Section I: Mission and Broad-Based Goals
292735304800International Accreditation Council for Business Education00International Accreditation Council for Business Education292735304800International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education00International Assembly for Collegiate Business EducationOutcomes Assessment PlanInstitutionRoseman University of Health SciencesAcademic Business UnitMBA ProgramDateNovember 20172540410845? International Accreditation Council for Business EducationLenexa, KansasUSA00? International Accreditation Council for Business EducationLenexa, KansasUSADirectionsSection II (Student Learning Assessment) of the outcomes assessment plan must be completed for each business program that is accredited by the IACBE (i.e., a separate table must be provided for each program).Add tables, and insert or delete rows in the tables as needed in order to accommodate the number of your (i) business programs, (ii) intended student learning outcomes, (iii) intended operational outcomes, and (iv) assessment instruments.If the academic business unit does not offer programs at a particular degree level (e.g., associate-level programs, doctoral-level programs, etc.), then delete those sections from the outcomes assessment plan.In the rows of the student learning assessment tables in which the academic business unit identifies the Key Learning Outcomes (as specified by the IACBE) to which its own intended student learning outcomes are linked, if a particular intended learning outcome is not linked to any of the Key Learning Outcomes but is instead an additional content- or skills-related outcome, please simply enter ‘Additional Outcome’ in the relevant space.Italicized entries in the template represent areas where the academic business unit should insert its own assessment information.A comprehensive example of a complete outcomes assessment plan that meets the IACBE’s expectations and requirements for assessing the quality of an academic business unit’s programs and operations is available upon request from IACBE headquarters at: iacbe@.Please be sure to delete these directions before submitting your assessment plan to the IACBE.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc429139682 \h iSection I: Mission and Broad-Based Goals2Mission Statement2Broad-Based Goals2Section 2: Student Learning Assessment for MBA Program PAGEREF _Toc429139686 \h 3master’s-Level Programs PAGEREF _Toc429139687 \h 3Student Learning Assessment for MBA Program PAGEREF _Toc429139688 \h 3Section II: Operational Assessment PAGEREF _Toc429139689 \h 5Section IV: Linkage of Outcomes Assessment with Strategic Planning and Budgeting PAGEREF _Toc429139690 \h 7Section V: Appendices PAGEREF _Toc429139691 \h 8APPENDIX A: Capstone/Comp-XM Basic Simulation Rubric………………………………………………………………….8APPENDIX B: Written and Oral Business Plan Presentation Rubric 10APPENDIX C: Roseman MBA Program Student Exit Survey Rubric19APPENDIX D: Roseman University Student Exit Questionaire22APPENDIX E: Credential Analysis for Business Faculty Applicants27APPENDIX F: Annual List of Classroom Guest Speakers29OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT PLANRoseman University of Health SciencesMaster of Business Administration ProgramSection I: Mission and Broad-Based GoalsMission StatementMission of the Name of your Academic Business Unit:The mission of Roseman Univesity Health Sciences’ Master of Business Administration Program is to prepare graduates to be competent business professionals, responsible leaders, entrepreneurial managers and effective communicators.Broad-Based GoalsBroad-Based Student Learning Goals:1.Students will be able to demonstrate conceptual disciplinary knowledge to become competent business professionals.2.Students will acquire the appropriate business decision tools to become responsible leaders.3.Students will acquire the teamwork experience and related leadership and professional skills to become entrepreneurial managers.4. Students will demonstrate the applicable written and oral presentation skills to become effective communicators.Broad-Based Operational Goals: 1.The Program will improve its operational efficiency and responsiveness to the diverse programmatic needs, inquiries and requests of the various student cohorts (Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD, Orthodontic residents (AEODO), full-time-weekday, and hospital employees) that comprise its student population.2.The Program will maintain and grow its average student enrollment by 2% or more annually.3.The Program will attract and increase the number of highly-qualified faculty with healthcare related experience and/or qualifications in order to constitute at least 20% of the faculty mix.Section II: Student Learning Assessmentmaster’s-Level ProgramsStudent Learning Assessment for Master of Business Administration (Master’s-Level Program 1)Program Intended Student Learning Outcomes (Program ISLOs)Competent business professionals: Students will be able to apply core business concepts and theories from management, marketing, economics, accounting, finance and other business disciplines to business problems and organizational decision making, including healthcare settings. Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 2, 3 Key Learning Outcomes for Master’s Level Business Programs to which this Outcome is Linked: 1Responsible leaders: Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to build and lead productive teams in an interdisciplinary, diverse and collaborative workplace, including healthcare settings. Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 2, 4 Key Learning Outcomes for Master’s Level Business Programs to which this Outcome is Linked: 2Entrepreneurial managers: Students will be able to apply business disciplinary principles and practices to prepare, present and/or defend entrepreneurial business proposals. Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 3 Key Learning Outcomes for Master’s Level Business Programs to which this Outcome is Linked: 3Effective communicators: Students will be able to communicate effectively in writing and speak persuasively to address business issues in organizational settings. Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 2, 4 Key Learning Outcomes for Master’s Level Business Programs to which this Outcome is Linked: 4Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—Direct Measures of Student Learning:Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Direct Measures:1. Capstone/Comp-XM Business SimulationsProgram ISLOs Assessed by this Measure: 1, 2, 3 Objective (Target/Criterion) for Direct Measure 1: At least eighty percent (80%) of all students on first attempt completing the Capstone/Comp-XM Business Simulations will achieve a rating of “Expectations Met” on the ISLOs (1, 2, 3) that the assessment instrument measures. “Expectations Met” is achieved if student scored at or above the national average in at least four (4) out of six (6) functional disciplines (accounting, finance, strategy, marketing, operations and human resources) that are assessed. (See Appendix A)2. Business Plan Written and Oral Presentation (Individual & Team)General ISLOs Assessed by Measure: 1, 2, 3 ,4Eighty percent (80%) of all students completing the written and oral presentation of the business plan on the first attempt will achieve a rating of “Expectations Met” on the ISLOs that the evaluation rubrics measures. (See Appendix B)Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—Indirect Measures of Student Learning:Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Indirect Measures:1.Indirect Measure 1: MBA Program Exit SurveyGeneral Program ISLOs Assessed by this Measure: 1,2, 3, 4Seventy-five percent (75%) of the students will rate their satisfaction with Roseman’s MBA Program better than “somewhat satisfied” in contributing to their achievement to the ISLOs that the survey measures (i.e., ≥ 3.5, with 3=”somewhat satisfied,” 4=”satisfied,” and 5=”very satistified”). (See Appendix C)Section III: Operational Assessment Intended Operational Outcomes for the Roseman University MBA Program:1. Program will increase its adjunct and full time faculty pool with professionals who have healthcare related experience and/or qualifications in order to constitute at least 20% of the faculty mix.Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 22. Joint program graduates (PharmD/MBA) will have improved online MBA course materials and support for finishing the MBA after their Board exams. Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 3, 43. Program will provide high-quality instruction to students using the “The Six Point Mastery Learning Roseman Model.”Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 2, 3, 44. Program will provide more healthcare focused instruction for healthcare professions, such as pharmacy, dentistry, medicine, and nursing. Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 2, 3, 45. Increase program’s guest-lecturer pool as well as increase the participation of local healthcare professionals as guest lecturers.Broad-Based Student Learning Goals to which this Outcome is Liked: 1, 2, 3 Assessment Measures/Methods for Intended Operational Outcomes:Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Operational Assessment Measures/Methods:1. MBA Faculty Credential Analysis Form IOOs Assessed by this Measure: 1, 4The Program faculty with healthcare credentials/experience will increase to 20% by Fall 2020.2. Roseman University-wide Student Exit Survey IOOs Assessed by this Measure: 3, 4The average level of satisfaction reported on the survey will be better than “somewhat satisfied” (i.e., ≥ 3.5, with 3=”somewhat satisfied,” 4=”satisfied,” and 5=”very satistified”).3. Guest Speakers List (number of professionals) IOOs Assessed by this Measure: 4, 5Guest Speaker List will have more than 20% of the listed professionals with healthcare educational training and/or experience. 4. MBA Program Exit SurveyIOO’s Assessed by this Measure: 4, 5The average level of satisfaction on the quality of quest speakers will be better than “somewhat satisfied” (i.e., ≥ 3.5, with 3=”somewhat satisfied,” 4=”satisfied,” and 5=”very satistified”). 5. MBA online course materials and support IOOs Assessed by this Measure: 2Complete the development of Roseman Board approved online MBA courses in Canvas by Jan. 1, 2018. Section IV: Linkage of Outcomes Assessment with Strategic Planning and BudgetingEach year the full-time faculty gather and review the outcomes assessment results for each cohort of graduates, and at the end of the year the program’s operational assessment results. In addition, the faculty include in their review information from students’ end-of-course instructional surveys, exit and focus group interviews, information from the meeting with the MBA Advisory Board, Campus-wide Academic Deans and Directors meetings, and the Roseman Administrative Council and the University Board of Trustees. Based on the information gathered, the unit prepares a preliminary strategic plan which is discussed at the semi-annual faculty retreat, composed of both full-time and part-time adjunct faculty members. From the faculty retreats, additional input is gathered and the strategic plans and budget related resources are discussed and shared with the Chancellor before their inclusion in the annual budget requests (reviewed and approved by the Administrative Council and Board of Trustees).Also, the MBA Program’s strategic planning process is linked to the University’s strategic planning process, as directed by the University’s mission and core themes: ? Healthcare Education, ? Research and Scholarly Activities, ? Community Impact, and ? Learning and Working Environment.These core themes contribute to inform and guide the program’s strategic goals, action plans and budget requests. These steps are followed on an annual basis before each budgeting cycle.Section V: AppendicesAPPENDIX A: Capstone/Comp-XM Basic Simulation RubricAPPENDIX B: Written and Oral Business Plan Presentation Rubric APPENDIX C: Roseman MBA Program Student Exit Survey APPENDIX D: Roseman University-Wide Student Exit QuestionaireAPPENDIX E: Credential Analysis for Business Faculty Applicants (Adopted from IACBE)APPENDIX F: Annual List of Classroom Guest Speakers23177525209500Appendix ACapstone/Comp-XM Business Simulations Assessment RubricStudent: Instructor: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: For each of the functional business disciplines listed below, use the evaluation rubric to rate the student’s performance on the Capstone Simulation based on the target rating specified, and for the Comp-XM by specifying the competency level achieved based on whether or not the student’s performance is greater than or equal to the national average (Expectations MET) or less than the national average (Expectations Not-Met), and provide relevant comments in the space provided.Performance on Capstone Simulations ISLOs/Program-Level Assessment CriteriaExpectations Exceeded (EE): ≥ 400Expectations