Unit 8 Vocabulary - Weebly

Unit 8 Vocabulary

English 11 CP

I. Definitions – choose from the word bank the best choice to match the definition below.

acrimonious dispassionate bovine dissension conducive

dissipate consternation élan corpulent expurgate

disavow gauntlet hypothetical ignoble impugn

intemperate odium perfidy relegate squeamish

subservient susceptible

1. (v.) to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over, to banish ____________

2. (n.) an armored or protective glove; a challenge to combat; two lines

of men armed with weapons with which to beat a person forced to run

between them; an ordeal ____________

3. (adj.) open to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance ____________

4. (adj.) inclined to nausea; easily shocked or upset; excessively

fastidious or refined ____________

5. (adj.) immoderate, lacking in self-control; inclement ____________

6. (adj.) mean, low, base ____________

7. (n.) hatred, contempt; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct ___________

8. (v.) to call into question; attack as false ____________

9.(adj.) based on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or

tentative idea to guide or direct investigation ____________

10.(n.) faithlessness, treachery ____________

11.(adj.)subordinate in capacity or role; serving to promote some end;

submissively obedient ____________

12.(adj.) fat; having a large, bulky body ____________

13. (adj.) stinging, bitter in temper or tone ____________

14. (adj.) resembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unresponsive ____________

15. (n.) disagreement, sharp difference of opinion ____________

16. (n.) dismay, confusion ____________

17. (adj.) impartial; calm, free from emotion ____________

18. (v.) to remove objectionable passages or words from a written

text; to cleanse, purify ____________

19. (adj.) tending to promote or assist, helpful, favorable ____________

20. (v.) to deny responsibility for or connection with ____________

21. (v.) to cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spend foolishly,

squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure ____________

22. (n.) an enthusiastic vigor and liveliness, spirit; a flair ____________

II. Completing the sentence – select the best word for each sentence below.

1. Far from presenting a unified front, the party is torn by all kinds of strife and ______________.

2. He is so _____________ to flattery that with a few complimentary words I can get him to do almost anything I want.

3. We have had enough of high-powered, excited oratory; what we need now is a(n) _______________ examination of facts.

4. The job of cleaning up the field and the stands after the big game was _______________ to the freshman.

5. Now that these ugly facts about his business dealings have come to light, I must ______________ my support of candidacy.

6. She is a person of such fine moral standards that she seems incapable of a(n) ______________ act.

7. Anyone as ____________ as Pete will have trouble accustoming himself to the sights, sounds, and smells of hospital work.

8. Though her overall position seemed to be sensible, her language was so tactless and __________________ that people wouldn’t support her.

9. To the ________________ of the people in the stands, the lion leaped out of the cage and bounded toward the exit.

10. The figure-skating champion performed with such __________ that the other competitors seemed tame and lifeless in comparison.

11. Thomas Bowdler _______________ Shakespeare’s plays because he felt that they were unfit to “be read aloud in a family.”

12. Last-minute cramming for examinations is scarcely _____________ to earning high grades.

13. Our discussion that day was a(n) __________ one, based on the possibility –still far from definite—that would take the job.

14. People with a tendency toward being ________________ must wage a lifelong struggle against rich foods.

15. Because Vidkun Quisling betrayed his country, Norway, to the Nazis, his name has become a symbol of __________________.

16. Under the American form of government, all branches of the military are clearly ________________ to the civilian authority.

17. I am not trying to ______________ his truthfulness, but I still do not see how the facts support his claims.

18. Although she seems rather plodding in her behavior and rarely becomes excited, I think it is unfair to call her “_________________”.

19. The _____________ for this tragic failure does not belong to any individual or small group but to the community as a whole.

20. Instead of using all their forces in one concerted attack on the enemy, they ________________ their strength in minor engagements.

21.Vigorous debate is fine, but is there any real need for such outlandishly strident and _____________________ name-calling?

22. The bold candidate threw down the _______________ and dared her opponent to face her in a televised debate.

III. Synonyms – Select the word which is the same as the clues.

1. excessive, extreme, unrestrained, inordinate ____________

2. stolid, dull, slow, stupid ____________

3. overweight, heavy, obese, stout, portly ____________

4. biting, caustic, rancorous, hostile, peevish ____________

5. beneficial, contributive, fostering ____________

6. strife, discord, contention ____________

7. shock, amazement, bewilderment ____________

8. verve, dash, zest, panache, brio ____________

9. nauseous, queasy; delicate, oversensitive; priggish ____________

10.to dispense, strew, diffuse; to waste ____________

11.inferior, unworthy, dishonorable ____________

12. unbiased, disinterested, cool, detached ____________

13. abhorrence, opprobrium, shame, ignominy ____________

14. assumed, supposed, conjectural, conditional ____________

15. betrayal, disloyalty, treason, duplicity ____________

16. to purge, censor, bowdlerize ____________

17. vulnerable to, receptive; impressionable ____________

18. a dare, provocation; a trial, punishment ____________

19. to challenge, deny, dispute, query, question ____________

20. secondary; useful; servile, obsequious ____________

21. to transfer, consign; to demote, banish ____________

22. to disown, disclaim, retract, abjure ____________

IV. Antonyms – select the word that the opposite of the given phrase.

1. alert, sharp, bright, keen, quick ____________

2. agreement, accord, harmony ____________

3. committed, engaged; partial, biased ____________

4. unhelpful, unfavorable, hindering, blocking ____________

5. primary, principal; bossy, domineering ____________

6. resistant, immune ____________

7. lifelessness, listlessness, enervation ____________

8. actual, real, tested, substantiated ____________

9. slender, lean, spare, gaunt, emaciated ____________

10.to gather, collect; to conserve, husband ____________

11.admirable, praiseworthy, lofty, noble ____________

12. faithfulness, loyalty, steadfastness ____________

13. esteem, admiration ____________

14. to acknowledge, admit, grant, certify ____________

15. moderate, restrained, cool and collected ____________

16. gentle, warm, mild, friendly, cordial ____________


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