MARILYN J - Michigan State University



Michigan State University 4129 Shoals Drive

418 Erickson Hall Okemos, MI 48864

East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone: (517) 432-1056 Phone: (517) 349-8943

Fax: (517) 884-1392



Doctor of Philosophy: Higher Education. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. May, 1989.

Masters of Public Administration. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. August, 1987.

Masters of Arts: Student Personnel Work in Higher Education. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. June, 1985.

Bachelor of Arts: Elementary Education, Special Education (EMH/LD) Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio. June, 1979.


Interim Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Development: Office of the Provost, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2020.

Department Chair: Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2006-2020.

Acting Co-Department Chair, Fall, 2002.

Senior Scholar Specialist, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program. 2006-2011.

Program Coordinator: Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education Program. Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2000-2006.

Associate/Professor of Higher Education: Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 1997-present. Promotion awarded July, 2003.

Assistant/Associate Professor of Higher Education: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 1989 - 1997. Tenure awarded April, 1994.

Coordinator: Student Affairs Master’s Program. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 1992-1997.

Director: Gateway Summer Institute. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Summer, 1995.

Assistant Professor of Education: Higher Education Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 1988-1989.

Residence Hall Director: Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. 1983-1984.

Administrative Associate: Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio. 1982-1983.

Coordinator of Conferences and Union Services: Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio. 1979-1982.


Michigan State University

2020-2025. Institutional Transformation: VERITIES-Virtue-based Education for Responsibility and Integrity to Increase Excellence to STEM. The National Science Foundation. Evaluation Team Leader. ($599,930 pending).

2018-2019. CELL-MET Evaluation. The National Science Foundation. ($38,000).

Sub-contracted to conduct evaluation of the development and functioning of a three-institution


2018-2020: BEACON Case Study: Creating a Tool-Kit for Establishing a Diversity as a Core Value Across Multi-Institutional Partnership. The National Science Foundation/BEACON. ($38,375).

With Judi Brown-Clarke and Patricia Farrell. Developing tool-kit, providing literature review,

and collecting focus group data.

2016-2021: AGEP Transformation Alliance: Inclusive Excellence and Improved Climate for Future Faculty. The National Science Foundation. ($259,990.00).

Principal Investigator of MSU team responsible for designing and conducting analysis of the Networked Improvement Community over the five years of this project.

2010-2020: Bio/computational Evolution in Action CONsortium (BEACON). The National Science Foundation. ($20,000 per year for center evaluation; 2010-2020).

Co-Center evaluation leader conducting formative assessments of the management and leadership team of the Center. Responsible for designing and collecting web-based survey, focus group and interview data across five institutional partners with Co-Leader and graduate student research team.

2012-2014:Credit When It’s Due. Lumina/Kresge Foundation Reverse Transfer Grant managed by the Michigan Community College Association and the President’s Council.

Conducting qualitative research component of state-wide assessment of transfer policies and activities to determine effective strategies and barriers to students receiving certificate and associate degrees.

2006: Community College Next Generation Leadership Study. The American Association of Community Colleges and the Kellogg Foundation. ($75,530, 2004-2006).

Principal investigator conducting a series of case studies of university-based community college leadership development programs. Responsible for web-based analysis of programs, focused group summit content analysis, and constructing six program case studies.

2005: College Student Personnel Instructors: Who is Teaching our Graduate Students? The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Foundation Board. ($5,000, 2004-2006).

Principal investigator with C. Lovell and M. Dannells conducting a national study of those who teach in college student personnel graduate programs. This is the first comprehensive study of part- and full-time faculty in these programs. Collaborated on survey design, primarily responsible with graduate student research team at MSU for data collection, data entry and first round data analysis. .

2005: A Study of Community College-Public School Partnerships. Michigan State University Public Policy Center for Research and Education Policy Center. ($25,000, 2004-2006).

Principal investigator with P. Eddy using case studies and survey data to understand the missions, models, issues, strategies, and outcomes of community college-public school partnerships in Michigan. The study positions the Michigan data with national trends in K-14 partnerships and presents policy implications for legislators and academic decision makers.

2003: The Meaning of Careers: An In-depth Examination of Career Trajectories and Professional Development Issues of Community College Administrators. Michigan State University College of Education. ($3,585, 2002-2003).

Principal investigator using in-depth interviews to explore career and professional development issues that emerged from national survey data of community college administrators. This is a follow-up to the Developing Future Leaders Study below.

2003: Developing Future Leaders: A National Study of Community College Administrators. The Office of the Vice Provost for University Outreach. Michigan State University. ($5,000, 1999-2003).

Principal Investigator on a project to examine career paths and career issues of community college administrators as well as their perceptions of internal and external institutional issues. National survey data were collected.

2001: Development of Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics Curriculum. Michigan State University College of Engineering, The National Science Foundation. ($500,000, 1999-2001).

Evaluator responsible for designing and collecting summative and formative assessment data on learning outcomes and overall project goal attainment. The project involved implementing a three-institution intensive undergraduate/graduate curriculum reform in engineering.

2000: Developing a Knowledge Base for Undergraduate Reform in Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology. Center for the Study of Advanced Learning Systems, SRI International, and The National Science Foundation. ($197,000 for 6 months, 1999-2000).

Senior Research Associate responsible for compiling national best practice reform data in SMET fields, conducting two on-site case studies of undergraduate reform in SMET fields, and writing final technical report.

1999: Navajo Nation Rural Systemic Initiative Evaluation. American Indian Education Collaborative. The National Science Foundation. (1999).

Research Associate evaluating the policy driver of the rural systemic initiative to improve science and math education within the Navajo Nation over the three-year funding cycle and making recommendations for project improvement and goal achievement.

1999: Dexter-Elmhurst Project: Evaluating Michigan State University in Urban Outreach. Michigan State University Office of Community Outreach. ($25,000, 1997-1999).

Co-Principal Investigator with D. Brown studying MSU project team over 18-month funding period around issues of interdisciplinary collaboration and leadership. Designed instruments for and assisted with collection of data, analyses, and writing final report.

1998: Developing a Model of Integrated, Thematic Instruction for Developmental Education at Grand Rapids Community College. Michigan State University College of Education. ($3,700, 1998).

Co-Principal Investigator with J. Dirkx studying faculty and student understandings of developmental education instructional strategies. Conducted on-site interviews with students, faculty, and administrators in developmental education, analyzed data, and compiled technical report.

University of Kansas

1997: Freshmen Summer Institute. The Provost’s Office. (1996-1997).

Principal Investigator of team examining learning outcomes and effects of program developed to assist in college transitions of first-year students, particularly first-generation, low-income and students of color. Coordinated graduate student research team, designed assessment instruments, collected data, and co-authored final report.

1996: Kansas Eisenhower Professional Development Grant. (1996).

Research Associate on team responsible for background research, planning phase of project and assessment instrument development for project designed to assess impact of teacher professional development activities.

1995: Department Chairs. Sabbatical research study. (Fall, 1995).

Principal Investigator studying the ways in which department chairs at two major research universities construct their roles and issues facing them.

1994: Leadership in a Postmodern Era. (1993-1994).

Principal Investigator working with S. Zenger as part of three state team studying leaders perceived to be different from their organizational cultures. In-depth interviews conducted with five postsecondary leaders across one of three states involved in the study. Within and across state data analyses.

1994: Definitions of the Advising Relationship in a Professional School. General Research Fund Grant. ($11,000, 1993-1994).

Co-Principal Investigator with M.L. Hamilton on a study to identify definitions of advising relationships used by undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and administrators in a professional school. Areas of dissonance led to recommendations for intervention, funding, and program reform.

1990: Faculty Recruitment and Retention Issues. Faculty Research Fellowship. Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office. (1990).

Principal Investigator studying institutional data on faculty over a 10-year period looking for trends in recruitment and retention. A five-part series of papers written to inform policy makers and for use in institutional decision making.

1991: Differences Aside: A Case for Effective Leadership. New Faculty Research Grant. ($3000, 1990-1991).

Principal Investigator examining mid-level leaders at a research university, with specific focus on gender and racial/ethnic leadership issues.

1990: "Where Are You Going?" brochure assessment. Kansas Board of Regents. ($2000, 1989 – 1990).

Principal Investigator of research team studying impact of state higher education governing board brochure on middle school students’ early beliefs about college attendance.

Penn State University

1989: Development and Testing of a Cluster Analytic Model for Identifying Coursework Patterns Associated with General Learned Abilities of College Students. Contract No. OERI-R-86-0016. (June, 1989 - October, 1989).

Research Associate responsible for background research and literature review forming the basis for a multi-year study of coursework patterns of undergraduate students.

1989: The Practice of General Education 1988. Center for the Study of Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University and Exxon Foundation. ($49,750, 1988–1989).

Research Associate responsible for writing literature review, and part of data collection team using undergraduate catalog analyses. Conducted statistical and content data analyses and co-authored technical report.

1988: Academic Vice Presidents. College of Education Alumni Association Research Award. ($500, January - May, 1988).

Dissertation research award to conduct 5 site case study of academic vice presidential leadership.



Garza Mitchell, R. & Amey, M. J. (Eds.) (2020). Mid-level Leadership. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 191. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦ denotes completed while at MSU

David, M. & Amey, M. J. (Eds.) (2020). SAGE International Encyclopedia of Higher Education. Five volume international encyclopedia. London, UK: Sage Publications. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Reesor, L. (Eds.) (2015). Beginning Your Journey: A Guide for New Professionals in Student Affairs. 4th Edition. Washington, DC: National Association for Student Personnel Administrators. ♦

Eddy, P. L. & Amey, M.J. (2014). Creating Strategic Partnerships: A Guide for Educational Institutions and Their Partners. Stylus Publishers. ♦

Eddy, P. L. & Amey, M. J. (2011). Bridges Across the P-16 Continuum: The Role of Educational Partnerships. Research Brief. Office of Community College Research and Leadership. University of Illinois: Champaign-Urbana, IL. ♦

Kuk, L., Banning, R. & Amey, M. (2010). Designing Organizations for Sustainable Change. Stylus Publishers. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Reesor, L. (Eds.) (2009). Beginning Your Journey: A Guide for New Professionals in Student Affairs. 3rd Edition. Washington, DC: National Association for Student Personnel Administrators. ♦

Amey, M. J. (Ed.) (2007). Collaborations Across Educational Borders. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 139. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2006). Breaking Tradition: New Community College Leadership Programs Meet 21st Century Needs. Washington, DC.: American Association of Community Colleges. ♦

Amey, M. J., & Brown, D. F. (2004). Breaking Out of the Box: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Faculty Work. Greenwood Press/Information Age Publishing. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Reesor, L. (Eds.) (2002). Beginning Your Journey: A Guide for New Professionals in Student Affairs. Second Edition. NASPA Monograph Series. National Association for Student Personnel Administrators. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Reesor, L. (Eds.) (1998). Being an Outstanding New Professional. NASPA Monograph Series. Washington, DC: National Association for Student Personnel Administrators.♦

Moore, K.M. & Amey, M.J. (1993). Making Sense of the Dollars.: The Costs and Uses of Faculty Compensation. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report 5. Washington, D.C.: The George Washington University, School of Education and Human Development.