Met (EM): 200 to 399Expectations Not-Met (EN): score ≤ 199Record Rating (EN, EM or EE) and Brief CommentsCapstone Balanced Card Score:____________ 23177525209500Checklist Rubric (ISLO #1, business functional disciplines)Evaluation Criteria (Student will achieve “Expectations Met” in at four (4) of the six (6) functional disciplines assessed below, by scoring at or above the national average)MetNot MetAccounting (scored at or above the Comp-XM reported national average)Comments:Finance (scored at or above the Comp-XM reported national average)Comments:Strategy (scored at or above the Comp-XM reported national average)Comments:Marketing scored at or above the Comp-XM reported national average) Comments:Operations (scored at or above the Comp-XM reported national average)Comments:Human Resources (scored at or above the Comp-XM reported national average)Comments:Overall Disciplinary/Functional Assessment (ISLO #1): Student Met Expectations (by scoring at or above the national average) in at least four (4) out of the six (6) functional disciplines assessed. Expectations Met:______ Expectations Not-Met:_____ (check one)2317752520950023177525209500231775252095002317752520950023177525209500Appendix BComprehensive Integrated Business PlanAssessment/Evaluation RubricStudent: Instructor: _____________________________________________________________________________Date: For each of the business plan component areas (evaluation dimensions) identified below, use the evaluation rubric to assess the student’s work by specifying the competency level achieved based on the performance ratings and descriptors delineated in the rubric form and supplying relevant comments in the space provided.Executive Summary (1 page minimum – 20 points): This section should briefly summarize each section of the business plan. The executive summary should provide an overview of the business and should outline and describe key points and issues. Business Description (2 page minimum – 10 points): This section should provide a description of the business or idea, and should incorporate the following elements:Company’s Mission, Vision, Goals, and ObjectivesSummary of Overall Strategic DirectionReasons for Starting the BusinessDescription of Product or Service OfferedBusiness ModelCompany’s Value PropositionIndustry Analysis (2 pages minimum – 10 points): This section should provide a description and analysis of (i) the industry in which the company will be operating, (ii) the target market, and (iii) the company’s major competitors. The section should incorporate descriptions and analyses of the following elements:Industry Size, Segments, and MaturityOpportunities and Threats in the Industry, including Barriers to EntryMajor Competitors, including their Market Shares, Markets Served, Strategies Employed, and Expected Response to EntryOverall Trends and Outlook for the IndustryTarget Market and Consumer Demographics, including Market Niche in which the Company Will OperateThe Company’s Competitive Advantages and their Likely Impacts on its SuccessManagement Plan (2 pages minimum – 10 points): This section should provide a description of the proposed organizational structure of the company and the ways in which the company will be managed. The description should incorporate the following elements:Form of Ownership and Reasons for Choice of Ownership FormOrganizational Structure/ChartQualifications, Experience, Expertise, and Roles of Members of the Management TeamOther Stakeholders (e.g., Board of Directors, Advisory Boards, etc.)Professional Service Firms Providing Management Support (e.g., accounting, customer service, legal counsel, etc.)Marketing Plan (3 pages minimum – 20 points): This section should provide a description of the ways in which the company will market its goods or services. The description should incorporate the following elements:Overall Marketing StrategyMarketing Mix (Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion, Advertising, Distribution Channels, Media Usage, Public Relations, Web/Social Media Presence, etc.)23177525209500Sales Management, including Sales Planning, Sales Approach, and Sales ForceMarketing Plan BudgetOperational Plan (3 pages minimum – 15 points): This section should provide a description of the resources and processes needed (i) for the day-to-day functioning of the company and (ii) in order to support the company’s strategic goals and objectives. The description should incorporate the following elements:Human Resource NeedsPhysical Facilities RequirementsTechnological Resource NeedsLogistics and Supply Chain Management PlanImplementation TimetablesProcesses for Monitoring ProgressFinancial Plan (3 pages minimum – 15 points): This section should provide a description and analysis of both the initial and ongoing financing and financial management of the company. The section should incorporate descriptions and analyses of the following elements:Possible Sources of Initial FinancingSales ForecastsIncome ProjectionsPro-Forma Financial StatementsBreak-Even AnalysisCapital BudgetFurthermore, in each business plan component area identified above, the student should also address the relevant principles and practices of corporate social responsibility and sustainability relating to that component area.Written Business Plan Assessment/Evaluation RubricEvaluation DimensionsPerformance AssessmentScoreExpectations Not-Met (MN)Expectations Met (EM)Expectations Exceeded (EE)Business Plan Component Areas – Grading CriteriaExecutive SummaryExecutive summary does not present a clear overview of the business; main points are not outlined, or cannot be understood; the summary is not compelling and doesn’t demonstrate the need for the product or service(below 14)Executive summary provides a satisfactory overview of the business; summary is missing a few minor points, but meets expectations (14-18)Executive summary is clear, convincing, concise, and effective; summary provides a thorough overview of the business, and fully outlines and describes main points (19-20)Comments:Business DescriptionPlan is missing a business description, or description of the business is vague and inadequately developed; few if any details are provided regarding product/service offered and strategic elements; business model is not sufficiently described; does not clearly describe the benefits of the good/service offered and how it addresses consumer needs; overall company focus is unclear(below 7)The business idea is clearly presented; strategic elements are satisfactorily