Reimagining Health Application Drafting Tool

Reimagining Health Application Drafting ToolWe created this drafting tool to make it easier for grant applicants to understand and prepare for what is required in a grant application. This tool allows applicants to:understand what information is required of applicants for the Reimagining Health Grantdraft responses to application questions, in line with word limitscollaborate on an application with colleagues review responses and check for errors prior to submission in the VicHealth Stakeholder Portal.Things to know before you get started:Confirm your organisation and your idea is eligible first and foremost. Review the eligibility criteria in the Reimagining Health Grant Guidelines, available on the on the HYPERLINK ""Reimagining Health website.Download the required attachments on the Reimagining Health website: a Budget Template must be uploaded with all applications, and a completed Work Plan must be uploaded with applications over $10,000.Read the detailed information about the priority groups and themes, and what VicHealth will prioritise when assessing application ideas on the Reimagining Health website.Download the Application Drafting Tool from the Reimagining Health website and save it to your computer.There are 7 sections of the application form in the VicHealth Stakeholder Portal and this is reflected in this Drafting Tool, where each section is numbered to correspond with the online application form.As you progress through the online application form, you can tell which section you’re up to by looking at the top of the page in the progress bar, shown in the screenshot below. The progress bar will change from blue to green, to signify when you have completed a section. Note the location of the ‘Save & resume later’ and ‘Print’ buttons in the screenshot below.Use the Navigation Pane in Word to skip between sections in this document easily (go to ‘View’ tab, and tick ‘Navigation Pane’ to enable this in Word)Ensure your responses meet the word count limits set for each application question Read the tips below each question, in greenIf your application involves an Auspice arrangement, review information in Step 5 of 7: Organisation and Contact DetailsKeep your formatting simple – formatting will not transfer to the VicHealth Stakeholder Portal (e.g. font, line spacing, dot points will not transfer)Once you are ready to submit, copy and paste your drafted responses into the corresponding boxes in the online application form, via the VicHealth Stakeholder Portal. Applications must be submitted through the online application form in order to be considered, before the closing date.Step 1 of 7: IntroductionReview and accept the conditions of the application form and the Reimagining Health Grant. If you haven’t done so already, download the template attachments from the Reimagining Health website:Budget Template (must be completed and uploaded with all applications) Work Plan Template (must be completed and uploaded with applications over $10,000)Step 2 of 7: Eligibility and Compliance CheckComplete the eligibility and compliance check for your organisation, or the auspice partner if applicable. Questions are listed in bold.The organisation responsible for the grant (you or your auspice partner, if applicable):has an active Australian Business Number (ABN): Yes / Nois a) an Incorporated association, b. Company limited by guarantee, or c. a Victorian Local Government entity?Yes / No *Note: Individual/Sole Traders are not eligibleintends to deliver funded activities only in Victoria: Yes / Nohas satisfactorily fulfilled previous VicHealth grant requirements:Yes - The Organisation has received funding from VicHealth in the past and has satisfactorily fulfilled all grant requirementsNo - The Organisation has received funding from VicHealth in the past but has not satisfactorily fulfilled all grant requirementsN/A - The Organisation has not received a VicHealth grant in the pastholds all necessary insurances, including Worksafe certificate of currency and public liability insurance of $2 million per event for the proposed project, or, if insurance is not currently held, commits to purchasing all necessary insurances before commencing the project: Yes / Nothe application will describe a project that clearly addresses priorities described in the funding guidelines: Yes / NoIf you have answered no to any of the above questions, you do not meet the eligibility requirements for this grant round. Please refer to the funding guidelines and VicHealth’s Information for all applicants for more information.Tobacco industry relationship declaration - Do you or the Organisation applying for funding have any current, planned or past five (5) year relationships?with a tobacco company, the Australian Tobacco Research Foundation, or other?tobacco?industry funded bodies? Yes / No For more information on the types of relationships you need to declare please refer to?VicHealth's harmful industry relationship funding and procurement policy. If you have answered yes to this question, you do not meet the eligibility requirements for this grant round. Please refer to the funding guidelines and VicHealth’s Information for all applicants for more information.Step 3 of 7 – About your projectThis is where you get to tell us about