Search Vocabulary – Schreiner

Search Vocabulary – Schreiner

Book D, Unit # 13

Word List

1. ad infinitum – (adv) endlessly

2. apportion – (v) to divide and give out in shares

3. bona fide – (adj) genuine; sincere

4. buoyant – (adj) able to float easily; able to hold things up; cheerful, hopeful

5. clique – (n) a small, exclusive group of people

6. concede – (v) to admit as true; to yield, submit

7. congenial – (adj) getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant

8. lofty – (adj) very high; noble

9. migration – (n) a movement from one country or region to another

10. perceive – (v) to be aware of through the senses, observe; to grasp mentally

11. perverse – (adj) inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good or proper

12. prelude – (n) an introduction; that which comes before or leads off

13. rancid – (adj) stale, spoiled

14. rustic – (adj) countrylike; simple, plain; awkward; (n) one who lives in the country

15. sever – (v) to separate, divide into parts

16. sordid – (adj) wretchedly poor; run-down; mean or selfish

17. untenable – (adj) not capable of being held or defended; impossible to maintain

18. versatile – (adj) able to do many things well; capable of many uses

19. vindicate – (v) to clear from hint or charge of wrongdoing; to defend successfully against opposition; to justify

20. wane – (v) to lose size, strength, or power

Vocabulary Assignment Book D, Unit # 13

Filling in the Blanks

Choose the word from this unit that best completes each of the following sentences.

1. We found it easy to float in the lake because the high salt content makes the water extremely _________________________.

2. I am convinced that the Drama Club is run by a(n) _________________ of students who reserve all the best roles for themselves!

3. It takes a really __________________ athlete to win varsity letters in three different sports.

4. The accused clerk __________________ himself by producing signed receipts for all the questioned items.

5. Since the theory is based on inaccurate and out-of-date information, it must therefore be regarded as __________________.

6. When the mayor failed to carry out his campaign promises, his popularity quickly _______________________, and he failed to win reelection.

7. In 1776, the Continental Congress moved to ________________ all political connections between the 13 colonies and Great Britain.

8. Isn’t it boring when people go on and on about their looks, their clothes, and their popularity _________________?

9. New employees are assigned their duties by the office manager, who is responsible for ___________________ work among the staff.

10. I realize that I made a bad mistake, but at least I possess the strength of character to _________________ that I was wrong and apologize.

11. The oil, which had been inadvertently stored in a heated room, soon began to exude a rank odor that told us it had turned __________________.

12. It was only after we toured the area devastated by the explosion that we began to ____________________ how much damage had been done.

13. The Declaration of Independence first set forth the _________________ standards to which we as a nation have ever since aspired.

14. Who would believe that this peaceful, _________________ hideaway is only 25 miles from the inner city!

15. Dismissing all his rivals as impostors, the undefeated heavyweight boxer pronounced himself the only ________________ contender for the crown.

16. It is a regrettable fact of our history that several Presidential administrations have been tainted by ______________ scandals.

17. Although many of my friends seem to like him, I’ve never found him a particularly ____________________ companion.

18. The seasonal ________________ of birds southward reminds us that we have come to the end of another summer vacation.

19. He is so ________________ that he goes out of his way to do exactly what we don’t want him to do.

20. That early cold spell proved to be a fitting __________________ to one of the most severe winters of modern times.


Choose the word from this unit that is most nearly the same in meaning as the following groups of expressions.

1. an inner circle, coterie _____________________________ 1

2. rough, unsophisticated, countrified _____________________________ 2

3. adaptable, handy, all-around, many-sided _____________________________ 3

4. filthy, squalid; base, vile; seedy, sleazy _____________________________ 4

5. to acquit, absolve, exonerate; to advocate _____________________________ 5

6. to cut off, amputate; to break off, dissolve _____________________________ 6

7. to distribute, allot, parcel out, allocate _____________________________ 7

8. blithe, jaunty, lighthearted, animated _____________________________ 8

9. to diminish, decline, subside, swindle _____________________________ 9

10.authentic, indisputable, legitimate, certified _____________________________10

