? 2007. All Rights Reserved by Author and Kaw Nation Kanza Language Project.

Dictionary Data Compilation: Robert L. Rankin, Ph.D.

Kanza Language Consultant

English Indexes and Editing: Linda Cumberland, Ph.D.

Kanza Language Project Coordinator

Formatting and Printing:

Kanza Language Project Staff


"causative" "continuative"

"declarative" "emphatic" "exhortative" "frequentative" "future" "greeting" "habitual" "imperative" "inanimate" "instrumental"

"intentive" "interjection"

kh?ye VT cause, dative causative aux. ab? CONTIN he/she/it (animate), while moving or not withing sight ?ba PART continuative, an/sg or pl akh? CONTIN he/she/it (animate), while standing or moving sg and pl continuative sg/st/an ayih? CONTIN I, while moving baash? CONTIN you (plural), while sitting, standing, or moving hnikh? CONTIN you (sg), while sitting kha DET continuative, st/an kha (JOD) DET be standing, (h)akh?he, y?khashe khe PART continuative, lying object kh?na DET past continuative for lying objects mikh? CONTIN I, while sitting yayish? CONTIN you (sg), while moving ye PART continuative, mv/an pl and 3sg, suppletes yi yi PART continuative, mv/an, ayihe, ya ao PART male oral period, male imperative au PART male declarative marker e PART female declarative marker ye PART declarative particle, female eya? INTERJ masc. emphatic particle, indeed ey? INTERJ fem. emphatic particle, indeed che PART "exhortative" nan? (JOD) PART past tense (?)frequentative ta PART potential or intentive aspect ?shita (JOD) ADV future, refers to. Ref to the past in OS ce (JOD) PART future or potential aspect kh? d?zhi yayish? INTERJ are you feeling all right?, a greeting hna (MR) PART habitual aspect usually shta PART habitual aspect suffix or postclitic naha, noha PART imperative (MR) nahao (JOD) PART imperative, masc. singular a PART "imperative" ao PART male oral period, male imperative hn?he PART imperative or prohibition marker nih? (JOD) PART imperative, sg. fem., v. nah? ich?cha DET standing inanimate acted upon ich? DET standing in/obj. acted upon ba PART instrumental prefix: by pushing, or with a pointed object b? PART instrumental prefix: by cutting b? PART instrumental prefix: by punching, blowing, shooting bu PART instrumental prefix: by generalized pressure, by pushing or rubbing d? PART instrumental prefix: by heat or cold (more often by heat) ga PART instrumental prefix: by striking or impact by action of wind na PART instrumental prefix: by foot, by using the foot or feet ya PART instrumental prefix: by mouth, by using the mouth yu PART instrumental prefix: by using the hands by unspecified means ta PART potential or intentive aspect da (JOD) INTERJ interjection dao INTERJ interjection ea (JOD) INTERJ interjection of irritation by old women hao INTERJ interjection of approval, new paragraph

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zhi PART negative suffix of verbs


be, < abe PART plural and 3rd sg. noncontinuative marker

"past completive"

che PART past completive


ab?nan? (JOD) XXX past of aba akh?na (JOD) DET past of akha, used to che

PART past completive na (JOD) PART past marker for classifiers na (JOD) PART

past tense marking nan? (JOD) PART past tense (?)frequentative ?kiha ADV

beyond, in the distant past kh?na DET past continuative for lying objects kh?na (JOD)

DET past of khe


be, < abe PART plural and 3rd sg. noncontinuative marker bi (JOD) PART plural

and 3rd sg. marker used after ?


a PART portative prefix, motion verbs


ta PART potential or intentive aspect ce (JOD) PART future or potential aspect


hn?he PART imperative or prohibition marker m?da PART beware, "don't" in



h?e (JOD) PART question marking particle y?da (JOD) PART question particle,

female, not direct address

"sentence introductory" ga INTERJ and, so, sentence introductory particle gash? INTERJ well, so, well now.

