Central Carolina





Section 1. Enrollment

01. Eligibility: The Central Carolina Community College Firefighter Academy is an open enrollment program administered by the School Director of the Fire/Rescue Program of Central Carolina Community College.

1.01.A Students must be 18 years of age and are required to possess a high school diploma or General Education Diploma and must have an official high school or college transcript on file with the Program Director.

1.01.B Students are required to take the Accuplacer placement test. The student must score a minimum on the following subjects:

a) Reading Comprehension 65

b) Sentence Skills 86

c) Arithmetic 31

Students who score below the required placement test score on Reading, Sentence Skills, or Arithmetic may be allowed to enroll in class upon the approval of the Fire Academy Coordinator and Fire/Rescue Coordinator or the ESTC Director. These students must retake the placement test and achieve the required score prior to the end of the first part of the fire academy. Failure to do so will result in the student being dropped from the academy. (Students will be allowed up to three (3) retest on Accuplacer).

1.01.C Students must complete a physical examination in accordance with NFPA 1500 to insure that they are physically capable to complete the rigorous physical training components of the Academy and copy must be on file with the Academy Director.

1.01.D Fire Department membership is encouraged and highly recommended for the purpose of acquiring equipment needed for the academy, as well as the waiver of tuition for fire department members.

02. Membership: Students entering the Academy who are members of a fire department are subject to the rules and regulations of that department, as well as the rules and regulations of the Academy.

1.03 Previous Credit: No prior credit for classes will be given toward the Firefighter Academy.

1.04 Enrollment Limitations: Due to the nature of the practical training and to insure a quality program, enrollment will be limited to a maximum of 20 students and a minimum of 10 students. To further enhance the educational experience, student teacher ratios will be held strictly to the following: Classroom 20:1; Practical Skills 10:1; Live Fire Training 5:1.

Section 2. Attendance and Tardiness

2.01. Attendance: Students must attend all scheduled classes of the Academy in which he/she is enrolled. Students should report to assigned location 5 minutes early. This includes classes required by the State and any additional classes required by Central Carolina Community College. Absences are classified as either excused or unexcused, based on a determination made by the Academy Director.

2.01A. Absence Defined: A student is absent when he/she misses any portion of a class, or is late by 59 minutes or more. The instructor, Academy Director or a designee shall determine the time a student enters a class, and provide written documentation of the absence to be placed in the student’s permanent file. If for any reason a student will be late for class, he/she must make personal communications with the Academy Director—NO EXCEPTIONS.

2.01B. Excused Absence Defined: An excused absence is that which is deemed to be legitimate and/or necessary by the Academy Director. Excused absences include but are not limited to:

1. Serious illness or injury; (applies to student or immediate family member)

2. Death of an immediate family member

3. Court Subpoena

Note: For purposes of this policy, immediate family members include mother, step-mother, father, step-father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, husband, wife, child, brother, and sister.

2.01C. Unexcused Absence Defined: An unexcused absence is that which is deemed to be illegitimate and/or unnecessary by the Academy Director.

2.01D. Student Absence Procedures: In the event a student anticipates being absent, he/she must notify the Academy Director of the circumstances in writing as far in advance as possible. The Academy Director will make a determination as to the status of the absence (excused or unexcused) at that time, or delay this determination until the student has provided further information. When an absence is not anticipated, the student must contact the Academy Director or a designee during the thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the class to be missed. As soon as reasonably possible a student who is absent from any block of instruction shall provide written documentation to the Academy Director describing the circumstances for the absence. Proper documentation of the absence will be placed in the student’s permanent file, and the Academy Director may inform the student’s hiring or sponsoring agency, or any agency that contacts him regarding the student’s employment application, of the absence.

2.01E. Make-up of Missed Instruction: Instructional time for excused absences must be made up by the student. Time for unexcused absences cannot be made up, and will count toward the time missed from class (see 2.01F). The instructor and Academy Director will determine how and when missed time will be made up. All class objectives must be met for a student to receive credit for any block of instruction.

2.01F. Total Unexcused Absences Allowed: A student accumulating three unexcused absences or unexcused absences totaling more than 5% of the total academy or 10% of any individual class time during the academy, will not graduate and therefore not be eligible for any certifications.

2.02. Tardiness

2.02A. Definition of Tardy: A student is tardy when he/she is late (from 1 - 59 minutes) for the beginning of any instructional period.

