PART TIME SEM- III - Mesmerizers


University Paper 2009


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Attempt any FIVE questions

2) Use of Bare Income Tax Act is allowed .

3) Figures to the right of the question indicates marks.

4) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

5) All Questions carry equal marks.

Q.No.1. From the following Profit & Loss Account of Mr. Sameer, compute his total taxable Income for the assessment year 2009-10 (20)

Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2009

|Particulars |Rs. |Particulars |Rs. |

|To Opening Stock |3,10,000 |By Sales |12,50,000 |

|To Purchase |9,25,000 |By Closing Stock |3,15,000 |

|To Salaries |70,000 |By Income Tax | |

|To Bad Debts |28,000 |Refund |15,000 |

|To Advetisement |15,000 |By Dividend | |

|To Fire Insurance Premium |5,000 |From Co-Op Bank |30,000 |

|To Conveyance |8,000 |By Gift from | |

|To Interest on Proprietor’s Capital | |Mother |10,000 |

|To General Expenses |45,000 |By Lottery Prize |1,00,000 |

|To Wealth tax |65,000 | | |

|To Sales Tax penalty |5,000 | | |

|To Depreciation |4,000 | | |

|To Net Profit |30,000 | | |

| |2,10,000 | | |

|Total Rs | | | |

| |17,20,000 |Total Rs |17,20,000 |

| | | | |

Additional Information:-

1) Depreciation allowable as per Income Tax Rules is Rs.35,000.

2) General Expenses include:

a) Purchase of lottery tickets Rs.1,000

b) Income Tax paid Rs.10,000

c) Sameer’s son’s school fees Rs.10,000

3)Purchases include Rs.1,00,000 paid for cash purchases exceeding the limit prescribed under section 40A (3) of Income Tax Act 1961.

4) Mr.Sameer is physically handicapped with 75% disability.

5) Mr.Sameer has contributed Rs.20,000 towards Life Insurance premium for self, which is included in salaries.

Q.2. Mr. Vipul has purchased a residential house on 1st Aug,1981 for Rs.3,00,000. he incurred Rs.1,00,000 towards cost of improvement during the previous year 1983-84. he sold the house on 1st Feb,2009 for Rs.25,00,000/

He paid Brokerage of Rs.75,000

Cost Inflation Index for the financial year 1981-82 is 100; for financial 1983-84 is 116 and financial year 2008-09 is 582.

Compute the Income from Capital Gains of ul for assessment year 2009-10

20 Marks

Q.3. Write short notes on any Three.

a) Depreciation

b) Deduction from income from salary

c) Indexation

d) Perquisites

e) Deductions under income from Other Sources.

Q.4. Mr.Kashiram owns to houses. He furnishes the following information for the previous year ended 31st March 2009. you are required to compute his Net Taxable Income for the previous year ended 31st March,2009 form the following data:

|Particulars |House at Mumbai |House at Sangli |

|1. Nature of occupancy |Self Occupancy |Let Out |

|2.Actual rent | |9500pm |

|3. Municipal Ratable value |Rs.29,000 |Rs.68,000 |

|4.Municipal taxes paid |Rs. 6,500 |Rs.9,000 |

|5.Fire Insurance Premium paid on 1.1.2009 for the year ending 31.12.2009 | | |

|6.Ground rent payable |Rs.7,200 |Rs.8,000 |

|7. Cost of water proofing |Rs.220 |Rs.400 |

|8. Interest paid on loan for construction of property |Rs.2,000 |Rs.5000 |

|9.Repayment of principal amount of loan | | |

| |Rs.12,500 |Rs.16,000 |

| |Rs.10,000 |Rs.15,000 |

Mr. Kashiram was required to pay Rs.700 p.m. to his sister out of the income earned from Sangli House as per his Father’s will.

Q.5.Explain any Three of the following (20)

a) Assessment

b) Person

c) Company

d) Block of asset

e) Assessee

Q.6. a) What is the scope of income for Resident and Ordinary Resident and Non resident? (10)

b) How is the residential status of an Individual as “Resident and Ordinary Resident”determined under section 6(1), 6(6) (a) of the Income Tax Act,1961? (10)


a) Explain briefly any 5 items of expenses which are allowed as deduction while computing Income from Business or Profession. (10)

(b) Enumerate and explain briefly the exemptions available under section 10 with reference to any 5 items. (10)



University Paper 2008


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Attempt any FIVE questions

2) Use of Bare Income Tax Act is allowed .

3) Figures to the right of the question indicates marks.

4) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

1. Prof. Gopal is a lecturer in a college at Mumbai. The details of his salary and other expenses for the previous year 2007-08 are as follows: (20 Marks)


a) Basic Salary 40,000

b) Dearness Allowance (forming part of salary) 7,000

c) City compensatory allowance 3,000

d) Education allowance for his son 4,000

e) House Rent Allowance 6,200

i) Rent Paid 7,100

ii) Exempt u/s 10(13A) 2,400

f) Remuneration from Mumbai University for acting

as an examiner and remuneration from Delhi

University as paper setter 3,500

g) Allowance for looking after the evening shift of

the College 500 p.m.