outlined; with a few minor omissions, the business plan describes the reasons for starting the business, product or service offered, and the business model; the company’s value proposition is described, but is less than fully developed; business description is lacking some detail, but meets minimum standards(7-9)Presents the business idea thoroughly and effectively, including the company’s mission, vision, goals, objectives, and overall strategic direction; fully outlines the reasons for launching the venture, and describes product/service offered, company focus, and business model; clearly and convincingly articulates the company’s distinctive value proposition(10)Comments:23177525209500Business Plan AssessmentBusiness Plan Assessment/Evaluation Rubric Evaluation RubricEvaluation DimensionsPerformance AssessmentScoreExpectations Not- Met (EN)Expectations Met (EM)Expectations Exceeded (EE)Business Plan Component Areas – Grading CriteriaIndustry AnalysisIndustry analysis is not provided, is inadequate, or is incomplete in significant respects; evaluation of important industry characteristics is lacking detail and does not present a comprehensive assessment of the industry in which the company will be competing; limited competitor and market analyses are provided; few if any competitive advantages are identified, and no analysis of their effects is provided(below 7)Business plan describes major characteristics of the industry, but analysis is limited or missing a few elements; market attributes are described and their impacts on the business are adequately assessed; plan identifies competitive advantages of the company, but a discussion of their contribution to the company’s market success is missing or less than fully developed; industry analysis is appropriately developed(7-9)Provides a thorough analysis of industry size, segments, maturity, opportunities and threats in the industry, overall trends and outlook for the industry, and major competitors; specifically identifies target market and consumer demographics, and fully describes niche in which the company will operate; clearly presents significant competitive advantages and effectively analyzes their impacts on organizational success(10)Comments:Business Plan Assessment Evaluation RubricPerformance AssessmentEvaluation DimensionsExpectations Not- Met (EN)Expectations Met (EM)Expectations Exceeded (EE)ScoreBusiness Plan Component Areas – Grading CriteriaManagement PlanA management plan is not provided, or is inadequate, imprecise, or incomplete in significant respects; description of important characteristics of members of the management team is vague and lacking detail; does not present a compelling case for a credible, capable, and professional management team; governing and advisory boards are not identified or not sufficiently described; external service providers that will support the management team are not identified or not sufficiently described(below 7)A management plan is outlined, but less than fully described; the plan outlines some important characteristics of members of the management team, but is missing a few minor elements; other stakeholders are identified and their contributions to the company are satisfactorily explained; external service providers and/or support firms are identified, but the description of their contributions is only partially developed and explained; there are a few minor omissions, but the management plan is adequately established(7-9)Clearly outlines and describes the management plan for the new enterprise; details the roles, responsibilities, qualifications, and relevant expertise of key members of the management team; clearly identifies other stakeholders, including a Board of Directors and any advisory boards, who will contribute management or consulting expertise, and highlights their strengths; fully describes other professional service firms that will provide management support (e.g., accounting, customer service, etc.)(10)Comments:Marketing PlanMarketing plan is not provided, or is inadequate, imprecise, or incomplete in significant respects; description of important characteristics of the marketing strategy is vague and lacking detail; a sales management plan is not identified or not sufficiently described; a budget for the marketing plan is not provided, or is missing important elements, is unrealistic, and/or is incorrectly prepared(below 14)Marketing plan is outlined, but less than fully described; the plan summarizes the marketing strategy, but is missing a few elements; some specifics regarding pricing, promotion, advertising, distribution, media usage, public relations, and web/social media presence are provided, but some details are not described; the plan adequately addresses a sales management plan, and a satisfactory budget is provided(14-18)Clearly outlines and describes the marketing plan and an effective overall marketing strategy for the proposed new enterprise; provides details regarding pricing, promotion, advertising, distribution, media usage, public relations, and web/social media presence; fully describes sales management plan and composition of sales force; provides a comprehensive and detailed budget for marketing plan(19-20)Comments:23177525209500Business Plan Assessment/Evaluation RubricEvaluation DimensionsPerformance AssessmentScoreExpectations Not- Met (EN)Expectations Met (EM)Expectations Exceeded (EE)Business Plan Component Areas – Grading CriteriaOperational PlanOperational plan is not provided, or is inadequate, not fully developed, or incomplete in significant respects; description of important resource needs is vague and lacking detail; a logistics and supply chain plan is not provided or is not sufficiently described(below 11)Operational plan is outlined, but less than fully described; the plan summarizes human resource, facility, and technology needs, but is missing a few elements; a logistics and supply chain plan is satisfactorily outlined; a few details are not described, but plan meets expectations(11-13)Effectively outlines and develops an operational plan for the proposed new enterprise; the plan clearly identifies needs relating to human resources, facilities, and technology infrastructure; fully describes plan for logistics and supply chain management(14-15)Comments:Financial PlanFinancial plan is not provided, or is inadequate, unrealistic, or incomplete in significant respects; analyses of and/or projections for key components of the financial plan are inaccurate, not developed, and/or lacking detail; a