11. friendly, sociable, amiable, compatible _____________________________11

12. indefensible, insupportable, groundless _____________________________12

13. to acknowledge, grant, allow, assent _____________________________13

14. elevated, towering; exalted, grand _____________________________14

15. obstinate, contrary, mulish; wayward _____________________________15

16. a preface, overture, prologue, “curtain raiser” _____________________________16

17. a population shift, mass movement _____________________________17

18. to notice, discern; to understand _____________________________18

19. foul, rank, fetid, sour, rotten, putrid _____________________________19

20. forever, unceasingly, incessantly, ceaselessly _____________________________20


Choose the word from this unit that is most nearly the opposite in meaning as the following groups of expressions.

1. disagreeable, surly; cold, standoffish ______________________________ 1

2. to contest, dispute, gainsay, challenge ______________________________ 2

3. an epilogue, postlude, aftermath ______________________________ 3

4. citified, urban; sophisticated, suave ______________________________ 4

5. to implicate, incriminate, condemn, convict ______________________________ 5

6. downcast, depressed, gloomy, morose ______________________________ 6

7. base, petty, low, sordid, despicable ______________________________ 7

8. to miss, overlook, be blind to ______________________________ 8

9. succinctly, concisely, tersely, briefly ______________________________ 9

10. pure, noble; opulent, lavish _____________________________10

11. to join, unite, weld together _____________________________11

12. wholesome, fresh _____________________________12

13. limited, specialized, restricted _____________________________13

14. false, fake, bogus, spurious, counterfeit _____________________________14

15. tractable, docile, amenable, yielding _____________________________15

16. to grow, wax, amplify, balloon, increase _____________________________16

17. irrefutable, impregnable, incontestable _____________________________17

Choosing the Right Word

Encircle the boldface word that more satisfactorily completes each of the sentences.

1. Leonardo da Vinci was a (buoyant, versatile) genius who excelled in many different fields of art and science.

2. My faith in that seemingly “ordinary” young girl was entirely (vindicated, perceived) many years later when she won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction.

3. The successful invasion of France in June, 1944 was only a (prelude, clique) to the great Allied victories that ended the war in Europe.

4. Because our tank forces had been destroyed, the position of the ground troops proved (sordid, untenable), and retreat was ordered.

5. Children are easily hurt and disappointed, but they are so (buoyant, versatile) that their bad moods rarely last long.

6. You are at a stage of life when you should begin to (wane, sever) the apron strings that tie you to your mother.

7. There are more than 100 members in the State Legislature, but the real power is held by a small (clique, prelude) of insiders.

8. A good politician must appear (sordid, congenial) even when he or she is feeling cross and unsociable.

9. The atmosphere in the tiny, airless cell soon grew as (buoyant, rancid) as the foul- smelling soup the prisoner was fed every night.

10. American society in recent years has been deeply affected by the steady (migration, clique) from the “inner city” to the suburbs.

11. Our problem now is not to (sever, apportion) blame for our failures but to find a way to achieve success.

12. Shakespeare’s clowns are often simple (cliques, rustics) who are trying to behave like sophisticated men of the world.

13. I appreciate her interest in me, but I am annoyed by her tendency to offer criticism and advice (bona fide, ad infinitum).

14. The psychologist said that troubled young people often have a (perverse, rancid) impulse to do exactly what will be most injurious to them.

15. Good citizens should not sit by idly while the vitality of their community (wanes, migrates).

16. One of the aims of education is to enable us to (perceive, sever) the difference between what is truly excellent and what is second-rate.

17. He claimed to be an unselfish patriot, but we were aware that in reality he was acting from the most (untenable, sordid) motives.

18. When he came home from college for Christmas vacation, he treated us “high school kids” with (congenial, lofty) scorn.

19. He talks a great game of tennis, but I (concede, wane) nothing to him until he has shown that he can beat me on the court.

20. They will not be allowed to vote in the election because they are not considered (ad infinitum, bona fide) residents of the community.


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