He incurred an expenditure of Rs.1,000 for attending a seminar at Delhi and the expenditure was reimbursed by the college. During the year he spent Rs.3,000 for purchase of books. Professional Tax Paid by him is Rs.1,600

You are required to compute the taxable income from salary of Prof. Gopal for the Assessment year 2008-2009.

2. Define and explain any Three of the following terms: 20 Marks

a) Assessee

b) Assessment Year and previous year

c) Income

d) Annual value

e) Block of Assets

3. Mr. Oswal owns a building consisting of three identical units whose construction was completed on (31st March 2007). The building was occupied from 1st April 2007 onwards. The particulars pertaining to the three units for the year ended 31st March 2008 are given below: 20 Marks

|Particulars |Unit 1 (Rs) |Unit 2 (Rs.) |Unit 3 (Rs.) |

|Fair Rent |60,000 |60,000 |60,000 |

|Rent Received |- |72,000 |- |

|Municipal Taxes | | | |

|-----paid |3,000 |5,000 |3,000 |

|-----due but not yet paid |3,000 |5,000 |3,000 |

|Land Revenue Due but Outstanding |1,200 |1,200 |1,200 |

|Ground Rent Due but not paid |2,400 |2,400 |2,400 |

| | | | |

Nature of occupation : unit 1 self occupied for residence. Unit 2 Let out for residence. Unit 3 used for own business.

On 1st April,2005 he had borrowed a sum of Rs.5,00,000 bearing interest rate of 12% P.A. for construction of this building. The total cost of construction of the building is Rs.12,00,000. The interest on borrowed sum on the construction of the Building is Rs.72,000. Computer the income from house property of Mr.Oswal for the Assessment year 2008-09

4. Define the concept of residential status and its impact on the incidence of tax in the case of individuals with suitable examples. 20 Marks

5. Enumerate and discuss any five items of expenses which are expressly allowed as deduction in the computation of income from business and profession 20 Marks

6. Write short notes on (ANY THREE) 20 Marks

a) Amortization of preliminary expenses

b) Depreciation allowance

c) Provided Fund under in Income Tax

d) Deductions from income from house property

e) Research and development expenditure.

7. Mr. Bharadwaj, proprietor of Bharadwaj and sons submits the following information for the previous year ended 31st March,2008. 20 Marks

Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2008.

|Particulars |Amount Rs. |Particulars |Amount Rs. |

|Salaries and Wages |1,22,000 |Gross Profit |7,10,000 |

|Printing and stationary |24,400 |Agricultural Income |8,000 |

|Motor car expenses |29,600 |Interest on PPF account |6,000 |

|Rent |24,000 |Gift from father |4,000 |

|Entertainment expenses |17,000 |Winning from lotteries |10,000 |

|Advertisement Expenses |47,000 |NSC interest |2,000 |

|Depreciation |32,000 | | |

|Drawings |50,000 | | |

|Advance income tax |15,000 | | |

|Embezzlement by an employee |5,000 | | |

|Donation |28,000 | | |

|Self Welfare expenses |66,000 | | |

|Net Profit |2,80,000 | | |

|Total |7,40,000 | |7,40,000 |

Additional information:

a) Allowable depreciation u/s 32 of Income Tax: Rs.35,000

b) Half the rent is attributable towards the residence of the proprietor

c) Staff welfare expenses include Rs.16,000 incurred fir his own medical treatment

d) Advertisement expenses include Rs.15,000 towards introduction of a new product.

e) Printing and stationary expenses include Rs.4,400 paid for printing of marriage card of his son

f) He spent Rs.200 for purchase of lottery tickets.

g) A deduction of Rs.21,000 is available u/s 80(G) in respect of donation expenditure incurred.

You are required to compute the taxable income of Mr.Bharadwaj for the Assessment Year 2008-2009 *****************************************


University Paper 2007


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Attempt any FIVE questions

2) Use of Bare Income Tax Act is allowed .

3) Figures to the right of the question indicates marks.

4) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

1. Mr. Ram Dayal is working as a purchase manager with a private sector company in Mumbai. He has provided the following particulars of his income for the financial year 2006-07

Basic Salary ……………………………………………………..Rs.40,000 per month

Dearness Allowance…………………………………………………20,000 per month

House rent Allowance……………………………………………….8,000 per month

Medical Allowance…………………………………………………10,000 per month

Travelling Allowance……………………………………………….15,000 per month

Special Duties Allowance…………………………………………...25,000 per month

Profession Tax………………………………………………………….200 Per month

Mr. Dayal Lives in a rented house, for which he pays an annual rent of Rs.24,000 As per the employment contract the dearness allowance is taken into account for giving retirement benefits.