proposal for alternative financing sources is not provided or is not adequately described and/or substantiated(below 11)Plan outlines the principal financial elements, which include the forecasted monthly sales and the appropriate expenses for at least the first year, the forecasted monthly cash flow for at least a year, including the expenses when they are paid during the first year, and the projected starting and ending balance sheet for the first year.; analysis is limited or missing a few minor components; sales forecasts, income projections, pro-forma financial statements, a break-even analysis, and a capital budget are included, but are less than fully justified; the plan outlines possible sources of financing and is adequate in most respects(11-13)Presents an accurate, realistic, and achievable financial plan for the proposed new enterprise; the plan includes reasonable and fully supported sales forecasts and income projections, pro- forma financial statements, (which includes one year monthly projected income statements and cash flow statements along with a starting and ending balance sheet), a break-even analysis, and a capital budget; the plan clearly identifies and effectively justifies possible sources of financing(14-15)Comments:Overall Performance Assessment/Evaluation of Business PlanEvaluation CriteriaScore/Rating/Brief CommentsExecutive SummaryBusiness DescriptionIndustry AnalysisManagement PlanMarketing PlanOperational PlanFinancial PlanTotal Score (or rating, EN, EM or EE)For the purpose of program-level assessment, the MBA Program has identified key learning outcomes that it expects students to have achieved upon graduation from the MBA program.For each of the intended student learning outcomes (ISLOs) identified below and based on student performance on the business plan project, use the evaluation rubric to assess the extent to which the student achieved that outcome by specifying a score based on the performance ratings and descriptors delineated in the rubric form and supplying relevant comments in the space provided.Written Communication Skills (ISLO#4): Students will be able to construct coherent written forms of communication.Oral Communication Skills (ISLO#4): Students will be able to compose and present effective oral forms of communication.Analytical/Critical-Thinking Skills (ISLO#1): Students will be able to demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills in the context of organizational decision making.23177525209500Social Responsibility/Sustainability (ISLO#2) : Students will be able to identify and explain the interrelationships between business and its social and natural environments and to apply them in a managerial context.Integration Skills (ISLO#3) : Students will be able to integrate theory and practice in the business functional areas in the analysis of organizational problems and challenges.Oral Business Plan Program-Level Assessment/Evaluation RubricEvaluation DimensionsPerformance RatingScoreNeeds Improvement/Remediation (NR)Meets Expectations (ME)Exceeds Expectations (EE)Programmatic Evaluation – Program-Level Assessment Criteria (ISLOs)(Below 7)(7-9)(10)Written Communication Skills (ISLO#4)Displays inadequate organization and/or development making the business plan difficult to follow; the written plan exhibits multiple errors in grammar, sentence structure, and/or spelling; unacceptable writing skills (e.g., weaknesses in language facility and mechanics) hinder readability and contribute to an ineffective business planBusiness plan evidences satisfactory organization and development; the plan is readable and easy to follow with only a few lapses; uses good language conventions and mechanics with a few minor errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and/or punctuation; business plan meets expectations in this areaEffective organization and development contribute to full comprehension of written business plan; readability is enhanced by facility in language use, excellent mechanics, and syntactic variety; uses language conventions effectively (e.g., spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, grammar, etc.)Comments:Oral Communication Skills (ISLO#4)Presentation cannot be understood because there is no logical sequencing of information; presenter uses superfluous graphics or no graphics; graphics do not support or relate to issues presented; presenter reads most or all of the report with little or no eye contact; presenter mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and/or speaks too quietly; presentation rambles, is unclear, and cannot be followed by the audience; presenter is unprofessional, lacks confidence, is uncomfortable, and cannot answer basic questionsBusiness plan is presented in a sequence that the audience can follow; graphics support and are related to the components of the business plan; presenter maintains eye contact with the audience with a few minor exceptions; presenter reads from notes on a few occasions; presenter uses good voice dynamics and clearly enunciates terms; presenter is comfortable for the most part and adequately answers questions; overall, the presentation is delivered in a satisfactory manner and meets expectations with respect to oral communication skillsBusiness plan is presented in a logical, interesting, and effective sequence, which the audience can easily follow; presentation uses effective graphics to explain and reinforce the information presented; presenter maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes; presenter speaks in a clear voice and uses correct, precise pronunciation of terms; presentation is thorough, clear, compelling, informative, and professionally delivered; presenter is professional, confident, comfortable, and answers questions effectivelyComments:23177525209500Business Plan Program-Level Assessment RubricEvaluation DimensionsPerformance RatingScoreNeeds Improvement/Remediation (NR)Meets Expectations (ME)Exceeds Expectations (EE)Programmatic Evaluation – Program-Level Assessment Criteria (ISLOs)Analytical/ Critical-Thinking Skills (ISLO#1)Information presented in the business plan component areas is often inaccurate or incomplete; presents little if any analysis in the component areas; inaccurately and/or inappropriately applies procedures, formulas, or principles; presents few solutions, alternatives, or strategies in the business plan component areas; solutions, alternatives, or strategies are often inaccurate or inconsistent; ideas are presented in a vague or rudimentary mannerAdequately