KDE Comprehensive Improvement Plan for District

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP)Rationale?School improvement efforts are a collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders. Through the improvement planning process, leaders focus on priority needs, funding, and closing achievement gaps among identified subgroups of students. When implemented with fidelity, the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) cultivates an environment that promotes student growth and achievement. Operational DefinitionsGoal: Long-term three to five year targets based on the required school level goals. Elementary/middle schools must have goals for proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, and growth. High schools must have goals for proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, graduation rate, and transition readiness. Long-term targets should be informed by The Needs Assessment for Schools.Objective: Short-term target to be attained by the end of the current academic year. There can be multiple objectives for each goal. Strategy: An approach to systematically address the process, practice, or condition that the school will focus its efforts upon in order to reach its goals or objectives. There can be multiple strategies for each objective. The strategy can be based upon Kentucky’s six (6) Key Core Work Processes listed below or another established improvement approach (i.e. Six Sigma, Shipley, Baldridge, etc.).Activity: Actionable steps used to deploy the chosen strategy. There can be multiple activities for each strategy. Key Core Work Processes: A series of processes identified by the Kentucky Department of Education that involve the majority of an organization’s workforce and relate to its core competencies. These are the factors that determine an organization’s success and help it prioritize areas for growth. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" KCWP 1: Design and Deploy Standards HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" KCWP 2: Design and Deliver InstructionKCWP 3: Design and Deliver Assessment LiteracyKCWP 4: Review, Analyze and Apply Data HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" KCWP 5: Design, Align and Deliver SupportKCWP 6: Establishing Learning Culture and EnvironmentMeasure of Success: Criteria that shows the impact of the work. The?measures?may be quantitative or qualitative, but are observable in some way. Progress Monitoring: Process used to assess the implementation of the plan, the rate of improvement, and the effectiveness of the plan. Should include timelines and responsible individuals. Funding: Local, state, or federal funds/grants used to support (or needed to support) the improvement initiative. Requirements for Building an Improvement PlanThere are six (6) required district goals: proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, graduation rate, growth, and transition readiness.The required school goals include the following:For elementary/middle school, these include: proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, and, growth.For high school, these include: proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, graduation rate, and transition readiness.Explanations/DirectionsGoal: Include long-term three to five year targets based on the required school level goals. Elementary/middle schools must have goals for proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, and growth. High schools must have goals for proficiency, separate academic indicator, achievement gap, graduation rate, and transition readiness. Long-term targets should be informed by The Needs Assessment for Schools.ObjectiveStrategyActivitiesMeasure of SuccessProgress MonitoringFundingInclude short-term targets to be attained by the end of the current academic year. There can be multiple objectives for each goal. An approach to systematically address the process, practice, or condition that the school will focus its efforts upon in order to reach its goals or objectives. There can be multiple strategies for each objective. The strategy can be based upon Kentucky’s six (6) Key Core Work Processes listed above or another established improvement approach (i.e. Six Sigma, Shipley, Baldridge, etc.).Include actionable steps used to deploy the chosen strategy. There can be multiple activities for each strategy.List the criteria that shows the impact of the work. The?measures?may be quantitative or qualitative, but are observable in some way.Discuss the process used to assess the implementation of the plan, the rate of improvement, and the effectiveness of the plan. Should include timelines and responsible individuals. Progress monitoring ensures that plans are being revisited and an opportunity to determine whether the plan is working.List the funding source(s) used to support (or needed to support) the improvement initiative. 1: Proficiency GoalGoal 1 (State your proficiency goal.): By 2023, Pride Elementary School will increase the Reading proficiency from 73.5% to 76.5% proficient and distinguished and the Math proficiency from 67% to 70% proficient and distinguished.ObjectiveStrategyActivities Measure of SuccessProgress Monitoring FundingObjective 1Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on MAP Reading from 60.4% in Fall 2019 to 61.4% in Spring 2021KCWP 5 Advising Diagnostic Goal setting (CCI)Data Tracking-Student notebooks, MAP, weekly assessments, and standards mastery documentationMAP data tool- by class, grade level, and school overallStudent/Teacher Conferences- Conferences on an as needed basis to reach mastery of content and skills being taught.Goal Setting- for MAP and weekly assessments to promote mastery that also involves rewards set by class/teacherOn-going-May 2019 Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title I StaffHomeroom TeachersTitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title IIGuided Planning-teachers and administration team meet weekly to discuss various data sources. This data then directs the next steps in small group instruction and skills based instructional groups.Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Homeroom TeachersDistrict Support PersonnelKCWP4 : Advising Diagnostic Name & Claim StudentsName & Claim Sheets: Increase collaboration in data analysis and student progress towards standards mastery, including identification of students in need of intervention supports. (Watch List)Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Homeroom TeachersTitle I StaffThe implementation of Journeys Common Core reading strategies provide for Tier I instruction. Differentiated interventions are then planned by using focus groups for gifted, KSI, and any other needs within the classroom setting.CARS, STARs, Extensions, Zoom-in, Exact Path, Study Island, and diagnostic reading toolkits are used as supplemental materials to provide Tier 2 and 3 intervention support. Title I will utilize core reading as well as supplemental materials to provide additional support for students not reaching mastery with Tier I instruction. Assessment plan with questions that spiral review. Formative Assessment Practices allow students to understand where they are going, where they are currently, and how they can close the gap (data notebooks). Assess with formative and summative assessments that are aligned to the standards and learning targets. (Weekly assessments, skills based assessments)Professional development provided in the areas of formative assessments and learning targets for staff (Reading, Math, & SS).CSRT – small group instruction for K. Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)PACPLCsDistrict Support PersonnelTitle 1 StaffTitle II staffObjective 2Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on MAP Math from 60.9% in Fall 2019 to 61.9% in Spring 2021KCWP 5 Advising Diagnostic Goal Setting (CCI)Data Tracking-Student notebooks, MAP, weekly assessments, and standards mastery documentationMAP data tool- by class, grade level, and school overallStudent/Teacher Conferences- Conferences on an as needed basis to reach mastery of content and skills being taught.Goal Setting- for MAP and for weekly assessments to promote mastery that also involves rewards set by class/teacher. On-going-May 2019 Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title I StaffHomeroom TeachersTitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title IIGuided Planning-teachers and administration meet weekly to discuss various data sources. This data then directs the next steps in small group instruction and skills based instructional groups.Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Homeroom TeachersDistrict Support PersonnelKCWP4: Advising DiagnosticName & Claim StudentsName & Claim Sheets: Increase collaboration in data analysis and student progress towards standards mastery, including identification of students in need of intervention supports. (Watch List)Admin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Homeroom TeachersTitle I StaffTitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title IIThe implementation of enVisionMATH Common Core math strategies provide Tier I instruction. Differentiated interventions are then planned by using focus groups (skills based instructional groups) for gifted, KSI, and any other needs within the classroom setting. CAMS, STAMS, Extensions, Zoom-in, Exact Path, Study Island, and diagnostic math toolkits are used as supplemental materials to provide Tier 2 and 3 intervention support. Title I will utilize core math materials as well as supplemental materials to provide additional support for students not reaching mastery with Tier I instruction. Assessments plan with questions that spiral review. Formative Assessment Practices allow students to understand where they are going, where they currently are, and how they can close the gap (Data notebook). CSRT will be utilized for 5th grade small group instruction and reducing the class size for K. Assess with formative and summative assessments that are aligned to the standards and learning targets. (Weekly assessments, skills based assessments)Professional development provided in the areas of formative assessments and learning targets for staffAdmin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)PACPLCsDistrict Support PersonnelTitle 1 StaffTitle II staffPLCs-Homeroom TeachersAdmin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title IDistrict Support Personnel2: Separate Academic IndicatorGoal 2 (State your separate academic indicator goal.): By 2023 Pride Elementary School will increase the percent of Proficient and distinguished students by 69.7% to 72.7% in Social Studies, 43.8% to 46.8% Science, and 75.8% to 78.8% On-Demand Writing.ObjectiveStrategyActivities Measure of SuccessProgress Monitoring FundingObjective 1Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on KPREP Social Studies from 69.7% in 2019 to 70.7% in 2021KCWP 2: Design and Deliver InstructionTeachers will implement project based social studies instruction to increase student engagement with the content and reach a variety of learning styles.Project based assessment data and productsSBDM funds (Art Fund)FRYSCTeachers will increase technology resources (Education Galaxy, research sites) and supplemental resources from district social studies collaboration to present content to students in a variety of ways.Social Studies assessment dataNoneTeachers will integrate more social studies content by incorporating related book studies and making daily reading warm up activities social studies related.Social Studies assessment dataNoneTeachers will provide small group instruction in social studies to ensure all students are grasping the content and to differentiate among various skill levelsSocial Studies assessment dataNoneObjective 2Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on KPREP On-Demand Writing from 75.8% in 2019 to 76.8% in 2021KCWP 2: Design and Deliver InstructionTeachers will increase opportunities for students to participate in thematic and interest based writing for authentic audiences to increase student engagement with the content and reach a variety of learning styleWriting folders NoneTeachers will increase timed writing opportunities to prepare students for timed writing assessments.Writing foldersNoneTeachers in all grades will dissect the standards and increase the rigor of science instruction to prepare students for the intermediate social studies curriculum.PDSBDM fundsObjective 2Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on KPREP Science from 43.8% in 2019 to 44.8% in 2021.KCWP 2: Design and Deliver InstructionTeachers will increase the rigor and frequency of science related comprehension passages across all subject areas to increase student