Accounts Receivable - The Power Tools


Documentation – Job Start-Up

This document includes the steps to add a job in the JCPM program. References will be made to accounting options to show the process throughout the Enterprise system, but will be referenced as Accounting functions.

Begin by adding the job. Job # is up to 8 characters. Job #s can be alpha-numeric but must begin with a 5.

If the Estimating program is being utilized, select the Estimating Project associated with this job. This will update the job information already input in estimating to the job file. (Owner, Architect, Engineer, etc.)


Master Job # is utilized during the Work in Process function in Accounting’s General Ledger. The Master Job # is used to combine jobs for the Contract Schedule and Work in Process reports.

Job Tag is a 2-digit field used to note the year the job started.

Enter Original Contract and Budget Amount. Fee is calculated using these two fields. However, the budget will be updated as the detailed budget is entered or imported into the JCPM system.

Default Retainage determines the retainage withheld on both pay request and subcontract agreements.

This can be changed per job or on the fly for the pay apps and subcontract agreements.

Change Order Markups provide the option to add default percentages or dollar amounts to the Change Orders. Three hard-coded markups are Fee, Overhead, and Bond. There are two user-defined markup fields that are unique to each job. As with the other defaults, the markups can be overwritten during RCO add/edit.

Project Start and Ending dates include Actual and Projected Dates. Enter Original Contract Days – actual days on the job will be updated with change orders

State Enter the job state location – this will update to the job file in accounting/payroll for tax purposes

Estimate # - will reflect the estimate selected upon adding the job.

Company# Multiple companies may be set up in the JCPM system. This field notes the Company # currently being accessed.

Project Manager Enter the job’s project manager from the dropdown list of employees. The list of employees is maintained in the System Settings, Employee option. The project manager field is used as a reference and bookmark in several documents and can be used in the Security section to limit Project Manager’s access to their own jobs only.

Superintendent Enter the superintendent for this job. As with the Project Manager, the dropdown is edited in the System Settings, Employee option. Superintendent is also available for bookmarks in documents.

Estimator Enter the estimator for this job. As with the Project Manager, the dropdown is edited in the System Settings, Employee option.

Job Status – Defaults to In Process and Active. Job can be marked as Inactive when completed and will suppressed from the dropdown selection when Active Only filter is in place. When utilizing the Work in Process routine in Accounting, the WIP process determines the status-making this field reference only for JCPM.

WIP Through Date – notes the last time this job was included on the Work In Process routine in Ledger.

Bonded – check if the job is Bonded – can be included in bookmarking documents

Include in WIP – the job will land on the Work In Process when there is cost or billings associated with the job. Check the box if the job needs to show on the WIP reports before there is activity.

Profit Center/Division Both Profit Center and Division can be used to detail the type of job or location of job. For example, Division may be utilized for different office locations. Profit Centers can note the different types of work – residential, commercial, ground-up, build-out. Both can be used in specific reporting as well as in the Accounting General Ledger Financial Reporting.

Square Feet Enter the square footage of the project for reference

Tax Exempt/Tax Exempt Cert Rec: Check if this job has a tax exempt status and enter the date received

Comments provides a field for additional miscellaneous info regarding the job.


Add Images and/or Attachments to the job utilizing the hot buttons at the top. These can also be accessed directly from the main JCPM menu.

The next portion of the job setup pertains to the PM portion. The information on the Project Addresses screen will display on the documents created in JCPM. Pay Requests, transmittals, submittals, etc.

Enter the Owner, Architect, and Engineer. When creating documents, the fields are populated with the Owner, Architect, and Engineer info.

Enter the Project Manager’s detailed info – phone, and email. The email is used in the Accounting system when electronic invoice approval is used. The outstanding invoices can be emailed directly to the PM for review.

The owner/GC, architect, engineer, PM, Project address, etc is also utilized in multiple documents throughout the JCPM, Accounting, and Lien Release system.

