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[Pages:2]Achieving Mental and Emotional Health Worksheet Answers

Following are the tips regarding achieving mental and emotional health. Read them carefully.

Take care of your physical health..

You can maintain your health by eating healthily, getting enough rest, and exercising regularly. Lack of sleep can make you feel weary, stressed, and cranky. Getting enough rest for your body helps it recuperate from daily wear and tear, whereas not getting enough sleep can make you feel weary, agitated, and grumpy.

Allow yourself to breathe fresh air and be exposed to sunlight

exposure to sunlight increases the production of serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood in the brain.

Take care of yourself.

Taking time for self-care benefits your mental and emotional health. Make time for yourself; pay attention to your moving needs; read a book; and indulge yourself. You might be able to learn to relax using components of mindfulness.

Spend time with folks you enjoy being with

Spending time with individuals you care about and who you get along with makes you feel respected and respected. Healthy relationships with your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors can improve your emotional well-being and offer you a sense of belonging.

Pursue a hobby, or a new activity

Engaging in activities that you enjoy keeps you engaged and, as a result, happy. For example, learning new skill tests improves your concentration and helps you feel good about yourself for trying something new.

Manage your stress

you don't have a choice but to face the event or person that causes you to stress, you need to find a way to cope with it. Avoiding stressful circumstances may be effective, but you must be able to tell when you can avoid them and when you can't. So figure out how to control your stress so you can adequately care for yourself.

Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and boundaries.

Acknowledge your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Accepting that you have some flaws like everyone else is a key to your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Practice gratitude

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When you practice gratitude for what you have, it can take away focus from what you don't. Being grateful for what you have helps you stay optimistic about your future and boosts your mental health.

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