Introductory particle

"third person"

bi (JOD) PART plural and 3rd sg. marker used after ?


mi DET one, a, an indefinite article

a lot

hu VI many, much, a lot huw?li QUANT many, much oy?za VI to be many, to be a

lot together

a tribe

pe ?kishe (JOD) N tribe formerly on Kaw R., wrapped hair around


?ye (JOD) VT leave, throw away, abandon ?ye (MR), ?ye (JOD) VT throw away,



hn?hna zh?ga (JOD) N abdomen just below the navel ic?ta (JOD) ADV near the

abdomen or groin il?zhu < il? + ozhu N belly, paunch, abdomen


?siw?ye VI hateful, abominable, no good


shk?da ADV probably, about, possibly


mash?ta VI above, upper, e.g. upper teeth


bazh?we (JOD) VT skin, as in skinning one's knee gaxl?je (JOD) VT skin or abrade

some part of the body


bazh?we (JOD) VT skin, as in skinning one's knee


?xtaye (JOD) VT abuse, maltreat, to rape


?kibusta (JOD) VI touching each other, adjacent


yuz? VT get, take, accept


d?yige ye VT burn and destroy accidentally h?nid?...X...n?e a? ADV almost, to

nearly do X by accident od?phe, od? (MR) VI to set a fire accidentally, to be burned


sc?xci (JOD) VI correct, very, very accurate


yaw?zo VI speak correctly, accurately


ne VI have an ache or pain, to be hurt


j?je t?ga N acorn of the red oak pus?higa N acorn, the smallest type t?sk? sk?we N

acorn or the burr oak, hog acorns wap?doka (JOD) N acorns, black


gaj?, gaj? ADV across


?bachizhe VI act in desperation yu?zhi XXX change, alter sthg, act differently


chiy? (JOD), ci (?) ADV suddenly action in this dir.


was?sige (JOD) VI active, as a warrior

adam's apple

d?je tax? (JOD) N adam's apple


?baha (JOD) VT give anything in addition to sthg else

address adhere

adjacent admission adopt advance afire afraid


after awhile after that afternoon again


agency agent

ague aim aim at alcohol alike alive all

all directions all right all the time all the while alligator allotment


alone along alright also

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?ge VT speak to, reprove, talk to yaj?, da VT read, pronounce, call by name ?kulusta (MR) VI stick together, double up/over ?kuyasta V stick together, adhere ?yaha VT stick to one, to wear ?yala VT stick, adhere ?yasta VT adhere, (one object), stuck ?yasta ?la (JOD) V set sthg that sticks to sthg ?yasta ?zhu (JOD) VT stick several objects to sthg ?kibusta (JOD) VI touching each other, adjacent og?shuwe, shube VI to go through (JOD), to pay to enter (MR) zhig? e?giye (JOD) VT adopt one as a child s?yuze VI to take a step, advance step by step os? VT be burned, be set afire, to set afire n?pe VT be afraid of what is visible on?zhe VI afraid of danger, shrink from the warpath ?gum?yi (JOD) VT walk after something ?ha ADV after, immediately after gay?jida ADV then, whereupon, after that g? oy?yaha ADV when, just when, right after ow?kih?he XXX succession of, one after another, descendants ?yah? ADV following, after sho ADV by and by, after awhile gay?jida ADV then, whereupon, after that p?ze XXX evening, late afternoon c?ga ADV new (JOD), right now (MR), again gak?ge l?che (JOD) VT beat on a st/obj again gak?ge l?he (JOD) VT beat on a ly/obj again gak?ge l?ya (JOD) VT beat on a si/obj again ?yoba ADV second time, again shi (JOD) ADV again, and shi? ADV again ?ga (JOD) ADV against ?yasta nozh?, nazh? VT stand against something k?maha (JOD) ADV against the current or wind wazh?zhe t?ma zh?gayikhe N Osage Agency village w?gih?ge N chief, ruler, Indian agent w?zhit?na (JOD) N Washington or its/his representatives bas?sa VI chills, ague, shake w. a chill wah?ta ?he (JOD) VI aim a firearm y?shto (JOD) XXX point at, aim with the hands y?shtoxci (JOD) XXX point right at, aim right at p?jeni N whiskey, "fire water" g?ze ?go (JOD) V alike, resembling something ni VI live, to be alive bl?ga N whole, entire thing, all g?gohn? VI enough, that is all gl?ba (JOD), also bl?ga QUANT all, whole (N.B. gl cluster) zan? PRO all, everybody or everything gh?ga VI spiny, protruding in all directions kh? d?zhi yayish? INTERJ are you feeling all right?, a greeting gash?gaye ADV all the time shwab? (JOD) < sh?aba ADV while, all the while ?ha sc?je (MR) N alligator ?ha t?ga (MR) N alligator wak?le N distribution, allotment, payment washp?zhi (JOD) N allotment, holding, safe place h?nid?...X...n?e a? ADV almost, to nearly do X by accident oy?haxci ADV almost, nearly, close ew?zhi ADV of its own accord, by itself w?yak'?beha (JOD) ADV along the hillside kh? d?zhi yayish? INTERJ are you feeling all right?, a greeting shki PRO too, also, pronoun suffix ?ge shk?da PRO we too, us too ?geshk? (JOD) PRO we too, us too ?li (MR), ?li (JOD) PART teen formative, "in addition" eshk?