The Misc/AIA Lien Info screen contains the data utilized on the Pay Applications and Lien Releases in Accounts Payable.

Pay Requests can include Owner Contract # and PO# information.

Ship To contains the jobsite location and tax rate for the location. Purchase Orders utilize the Ship To: location when calculating the tax rate.

Add Budgets

The next step is to add the budget for the job. The budget can be entered several different ways.

Budget Template, Imported from Estimating, Duplicate From Another Job, or simply add in manually.

In the example below, a budget template is in use. The template is set up with the most commonly used cost codes on jobs. When the job is added, the codes are automatically populated. They can then be edited, added to, or deleted as needed for the job. Enter the original budget amount. Units and unit costs can be added as well.

To delete, select the line by clicking in the first grey box to the left of the code-sub. This will select the whole line. Hit the Delete key on the keyboard to delete. Drag the mouse down to select more than one line to delete.


Budgets may be added manually as well using the Add routine. This will bring up the description list and allow the user to choose the budgets. This is an easy way to add several at once.

One last option is to Duplicate Budgets from Another Job. Select the job to copy the budgets from. Once the cost codes are in place, they can be edited and deleted as needed.

Mark the budget as a submittal item to auto populate in the submittal section of JCPM.

Job Address Book

Add the vendors to be utilized on the job into the Job Address Book. The vendors include subcontractors and vendors to be used to issue subcontracts, purchase orders, or other companies that will receive correspondence regarding the job. The Owner and Architect, and Engineer will be added automatically from the job setup. (If the Estimating program is in use and is sharing address books, the subcontractors can be set to update directly from Estimating) Select the Add to Job Addresses button to select additional companies.

Utilize the buttons at the top to jump to a specific letter or select All button on the left to see all vendors in the Company Address book. Once the vendors are checked in the Assigned field, select the Assign Checked to Job Address Book. Vendors can also be added on the fly during several processes.


Pay Request Scheduled Values

A default pay request is added for scheduled value input. A Pay Request #0 will display.

Select Edit to view the pay app and enter the scheduled values for the job.

The scheduled values can be entered several different ways. They can be added from the job budgets, copied from another pay application, or entered manually.


The example below utilized the Auto Add from Budgets option. The line items will match the budget but can be edited once on the pay application schedule.

To delete line items, select the small grey box to the left of the line. The line will be highlighted. Then use the Delete button on the keyboard to delete.

The Delete button at the top of the screen is used to delete the pay application, not the line item.

Scheduled values can also be typed in directly or copy/pasted from another pay application.


Submittal Items

Add submittal items to send Submittal letters and begin tracking. If budget cost item was marked as a submittal item, the code will display in the Spec# field. They can be edited, deleted, or added to manually. Submittal items can also be duplicated from another job. Enter the company assigned to the submittal item. Entries can be made on the datasheet form or select Edit to view in a form view.

Below is an example of a submittal notice.

Accounts Receivable / Link Job to Customer

Linking the customer to the job allows the AR system to automatically create an invoice from the pay request.

Select the correct AR Customer for this job. The customer is the Owner or other party responsible for the progress payments. It can be a customer set up specifically for this job or a customer that is used for multiple jobs. If the customer does not display, simply type the customer name in the Customer Name field. You will be prompted to add the customer

The AR Order Number is left blank as it will be created automatically when the menu is closed.

Enter any project information that may be missing – architect name/address, owner project number, project location, etc. This information may be printed on the pay application.

If a job does not display on the screen, check the status in the JCPM program to be sure the job is marked as Active and In Process. If the job is set to Completed or Inactive, it will not display on the Link Job to Customer screen.

The job is now ready to invoice.

Accounts Receivable - Create Contract Invoice from Pay Requests

To eliminate the need for manual entry, contract invoices may be created directly from the pay application values for the month.

The Create Invoices from Pay Apps option allows the user to view all requests within the month selected. Requests may also be added and edited from this option.