Mr. Dayal made a contribution of Rs.7500 to a recognized provident employer also made a matching contribution to the fund. The employer paid a premium of Rs.6000 on the life policy if Mr.Dayal

You are required to compute the taxable income from salary of Mr Ram Dayal.

20 Marks

2. a) What is the scope of income of the following individual assesses:

i) Resident but not ordinarily resident 5 Marks

ii) Non Resident 5 Marks

b) What incomes are taxable under the head income from other sources 10 Marks

3. Define and explain any three of the following terms: 20 Marks

a) Person b) Assessee

c) Perquisite d) Self Occupied Property

e) Capital Asset.

4. a) What do you understand by “Transfer of capital Asset”?[selection 2(14)]Enumerate any three transactions that are not regarded as transfer of capital asset’? (Section 47) 10 Marks

b) What deductions are admissible to individuals in respect of payment towards donation to charities? What are the conditions for availing such deductions? (Section 80G) 10Marks

5. Mrs. Sunita shanker is a management consultant. Mrs. Shanker is also a visiting faculty at a few management colleges. She provides you with the following details of her receipts and payment s pertaining to her profession for the financial year 2006-2007

Receipts Amount Payments Amount

Bank Balance(1.4.06) 1,40,000 Purchase of a computers…………….60,000

Fees from clients……12,00,000 Motor car expenses………………….90,000

Honorarium from clients 60,000 Purchase of Books………………….. 50,000

Cash gift from clients…..50,000 Salary to staff……………………….100,000

………………………………………Office Repairs……………………….50,000

………………………………………Income Tax……………………… 1,50,000

………………………………………Subscription to journals ……………25,000

………………………………………Annual membership fees

………………………………………of a professional body……………….5,000

……………………………………....Telephone charges…………………30,000

……………………………………….Entertainment expenses………… 24,000

……………………………………….Household expenses……………… 6,000

……………………………………….office expenses……………………60,000

………………………………………Bank Balance(31.3.2007)……… 8,50,000

Total Rs…….. 15,00,000 Total Rs…. 15,00,000

Additional Information:

1) Mrs. Sunit Shanker had maintains her books of account on cash basis.

2) 50% of the motor expenses pertain to Professional work

3) Depreciation on motor car is charged at the rate of 20 per cent per annum.

You are required to computer the taxable income under the head profits and gains of business and professional of Mrs. Sunita Shanker. 20 Marks

6. Mr. Joseph owns two houses in Mumbai. He gives you the following details for the financial year 2006-07

Particulars House# 1 House#2

Fair Rental Value…………………………………... 25,000……………….22,000

Rent Received ………………………………………28,000……………….25,000

Municipal Valuation………………………………...26,000……………….25,000

Municipal Tax Paid………………………………......3,000………………...4,000


Fire Insurance Premium……………………………...2,000…………………3,000

Land Revenue………………………………………..2,500…………………4,000

Ground Rent…………………………………………1,600………………….6,000

Nature of Occupation………………………………...Let Out………………Let Out


Additional Information

Mr. Joseph had obtained a loan by mortgaging Huse#1. the loan was used to finance the construction of House#2. during the year Rs.4000was paid as interest.

You are required to compute Joseph’s taxable income under the head income from house property. 20 Marks

7.Write short Notes. On any three of the following 20 Marks

a) Agricultural Income

b) Amortisation of preliminary expenses

c) Set off and carry forward of losses

d) Income

e) Methods of accounting



University Paper 2006


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Question No1 and Q. No. 2 are compulsory and carry20 marks each.

2) Attempt any FOUR from the remaining question. These carry 15 marks each.

3) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

1. Mr. Sunil is a proprietor of a business. The following was the Profit and Loss Account of his business for the year ended 31st March,2006:- 20 Marks

Rs. Rs.

To Office Salaries 1,14,000 By Income 4,73,161

To Proprietor’s Salary 16,000 By Rent 1,44,000

To General Expenses 7,500 By Bad Debt Recovered 23,000

To Bad Debts 1,500 (disallowed in earlier year)

To Advertisement 4,200 Interest(Net) 16,900

To Fire Insurance Premium 1,800 (TDS-Rs.1,900)

To Depreciation on Car 13,900

To Motor Car Expenses 24,300

To LIC Premium Paid 21,200

To Foreign Travel Expenses 45,600

To Donations 21,500

To Interest on Proprietor’s Capital 18,900

To Reserve for Future Losses 55,000

To Income Tax Paid 22,400

To Net Profit 2,89,331

_________ ____________

Total Rs. 6,57,151 Total Rs. 6,57,151

Further information is given below:-

a) General expenses include Rs.1,200 paid as a help to a poor student.

