2014-2015 Syllabus


Course: Introduction to Guitar

Teacher: Mr. Ryan Moseley

Contact information:

School Phone #: 302-449-3840 ext. 6158

School Email Address:

Class location: F154

Time: 7:25-9:05

AHS Vision Statement: Appoquinimink High School is a school committed to fostering personal growth through positive character development and the use of state of the art tools and practices to enable students to make a positive impact on today’s global society.

AHS Mission Statement


• Promote an engaging learning environment every day in the classroom

• Honor students’ unique strengths and needs


• Model positive character attributes

• Recognize acts of integrity and leadership


• Increase students’ awareness of the global society

• Emphasize the individual’s role in the community

Text: Class Guitar Resources: Book 1

Please note: Students will need to purchase this book from the school. The students will be able to keep this book, write in it, and keep it at the end of the course. The cost of the book is $17.00.

• Students will need to pay $1.00 to purchase their own guitar picks which they will need to bring with them to class as required materials.

Guitar: Students must provide their own guitar for this course. An acoustic Guitar is preferred, but an electric guitar is allowable. However, if you have an electric guitar, you must bring headphones to use with it.

I. Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with the basic techniques for playing the guitar. Techniques learned in the class are applicable to electric or acoustic guitar playing. Students will learn how to play an accompaniment using chords, learn to play melody guitar, and learn how to read tablature notation. In addition, students will learn some basic principles of music theory necessary to read and notate music.

II. Course Objectives:

Upon the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

← Accompany a song using basic and barre chords

← Play I-IV-V7 Chord Progressions

← Identify the parts of the guitar

← Play the melody line of a song

← Identify and write notes on the Treble Clef

← Learn to count rhythms in various time signatures

← Play a song as a duet and as a trio

← Harmonize with a bass line

← Identify and write Key Signatures

← Construct Major Scales

← Read Tablature Notation

← Convert Tablature Notation into Standard Notation

← Play power chords with the palm mute technique

← Learn acoustic guitar style playing through arpeggios

III. Course Outline and Timelines:

Unit I: Playing Rhythm Guitar (Weeks 1-4)

A. Parts of the guitar

B. Strings of the Guitar

C. Unit One Terms

D. D, A, G, E, Em, Am, and C Progressions

Unit II: Playing the Melody (Weeks 4-8)

A. First Position Scale

B. Treble Clef Note Names

C. Understanding Rhythm

D. Playing melodies in first position

E. Accidentals

Unit III: Playing Bass and Power Chords (Weeks 9 and 10)

A. Playing root-fifth bass parts

B. Power Chords

Unit V: Scales and Keys (Weeks 11 and 12)

A. Introduction to Major Scale

B. Six Major Scales: C, G, D, A, F, Bb

C. Relationship of scales and key signatures

Unit VI: Playing Arpeggios (Weeks 13 and 14)

A. Right Hand Technique

B. Arpeggios from Chord Diagrams

C. Block Chords

Unit VII: Tablature (Weeks 15-16)

A. Hammer-On Technique

B. Pull-Off, Slide Technique

Unit IV: Barre Chords (Week 17)

A. Playing movable E shape chords

B. Playing movable A shape chords

C. Combining E and A shapes

Final Exam Preparation (Week 18)

A. Review written test material

B. Learn Final Exam song

IV. Materials to be brought to class daily:

• Pencil

• Lined Paper and Folder

• Class Guitar Resources: Hands-On Training Textbook

• Guitar Picks

V. Student Expectations:

• Students are expected to abide by the Appoquinimink School District Code of Conduct at all times.

• Be respectful-respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and property)

• Be responsible-attend class every day, be punctual, complete assignments

• Be ready to learn-be prepared, be attentive, participate in class

• Students must bring all required materials to class. Bringing the required materials to class is a daily portion of your classroom participation grade.

• Be on Time to class. Students should be in their seats 1 minute after the bell rings.

• No Food, Gum, Candy, or Drinks in the classroom

• Homework must be turned in on the assigned day. No late work will be accepted, unless students are absent or prior arrangements have been made.

VI. Expectations for the Teacher:

• I will be prepared every period

• I will provide engaging lessons

• I will give my best effort every period

• I will answer all of your questions relating to the coursework. If I do not know an answer, I will help you find it.

VII. Procedures and Guitar Maintenance:

• At the beginning of the course, students will learn how to tune and care for a guitar. It is there responsibility to make sure the guitar is in tune before they start class.

VIII. Grading Policy:

-Students are expected to be on time to class with all required materials and a positive attitude. The grading policy will be weighted as follows:

• Skill Proficiencies/Playing Tests/Written Testing: 70%

• Theory Homework/Classroom Participation/Required Materials: 30%


Introduction to Guitar

Terms of Agreement

As a teacher of this course, I am committed to abiding by this syllabus. The dates and timelines are subject to change based on students’ assimilation of the material. Any changes will be communicated to the class by the teacher. By signing this “Terms of Agreement,” you are affirming that you have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies, and agreements stated in this syllabus.

As a student of this course, I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

_____________________________________ _____________________

Student Signature Date

As the parent/guardian, I have read and agree to support this student in an effort to follow the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

_____________________________________ _____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

This document should be signed by the student and parent and returned to the teacher by the end of class on Friday, August 29th, 2014.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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