When the system is set to create AR contract invoices from pay requests, this option will create the invoice upon existing the screen. Invoice # will be the pay request number. The pay request date will be used as the Invoice date.

Existing invoices will be edited if any changes were made to the pay request.

When a job is initially added to the system, be sure to Link the Customer to the Job (Under the Start Up section of the AR Enter/Browse screen). This determines the customer invoiced for the pay app values each month.

This option creates invoices for the pay apps dated in the month selected. The month must be unlocked in order for the invoice to be created.

If an invoice is not created through the Create Invoices from Pay App option, check the Link Job to Customer option to ensure the job has been updated with the correct customer.

Adding Receipts – payments for AR invoices

Receipts can be entered for any date as long as the month is not locked. Locking the month prevents the input of receipts, invoices, or changes to existing info for a closed month.

The receipt screen has two dates for referencing the receipt – Date Rec’d (financial date used to post to GL and CASH MGR) and the check date (a reference field noting the actual date written on the check).


Select Bank Using the drop down menu, select the bank to which the receipt will be recorded. The bank name/account is displayed as well as the General Ledger account number that corresponds with the account.

Date Received is the date used when posting the receipt to the General Ledger.

Reference The reference number is an additional field to tag the receipt. A common reference is the job #. This field is also used in the Bank Rec portion of accounting and will combine any receipts with the same reference # and date (in the event several receipts are included in one deposit – the Bank Rec total will match the bank statement total. The receipts may still be seen in detail in AR).

Customer Select the customer from the drop down menu. Once the customer is selected, all outstanding invoices for this customer will appear on the screen below.

Total Check Amt Enter the amount of the check – if this check pays multiple invoices enter the total amount of the check. The dollars can be split to individual invoices that display for this customer.

Check Date/Check Number Enter the actual date on the check. This is a reference only. Enter the physical check – again this is used for reference.

Apply Payment – if the check amount equals the Open Amount, simply check the PAID box. This will plug the check amount in the Paid Amt. box.

If a partial payment is being made, enter the dollar amount in the Paid Amt. box. If multiple invoices are being paid with one check, the total amount paid to invoices must equal the check amount at the top before the receipt will be saved.

The Add/Delete Receipts option is a single-line datasheet that reflects receipts entered for the month selected. The receipt displays at the top and when selected will display the invoices paid at the bottom.

The receipts can then be deleted if the month is not locked. New receipts can be added from this screen as well.


Browse Receipts with Date Range with a user-defined date range by selecting the beginning and ending dates. REFRESH to update the info according to the date selection.

Use Access filters to sort or define the receipts as needed. Alphabetically, by date, reference #, etc.


Browse Deposits & Add Images allows the user to attach images to either the deposit or the single receipt.

Browse receipts by the deposit (reference #/date) and add images to either the deposit or the individual receipt.

The top portion displays the deposit.

The middle section will display the receipts included in the deposit.

The bottom section displays the invoices paid by the receipt selected.

Attach an image to either the complete deposit or the individual receipt.

This example displays a deposit with a reference of Maintain (for monthly maintenance charges). The middle portion displays the receipt and the bottom shows the 5 invoices paid by the receipt.

To add an image, select the Add Image button to the right of the deposit or receipt info.

The selected item will display at the top. In this example, Breckenridge Builders. Browse for the folder containing the image.

The receipt image was saved to the Desktop. When Desktop is selected, all .pdf files display allowing the user to select the proper file. The image is displayed for reference.

A deposit or receipt with an image will display a Yes next to the deposit or receipt. Select the View Image button to see the image(s).

Accounts Payable – Adding Invoices


The Enter Commitments & Change Orders option in AP displays all subcontracts or POs for the job selected. Summary info for original, change orders, and total invoice amounts are listed for each. This is also where subcontracts and purchase orders created in the JCPM program can be Locked and checked as Signed. Commitments cannot be invoiced until the status is Locked.

Additional detail for Change Orders, Warnings, and Secondary Vendors is provided for each commitment.