presents information relating to most business plan component areas with only minor inconsistencies, irrelevancies, or omissions; applies appropriate procedures, formulas, or principles with a few minor inaccuracies; presents solutions, alternatives, or strategies in most business plan component areas that are logical and consistent with the evidence; develops solutions, alternatives, or strategies in a clear mannerAccurately and appropriately analyzes and interprets relevant information pertaining to each business plan component area; effectively applies appropriate procedures, formulas, and/or principles in developing and justifying multiple solutions, alternatives, or strategies in the business plan component areas; solutions, alternatives, or strategies are clear, coherent, well supported, logically consistent, and completeComments:Social Responsibility/ Sustainability (ISLO#2)Displays only a limited ability to recognize the connections between business and its social and natural environments; provides incomplete or inadequate explanations of how these connections can be operationalized in the management of organizations; analyses are not provided or are incomplete in significant respects; socially-responsible and sustainable business practices are not included in the development of organizational strategy or are only briefly mentioned; shows limited application to the development of the business planIdentifies linkages between business and its social and natural environments with a few minor omissions; presents appropriate analyses of these linkages in the context of the business plan; describes the ways in which the linkages can be managerially operationalized; identifies and describes socially- responsible and sustainable business practices; evidences an ability to apply these practices to the development of the business plan; overall the plan meets expectations with respect to the application of social responsibility and sustainability principlesEvidences a well-developed ability to recognize, elucidate, and analyze the connections between business and its social and natural environments; clearly and thoroughly explains the ways in which these connections can be operationalized for the purpose of effective organizational management; demonstrates an advanced ability to incorporate socially-responsible and sustainable business practices in the development of organizational strategy; effectively applies these abilities to the development of the business plan component areasComments:Integration Skills (ISLO#3)Shows little or no ability to employ theory and practice in the functional areas of business in the assessment of problems and issues in the business plan; does not recognize or correctly identify cross-functional organizational issues relevant to the business plan component areas; the plan does not identify or adequately evaluate organizational problems and challenges in light of relevant principles, theories, and practices in the business functional areas; no strategic recommendations or conclusions are presented in the plan, or recommendations and conclusions are not appropriately justified or supportedExhibits satisfactory application of principles, theories, and practices in the functional areas of business to the development of the business plan; with a few minor exceptions, the plan describes some cross-functional organizational issues that are relevant to the development of the business plan component areas; the plan adequately identifies relevant organizational problems and challenges, and lists strategic recommendations and conclusions for action that are, for the most part, based on appropriate principles and concepts in the functional areas of businessDemonstrates well-developed ability to integrate and apply principles, theories, and practices in the functional areas of business to the analysis of issues in the business plan; effectively examines and analyzes important cross-functional organizational issues that are central to the development of the business plan component areas; critically evaluates and assesses key organizational problems and challenges, and clearly justifies strategic recommendations and conclusions for action based on strong analytics and appropriate principles in the business functional areasComments:23177525209500Overall and based on the written business plan and oral presentation of the business plan, please assess and rate the student’s level of success in achieving each outcome by checking one response for each outcome. ?CommentsApplied core business concepts and theories from management, marketing, economics, accounting, finance and other business disciplines to business problems discussed and to organizational issues and decision -making, including healthcare related concerns. (ISLO #1)□ Expectations Exceeded (EE)□ Expectations Met (EM)□ Expectations Not-Met (EN)?Recognized legal and ethical problems and addressed them based on standards of accepted legal and ethical behaviors needed to build and lead productive teams in an interdisciplinary, diverse and collaborative workplace, including healthcare settings. (ISLO #2) □ Expectations Exceeded (EE)□ Expectations Met (EM)□ Expectations Not-Met (EN)?Applied business disciplinary principles and practices to prepare, present and defend the entrepreneurial business plan proposed. (ISLO #3)□ Expectations Exceeded (EE)□ Expectations Met (EM)□ Expectations Not-Met (EN)?Effectively evaluated the business opportunities and challenges presented in organizational settings envisioned, in persuasive writing communication. (ISLO #4)□ Expectations Exceeded (EE)□ Expectations Met (EM)□ Expectations Not-Met (EN)?Appendix CMBA Program Exit Survey (Administered in Capstone Course)Reflecting on your Roseman MBA experience please rate your level of satisfaction with the following:5=Very Satisfied 4=Satisfied 3=Somewhat Satisfied 2=Somewhat Dissatisfied 1=Very DissatisfiedClass Size of MBA Courses5 4 3 2 1Challenging Courses5 4 3 2 1Variety of MBA Courses5 4 3 2 1Overall quality of instruction5 4 3 2 1Real life learning opportunities or scenarios5 4 3 2 1Quality of Faculty5 4 3 2 1Quality of MBA program5 4 3 2 1Dedicated, caring faculty and staff5 4 3 2 1Professional friendships and connections5 4 3 2 1Preparation for careers in healthcare or other industries5 4 3 2 1Quality of guest speakers’ presentations5 4 3 2 1Sense of community5 4 3 2 1Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with the contribution of the longitudinal leadership reflection papers and