alter although always Americans among an ancestor and and then anger angle angry animal ankle another ant antelope anus anvil Apache apart

aperture apiece

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(MR), eshk? (JOD) PRO too, that's it, him too id?be ADV together, also shke (JOD) CONJ also, even w?shkid? (MR) PRO I too (subject) (JOD) wishk? PRO me too wishk?da (JOD) PRO I too (subject) yishk?, yishk?, y?shki PRO you too, you also ya?zhi VT change a story, alter in repetition yu?zhi XXX change, alter sthg, act differently zhi (JOD) XXX although, though gash?gaye ADV all the time ?giha ADV always, without stopping sh?sho (JOD) ADV always, ever, continually sh?showe (JOD) ADV always, syn. of shosho m?hit?ga N Americans ?yuzaha VI to be among kha DET continuative, st/an mi DET one, a, an indefinite article ts'?geh?ga N elder, ancestor, applied to deities da (JOD) CONJ and, when ga INTERJ and, so, sentence introductory particle shi (JOD) ADV again, and gay? ADV there (unseen), yonder, then, and b?loyi VT confuse or anger by punching bad? (JOD) N corner, angle oy?xlak'? (JOD) VI dig in at an angle, as w/ a spade bak? (JOD) VI be angry g?bak? VI angry, be angry with someone bah?ta (JOD) VI animal cry, from punching ?yak'?ye (MR),k'e(D) VT talk with animals supernaturally waj?ta N fourlegged animal, a quadruped h?ka yush? N ankle h?ka yush? wah? (JOD) N ankle bone ?zhi PRO other, different, another ?moy? (MR) PRO another one shoj? wayaz?be zh?ga N red ant shoj? yaz?be (JOD) N ant way?zubehiga N ants (MR), white wings and red body (JOD) tach?ge N antelope il?ha N anus, asshole tap'?ha N anus, interior of the, sphincter ?gasta VT beat iron, flatten on an anvil apw?ci (JOD) N apaches, (MR) doesn't recog. b?kiyaha VT cut apart two objects, cut in two parts bak?yaha (JOD) VT push apart objects that adhere ban?baha VT push apart, push in two b?nobaha VT cut in two, cut apart bat?ya (JOD), ye (MR) VT push to pieces, push apart baz?zabe VT push apart, into slivers bazh?ge VT split, ream out, punch apart b?nobaha (JOD) VT punch apart, separate buk?yaha (JOD) VT push apart, separate bun?baha (JOD), bi (MR) VT push apart, divide sthg in two gabl?zhe (JOD) VI straddling an obj., legs apart gak?yaha VT split, cut or blow apart gat?taya VT knock apart, break up by blows gat?t? (JOD) VI blow apart, scatter like cloud gat?ya VT knock apart k?ya VI separate, go apart k?yaha ADV apart, moving in diff. directions, both sides nat?ya VT kick apart, kick and scatter w?taya (JOD) XXX break apart (?), no JOD trans. y?kiyaha (JOD) VT bite apart two things that stick together yuhn?baha XXX pull apart, separate by pulling yuk?yaha XXX pull apart, take sthg apart yut?ya XXX pull open, pull apart, open up ok'?je N hole, aperture yaye (JOD) PART distributive suffix for numerals, "apiece" k?ad?bay?ye ADV eight apiece, eight each l?blay?ye ADV ten each, ten apiece m?yaye (JOD) ADV one apiece, one to each, distributive nob?yaye ADV two each, two apiece, distributive of noba p?yabliy?ye (JOD) XXX eight apiece, distributive p?yoba y?ye (JOD) XXX seven apiece, seven each s?tay?ye ADV five apiece, five each, distributive sh?kay?ye XXX nine apiece, nine each sh?pey?ye XXX six apiece, six each, distributive t?bay?ye ADV four apiece, 4 to each y?bliy?ye (JOD) XXX three