Entering Commitment Invoices

Commitment invoices require a locked subcontract or purchase order. Invoices entered will update to the contract. The commitment recap will be provided during the invoice add, displaying the total commitment, previous and current gross, retainage and payments.

Invoices cannot exceed the total commitment amount (commitment plus/minus any change orders)

Retainage is also available on a commitment invoice. Retainage represents a percentage of the invoice held back from the payable amount. The Retainage is normally paid as the job is completed and approved.


The control number should be the job number. Invoices entered against the contract must be entered using the same control as the commitment.


Select the proper class for the commitment. PO, SC, etc. This will determine the vendors available for selection. The vendor selection will be limited to those with a locked PO or Subcontract on the job.

Vendor Number/Name

The vendors in the drop-down are limited to the vendors with a locked PO or Subcontract for the job selected. If a vendor does not display, check the commitment to be sure it is marked as Signed and Locked.

Order Number

Entered during the initial setup of the subcontract or purchase order. If only one commitment exists for this control/vendor, the order number will automatically display in the field.

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number or pay request number. Since this field can have alphabetic characters, it is often helpful to enter characters such as “REQ001” for pay request number 1.

Month End

This date is critical. This date is used to post the invoice to General Ledger and Job Cost. The month-end date is used for the cut-off dates in job cost reporting and for financial reporting. Locked months will not display in the drop-down. The date will default to the month selected in the main Accounting menu.

Invoice Date

The invoice date is used for aging reports on open invoices. The invoices will transfer to GL according to the month end date. Although the invoice date is not used in the GL and JC reporting, it is critical for establishing the days out from payment and for calculating the due date.

Due Date

This date will be automatically calculated according to the terms set up in the vendor file. This is a default value and can be overwritten during invoice input. .

Discount Date

If you have a Terms Code set up with “discount days”, this date will be automatically calculated and displayed as a default value.

Joint Vendor

Enter the vendor name of the joint payee. The check will be written with both the vendor and the joint vendor names. The drop down menu is available for searching for the correct vendor.

Joint vendors may also be selected during the check printing process.

Invoice Description

Enter a descriptive comment regarding the invoice if desired. This is an optional entry. The invoice description will be printed on the voucher portion of the check. If the control number is a job number, the job name will be displayed if no description is entered.

The contract invoices will provide a recap of the commitment amount with previous gross, Retainage, and payment amounts. A contract balance and invoice balance is displayed as well.

Invoice Amount

Enter the total amount of the invoice including sales tax and freight. For subcontracts or other orders with retainage, enter the Gross amount (invoice amount including retainage).

Total invoice amount cannot exceed the total contract. A message will display if the invoice amount will exceed the total commitment.

Sales Tax

Not a required entry and should only be used if multiple line items will be used for distribution and need to track the sales tax for each. To automatically allocate sales tax to the distribution amounts, enter the amount of sales tax. This field is also used when a discount is allowed. Discounts will not be taken on sales tax.

Freight Amt

Not a required entry and should only be used if multiple line items will be used for distribution and need to track the freight for each. To automatically allocate freight when distributing, enter the freight amount. This field is also used when a discount is allowed. Discounts will not be taken on sales tax.

Non-Discount Amt

The sales tax and freight are not subject to discount. The amount entered for sales tax and freight above will display in the non-discount amount.

Discount Pct

The discount percent displays according to the terms for the vendor. This discount percent may also be entered manually during invoice entry and will automatically calculate the discount amount.

Discount Amt

Enter a specific discount dollar amount if a percentage is not used. This will calculate the percentage field.


The Retainage amount is calculated using the percentage entered during the commitment setup. This percentage can be overwritten while entering the invoice. The difference between the gross invoice amount and the Retainage will be the Amount to Pay.

Amount to Pay

Displays the net amount or enter a different dollar amount to make a partial payment on the invoice. This amount can be changed on the fly during the check printing process.