your idea, the priority group you plan to focus on and how a grant would enable your organisation to improve the health and wellbeing of community members belonging to that group. Detailed information about the priority groups and themes, and what VicHealth will prioritise in assessing application ideas, is available on the Reimagining Health website.Project title:Tip: Enter your project title in under 150 characters, consider your title, it’s the first thing an assessor will see when reviewing your application and it should be appropriate to your idea, and the priority group you plan to focus on.Project summary: Provide a simple overview of your idea in 2-3 sentences. Max. words 150.Tip: Please keep this simple and use the following description template to structure your answer: [Name of org] will use this grant to [main activity of project] for [population group/s the project will benefit]. The project will [summarise the benefit the population will get from the project].Example Project Summary: SM Child Care Co-Operative will use this grant to establish a weekly sports program that can be run both indoors and outdoors in a safe environment for children aged 1-6 years. The project will give children the opportunity to engage in physical activity at their own pace to build resilience and skills.Will your project mainly focus on young people, a population group facing the greatest barriers to reaching their full health potential, or both? Select one of the below options.Young people Population group facing the greatest barriers to reaching their full health potentialYoung people and a population group facing the greatest barriers to reaching their full health potentialWho will your idea benefit? Max. words 250Tip: In up to 5 sentences, tell us more about the population group your idea will benefit, the insights you have about their needs, and the needs that will be addressed through your idea.If you receive a grant, where will funded activity take place?Tip: an address lookup will be provided in the online application form. You will need to provide a valid street address where some (or all) of your funded activity will take place. You will need to select only one street address for this question even if you plan to deliver across more than one location. Think of it this way: if your application is successful, and VicHealth or a local paper wishes to check out your work or come and take a photo, where would you invite them to meet you?In which Victorian local government area (or areas) will your project be delivered?Tip: a list of Victorian local government areas will be listed in the online application form. Click and use the arrows to move items between the ‘Available’ and ‘Selected’ list. Select as many as apply.Step 4 of 7: About your project (continued)How much funding do you need from VicHealth? Round to the nearest dollar and do not include GST.$Tip: Enter the amount you are requesting from VicHealth to complete the activities you’ve described. Note: Harmful Industries Relationship Declarations must be made for applications above $35,000.Attach your project budgetUpload or drag and drop your pre-completed Budget Template in Excel or PDF format, then click ‘done’ in the Stakeholder Portal.What will you do with the funding? Max. words 250Tip: In up to 5 sentences, provide us with a summary about what you will do with the funding. Your response to this question should be a high-level summary only. The Work Plan document you attach is where you will list what activities you will deliver and when.Attach your completed Work Plan Upload or drag and drop your pre-completed Work Plan Template in Word or PDF format, then click ‘done’ (required for applications over $10,000).What change will you see from your idea? Max. words 200Tip: In 3- 4 sentences, tell us what will be different for your target population group if your idea is funded – for example: increase in participation, reach or access to local opportunities, or development of knowledge, skills or partnerships – and how your idea will directly contribute to achieving that change.How many people from the priority group do you expect to reach with this idea? Max. words 20Tip: Estimate the total number of young people and/or people experiencing disadvantage that will directly benefit from your idea. This can be a simple number – e.g. ‘120’, or a short breakdown e.g. ’30 participants x 4 clubs = 120’Why is the Project Delivery Organisation well placed to deliver the idea? Max. words 250Tip: In 3-4 sentences, tell us about the organisation’s track record of improving health and wellbeing in the community, and why the organisation is well placed to deliver the idea outlined in this application.If you receive a grant, when do you plan to begin and complete your project?Proposed Start Date: Proposed End Date: Tip: Start date must be on or after 01/07/2021. Completion date must be before 01/06/2022Will the project receive financial or in-kind contributions from other sources? Yes / NoIf Yes, please list contributions that will be made by partners, financial and/or in-kind. Max words 200.Have you applied for more than $35,000?Yes / No If Yes, applying for more than $35,000, you will be required to complete the Harmful Industries Relationship Declaration.If No, proceed to Section 5: Organisation