CURRICULUM ITAE - Colorado State University





1876 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, Colorado 80523

Phone (970) 491-9167 E-mail:


Primary Appointments

Associate Professor

July 2015-Present

Counseling Program, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University (CSU)

Director of Addiction Counseling Programs

Department of Psychology, CSU

July 2014-Present

Additional Appointments

Institute Faculty Member

November 2018-Present

Center of Health Equity Research, California State University, Long Beach

Affiliated Faculty Member

June 2017-Present

Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research

Faculty Member

February 2017-Present

Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences, CSU

Affiliated Faculty Member

December 2016-Present

Prevention Research Center (Cannabis Research Group), CSU

Affiliated Faculty Member


Center for Meaning and Purpose, CSU

Interim Director, Psychological Services Center

August 2016-August 2017, April 2018-June 2018

Training Clinic Director, Department of Psychology, CSU

Affiliate Faculty Member

March 2013-Present

Division of Substance Dependence, School of Medicine, University of Colorado, Denver

Assistant Professor

August 2012-June 2015

Counseling Program, Department of Psychology, CSU

Assistant Professor

July 2008-May 2012

Clinical and Developmental Programs, Department of Psychology, Temple University


Postdoctoral Fellowship

January 2006-August 2008

National Institute on Drug Abuse T-32 Funded Fellowship at Integrated Substance Abuse

Programs (ISAP), Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Department of

Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of

California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Mentor: Douglas Anglin, Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology

March 2006

Dissertation Title: Examining Sensation Seeking and Risk Taking Behavior: Scale Development,

Genetic Association, and Moderators, With a minor in Quantitative Psychology and a

specialization in Genetics and Genomics. UCLA. Dissertation Chair: Peter Bentler, Ph.D.

APA accredited Clinical Psychology Internship

August 2005

St. John's Child and Family Development Center, Santa Monica, California

Directors of Clinical Training: Adrian Novit, Ph.D. & Shikana Porter, Ph.D.

Master of Arts Degree

December 1999

Clinical Psychology, UCLA, Thesis Chair: Bruce Baker, Ph.D.

Bachelor of Arts Degree

December 1997

Psychology, Summa cum laude, UCLA


Best Poster, ABCT 2019 Clinical Research Methods and Statistics (Senior Author) The Multivariate Software Award (Senior Author) Graduate Student Council Graduate Advising and Mentorship Award (Nominated) Center for Advancing Longitudinal Drug Abuse Research Presentation Award American Psychological Association Division 50 Early Career Presentation Award National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Early Career Psychologist Award NIDA Junior Investigator Travel Award NIDA Young Investigators Award Shepherd Ivory Franz Distinguished Teaching Award NIDA 3 Year National Research Service Award (NRSA) UCLA Department of Psychology Student Award for Research Training

November 2019 May2017 May 2017

August 2010 August 2008 August 2007 October 2006

July 2004 June 2003 May 2002 January 1997


Licensed Psychologist State of Colorado License Number PSY.0003880 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania License Number PS016739 (January 2010-October 2013)


Potential Research Support NIAAA Expanding Alcohol Misuse Interventions for Individuals who Identify as Gender Non-Binary

Role: Principal Investigator; R01 grant designed to expand current Alcohol Misuse Interventions for College Students to be more inclusive of individuals who identify as Gender Non-Binary.

Current Research Support

Institute for Cannabis Research

July 1, 2021-June 2024

Exploring Intoxication During Acute Alcohol and Cannabis Co-Administration: A Focus on

Cannabinoid Content and Order Effects

Role: Co-Investigator. Responsible for executing all portions of the grant including data collection

and assisting with data analysis and dissemination. Total Costs: $300,000.

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration


Emergency Expansion of Multisystemic Suicide Prevention and Treatment across Colorado

in Response to COVID-19

Role: Assessment Director (Co-Principal Investigator); Grant designed to expand telehealth for the

prevention and treatment of suicidality in response to COVID-19 using telehealth interventions.

Total Costs: $797,848.