Lucas, V.H., Lenox, S.R., & Amey, M.J. (1982). Problem-solving activities for teaching daily living skills: A curriculum handbook. Columbus: Cedars Press.

Journal Articles:

Gardner, A., Espinoza, B., Noble, C., Amey, M., & Farrell-Cole, P. (2019). Conducting research in the 21st Century: How life scientists conceptualize, operationalize, and value interdisciplinary research. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies. ♦

Fitzgerald, S., Gardner, A., Farrell-Cole, P., & Amey, M. J. (2018). Crossing disciplinary, institutional, and role boundaries in an interdisciplinary consortium. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 40(4). ♦

Eddy, P., Garza Mitchell, R., & Amey, M. J. (2017). Leading from the middle. Chronicle of Higher Education. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P. L., & Campbell, T. G. (2010). Crossing Boundaries: Creating Community College Partnerships to Promote Educational Transitions. Community College Review, 37(4), 333-347. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2006). Leadership in Higher Education. Change Magazine 38(6), 55-58. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2005). Editors’ notes. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. [Guest Editor of Special Issue] ♦

Amey, M. J. (2005). Leadership as learning: Conceptualizing the process. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2004). Learning leadership. Community College Journal 74 (4), p. 6-10. ♦

Fisher, P. D., Fairweather, J. S., & Amey, M. J. (2003) Systemic Reform in Undergraduate Engineering Education: The Role of Collective Responsibility. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19. ♦

Amey, M. J. & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2003). The Use of Technology: Institutional Issues. NEA Almanac of Higher Education, 85-96. ♦

Amey, M. J., Brown, D. F., & Sandmann, L. (2002). Outreach Partnerships: Barriers and Strategies for Effective Collaboration. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 7 (3), 19-26. ♦

Amey, M. J. & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2002). The Institutional Context of Community College Administration. Research Brief. American Association of Community Colleges. ♦

Amey, M. J., VanDerLinden, K., & Brown, D. F. (2002). Career mobility and administrative issues: A twenty year comparison of the changing face of community colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice 26(7-8), 573-589. ♦

Amey, M. J. & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2002). Career Paths and Career Issues of Community College Leaders. Research Brief. American Association of Community Colleges. ♦

Amey, M. J. & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2002). Merit pay, market conditions, equity, and faculty compensation. NEA Almanac of Higher Education. 21-32. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2001). The Center for the Study of Advanced Learning Systems: Engaging differently with postsecondary education. Community and Junior College Libraries 10 (1), 27-34. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Brown, D. F. (2001). Interdisciplinary collaboration and academic work. The Department Chair: A Resource for Academic Administrators 11(4), 22-24. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2000). Faculty development: Looking towards the 21st Century. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College 7 (1), 39-48. ♦

Fugate, A.L. & Amey, M.J. (2000). Career stages of community college faculty: A qualitative analysis of their career paths, roles and development. Community College Review 28 (1), 1-22. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Long, P.N. (1998). Developmental coursework and early placement: Success strategies for underprepared community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 22 (1), 1-8. ♦

Amey, M.J. (1996). The institutional marketplace and faculty attrition. Thought and Action XII, 23-36.

Amey, M.J. & Twombly, S.B. (1992). Re-Visioning leadership in community colleges. The Review of Higher Education 15 (2), 125-150.

Winship, S.W. & Amey, M.J. (1992). Gender differences in the position pathing of community college presidents. American Association of Women in Community and Junior Colleges Journal, 21-25.

Toombs, W., Amey, M.J. & Chen, A. (1991). General education: An analysis of contemporary practice. Journal of General Education. 40, 102-118.

Amey, M.J., Harrod, C.A., & Brown, D.F. (1991). Middle-level students and academic decision making related to college choice. KAMLE Karavan: Journal of the Kansas Association for Middle School Education 5, 23-24.

Moore, K.M. & Amey, M.J. (1988, July-September). Women's access and opportunity in higher education: Toward the twenty-first century. Ciencia y Sociedad 13 (3), 356-377.

Book Chapters:

Signal, S. M., Nguyen, D. J., Amey, M. J., & Jean-Perkins, R. (forthcoming). Supporting P/WC Students Access to and Professional Development Needs During Doctoral Education. In Martin, G. L. & Ardoin, S. (Eds.). Social Class Supports: Examples of Programs and Practices to Serve Poor and Working Class Students in Higher Education. Stylus Publishers. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2020). Reconceptualizing Community College Leadership: Respecting Tradition and Honoring New Voices. In Perna, L. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research in Higher Education. Agathon Press. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2020). Finding the path forward to effective transfer partnerships for racially minoritized students. In Bragg, D., Yeh, T., Apple Meza, E., & Wetzstein, L. (Eds.)., Transfer Partnerships for Improved Equity and Outcomes. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 190. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Garza Mitchell, R. & Amey, M. J. (2020). Moving past traditional conceptions of leadership. In R. Garza Mitchell & M. J. Amey (Eds.), Mid-level Leadership. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 191. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J., Garza Mitchell, R., Rosales, J., & Giardello, K. (2020). Reconceptualizing mid-level leadership. In R. Garza Mitchell & M. J. Amey (Eds.), Mid-level Leadership. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 191. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Eddy, P. L. (2018). Middle level leadership. In J. S. Levin & S. T. Kater (Eds.), Understanding Community Colleges. Routledge/Taylor and Francis. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2017). Making sense of multiple missions. In K. Wilson & R. L. Garza Mitchell (Eds.), Evolving Multiple Missions. New Directions for Community Colleges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2014). Constructing an overarching framework for learning – connecting the dots. In P. L. Eddy (Ed.), Connecting Learning Across the Institution. New Directions for Higher Education. p. 87-94. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2012). Leadership. In J. S. Levin & S. T. Kater (Eds.), Understanding Community Colleges. Routledge/Taylor and Francis. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2010). Administrative perspectives on international partnerships. In P. L. Eddy (Ed.), International Collaborations: Opportunities, Strategies, Challenges. New Directions for Higher Education. p. 57-69. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2010) Leading partnerships: Competencies for collaboration. In D. Wallin (Ed.), New Directions for Community Colleges. p. 13-24. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2009). The collective benefits of Fulbright exchanges. Fulbright Center News 19(2), 14-15. ♦

Amey, M. J., Jessup-Anger, E., & Jessup-Anger, J. (2008). Community college governance: What matters and why? In R. C. Cloud & S. T. Kater (Eds.), Governance in Community Colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 141. p. 5-12. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P. L., & Ozaki, C. C. (2007). Demands for partnerships and collaboration in higher education: A model. In M. J. Amey (Ed.), Collaborations Across Educational Borders. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 139. p. 5-16. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Ozaki, C. C., Amey, M. J., Watson, J. S. (2007). Strategies for the future. In M. J. Amey (Ed.), Collaborations Across Educational Borders. New Directions for Community Colleges No. 139. p. 105-110. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2007). Community college programs: Growth and development since the Kellogg Era. In D. Wright & M. T. Miller (Eds.), Training Higher Education Policy Makers and Leaders: A Graduate Program Perspective. Charlotte, NC: Information Age/Greenwood Publishing. ♦


Amey, M. J. & Brown, D. F. (2005). Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Academic Work: A Case Study of an Interdisciplinary Study of a Community-Agency Partnership. In E. G. Creamer and L. R. Lattuca (Eds.), Advancing Faculty Learning Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Eddy, P. (2002). Women in Higher Education Leadership. In A. M. Aleman and K. Renn (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Women In Higher Education. (pp. 482-486). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2002). Evaluating Outreach Performance. In Colbeck, C. L. (Ed.), Evaluating Faculty Performance. New Directions for Institutional Research. (pp. 33-42). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2002). Liberal arts colleges. In Forest, J. JF. & Kinser, K. (Eds.), Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia. (pp. 403-404). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2002). Presidential leadership. In Forest, J. JF. & Kinser, K. (Eds.), Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia. (pp. 479-482). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ♦

Amey, M.J. (1999). Navigating the raging river: Reconciling issues of identity, inclusion and administrative practice. In Shaw, K. M., Valadez, J. R., & Rhoads, R.A. (Eds.), Community Colleges as Cultural Texts: Qualitative Explorations of Organizational and Student Cultures (pp. 59-82). Albany: SUNY Press. ♦

Amey, M.J. (1999). Faculty Culture and College Life: Reshaping Incentives Toward Student Outcomes. In Toma, J. D. & Kezar, A.J. (Eds.), The Collegiate Ideal: The Current State and Future Prospects of the Ideal of Campus New Directions for Higher Education. (pp. 59-69). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ♦

Amey, M.J. (1998). Organizational and political realities of the job. In M.J. Amey & L. Reesor (Eds.), Being an Outstanding New Professional. (pp. 5-20). NASPA Monograph Series. Washington, DC: National Association for Student Personnel Administrators. ♦

Twombly, S.B. & Amey, M.J. (1993). Leadership skills for participative governance. In Baker, G.A. (Ed.), A Handbook on Community Colleges in America (pp. 268-283). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Amey, M.J. (1992). Using catalogues to track institution viability and change. In J.L. Ratcliff (Ed.), Assessment and Curriculum Reform. New Directions for Higher Education No. 90 (pp. 23-26). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Amey, M.J. (1993). The public role of student leaders. F.K. Stage (Ed.), Linking Theory to Practice: Case Studies for Work with College Students (pp. 103-114). Muncie, IN: Accelerated Development Inc.

Amey, M.J. & Hardy, D.W. (1993). 'Pizza Bashing' at MidWest University. F.K. Stage (Ed.), Linking Theory to Practice: Case Studies for Work with College Students (pp. 81-89). Muncie, IN: Accelerated Development Inc.

Amey, M.J. (1992). Faculty recruitment, tenure and promotion. In Clark, B. & Neave, G. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia for Higher Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Twombly, S.B. & Amey, M.J. (1991). Leadership in American community colleges: Looking toward the second century. In Smart, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research in Higher Education. Volume VII (pp. 376-419). Agathon Press.