b) Out of the donations a sum of Rs.11,000 is eligible for deduction u/s80G@ 50%

c) One third of Motor Car Expenses is for personal use of the car.

d) The depreciation as per I.T. Act is Rs.31,200

Compute the taxable income of Mr. Sunil for the year ended 31-3-2006[A.Y.2006-07]

2. From the following particulars compute the taxable income of Ms. Medha Sawant for the A.Y. 2006-07:- 20 Marks

a) Her net salary is @ Rs.25,600/- per month. The following monthly deductions were made from salary:

- Professional Tax @ Rs.220

- Provident Fund @ Rs.2,500

- TDS @ Rs.1,500

b) She received part time salary @ Rs.5,000 per month from November,2005

c) Gift received from parents Rs.66,000 and loan taken from brother Rs.1,00,000

d) Mediclaim Premium paid is Rs.11,230/- in cash.

e) Purchased NSC of Rs.40,000 while interest received on bank of deposit is Rs.12,228. dividend received during the year amounted to Rs.23,560.

f) Leave salary received Rs.30,000/-

g) H.R.A. is @ 20% months of salary, was received.

h) Bonus- 2 months of salary, was received.

i) Her income from horse race betting’s amounted Rs.5,000/-

3. a) Define “Perquisites” State any five items of perquisite which are not taxable.

8 Marks

b) How is the residential status of an individual as “Resident and Ordinarily Resident” determined u/s6(1), 7 Marks

4. a) Mr. Mukund is the owner of the following properties for which the details are as follows for the financial year 2005-06:-

House 1 House II

(Self Occupied) (Let Out)

Municipal Reteable value (Rs) 63,000 2,27,000

Municipal Tax thereon 20% 15%

Rent Received (Rs) Nil 2,10,000

Repairs (Rs) 30,000 45,000

Interest on borrowings for construction (Rs) 16,000 48,000

HDFC loan repaid (Rs) 36,000 24,000

From the above, compute his income from house property. 8 Marks

b) Vijay Purchases 250 equity shares of ABC Ltd. On 1-6-1987 for Rs.270 per share and incurs expenditures on brokerage of Rs.500. on July1,1996, he gets bonus of 200 shares. On September 1,1997 he gets on 300 rights shares for Rs.140 per share . On February 28,2006. he sells all the 750 shares for Rs.400 per share and incurs an expenditure of Rs.1,500 on brokerage 7 Marks

Compute his taxable income for A.Y.2006-07. he does not have any other source of income .

The Cost inflation index fot the year 1987-88 is 150; for the F.Y.1996-97 is 199; fir F.Y.1997-98 is 331 and for the F.Y.2005-06 is 497.

5. (a) Enumerate any ten items which are items which are exempt from income tax u/s.10

7 Marks

(b) Explain in brief any three deductions under section 80 of the I.T. Act,1961

8 Marks

6. (a) Enumerate any six items which are not deductible as business expenditure.8 Marks

(b) All “receipts are not income” Explain with illustrations. 7 Marks

7. (a) Explain the “Scope of Income” under Income tax Act,1961 8 Marks

(b) Explain briefly the provisions of “Set off and carry forward losses” under the

income tax act in respect of “Business Income” 7 Marks

8. Write short notes on (ANY THREE):- 15 Marks

a) Agricultural Income

b) “Person” under income tax Act

c) Deductions from income from Salary

d) Depreciation under I.T. Act,1961

e) Non- Resident.



University Paper 2005


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Question No1 and Q. No. 2 are compulsory and carry20 marks each.

2) Attempt any FOUR from the remaining question. These carry 15 marks each.

3) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

1. Mr. Dheeraj was the General Manager of a company XYZ Ltd. Since January,1978.He was entitled to a basic salary of Rs.15,000 p.m. He also received Rs.1500 p.m. as clearness allowance, rs.200 p.m. as city compensatory allowance.Rs.1000 p.m. as entertainment allowance, and Rs.400 p.m. as house rent allowance. He resides with his parents at their house. He contributed Rs.1000 p.m. to the recognized provident fund of the company. The company also contributed an equal amount. He retired voluntarily on 31-12-2004, He received the following amounts on retirement.

a) Gratuity Rs.80,000 (he is not covered under the payment of Gratuity Act)

b) Compensation for voluntary retirement under a scheme approved by the Central Government Rs.1,80,000

c) Payment of Rs.2,00,000 as accumulated balance from Recognised Provident Fund.

d) Payment of Rs.3,00,000 from an approved Superannuation Fund in lieu of an annuity.

