|דר' פלדברין זאב |Feldbrin Zeev M.D |

|אורטופד מנתח |Orthopaedic Surgeon |



|מען: |רח' אריה שרון 6 |6 Arie Sharon St. |Home: |

| |תל-אביב 69553 |Tel-Aviv 69553 | |

| |טל: 03-6485080 |Tel: 03-6485080 | |

| |סלולאר:0506296915 |Celular: 0506296915 | |

|מרפאה: |רח' דיסנציק 9 |9 Disenchik St. |Clinic: |

| |תל-אביב 69353 |Tel-Aviv 69353 | |

| |טל: 03-6487001 |Tel: 03-6487001 | |



1976-1981: Graduate Student for Doctorate Degree in Medicine "CUM LAUDE", Medicine School Technion Haifa.

1975-1976: Studies in Life Science Faculty ,Department of biology Tel-Aviv



1992-1993: Fellowship on Pediatric Orthopedics at Speising Hospital Wine.

1983-1989: Post-Graduate studies in Orthopedics at Tel-Aviv University.

1983-1989: Resident in Orthopedic department, E. Wolfson Medical center.

1981-1982: Internship at Haim Shiba Medical center.


2012: Foot Workshop, Foot products- Tornier training, 18-19 October

Dusseldorf, Ratingen Germany.

2012: Advances in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Cutting Edge Technigues

3-4 SEP Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2012: Observation Stryker Foot Portfolio. Foot & Ankle Dep. HELIOS Agnes Karll Hospital Bad Schwartau, Germany. 4-5 April 2012.

2010: Good Clinical Pracrice Course. GCP Clinical Studies Ltd.

Wolfson Medical Center

2010: Mediterranean Trauma Symposium. Valencia, Spain.

2009: Otto Boak seminar " Upper and Lower limb devices" Duderstat Germany.

2008: "Maof"- Advance Training for High Rank Hospital Personal

E. Wolfson Academic Nurse School.

2008: Lower extremity Orthopaedic Challenges and Solution. Majorca Spain.

1994: Ortofix Seminar of Ortofix Dynamic Axial Fixation.

Bussolengo , Verona Italy.

1993: Basic and advance course Hip Sonography by Prof. Graf,

Stolzalpe ,Austria .

1992-1993: Fallowship Pediatric Orthopaedic at Speising Orthopaedic

Hospital ,Prof. Docent F. Gril ,Wine, Austria.

1990: Course on Pediatric Orthopaedics ,M. Tachjan , San Francisco ,U.S.A.

1989: Fellowship on Arthroscopy , Prof. Ulman , Sport Medicine Center, Atlanta , Gorgia , U .S.A. .



2012: Nomination as Lecturer Orthopedic Surgery Tel Aviv Uni.

2011: Head of Diabetic Foot Unit E. Wolfson Medical center.

2009: Nomination as Clinical Tutor for the Tel Aviv University,

2009: Nomination from Lewis National Rehabilitation Institute at

Tel Hashomer

2003: Head of the Foot & Ankle servise E.Wolfson Medical center.

1999-2000: In charge head of Orthopeadic department E. Wolfson Medical center.

1990: Consultant for the National Israeli Social Security Service ,

occupational and work problem.

1989-1994: Orthopaedic Registrar , Department of Orthopaedic Surgery E. Wolfson Medical center.

1994- 2011: Deputy head of Orthopeadic department E. Wolfson Medical center.

1992-1994: Orthopaedic Registrar , Department of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Dana Children's Hospital ,Tel-Aviv Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine , Tel-Aviv University.

1985-1994: Affiliated with Bar Institute ,Law and occupational medicine.


2013 3-May Lacture on complication of Hallux Valgus Surgery,TEL AVIV

UNIVERSITY Sackler faculthy of Medicin, Scool of Contineous Medical Education

2012-Nov. Exsaminer for Graduatin of the Israeli Orthopedic Association.

2012-Jan. Invited to give a lecture at TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY

Sackler faculthy of Medicin, Scool of Contineous Medical

Education, Epidemiology and Evaluation of acute ankle sprain.

2012 23-Mar Israeli Foot and Ankle Society. Lecture on Non operative

treatment, osteochondral lesion of the talus.

2011: Invited to give a lecture at TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY

Sackler faculthy of Medicin, Scool of Contineous Medical Education Operation around the ankle for Osteoarthritis

2011-May: Invited to give a lecture at TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY

Sackler faculthy of Medicin, Scool of Contineous Medical Education

LAW and MEDICIN: Determination of Orthopedic invalidity.