appear apple April Arapaho arch arise Arkansas River arm

armlet armpit around



arrive for arrow

arrow feathers arrow shaft arrowhead artery as

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apiece, 3 to each, distributive ?yobe ADV uphill, (cf. appear) ?yobe VI appear, rise, as the sun sh?taga N apple waw?k'abe (JOD) N month for acting or working, April or May ar?pwah? (JOD) N Arapahos si?skida N arch of the foot p?ha (JOD), pah? (MR) VI arise, get up. ha or p?yah? (JOD), yeha VI arise, get up n?zhuje N river (any) (MR), Arkansas R. (JOD) a N arm ? uje yikh? (JOD) N base of arm, next to shoulder ?blaska (MR) N forearm ?ju (JOD) N limbs of an animal or person ?juta (JOD, MR) N limbs of an animal or person ?ka N muscle of the arm ?oblaska (JOD) N ulna ?ozhiga (JOD) N arm below the elbow, radius ?zho N arm above the elbow y?ta XXX left, left arm, be left handed ?kale N bracelet, armlet, originally of buffalo tail dos? N armpits ?gighe (JOD), xe (MR) XXX around, a roll of sthg b?gighe (JOD) VT cut around with a knife bask?da VT plane a groove around a surface b?skida VT cut or saw a groove around shka VI move around, stir sk?da (JOD) VT groove, notch, all around an obj. yubl? VT twist or turn sthg around yut?ha XXX pull around, make turn by pull yuy?shizhe XXX bend around, to coil a rope bax? (JOD) VT arouse by nudging bux? (JOD) VT arouse by weight or pressure gax? (JOD) VT arouse someone by striking nax? VT arouse by nudging or kicking with the foot xi (JOD) VI aroused, awakened yax? XXX awaken, arouse someone by calling yux? XXX wake, arouse, shake or pinch awake ?gukhi VT reach home going for sthg al?gu ch? V arrived for one?s own, have al?guh? VT arrive there to get one's al?gukh? VT arrive there for one's own chi VI arrive over there arrive at a place not his home for 1st time hi VI arrive, reach there h?li (JOD) VI arrive back (?) h?yig? (JOD) VI reach there and sit suddenly khi VI arrive home, return home li VI to have come home, to have come back she?hi VI arrived, to have reached there shokh? < she + okh? VI arrive there at one's home yoch? VI arrive here (visible) al?gukh? VT arrive there for one's own ?yage VT glue feathers on a shaft c?buk'a m?ta hu N reed used for arrow shafts and pipestems (JOD) hip? N glue for arrows, cement for arrows hu?yazh?ge N notch in arrow shaft for the head ma N arrow ma?yage (JOD) N arrow feathers m?bagh?we N game, swing the arrow w/ hands and release m?gast?be (JOD) N game, throw the arrows along the ground ma?ceh?ye N mumbly peg (MR), dislodging arrows game (JOD) ma?jet?ga N arrow, blunt for killing birds mam?da (JOD) N a set of arrows m?tashpu N notch in an arrow for the bow string m?yugh?ga (JOD) N arrow shaft polisher may?ghaga, m?yugh?ga N arrow shaft polisher (JOD) m?yuxl?je N arrow shaft polisher made of grooved stones m?yuxl?je (JOD) N arrow shaft polisher of grooved sandstone m?ze ?yubash?she zh?ta N arrow shaft straightener made of forked iron ma?yage (JOD) N arrow feathers m? yul?ze N groove in an arrow shaft m?sa (JOD) N arrow shaft ? m?hi s? N arrowhead m?hi s? N arrowhead m?hisu pas? N tip of an arrowhead ka (MR) N vein or artery, root k? wab? N vein or artery ?go ADV like, as, so iy?ya ADV while, as