Amey, M.J. (1991). Bridging the gap between expectations and reality. In Moore, K.M. & Twombly, S.B. (Eds.), Administrative Careers and the Marketplace . New Directions for Higher Education #72 (pp. 78-88). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Moore, K.M. & Amey, M.J. (1988). Some faculty leaders are born women: The role of faculty in leadership development for students and themselves. In Sagaria, M.A. (Ed.), Developing Leadership Potential of Women in Higher Education. New Directions for Student Services #44 (pp. 39-50). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Book Reviews and Editor’s Notes:

Amey, M. J. (2017). Book Review of Unrelenting Change, Innovation and Risk: Forging the Next Generation of Community Colleges, Daniel J. Phelan. Community College Review 45(1). ♦

Amey, M. J. (2005). Book Review of The Entrepreneurial College President, James Fisher and James Koch. The Journal of Higher Education. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2000). Book Review of Academic Dean: Dove, Dragon, and Diplomat (2nd. Edition), Allan Tucker and Robert A. Bryan. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 24 (10). ♦

Amey, M. J. (2000). Associate Editor’s Introduction. Front piece on curriculum change for The Journal of General Education 49(4); Front piece on learning, 49(1). ♦

Amey, M.J. (1999). Associate Editor’s Introduction. Front piece on the meaning of general education for The Journal of General Education 48 (1). ♦

Amey, M.J. (1998). Associate Editor's Introduction. Written as a front piece for The Journal of General Education 47 (2). ♦

Amey, M.J. (1997). Associate Editor’s Introduction. Written as front piece on paradigms of teaching and learning for the Journal of General Education 46 (4). ♦

Amey, M.J. (1996). Associate Editor’s Introduction. Written as front piece on critical thinking skills and knowledge acquisition for the Journal of General Education 45, (3).

Amey, M.J. (1996). Book Review of Inside College: Undergraduate Education for the Future, Simpson, R.D. and Frost, S.H. The Journal of General Education. 45, 66-68.

Amey, M.J. (1992). Book Review of The Challenged Scientists: Disabilities and the Triumph of Excellence , Robert A. Weisgerber. Journal of General Education 41, 286-288.

Amey, M.J. (1992). Book Review of Leadership in Governance, Thomas W. Fryer and John C. Lovas. Community/Junior College Quarterly of Research and Practice 16 (2), 211-214.


Amey, M.J. & Hardy, D.W. (2000). 'Pizza Bashing' at MidWest University. F.K. Stage (ed.), Linking Theory to Practice: Case Studies for Work with College Students. Muncie, IN: Accelerated Development Inc. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Twombly, S.B. (1992). Re-Visioning leadership in community colleges. The Review of Higher Education 15 (2), 125-150. Reprinted in Glazer, J.S., Bensimon, E.M., & Townsend, B. (Eds.), Women in Higher Education: A Feminist Perspective. ASHE Reader Series. 1993.

Amey, M.J. & Twombly, S.B. (1992). Re-Visioning leadership in community colleges. The Review of Higher Education 15 (2), 125-150. Reprinted in Conrad, C.F., Neumann, A., Haworth, J.G., & Scott, P. (Eds.), Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Experiencing Alternative Perspectives and Approaches. ASHE Reader Series. 1993.


Fitzgerald, S., Farrell-Cole, P. L., Amey, M. J., & Gardner, A. (2016). A Network Analysis of the NSF Funded BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action. Annual report prepared for the NSF funded BEACON Center, Michigan State University. ♦

Farrell, P. L., Amey, M. J., & Fitzgerald, S. (2014). 2013-4 BEACON Annual Evaluation. Annual report prepared for the NSF funded BEACON Center, Michigan State University. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Eddy, P. L. (2013). Reinventing Institutional Roles: Reactions Regarding Collaborations. Part of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges response to the American Association of Community Colleges Policy Statement. ♦

Farrell, P. L., Amey, M. J., Perry, L. M., & Madden, K. S. (2013). 2012 BEACON Mid-term Organizational Evaluation. Bi-annual report prepared for the NSF funded BEACON Center, Michigan State University. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P. L., & Ozaki, C. (2010). Models of K-14 Partnerships in Michigan. Policy Brief based on funded research project for the Education Policy Center, Michigan State University. ♦

Moore, K. M., Fairweather, J. S., Amey, M. J., Ortiz, A., Mabokela, R., & Ruterbusch, M. (2000). Best Practices for Reform in Undergraduate Education in Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology: A Knowledge Framework. A Report to the National Science Foundation and SRI International. East Lansing, MI: Center for the Study of Advanced Learning Systems, Michigan State University. ♦

Brown, D. F. & Amey, M. J. (1999). Dexter-Elmhurst Evaluation Project Report. Summary report of funded research project prepared for the Office of the Vice Provost University Outreach, Michigan State University. ♦

Calkins, P. & Amey, M.J. (1998). The Michigan Learning College. Summary report prepared for the Michigan Association of Community Colleges. ♦

Amey, M.J. (1997). Final Report: Effects of the Freshman Summer Institute on Student Efficacy. A report prepared for the Provost’s Office. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.

Amey, M.J. (1991). Faculty Issues for the 1990s. A report prepared for the Executive Vice Chancellor and the Campus Planning and Advisory Committee. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.

Amey, M.J., Brown, D.F., & Harrod, C.A. (1990). Assessment of the 'Where Are You Going?' Brochure. A Final Report to the Kansas Board of Regents. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.

Ratcliff, J.L., Amey, M., Bieber, T., Hoffman, S., Jones, E., Lee, N.H., Li., B., Strahan, R., Thomas, D., & Townsend, B. (1989). Development and testing of a cluster-analytic model for identifying coursework patters associated with general learned abilities of college students: Final Report, Stanford University, Samples #1 & #2. Contract No. OERI-R-86-0016 U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement Research Division. University Park, PA: Center for the Study of Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University.

Toombs, W., Fairweather, J., Chen, A., & Amey, M. (1989). Open to View: Practice and Purpose in General Education 1988. A Final Report to the Exxon Education Foundation. University Park, PA: Center for the Study of Higher Education.

Amey, M.J. (1989). Academic vice presidents in action: An analysis of four areas of leadership competency. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University. AAC 8922014.

Moore, K.M. & Amey, M.J. (1988). Faculty compensation: Making sense of the dollars. A report prepared for the National Education Association.


Amey, M. J. (2020). (Re)Considering International Partnerships, Faculty Work and Organizational Goals Through A Partnership Model. Research proposal accepted for presentation at the World Education Research Association Focal Meeting, Santiego del Compostela, Spain. [Conference postponed due to COVID-19] ♦

Amey, M. J., Beckley, J., Cox Brand, E., & Kater, S. (2020). Credentials, Online Instruction, and Online Program Managers: Good for Business? Good for Colleges? Symposium proposal accepted for presentation at Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Tempe, Arizona. [Conference cancelled due to COVID-19.] ♦

Noble, C., Amey, M., & Farrell-Cole, P. (2019). Diversity and Inclusion in Federal STEM Grant Requirements: Challenges and Opportunities for Changing Institutional Cultures. Roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland. ♦

Eddy, P., Amey, M., & D’Amico, M. (2019). Reimagining Department Chair Identities. Roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Gardner, A. (2019). Network Improvement and Organizational Change: Considerations in Developing and Leading NICs. Research proposal accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Science of Team Science Annual Conference, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Gardner, A., & Amey, M. (2019). Network Improvement Communities: Implications for Collaboration Formation and Sustained Organizational Change. Research Poster presented at the Carnegie Foundation Summit, San Francisco. ♦

Noble, C., Espinoza, B., Gardner, A., Amey, M., & Farrell-Cole, P. (2018). Confronting Power and Privilege in Interdisciplinary STEM Research. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Tampa, FL. ♦

Gardner, A., Espinoza, B., Noble, C., Amey, M., & Farrell-Cole, P. (2018). Conducting Research in the 21st Century: How Life Scientists Conceptualize, Operationalize, and Value Interdisciplinary Research. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Interdisciplinary Studies, Detroit. ♦

Harbour, C., Eddy, P., Amey, M., Bower, B., Lester, J., Kater, S., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Sexual Harassment and the Role of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Texas. ♦

Eddy, P., Amey, M., Bragg, D., Gardner, A., Lester, J., Klein, C., & Wang, X. (2018). Faculty Development to Achieve Student Success: Learning from NSF Grant Projects. Research symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York. ♦

Gardner, A., & Amey, M. J. (2018). Network Improvement Communities: Implications for Collaboration Formation and Sustained Organizational Change. Poster session for National AGEP Conference, Berkeley, CA. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2017). (Re)Considering International Partnerships, Their Impact on Faculty Work and Meeting Organizational Goals: A Partnership Model. Research paper presented at the Annual CHER Conference, Jyvaskyla, Finland. ♦

Eddy, P., Amey, M., & Garza-Mitchell, R. (2017). Defining and Developing Mid-level Leadership at Community Colleges. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Ft. Worth, TX. ♦

Farrell-Cole, P., Amey, M.J., Fitzgerald, S., & Gardner, A. (2016). Studying Team Science: Higher Education Researchers’ Roles and Methods. Roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Columbus, OH. ♦

Fitzgerald, S., Gardner, A., Amey, M.J., & Farrell-Cole, P. (2016). Crossing Disciplinary, Institutional and Role Boundaries. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Columbus, OH. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Montgomery, B. (2016). Tending the Path Forward After Full Professor: Career Paths of Women Professors. Panel presentation at the ACE-MI Women’s Network Annual Meeting, Lansing, MI. ♦

Hornak, A., Amey, M., Ampaw, F., Farrell-Cole, P., & Riddle, R. (2016). Women in Education: An Inside Look at Their Experiences. Panel presentation at the ACE-MI Women’s Network Annual Meeting, Lansing, MI. ♦

Eddy, P., Amey, M., & Garza-Mitchell, R. (2016). Courageous Leadership: Leading Change on Campus. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Dallas, TX. ♦

Garza-Mitchell, R., Wilson, K., Jones, S., Floyd, D., & Hellmich, D. (2016). Evolving Multiple Missions in a Complex World. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Dallas, TX. ♦

Fitzgerald, S. & Amey, M. J. (2015). Learner Dispositions in the Transfer Process. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Dallas, TX. ♦

Taylor, J., Bragg, D., Baldwin, C., Farrell-Cole, P., Fitzgerald, S., Amey, M., Margulies, T. & Pineda, D. (2014). Reverse Transfer: Research and Policy on the Front Lines. Research symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC. ♦

Farrell-Cole, P., Amey, M.J., Austin, A., Kezar, A., Miller, E., & Paulsen, K. (2014). Research Challenges and Issues for Studying Multi-Institutional Organizational Change Initiatives. Research symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC. ♦

Starobin, S., Amey, M., Brand-Cox, E., Eddy, P., & Zamani Gallaher, E. (2014). State Policy Issues on STEM Education. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Washington, DC. ♦

Wawrzynski, M., Aiken-Wisniewski, S., Bergerson, A., Amey, M., Rowan-Kenyon, H., Kelly, B., (2014). Writing for Publication. Session presented at the Annual meeting of NASPA, Baltimore, MD ♦

Perry, L. M., Madden, K., Farrell-Cole, P., & Amey, M. J. (2013). An Examination of Systemic Implementation Factors Influencing Research Collaborations. Research presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. ♦

