course 4.0

AUTO 170 Electrical Systems 3.0

AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5

AUTO 172 Chassis/Drivetrain Systems 2.5

AUTO 173 Automotive Service Operations 2.0

Total Major Units 39.5

Major Electives 0.0

G.E. (see back) 24.0

Total Degree Units 63.5

*California Apprenticeship requires a grade of “B” or better for this course

Certificate of Achievement


Engine Service Drivetrain & Chassis

AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0 AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0

AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0 AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0

AUTO 107 Valve Train 2.0 AUTO 105 Suspension, Steering, & Alignment 3.0

AUTO 108 Engine Short Block 2.0 AUTO 106 Brake Systems 2.0

AUTO 109 Engine Blueprinting 2.0 AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5 AUTO 120 Automatic Transmission 2.0

AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5 AUTO 121 Manual Transmission 2.0

AUTO 173 Auto Service Operations 2.0 AUTO 135 Fundamentals of Air Conditioning 2.0 Total Units 18.0 AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5 AUTO 172 Chassis/Drivetrain Systems 2.5

Fuel & Electrical AUTO 173 Automotive Service Operations 2.0

AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0 AUTO 174 Chassis Electronics 2.0

AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0 Total Units 28.0

AUTO 118 Fuel Systems/Emission Controls 3.0

AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 122 Advanced Electrical 3.0

AUTO 125 Automotive Electronics 2.0

AUTO 127 Ignition Systems 2.0

AUTO 129 DSO, GDMM, Scan Tool Diagnosis 1.0

AUTO 133 Computerized Engine Management 2.5

AUTO 134 Advanced Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 141*The Clean Air Car Course 4.0

AUTO 170 Electrical Systems 3.0

AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5

AUTO 173 Automotive Service Operations 2.0

Total Units 35.0

Advanced Automotive Training

AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0

AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0

AUTO 105 Suspension, Steering, & Alignment 3.0

AUTO 106 Brake Systems 2.0

AUTO 107 Valve Train 2.0

AUTO 108 Engine Short Block 2.0

AUTO 109 Engine Blueprinting 2.0

AUTO 118 Fuel Systems/Emission Controls 3.0

AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 120 Automatic Transmission 2.5

AUTO 121 Manual Transmission 2.0

AUTO 122 Advanced Electrical 3.0

AUTO 125 Automotive Electronics 2.0

AUTO 127 Ignition Systems 2.0

AUTO 129 DSO, GDMM, Scan Tool Diagnosis 1.0

AUTO 133 Computerized Engine Management 2.5

AUTO 134 Advanced Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 135 Fundamentals of Air Conditioning 2.0

AUTO 136 Automotive Work Experience 2.0

AUTO 141* The Clean Air Car Course 4.0

AUTO 170 Electrical Systems 3.0

AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5

AUTO 172 Chassis/Drivetrain Systems 2.5

AUTO 173 Automotive Service Operations 2.0

AUTO 174 Chassis Electronics 2.0

Total Units 59.0

American Honda Certificate Program

AUTO 102 Automotive Systems 3.0

AUTO 103 Light Line Technician 2.0

AUTO 105 Suspension, Steering, & Alignment 3.0

AUTO 106 Brake Systems 2.0

AUTO 107 Valve Train 2.0

AUTO 108 Engine Short Block 2.0

AUTO 118 Fuel Systems/Emission Controls 3.0

AUTO 119 Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 120 Automatic Transmission 2.5

AUTO 121 Manual Transmission 2.0

AUTO 122 Advanced Electrical 3.0

AUTO 125 Automotive Electronics 2.0

AUTO 127 Ignition Systems 2.0

AUTO 129 DSO, GDMM, Scan Tool Diagnosis 1.0

AUTO 132 Individualized Skills Training Lab 2.0

AUTO 133 Computerized Engine Management 2.5

AUTO 134 Advanced Engine Performance 2.5

AUTO 135 Fundamentals of Air Conditioning 2.0

AUTO 136 Automotive Work Experience 2.0

AUTO 141* The Clean Air Car Course 4.0

AUTO 170 Electrical Systems 3.0

AUTO 171 Engine Systems 2.5

AUTO 172 Chassis/Drivetrain Systems 2.5

AUTO 173 Automotive Service Operations 2.0

AUTO 174 Chassis Electronics 2.0

Total Units 59.0

Note: In order for participating students to receive this certificate, American Honda requires that all program requirements be met. Please contact David Ames at (408) 274-7900, Ext. 6555 for further information.