and Contact DetailsHarmful Industries Relationship Declaration: This section applies to all applications at $35,001 or above. Harmful Industries Relationship Declarations are to be completed in line with VicHealth’s Harmful Industries Relationships Funding and Procurement Policy. Declarations do not affect your eligibility to apply. For this Policy and more information on the types of relationships you need to declare, visit VicHealth’s Harmful Industries Relationships Funding and Procurement Policy webpage.What relationships do you or the organisation have with the food, sugary drink, alcohol or gambling industries? Max. words 200.Tip: In your answer, please?detail the brand/company/organisation,?the length of the?relationship?and when it occurred/is?occurring/is planned.??List all?harmful?industry relationships?if you have more than one. e.g. Org commenced 3-year partnership with Company X in July 2019.What was/is/will be the nature of the relationships, partnerships or sponsorship arrangements with the food, sugary drink, alcohol or gambling industries?Board membership?or other governance membershipPromotion or activation of the harmful brand/companyAccess to membership lists and dataMarket or other research/evaluationCampaign/project?development or deliveryConsultancyReceipt of donations?or in-kind benefitsOtherTip: Please?select all that apply and provide further detail if requested.Please detail how?harmful?industry relationships will be?risk-managed?to ensure that VicHealth's statutory role to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians is not undermined.?Max. words 250.Tip: This could include,?for example,?separating project teams?or?not activating?harmful?industry brands alongside VicHealth’s brand. You?are required to respond to this question even if the?harmful industry?relationship is not current?(i.e. past?or future). Note: If your application is shortlisted?VicHealth has the right to negotiate your proposed risk management plan.If you have additional information on your selections above that will help VicHealth to make an assessment, please include that here. Max. words 200Step 5 of 7: Organisation and Contact DetailsIn this section, we’ll confirm organisation and contact details. Information in this section is collected to confirm eligibility and suitability for a grant, and who to get in touch with about the outcome of the application. We’ll ask about two types of organisations that apply for VicHealth grants:Project delivery organisations – this is the organisation that plans and coordinates project delivery. They may themselves be an eligible organisation type (registered as Incorporated, Limited by Guarantee, or a Local Government entity), or they may apply for a grant in partnership with an eligible Auspice organisation.Eligible Auspice organisations – this is the organisation that agrees to act as a partner to assist otherwise ineligible organisations or individuals to apply for a grant. If successful, an Auspice organisation takes on legal and financial responsibility for the grant but does not coordinate day-to-day project delivery.Does this application involve an auspice organisation?Yes / No Yes = auspice organisation is involved; No = direct application from an eligible organisation.If Yes, complete Auspice Details and Project Delivery Organisation Details. If no, complete Project Delivery Organisation Details only.We’ll ask about the auspice organisation first, then the organisation intending to deliver the project.Auspice Details (if applicable)Auspice organisation’s Trading NameTip: The name your organisation is known by. E.g. VicHealth.?If unsure, check the organisation’s entry on the?Australian Business Register?and look for Trading Name. This may be the same as the Legal Name.Auspice organisation’s Australian Business NumberTip: Not sure? You can run a search for this 11-digit number using the organisation’s name on the?Australian Business Register?Select the Auspice organisation registration typeIncorporated AssociationCompany Limited by GuaranteeVictorian local government entityTip: Incorporated Associations are registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria. Search for an Incorporation Number via the?Consumer Affairs Victoria website. Australian companies limited by guarantee should maintain active registration with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. If you need help finding an ACN, visit?ASIC Connect, and search by ‘Organisation & Business names’.Please provide details of your contact at the Auspice Organisation who has agreed to support this application.Salutation: First Name: Last Name: Position title: Email: Telephone:Auspice organisation’s website:Tip: separate fields will be available on the online application form, here we’ve combined them into one text box.Upload documentation confirming the auspice organisation has agreed to support this applicatione.g. letter or email of support. Organisation and contact details on the documentation should match the auspice information provided aboveProject Delivery Organisation DetailsTrading Name of the delivery organisationTip: The name your organisation is known by. E.g. VicHealth.?If unsure, check the organisation’s entry on the?Australian Business Register?and look for Trading Name. This may be the same as the Legal