as large as ascend ascent ashes aside

ask ask for asleep


asshole assist at

at last at length at night at that place at that time at the time at this place at this time attach attack

attempt auger aunt aunt, have as automobile awaken


awhile awl

axe baby



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g?ze ?yoska (JOD) VI equal in size, as large as, same size ?phe VT walk on something, ascend ?male sc?je N a steep ascent, uphill nix?je (JOD), nix?je N ashes, gunpowder bas?ge VT knock aside, make fly as water basige y?ye VT push aside any light object bask? ADV a little to one side, irrelevant nabl?zhe VT kick over, kick aside da VT ask, beg, demand ?yoghe (JOD) VT ask a question wad? VI beg, ask for sthg, to pray bubl?zaya (JOD) VT numb, cause a limb to go to sleep bud?ts'ega (JOD) VT numb, cause from sitting or lying on, asleep buts'? (JOD) VI numb, dead from sitting on, as a limb buts'?ga VT numb, make by sitting on, e.g. someone's lap oy?zaza VI be numb, asleep, as a limb gist? VI gather, assemble (intrans.) gust? VI assemble, meet together yusk? (JOD), yusk? (MR) XXX gather, assemble (trans. or in yuy?ski XXX collect, pull things together il?ha N anus, asshole ?waka (MR) VT help, to help someone ej? (MR), ?ji ADV there, in that place g?yikheji ADV there, over there, in that location gag?da (JOD) ADV finally, at last gag?da (JOD) ADV then, at last, thus m?da (JOD) ADV at length, in the course of time h?napazed? ADV while it is dark, at night gay?je ADV then, at that time or place gag?je (JOD) ADV then, at that time gay?je ADV then, at that time or place hag?jida (JOD) ADV when, at the time, because yeg?ji ADV now, at this time or place yeg?ji ADV now, at this time or place k?le VT attach, tie a cord on, as a horse k?ya VT attack, to rush upon a foe wak?ya VT rush to rescue somebody (MR), attack them ?goskaye VT try, attempt, test, examine kh?je (JOD) VT miss while attempting sthg we?yuk'?je N drill, an auger wi?yuk'?je N drill, auger, brace and bit ic?mi N aunt, father's sister ic?miye VT to have as an aunt ic?miye VT to have as an aunt bin?ge (MR), bu (JOD) N automobile ew?zhi n?ge N automobile (MR) b?xi (JOD) VT awaken someone by shooting or punching xi (JOD) VI aroused, awakened yax? XXX awaken, arouse someone by calling bad? VT push, push away, push off chi VI arrive over there arrive at a place not his home for 1st time gakh? ADV awhile, for a time mus? (JOD) N a kind of awl, makes holes in meat/packing wah?ka N awl of any sort w?baxl?ge N awl gab?boje VT make litter by chopping with a dull axe. m?hispe N axe. hig? h?ga (MR) N child, infant, children ?daye V bear a child, have a baby zhig? h?ga (MR) N child, infant, children zhig? zh?ga (JOD) N child, infant, children sh?donoha gazh?si (JOD) N bachelor, unmarried man sh?donoha, ho N bachelor, youth nearly grown ?gul? VT to have come back for sthg al?guy? VT go back after one's own ?laxleog?xle ADV back to the wind or current al?yi l? VT take one's property home al?yi l? VT