Conner, Bradley T. 2

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration

July 2020-Decemder 2021

Enhancing Substance Use Disorder Identification and Treatment in Mental Health Treatment Education

Role: Project Director (Co-Principal Investigator); Grant designed to expand education and

training in substance use disorder identification and treatment by developing a Substance Use

Disorders Identification and Treatment concentration in a Ph.D. counseling program and a joint

masters degree in Addiction Counseling and Social Work. Total Costs: $797,848.

Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences (MCIN), CSU


Program of Research Scholarly Excellence (PRSE) Pilot Grant: Testing a Behavioral Task to Assess

Sensation Seeking in fMRI Research

Role: Principal Investigator; Pilot grant designed to assess different behavioral assessments of

sensation seeking in an fMRI environment. Total Costs: $7,500.



Healthy Out-of-School Time: Maintain, Enhance, Improve

Role: Co-Investigator; Corn (PI). Funded by the Colorado Health Foundation. Program evaluation

of the YouthPower 365 Afterschool Program.

Current Contract Funding

Health Education and Prevention Services, CSU


Role: Co-PI; Riggs (Co-PI). Contract with CSU Health Network to conduct clinical trials of the

Marijuana E-CheckUp-To-Go Program.

Completed Research Support



Analysis of Data from Before and After Implementation of Recreational Marijuana in Colorado

Role: PI. Funded by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Total

Costs: $186,500.

NSF 1348916


Embodied Social Cognition and the Decision to Act

Role: Co-PI; Witt (Co-PI). Funded by the National Science Foundation. Total Costs: $300,000.

Pilot Funding INC, University of Colorado, Boulder


Imaging Genetics of Sensation Seeking

Role: PI; Funded by the Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium. Total Costs: $3,500.

Pharos Fund, Bohemian Foundation


Promoting Resilience through Trauma-Informed Assessments for System-Involved Youth

Role: PI. Funded by the Bohemian Foundation. Total costs: $15,000.

Department of Human Services, Larimer County, Colorado

March 2015-06/30/2017

Role: Director; Pratt (Co-D). Contract with Larimer County DHS to perform Trauma Informed

Neuropsychological Assessments for system-involved youth on a fee-for-service contract.

Pilot Grant, CSU Prevention Research Center


Adapting a Social Norms Approach to the Prevention of Cannabis Misuse among College Students

Role: Co-I; Riggs, Ph.D. (PI). Funded by CSU PRC. Total Costs: $29,000.

R01 MH096478


Fetal Exposure to Maternal Stress and Inflammation: Effects on Neurodevelopment

Role: Statistical Consultant; Ellman, PhD (PI); Funded by NIH/NIMH. Total Costs: $1,303,318

Pilot Funding, CCTSI


Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Assess Sensation Seeking and Impulsivity

Conner, Bradley T. 3

Role: Principal Investigator; Funded by Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute

(CCTSI). Total Costs: $25,000.

Recipient National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program

October 2009-July 2014

A competitive student loan repayment program with an award in the amount of $50,223.20.

R03 MH080874


Mental Health Characteristics and Service Utilization of Substance Abusing Offenders in California

Role: Consultant, Previously P.I.; Agency: NIH/NIMH; Total Costs: $126,000.

R03 DA023131


The Effect of Treatment Motivation on Drug Use Treatment Success

Role: Principal Investigator; Agency: NIH/NIDA; Total Costs: $137,500.



The Etiology and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

Role: Fellow; R. Rawson PhD (PI); Agency: NIH/NIDA; This was part of a T32 Institutional

Training Grant located at ISAP. Total Costs: $74,829.



Factors Leading to Development of Risk Taking Behavior

Role: Fellow and Principal Investigator (PI); Agency: NIH/NIDA; Total Costs: $41,796.


Personality and Adolescent Health Project

July 2016-Present

Principle Investigator, Colorado State and Mountain Crest Behavioral Health Care Collaboration

to assess how personality and temperament predict adolescent mental health and health risk


Neuroimaging Collaboration Study

June 2016-Present

Principle Investigator, Wei Zhang, PhD (Co-PI).