readings to your: 1. Becoming a responsible leader: 5 4 3 2 12. Developing a leadership style: 5 4 3 2 13. Knowledge and use of ethical decision-making processes: 5 4 3 2 14. Written and oral communication skills:5 4 3 2 15. Leading and managing workplace teams:5 4 3 2 1Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with the contribution of the longitudinal business plan written and oral presentation assignments and readings to your: 1. Becoming a competent business professional:5 4 3 2 12. Applying business concepts to entrepreneurial decisions:5 4 3 2 13. Business plan proposal development and presentation:5 4 3 2 14. Written and oral communication skills development:5 4 3 2 15. Preparedness to start or own a business:5 4 3 2 1Overall, the MBA Program identified the four intended student learning outcomes (ISLOs) listed below as those that students are expected to achieve upon graduation. Please assess and rate your level of success in achieving each outcome by checking one response for each outcome. 5=Very Successful 4=Successful 3=Somewhat Successful 2=Somewhat Unsuccessful 1=Very UnsuccessfulStudents will be able to apply core business concepts and theories from management, marketing, economics, accounting, finance and other business disciplines to business problems and organizational decision-making, including healthcare settings. (ISLO #1)□ 1. Very Successful □ 2. Successful □ 3. Somewhat Successful□ 4. Somewhat Unsuccessful□ 5. Very UnsuccessfulStudents will be able to recognized legal and ethical problems and address them based on standard of accepted legal and ethical behaviors to build and lead productive teams in an interdisciplinary, diverse and collaborative workplace, including healthcare settings. (ISLO #2) □ 1. Very Successful □ 2. Successful □ 3. Somewhat Successful□ 4. Somewhat Unsuccessful□ 5. Very UnsuccessfulStudents will be able to apply business disciplinary principles and practices to prepare, present and/or defend entrepreneurial business proposals. (ISLO #3)□ 1. Very Successful □ 2. Successful □ 3. Somewhat Successful□ 4. Somewhat Unsuccessful□ 5. Very UnsuccessfulStudents will be able to effectively evaluate business opportunities and challenges in organizational settings in persuasive writing and oral communication. (ISLO #4)□ 1. Very Successful □ 2. Successful □ 3. Somewhat Successful□ 4. Somewhat Unsuccessful□ 5. Very UnsuccessfulIf you had taken any courses online in order to complete the program, please provide any feedback that could have improved your experience below:Other comments:Appendix DRoseman University of Health SciencesStudent/Resident Exit QuestionnaireThe following survey is intended to determine your overall level of satisfaction with your experience at Roseman University of Health Sciences (Roseman) as a student or resident. Responses to this survey will only be reported in the aggregate. No personal identification is requested and your confidentiality will be protected. Please skip questions about which you are unable to provide any input. The survey should take less than ten minutes to complete. In the series of questions that follow, please circle the number that best describes your level of satisfaction. Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with 1. Your education at Roseman:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied2. The block-system of education:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied3. The opportunity to earn your degree in a shorter time period:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied4. The system of group testing and collaborative learning:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied5. The system of remediation:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very SatisfiedWe also want to know your perceptions of how well you feel the University is accomplishing its mission. Roseman University of Health Sciences Mission StatementThe Roseman University of Health Sciences is a leader in transforming health care education with an uncompromising commitment to provide individuals the freedom to learn and grow in a collaborative and supportive environment that fosters success.6. How successful was the University in accomplishing its mission of providing a collaborative and supportive environment that fosters success:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very SatisfiedHow well do you feel you were prepared to be a …7. Competent professional:Not At All12345 Very Well8. Caring professional:Not At All12345 Very Well9. Ethical professional:Not At All12345 Very Well Additional comments concerning the Roseman system: Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with your program/college Administration and Faculty?10. Access to your program /college faculty:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied11. Interactions with your program faculty:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied12. Interactions with your program administration:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied13. The program administration’s involvement with studentsVery Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied14. Career fairs.Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied Not applicable15. Communication regarding campus news, events, and important mattersVery Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied Additional comments concerning your program’s Administration and Faculty:Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with your primary college enrollment processes?Joint program students, Please evaluate your primary program/college.16. The admissions process:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied17. The student-orientation process:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied18. The classrooms: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied19. How satisfied were you with the program? Very Dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 Very Satisfied20. Overall, how effective do you feel your program was in the following areas? (2) (3) (4) Not Somewhat Effective Very Effective Effective EffectivePersonal Growth[ ][ ][ ][ ]Educational Preparation[ ][ ][ ][ ]Professional Growth/Career[ ][ ][ ][ ]Professional Networking[ ][ ][ ][ ]Problem Solving[ ][ ][ ][ ]Additional Questions:21. What were the major strengths of your college of enrollment?22. What were the major weaknesses of your college of enrollment?23. What suggestions (if any) do you have for current students?24. What suggestions for improvement (if any) do