Amey, M. J., & Eddy, P. L. (2013). Reinvent Institutional Roles: Reactions Regarding Collaborations. Part of Symposium session on the Response to the American Association of Community Colleges Policy Statement presented at the annual meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, San Francisco: CA. ♦

Mitchell, R. G., Eddy, P. L. & Amey, M. J. (2013). Interrogating Leadership Strategies, Practices, and Trends. Roundtable session presented at the annual meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, San Francisco, CA. ♦

Perry, L., Amey, M. J., Farrell, P. L., & Madden, K. S. (2012). An Examination of Systemic Implementation Factors Influencing Research Collaborations. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV. ♦

Eddy, P. L., Barber, J. P., Moore, T. L., Perez Mendez, J., & Amey, M. J. (2012). Connecting Learning Across the Institution: Students, Faculty, Community Engagement, and Organizational Learning. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV. ♦

Amey, M. J., Perry, L., Jessup-Anger, J., Lester, J., & Reesor, L. (2012). I Have This Great Idea…So Now What? Publishing in NJAWHE. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Phoenix: Arizona. ♦

Amey, M. J., Farrell, P. L., Huang, Y., Perry, L. M., & Roy, P. A. (2011). Evaluating Cross-Institutional and Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Charlotte, NC. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Eddy, P. L. (2011). The Role of Leadership in Strategic Partnerships. Research session presentation at the Annual Council for the Study of Community Colleges conference, New Orleans. ♦

Eddy, P. L. & Amey, M. J. (2011). Strategic Partnerships as Levers for Change. Research panel presentation, Putting Promise into Action: Applying Current Research at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Community Colleges, New Orleans. ♦

Eddy, P. & Amey, M. J. (2010). Strategic Partnerships for Organizational Change. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Indianapolis. ♦

Turner, C., Guzman, F., Tuitt, F., Amey, M. J., Woord, J., Jain, D., & Aryan, B. (2010). Facets of Mentoring: Critical Component in Developing Faculty Diversity: The Case of the University of Denver National Summer Institute. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Indianapolis. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2010). Expanding Opportunities and Opening Doors: The Role (and Challenges) of University-Based Community College Graduate Programs in Meeting Leadership and Faculty Development Needs of the Future. Roundtable presented at the Annual Council for the Study of Community Colleges conference, Seattle. ♦

Jessup-Anger, E., Amey, M. J., & McClusky, B. M. (2010). Implementing Innovation: Moving from Theory to Practice. Pre-conference workshop presentation at the Annual National Association of Student Personnel Association conference, Chicago. ♦

Roy, P. & Amey, M. J. (2010). Benefit Together: Collaborative faculty-administrator engagement. Research session presented at the Annual National Association of Student Personnel Association conference, Chicago. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2009). Administrative Perspectives on International Partnerships. Paper presented as part of symposium on “International Collaborations: Institutional Frameworks and Faculty Roles” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver. ♦

Amey, M. J., Miller, M., & Campbell, T. (2009). Leading the Changing Department: The Evolving Role of Department Chairs. Roundtable session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver. ♦

Hirt, J., Alleman, A. M., Straythorn, T., Amey, M. J., & Rhoades, G. (2009). The Future Just Isn’t What It Used to Be. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Brewer, R. (2009). Leadership Development: Moving from Inventories of Skills and Competencies to Strategic Learning. Research roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Phoenix. ♦

Jessup-Anger, E. & Amey, M. (2009). Understanding Student Affairs Organizations: A Primer for New Professionals and Supervisors. Research presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Seattle. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P. L., & Campbell, T. G. (2008). Partnership Capital: A New Model for Partners, Leaders and Policy Makers. Research roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Jacksonville, FL. ♦

Turner, C., Jackson, J., Colbeck, C., Rosser, V., & Amey, M. (2008). Theory to Practice, or Practicing Theory? Uncovering the Explicit and Implicit Ways that College Leaders Really Use Theory. Presidential Session, Association for the Study of Higher Education, Jacksonville, FL. ♦

Eddy, P. L. & Amey, M. J. (2008). Leadership in the Trenches: Trends, Practices and Strategies. Research roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Philadelphia. ♦

Amey, M., Eddy, P. L., Campbell, T. G., & Watson, J. S. (2008). The Role of Social Capital in Facilitating Partnerships. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Philadelphia. ♦

Amey, M., Eddy. P., Farrell, P., Seifter, K., Watson, J., & Ozaki, C. (2007). Social and Organizational Capital Related to Policy: The Case of Community College Partnerships. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Tampa. ♦

Amey, M., Lovell, C., King, K. H., Li., K., & Dannells, M. (2007). Student Affairs Faculty: A Model of the Engaged University and Best Practices. Research presentation at the ACPA/NASPA Combined Annual Meeting, Orlando. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P., Farrell, P., Kisker, C., Ozaki, C. C., Seifter, K., & Watson, J. (2006). The Role of Social and Organizational Capital in Educational Partnerships. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Anaheim, CA. ♦

Eddy, P., Ozaki, C., Watson, J., & Amey, M. (2006). Building a Partnership Model: K-12 Collaborations. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Long Beach, CA. ♦

Amey, M., Lovell, C., Dannells, M., & King, K. H. (2006). Identifying Issues of Individual Commitment and Generating Strategies for Collective Action: The Case of Professional Preparation Faculty. Research presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Washington, DC. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P., Ozaki, C., Hoffman-Johnson, G., & Leone, L. (2005). Institutional Collaboration: Understanding Partnerships Between Educational Organizations. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Philadelphia. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P., Ozaki, C., & Rehling, J. (2005). A Portrait of K-14 Partnerships: Creating a Theoretical Framework for Analysis. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Boston. ♦

Amey, M. J., Dannells, M., & Lovell, C. (2005). CSP Instructors: Who’s Teaching Our Graduate Students. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Tampa. ♦

Strohm, S., Amey, M., Schuh, J., & Townsend, B. (2004). Models of Program Assessment Planning and Implementation in Higher Education Doctoral Programs. Roundtable session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. ♦

Amey, M. J., Lovell, C., & Dannells, M. (2004). Who’s Teaching Our Graduate Students: Preliminary Report on Findings from a National Study. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. ♦

VanDerLinden, K. & Amey, M. J. (2004). Thinking Systemically: New Ways of Connecting Satisfaction, Leadership Development, and Administrator Retention. Research roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. ♦

Amey, M. J. & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2004). Administrator Satisfaction and the Potential Impact on Leadership Development. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Minneapolis. ♦

Amey, M. J., Dannells, M., & Lovell, C. (2004). CSP Instructors: Who’s Teaching Our Graduate Students. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Denver. ♦

Urban-Lurain, M., Amey, M., Sticklen, J., & Hinds, T. (2004). Curricular Integration of Computational Tools by Evolutionary Steps. Research presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Engineering Education, Salt Lake City. ♦

Amey, M. J., Eddy, P. A., McDade, S., Phelan, D. & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2003). Learning to Lead: Perspectives on Leadership Development. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland. ♦

VanDerLinden, K. E. & Amey, M.J. (2003). Administrative Job Searches: Strategies, Sources of Information, and Perceptions of Fraudulent Searches. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland.♦

Wang, Wei-ni, & Amey, M. J. (2003). Dancing with challenges: Student Affairs Administrators at Community Colleges. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland. ♦

Amey, M. J., VanDerLinden, K. E., & Wang, Wei-ni. (2002). Technology Issues at Community Colleges:Administrator Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento. ♦

Creamer, E. G., Lattuca, L., Amey, M. J., & Neumann, A. (2002). Supporting New Forms of Faculty Collaborative Work. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento. ♦

Fisher, P. D., Fairweather, J. S., & Amey, M. J. (2002). EC2000 and Organizational Learning: Rethinking The Faculty and Institutional Support Criteria. Research presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Engineering Education, Montreal. ♦

Smith, R., Dirkx, J. M., & Amey, M. (2002). Seeking Academic Redemption: The Reconstruction of Learner Identity Among “Underprepared” Adults. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference, Raleigh. ♦

Phillippe, K., Amey, M., & Schultz, C. (2002). Presidential and Faculty Leadership Issues. Research panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Community Colleges, Seattle. ♦

Amey, M. J., Jones, E., Long, P., Long, J., & Laguerre, J. (2002). Profiling the Leaders: Student Affairs Officers at Community Colleges. Research panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Boston. ♦

Amey, M. J., Reesor, L., Tingson, C., Satchell, S., & Lord, M. (2002). Assuming the Challenge of Change: Thoughts for New(er) Professionals. Symposium presentation at Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Boston. ♦

Amey, M. J., VanDerLinden, K. E., & Brown, D. F. (2001). Perspectives on Community College Leadership: Twenty Years in the Making. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond. ♦

VanDerLinden, K. E. & Amey, M. J. (2001). Women Community College Administrators: Their Investments in Professional Development Activities, Mentoring, and Education. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond.♦

Dirkx, J. M., Smith, R. O., & Amey, M. J. (2001). Being a “College Student”: The Community College Experience of Underprepared Adult Learners. Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference, Charleston, Illinois. ♦

Amey, M. J., Parks, S. M., Zhuang, M. & Petty, C. A. (2001). NSF Combined Research Curriculum Development on Multiphase Transport Phenomena: A Web Based Teaching Adventure. AIChE Annual Conference, Reno. ♦

Fisher, P. D., Fairweather, J. S., & Amey, M. J. (2001). Systemic reform in undergraduate engineering education. 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Reno. ♦

Amey, M. J. & VanDerLinden, K. (2001). Celebrating diversity: Administrator perceptions of institutional priorities for community colleges of the 21st Century. Research presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Chicago. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Jones, E. (2001). Confronting the graduate preparation program needs of community college administrators. Research panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Seattle. ♦

Lochrie, J., Satchell, S., Amey, M., Chau, N., Matusow-Ayers, H., & Sigel, L. (2001). Perspectives from the Edge:  Women in Student Affairs Speak Out. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Seattle. ♦

Fisher, D. P., Fairweather, J. S., & Amey, M. J. (2001). Systemic Reform in Undergraduate Engineering Education: The Role of Collective Responsibility.  Research paper presented at the Annual meeting of Frontiers in Education, Albuquerque. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Brown, D. F. (2000). Interdiscplinary collaboration and academic work. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, November.♦

VanDerLinden, K. & Amey, M. J. (2000). Bringing community college leadership diversity in from the periphery. Roundtable discussion session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, November. ♦

Lee, J., Amey, M., & Crist, W. (2000). Issues in faculty compensation. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, November. ♦

Amey, M. J., Manning, K., Ebbers, L., & Reesor, L. (2000). Preparing leaders for the future. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, March. ♦