Marijuana Outcomes Study Team

July 2015-Present

Co-Investigator, Pearson, PhD (PI). Large multisite study assessing the impact of changing

marijuana legislation on marijuana use, outcomes, predictors, and norms among college students.

Imaging Genetics Study

Principle Investigator, Rojas, PhD (Co-PI). Using genetics and near infrared spectroscopy to

identify endophenotypes of personality and risk for engagement in health risk behaviors.

Development of Addictive and Risky Behaviors Laboratory

August 2012-Present

Principal Investigator, CSU. Faculty research laboratory studying the genetic and personality

etiology of sensation seeking and engagement in health risk behaviors.

Development of Addictive and Risky Behaviors Laboratory

September 2008-May 2012

Principal Investigator, Temple University. Faculty research laboratory. Same as above.

Postdoctoral Scholar and Fellow

January 2006-August 2008

Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior,

UCLA; Mentor: Douglas Anglin, PhD. This was a National Institutes of Health funded

postdoctoral position. I received training in drug abuse and dependence research, grant writing,

manuscript preparation, publishing, and advanced longitudinal data analysis techniques.

Genetics and Genomics Research

January 2002- July 2008

Department of Psychiatry, UCLA; Mentor: Ernest Noble, PhD, MD. I serve as lead and co-

investigator, and primary statistician on studies examining associations between genetic

polymorphisms and substance use in adolescence.

Factors Leading to Development of Risk Taking Behavior

May 2002- December 2005

Dissertation Research, Department of Psychology, UCLA; NRSA Research Funded for 3 Years by

the National Institute on Drug Abuse: Chair: Peter M. Bentler, PhD.

Conner, Bradley T. 4


Courses Taught as an Assistant and Associate Professor at CSU Advanced Introduction to Counseling Skills Clinical Seminar Clinical Supervision Empirically Validated Therapies Ethics Psychological Measurement-Personality Assessment Abnormal Psychology Psychology of Personality

Spring, 2015-2021 Fall, 2016 Fall, 2016

Fall, 2014-2015 Fall 2017-2021 Fall, 2012-2021

Fall 2013 Spring, 2013, Summer 2013-2014

Courses Taught as an Assistant Professor at Temple University

Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology

Spring 2011

Clinic Team: Clinical Supervision of Graduate Students

Spring 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2010

Graduate Assessment I: Cognitive and Psychoeducational Assessment Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010

Graduate Etiology and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

Spring 2009

Undergraduate Adult Psychopathology

Fall 2008

Courses Taught as a Teaching Assistant, Associate, and Fellow at UCLA

Psychological Research Methodology (12 times), Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of Human

Sexuality, Counseling Relationships, Introductory Psychology (2 times), Community Psychology.


Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Psychologist

August 2012-Present

Colorado State University Psychological Services Center

Interim Director

August 2016-June 2017

CSU Psychological Services Center

Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Psychologist

January 2010-May 2012

Temple University Psychological Services Center

Assessor and Assessment Supervisor

June 2007-August 2008

UCLA Psychology Clinic; Supervisor: Eric Miller, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist (LCP).

Clinical Psychology Intern

September 2004-August 2005

St. John's Child & Family Development Center; Director of Training: Adrian Novit, Ph.D., LCP.

Graduate Student Assessment Supervisor

February 2003-September 2004

UCLA Psychology Clinic; Supervisor: Eric Miller, Ph.D., LCP.

Graduate Student Therapist

August 2003-May 2004

UCLA Psychology Clinic, Supervisor: Sandra Goldstein, Ph.D., LCP.

Graduate Student Intake Team Supervisor

Summer 2002; Summer 2003

UCLA Psychology Clinic; Supervisor: Jill Waterman, Ph.D., LCP.

Psychology Extern

September 2000- June 2001

San Fernando Child and Family Guidance Center, Northridge, California; Director of Training: Susan

Hall-Marley, Ph.D., LCP.