Associate in Arts


This major qualifies for Transfer to a California State University. The lower division courses required for all students majoring in Business: Accounting, Finance, or Management. Aside from the thirty-four units in Business and Business related courses, thirty units of General Education courses are required for the A.A. Degree.

ACCTG 020 Financial Accounting 5.0

ACCTG 021 Managerial Accounting 5.0

ACCTG 200 Accounting Supervised Lab 0.0

BIS 091 Introduction to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro. to Computing & Information Systems 3.0

BIS 200 BIS Supervised Lab 0.0

BUS 060 Fundamentals of Business Statistics 3.0

BUS 071 Legal Environment of Business 3.0

BUS 082 Introduction to Business 3.0

ECON 010A Principles of Macroeconomic Theory 3.0

ECON 010B Introduction to Microeconomic Theory 3.0

ENGL 001B English Composition 3.0

MATH 061 Finite Mathematics 3.0

Major Requirements 34.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 30.0




Associate in Science

Business Information Systems

The BIS program offers three options for degrees and certificates. Certificates will be awarded to those who satisfactorily complete with a grade of “C” or better the major requirements in any one option. A student will qualify for an Associate in Science Degree by completing all the major requirements in any one option, a general education pattern and 24 units and electives to total 60 units. Please refer to the Graduation and General Education list in the catalog for the pattern specific to the degree.

Digital Media Design Specialist

BIS 012 Production Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 035 Introduction to Graphic Design 3.0

BIS 036 Computer Visual Design 3.0

BIS 039 Professional Image 1.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 101 Written Business Communications 3.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 121 Intro to the World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 128 Web Design II: Design for the Web 3.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BIS 183 Digital Publication Design & Graphic 3.0

BIS 091 Introduction to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro. to Computing & Info. Tech. 3.0

BIS 125 Web Design I: Internet Publishing OR

CIT 040 Internet Publishing 3.0

BIS 098P Digital Media Design Portfolio OR

BIS 136 Office Work Experience 2.0

Total Major Units 33.0

Elective Units 3.0

G.E. (see back) 24.0

Total Units 60.0


ACCTG 030 Computerized Accounting* OR

ACCTG 031 Computerized Accounting* 2.0-3.0

ACCTG 101 Bookkeeping for Small Business 3.0

BIS 003 Electronic Calculator 1.0

BIS 012 Production Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 039 Professional Image 1.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 101 Written Business Communications 3.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 121 Intro to the World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BUS 001 Business Math 3.0

BUS 082 Introduction to Business 3.0

BUS 084 Introduction to Marketing Principles 3.0

BIS 091 Intro. to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro. to Computing & Info. Tech. 3.0

BIS 098P Digital Media Design Portfolio OR

BIS 136 Office Work Experience 2.0

Total Major Units 34.5-37.5

Elective Units 0.0-1.5

G.E. (see back) 24.0

Total Units 60.0


BIS 012 Production Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 039 Professional Image 1.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 101 Written Business Communications 3.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

BIS 104 Microsoft Access 1.5-3.0

BIS 107 PowerPoint for Windows 1.5

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 121 Intro to the World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BIS 106 Microsoft Word OR

BIS 106A Beginning Microsoft Word OR

BIS 106B Advanced Microsoft Word 1.5-3.0

BIS 091 Intro. to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro. to Computing & Info. Tech. 3.0

BIS 125 Web Design I: Internet Publishing OR

CIT 040 Internet Publishing 3.0

BIS 098P Digital Media Design Portfolio OR

BIS 136 Office Work Experience 2.0

Total Major Units 27.0-31.5

Elective Units 4.5-9.0

G.E. (see back) 24.0


Electives should come from the following lists:

Accounting/Business Electives: ACCTG 030, ACCTG 031, ACCTG 101, BUS 001, BUS 060, BUS 060L, BUS 067, BUS 071, BUS 082, BUS 084

BIS Electives: BIS 003, BIS 007A, BIS 011C, BIS 015, BIS 016, BIS 017, BIS 035, BIS 036, BIS 050A, BIS 050B, BIS 051A, BIS 051B, BIS 052, BIS 053, BIS 102B, BIS 104, BIS 105, BIS 107, BIS 110A, BIS 110B, BIS 112, BIS 121, BIS 125, BIS 128, BIS 156, BIS 157, BIS 160, BIS 161, BIS 162, BIS 183

CIT Electives: CIT 041J, CIT 041X

Digital Media Design Specialist Option Electives May Also Come From: ART 012, ART 014, ART 022, DESIGN 029, DESIGN 031, PHOTO 022

*The content of Accounting 30 and 31 are the same; however, Accounting 30 is offered in a lecture/lab format, and Accounting 31 is offered in an individualized lab setting. Students cannot get credit for both courses.