This automatic display of the balance is the amount left to pay based on the entry of a partial payment in the Amount to Pay field.

Hold Payment

A check in this box will put a hold on the invoice payment until it is released on the check print screen. If left blank, the invoice will be paid based on the established due date. This field will default to the entry made in the System Control Company File default and can be changed during invoice entry or during check printing.

Lien Release

If checked, a lien release form will be printed after a check run. Leave blank if release is required. This field will default to the entry made in the System Control Company File or the Order for commitment class items. This can be changed during invoice entry or during the check print process.

Balance To Distribute: The amount to be distributed is displayed and reduced as you enter each distribution. This amount will not include sales tax and freight amounts. If sales tax and freight amounts were entered above they will be automatically allocated to the distribution.

Job #, Code/Sub-code The job and code will be displayed according to the information entered in the commitment and/or change orders.

Billing Retainage

To bill Retainage, create a new invoice for the commitment. If there are multiple commitments for the vendor on this job, be sure to select the correct order number.

The invoice amount will be zero. The retainage was part of the original invoice.

The Retainage field will be the amount of retainage to be billed as a negative.

This will create a positive Amount To Pay. See example above.

The distribution amount will be zero as well.

This will create an invoice with an Amount to Pay equal to the Retainage entered as a negative.


Enter Miscellaneous Invoices

Non-Commitment (miscellaneous invoices) do not require a subcontract or purchase order. The miscellaneous invoice can be used for job related items, G&A expenses, or a mix of both (credit card payments for example)



Enter the 5 digit job number or other control number established in the Job File (System Control Menu). The control numbers are available in a drop down menu.

If the invoice is job related, use the job # to allow by-control (job) reporting. If a job # is used as the control, the distribution will be related to that job only.

For invoices not job related – or related to several jobs, use the generic control such as 00001.


The class code determines the treatment of processing in the AP system as well as the “type” for Job Cost (material, labor, subcontract, equipment, etc.). Class codes are initially established in the System Control Company File. The available classes are also listed in a drop down menu. Commitment classes will require the commitment or purchase order to be established and locked before any invoices can be entered against the commitment.

The class will also determine the listing of vendors that display. If a commitment class is selected, the vendor list will be limited to vendors with existing commitments or purchase orders.

Vendor #

You can enter the vendor number or skip to Vendor Name, which when entered will display the vendor number.

Vendor Name

Enter the vendor name in the vendor field. As you type, the vendors matching the information will display. Hit Enter to select the vendor. Alternatively, click the arrow to the right of the vendor name field for the drop down menu. If a vendor does not exist is entered, a prompt will display to add the vendor.

See the example below

Order # (5 digit numeric)

Material/Miscellaneous Invoices may use the order number field as a reference only and is not required. Entering an order number for a non-commitment invoice will not establish an order or commitment for this invoice.

Invoice # (10 character alpha-numeric)

Enter the invoice number or pay request number. Since this field can have alphabetic characters, it is helpful to enter characters such as “REQ001” for pay request number 1.

The system will check for duplicate invoice numbers for the same control, vendor, and company. A message will appear if the same number is found with this criteria. This is to help alleviate duplicate invoices entered with different control numbers. If this is a valid invoice, simply change the invoice number to continue.

Month End

Entry of this date is very critical. Select the accounting cycle to which the distribution of this invoice should be posted. This date is used to transfer the invoice to General Ledger and Job Cost during End of Month processing. A specific date will be requested for the transfer. Any month end date outside that specific date will not be transferred. A drop down menu of the available dates is provided.

Date locking is available for the accounts payable month end dates to minimize entry of invoices to a closed month. This is done in the Dates Tab at the top of The Power Tools main screen.

Invoice Date

The invoice date is used for aging reports on open invoices. The invoices will transfer to GL according to the month end date. Although the invoice date is not used in the GL and JC reporting, it is critical for establishing the days out from payment and for calculating the due date.

Due Date

This date will be automatically calculated according to the terms set up in the vendor file. This is a default value and can be overwritten during invoice input.