Amey, M. J., Brown, D. F. & Sandmann, L. (1999). Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Faculty Work Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Higher Education Faculty Rewards Forum, February, 2000. ♦

Moore, K.M., Amey, M., Fairweather, J., Ramaley, J., & Ruskus, J. (2000). Reform of Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology. Research symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Higher Education Faculty Rewards Forum, February. ♦

Amey, M.J. & Dirkx, J.M. (1999). Contextualizing multiple student life experiences: Improving developmental education. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, November. ♦

Nidiffer, J., Amey, M., Glazer-Raymo, J., & Sagaria, M.A. (1999). Women administrators – What do we know; What do we need to know; and Where should we go from here? Research symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, November. ♦

Dirkx, J. M., Amey, M. J., & Haston, L. (1999). Context in the Contextualized Curriculum: Adult Life Worlds as Unitary or Multiplistic? Research paper presented at the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference. ♦

Dirkx, J. M., Amey, M.J., & Haston, L. (1999). Teacher beliefs and subject matter boundaries: The struggle for curricular transformation among teachers of adults. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Adult Education Research Conference. ♦

Amey, M.J., Lovell, C., Shuford, B., & Rittof, P. (1999). Doctoral Education: Weighing the Choices and Charting Your Course. Symposium presentation at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. ♦

Dirkx, J. M., Amey, M.J., & Haston, L. (1998). Boundaries and beliefs among teachers of adults: A case study of curricular transformation. Research paper presented at the Seventeenth Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education. ♦

Amey, M.J., Baxter Magolda, M.B., Cooper, J.E., Casey, R., Eisenmann, L., Gisselquist, J., McDade, S.A., & Jones, E.A. (1997). Pedagogy and performance: Linking classroom strategies and assessment with building graduate students’ critical and reflective thinking skills. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. ♦

Amey, M.J., Butler, E., Dollerhide, C., Lovell, C., Palm, R., & Toma, D. (1997). Connecting the past to the future: Visioning About Student Affairs Preparation Programs. Panel presented at NASPA IV-West Conference, Albuquerque. ♦

McDade, S.A., Eisenmann, L, & Amey, M. (1997). Joining Pedagogy and Performance: Classroom Strategies for Building Doctoral Students’ Critical Thinking and Writing Skills. Roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

McClusky-Fawcett, K., Tuttle, K.N., Wineberg, J., Amey, M.J., & Satchell, S. (1997). Freshman Summer Institute: The Voice of Transition. Program presented at the Joint Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the American College Personnel Association, Chicago.

Amey, M., Reesor, L., & Schneider, R. (1997). Academic Leadership and Student Affairs: Building Bridges Through Understanding. Research program presented at the Joint Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the American College Personnel Association, Chicago.

Amey, M.J., Cooper, J.E., Ideta, L., Nesselrode, G., & Zenger, S. (1996). Non-traditional Leaders and Non-traditional Leadership. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Memphis.

Amey, M.J., Ethington, C., Laden, B.V., & Love, P. (1996). Partnered Professionals: Reconciling Institutional Policies, Professional Careers, and Personal Relationships. Focused dialogue presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Memphis.

Amey, M.J., Brown, D.F., McDade, S., Moore, K.M., & Reesor, L. (1995). New Work on Academic Administrators: Challenging Myths and Creating New Stories. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando.

Gahn, S.W. & Amey, M.J. (1995). A National Study of Associate Professors at Research Universities. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando.

Reesor, L., Amey, M., Dannells, M., & Averill, V. (1995). Choosing a Doctoral Program. Program presented at the Kansas Student Personnel Conference.

Amey, M.J. & Ramos, B. (1995) Understanding the ABD (All but Dissertation) Doctoral Candidate: Implications for Doctoral Student Advisors. Research paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Academic Advising Association.

Amey, M.J., Guilfoyle, K., Hamilton, M.L., Placier, P., Pinnegar, S., & Stone, L. (1995) Rites of Passage/Rights of Passage: Women Faculty at the Tenure Border Crossing. Roundtable symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Amey, M.J., Cooper, J.E., Kempner, K., & Rendon, L. (1994). Mapping Higher Education Leadership in a Postmodern Era. Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J., Fairweather, J., Gappa, J.M., & Moore, K.M. (1994). Faculty Compensation: Unanswered Questions for Researchers and Practitioners. Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Warner, L.S. & Amey, M.J. (1994). Dances with Wolves: Understanding Others. Research session presented at the Conference on Women in Educational Administration, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Cooper, J., Kempner, K., & Amey, M. (1994).Higher Education Leadership Through a Postmodern Lens. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

Kuh, G., Kline, R.R., Rhoads, R., Love, P., Williams, L.B., Amey, M.J., & Stage, F.K. (1994). Renewing Student Culture Research in the 1990s. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

Ambler, D.A., Amey, M.J., & Reesor, L.M. (1994).Strategies for Improving Collaboration Between Faculty and Practitioners. Research session presented at the National Association for Student Personnel Association Annual Meeting.

Warner, L.S. & Amey, M.J. (1994). Yes, I've Seen 'Dances with Wolves. Workshop presented at the National Association of Women in Education Annual Meeting, San Antonio.

Long, P.N. & Amey, M.J. (1993). Underprepared Students: Assessing the Impact of Student Input and Institutional Environment on the Outcomes of Student Success. Research paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting. [ED365177 Resources in Education May, 1994]

Amey, M.J., Finnegan, D., Leslie, D., Ward, K., & Whitt, E.J. (1993). Research on Faculty: Expanding the Knowledge Boundaries. Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J., Johnsrud, L.K., Olsen, D., Sorcinelli, M.D., & Whitt, E.J. (1993). Research on Faculty at the Institutional and State Level: Defining and Expanding the Knowledge Boundaries. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

Fairweather, J.F., Moore, K.M. & Amey, M.J. (1993). Teaching and the Faculty Reward Structure. Professional Pre-conference Workshop presented at the American Association of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Townsend, B., Amey, M., Johnsrud, L., & Nelson, G. (1992). Research on a Shoestring. Roundtable presentation at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J. (1992). Academic Women: Different Ways of Knowing. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting. [ED352911 Research in Education May 1993.]

Amey, M.J. (1992). Institutional Market places and Faculty Attrition: The Realities of Professors at One Research University. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting. [ED352907 Research in Education May, 1993.]

Amey, M.J. (1992). Academic Women: Different Ways of Knowing. Research workshop presented at the National Association for Women in Education Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J. (1992). Cognitive Constructions of Leadership. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J. & Twombly, S.B. (1991). Thinking About Research on Leadership. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Guthrie, D.S., Trainer, J.T., Amey, M.J. & Fairweather, J.S. (1991). Assessing Qualitative Research Practices in Higher Education. Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J. (1991). Constructive/Developmental Theory and Leadership: A Question of Perceived Effectiveness. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. [EA023022]

Amey, M.J. & Twombly, S.B. (1991). Re-Visioning Leadership in Community Colleges: New Metaphors for a New Generation. Paper presented at the Council of Universities and Colleges Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J. (1990). "Number One Staffer" or "Number Two Leader of the Institution": Clarifying Expectations and Realities of the Role of Chief Academic Officer. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Twombly, S.B. & Amey, M.J. (1990). Errand Boy, Commander, Builder and ?: Images of Leadership in Community Colleges or Re-visioning Leadership in Community Colleges. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Amey, M.J. & Toombs, W. (1989). Open to View: Practice and General Education 1988 - The Content Analysis. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Toombs, W. & Amey, M.J. (1989). Open to View: A Catalog Analysis of General Education, 1988. Paper presented at the Association of American Colleges Annual Meeting.

Moore, K.M., Sagaria, M.A.D., Johnsrud, L.K., Amey, M.J., & Lewis, E.F. (1988). Leadership in Higher Education: More New Work Underway. Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.

Whitt, E., Amey, M.J., Kuh, G., & Moore, K.M. (1988). Conducting Qualitative Dissertation Research. Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting.


Frank, K., Englund, T., Gibson, J., Haik, K., Amey, M., Hansen, C. & Smith, R. (2019). Women and Leadership: Creating Conditions for Sustainable Change. Invited Plenary Panel, Academic Chairpersons Annual Conference, Savannah. ♦

Winkle-Wagner, R., Howard Hamilton, M., Amey, M., & Chang, M. (2019). Planning Beyond Tenure: Advice for a Successful and Meaningful Career. CAHEP Career Workshop, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland. ♦

DeZure, D., Frank, K., Corbett, I., Gibson, J., Haik, K., Amey, M., & Licata, C. (2019). Women in Leadership: Pathways, Problems – Solving and Advocacy. Invited Plenary Panel, Academic Chairpersons Annual Conference, Houston. ♦

Gardner, A., Noble, C., Amey, M., & Farrell-Cole, P. (2018). Conducting Research in the 21st Century: How Life Scientists Conceptualize, Operationalize and Value Interdisciplinary Research. Poster presented at the BEACON Annual Conference. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Gardner, A. C., Farrell-Cole, P., & Amey, M. (2018). Doctoral Education, Interdisciplinary Research and Career Pathways: The Lasting Influence on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Graduates. BEACON Annual Conference. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Amey, M. J., Lemon, J., Gaither, C., & Garton, P. (2017). Organization and Administrative Accountability. Team consultation workshops with faculty and leaders at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2017). Online and Blended Learning. Team consultation presentation with faculty and leaders at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. ♦

Amey, M. J., Bauer, J., & Sharkey, T. D. (2018). Strategies for Unit Leaders to Support the Vitality of their Mid-Career Academics. Panel presentation for Making the Most of the Mid-career as an MSU Academic Workshop. Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Montgomery, B. (2016). Tending the Path Forward After Full Professor: Career Paths of Women Professors. Poster presentation for the Spring Institute on College Teaching and Learning, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Amey, M. J. & Hawthorne, W. (2015). Being a Department Chair. Presentation for the Exploring Academic Leadership Learning Community. Office of Faculty and Organizational Development. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2015). Managing Up. Keynote presentation at the Academic Leadership Academy. Stat College, PA. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2015). Department Chairs. Presentation for Gazi University. Office of Faculty and Organizational Development. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2015). Issues Facing Postsecondary Education. Mason Rotary Club Invited Presentation. Mason, MI. ♦

Amey, M. J., & Fitzgerald, S. (2014). Credit When It’s Due – Student Perceptions of the Transfer Process. The Michigan Conference on Student Success, Lansing, MI. ♦

Zamani-Gallaher, Z., Eddy, P., & Amey, M. J. (2014). Key Issues Confronting Community Colleges: Building a research agenda. Opening Session. Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Washington, DC. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2013). Collegiality. Presentation for the Leadership and Administration Seminar Series. Office of Faculty and Organizational Development. Michigan State University, East Lansing. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2012) Women’s Leadership. Panel member. Residential College Women’s Leadership Program. Michigan State University. East Lansing. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2011). “Leading As Teamwork.” Workshop presented as part of Leading Through Teamwork: How to Be a Successful Professional. Michigan State University Graduate School PREP Series. East Lansing. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2011). Current Issues in Community College Research. Emerging Scholars Pre-Conference Roundtable Session. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. ♦