backbone backwards bacon bad badger baking powder bald ball

baloney bandage

bang bank bare barefoot bark

bark lodge barn barrel base baseless bashful

basin bass bat


battle BB's be

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brought one's own back (home) daz?taha ADV behind, at the back, in rear gu VI to be coming back g?khiye VT to cause to come back here h?li (JOD) VI arrive back (?) ?kipak'? V rub one's back on something kh?li (JOD) VI gone back to sit, to sit there again l? VI go back to a place, go home lil? (JOD) V pass by a place on the way back n?ka N back of a person or animal og?goje ADV inside, far from the front, inside corner x?ya ADV back to the starting point n?xahu N spine, backbone daz?ta og?xle ADV look back, facing backwards wash? N fat (JOD), bacon (MR), also any kind of fat p?zhi VI be bad, no good sh?ge VI bad, evil, injury l?mije (JOD) N animal resembling badger eaten by Kaws x?ga N badger w?daha N baking powder (MR), table salt (JOD) shta VI smooth, hairless, bald tab? N ball tab? basht?je (JOD) N ball game played by Kaw women tab? bas?ge VI to throw a ball tab? bas?ge VI ball game of men and women tab? bast?je (JOD) N ball game of Kaw women, 5 to a team, 1 ball wah?ta d?pa m?zema N pistol cartridge, pistol ball t?phe (MR) N baloney (MR), part of the intestine of cows ?lusta VT fasten around, bandage ?yusta VT tie together, bandage, tie up iy?lusta VT bandage one's own with, fasten with iy?yusta VT wrap, bandage, tie sthg with ob?kha VT wrap up, wrap sthg around an obj., to bandage og?bekha VT wrap up one's own in a bundle, bandage own yu?kusta VT bandage up (oneself?) (MR) bah?ta (MR) VI report, loud, noise like a gun ?bok'e (JOD) N cliff, sheer descent, bank ?nalu VT scrape off a bank w/ the foot d?sota VT burn bare s?hu (JOD) VI be clean, bare siy?kayi VI barefoot bazh?be VT peel, whittle bark off b?zhabe VT skin, pare, strip bark from b?xloje (JOD), da VT shoot or knock the bark off a tree, etc. h?ta VI cry of an animal, bark, roar, bellow, etc. yal?leze h?ga VI make a funny noise like trying to bark zh? xuh? N bark of a tree n?ha ic?, n?haci N board house (MR), bark lodge (JOD) sh?ge c? N barn, stable wab?ski ozh? N barn wah?ta m?ze N gun barrel ?bogaji ADV down low, at foot of a bluff uj? (JOD) N base of anything, stump ?gaghe yig? VI be without cause, for nothing, freely ?bala VI bashful, hesitant ?balazhi VI forward, not bashful ?bats'o (JOD) VI be bashful, hesitant ?gibala V bashful with one's kin og?sta (JOD) N basin, stream bed, flood plain h?je N elm (MR), bass or linden (JOD) h?je hu N elm tree, bass or linden (JOD) b?shka N nighthawk, bullbat. cec?sho zhiga N bat isht?hi ?gab?je VI to bat the eyelashes (MR) tab? bal?ze (JOD) N ball bat or stick cut in stripes, gun butt tab? su N bat, curved like a hockey stick, for shinny yup'?p'ize VI blink repeatedly, bat or flutter eyelashes hiy? VI bathe, swim kul?zha VI wash oneself kul?zha (MR), ki (JOD) VR wash oneself d?ge N fight, battle m?suh?ga N small shot, such as BB's or shotgun pellets al?guh? VT coming here for one's own, be y? VI be, to be so, to be a, not of existence