2001-2013: Tutoring of medicine students in orthopedic training. E. Wolfson, Orthopeadic department, Medicine School,Tel-Aviv University

2009: Lecture for the Herzlia Israeli Diabetes Association, Diabetic Foot Problem and Solution.

2009-2010: Lecturing on Diabetic Foot for the E.Wolfson and Assaf Harofe

Nurse School. Advance Diabetic Care.

1999-2002: Tutoring of medicine students in ambulatory orthopedic training,

Medicine School, Tel-Aviv University.

1990-1994: Lectures for the medicine students, Pediatric orthopedic

Medicine School, Tel-Aviv University.

1992: Lecture for the Post-Graduate Orthopaedic department, Medicine School Tel-Aviv ,University.

1991-1992: Lectures for the Russian immigrant doctors on Orthopaedics.

1990-1993: Lectures for Selisitares on Law and Medicine.

1984-1986: In charge and lecturer of anatomy and orthopaedics , Nursing School, affiliated with the E. Wolfson Medical center.

1981-1982: In charge and lecturer of anatomy and physiology ,Nursing School, affiliated with Haim Sheba Medical center.


1989: Cum laude graduate Israeli Orthopaedic educational program.

Award from the Israeli Orthopaedic Organization .

1988: Scholarship from Richard's Company for practice on arthroscopy , Sport Medicine Center ,Atlanta,Gorgia , U .S.A. .

1985: Cum laude graduate Thecnion Medicine School ,Haifa .


1985: Israeli Medical Association.

1985: Israeli Orthopaedic and Traumathology Organization .

1985: Israeli Surgeon Organization.

1987: Organization of Thechnion Graduates.

1992: Israeli Pediatric Orthopaedic Association .

1994: Israeli Society of Calcified Tissues .

1997: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

1998: Israeli Foot and Ankle association.

2001: American Orthopadic Foot and Ankle Society .


1. Walden R(C), Feldbrin Z(PI) , Bass A(C),Schneiderman J(C).

Clinical presentation of suspected carotid artery disease. Screening of candidates for arteriografy with assistance of Vascular Laboratory. Isr. J. Med. Sci.,23: 1181-1185,1987.


2. Ezra A(PI),Feldbrin Z(C),Khermosh O(C), S. Wientroub S(C). Role of sonography inneonatal screening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Harefua J. Isr. Med. 127,1-2, 48-51.July 1994 .

3. Feldbrin Z(PI) ,Gilai AN(C), Ezra E(C) , O. Khermosh O(C) , U. Kramer U(C), Wientrou S(C). Muscle imbalance in the etiology of idiopathic club foot : An Electromyografic study. J BONE JOINT SURG BR Vol 77-B,No 4, JULY 1995.

(ORTHOPEDICS R 6/56, IF 2.655)

4. Cohen I(PI),Feldbrin Z(C),Hendel D(C),Blankstein A(C),Chechick A(C), Rzetelny V(C). Unicompartmental arthroplasty of the knee with the cemented MOD3 prosthesis. European Journal of Trauma Unfallchirurgie.1999; 25:287-93 (Nr.6).


5. Aner A(C), Singer M(PI)., Feldbrin Z(C), Rzetelny V(C), Bar-On E(C).

Surgical treatment of posttraumatic radioulnar synostosis in children. J. Pediatr Orthop. 2002 VOL 22, No 5:598- 600 .

( PEDIATRICS IF 1.226, R = 50/94)

6. Dan M(PI). Kenan O(PI). Feldbrin Z(C). Poch F(C).

Concentrations of moxifloxacin in serum and synovial fluid, and ex vivo bactericidal activity against arthritis-causing pathogens.

Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2004 Apr;48(4):283-6.

PMID: 15062922 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


7. Feldbrin Z(PI). Singer M(C). Keynan O(C). Rzytelny V(C).

Coccygectomy for intractable coccygodynia.

Isr Med Assoc J. 2005 Mar;7(3):160-2.