Morphew, C. C., Amey, M. J., Mertz, N. T., Nora, A., & Twombly, S. B. (2011). Congratulations, You’re Tenured! Now What? Professional Development Session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2011). Working with Students on Dissertations. Critical Conversations about Community College Programming Roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges. ♦

Amey, M., McGarrell, E., Nettleman, M., & Sanjay, G. (2011). What It Means to be a Chair/Director. Workshop for Faculty Leaders Series. Office of Faculty and Organizational Development, Michigan State University. ♦

Farrell, P. L., Anderson, D., Ghannen, S., Amey, M., Foster, E. (2010) Managing and Leading in Times of uncertainty and Complexity. Michigan ACE Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education conference, East Lansing, MI. ♦

Inkelas, K. K., Amey, M. J., Hamilton, M. H., Perna, L., Astin, H., & Astin, A. et al., (2009). Celebrating the Mentor and Mentee Relationship. Invited Presidential Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver. ♦

Churchill, C., Amey, M. J., Smith, R., Morciglio, J. (2009). Leading the Community College. Invited panel presentation at the ACE-MI Women’s Network Annual Conference, Michigan State University. June, 2009. ♦

Reesor, L. & Amey, M. (2009). Beginning Your Journey. Invited research presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Seattle. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2008). Thinking Differently About Department Chairs: Supporting the Changing Role of Faculty. Colloquium on the Changing Professoriate Sponsored by the Erickson Endowed Chair, Michigan State University, February. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2008). Leading the Community College. Invited research panel presentation at the ACE-MI Women’s Network Annual Conference, Michigan State University. June, 2008. ♦

Amey, M., Lovell, C., King, K. H., Li, K., & Dannells, M. (2007). Faculty Realities and Challenges: Perspectives of Those Who Teach in CSP Programs. Invited keynote paper presented at the NASPA Faculty Forum, Orlando. ♦

“Balancing Teaching and Research.” Invited presentation with A. Ortiz. AERA Division J Graduate Student and New Faculty Seminar. Montreal, April, 2005. ♦

“Mentoring For and Among Women.” Invited Workshop. Women of the Seasons Series. Women’s Resource Center, Michigan State University. April, 2005. ♦

“Administrator Satisfaction and the Potential Impact on Leadership Development.” Invited Panelist. American Association of Community College Presidents’ Forum. April, 2004. ♦

“Moving In: Negotiating Transitions into a Doctoral Program.” National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Doctoral Colloquium. March, 2004. ♦

“Organizational Change and Student Services.” Staff Development Keynote Presentation. Grand Valley State University, February, 2004. ♦

“Building Bridges Between Student and Academic Affairs: The Challenges and Opportunities for Community Colleges.” Invited Keynote Speaker. Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS. October, 2003. ♦

“Building Alliances: Mentoring Relationships Among Women.” Michigan American Council on Education. June, 2003. ♦

“Tenure and Beyond.” Faculty Forum Discussion Facilitator. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. March, 2003. ♦

“Transitioning into Doctoral Studies.” Doctoral Colloquium. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. March, 2003. ♦

“The Use of Technology: Institutional Issues.” National Educational Association Higher Education Forum. February, 2003. ♦

“Collaboration and Challenge: Community College Relations.” Invited Keynote Address. Central Michigan University Community College Partnership Program. February, 2003. ♦

“Finding a Mentor In and Out of Your Field.” Invited Workshop. Women of the Seasons Series. Women’s Resource Center, Michigan State University. February, 2003. ♦

“Academic Leadership.” Presenter. Academic Leaders’ Program. Provost’s Office. Michigan State University. February, 2002. ♦

“Analyzing Qualitative Data.” Panel Member. College of Education Spencer Research Training Grant Symposium. Michigan State University. April, 2001. ♦

“Career mobility and administrative issues: A twenty year comparison of the changing face of community colleges.” With K. VanDerLinden and D. Brown. Invited research paper presentation for “A Century of Community Colleges in America: Challenges Past, Present and Future” Inaugural Conference, University of North Texas. February, 2001. ♦

“Learning to Do Interview Research”. Panel Member. College of Education Spencer Research Training Grant Symposium. Michigan State University. January, 2001. ♦

“Integration, Inner Work and Faculty Worklives.” Paper presented at the From Theory to Practice: An Anniversary Symposium. Penn State University, State College, PA. June, 2000. ♦

“Merit pay and compensation issues.” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Education Association. Atlanta, April, 2000. ♦

"Writing Workshop." Student Affairs Administration Graduate Student Orientation. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. August, 1999. ♦

"New Professional Development." Midwest Meeting of Graduate Students in Student Personnel. Annual Meeting. East Lansing, MI. October, 1999. ♦

“Creating the IV-West Tapestry: Weaving Together Our Professional Traditions and Futures.” Invited Keynote Address. NASPA IV-West Annual Conference. Albuquerque, November, 1997. ♦

“Knitting Things Together.” Panel Member. The Student Learning Imperative Staff Development Series. Michigan State University. November, 1997. ♦

“Ethics in Qualitative Research.” Doctoral Colloquium on Qualitative Research Methods. NASPA Annual Conference. Chicago, March, 1997.

“Observations in Qualitative Research.” Doctoral Colloquium on Qualitative Research Methods. NASPA Annual Conference. Chicago, March, 1997.

Moderator, Inaugural Kemper Foundation Teaching Fellows Symposium. University of Kansas, March, 1997.

“Getting a Grip on Graduate School: A Workshop for New Graduate Students.” Panel Member. University of Kansas Graduate School, Lawrence, KS, September, 1996.

“Superheroes in Residence Life.” Keynote address. Residence Life Winter Training. University of Kansas, January, 1996.

“Newcomers Session.” Invited panel participant. Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando, Florida, November, 1995.

“Selecting Your Career Path in Student Affairs” with Paige White and James Parker. Plains States Career Fair for Student Affairs. Kansas City, Missouri, October, 1995.

“Careers in Student Affairs.” with Lori Reesor. KU Student Leadership Institute. University of Kansas, Lawrence, September, 1995.

"Leadership Skills Workshop." Johnson County Women's Leadership Symposium. Johnson County, Kansas, September, 1994, 1995.

"Pursuing Advanced Degrees." University of Kansas Student Affairs Division Career Series, July, 1994.

"Careers in Student Affairs." Presentation with David Ambler and Lori Reesor for Blueprints '93: Foundation for the Future Conference, The University of Kansas. November, 1993.

"Leadership and Women." Invited keynote for Women's Issues Group. Johnson County Community College, October, 1993.

"Faculty Productivity." Student Life Professional Staff Winter Retreat. The University of Kansas, February, 1993.

"What It Means to Be Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual in the 1990s." Presentation with Molly Green. The University of Kansas, Residence Hall Training Workshop, January, 1993.

"Careers in Student Affairs." Presentation with David Ambler and Lori Reesor for Blueprints '92: Leadership Under Construction Conference, The University of Kansas. September, 1992.

"Differentiating the Leader, the Manager, and the Power Broker." Presentation with John Gaffney for Blueprints '92: Leadership Under Construction Conference, The University of Kansas. September, 1992.

"Leadership Styles." Emerging Leaders Seminar Series. The University of Kansas Office of Organizations and Activities, September, 1992.

"Community Dynamics." The University of Kansas, Residence Hall Training Workshop, August, 1992.

"Careers in Student Affairs." Panel Member. The University of Kansas Student Affairs Division, November, 1991.

"In Search of Excellence: The Entering Professional." The Ohio State University Brown Bag Seminar, November, 1984.

"Coordinating Conferences at Small Colleges." GLACUHO Conference, February, 1982.


Amey, M. J. (2017). Managing Collaboratively. Accelerated Systemic Change Network. Western Michigan University. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2014). Managing Up, Down and Laterally. Academic Leadership Academy, Penn State University. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2013). Managing Up and Collaborating Laterally. Academic Leadership Academy, Penn State University. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2011). Managing Up and Collaborating Laterally. Academic Leadership Academy, Penn State University. ♦

Kuk, L., Banning, J., & Amey, M. (2011). Designing Organizations for Sustainable Change. ♦

Amey, M. J. (2010). Collaboration Between Academic and Student Affairs. Academic and Student Affairs Knowledge Community, National Association for Student Personnel Administrators. ♦

Amey, M. J., Reesor, L. M., et al. (2010). Beginning Your Journey: A Guide for New Professionals in Student Affairs. 5 part webinar series. National Association for Student Personnel Administrators. ♦


Michigan State University:

1997-present Administration and Governance of Postsecondary Institutions

Leadership in Postsecondary Institutions

Administration in Higher Education

Community Colleges

Case Studies in Educational Leadership (on-line)

Disabilities in Higher Education

Planning, Evaluation and Decision Making

Faculty Roles for the 21st Century

Collegiate Contexts for Teaching and Learning

Organizational Theory


Practicum in Student Affairs

University of Kansas:

1989-1997 Governance and Administration of Higher Education

Introduction to Administration of Higher Education


The College Student

Faculty Issues

Qualitative Methods in Administration

Proseminar in Higher Education

Instructional Leadership Program: Leadership Seminar

Current Issues in Higher Education

Administrative Issues in Higher Education

Women in Organizations

The Pennsylvania State University:

1986-1989 Issues in Higher Education

Penn State Students and Their University

Higher Education in the United States

Leadership Seminar (Team Taught)


Mildred B. Erickson Endowed Chair, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2017-2020.

Nominated, Inaugural Sekhar Chivulka/Elizabeth Simmons Administrative Award, 2018.

Pillar of the Profession, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 2017.

Distinguished Service Award. Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2015.

Robert H. Shaffer Award for Excellence as a Graduate Faculty Member. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 2014.

Inaugural Faculty Mentor Award. Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2009.

Teaching Excellence in Education, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2006.

Senior Scholar Award. Council for the Study of Community Colleges, 2005.

Crystal Apple Award for Excellence in Education, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2004.

Faculty Fellow, Office of Faculty and Organizational Development, Provost’s Office. Michigan State University, 2004-2005.

Faculty Fellow, Inaugural Class. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. 2002-2004.

Reappointment for a second term, 2004-2006.

Outstanding Contributions to Equal Opportunity for Achievement and an Environment of Excellence Citation. Office of Programs for Handicapper Students, Michigan State University. Spring, 1998.

Honorary Member, Division of Student Affairs, The University of Kansas, 1997.

Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, The University of Kansas, 1996-1997.

Finalist, The Gene A. Budig Teaching Fellowship, The University of Kansas, 1996.