His pension was fixed at Rs.4,000 p.m. On 1-2-2005 he commuted ½ of the pension for Rs.1,50,000 he had provided a car by the company fro office purpose and private purpose the capacity of car exceeds 106 litres and the maintenance and the Chauffeurs Following deductions were made during the year from his salary

1) Income tax deducted at Source Rs.1,500 per month

2) Professional tax deducted at source Rs.200 per month

Compute the income of Mr.Dheeraj under the head-salaries for the assessment year 2005-06 20 Marks

2. a) Raj Furnishes the following particulars of his income earned during the previous

year 2004-05

1) profits from business in Delhi which is managed from outside India 1,25,000

2) Income earned from business inNepal which is controlled from India 2,00,000

3) Past profit of 1995-96 brought to India in 2004-05 40,000

4) Profit on sale of building in India but received in Nepal 1,30,000

5) Income from agriculture in Nepal received there but later on remitted

To India 60,000

6) Pension from a former employer in India, received in Nepal 20,000

7) Interest on F.D. With a Bank in India

i) Received in India 5,000

ii) Received abroad 4,500

8) Dividend on share if foreign Company

i) Received abroad 15,000

ii) Received in India 12,000

find out scope of the total income of Raj if he is (i) Ordinary Resident, (ii) Not Ordinary Resident or (iii) Non-Resident in India for the assessment year 2005-06 12 Marks

b) Discuss the concept of residential status of an individual in detail. 8 Marks

3. Write short notes (ANY FIVE) 15 Marks

1) Person as defined in income tax act 1961

2) Block of Assets

3) Depreciation allowable u/s32

4) Annual Value

5) Agricultural Income

6) Income

7) Perquisites

4. a) Enumerate ten items discuss any three items of expenses which are not allowed an while computing income from business 10 Marks

b) Discuss the incidence of tax in case of an individual 5 Marks

5. Mr.Pandit owns three houses one each at Mumbai. Delhi and Baroda the details of which for the year ended 31-3-2005 are as follows :-

(1) The house at Mumbai has an annual rental value of Rs.75,000 and us occupied by Mr.Pandit for his residence. He has to pay Rs.10,000 per annum. For municipal taxes for constructing this house he had borrowed money of which 2,00,000 is still outstanding. Interest is payable thereon @ 9.5% per annum. The house was vacant for Three Months.

(2) The house at Delhi has an annual rental value of Rs.1,25,000 and is also occupied by Mr. Pandit for his residence whenever he comes to Delhi. The Municipal ground rent @ Rs.500 per month is also payable. Mr. Pandit had borrowed Rs.3,00,000 on 1-7-1999 for carrying out repairs for the house on which interest @ 12% per annum is payable. He has also paid fire insurance premium of Rs.2500 for the above house.

(3) The construction of the house at Baroda has been completed on 31-03-2002. and it has 4 flats all of which have been rented out for residential purposes. The fair rent of each flat is Rs.5000 per month whereas the actual rent received is Rs.6000 per month for 2 flats and Rs.4500 for the other 2 flats. Municipal taxes for each flat amount to Rs.3500 per annum. Other expenditure incurred for the above house is as follows:

a) Salary to rent collector Rs.1500 per month

b) Fire insurance premium Rs.1000 Per flat

c) Interest payable on loan taken for construction of the house Rs.36000

Calculate the income from House Property of Mr. Pandit for the assessment year


6. (a) Mention in brief various deductions available to an assessee under the head Capital Gains 8 Marks

(b) Explain the concept of capital and revenue expenditure and it’s relevance in determining taxable income. 7 Marks

7. (a) What is meant by income from other sources? Give 5 examples of income chargeable to tax under this head. 7 Marks

(b) Discuss the provisions of income tax Act regarding i) LIC premium, Contribution to provident fund and ii) Interest on certain securities, dividends etc. 8 Marks

8. a) Explain briefly the exemptions available u/s 10 with reference to any five items

8 Marks

b) Describe the conditions to be fulfilled u/s 80 G (5) of the act by a charitable fund or institution for being approved and recognized. 7 Marks.



University Paper 2004


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Question No1 and Q. No. 2 are compulsory and carry20 marks each.

2) Attempt any FOUR from the remaining question. These carry 15 marks each.

3) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

Q.1. Mr.Ramlal the general manager of Y. Ltd. Retired on December 31,2003 after 30 years of service. The particulars of his income are as follows:

1) Salary Rs.8,000 per month from January 1,2003. house rent allowance Rs.3,000 per month from January 1,2003

2) Medical expenses reimbursed by the employer Rs.21,000 for the period from April 1,2003 which includes Rs.5,000 paid to a Government hospital.

3) The employer provides him a car of less than 1.6 litres capacity and driver for official and personal use:

4) Ramlal contributes 22% (12% regular and 10% additional voluntary contribution) to a recognized provident fund and the company matches his regular contribution of 125

5) He lives in a rented house in Delhi and pays Rs.4,000 per month as rent.

