1 Beachfront Ave

704 Virginia Beach Avenue

Virginia Beach, VA 12345

August 15, 2017

Students in P ___

Mrs. Hardin’s Language Arts Class

Anderson County Middle School

One Mustang Trail

Lawrenceburg, KY 40342

Dear Students:

I am so excited to be your language arts teacher! This will be my nineteenth year teaching at Anderson County Middle School, eighteen of which have been right in this room. I became a teacher because I love reading, writing, and helping people. Also, I couldn’t imagine graduating college and then never going back to school, so I’m in the perfect job! I have lived in Anderson County all my life, and I went to ACMS too, only it was where Christian Academy is now.

The most important thing to me is my family. I am married to Darrell Hardin, whom you might have seen during seventh period last year. He’s a custodian here and they always started in 6th grade at 2:00 p.m. Courtney is my oldest daughter. She’s 22 and works at the Dollar General near Tractor Supply. Danielle, my middle daughter, is 16 and is a junior at Anderson County High School. Jackson, my son, is ten and a fifth grader at Saffell. I also have a wonderful dog, a bassett hound mix named Hank. As you can tell from my room, I love the water – and so do my kids. I took Jackson and Darrell to Virginia Beach this summer, and we had lots of fun playing on boogie boards in the water, and we also went on a deep sea fishing trip.

Second, I love to read. I read any time I can. I even planned one day of my vacation around my love of reading – several books are set on an island I went to, Chincoteague. It is famous for having wild ponies on the island. As soon as I got back I ordered Misty of Chincoteague from Amazon, and am looking forward to it arriving! My favorite book of all time is The Giver by Lois Lowry, which came out in the theater a couple of years ago. I have always really loved to read, and even got in trouble sometimes for reading in class when I was supposed to be working on something else. Now, I don’t read all the time; I do like to watch Netflix too. But even when I’m watching a show, I have closed captions on.

I’m going to let you in on a little surprise. I do not live at school! I do have other interests. My favorite hobby is sewing. As Danielle can tell you, I get really excited about a new sewing project. I also like to play Candy Crush – so if I’m late getting a paper back to you, it was probably because I was blowing up candy instead of grading your paper. However, I really want to make the 40-Book Challenge, so I need to play less and read more! My favorite radio station is Hank 96.1, which plays old country. My kids hate when I listen to it, almost as much as they hate when I listen to talk radio. My favorite T.V. show is America’s Got Talent. I love to vote for my favorite acts and feel like I have a say in who wins. Last summer I even got to see a contestant from a few years ago, Piff the Magic Dragon.

How would I like to be thought of? I hope that my children think of me as a parent who tried to instill the right values in them. I hope that students think of me as a teacher who cared about them both academically and as a person. Overall, I try to be hard-working and kind. Now that I’ve shared this letter about myself, I can’t wait to read about you!


Your pretend street address

Your pretend city, state zip

August 15, 2017

Students in P ___ (whatever period you’re in)

Mrs. Hardin’s Language Arts Class

Anderson County Middle School

One Mustang Trail

Lawrenceburg, KY 40342

Dear Class:

Paragraph 1: Explain who you are. For example, your name, age, what you look like, who your family is, and what you are looking forward to in seventh grade, or any other information you think would be good for us to know.

Paragraph 2: Write about the most significant object/concept to you and explain why/how this is meaningful to you.

Paragraph 3: Write about the second significant object/concept to you and explain why/how this is meaningful to you.

Paragraph 4: Write about the third object/concept to you and explain why/how this is meaningful to you. OR let this paragraph be about all your favorites.

Paragraph 5: You are always asked what you want to be, but how many times have you been asked who you want to be? This is not about how you will make money, but how you will live your life. In this paragraph, please explain what you want people to think about you. What qualities do you hope to develop so that people can see them reflected in your life?


Your name

*Each paragraph should have AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES. You certainly may write more!

*Write NEATLY on your own paper. You may type it, but don’t have to.

*If you get stuck, look at my example on the other side. Remember, you’re an expert on the subject. Who knows more about you than you?(

*Your letter is due Friday, August 19.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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