Total Units 60.0

Certificate of Achievement

Business Information Systems


BIS 012 Production Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 039 Professional Image 1.0

CIT 010 Intro to Computing/Information Tech OR

BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing 3.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 101 Written Bus. Communications 3.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

BIS 104 Microsoft Access 1.5-3.0

BIS 106 Microsoft Word OR

BIS 106A Beginning Microsoft Word OR

BIS 106B Advanced Microsoft Word 1.5-3.0

BIS 107 PowerPoint for Windows 1.5

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 121 Intro to the World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BIS 125 Web Design I: Internet Publishing OR

CIT 040 Internet Publishing 3.0

BIS 189 Skills Development OR

BIS 136 Office Work Experience 2.0 Total Units 27.0-31.5


BIS 012 Production Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 035 Introduction to Graphic Design 3.0

BIS 036 Computer Visual Design 3.0

BIS 039 Professional Image 1.0

BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro to Computing & Info. Tech. 3.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 101 Written Business Communications 3.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 121 Intro to World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 128 Web Design II: Design for the Web 3.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BIS 183 Digital Pub. Design & Graphics 3.0

BIS 125 Web Design I: Internet Publishing OR

CIT 040 Internet Publishing 3.0

BIS 098P Digital Media Design Portfolio OR

BIS 136 Office Work Experience 2.0

Total Units 33.0


BIS 012 Production Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 039 Professional Image 1.0

BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Introduction to Computing and

Information Technology 3.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 101 Written Business Communications 3.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 121 Intro to the World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BIS 189 Skills Development OR

BIS 136 Office Work Experience 2.0

ACCTG 030 Computerized Accounting* OR

ACCTG 031 Computerized Accounting* 1.0-3.0

ACCTG 101 Bookkeeping for Small Business 3.0

BUS 001 Business Math 3.0

BUS 082 Introduction to Business 3.0

BIS 003 Electronic Calculator 1.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

Total Units 31.5-34.0

*The content of Accounting 030 and 031 are the same; however, Accounting 030 is offered in a lecture/lab format, and Accounting 031 is offered in an individualized lab setting. Students cannot get credit for both courses

Certificate of Specialization

Business Information Systems


ACCTG 030 Computerized Accounting* OR

ACCTG 031 Computerized Accounting* OR

ACCTG 101 Bookkeeping for Small Bus. 2.0-3.0

BUS 001 Business Math 3.0

BUS 082 Intro to Business 3.0

BIS 003 Electronic Calculator 1.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

Total Units 10.5-13.0


ACCTG 030 Computerized Accounting* OR

ACCTG 031 Computerized Accounting* 2.0-3.0

ACCTG 101 Bookkeeping for Small Business 3.0

BIS 003 Electronic Calculator 1.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

Total Units 7.5-10.0


BIS 007A Skills for Business Writing 3.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

BIS 106A Beginning Microsoft Word 1.5

BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro to Computing & Info. Tech. 3.0

Total Units 10.0-11.5


BIS 011A Computer Keyboarding 1.0

BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro to Computing & Info. Tech. 3.0

CIT 020 Program Design 3.0

BIS 109 Introduction to Microsoft Office 3.0

Total Units 10.0


BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro to Computing and Info. Tech. 3.0

BIS 095 Microsoft Windows 1.0

BIS 102B Micsosoft Excel 1.5-3.0

BIS 104 Microsoft Access 1.5-3.0

BIS 106A Beginning Microsoft Word 1.5

BIS 107 Powerpoint for Windows 1.5

Total Units 10.0-13.0


BIS 102B Microsoft Excel 1.5-3.0

BIS 104 Microsoft Access 1.5-3.0

BIS 107 PowerPoint for Windows 1.5

BIS 121 Intro to the World Wide Web 1.0

BIS 106 Microsoft Word OR

BIS 106A Beginning Microsoft Word OR

BIS 106B Advanced Microsoft Word 1.5-3.0

BIS 125 Web Design I: Internet Publishing OR

CIT 040 Internet Publishing 3.0

Total Units 10.0-14.5

Associate in Science

Associate in Science


Drafters and designers prepare technical drawings, designs, diagrams and specifications for a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and government projects. Computer hardware design, aerospace drafting and design, architectural design and drafting, electronics design, technical illustration and the design and drafting of such items as: disk drive mechanisms, cellular telephones, and medical equipment; are just a few of the areas of employment available for drafters and designers in our local area.

