Welcome to your first ISU

Welcome to your first ISU!

Accounting Designations and their Associations

MARKING SCHEME (Communication)

You will be marked out of 10, where 10 is the best mark you can receive and 6 would represent an average assignment. If you do not complete it at all you will receive a mark of 0. Pretty simple eh?

Here is a brief description of some of the grades so you can judge for yourself how well you have done

Mark - 1 (Poor) - minimal work done, spelling and grammatical mistakes very prevalent, poorly thought out answers, no evidence of effort

Mark - 6 - (Average) - you have met all of the requirements of the assignment but you did not go out of your way to "WOW" me with your knowledge you have gathered.

Mark - 10 (Excellent) - you have gone beyond the requirements of the assignment. You have used formatting in your response (colour, different font sizes, underlining, etc.) and your assignment was well thought out.

Now that you have a general idea on how respond to this assignment and have seen how it will be graded, it is time to complete your first ISU.


Like most professional groups, accountants have a number of professional associations and institutions which are responsible for setting standards and guidelines within the accounting field. These organizations are involved in many aspects of the field an its members.

In Unit 1, you were introduced to the three Designations which Accountants in Canada may aspire to be. Your ISU, is to research ONE of these three designations and the Association it represents. Teacher will advise you which accounting designations to prepare your report on.

Once you have your Accounting Designation, go to the corresponding website and start your investigation. Here are the questions which I would like you to answer for the ISU.

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1. What is the process to become a certified member of the Association?

2. Are there certain requirements which must be met?

3. Are there specific courses, tests, apprenticeships which must be completed?

4. Does the Association you chose produce any Publications? (Magazines, papers, etc.). If so, what are they called?

5. Finally, I want you to give me a general overview of the site (what kind of information is found there) as well as your personal opinion about the site.

Once you have gathered the answers to the above questions, submit a typed report

by ______________________.

Your Report should include a title page and/or Heading/Sub-headings.


1. Process to become a member of the association

$ You must ......................(You may write in point form)

2. Requirements that must be met

$ etc.....


1. Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

2. Society of Management Accountants of Canada

3. The Certified General Accountants' Association of Canada

Make sure you Cite your work! Failure to cite your work will result in a mark of zero. Must be MLA style (please refer to your agenda for details)

GOOD LUCK on your assignment!


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