6) Ramlal received Rs.1,50,000 as gratuity. He is not covered by the payment of Gratuity Act. 1972

7) He received Rs.1,60,000 for encashment of lever; being 10 months leave no availed of

8) In addition to the above he is provided with the other benefits and facilities such as

a) Free gas and water for his domestic use Rs.4,000

b) A domestic servant (salary paid by the employer)3,500

c) Free lunch outside office Rs.5,000

d) Education allowance of Rs.6,000

Compute Mr. Ramlal’s Income for the assessment year 2004-05 20 Marks

Q.2. Following is the Profit and Loss account of SS Ltd. For the year ended 31-3-2004

|Particulars |Rs. |Particulars |Rs. |

|To Opening Stock | |By Sales |1,80,00,000 |

|Finished goods 5,00,000 | |By Commission |30,00,000 |

|Work in Progress 1,00,000 | |By Excess Provision no | |

| |6,00,000 |Longer needed: | |

|To Raw material consumed |44,00,000 |For income tax |5,00,000 |

|To Salaries, Wages, and bonus |16,00,000, |For expenses |2,00,000 |

|To Power and fuel |4,00,000 |By closing Stock: | |

|To Stores |10,00,000 |Finished goods |7,00,000 |

|To Administrative expenses |5,00,000 |Work In Progress |1,00,000 |

|To Sales expenses |10,00,000 | | |

|To Depreciation |15,00,000 | | |

|To Interest to: | | | |

|Suppliers for late payment |1,00,000 | | |

|Unsecured lenders |4,00,000 | | |

|Bank |2,00,000 | | |

|Debentures |3,00,000 | | |

|Financial Institutions |5,00,000 | | |

|To provision for income tax |25,00,000 | | |

|To Transfer to: | | | |

|General reserve |30,00,000 | | |

|Debenture redemption |15,00,000 | | |

|To Interim dividend |10,00,000 | | |

|To Proposed dividend |15,00,000 | | |

|To Balance c/fd |5,00,000 | |___________ |

| |2,25,00,000 | |2,25,00,000 |

You are informed that-

1) sales expenses included Rs.50,000 being entertainment expenses.

2) Money borrowed through debentures was used for new plant and machinery costing Rs.30,00,000

3) Depreciation allowable as per income tax rules is Rs.25,00,000

4) administrative expenses include Rs.20,000 paid for carrying on scientific research

5) Out of the interest debited to profit and loss account the following is unpaid:

a) To suppliers for late payment Rs.10,000

b) To financial institutes Rs.50,000

The above amounts were unpaid till 31st October 2004 the due date for filing the return of income for SS ltd.

Shri Jash, The managing Director asks you to compute profit and gains of business for the assessment year 2004-2005. 20 Marks

Q.3. Write short notes on (ANY THREE)

a) Exempt Income

b) Expenditure on Scientific Research

c) Deduction of Export profits

d) Entertainment allowance 5x3=15 Marks

Q.4.a) How will you determine the income from house property under the income tax act

b) Discuss briefly the specific deductions allowed while computing income form House Property. 7+8=15 Marks

Q.5. What are the different categories of persons according to their legal status? Give an illustration of each. 15 Marks

Q.6. a) Briefly discuss any 5 incomes, which are exempt under section 10 of the income tax act 8 Marks

b) what do you mean by depreciation under Income Tax Act. briefly explain the calculation of depreciation for Income Tax Act. 7 Marks

Q.7. a) Enumerate the provisions of “Set off and carry forward losses” as contemplated under the Income Tax Act in respect of different types of business activities.10Marks

b) Discuss the scope of the head “Income form other Sources” and explain the deductions available under the head. 5 Marks

Q.8. a)Explain Long Term Capital Gains. How do you calculate Long term Capital Gains? 8 Marks

b) Briefly explain the deductions with respect to Long Term Capital Gains.7 Marks



University Paper 2003


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Only text of the Income Tax Act 1961 is permitted in the examination hall.

2) Attempt Question No1 and Q. No. 2 are compulsory and any FOUR of the remaining questions i.e. Questions Nos 3 to 8

3) Question nos 1 and Q.2 carry20 marks each.

4) all other questions. are off carry 15 marks each.

5) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

Q.1.write short notes on any of the FOUR (4x5=20)

a) Dividend received by individuals

b) Concept of income accrued or arising

c) Depreciation allowable u/s32

d) payments made in cash

e) Concept of indexed cost of acquisition

f) Capital Asset and Transfer

g) Annual value

Q.2. Win Win ltd. Provides you with the following details to compute

Its income from business for the Assessment year 2003-2004 20 Marks

a) Net Profit for the financial year 2002-03 amounted to Rs.10,00,000/-

b) Income Tax paid for the financial year 2002-03 amounted to Rs.7,00,000/-

c) Dividend Income received during the financial year 2002-03 amounted to Rs.2,00,000/-

d) Depreciation allowable u/s32, though provided in the profit and loss account amounted to Rs.4,50,000/- is Rs.3,00,000/- only

e) Amounts received not taxable under the Act not credited to P& L A/c amounted to Rs.5,00,000/-

f) Salary paid amounted to Rs.25,75,000/- was duly accounted before arriving at the net profit of Rs.10,00,000/- for the financial year 2002-03

g) Discount paid amounted to Rs.2,00,000/- was duly accounted during the financial year 2002-03 before arriving at the net Profit mentioned above.