Specializing in state-of-the-art CADD instruction, featuring AutoCAD, Mechanical Desktop and Autodesk Inventor software, the CADD department at Evergreen Valley College offers a wide variety of course work designed for individuals wanting to upgrade and expand their existing technical skills and for new students wanting to prepare for employment in numerous CADD related fields. The CADD Technology department also offers certificate options and an Associate in Science Degree option.

A “C” grade or better is required in each CADD course and all major prerequisite courses for graduation and/or certificate options.

CADD 130 Fundamentals of AutoCAD 3.0

CADD 131 AutoCAD 2 2.0

CADD 133 Using Autodesk Inventor OR

CADD 139 Using Solidworks 2.0

CADD 144A Architectural CADD Applications - Basics 2.0

CADD 140A CADD Applications – Basic Drafting 2.0

CADD 140B CADD Applications – Detailing and Assemblies 2.0

CADD 141 CADD Applications – Design 2.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

Core Units 18.0

Plus 12 units minimum from the following courses:

CADD 135 Introduction To Autodesk Land Desktop 2.0

CADD 136 Occupational Work Experience 1.0 – 3.0

CADD 142 Modern Dimensioning and Tolerancing 2.0

CADD 144B Architecttural CADD Applications – Design Project 2.0

CADD 145 Architectural CADD Applications – Landscaping 2.0

CADD 150 CADD Document Management 2.5

CADD 132 Using Mechanical Desktop 2.0

CADD 134 Advanced Autodesk Inventor 2.0

CADD 146A AutoCAD Software Updates 0.5 - 2.0

CADD 146B Inventor Software Updates 0.5 - 2.0

CADD 146C Solidworks Software Updates 0.5 - 2.0

Major Requirements 30.0

Electives 6.0

G.E. Requirements 24.0

TOTAL 60.0

Certificate of Specialization



CADD 130 Fundamentals of AutoCAD 3.0

CADD 131 AutoCAD 2 2.0

CADD 133 Using Autodesk Inventor 2.0

CADD 134 Advanced Autodesk Inventor 2.0

CADD 139 Using Solidworks 2.0

TOTAL 11.0


CADD 133 Using Autodesk Inventor OR

CADD 139 Using Solidworks OR

CADD 132 Using Mechanical Desktop 2.0

CADD 140A CADD Applications – Basic Drafting 2.0

CADD 140B CADD Applications – Detailing and Assemblies 2.0

CADD 141 CADD Applications – Design 2.0

CADD 142 Modern Dimensioning and Tolerancing 2.0

TOTAL 10.0


CADD 130 Fundamentals of AutoCAD 3.0

CADD 131 AutoCAD 2 2.0

CADD 132 Using Mechanical Desktop OR

CADD 133 Using Autodesk Inventor 2.0



CADD 144A Architectural CADD Applications–Basics 2.0

CADD 144B Architectural CADD Applications–Design Project 2.0

CADD 145 Architectural CADD Applications – Landscaping OR

CADD 135 Introduction to Autodesk Land Desktop 2.0


3D CADD Certificate

CADD 133 Using Autodesk Inventor 2.0

CADD 139 Using Solidworks 2.0

CADD 134 Advanced Autodesk Inventor OR

CADD 132 Using Mechanical Desktop 2.0


Associate in Arts


The purpose of the A.A. Degree in Chemistry is to provide a lower-division science foundation for those interested in pursuing chemistry or biochemistry as a major field of study. This major prepares students to transfer to any California State University or University of California campus. Students considering careers in research, teaching, scientific consulting, or medicine, and the chemical, pharmaceutical, or biotechnology industries, find the Chemistry major an ideal academic preparation for entry into these professions.

The Chemistry Major consists of the following courses:

All four (4) of the following courses are mandatory for the degree; for the transfer of these courses to a four-year school, a letter grade “C” or better is needed in each.

CHEM 001A General Chemistry 5.0

CHEM 001B General Chemistry 5.0

CHEM 012A Organic Chemistry 5.0

CHEM 012B Organic Chemistry 5.0

Total 20.0

Required Math Electives:

MATH 071 & 072 (10 units)

These courses in Calculus, with five hours of lecture per week for two semesters, required for Chemistry majors.


