Honors Geography: Unit 1 Assessment Rubric
Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Period __________________
|Component |Excellent (9-10) |Proficient (6-8) |Partially Proficient (4-6) |Unsatisfactory (0-3) |Total |
|Part I.) Spatial |Includes an existing US city |Includes an existing US city |Includes an existing US city |Includes an existing US city. | |
|Inquiry: |and its distance from Detroit,|and its distance from Detroit, |and its distance from Detroit,|Provides a latitude and | |
| |the fastest and most cost |the fastest and most cost |and how to transport |longitude but may not be | |
| |effective way of transporting |effective way of transporting |goods/materials between the 2 |accurate or in correct format. | |
| |materials between the two |materials between the two |cities, although time and cost|Area chosen may or may not be | |
| |cities, various modes of |cities. Provides an accurate |may not be considered. |appropriate in size and | |
| |transportation, and |latitude and longitude in |Provides an accurate latitude |landforms to build. May lack | |
| |justification as to why this |correct format for the area of |and longitude in correct |maps completely, or maps | |
| |city is the best choice. |the city where you will build |format for the area of the |provided are not accurate, | |
| |Provides an accurate latitude |the team stadium. Area chosen |city where you will build the |clear, or appropriate. Climate | |
| |and longitude in correct |is appropriate in size and |team stadium. Area chosen may |may or may not be included and | |
| |format for the area of the |landforms to build. At least 1 |or may not be appropriate in |decision to build closed- or | |
| |city where you will build the |clear, accurate map is provided|size and landforms to build. |open-dome may be missing, or is| |
| |team stadium. Area chosen is |that shows the area chosen. |At least 1 map is provided |not justified. | |
| |not only appropriate in size |Climate is included and |that shows the area chosen, | | |
| |and landforms to build, but |decision to build closed- or |but may lack clarity or | | |
| |adds to the success of the |open-dome is clearly and |accuracy. Climate may or may | | |
| |endeavor. 2 or more clear, |completely justified. |not be included and decision | | |
| |accurate maps are provided | |to build closed- or open-dome | | |
| |that show the area chosen and | |is stated but may not be | | |
| |features that aided in the | |clearly and completely | | |
| |decision to choose this area. | |justified. | | |
| |Climate is included and | | | | |
| |decision to build closed- or | | | | |
| |open-dome is clearly and | | | | |
| |completely justified. | | | | |
|Part III.) Spatial |Includes a clear, detailed, |Includes a detailed cost sheet |Includes a cost sheet that |May or may not include a cost | |
|Inquiry: |thorough cost sheet that |that breaks down the costs of |breaks down the costs of |sheet that breaks down the | |
| |breaks down the costs of |building the stadium, |building the stadium, |costs of building the stadium, | |
| |building the stadium, |maintaining the stadium on a |maintaining the stadium on a |maintaining the stadium on a | |
| |maintaining the stadium on a |yearly basis, and the pricing |yearly basis, and the pricing |yearly basis, and the pricing | |
| |yearly basis, and the pricing |of goods (including ticket |of goods (may or may not |of goods. Cost sheet may lack | |
| |of goods (including ticket |prices, food prices, and tax |include ticket prices, food |detail and research. These | |
| |prices, food prices, and tax |rates). These costs are |prices, and tax rates). Cost |costs may not be comparable to | |
| |rates). These costs are show |comparable to real NFL |sheet may lack some detail. |real NFL franchise costs. May | |
| |extensive research on real NFL|franchise costs and are shown |These costs may or may not be |not demonstrate how the | |
| |franchise costs and are shown |in US dollars. Demonstrates how|comparable to real NFL |franchise will create a profit | |
| |in US dollars. Clearly |the franchise will create a |franchise costs and are shown |for the Ford Family. Shows | |
| |demonstrates how the franchise|profit for the Ford Family. |in US dollars. May not |little understanding and | |
| |will create a profit for the |Shows understanding and |demonstrate how the franchise |research regarding the area | |
| |Ford Family. Shows |research regarding the area |will create a profit for the |chosen and its economic | |
| |understanding and extensive |chosen and its economic |Ford Family. Shows limited |situation. | |
| |research regarding the area |situation. |understanding and research | | |
| |chosen and its economic | |regarding the area chosen and | | |
| |situation. | |its economic situation. | | |
|Presentation Content: |Shows in-depth geographic |Shows clear geographic thinking|Shows some geographic thinking|Shows little geographic | |
|Spatial Inquiry |thinking and understanding of |and understanding of spatial |and understanding of spatial |thinking and understanding of | |
| |spatial aspects. Transfers |aspects. Uses skills from class|aspects. Uses some skills from|spatial aspects. May or may not| |
| |skills from class and applies |and applies these to the |class, but struggles to apply |attempt to use skills from | |
| |these to the proposal in a |proposal in a clear manner, but|these to the proposal, or |class in proposal. No new | |
| |clear and well-thought-out |may not make new connections. |applications may be confusing |applications or connections are| |
| |manner, showing new |These skills may include a |and/or unclear. Does not make |present, or these are | |
| |connections and uses, |variety of maps, graphs, and |new connections. May lack |incorrect. Maps, graphs, and/or| |
| |including, but not limited to,|charts. |appropriate maps, graphs, |charts are missing, inaccurate,| |
| |a variety of maps, graphs, and| |and/or charts. |or inappropriate. | |
| |charts. | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | |Spatial Inquiry Assessment | |
| | | | |Score: | |
| | | | | | |
|Part II.) Population, |Includes 6 or more pieces of |Includes at least 5 pieces of |Includes 4-5 pieces of basic |Includes fewer than 4 pieces of| |
|Movement, and |relevant, basic geographic |relevant, basic geographic |geographic information about |basic geographic information | |