Discount Date

If Terms are set up with “discount days”, this date will be automatically calculated and displayed as a default value. Depress to accept the calculated date or enter a new discount date. The system is set to take the discount no matter what date the check is printed. Remove the discount amount or % if the discount cannot be taken on the invoice.

Joint Vendor

Enter the vendor name of the joint payee if applicable. The check will be written with both the vendor and the joint vendor names. The drop down menu is available for searching for the correct vendor. The joint vendor may also be added on the fly during Check Processing.

Invoice Description (Optional)

Enter a descriptive comment regarding the invoice if desired. The invoice description may be printed on the voucher portion of the check.

Invoice Amount

Enter the total amount of the invoice including sales tax and freight. For subcontracts or other orders with retainage, enter the Gross amount.

Sales Tax

Only used if the tax needs to be allocated for several different distribution lines. Otherwise, leave $0.

If there is an entry in this field, the “amount to be distributed” will be the invoice amount less the sales tax. The sales tax will then automatically be allocated to the distribute amounts.

Freight Amt

Only used if the freight needs to be allocated for several different distribution lines. Enter the freight amount if there is a discount in place that is not subject to freight. If utilized, the “amount to be distributed” will be the invoice amount less the freight, and/or sales tax amount above, and is automatically added to each distribution amount.

Non-Discount Amt.

Often the sales tax, freight and other miscellaneous charges are not included in discount calculations. If this is the case enter the total of those amounts on the invoice which are not subject to discount. If sales tax and freight fields are utilized, the total will be updated to this field.

Discount Pct.

If there is a Terms Code for this vendor with a discount percentage the percentage will displayed as a default value which you can either accept by depressing or key in a different percentage. If you do not know the percentage but have a specific dollar amount simply bypass this field by depressing and key in an amount.

Discount Amt.

This field gives you the ability to simply key in a discount amount if known. When you key in a specific dollar amount, the program will calculate the “discount percentage” (field 10 above).

Amount to Pay

Depress to pay the net amount or enter a different dollar amount to make a partial payment on the invoice. A partial payment on either quick check or manual check must be made at the time of invoice entry. The Amount to Pay will be recalculated upon leaving the invoice entry screen and will be the sum of the invoice amount minus any discount or retainage. This amount can be changed for partial payment during the check printing process.

Balance This automatic display of the balance is the amount left to pay based on the entry of a partial payment. The balance should be the difference between the Invoice Amount minus the Retainage, Net Payment, and any Previous Payments to this invoice.

Hold Payment

A check in this box will put a hold on the invoice payment until it is released on the check print screen. If left blank, the invoice will be paid based on the established due date. This field will default to the entry made in the System Control Company File default and can be changed during invoice entry or during check printing.

To Distribute:

The amount to be distributed is displayed and reduced as you enter each distribution. This amount will not include sales tax and freight amounts. If you entered sales tax and freight amounts above they will be automatically allocated to the amounts you enter for distribution.

Job/Control Code-Sub Enter the appropriate Job or GL Account Number, Cost Code or Subsidiary Number, and Subcode or Div/Dept Number for this invoice.

Use the drop down menu to select the proper code. Only budgets entered for the cost type (class) will be displayed in the drop down menu.

If a code/subcode that has not been entered in the job, a message displays indicating the job or budget record does not exist. The budget may be entered at this time or a different budget/code selected. The budget must be exist in the Jobber system before it can be used for distribution of an invoice.

Distribute to an unlimited number of jobs/accounts and codes. The distribution total must be equal to the Invoice Amount and the Balance to Distribute must be zero before you will be allowed to leave the screen.

At this point, an additional invoice may be added or a check printed. Quick Checks will require a check number and will print a single check for this invoice.

Manual Check will require a check number but will not print the check – it is assumed the check has already been hand-written or is a correction.


Power Tools LLC

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Once the vendor info is added, select the Close button to return to the invoice entry


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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