Faculty Fellow, Vice Chancellor's Fellows Program, The University of Kansas, 1994-1995.

Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Education and College of Education Alumni Society, The Pennsylvania State University, 1994.

The Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award, Distinguished Award for Excellence in Teaching, The University of Kansas, 1993.

Faculty Achievement Award in Teaching, School of Education, The University of Kansas, 1993.

Outstanding Woman Teacher Award. Commission on the Status of Women, The University of Kansas, 1993.

Outstanding Faculty Member, The National Association for Student Personnel Administrators Region IV-West, 1993.

Nominated, Outstanding Woman Teacher Award. Commission on the Status of Women, The University of Kansas, 1992.


Michigan State University

Drangstveit, Megan. Should I stay or should I go? Using social cognitive career theory to explain career decision-making of student affairs professionals. 2020.

Shanks, Levi. Exploring emergent networks across undergraduate STEM education reform networks: The STEM reform hydra. 2020.

Neal, Makena. Learning together and building knowledge in informal groups: A first hand account of communal practical wisdom. 2020.

Artale, Paolo. Understanding the relationship between work-life flexstyle, job satisfaction, and turnover intention on new professionals in student affairs. 2020.

McGregor, Karen. Exploring the nature of student swirl in an adult learner population. 2018.

Branham, Dawn. Designing for global learning in the community college: A multiple case study. 2018.

Allmendinger, Michelle. Ethics and decision making by higher education administrators in intercollegiate athletics and student affairs. 2018.

Wilbur, Kathleen. Governing board decision making: Establishing a College of Medicine. 2017.

Cradit, Nathan. From “Thoughts and prayers” to practice: Narratives of faculty sensemaking during campus-carry policy enactment. 2017.

Martinez, Dalinda. Transitioning experiences of transfer students. 2016.

Robinson, Henry. Understanding African American persistence in the urban university: A student expertise model. 2016.

Leone, Lucian. Dominant coalitions and dominant general management logic: A case study of community college degree completion. 2016.

Fletcher, Stefan. The research university president’s service on external boards. 2015.

Zeig, Michael. Strategies of public regional universities during challenging times. 2015.

Heinrich, William. Exploring enacted mental models of learning outcomes assessment in higher education. 2015.

McDonough, Colleen. Mentoring early engineering students: Faculty-student interaction as an indicator of climate perception. 2015.

DeClerq, Cheri. Decision making response to disruptive innovation: What’s a place like us to do? 2015.

Sinclair, Julie. An integrated organizational view of the development of international experiences in graduate professional education: Cases of Dentistry, Law, and Medicine at a research university. 2014.

Coressel, Sheila. The influence of college students’ intensity of involvement in student organizations on leadership development. 2104

Kahler, Karen. On beating the odds: A study of successful community college students. 2013.

Watson, Jesse. White undergraduate social justice advocates: Experiences that influence continued participation in racially and ethnically diverse campus settings. 2013.

Pham, Hoa. Factors contributing to the persistence of undergraduate students from Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. 2012.

LeTourneau, John. Institutional change in a higher education environment: Factors in the adoption and sustainability of information technology project management best practices. 2012.

Campbell, Timothy. Living in the middle: An investigation into the role of department chairs. 2012.

Hirko, Scott. Using sanctioned athletic programs to understand stakeholders' perceived influence in decisions at major research universities. 2011.

Rishell, Michael. Becoming the university: Early presidential discourses of Gordon Gee. 2011.

Croom, Patricia. Institutional Strategy in a Global Context: The Land-Grant University Experience. 2010.

Newman, Denise D. Community College Trustees in Michigan: The Experiences of Four Women. 2010.

Edgell, Margaret Sampson. Higher Education Finance Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Two Dynamics of Social Contract in Three Bologna Process Countries. 2009.

Villalobos-Buehner, Maria. Study Abroad Programs and Their Influence in Possible Language 2 Selves Development and Learning Strategies. 2009.

Tingson-Gatuz, Connie. The Role of Peer Mentoring in the Leadership Development of Students of Color in Higher Education. 2009.

Jessup-Anger, Eric. Backward Mapping the Implementation of an Innovative Idea in Higher Education: The Case of Learning Reconsidered. 2009.

Belknap, Mary. Community College Teacher Education Pathways: A Descriptive Study of Michigan Teacher Education Program Components. 2009.

Wambach, Michael. Institutional Mergers. 2008.

Alsup, Connell. The Socialization of Law Faculty: How Does It Occur? 2007.

Holmes, Vanessa. Critical Factors Affecting African American College Completion at Two Selective Research Universities. 2007.

Randall, Virginia. Supervision in Student Affairs: Synergistic Supervision, Persistence and Commitment to the Student Affairs Profession. 2006.

Radford-Popp, Amy. Cooperative Engineering Students' Identity Development: Perceptions of Socially Responsible Leadership. 2006.

Wang, Wei-ni. The Role of Community Education in Fulfilling the Missions of Community Colleges: Perspectives of Presidents and Program Directors. 2006.

Moore, Suzanne. Experiences of the Excellent: A Study of Community College Faculty and Ways They Think About Their Teaching. 2006.

Seestedt-Stanford, Linda. Academic Senates and Faculty Unions. 2006.

Brown, Carol. Claiming An Education: The Experiences of Adult Women Community College Students Enrolled in a Developmental English Course. 2006.

Harley, Sandra. How Innovation Attribute Perceptions Influence Community College Adoption of Programs Promoted by an External Agency. 2005.

Bailey, Jean. Work and life balance: Looking at community college occupational deans. 2005.

Murphy, Elaine. Persistence in the face of self-doubt: The experiences of African American and Hispanic American Women in selective healthcare programs. 2005.

Armstrong, Josh. Development outcomes of service learning pedagogies. 2004.

Weber, Christy. They came before us: A study of women at Michigan Agriculture College 1870-1895. 2004.

Jobson, John. Identity change during the first semester of college. 2004.

Molasso, William. Purpose in life and college students. 2004.

Montague, Evan. Leadership development practices in the community college: A case study. 2004.

Green, Velvie. Cultural factors influencing the persistence of African-American community college students. 2003.

Klumpp, Karen. The experiences of first-year college students using computer-mediated communication. 2003.

VanDerLinden, Kim. Gender differences in preparation, promotion, and barriers to career advancement: A study of Michigan community college administrators. 2003.

Eddy, Pamela. Sensemaking on campus: the role of the two-year college president in framing organizational change. 2002.

Flaga, Catherine M. The process of transition for community college transfer students. 2002.

Viau, Terry Brennan. An analysis of policymaking: Financial aid, tuition and access for low-income students at Michigan public universities. 2002.

I work as a committee member with approximately 9-11 students defending their dissertations each year, and am the cognate advisor/outside committee member of 4 students in other MSU doctoral programs.

University of Kansas (post-tenure decision; * designates those completed after coming to MSU)

Walker, Alan (co-chair)* The development of a national specialized accreditation system in the field of fire science: The International Fire Service Accreditation Congress: an historical perspective of the first five years (1990-1995). 1999.

Kish, Francis. * The role of the university president in the governance of intercollegiate athletics. 1998.

Martin, Daniel * The organizational culture of Nazarene colleges and universities: A case study. 1998.

Mooney, Peter * (co-chair). A study of administrative leadership from a team perspective at the college level. 1998.

Fugate, Amy. Early career stages of community college faculty: A qualitative analysis of their career paths, roles, and development. 1997.

Knudsen, Linda. Team leadership in three midwestern community colleges: The president’s cognitive frame of reference and its relationship to real versus illusionary teams. 1997.

Isaac, Donald. The relationship of institutional, organizational, and work-related factors in faculty intention to leave among liberal arts colleges. 1997.

Ferrell, J. David. A study of institutional identity and direction: Central College at a crossroads. 1997.

Alderman, Lee. Student support services and their impact on persistence of first-year students at a rural community college. 1997.

Spiridigliozzi, Erin. A discriminant analysis of the variables relating to the career paths and inclusion in specific administrative position categories for administrators at a midwestern research university. 1996.

Conder, Douglas. The academic expectations and experiences of male student athletes specially admitted to a midwestern research university: A case study. 1996.

Long, Jonathan. A student’s right to know: A descriptive study of the influence of the Campus Security Act on institutional reporting of campus crime. 1996

Zenger, Sheahon. Interim leadership: The professional life history of Dr. Delbert M. Shankel. 1996

Ruel, Martha. Public statewide higher education coordinating and governing agencies: A national study of who they are and their attitudes toward contemporary issues in higher education. 1996.

Marotz, Lynn. The changing nature of the graduate faculty mentor: Causes and consequences. 1996.

Gahn, Sandra. Professional issues of associate faculty at research and doctoral-granting universities by discipline, time in-rank, and gender. 1995.

Reesor, Loraine. Becoming an academic administrator: A case study approach. 1995.

Sanders, Cindy. An analysis of a decision making process: Fee payment by mail at Midwestern University. 1995.

Ward, Venus. An investigation of the impact of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 on clinical laboratory science education curricula. 1995.

Wiber, Sharon. Decision making frameworks of female superintendents. 1995.


Wawrzynski, M., Aiken-Wisniewski, S., Bergerson, A., Amey, M., Connor, R. M., Rowan-Kenyon, H., Kelly, B., VanHecke, J. (2014). Writing for Publication. An intensive writing workshop. Annual meeting of NASPA, Baltimore, MD.

“Strategic Planning and Institutional Branding.” Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam. July, 2004.

“Developmental Education Program Transformation.” Academic Foundations Program. Grand Rapids Community College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. April-June, 1999.

Organizational Review. KANU Radio Station. Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Graduate Studies and Public Service. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, May, 1995.

“Facilitating Team Structures.” Two-part workshop for Kemper Insurance Company, Overland Park, Kansas, February and March, 1995.

"Diversity within Teams and Constructive Arguing." Saint Mary College Faculty Institute. Leavenworth, Kansas, February, 1994.

"Group Facilitation and Organizational Planning." Johnson County Government Seminar Series. Johnson County, Kansas, December, 1993.

"Team Building." St. Mary College Fall Faculty Institute. Leavenworth, Kansas, August, 1993.

"Team Building." Lenexa City Government Workshop Series. Johnson County Community College, June-July, 1993.

"Myers-Briggs Type Indicator." The Ohio State University Food Service Managers Workshop, December, 1984.


Editorial Responsibilities

Editor, Community College Review, 2020-2025

Associate Editor, 2019-2021

Editorial Board, 2016-2018, 2000-2004, 2017-20.

Manuscript Reviewer, 2004-present.

Editor, NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, 2010-2013.

Manuscript Reviewer, 2007, 2008.

Editor, The Journal of General Education, 2000-2004.

Associate Editor, 1995-2000.

Editorial Board, 1992-1995.

Manuscript Reviewer, 1991, 2006, 2007.