2.02B. Tardies include but are not limited to:

1. Any arrival after the scheduled beginning time of any morning, afternoon, or night session. Arrival is defined as being seated and/or prepared for class to begin;

2. Arrival at any practical exercise without turnout gear unless advised to do so by the instructor;

3. Arrival after the prescribed or expected conclusion of a break from instruction;

4. Arrival late from a specific assignment or task given by the Academy Director or an instructor;

2.02C Excused or Unexcused Tardy. The Academy Director will determine whether a tardy is excused or unexcused. An excused tardy is one for which, in the judgment of the Academy Director,

1. The student has a legitimate and/or necessary reason for being late.

2. The student has provided sufficient evidence of a reasonable effort to provide notice of the tardy as soon as possible.

All other tardies will be regarded as unexcused.

2.02D. Student Tardy Procedures: A student who is going to be late for the beginning of any instructional period is required to notify the instructor, Academy Director or a designee prior to the scheduled class time. A student who is tardy for any block of instruction, shall provide written documentation to the Academy Director describing the circumstances for the tardiness as soon as is reasonably possible. This documentation will be placed in the student’s permanent file. If the tardy is determined to be excused, the student must make up the missed time at the discretion of the instructor and/or the Academy Director. Time missed because of an unexcused tardy cannot be made up, and a minimum of one hour will be counted toward the total time missed from the Academy.

2.02E. Tardy Procedures: The instructor or the Academy Director will also provide written documentation of the tardy for the student’s file. All documentation regarding tardies, both excused and unexcused, will become permanent records in the student’s file.

2.02F. Consequences for Tardiness: A student will be allowed no more than three unexcused tardies. When the fourth unexcused tardy is accumulated, the student will automatically be dismissed from the Academy.

Section 3. Personal Conduct

3.01. The Central Carolina Community College Firefighter Academy is organizationally and physically a part of Central Carolina Community College and its students are part of the general population of the college. Appropriate conduct must be maintained at all times. Conduct unbecoming a student or conflicting with school policy or procedure will routinely be reported to the Academy Director by staff instructors and students. Firefighter Academy students must be aware of this policy at all times and must understand that their behavior reflects on the Academy and themselves as candidates for Fire Service positions.

3.02. Honesty

3.02A. Truthfulness and honesty are held in the highest regard. They are integral parts of the fire service profession. Students shall be both truthful and honest at all times.

3.02B. Cheating on examinations, assignments and exercises will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating by an instructor, the Academy Director, or the representative of any agency involved in observing the program will be immediately dismissed from the Academy.

3.02C. Students must always give complete, accurate, and truthful statements with all Academy staff, Central Carolina staff, instructors, agency representatives, and other students.

Note: Dishonesty in any capacity will not be tolerated and may be cause FOR immediate dismissal from the Academy.

3.03. Food: No food, beverages, gum, or candy will be allowed in the classrooms at any time.

3.04. Pagers and Cell Phones: During class students are not allowed to have pagers and/or cell phones.

3.05. Messages: Classes will not be interrupted to deliver messages to students except for an emergency. Students should inform family members, relatives and business/work associates of this policy. No visitors will be allowed during training without approval of academy director.

3.06. Profanity: The use of profanity and obscene language or gestures is prohibited. Students are expected to act in a professional and courteous manner at all times.

3.07. Sleeping: Sleeping and/or napping in class will not be tolerated. See Section 3.12

3.08. Tobacco: Smoking, chewing or any other use of any tobacco product is not allowed on Central Carolina Community College property.

3.09. Telephone Use: Use of personal telephones will be allowed only during breaks and lunch.

3.10. Homework: All homework assignments shall be completed and submitted by the student at the time designated by the instructor;

3.11. Dress Code: Students shall abide by the dress code; See Section 5


3.12. Sleeping in class: When feeling drowsy, students must move to the rear of the classroom and stand without disturbing the class until no longer drowsy. It will be up to the instructor to determine if the student is sleeping.

3.13 Addressing instructors: Students shall address all instructors and administrators as “Sir” or “Ma’am” in all questions and conversations during his/her stay at the academy. No first name basis toward any instructor/administrator is permitted unless specifically authorized by the academy director.

3.14 Maintenance Of Facilities: The Academy will serve as your home away from home during your training. Accordingly, the Academy must be maintained in a neat, clean and orderly fashion. Students will properly maintain the classroom and any training areas used by the Academy. Students will be instructed regarding the proper maintenance of the burn building, training tower and all equipment as it pertains to practical exercise. Before leaving the classroom at the end of the day, whiteboards will be erased, chairs will be placed under desks and trash cans will be empty.