you have for faculty and/or administration in your college of enrollment? Additional comments concerning your program:Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with Roseman’s student support services?25. Financial Aid office responds to me in a timely manner: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very SatisfiedNo Experience26. Counseling from the Financial Aid office: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very SatisfiedNo Experience27. Student Accounts/Bursar’s office responds to me in a timely manner: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience28. The registrar’s office responds to me in a timely manner: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience29. Disability Services: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience30. Non-academic counseling: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience31. Veterans Affairs services: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience32. Student Governance Association Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience33. F-1 Visa Advising: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience34. Renaissance Student Health Insurance: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience35. Online resources in ARC (Academic Resource Center):Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience36. Library services:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience (Interlibrary Loan, Reserves, etc):37. Library facility:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience(Hours, # study rooms, etc)38. Library staff assistance:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience(Helpful, available, etc)39. Technology services responds to me in a timely manner: Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience40. Laptop computer/support:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience41. Assistance from IT help desk:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience___________________________42. Cleanliness of University classroom/facilities unit:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience43. Campus securityVery Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience44. Parking AvailabilityVery Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience45. Facilities and common spaces for relaxation/socialization:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience46. Provision of an environment that feels safe and comfortable:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience___________________________47. The student organizations available to you, while enrolled:Very Dissatisfied 12345 Very Satisfied No Experience Additional comments concerning the school’s student services:Demographic Questions:48. What is your gender? ___ Male ___ Female49. In which of the following programs are you enrolled?___ Pharmacy ___ Nursing ___ PharmD/MBA ___MBA ___ Orthodontic/MBA Residency___ ABSN ___ DMD 50. At which campus are you enrolled?___ South Jordan, Utah ___ Henderson, Nevada51. How many years were you a student at Roseman?___ Less than 1 year ___ Greater than 1 year, but less than 2 years ___ Greater than 2 years52. What is your ethnicity?___ Black or African American___ White___ Hispanic ___ Asian___ American Indian or Alaskan Native ___ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ___ Two or more races___ Race and ethnicity unknown53. What is your residency classification?___ In-State ___ Out-of-State ___ International54. Your employment status after graduation will be: Full-time employment in your field of study (at least 30 hours per week) Part-time employment in your field of study Full-time student – further education/training Full-time employment, but not in your field of training Self-employed/Entrepreneurial Unemployed Other, please describe: 55. In what state do you expect to be employed after graduation?[ ] Nevada [ ] Utah[ ] Other, please specify: ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please share any additional comments about the Roseman University of Health Sciences at the back of this sheet. Thank you for completing this survey. Please place this survey in the designated location.Appendix EAnalysis of Credentials for Business Faculty ApplicantsEDUCATIONDoctoral Degree: Ph.D. D.B.A. Ed.D. Th.D. D.Div./D.Min J.DInstitutionYearFieldMasters Degree: M.B.A. M.S. M.A. LLM OtherInstitutionYearFieldBachelors Degree: B.S. B.A. B.B.A. OtherInstitutionYearFieldGraduate Credit Hours (Semester hours of graduate level courses successfully completed)DisciplineCreditsDisciplineCreditsAccountingLawBusiness AdministrationLeadershipE-CommerceManagementEconomicsMarketingFinanceQuantitative MethodsInformation SystemsTheology/EthicsInternational BusinessPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AreaYearsExperienceAreaYears ExperienceAccountingInformation SystemsAdvertisingInternational BusinessAuditingInvestmentsBankingLawConsultingManufacturingE-CommerceMarket ResearchEconomic ResearchMarketing ManagementEntrepreneurship/SBMNonprofit ManagementFinanceOperations ManagementGeneral ManagementPublic RelationsHealth Care Admin.Quality ControlHR ManagementSalesHealthcarePREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE InstitutionYearsFT/PTTeaching DisciplinesSCHOLARLY ACTIVITY (Fields/disciplines where you are published) Discipline√Discipline√AccountingLeadershipBusiness AdministrationManagementEconomicsMarketingFinanceNonprofit OrganizationsInformation SystemsQuantitative MethodsInternational BusinessTheology/EthicsLawCERTIFICATIONS CPA ( ) CFP CMA Other:____________________________Undergraduate Business Courses taught beforeCourseNumberCourse NameInstitutionGraduate Business Courses taught beforeCourseNumberCourse NameInstitutionBased on your educational training and work experience, please list below three courses/subject areas in the order of your teaching preference: Course Name/subject areaNumber to times you have taught the course & level (graduate or undergraduate)1(best)23 (least)(Please visit to view the MBA course offerings)Give below any healthcare related educational training and work experience: Brief DescriptionYears of experience or qualification receivedAppendix FSpeaker Name, title and affliationHealthcare Professional? (PharmD, DDS/DMD, Physician, Nurse, etc.) Yes or No123456789101112131415161718192021222627293031323334Percent of total count that are healthcare professionals:_____%Annual List of Clasroom Guest Speakers ................
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