PMID: 15792260 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


8. Ezri T(PI). Zahalka I(PI). Zabeeda D(C), Feldbrin Z(C), Eidelman A(C), Zimlichman R(C), Medalion B(C). Evron S(C). Similar incidence of hypotension with combined spinal-epidural or epidural alone for knee arthroplasty. Can J Anaesth. 2006 Feb;53(2):139-45. PMID: 16434753 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

( ANESTHESIOLOGY R 10/25 IF 2.306)

9. Lorberboym M(PI),Feldbrin Z(PI),Hendel D(C) ,Blankenberg FG(C),

Schachter P(S). The use of technetium Tc-99m-recombinant human (rh) annexin V imaging for differential diagnosis of aseptic loosening and low grade infection in hip and knee prostheses. J Nuclear Med Vol.50(4) 534-537


R 1/104 IF 6.242 )

10. Feldbrin Z(PI), Hendel D(C), Lipkin A(C). Zin D(C), Shorr L(C).

Achilles Tendon Rupture- Literature Review and Our Experience with the Achilon Device. . Isr Med Assoc J. 2010 Oct;12(10):609-12. PMID: 21090517 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE


11. Feldbrin Z(PI), Lipkin A(C). Cincinnati Incision – the Surgical Approch for Hagelund's Disease, Achilles Tendonitis and Other Posterior ankle Pathology: Surgical Tecchnigue Tip.

Foot Ankle Int . 2011 Jan;32(1):92-4.

(ORTHOPEDICS R 34/61 IF 1.092)

12. Zandman-Goddard G , Feldbrin Z *, Ovadia S , Zubkov T , Lipkin A ,Vainstein H. A multi-disciplinary approach to diabetic foot patients- An organizational model for the treatment of leg complications in diabetic patients. Harefua J. Isr. Med. 2011 Jul:150(7)593-5,616

٭ ד"ר גודארד וד"ר פלדברין השתתפו באופן שווה בעבודה זו.

13. Hulio V. Feldbrin Z. Boaz M. Harman-Boehm I.

Efficacy of Ozone-Oxygen theaphy for the treatment of diabetic foot Ulcer. Diabetic Technology &Therapeutics. 2011, Jul:13(11):1-6


14. Feldbrin Z. Lipkin A(C) Hendel D, Lakstein D.

Precise technique for simple and accurate pip arthrodesis using

a blunt KW technique. Foot Ankle Surg. 2013 Mar;19(1):62-4.

doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2012.11.001. Epub 2012 Dec 25. PMID:

23337280 [PubMed - in process]

b. B1 -Accepted for Publication

1. Boaz M, Bermant A. Ezri T. Lakstein D. Berlovich Y

Laniado I, Feldbrin Z

The Effect of Surgical Safety Checklist Implementation on

the Occurrence of Postoperative Fever in Orthopedic


Israeli Medical Journal

2. Lakstein D Hendel D. Feldbrin Z.

Hip Fractures - Changes in Demographics and

Fracture Patterns Between 2001 and 2010


3. Feldbrin Z. Lipkin A Lakstein D.

Primary Closure of Toe Amputations in the Diabetic Foot - Is it

Safe? : Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association

Decision for Manuscript #12-140R

c. B1- Submitted for Publication

1. Shore R(PI). Lorberboym M(C). Feldbrin Z(C) Halabe A(C).

Bone lesion and bone marrow involvement in systemic sarcoidosis. Submited for publication.

2. Feldbrin Z(PI), Heller E(PI), Zin D(C), Lipkin A(C), Hendel D(C) .

Proximal Metatarsal Osteotomy Combined with distal soft Tissue release – A Long term Follow –Up on Complication. Preparing for submitting.

3. Boaz M, Bermant A, Ezri T, Hendel D, Berlovitz Y, Laniado I, Feldbrin Z. The effect of checklist implementation on the occureennce of fever in orthopedic patients. Submission to International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2011 Nov.


D. Active Participation in Scientific Meeting

1. 1983: Diagnosis of occlusive disease in extra cranial blood vessels by

non invasive techniques .Presented at Israeli Society for Vascular Surgery meeting . 2 Nov. 1983, Jerusalem .

Presented – Dr Feldbrin Zeev

2. 1986: Compartment syndrome in hand injury. Faciotomy-timing and indication. Presented at Israeli Society for Hand Surgery . 9 Sept. 1986, Jerusalem.

Presented – Dr Feldbrin Zeev.

3. 1988: The synovial inhibitor material in different groups of patients . Presented at the Israeli Surgery Society 16th Annual meeting. 23 March , 1988 Tel-Aviv

Presented – Dr Feldbrin Zeev.