AREA A: English Communication 9.0

AREA B: Physical/Biological Science* 3.0

Math** 0.0

AREA C: Arts and Humanities 6.0

AREA D: Social and Behavioral Sciences 9.0

AREA E: Lifelong Understanding 3.0

General Education 30.0

Physical Activity 1.0

Chemistry Major* 20.0

Math Elective** 10.0


* CHEM 001A counts as 5 units of G.E. for Area B — Science.

** MATH 071 & 072 can partially count towards G.E.

Certificate of Specialization

Communication Studies

Evergreen Valley College offers a Communication Studies Certificate to students who successfully complete ten or more units of communication studies course work. This certificate will inform future employers, college admissions offices, graduate schools, and professional institutions that you have received specialized training in speech communication skills.

The importance of the skills acquired through studying an practicing interpersonal, small group, and intracultural communication, argument, public speaking and listening training for personal and professional success cannot be overemphasized. Your communication Studies Certificate will not only enhance your chance of being selected for the job or position that you desire, but may also open other personal and professional doors.

Take this opportunity to learn skills that will increase you understanding of yourself and your ability to communicate with other people. The courses that you are required to complete for the Communication Certificate of Specialization are the following:

Com S 010 Interpersonal Communication


Com S 040 Introduction to Argument 3.0

Com S 020 Oral Communication 3.0

Com S 045 Small Group Communication 3.0

Total Units 9.0

Associate in Science


The Computer and Information Technology Program offers an Associate in Science Degree. This curriculum is supported by a solid foundation of core courses that focus on problem solving and communication skills for Information Technology professionals involved in computer network environments.

The degree program and certificates were developed in partnership with the National Science Foundation, Sun Microsystems, Oracle Corporation, Workforce Silicon Valley and an advisory board of members drawn from business and industry, academia and government.

The A.S. degree will be awarded to students who complete 18 units of the core course requirements in the major, 12 additional units of CIT courses, 6 units of approved electives, and 24 units of General Education. It is strongly recommended that students complete at least 12 units in an area of specialization. Additional units (if required to complete 60 units) may be chosen from any associate degree applicable courses.

Upon completion of a CIT option, a Certificate in UNIX System Administration, Oracle Database Administration, Oracle Applications Developer or Web Programming will be awarded. Certificates will be awarded to those who complete all the units listed under a Certificate of Specialization with a “C” or better.


CIT 010 Introduction to Computing and Information Technology 3.0

CIT 020 Program Design and Development 3.0

CIT 030 Telecommunications and Computer Networks 3.0

CIT 040 Internet Publishing 3.0

CIT 060 Introduction to Database Systems 3.0

CIT 090 Communication Skills for IT Professionals 3.0

Associate in Science Degree

Major Requirements (Core Courses) 18.0

12 units of CIT courses 12.0

6 units of approved electives 6.0

General Education 24.0

Total Degree Requirements 60.0

Approved Electives

BIS 036, BIS 109, BIS 128, CIT 022, CIT 024 (or 24A, B & C), CIT 041X, CIT 041J, CIT 042 (or 42A, B, & C), CIT 043A, CIT 044 (or 44A, B, & C), CIT 045, CIT 046, CIT 048, CIT 050 (or 50A, B, & C), CIT 052 (or 52A, B, & C), CIT 054 (or 54A, B, & C), CIT 055, CIT 056 (or 56A, B, & C), CIT 061, CIT 061B, CIT 064A, CIT 064B, CIT 065, CIT 066, CIT 067, CIT 071, CIT 072, CIT 080, CIT 082, CIT-084, CIT 086, CIT 087, CIT 136, COMSC 072, COMSC 075, COMSC 076

Associate in Arts - Associate in Science


Evergreen Valley College offers a two-year lower division Engineering Program that allows students to transfer to any four-year California College or University offering degree in Engineering. The lower division Engineering Core Courses recommended by the Engineering Liaison Committee of the State of California has been coordinated between community colleges and the four-year colleges and universities throughout California.

The Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science Degrees are available for Engineering students. The engineering degree programs consist of the Engineering Core courses plus General Education courses that satisfy graduation requirements. Students wishing to transfer to a four-year institution in a branch of engineering, but do not wish to obtain an Associate Degree must complete the Engineering Core courses and obtain a Verification of Completion Form from the office of Admissions & Records before transferring. It is recommended that students complete as much of their General Education requirements as possible. To facilitate the application process to four-year institutions, students should request Verification of Completion Form from the Office of Admissions and Records for verification of completion of the lower division Engineering Core courses.