h) The disallowances u/s43B amounted to Rs.4,50,000/- during the financial year 2001-02 subsequently duly paid

Q.3. Discuss any three section under the Act which provide for exemption or deduction in respect of export earnings 15 Marks

Q.4. Explain briefly the exemption available u/s 10 with reference to any five items

15 Marks

Q.5. Mr. A receives Salary of Rs.6,00,000/- during the financial year 2002-03. he claims the Standard Deduction amounting to Rs.20,000/- and profession tax of Rs.3,000/-

Mr. A also receives income from other sources consisting of dividend income and income from bank deposits amounting to Rs.50,000/-and Rs.5,000/- respectively. He also informs of claim u/s88 amounting to Rs.10,000/-

You are advised to compute the taxable income of Mr.A. 15 Marks

Q.6. a) Distinguish between “Taxable profit and Commercial Profit 5 Marks

b) Any three specific disallowances under the head “Income from business or profession” 10 Marks

Q.7. a) Explain the concept of capital and revenue expenditure 5 Marks

b) Give five examples of expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the purpose of business 10 Marks

Q.8. Write short Notes on ANY THREE

a) Agriculture Income

b) AOP and BOI

c) Mediclaim

d) Speculation Losses

e) Stock Options (3x5=15 Marks)



University Paper 2002


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Notes. 1) Question No1 and Q. No. 2 are compulsory and carry20 marks each.

2) Attempt any FOUR from the remaining question. These carry 15 marks each.

3) Make suitable assumptions wherever required.

1. Mr. Bhargav proprietor of ‘MAA AMBE gives you the following information about his income from which you are required to calculate his taxable income for the A.Y.2002-03 20 Marks


Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended 31-3-2002

Rs. Rs.

To opening Stock 2,84,028 By Sales 41,33,935

To Purchases 22,92,942 By Closing Stock 4,03,109

To gross Profit 19,60,074

________ _________

45,37,044 45,37,044

To Salaries 1,02,500 By Gross Profit 19,60,074

To Electricity 24,050 By Dividend on shares 3,048

To Printing and Stationery 12,098 By Interest on FD with Bank 2,050

To Traveling and Conveyance 1,66,094

To Telephone and Fax 78,195

To Interest on loan 2,84,520

To LIC Premium 22,000

To Income Tax 28,000

To Depreciation 1,54,500

To Staff Welfare 24,230

To Donation 22,000

To Postage 13,025

To Sales promotion 1,20,278

To Commission 2,00,000

To Professional fees 25,000

To Mediclaim 10,000

To Sundry Expenses 65,920

To Transportation 4,01,325

To Repairs 19,380

To Octroi 48,342

To Net Profit 1,43,715

_________ __________

19,65,172 19,65,172

Additional Information:

1) Salaries includes salary to proprietor’s wife Rs.Rs.20,000/-

2) Telephone and fax includes personal telephone expenses of Rs.7,068/-

3) Electricity expenses includes electricity charges for residential lines Rs.3,022/-

4) Depreciation as per Income Tax Act,1961 works out to Rs.2,01,643/-

5) Donation is eligible to 100% deduction u/s80G

6) Sundry expenses includes cost of furniture of Rs.24,000/-

7) LIC premium includes contribution to LIC Pension Scheme Rs.10,000/- eligible for education u/s80CCC

8) Sales promotion includes payment of Rs.24,600/- in cash.

9) Mr. Bhargav has also earned interest of Rs.548/- on his savings account and Accrued interest on his NSCs works out to Rs.6,048/-

2. Write short Notes on (ANY FOUR) 20 Marks

a) Agricultural Income

b) Receipts of casual and non recurring nature

c) Person as defined under the income Tax Act,1961

d) Income

e) Taxability of Gratuity

f) Deduction of Interest on housing loan u/s24(1)

g) Block of assets and Depreciation

3. Answer the following questions by giving reasons: (ANY THREE) 15 Marks

a) Mr. Ravi, a proprietor, receives a demand notice to pay sales tax of Rs.12,400/- for the year 1995-96 which he had paid short in that year. He pays the same in Dec.2001. whether he will be allowed this expense?

b) X. Ltd. Had written off Rs.3,20,000/- receivable from Y ltd. As bad debts in the year 1999-2000. it receives Rs.1,80,000/- out of the same in the year 2001-02 whether it is taxable ?

c) Mr. Monty receives advance salary of Rs.24,000/- in the month of March 2002. the employers accountant treats this amount as his salary and deducts tax thereon. Mr. Monty contends that this is the salary for the month of April 2002 and hence should be taxed in the year 2002-03 relevant to A.Y.2003-04. whether his contention is justifiable?

d) Mr. Shrikant gives salary of Rs.24,000/- to his wife who is the commerce graduate. The ITO wants to disallow the same. Is the ITO right in doing so?

e) Mrs. Rohini having salary Income of Rs.78,000/- sells her shares and suffers from loss of Rs.8,400/- she claims that she had invested amount in those shares from out of her receipts from salary so she should be allowed to set off the loss on sale of shares against her salary income. Is her contention right?