Note: Accumulation of any five violations of Section 3 with the exception of 3.02 shall result in the student being dismissed from the Academy.

Section 4. Appearance and Grooming:

4.01. Students shall conform to the general appearance of the Academy, as determined by the School Director. This includes guidelines and customs regarding hair, personal hygiene, make-up and jewelry.

1. (Male) Face must be clean shaven daily (mustache to the corner of the mouth, sideburns to the middle of the ear acceptable).

2. (Male) No hair over the ear or the collar

3. (Female) Hair will not touch eyebrows or extend below the bottom edge of shirt collar.

4. Hair must not interfere with the wearing of helmet, cap, or uniform hat.

5. For safety reasons, fingernails will not extend past the end of the fingertips.

Section 5. Dress Code

5.01. Daily Uniform

5.01A. Classroom Attire: For all classroom periods students will wear the following:

1. Gray polo Academy shirt (Pressed)

2. Dark blue trousers (Pressed)

3. Black belt

4. Black Socks and black over the ankle boots.

5. Boots must be polished and shined.

5.01B. Outdoor Activities: For all outdoor activities students will wear the following:

1. Academy T-shirt or Sweatshirt

2. Dark blue trousers

3. Black belt

4. Black socks and black over the ankle boots.

5. Turnout gear when appropriate

5.01C. Physical Training: During physical training students will wear the following:

1. Academy T-Shirt or Sweatshirt

2. Academy Shorts or Sweatpants

3. Appropriate athletic footwear

5.02. Miscellaneous Dress Requirements: Ripped, torn, dirty, or extremely worn clothes

are not acceptable.

5.03 Jewelry: No jewelry except wedding bands and watches is permissible.

Section 6. Physical Training Activities: Physical fitness is considered an integral part of the Academy. Accordingly, all students must participate and satisfactorily complete all physical activities and requirements in order to graduate. Students will be assessed regarding their overall fitness levels at the beginning of the Academy and reassessed on a periodic basis to determine their progress. Students shall participate in all physical training activities and give their best effort. Students who fail to make acceptable progress due to lack of effort will be dismissed from the Academy. Injuries resulting in the inability to participate in physical fitness activities may be cause for dismissal.

In addition, the Medical History Form and Medical Examination Form (signed/stamped by physician) must be turned into the Academy Director before being allowed to participate in any type of physical activity.

6.1: Physical Requirements:

6.1.A Students shall run 1.2 miles around the driving track as marked by traffic cones in 12 minutes.

6.1.B Students shall do 25 pushups in (one) 1 minute.

6.1.C Students shall do 25 sit-ups in (one) 1 minute.

6.1.D Students shall climb (4) flights of stairs carrying a 100 foot hose pack weighing approximately 40 pounds. Then hoist a 50 foot section of fire hose weighing approximately 40 pounds using a rope.

6.1.E Students shall climb a 35 foot ladder and descend the ladder.

6.1.F Students shall carry two gas powered chain saws 150 feet.

6.1.G Students shall advance a charged hose line 75 feet.

6.1.H Students shall drag a 165 pound mannequin 75 feet.

Section 7. Evaluations (Fire): Students will be evaluated by both a PRACTICAL AND WRITTEN examination as required in each unit of instruction. In areas requiring practical exercises, students must pass the practical exercises to be eligible to take the written exam. Practical exercises include ladder climbing, hose drags, victim rescue, etc.

7.01. Passing Score on Written Examinations: A passing score is 70%. Prior credit will not be accepted for certification classes. Students will be required to pass a final examination with a minimum passing score of 70% to complete the academy. Students will also be required to satisfactorily complete a physical assessment.

7.02 Progress Reports: All test results will be reviewed with all students following the completion of the grading process for each examination. In addition, grades will be posted utilizing the last 4 digits of the student social security number in the classroom or outside of the Program Directors office and upgraded weekly.

7.03. Failed Written Examinations: In the event a student fails a written examination, he/she must make arrangements with the Academy Director or a designee, and retake that examination within one week of the original test. Only one retake is permitted in a single unit of instruction, and a score of 70% is required to pass. Students are allowed to accumulate 3 retakes. On the forth initial test failure, the student will be dismissed from the academy. In the event a student fails a written examination twice on the same topic of instruction, he/she will be considered to be deficient in that topic, and will not receive credit for that class toward Firefighter II certification, and will not graduate from the Academy.

