Lesson Plan Form

Vocabulary: Improving Comprehension

Teacher: Elise Palos School: East Bakersfield High School

|Content Area Standard: |1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development: Students apply their knowledge of word origins to |

| |determine the meaning of new words encountered in reading materials and use those words accurately. |

|Literacy Standard: |Reading Comprehension 2.0: Students read, understand, and analyze grade-appropriate material |

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|Instructional Objectives |Students will strengthen their reading comprehension by clarifying their understanding of vocabulary. |

|Definition of what is to be taught and| |

|learned | |

|Reading Strategies |Shira Lubliner’s Strategies: Students use Clarifying Cue Cards (Mine Your Memory, Study the Structure, Consider the |

| |Context, Substitute a Synonym, Ask an Expert, and Place a Post-It) to figure out words that they don’t know. |

|Curriculum |Things Fall Apart, Chapters 1-4 vocabulary |

|Lesson Content | |

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|Instructional Delivery |Students will sort each of 12 words from Chapters 1-4 of Things Fall Apart according to whether they know it, have heard of|

|Procedures |it, or don’t know it. |

|Strategies |They will use strategies from the Clarifying Cue Cards (see “Reading Strategies” above) to determine the meanings of the |

| |words they don’t know. |

| |Then the teacher will pass out the Pre-Reading Vocabulary worksheet, and the students will write a synonym or short |

| |definition for each word. |

| |Then students will match each word with its definition on the worksheet. |

|Evidence/Assessment |Whether or not the students know each word will be determined by how well they match each word with its definition. |

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|Accommodations |English learners could look for cognates. |

|Reading difficulties | |

|Advanced learners | |

|English learners | |

|Text |Three-column graphic organizer for sorting each of the 12 vocabulary words |

|Instructional Materials |Clarifying Cue Cards |

| |Pre-reading Vocabulary Worksheets |

| |Dictionaries |


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