|Settlement: |information about the area |information about the area |the area chosen, including |about the area chosen, may be | |
| |chosen, including climate, GDP|chosen, including climate, GDP |climate, GDP per capita, and |missing climate, GDP per | |
| |per capita, and space |per capita, and space |space availability (one may be|capita, and/or space | |
| |availability. An exemplary |availability. A sufficient |missing). Some research is |availability. Little research | |
| |amount of research is evident |amount of research is evident |evident from the choices made,|is evident from the choices | |
| |from the choices made, and |from the choices made, and |and an explanation is given to|made, and an explanation is | |
| |explicit, detailed explanation|clear, detailed explanation is |connect geographic ideas and |given to connect geographic | |
| |is given to connect geographic|given to connect geographic |thinking to the choices made, |ideas and thinking to the | |
| |ideas and thinking to the |ideas and thinking to the |although it may lack details. |choices is missing or | |
| |choices made. |choices made. | |illogical/incomplete. | |
|Part IV.) Population, |Includes a well-planned and |Includes a new mascot, name, |Includes a new mascot, name, |Is missing multiple required | |
|Movement, and |justified new mascot, name, |and uniform color choices that |and uniform color choices, or |elements. There is little or no| |
|Settlement: |and uniform color choices |are tied to the geography of |may be missing one element. |attempt to tie the choices to | |
| |which are clearly tied to the |the new city. These choices are|There is an attempt to tie the|the geography of the new city. | |
| |geography of the new city. |justified and explained in a |choices to the geography of |Choices, if presented are not | |
| |These choices are justified |clear, detailed manner. Unique |the new city. These choices |explained, or explanation is | |
| |and explained in a clear, |and/or special aspects of your |are presented but not clearly |illogical. Unique and/or | |
| |detailed, and thorough manner.|proposed stadium are included |explained, or explanation may |special aspects of your | |
| |Unique and/or special aspects |and clearly explained. |be unclear or lack detail. |proposed stadium are not | |
| |of your proposed stadium are | |Unique and/or special aspects |included. | |
| |included and clearly | |of your proposed stadium are | | |
| |explained, justifying you | |included but lack explanation.| | |
| |stadium choices. | | | | |
|Presentation: |Shows in-depth geographic |Shows clear geographic thinking|Shows some geographic thinking|Shows little geographic | |
|Content (Population, |thinking and understanding of |and understanding of movement, |and understanding of movement,|thinking and understanding of | |
|Movement, and |movement, population, and |population, and settlement. |population, and settlement. |movement, population, and | |
|Settlement) |settlement. Transfers concepts|Uses concepts from class and |Uses some concepts from class,|settlement. May or may not | |
| |from class and applies these |applies these to the proposal |but struggles to apply these |attempt to use concepts from | |
| |to the proposal in a clear and|in a clear manner, but may not |to the proposal, or |class in proposal. No new | |
| |well-thought-out manner, |make new connections. These |applications may be confusing |applications or connections are| |
| |showing new connections and |concepts may include push/pull |and/or unclear. Does not make |present, or these are | |
| |uses, including, but not |factors, demographics, |new connections. May lack |incorrect. Concepts are | |
| |limited to, push/pull factors,|transportation, etc. |appropriate concepts. |missing, inaccurate, or | |
| |demographics, transportation, | | |inappropriate. | |
| |per capita GDP, etc. | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | |Population, Movement, and | |
| | | | |Settlement Assessment Score: | |
| | | | | | |
|Written Report: |Writing is easy to read with |Writing is generally easy to |Writing is sometimes difficult|Writing is difficult to read | |
|Formatting and Grammar/|appropriate use of font, size,|read with appropriate use of |to read due to inappropriate |due to inappropriate use of | |
|Conventions |bullets, italics, bold, and |font, size, bullets, italics, |use of fonts, size, bullets, |fonts, point size, bullets, | |
| |indentations where |bold, and indentations. May or |italics, bold, and/or |italics, bold, and/or | |
| |appropriate. Fluid thoughts |may not be fluid. Has multiple |indentations. May not be |indentation. Is not fluid, or | |
| |are clear. Contains multiple |paragraphs. Grammatical and/ or|fluid. May not contain |is choppy. Incomplete sentences| |
| |paragraphs divided |spelling errors may be present |multiple paragraphs. Multiple |are used. Lacks organization. | |
| |appropriately. Grammatical and|but do not detract or distract.|errors detract or distract the|Many errors distract the reader| |
| |spelling errors are not |Includes a Works Cited page. |reader. May not include a |and/or make the writing unclear| |
| |present. Includes an accurate | |Works Cited page. |or unintelligible. Does not | |
| |and complete Works Cited page.| | |have a Works Cited page. | |
|Presentation: Visual |Presentation includes all |Presentation includes all |Presentation is lacking all |Presentation is ineffective or | |
| |required elements and is very |required elements and is |required elements and may or |severely incomplete. May not | |
| |visually stimulating/ |decently visually attractive. |may not be visually |have multiple slides, fails to | |
| |appropriate. Includes multiple|Includes multiple slides and |attractive. May or may not be |demonstrate understanding of | |
| |slides and shows an extensive |shows a solid understanding of |multiple slides and fails to |content or presentation skills.| |
| |understanding of content and |content and presentation |show understanding of content |Is missing entirely. | |
| |presentation skills. |skills. |and/or presentation skills. | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | |Learning and Process Unit 1 | |
| | | | |Assessment Score: | |
| | | | | | |
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