Section 7A Evaluations (EMT): Students will be evaluated by both SKILLS EVALUATIONS AND WRITTEN examinations as required in each unit of instruction. In areas requiring skills evaluations, students must pass the skills evaluation to be eligible to take to take the written exam.

7.01. A EMT: Students must make an 80 on all test and must make a final grade of 85 on final test in order to be eligible to sit for state exam. (If student fails the college final test he/she may continue in academy and receive credit for class but will not be able to graduate.)

7.02. A Progress Reports: All test results will be reviewed with all students following the completion of the grading process for each examination. In addition, grades will be posted utilizing the last 4 digits of the student social security number in the classroom or outside of the Program Directors office and upgraded weekly.

7.03. A Failed Written Examinations: In the event a student fails a written examination, he/she must make arrangements with the Academy Director or a designee, and retake that examination within one week of the original test. Only one retake is permitted in a single unit of instruction, and a score of 80% is required to pass.

7.04. Consequences for Deficiencies in Units of Instruction

7.04A. Students accumulating up to two deficiencies in units of instruction will be retained in the Academy but will not be permitted to graduate.

7.05 Dismissal and Re-instatement

Students will be dismissed from the academy for the following violations:

• Upon accumulation of three deficiencies

• Possession of any type of weapon

• Accumulation of 5 violations from section 3 except 3.02 which is an automatic dismissal

• Four (4) unexcused tardies

• Three (3) unexcused absences

• Failure of 4 initial certification tests

Students dismissed will be eligible to reapply for the next academy and must meet all entrance requirements.

7.06 Withdrawal: Students choosing to withdraw from the Academy must do so in writing. All equipment owned by Central Carolina Community College must be returned at the time of withdrawal. If a Continuing Education course is cancelled, a complete refund is made automatically. Refunds are otherwise subject to the current policy and procedures in effect at the time of registration and consistent with state law. The Continuing Education refund policy is available at all registration sites, is published in the noncredit course schedule, and is outlined below.

Refunds for registration fees for noncredit classes are subject to the following requirements:

1. If a class is cancelled, a complete refund is issued automatically within four to six weeks. A 100 percent refund of occupational extension registration fees is issued upon the request of the student if the student officially withdraws in writing from a class prior to the first class meeting.

2. A 75 percent refund of occupational extension registration fees is issued upon the request of the student if the student officially withdraws and requests a refund prior to the 10 percent point in the class. For classes with 10 or fewer class meetings, refund requests must be submitted to the college no later than the first class meeting. No partial refunds are given for courses with one class meeting.

3. No refund is issued after the 10 percent point of the class.

4. Student fees, including administrative, supplies, or insurance fees, are not refunded unless the college cancels the class for which the fee is collected. Fees for specific instructional materials collected at registration are refunded unless the student receives the materials.

Section 8. Graduation requirements

8.01 Requirements (Fire): Students must pass each subject area with a minimum grade of 70% on all written and practical tests administered. As stated in section 7, students are allowed 2 opportunities to pass each written examination to a maximum of 3 examinations.

8.01. A Requirements (EMT): Students must score an 80 on each test and must score an 85 on final exam in order to sit for state exam. (Must pass state exam to be credentialed through OEMS).

8.02 Credentials upon Graduation: Students successfully completing all requirements will receive the following certifications as approved by the North Carolina Department of Insurance/Office of State Fire Marshal. The certifications are approved by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress and are recognized in 48 of the 50 states.

Firefighter Level I

Firefighter Level II

Hazmat Level One Responder

Technical Rescuer General

Technical Rescuer VMR

Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (Credential through OEMS)

Section 9. Weapons:

Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited. Some tools used in the fire service could be determined to be a weapon. It will be at the discretion the Academy Director to make that determination. If a student has any question that a tool or instrument brought to class could be determined to be a weapon, he/she is required to check with the Academy Director before bringing it to class. Any student found to have a weapon will automatically be dismissed from the Academy by the Director.

Section 10. Rules Interpretation and Enforcement

10.01. Interpretation: Central Carolina Community College and the Academy Director reserve the right to revise, clarify and/or add to these rules and regulations as necessary. Resolution of conflicting interpretations of rules and regulations is within the sole discretion of the Academy Director.

10.02. Enforcement: Enforcement of these rules and regulations, including determination of the existence of violations, lies solely within the discretion of the Academy Director. Documentation of all violations and consequences will become part of the student’s permanent file.


All Fire/Rescue instructional personnel are certified instructors by the North Carolina Department of Insurance/Office of State Fire Marshal recognized by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC).

All EMS instructional personal are certified by North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services.

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