Group Therapist

October 1999-June 2001

The Helping At-Risk Students Manual Project; Supervisor: Jill Waterman, Ph.D., LCP.

Graduate Student Therapist November

1999-July 2000

Neighborhood Youth Association, Venice, California; Supervisor: Marion Jacobs, Ph.D., LCP.

Graduate Student Therapist and Psychodiagnostic Assessor

April 1999-July 2000

UCLA Psychology Clinic; Supervisors David Lopata, Ph.D., LCP, Marion Jacobs, Ph.D., LCP,

Ph.D., LCP, Eric Miller, Ph.D., LCP, Annette Stanton Ph.D., LCP.

Conner, Bradley T. 5


Emma Smith, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student Patrice Arkfeld, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU Alexander Tyskiewicz, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU Samuel DiCecco, Co-Advised Cognitive Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU Elizabeth Ballinger-Dix, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU Vanessa Joachin, MPH, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU Megan Weishaar, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU Gemma Wallace, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student, CSU


(Bolded Names Represent Primary Advisees)

Megan Weishaar, M.S., Dissertation Committee Chair, to be Awarded July 2023 Gemma Wallace, M.S., Dissertation Committee Chair, to be Awarded July 2022 Tyler Wallace, M.S., Dissertation Committee Member, to be Awarded July 2022 Adelyn Shimizu, M.S., Dissertation Committee Member, to be Awarded December 2021 William O'Connor, M.S., Dissertation Committee Member, to be Awarded May 2022 Ryan Rahm, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Chair, Awarded July 2021 Shane Kentopp, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Chair, Awarded July 2021 Jamie Parnes, Ph.D, Dissertation Committee Chair, Awarded July 2021 Maeve O'Donnell, M.S., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded June 2019 Melanie Kramer, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded June 2019 Jennifer Barenz, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded June 2017 Hillary Wehe, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded July 2016 Adam Zaleski, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded July 2015 Tejal Jakatdar, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded July 2010 H. Isabella Lanza, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded May 2010 Rachel Gerstein, Ph.D., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded January 2010 Azadeh Shakerian, Psy.D., Dissertation Committee Member, Awarded July 2008

Ph.D.'s Conferred as Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair Deborah Essert, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology Doctoral Graduate, CSU Awarded 2016 Rachel Eby, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology Doctoral Graduate, CSU Awarded 2018 Ryan Rahm, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology Doctoral Graduate, CSU Awarded 2021 Shane Kentopp, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology Doctoral Graduate, CSU Awarded 2021 Jamie Parnes, Ph.D, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Graduate, CSU Awarded 2021


Clinical Supervisor Psychological Services Center, CSU


Supervision of graduate students in the Psychological Services Center. Supervision of Hollis C.

Karoly, Ph.D., Crystal Gutierrez, Ph.D., Rachel Brenner, Ph.D., Mark A. Prince and Deborah K.

Essert for postdoc licensure hours.


Colorado State University Faculty Chair of the Academic Misconduct Review Committee Faculty Member of the Academic Misconduct Review Committee Member of the Dual and Joint Degree Development Committee Member of University Discipline Appeal Panel

January 2021-Present January 2020-2021

August 2017-May 2019 July 2017-Present

Conner, Bradley T. 6

Member of the Cannabis and Hemp Research Advisory Committee Faculty Council, College of Natural Sciences Member-at-Large

August 2017-Present August 2015-Present

Department of Psychology, CSU Graduate Committee, Chair Internship Readiness Committee, Member Search Committee, Addictions, Member Department Holiday Party Planning Committee, Member Psychological Services Center Advisory Board Search Committee, Chair, Addictions Counseling Hire Admissions Committee, Counseling Psychology, Member Search Committee, Counseling Psychology, Member Strategic Planning Subcommittee Scholarship Committee

2019-Present 2019-Present

2019-2020 2016-2020 2015-2016, 2017-2019 2015-2016 2014-2016 2013-2014 2013-2015 2012-2013