4. 1988: The inhibitory effect of synovial fluid on lymphocyte proliferation from patients with traumatic, osteoarthrosis and rheumatic joints disease. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 5, Dec. 1988 , Herzlia .

Presented – Dr Feldbrin Zeev.

5. 1993: The mini-cincinati approach in treatment of congenital clubfoot.

Presented at EPOS 12 th meeting 27 ,1993,Vienna Austria.

6. 1999: Operative treatment of Diabetic Foot & contact cast .

Meeting of Israel Diabetes Association. 20,Oct.1999, Dead Sea.

Presented – Dr Feldbrin Zeev.

7. 2000: Treatment of Diabetic Foot-new concept. Podiatric Curse organized by Israeli Diabetes Association & Health Minister.

Presented – Dr Feldbrin Zeev.

8. 2004: The Cincinnati incision: the best approach for surgical treatment of Haglud disese, Achilles tenditinis and other posterior ankle pathology.

Feldbrin Z., E. Atoun, A. Lipkin, D. Zin, D. Hendel

Poster Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 30 Dec . 2004.

9. 2005: Proximal metatarsal osteotomy combined with distal soft tissue relase – along term follow-up on complication .Heller E. Feldbrin Z. Zin. D. Lipkin A. Hendel D. Presented at the 25 th Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 21 Dec. 2005 .

10. 2006: Proximal metatarsal osteotomy combined with distal soft tissue relase – along term follow-up on complication.Lipkain A. Hendel D. Heller E. Zin D. Feldbrin Z. Abstract presented at the First International Foot and ankle surgery conference in Moscow 31 Mars- 1 April 2006 .

11. 2009: Treatment of diabetic foot osteomyelitis with Activated Macrophage suspension (AMS). Sarig O. Lipkin A. Hendel D. Feldbrin Z. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 4 Dec . 2009.

12. 2009: Achillon device for suturing Achilles tendon- our experience.

Scorr L. Feldbrin Z. Lipkin A. Zin D. Hendel D. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 4 Dec. 2009.

13. 2010: Moderator at the SPECIALTY DAY- Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, Dec 2010.

14. 2011: Moderator at the SPECIALTY DAY- Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 1 Dec 2011. FOOT AND ANKLE .The Mark Myerson Foot & Ankle Marathon Moderators: Dr. Ofer Schindler, Dr. Zeev Feldbrin

15. 2011: The Effect of Surgical Safety Checklist Implementation on the

Occurrence of Postoperative Fever in Orthopedic Patients. Trigub D. Boaz M. Bermant A. Hendel D. Berlovich Y. Laniado I. Feldbrin Z. Ezei T. Poster Presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 19 Oct 2011.

16. 2011: A multi-disciplinary approach to diabetic foot patients- An

Organizational model for the treatment of leg complications in diabetic Patient. Feldbrin Z, Zandman-Goddard G, Ovadia S, Zubkov T, Koper I, Lipkin A, Zim D, Vainstein H. Poster Presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Israel Socity for Qualithy in Medicin 2 Nov 2011.

17. 2011: Primary Closure of Minor Amputation in Diabetic Foot Patients- Our Experience. Feldbrin Z. Schorr L. Lipkin A. Hendel D. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 30 Nov . 2011.

18. 2011: Efficacy of Ozone-oxygen Therapy for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Feldbrin Z. Wainstein J. Boaz M. Rudik O. Harman- Boehm I. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 30 Nov . 2011.

19. 2011: Hip Fractures – Changes in Demographics and Fracture Pattern Between 2001 and 2010 . Lakstein D.Feldbrin Z. Hendel D. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 30 Nov . 2011.

20. 2011: Polydactyly of the Foot: Review and Treatment Management.

Singer M. Aner A. Feldbrin Z. Presented at the 31 Annual meeting of the Israeli Orthopaedic association, 30 Nov . 2011.

21. 2012: Efficacy of Ozone-oxygen Therapy for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Israli Diabetic Foot socaity and The Israeli Wound Maneging Socity. 26 Jan 2012.

22. 2012: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Diabetic Foot - A Model

toTreat Complications in Diabetic Patients.

Israli Diabetic Foot socaity and The Israeli Wound Maneging Socity.26 Jan 2012.

23. 2012: Ozone therapy for the treatment of chronic wounds

Feldberin Z., Head of Diabetic Foot Unit, Wolfson Medical

Center. The First Conference of the Israeli Academy of

Wound Technology IAWT. 29 Feb 2012.