Name.Please enter the delivery organisation’s Australian Business NumberTip: Not sure? You can run a search for this 11-digit number using the organisation’s name on the?Australian Business Register?.Select the eligible business registration type of the delivery organisationIncorporated Association: enter your Incorporation Number Company Limited by Guarantee: enter your Australian Company Number (ACN)Victorian local government entityNone of the above – application involves an eligible auspice organisationTip: Incorporated Associations are registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria. Search for an Incorporation Number via the?Consumer Affairs Victoria website. Australian companies limited by guarantee should maintain active registration with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. If you need help finding an ACN, visit?ASIC Connect, and search by ‘Organisation & Business names’.Delivery organisation websiteDelivery organisation Email AddressTip: enter the organisation’s general contact email address for all queries e.g. info@Please select Organisation type from the list Local/community sporting clubCommunity organisationNon-government organisationActive recreation organisationLocal governmentHealth servicesArts organisation/facilityAboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisationMulticultural community organisationCommercial organisationEducation – primary/secondaryEducation – tertiaryOther/undefinedTip: this question will help us understand the type of organisation that will deliver the idea.If delivery organisation is a sporting club or active recreation organisation, please select the main activity type from the list.Tip: an extensive list will be appear on the online application if required. Activity type examples include – netball, cricket etc. Please provide the delivery organisation’s addressApplicant Contact Details: Please enter your details so we can advise you of the outcome of this applicationSalutation: First Name: Last Name: Position title: Applicant Email: This should match the email address on your VicHealth Portal account.Applicant telephone:Are you authorised to sign the funding agreement if this application is successful? Yes / No Tip: separate fields will be available on the online application form, here we’ve combined them into one text box.For position title - if you are completing this form on behalf of the Project Delivery Organisation but do not work for them directly, please add your organisation’s name to the end of your position title.For authorised to sign - Agreements are typically signed by a CEO or head of department. Funding agreements for auspiced applications must be signed by an authorised member of the Auspice organisationBank details for grant payment to successful applicantsIf this application is successful, we will start getting the grant payment ready for processing as soon as possible. If the application involves an auspice arrangement, VicHealth must make payment to the Auspice Organisation. VicHealth’s Finance team may get in touch to validate the details provided in this section before processing payment.Auspice or delivery organisation’s bank account nameBSBBank account numberStep 6 of 7: Acceptance and Privacy StatementAcceptance Statement I have read the Funding GuidelinesThe information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledgeVicHealth, on receiving this information, may refuse this application if it becomes evident that information provided is incomplete or falseI approve the information providedAt the conclusion of the grant round VicHealth will publish names of successful organisations and basic details of projects fundedPrivacy StatementAny information provided will be collected, managed and securely stored in accordance with the principles in the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and VicHealth’s Privacy Policy. For further information on VicHealth’s Privacy Policy and approach, please see our website? further information.Important!Once you click Submit in the Stakeholder Portal you will be unable to edit your application. Please ensure you have reviewed all the information. You may wish to save and resume later, or access a ‘print’ copy from the buttons at the top of the page on the Stakeholder Portal.If ready to submit, complete the checkbox: I acceptStep 7 of 7: ReviewIn this section of the Stakeholder Portal, all information you have entered in the online form will be listed for your review. You can edit sections of the application form if you notice any errors and need to make changes by clicking on the pencil icon. If you want to save as a draft, click ‘save & resume later’ – just don’t forget to go back and submit before the closing date.Once you’re ready to submit, scroll down and select ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page to send your application to VicHealth. You will receive an automated confirmation email to confirm your submission. To view a PDF copy of your application after submitting, go to ‘My Applications’ and make sure you select ‘Submitted Applications’ from the drop down menu to view and print your application submission. Questions? See the resources available on the Reimagining Health website. ................

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