American Petroleum Institute

Subcommittee on Aboveground Storage Tanks




October 5, 2006 8:30 AM – 5 PM

CB&I offices – Plainfield IL



|Doug Miller |CB&I |

|J Blanchard |CB&I |

|Ned Bacon (part time) |CB&I |

|Larry Hiner |CB&I |

|Kah-Kan Chan |Matrix |

|Rama Challa |Matrix |

|Ramesh.Gandhi, |ExxonMobil |

|Steven Wu |ExxonMobil |

|Javier.Garza |Shell |

|Anant Thirunarayanan |Bechtel |

Discussion of TG membership:

• We do need more experienced LNG engineers participating.

• We expect some others to be there in San Francisco that did not make this meeting

• Javier Garza reported that Norman Rennals could not make this meeting but expects to be active on both this TG and on ACI 376.

Big Picture on Industry Needs

We again affirmed the following major needs to be addressed by this TG

• LNG industry is the most important need

• Recognizing the various levels of secondary containment

• Appropriate cross referencing to related standards like ACI 376 (in development now)

• 2 levels of seismic as is always addressed in LNG work (most of the work already being done by Steve Meier apart from this TG)

Organization Structure between API Standards and Related Standards

• Four possible arrangements previous distributed were reviewed in some detail

• Straw poll on these by email was 9 in favor of D, 1 for B, and 1 for C.

• The pros and cons and the email opinions expressed were also discussed.

• The TG present then unanimously voted to adopt the D structure.

(subject to coordination with ACI and NFPA)

• Note that “RT” just stands for “Refrigerated Tank”. This designation to be used until an API std number is assigned.

• D has following advantages

- Allows tank buyer to specify a single tank standard

- Consistent with fact that these are integrated tank systems (inner tk, outer tk, insulation, foundation, etc)

- Forces us to work out good coordination of coverage between API/ACI/NFPA stds.

- Allows subjects in common between steel and concrete standards to be covered in one place.

- Reasonable level of effort

- Makes good use of existing standards.


Scope of Coverage in new API “RT”:

The following draft list of things to address (and in some cases not to address) was compiled during the meeting. It is somewhat ambitious in some areas. The consensus was to include these on the list. Then as we prepare drafts, if we start to bog down in one, it may be that we can drop such coverage from the initial edition of the standard and work on it later.


Outline of New “RT” Document

Jack Blanchard had made a first cut at an outline of API “RT” prior to the meeting. The TG then worked during the meeting on improving and adding to it. The outline still needs further work. Here is outline as of end of this meeting.


Changes needed in API 620

In addition to drafting the new “RT” document, there will be necessary change in API 620 (App R and Q especially) in order to make the 620/RT work together smoothly. Attached is an initial draft list of such needed changes.

• Change terminology and definitions of current 620 “secondary components” since these do not provide “secondary containment”.

• Design guidance on steel containments for external loads like blast.

• Create the tie ins to accommodate a steel outer containment tank

• New appendix L currently being drafted that will have a 2 level approach

Future TG Meetings

After discussion we made a rough plan as follows:

▪ 2.5 hr meetings on Mondays of API Spring and Fall Refining Meetings.

– These mostly for reporting of progress & input from a larger group of interested people.

– Next meeting Oct 30 1:30-4PM at San Francisco

▪ One full day meeting between each API meeting (i.e. 2 per year) for detailed work

– Next meeting Jan 25 at Bechtel-Houston

▪ Additional Teleconferences as needed.

Action Items

|Review/comment on the draft scope of coverage |All TG members |

|Review/comment on the draft “RT” outline |All TG members |

|Review/comment on the draft list of API 620 changes |All TG members |

|Discuss coordination issues with ACI 376 and NFPA59A chairmen |Doug Miller |

|Prepare a package of proposed plans for presentation to API CRE at San Francisco | |

|Indicate sections or topics in the “RT” document that you could draft. |Doug Miller |

|Indicate sections or topics in API 620 that you could revise. | |

| |All TG members |

| | |

| |All TG members |


New API “RT”

High Level coverage of all LT&C tanks

Scope like parts 1, 4, 5 of EN 14620

“Steel tank and/or containment per API 620”

“Concrete containment shall be per ACI 376”

API 620 Tank Standard

Scope like part 2 of EN 14620

App R&Q stay in API 620

Certain coverage keyed to containment types described in API “RT”

ACI 376 Containment Standard

Scope like part 3 of EN 14620

NFPA 58 & 59 or NFPA 59A or API 2508

(LPG) (LNG) (Ethylene)

Gives facility consequences of single, double, full containment

“Tank shall be per API ”RT””



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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