24. 2012: The Modified Cincinnati "Fish Mouth like" Approach vs. the

Extended Lateral Approach Treating Calcaneal Fractures – 9

Years Experience. Presented at the 32 Annual meeting of the

Israeli Orthopaedic association, 7 Dec . 2012.

25. 2013: The yearly commithy treating wounds Ramat Gan 3 June 2013

D3 Abstracts and Proceedind

1. Heller E(C), Feldbrin Z(PI), Zin D(C), Lipkin A(C), Hendel D(C) .

Proximal Metatarsal Osteotomy Combined with distal soft Tissue release – A Long term Follow –Up on Complication. .J BONE JOINT SURG (Br) 2006 Vol 88-B ,Issue SUPP II 334

(ORTHOPEDICS R 6/56, IF 2.655)


1. Feldbrin Z.

Contribution of the vascular laboratory to Diagnosis and treatment of extra cranial vascular disease. MD. Thesis Submitted To Thecnion, Haifa 1984.

2. Feldbrin Z.

It is not must to amputate. Medicin, Diabetes. Jun –Aug,Vol 2 6-11 2008

3. Feldbrin Z.

It is not must to amputate. Medicin, Heart and Vascular. Mar-Mai,Vol 6 26-30 2008.

4. Grinberg D. Izakson A. Dimitrochenko V. Yakobashvilli S. Ezri T. Feldbrin Z. Effect of combined Spinal- epidural Versus General Anesthesia on the Hemodynamic, Respiratory and Metabolic Changes Associated with Tourniquet Deflation. Acta Medica Marisiensis 2010 , 56 (6) 505-8

5. Sarig O. Hendel D. Feldbrin Z. Primary sprain of the Lateral ligamental Complex of the Ankle Joint. Israeli Arthroscopy Orthopeadic & Related Sport Injuries. 2010 Sep I:28-31

6. Feldbrin Z. Diabetic foot Aaurora 2012


1. 2011-CureXcellTM -Monocytes/Macrophages, activated macrophages Suspension for treating diabetic foot Ulcer- Double Blind Study. In negotiation .

2. 2011- TevaTM –A rarandomized , placebo-controlled, double-blinnd, phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of IZN-6D4 gel for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.

3. 2006-2010 Histology and Anatomy of Embrionic development of the Shoulder Joint. Permition no 0034-09-WOMC

4. 2003- 2004 Clinical Double Masked, Controlled Study to evaluate the efficacy of OZOTERTM 101 treatment for Diabetic Foot Ulcer comparing to standard treatment.

5. 2002-2003 A Randomized, Double Masked, Controlled, Multicenter Study to Determine the Safety and Performance of POLYHEAL-1 for Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathic Foot Ulcer.

SCIENTIFIC MEETING ( partial list)

1. EPOS - 11 meeting of the European pediatric orthopaedic society . March 25-27, 92. Jerusalem.

2. Tenth International Workshop on Calcified Tissues . March 10-14, 96. Jerusalem.

3. Comprehensive Course on Problems and Surgery of the Elbow. March 28-29,96. Tzemah ,Jordan Valley.

4. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 65th Annual meeting. Feb. 98 San Francisco.

5. 2nd Comperhensive course of Foot & Ankle Surgery . 27-29 May 98 Israel.

6. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 66th Annual meeting. Feb. 1999 Anaheim, California.

7. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 67th Annual meeting. Mer. 2000 Orlando.

8. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 68th Annual meeting .Feb.2001. San Francisco.

9. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 69th Annual meeting .Feb.2002. Dallas Texas .

10. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 70th Annual meeting .Feb.2003. San Francusco .

11. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 71th Annual meeting .Feb.2004.

12. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 72th Annual meeting .Feb.2005.

13. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 73th Annual meeting .Feb.2006. Chicago .

14. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 74th Annual meeting .Feb.2007. San Diego .

15. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 75th Annual meeting .Feb.2008.

16. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 76th Annual meeting .Feb.2009. Las Vegas.

17. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopeadics and Traumatology 10TH Annual meeting June Viena Austria.

18. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 77th Annual meeting .Mar.2010. New Orleans LA.

19. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 78th Annual meeting .Feb.2011. San Diego

20. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 79th Annual

meeting .Mar.2012. San Franciscos.

21. Meeting Of the Lewis National Rheabilitation Institute. Zefat

Israel 17-19 Jan 2013.

22. American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 80th Annual

meeting .Mar.2013. San Diego.




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