ENGR 018 Engineering Design & Graphics 3.0

ENGR 010 Engineering Process & Tools 3.0

ENGR 050 Introduction to Computing 3.0

ENGR 066 Properties of Materials 3.0

ENGR 069 Statics 3.0

ENGR 071 Introduction to Circuits Analysis 4.0

ENGL 001A English Composition (or equivalent)3.0

MATH 071 Calculus I w/Analytical Geom. 5.0

MATH 072 Calculus II w/Analytical Geom. 5.0

MATH 073 Multivariable Calculus 4.0

MATH 078 Differential Equations 3.0

PHYS 004A General Physics 5.0

PHYS 004B General Physics 5.0

PHYS 004C General Physics 5.0

CHEM 001A /001B General Chemistry 10.0

Major Requirements 64.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 23.0



ENGR 018 Engineering Design & Graphics 3.0

ENGR 010 Engineering Process & Tools 3.0

ENGR 050 Introduction to Computing 3.0

ENGR 066 Properties of Materials 3.0

ENGR 069 Statics 3.0

ENGR 071 Introduction to Circuits Analysis 4.0

ENGL 001A English Composition (or equivalent)3.0

MATH 071 Calculus I w/Analytical Geom. 5.0

MATH 072 Calculus II w/Analytical Geom. 5.0

MATH 073 Multivariable Calculus 4.0

MATH 078 Differential Equations 3.0

PHYS 004A General Physics 5.0

PHYS 004B General Physics 5.0

PHYS 004C General Physics 5.0

CHEM 001A /001BGeneral Chemistry 10.0

Major Requirements 64.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 21.0


Associate in Arts


Students considering careers in advertising, communication, film writing, electronic and printing journalism, library science, public relations, publishing and editing, or teaching find the English major and ideal academic preparation for entry into these professions. In addition, the English major readies students for graduate programs, including communication, history, law, and medicine. A grade of “C” or better in each major course and elective course is required for this degree.


ENGL 001B English Composition 3.0

ENGL 084A Survey of American Literature 3.0

ENGL 084B Survey of American Literature 3.0

ENGL 086A Survey of English Literature I 3.0

ENGL 086B Survey of English Literature II 3.0



Select three courses from the following list:

ENGL 021 Introduction to Poetry 3.0

ENGL 028 Introduction to World Mythology 3.0

ENGL 033 Women in Literature 3.0

ENGL 072 Fundamentals of Creative Writing 3.0

ENGL 073 Introduction to Shakespeare 3.0

HUMNT 002 Introduction to World Literature 3.0

English Courses that meet the Humanities/Cultural Pluralism requirements:*

ENGL 033 Women in Literature

ENGL 060 Japanese & Japanese-American Literature

ENGL 062 Asian/Asian American Literature

ENGL 080 Mexican-American Literature

ENGL 082A African-American Literature

ENGL 082B African-American Literature

English Major Core 15.0

English Major Electives 9.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 39.0


*Three units of Cultural Pluralism/Ethnic Studies must be taken in either the Arts and Humanities area of the Social and

Behavioral Sciences area.

Certificate of Achievement


The Evergreen Valley College Police Academy Law Enforcement program is designed for individuals who wish to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. This program is certified by the Peace Officer Standards of Training to meet the statutory basic training requirement. The program requires both academic and physical skills as well as a significant commitment in time and dedication. Evergreen Valley College is a member of the South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium. The consortium is funded by all colleges regionally to provide vocational specific training which may require special facilities, special training conditions or is presented outside of the regular schedule of college classes. The application and registering process is completed at the South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium Center located near the Evergreen Valley College campus. Students have a choice of the 880 hour intensive format or the 920 hour modular format. Students will learn and perform the necessary academic and skill functions of a Peace Officer at the accepted proficiency level.