4. a) Calculate Rebate u/s.88 in case of Mrs. Priya for the A.Y/ 2002-03 form the

8 Marks

following information:-

Deposit if PPF 12,000

Provident Fund deducted by employer 18,000

LIC Premium paid 6,000

Infrastructure Bonds purchased 18,000

Stamp duty paid on purchase of house 16,500

Registration fees paid for registration of agreement for purchase of house 12,300

Repayment of housing loan- principal 2,018

Interest 8,040

NSC purchases 10,000

Accrued interest on earlier NSCs 4,080

Contribution to LIC pension scheme 4,000

b) Explain the concepts of Rebate u/s88B and 88 c 7 Marks

5. Discuss the following receipts which are exempt form tax: (ANY THREE)15 Marks

a) Share of profit from partnership firm

b) Leave Travel Concession

c) HRA Received

d) Dividend

e) Commuted value of pension

f) Amount received under Voluntary Retirement Scheme.

6. a) Discuss the concept of residential status of an individual in detail 10 Marks

b) Discuss the incidence of tax in case of an individual 5 Marks

7. Mr. Rangnathan is employed in a company at Mumbai and gives you the following information for the year 2001-02 15 Marks

i) He joined service in the pay scale of 1500-300-3000-500-6000 on 1st April 1993

ii) His other receipts are:

Dearness Allowance 150%of Basic

City Compensatory Allowance Rs.600/-p.m

H.R.A. Rs.3,000/-p.m

Self improvement Allowance Rs.1,000/-p.m

Conveyance Allowance (to meet the

Cost of travel to and from office to res.Rs.1,000/-p.m

Commission @ 0.1% on sales of Rs.2Crores

iii) He is provided with a car of mote that 16 h.p. rating along with chauffeur to be used for both official and personal purposes.

iv) He had inherited house property form his uncle which he has let out on a monthly rent of Rs.4,000/- he has take a loan to renovate the house and had paid interest of Rs.12,600/- on the housing loan.

v) His inherited property not being at the place of his services, he is staying in rented premises and paying a rent of Rs.5,000/-p.m.

vi) He has also received interest of Rs.502/- on his savings bank a.c

vii) An amount of Rs.20,000/- is deducted from his salary against his contribution to provident fund and Rs.2,500/- is deducted towards Professional tax .

Compute his total taxable income for the A.Y.2002-03

8. a) The following information is available from Miss Reeta for the year 2001-02

1. she has two house properties the details of which are as under:- 15 Marks

Particulars House1 House2

Self Occuple Let out

(Rs.) (Rs)

Municipal valuation 60,000/- 90,000/-

Rent received ----- 1,20,000/-

Fair Rent 72,000/- 96,000/-

Repairs 6,000/- 3,500/-

Cost of Purchase 3,60,000/- 4,80,000/-

Interest on housing loan 18,048 24,096/-

Municipal Taxes 10% of Municipal valuation

Insurance (as % of cost of purchase) 2% 3%

Collection charges --- 1,500/-

2. She told 500 shares of X Ltd.@Rs/60/- per share in February 2002 which she had purchased in November 1999 @ Rs.25/- per share. The cost inflation index for the year 2001-02 was 426 whereas index for the year 1999-2000 was 389.

3. she received interest of Rs.1,080/- on FD with companies and interest of Rs.580/- on her savings band a/c. the accrued interest on her NSCs is Rs.6,500/- she had received interest of Rs.3,000/-on her investment in PPF and dividend of Rs.5,200/- on her investment in shares. She had received Rs.6,000/- as interest from her investment in postal monthly scheme.

4. she had donated Rs.5001/- to CRY where deduction @ 100% is available u/s 80G and Rs.101/- to charitable institution where deduction @ 50% is available.

5. she had also contributed Rs.4,000/- to LIC pension Scheme eligible for deduction u.s.80 CCC .

Compute her total taxable income for the A.Y. 2002-03

b) Explain the concept of capital and revenue expenditure and it’s relevance in determining taxable income. 8 Marks

c) Explain the concept of set off of losses under the same head of income and set off of losses under different heads of income. 7 Marks.



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