comprehension of technical text and student stamina in long passages.Science Assessments and dataNoneTeachers will incorporate end of unit performance tasks to increase student engagement with the content and reach a variety of learning styles.Science assessment dataNoneTeachers will incorporate a variety of technology resources such as Mystery Science and Generation Genius to increase student engagement with the content and reach a variety of learning styles.Science assessment dataTitle I FundsSBDM fundsTeachers in primary grades will dissect the standards and increase the rigor of science instruction to prepare students for the intermediate science curriculum.Science assessment dataNone3: Achievement GapGoal 3 (State your achievement gap goal.): By 2023 Pride Elementary will increase the percentage of students in the Special Populations subgroup demonstrating proficiency in Reading from 70.5 to 73.5%? and Math from 59.1 to 62.1%. ?ObjectiveStrategyActivities Measure of SuccessProgress Monitoring FundingObjective 1Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on MAP Reading from 30.4% in Fall 2019 to 31.4% in Spring 2021 for students in the SPECIAL POPULATIONS subgroup.KCWP #4 Review, Analyze, & ApplyData ResultsMAP goal setting,data notebooks,conferencingPLCs-Homeroom TeachersAdmin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title ITitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title IIKCWP #5 Design, Alignand Deliver Support Process withSubgroup focusFocus Groups, Station Teaching, PBIS Teams/Processes, KSI Interventions,MAP/Universal Screener,ESSMonthly Special Ed PLC Following the continuum of servicesWeekly progress monitoringPLCs-Homeroom TeachersAdmin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title ITitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title IIObjective 2Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished on MAP Math from 19.6% in Fall 2019 to 20.6% in Spring 2021 for students in the SPECIAL POPULATIONS subgroup.KCWP #4 Review, Analyze, & ApplyData ResultsMAP goal setting,data notebooks,conferencingPLCs-Homeroom TeachersAdmin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title ITitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title IIKCWP #5 Design, Alignand Deliver Support Process withSubgroup focusFocus Groups, Station Teaching, PBIS Teams/Processes, KSI Interventions,MAP/Universal Screener,ESSPLCs-Homeroom TeachersAdmin Team:(PrincipalGuidance CounselorSpEd Building CoachCurriculum Coordinator)Title ITitle I, FRYSC Fund, ESS fund, SBDM, Title II4: GrowthGoal 4 (State your growth goal.): By 2023, Pride Elementary School will increase the percent of students that attain a minimum of one year’s typical growth from 65% in SY 18-19 to 70% in SY 22-23 in Reading and from 54% in SY 18-19 to 59% in SY 22-23 in Math as measured by Fall to Spring MAP.ObjectiveStrategyActivities Measure of SuccessProgress Monitoring FundingObjective 1Increase the percent of students in grades K-5/K-8/6-8 that attain a minimum of one year’s typical growth from 65% in SY 18-19 to 66% in SY 20-21 in Reading as measured by Fall to Spring MAP.KCWP 2: Design and Deliver InstructionTeachers will increase small group instruction and station teaching to differentiate to meet the needs of each learner and increase student engagement.Assessment data that demonstrates student growth as a result of small groups and differentiationNoneCollaboration will increase in the classrooms through Title I staff, special education building coach, collaborative teachers, class size reduction teacher, and special teachers to increase the level of adult intervention available for struggling learners via KSI supports, Extended School,? station teaching, and small group instructionAssessment data that demonstrates student growth and narrowed achievement gaps as a result of increased collaboration, KSI, station teaching, small group instructionTitle IIDEA BDistrict StaffingESS FundsTeachers will utilize the NWEA pathway, Study Island, and other high rigor technology resources on a daily basis to individualize and differentiate instructionNWEA pathway student data, Study Island reports, reports from other technology resourcesDistrict fundsTitle I fundsFamily resource center will support basic needs and attendance so students are here and ready to receive instruction.FRC support logs and advisory council minutes will reflect services provided so basic needs of students are met, thus increasing attendance and instructional readinessFRC grant fundsFRC district fundsObjective 2?Increase the percent of students in grades K-5/K-8/6-8 that attain a minimum of one year’s typical growth from 54% in SY 18-19 to 55% in SY 20-21 in Math as measured by Fall to Spring MAP.KCWP 2: Design and Deliver InstructionTeachers will increase small group instruction and station teaching to differentiate to meet the needs of each learner and increase student engagement.Assessment data that demonstrates student growth as a result of small groups and differentiationNoneCollaboration will increase in the classrooms through Title I staff, special education building coach, collaborative teachers, class size reduction teacher, and special teachers to increase the level of adult intervention available for struggling learners via KSI supports, Extended School,? station teaching, and small group instructionAssessment data that demonstrates student growth and narrowed achievement gaps as a result of increased collaboration, KSI, station teaching, small group instructionTitle IIDEA BDistrict StaffingESS fundsTeachers will utilize the NWEA pathway, Study Island, and other high rigor technology resources on a daily basis to individualize and differentiate instruction.NWEA pathway student data, Study Island reports, reports from other technology resourcesDistrict fundsTitle I fundsTeachers will implement math fluency goals to ensure student mastery of basic math facts and practices at each grade levelStudent fluency data on the school fluency trackerNoneFamily resource center will support basic needs and attendance so students are here and ready to receive instructionFRC support logs and advisory council minutes will reflect services provided so basic needs of students are met, thus increasing attendance and instructional readinessFRC grant fundsFRC district funds ................

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