LE 154 Basic Police Academy Total 22.0


LE 158 PC 832 – Firearms and Laws of Arrest Level III, Part 1 1.5

LE 160 Basic Police Academy, Modular, Level III, Part 2 3.5

LE 161 Basic Police Academy, Modular, Level II 7.0

LE 162 Basic Police Academy, Modular, Level I 12.5

Total 24.5

Associate in Arts - Associate in Science - Certificate of Achievement


The paralegal profession is one of the fastest growing job fields in the nation. Paralegals hold increasingly important and high paying positions at large and small law firms, Fortune 500 corporate legal departments, government agencies, banks, real estate and insurance companies, nonprofit organizations, and startup firms. Evergreen Valley College’s Paralegal Studies Program prepares graduates to work as a “paralegal” or “legal assistant” under the educational standards set by California Business and Professions Code Section 6450. A student will qualify for an Associate in Arts degree by completing all the core requirements with a grade of “C or better and the general pattern of 39 units. A student will qualify for an Associate in Science degree by completing all the core requirements with a grade of “C” or better and the general education pattern of 24 units and recommended electives to total 60 units. The Paralegal Studies Certificate prepares students for employment as a paralegal or legal assistant.


BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro to Computers & Info. Tech. 3.0

LA 010 Intro to Paralegalism 3.0

BUS 071 Legal Environment of Business 3.0

LA 071 Legal Research and Writing-A 3.0

LA 072 Legal Research and Writing-B 3.0

Legal Specialty Courses from below 12.0



BIS 091 Intro to Information Processing OR

CIT 010 Intro to Computers & Info. Tech. 3.0

LA 010 Intro to Paralegalism 3.0

BUS 071 Legal Environment of Business 3.0

LA 071 Legal Research and Writing-A 3.0

LA 072 Legal Research and Writing-B 3.0

Legal Specialty Courses from below 12.0


Major Requirements 27.0 Major Requirements 27.0

Other Electives 0.0 Other Electives 9.0

G.E. Requirements 39.0 G.E. Requirements 24.0

66.0 60.0

Legal Specialty Courses

LA 008 Legal Terminology 2.0

LA 012 Legal Ethics 1.0

LA 014 Civil Litigation 3.0

LA 016 Introduction to California Courts 3.0

LA 030 Bankruptcy 3.0

LA 033 Tort and Personal Injury 3.0

LA 036 Real Property Law 3.0

LA 038 Family Law 3.0

LA 040 Criminal Law 3.0

LA 042 Law of Corporations, Partnership

and Sole Proprietorship 3.0

LA 044 Intellectual Property Law 3.0

LA 046 Basic Immigration Law 3.0

LA 048 Mediation Principles and Practices 3.0

LA 050 Constitutional Law 3.0


BUS 071 Legal Environment of Business 3.0

LA 010 Introduction to Paralegalism 3.0

LA 071 Legal Research and Writing-A 3.0

LA 072 Legal Research and Writing-B 3.0

Legal Specialty Courses from list above 12.0

Total 24.0

Certificate of Specialization


MUSIC 023 Class Voice 1.0

MUSIC 047 All College Chorus 3.0

MUSIC 099 Introductory Music 3.0

MUSIC 101 Sightsinging 0.5

MUSIC 050A/050B Beginning Piano OR

MUSIC 020 Class Piano 2.0

MUSIC 091 Music Appreciation: Western Civilization OR

MUSIC 092 Music Appreciation: American Theater 3.0

Total Units 12.5

Certificate of Specialization


DANCE 010 Ballet, Beginning 1.0

MUSIC 047 All College Chorus 1.5

Select One Unit from the following:

DANCE 011 Ballet, Intermediate 0.5-1.0

DANCE 021 Jazz Dance, Intermediate 0.5-1.0

DANCE 051 Modern Dance, Intermediate 1.0

Select Two Units from the following:

DANCE 020 Jazz Dance, Beginning 0.5-1.0

DANCE 022 Social Dance 1.0

DANCE 040 Tap Dance 0.5-1.0

DANCE 050 Modern Dance, Beginning 2.0

Select Four Units from the following:

THEAT 002 Acting 3.0

THEAT 004 Acting 3.0

DRAMA 014 Theater Workshop, Studio Production 0.5-2.0

Total Units 9.5

Associate in Arts


This major prepares students to transfer to California State Universities and University of California campuses for those interested in a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. In addition, the psychology major will provide a background for further study and careers in psychology, education, business, law, law enforcement, other social sciences, medicine and the allied health field. A grade of “C” or better is required in each major course.