Department of Psychology, Temple University Psychological Services Center Advisory Committee Committee to Improve Statistical Training in the Department of Psychology Clinical Research Day Committee

Department of Psychology, UCLA Clinical Area Academic Committee

2009-2011 2009-2012 2008-2009

Fall 2002-Spring 2004

SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Study Section Member Colorado Association of Addiction Professionals

Executive Board Member Research Society on Marijuana

President Advisory Board Member Conference Program Chair Health Resources and Services Administration Study Section Member Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group Treasurer Awards Committee, Member Program Committee Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute Study Section Member



Spring 2021-Present Spring 2016-Present

2017, 2018 Fall 2015-Present

Spring 2015-Present November 2020-Present

2016-2019 2017, 2018 Fall 2014-Spring 2016

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Colorado Association of Addiction Professionals National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors Research Society on Marijuana Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies American Psychological Association: Divisions 50 & 53 Association for Psychological Science

2016-Present 2016-Present 2015-Present 2007-Present

1998-2012 2008-2010, 2015-2016

INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING Drug Treatment Implementation Expert

July 2007

Conner, Bradley T. 7

Soros Foundation Consultant on the implementation of drug treatment systems, including Narcotic Replacement Therapy, in the Republic of Georgia.

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIPS Journal of Addiction (2014-2017) Cannabis: The Journal of the Research Society on Marijuana (2017-2020)

AD HOC PEER REVIEWING American Journal of Men's Health, American Journal on Addictions, Clinical Psychology: Research and Practice, Criminal Justice Review, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, Journal of Addictive Diseases, Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, PLOS One, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Substance Use & Misuse, Journal of Herbal Medicine, Prevention Science, Sociological Inquiry, Aging Research Reviews, BMC Psychology


(*publications or presentations with a graduate or undergraduate student as the lead author)

Peer Reviewed Publications Submitted 1. Conner, B.T., Bravo, A.J., Win, N. Rahm-Knigge, R.L., CAST & SNAP (submitted). Examination

of Rumination's Mediating Role in the Relation between Personality, Marijuana Coping Motives, and Negative Marijuana-Related Consequences. 2. Conner, B.T., Kentopp, S.D., O'Donnell, M.B., Wallace, G.T., Morse, J.L., Arkfeld, P.A., Steger, M.F., & Rebecc, R. (submitted). Meaning in Life Moderates Relations between Personality Traits and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Hospitalized Adolescents 3. Rahm-Knigge, R.L.*, Kentopp, S.D., Ballinger-Dix, E.B., Conner, B.T., & Rebecca, R. (submitted).

Risk seeking and urgency predict engagement in health-risk sexual behaviors: Results from an adolescent inpatient psychiatric sample.

Published or In Press 1. Sneed, M.L.*, Davis, S.R., Fetterling, T.J., Prince, M.A., Eakman, A.M. & Conner, B.T. (in press).

Assessing invariance of cannabis use motives by veteran status and binary gender identity among college students. Military Psychology. 2. Conner, B.T. (in press). Re-Operationalizing Sensation Seeking through the Development of the Sensation Seeking Personality Trait Scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 3. Weishaar, M.G.*, Stephens, J.A., & Conner, B.T. (in press). Personality predictors of sports-related concussion incidence: Analysis of data from a large, heterogeneous undergraduate sample. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 4. Kentopp, S.K.*, Fredrickson, G., Weishaar, M.G., & Conner, B.T. (in press). Measuring the gap: Predictions of non-suicidal self-injury, substance misuse, and health risk sexual behavior via dual systems theory. Deviant Behavior. 5. Wallace, G. T., Weishaar, M. G., Henry, K. L., & Conner, B.T. (in press). Applying a health-risk behavior lens to understand individual differences in COVID-19 containment behavior among young adults. Emerging Adulthood. 6. Foster, M.G.*, Weishaar, M.M., Prince, M.A., & Conner, B.T. (in press). Investigating Sensation Seeking as a Predictor of Fake Identification Attainment and Associated Risks Among a College Student Sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Conner, Bradley T. 8


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