California State University, Chico

California State University, Chico

Today Decides Tomorrow

| |Assistant Professor Position |

| |School of Education |

| |Early Elementary Education |

|The University | |

|California State University, Chico is|CSU, Chico is committed to enriching its educational environment and its culture through the diversity of its staff, |

|a fully accredited, state-supported |faculty, students, and administrators. Persons with interest and experience in helping to set and achieve goals relative to |

|member of a 23-campus CSU system. |diversity and inclusion are especially encouraged to apply. |

|The university is a residential | |

|campus serving a diverse student body|The Position The School of Education is searching for a tenure track assistant professor with an emphasis in early |

|of approximately 16,000. |elementary teacher preparation. California State University, Chico has been preparing highly effective teachers for 128 |

| |years and is well respected throughout the state. We are seeking faculty who are competent in their field, collaborative |

|Founded in 1887, CSU, Chico offers |with colleagues and staff, and committed to student success. Position starts August 2017 and is contingent on funding. |

|undergraduate and graduate programs | |

|in the Colleges of Behavioral and |Minimum Qualifications: |

|Social Sciences; Communication and |Earned doctorate in education or a closely related field. Candidates nearing completion of the doctorate (ABD) may be |

|Education; Computer Science, |considered; however, the doctorate must be completed by August, 1, 2017. |

|Engineering and Construction |A minimum of three years teaching experience in diverse elementary settings, including teaching English Learners, two years |

|Management; Humanities and Fine Arts;|of which must be in TK-3. |

|Natural Sciences; Business; and, |Experience in teaching in a variety of elementary education content areas such as math, science, social science, |

|Agriculture. |visual/performing arts, English/Language Arts and/or literacy. |

| |Background in TK-3 pedagogy, with an emphasis in meeting the needs of diverse learners. |

|As a comprehensive university serving|Commitment to social justice in education. |

|Northern California and other regions|Evidence of scholarship commensurate with academic experience. |

|nationally and internationally, our |Demonstrated potential for grant writing, research and/or scholarly activity. |

|first priority is the education of | |

|our students. We are committed to |Preferred Qualifications: |

|assisting students in their search |Ability to collaborate in studies relevant to professional programs in the School of Education as well as with colleagues |

|for knowledge and understanding and |from various disciplines across campus and within the community. |

|to prepare them with the attitudes, |Experience in higher education teaching and clinical supervision. |

|skills and habits of lifelong |Experience in delivering instruction using distance learning, online technologies, and learning management systems such as |

|learning in order to assume |Blackboard. |

|responsibility in a democratic |Specialist/Expertise in content integration. |

|community and global society. |Academic knowledge of teaching English Learners and culturally diverse populations using new standards. |

| |Teaching license or credential (any state). |

|The Community | |

|With a population of nearly 110,000, |Tenure-track positions carry responsibilities in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. |

|Chico is located in the Sacramento | |

|Valley near the foothills of the |Responsibilities: |

|Sierra Nevadas. It is 180 miles |Teach undergraduate pre-requisites, and graduate courses related to the teacher preparation program for early elementary |

|northeast of San Francisco and 90 |teachers. |

|miles north of Sacramento and offers |Conduct original research and contribute to related research in the area of teacher education. |

|a reasonable cost of living compared |Contribute to the school mission in preparing educators and in ongoing program improvement. |

|to metropolitan areas. |Collaborate with public school and university constituencies. |

| |Supervise student teachers and graduate field experiences in the rural/suburban service area of CSU, Chico. |

|Chico retains the charm of a small |Advise credential and graduate students and serve on graduate thesis/project committees. |

|town while offering medical services,|Other assignments as necessary to meet programmatic and departmental needs. |

|excellent public and private schools,| |

|and many cultural and recreational |Salary: Salary commensurate with education and experience. |

|activities. The city’s Bidwell Park,| |

|one of the largest municipal parks, |The Department: |

|extends from the city center along a |The School of Education is accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Council for |

|creek deep into the foothills and |Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). We are a member of the National Network of Educational Renewal (NNER), and is a |

|surrounding canyons. For more: |collaborator with regional teacher induction and California subject-matter projects. Three overarching purposes guide the |

||programs of the School of Education. Our programs prepare teachers and other school personnel for: Effective Practice - to |

| |provide meaningful educational experiences to promote achievement of learning objectives for all learners, based on |

| |knowledge of content, of learners, and of pedagogy and informed by appropriate assessment and analysis; Reflective Practice |

| |- to continuously reflect on and improve their own professional practice, based on information gleaned from data analysis, |

| |experts, peers and research; Engaged Practice - to collaborate with others; to serve as instructional leaders and team |

| |members in their schools, districts, and professional organizations; and to be advocates for students, families, schools, |

| |communities and the education professions. |

| | |

| |Closing Date: Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2016. Applications submitted after this date may be |

| |considered. |

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| |How to Apply: All applicants must apply online at: |

| | |

| |Complete online applications will include: curriculum vitae, cover letter, and complete set of transcripts. |

| | |

| |Job-related questions should be directed to: |

| |Dr. Lynne Bercaw, Search Committee Chair |

| | |

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| |An annual security report disclosing crime statistics for California State University, Chico |

| |can be obtained by contacting the Chico State University Police Department (530-898-5555) |

| |or by accessing the following website: |

| | |

| |A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered|

| |a position with the CSU. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the application status of |

| |applicants or continued employment of current CSU employees who apply for the position. |

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| |For disability related accommodations please call ADA Coordinator at (530) 898-5959. |

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| |CSU, Chico is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, |

| |religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, |

| |genetic information, medical condition, disability, marital status, or protected veteran status and only employ individuals |

| |authorized to work in the U.S. |

| | |

| |The person holding this position is considered a “mandated reporter” under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting |

| |Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment. |

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