PSYCH 001 General Psychology 3.0

MATH 063 Elementary Statistics 3.0

PSYCH 018 Introduction to Research Methods 3.0

PSYCH 030 Introduction to Biological Psychology 3.0

Psychology Major Electives (6 units)

PSYCH 035 Introduction to the Psychology of Women 3.0

PSYCH 047 Family Violence 3.0

PSYCH 060 Personal Growth and Adjustment 3.0

PSYCH 092 Developmental Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 096 Marriage and Family 3.0

PSYCH 099 Abnormal Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 100 Human Sexuality 3.0

Recommended Electives from Related Disciplines***

ANAT 001* Human Anatomy 5.0

A&P 003* Intro to Anatomy & Physiology 5.0

ANTH 062 Intro to Physical Anthropology 3.0

ANTH 063 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3.0

BIOL 020* Human Biology 4.0

BIOL 021A General Biology 4.0.

SOC 010 Intro to Sociology 3.0

SOC 011 Social Problems 3.0

Major Requirements 12.0

Psychology Electives 6.0

Other Electives 3.0

G.E. Requirements (see back) 39.0


*Either Anatomy 1 or A&P 3 or Biology 20 is a required supporting course for San Jose State

University psychology majors.

***Consult your counselor for specific requirements at the four year institution of your choice. SJSU

Has a major-to-major agreement with Evergreen Valley College.

Associate in Science - Certificate of Achievement

RETAIL Management (WAFC)

The Retail Management Program offers both an Associate in Science Degree as well as a Certificate of Achievement in Retail Management. The certificate will be awarded to those who satisfactorily complete the core courses with a grade of “C” or better. A student will qualify for an Associate in Science Degree by completing the core courses, 3 units of recommended electives, plus general education pattern to total 60 units.


ACCTG 101 Bookkeeping for Small Business 3.0

ACCTG 200 Accounting Supervised Lab 0.0

BIS 101 Written Communication 3.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 200 BIS Supervised Skills Lab 0.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BUS 001 Business Math 3.0

BUS 063 Employee-Employer Relations 3.0

BUS 065 Concepts of Management 3.0

BUS 066 Retail Store Management 3.0

BUS 069 Human Resource Management 3.0

BUS 082 Introduction to Business 3.0

Bus 084 Introduction to Marketing Principles 3.0

COMS 020 Oral Communication* 3.0


Major Requirements 36.0

Elective Units from Approved list 3.0

G.E. Requirements 21.0


*COMS-020 fulfills 3 units of G.E. Requirements

Approved Electives: BUS 060, 067, 071, 136, BIS 110A, 110B, 172, COMS 010, 045


ACCTG 101 Bookkeeping for Small Business 3.0

ACCTG 200 Accounting Supervised Lab 0.0

BIS 101 Written Communication 3.0

BIS 109 Microsoft Office 3.0

BIS 200 BIS Supervised Skills Lab 0.0

BIS 135 Human Relations in the Workplace 3.0

BUS 001 Business Math 3.0

BUS 063 Employee-Employer Relations 3.0

BUS 065 Concepts of Management 3.0

BUS 066 Retail Store Management 3.0

BUS 069 Human Resource Management 3.0

BUS 084 Introduction to Marketing Principles 3.0

COMS 020 Oral Communication 3.0

Total Units 33.0

Certificate of Specialization

Women’s Studies

EVC Women’s Studies Certificate is an interdisciplinary curriculum that examines the experiences, concerns, and needs of women from a psychological, historical, social, political and cultural perspective. The issues discussed in the courses critically examine sex, gender, class, and race as it relates to women’s complex roles in the family, work place, society, and the world. Students are required to complete a total of 16.0 units plus 40 hours of service-learning or community service work.

PSYCH 035 Introduction to The Psychology of Women 3.0

PSYCH 096 Marriage & Family 3.0

ENGL 033 Women In Literature 3.0

HISTORY 09 Women in American History 3.0

LIB 021 Library Research Strategies 1.0

Support Course (select one course from the list below) 3.0

Total Units for Women’s Studies Certificate 16.0

SUPPORT COURSES (Select 3 units)

PSYCH 047 Family Violence 3.0

PSYCH 060 Personal Growth and Adjustment 3.0

PSYCH 92 Developmental Psychology 3.0

SOC 011 Social Problems 3.0

Select one option from the following

40 hours of Service-Learning in core courses, or 098A Directed Studies in Service-Learning courses. Service hours must be documented by the EVC Service-Learning Center.


40 hours of Community Service addressing the real needs of young girls and women in the community. Service hours must be pre-approved and documented by the EVC Service-Learning Center.



*California Apprenticeship requires a grade of “B” or better for this course.

*The content of Accounting 030 and 031 are the same; however, Accounting 030 is offered in a lecture/lab format, and Accounting 031 is offered in an individualized lab setting. Students cannot get credit for both courses.


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