Editorial Board, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 2016-2020.

Manuscript Reviewer, 2010-present.

Editorial Board, The Review of Higher Education, 1992-1995.

Manuscript Reviewer, 1989-2006.

National Review Panel, ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports, 1992-2017.

External Reviewer, New Directions for Community Colleges, 2001-2002, 2006.

Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Higher Education, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011-present.

Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2011-2017.

Manuscript Reviewer, Higher Education, 2012-2016.

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 2008, 2014.

Manuscript Reviewer, National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 2008.

Manuscript Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, 1988, 1993-1996, 2006-2008,


Manuscript Reviewer, Adult Education Quarterly, 1998, 1999, 2013-2015.

Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Researcher, 1989, 2014.

Manuscript Reviewer, Michigan Academy of Arts and Letters, 2001.

Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on Organization and Governance in Higher Education, 1998-1999.

Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on College Students, 1994.

Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on Qualitative Research, 1992-1993.

Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on Community Colleges, 1992, 1999-2000, 2004-2005, 2011.

Book Manuscript Reviewer: Routledge Press, Stylus Publishers, Palgrove, Greenwood Press, Anker

Publishing, Jossey-Bass/Wiley. (1993-2019). Have reviewed over 15 book manuscripts.

Michigan State University


Member, Department Advisory Committee, 1999-2005.

Chair, Department Committee on Faculty Affairs, 1999-2001.

Member, Department Committee on Faculty Affairs, 1997-2001, 2002-2005.

Member, Department Committee on Academic Programs, 1997-99.

Member, HALE Faculty Search Committee, 2002-2003.

Member, Student Affairs Faculty Search Committee, 2000-2001.

Coordinator, Faculty as Teachers and Leaders Summer Institute, 1999-2001.

HALE Curriculum Ad Hoc committee, 1997-2000.

Student Affairs Faculty Interest Group, 1997-1999.


Discussant on Faculty Issues, Open University China Professional Development Program, Office of International Studies in Education, 2019.

Panelist, Emerging Leaders Program, Academic Outreach. 2018, 2019

Member, Department of Counseling Psychology, Education Psychology & Special Education Chair Search Committee, 2017-18.

Member, College of Education Director of Assessment Committee, 2015.

Member, Academic Competitiveness Grant Committee, 2014-15.

Member, College of Education Assistant Dean of International Education, 2014-15.

Member, Department of Kineseology Chair Search Committee, 2011-12.

Member, College of Education Dean’s Search Committee, 2010-11.

Member, Graduate All-College Fellowship Committee, 2011-2014.

College Faculty Awards Review, 2009.

EAD Representative, College Faculty Advisory Committee, 1999-2000, 2005-2006.

Faculty Liaison to Executive Directorate, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2003-


Departmental Representative, Administrative Group Meetings, Fall, 2002.

In-House Grant Proposal Review Committee, 2001-2004.

Graduate Multi-Year Scholarship Committee, 2001-2005.

Graduate Orientation Panel Member, 2002, 2003.


Member, Selection Committee, Simmons Shivulka Leadership Award, 2019.

Member, Academic Advancement Network Panel, “Making the Most of Mid-Career”, 2018.

Chair, Dean of the Graduate School Search Committee, 2017.

Co-Leader, Learning Community for Women Full Professors, 2015-16.

Member, Associate Provost Panel, “Survive and Thrive”, 2016, 2019, 2020.

Member, Associate Provost Panel for New Department Chairs, 2015.

Member, Associate Provost’s Academic Human Resources Committee, 2012-2014.

Member, Provost’s Office Task Force on Work-Life Balance, 2006-2007.

Faculty Intern, Office of Faculty and Organizational Development, Provost’s Office. 2005-2006.

Member, University Sexual Assault Task Force, 2004-2005.

Member, Women’s Advisory Committee to the Provost, 2003-2006.

Member, University Distinguished Fellowship Awards Committee, 1998-2000.

Research Member, Provost’s Office Study of Faculty/Student Perceptions of Studying, Fall,


ALS Representative, Faculty Forum on Teaching and Learning, 1997-1999.


Staff-Parish Relations Committee co-chair and member, University United Methodist Church, East Lansing, MI. 2016-2018.

Secretary, Okemos Band Boosters, Okemos, MI., 2011-2013.

Lay Leader, University United Methodist Church, East Lansing, MI. 2005-2008.

Member, School-Postsecondary Transitions Committee, Lt. Governor Cherry’s Commission on Higher Education and Economic Growth, 2005-2006.

Member, Program Committee, ACE-MI Women’s Network Conference, 2004, 2005.

Member, Parent Advisory Board, Okemos Kids Club, Okemos Community Education, Okemos, MI. 2003.

Member, Christian Education Committee, University United Methodist Church, East Lansing, MI. 2003-2005.

Panelist, State-Level Community College Association Annual Meeting, May, 2000.

Respondent, State-Level Community College Association Annual Meeting, November, 1999.

Respondent, Michigan Community College Association Annual Meeting, July, 1999.

Facilitator, Michigan Community College Association Annual Meeting, 1998.

Keynote Respondent, Michigan Community College Association Annual Meeting, 1998.

Associate, Consortium for Community College Development, 1998-2000.

Representative, Community College Consortium Think Tank, 1998.


Advisory Board Member, Academic Chairs Conference, 2019-2022.

Advisory Board Member, Alliances in Graduate Education and the Professoriate Research Conference, National Science Foundation, 2019-2021.

Invited Member, Leadership Scholar Roundtable, American Council on Education, 2016, 2019.

Panelist Reviewer, Four Panels, National Science Foundation, 2016, 2019.

Advisory Board member, Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN), Western Michigan University, 2015-20.

Reviewer, New Education Doctorate in Education Leadership Proposal, Winona State University, 2018.

Reviewer, Department External Review Committee, Iowa State University, 2017.

Reviewer, Department External Review Committee, Miami University of Ohio, 2017.

Reviewer, Higher Education/Student Affairs Concentration, University of South Florida, 2016.

Reviewer, New Program Proposal, Manhattanville College, 2016.

Reviewer, New Program Proposal, University of Houston/State of Texas Higher Education, 2015.

Chair, Department External Review Committee, University of Nebraska, 2014, 2007.

Reviewer, New Program Proposal, State of North Carolina Higher Education Commission, 2013.

Member, Department External Review Committee, Northern Illinois University, 2010.

Member, Department External Review Committee, Iowa State University, 2009.

Member, Department External Review Committee, University of Maryland, 2009.

Invited Participant, University-based Leadership Development Programs Summit, American

Association of Community Colleges, 2004.

Advisory Board, Higher Education Program, West Virginia University, 1999-2001.

Promotion and Tenure Reviews, on average 6-8 per year.

University of Kansas (Selected Activities)

Co-Chair, University of Kansas Teaching Commons Committee, 1996-1997.

Chair, Graduate School Committee on Faculty Mentoring, 1996.

Chair, College of Education Institute for Educational Research and Public Service Implementation Team Committee, 1996-97.

Member, University Blueprints for Diversity Committee, 1996-97.

Member, Search Committees: Provost of the University, Dean of Student Life, Dean of the Regents’ Center Campus, Dean of the School of Education, Leadership Development Coordinator. Chair, Director of the Institute for Educational Research and Public Sevice.

Member, University Freshman Summer Institute Committee, 1995-97.

Member, University Teaching Commons Committee, 1994-97.

Member, University Ombuds Council, 1995.

Member, University Outstanding Faculty Teaching Committee, 1993-95.

First Level Review Committee, General Research Fund Competition, 1992, 1997.

Leadership Development Advisory Committee, 1992-94.

Department Personnel Committee, 1990-93; 1994-96.

Departmental Representative to Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Ethnic Minorities, 1995-97.

Curriculum Committee member, 1993-95.

Personnel Committee member, 1990-92.

Department Representative, College Committee on School Reorganization, 1992-93.

Professional Associations

Association for the Study of Higher Education:

Publications Committee: Chair, 2009-2014

Chair, Search Committee for Editor, Review of Higher Education, 2013-14.

Member, Publications Committee, 1996-2002.

Elected Member, Board of Directors, 1996-98.

Program Chair, Program Committee for Annual Meeting, 1995.

Member, Search Committee for Editor, Review of Higher Education, 2002-2003.

Member, Executive Director Search Committee, 1995-1996

Member, Awards Committee, 2003-2005.

Chair, Research Papers, Program Committee for Annual Meeting, 1993.

Convenor with B. Townsend & W. Lee. Community College Focused Discussion. 2000.

Member, Dissertation of the Year Committee for Annual Meeting, 1993, 1994.

Chair, Newcomers' Committee for Annual Meeting, 1992, acting chair, 2004.

Discussant, Research Paper Session for Annual Meeting, 1999, 2003, 2005-2007, 2009-2018.

Chair, Research Paper Session for Annual Meeting, 1990, 1997, 1999, 2003.

Proposal Reviewer for Annual Meeting, 1989-present.

Participant, Graduate Student Seminar on Higher Education Policy, 1987.

American Educational Research Association, Division J:

Chair, Research Awards Committee, 2019-2021

Member, Research Awards Committee, 2010-2019.

Member, Dissertation of the Year Committee, 2007.

Convenor, Graduate Student and New Faculty Seminar, 2006.

Member, New Faculty and Graduate Student Forum Committee, 2005.

Editor, The PEN, Division Newsletter, 1995-1998.

Chair, Affirmative Action Committee, 1991-1993.

Member, Affirmative Action Committee, 1993-1994.

Vice-Chair for Governance and Organizations, Program Committee, 1990-1991.

Discussant, Roundtable Session for Annual Meeting, 1998.

Chair, Research Paper Session for Annual Meeting, 1991.

Discussant, Research Paper Session for Annual Meeting, 1990, 1999, 2003.

Research Paper, Focused Dialogue, Symposium, and Roundtable Proposal Reviewer for Annual Meeting, 1995-present.

Council for the Study of Community Colleges

Past-President and Chair of Nominations Committee, 2007-2008.

President, 2006-2007.

President-Elect and Program Chair, 2005-2006.

Member, Awards Committee, 2009-2015.

Member, Research Awards Committee, 2016-2019.

Member, Dissertation of the Year Committee, 2013-2015.

Proposal reviewer, Annual Meeting, 2001-present.

Secretary, 2004-2005.

Session chair, Annual Meeting, 2001, 2009.

Elected Midwest Region Director, 1995-1998.

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

Doctoral Seminar Chair, 2005

Faculty Fellows, 2004-2006.

Inaugural Class, Faculty Fellows 2000-2003

Member, Dissertation of the Year Committee, 2003-2005

Co-Chair, 2005-2006

Chair-Elect, 2006-2007

Chair, 2008-2009.


American Educational Research Association

American Evaluation Association

Association for the Study of Higher Education

Council for the Study of Community Colleges

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators - Region IV-East


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