be the blame beads beans


bear claw bear down beard beat

beat on


because become become sunset bed bedding bee beetle before beg behave behind

beige belch bell bellow bells belly



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?k'a VI to be the cause, to be to blame for hisk? N beads wash?shka sk? gaz?je VI weave white beads on a loom (MR) hobl? b?gha (JOD) N beans w. high interlaced stalk hobli bl?ska (JOD) N beans, flat hobli s?taga (MR) N butterbeans, turkey peas (JOD) hobli zh?je N pinto beans (MR) hoblige N beans hoblige pax?je (JOD) N beans w. grey on the head. (?) ?daye V bear a child, have a baby mich? (MR), m?cho (JOD) N bear, grizzly (JOD), white bear (MR) was?be N bear, black bear mich? sh?ge wan?p'i N bear claw necklace bud? (JOD) VT press on, bear down on a plank, etc. y?ba ?hi N beard ?gasta VT beat iron, flatten on an anvil chi VT strike, beat gak?ge VT beat a drum gak?ge VT beat, as a drum, to beat on gak?ge g?lichacha (JOD) VT not to beat on a st obj again gak?ge g?liche (JOD) VT not to beat on a st obj again gak?ge g?lihe (JOD) VT no to beat a ly/obj again gak?ge g?liya (JOD) VT not to beat on a si/obj again gashk?ge (JOD) VT dent a surface, beat laundry gast? VT hammer flat, beat until flat and long gats'?ga VT beat to death gaz?zabe VT beat a stick into slivers ?chi VT strike with something oy?chi (JOD) VI strike a drum. JOD translation unclear w?xa (JOD) VT beat, surpass them, pl. obj. gak?ge VT beat a drum gak?ge VT beat, as a drum, to beat on gak?ge g?lichacha (JOD) VT not to beat on a st obj again gak?ge g?liche (JOD) VT not to beat on a st obj again gak?ge g?lihe (JOD) VT no to beat a ly/obj again gak?ge g?liya (JOD) VT not to beat on a si/obj again gak?ge i+(positional) VT beat on an Xshaped obj. for the first time gak?ge l?che (JOD) VT beat on a st/obj again gak?ge l?he (JOD) VT beat on a ly/obj again gak?ge l?ya (JOD) VT beat on a si/obj again gak?ge o+(positional) VT beat on an Xshaped obj. for the first time. dohn?ge (MR) N otter (JOD), beaver (MR) t?hnage (JOD) N otter (JOD), beaver (MR) zh?be N beaver hag?jida (JOD) ADV when, at the time, because l? nazh? (JOD) VI become something else and remain thus ?mihiye V sunset on one, to become ?zha N bed, bench om?zhe N quilt, mattress, bedding om?zhe VT to spread bedding zhan? wal?shka N bee zhan? wal?shka t?ga N bumble bee il? obat?ya N tumblebug, dung beetle pah?le ADV first, before, formerly da VT ask, beg, demand wad? VI beg, ask for sthg, to pray yu?zhi XXX change, alter sthg, act differently daz?taha ADV behind, at the back, in rear hash?ta ADV behind, in the rear ?niya (JOD) VT hide behind, take refuge beind ?pha hi ego VI elk colored, dun (JOD) d?ske VI belch, hiccough d?ski (JOD) VI belch, hiccough bash?yo (JOD) VT ring a bell w/ pushing effort m?ze t?ma N bell h?ta VI cry of an animal, bark, roar, bellow, etc. gash?yo VT ring bells, etc. by shaking hn?hna zh?ga (JOD) N abdomen just below the navel ho gax? N fins, breast, belly and roe il?zhu < il? + ozhu N belly, paunch, abdomen huj?ji ADV bottom, at the, below h?jeta ADV down in bottom, below, at the foot huj?tah? ADV below, on a stream (JOD) c? h? N yarn made of buffalo hair, belt ?ci ob?gha VT thrust into (the belt) ?piya N


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