TUESDAY, APRIL 14PresentationLearning Objectives At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:KEYNOTE: Innovation Then and Now: How the VA is leading the way1. Identify past innovation projects developed through government entities.2.Identify current innovation projects developed through government entities.3. Brainstorm current avenues to explore the innovative principles. COGNITION: Revised Cognitive Rehabilitation Recommendations for mild to moderate TBI in VA/DoD1. Identify early and late associations between cognitive symptoms, TBI and common comorbid conditions.2. Evaluate and discuss the evidence-base for the management of TBI and chronic cognitive dysfunction.3. Describe the scope of cognitive rehabilitation practice for Service members and Veterans with TBI and persistent symptoms.DYSPHAGIA: Practical Application: sEMG and Dysphagia Rehabilitation1. Define basic concepts related to using surface electromyography (sEMG) as an adjunct for treatment of swallowing disorders.2. Describe the benefits of using sEMG as a biofeedback adjunct to swallowing exercises.3. Identify the limitations of using sEMG as a biofeedback adjunct to swallowing exercises.HEAD & NECK CANCER: Anatomy/Bio-lecture, Staging, and HPV: Update1. Analyze the anatomic differences between primary head/neck tumor sites (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, nasopharynx).2. Analyze the purpose of tumor staging, the difference between T-, N-, and M-categories, and resources to help stage patients.3. Analyze the treatment options for head/neck cancers and how HPV impact prognosis.VA Audiology and Speech Pathology review of FY19 and a vision for FY201. As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to describe how VA Audiology and Speech Pathology activities align with VA/VHA priorities.2. As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to summarize the growth in VA Audiology and Speech Pathology in terms of workload and deliverables.3. As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to list the ongoing projects facilitated by the program office and others in the Field to improve the Veteran’s Experience of receiving VA Audiology and Speech Pathology care.EMST: The Benefits of EMST for Patients with Progressive Neuromuscular Disorders1. Describe the underlying physiologic targets of respiratory muscle strength training and their relationship to dysphagia rehabilitation. 2. Implement the evaluation protocol for respiratory muscle strength training and demonstrate how to assess the impact of respiratory training on swallow, cough and airway protection. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of respiratory muscle strength training research outcomes in various dysphagic patient populations. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15PresentationLearning ObjectivesVOICE: Age-Related Voice Changes: Achieving Laryngevity1. Describe changes in anatomy and physiology of voice production that occur with aging1. Identify components of a comprehensive voice evaluation for age-related voice changes1. Compare and evaluate three voice therapy approaches for age-related voice changes BREAK-OUTS: More Heads Are Better Than One: Integrated Approaches To Voice-Related ServicesStandardizing Practices for DysphagiaEMST WorkshopCog Café—Recommendations with real time application1. Compare and evaluate at least 3 theoretical perspectives on the voice.2.?Discuss practical implications of adopting the various theoretical perspectives to “team” approaches.3. Explain clinical applications of theoretical perspectives for “team” voice services.1. Discuss the evidence base for different swallow treatment interventions.2. Describe best practice in evaluation oropharyngeal dysphagia.3. Discuss the speech pathologist’s role in esophageal dysphagia and appropriate referrals.1. Describe the underlying physiologic targets of respiratory muscle strength training and their relationship to dysphagia rehabilitation. 2. Implement the evaluation protocol for respiratory muscle strength training and demonstrate how to assess the impact of respiratory training on swallow, cough and airway protection. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of respiratory muscle strength training research outcomes in various dysphagic patient populations. 1. Discuss common cognitive, sensory and mental health symptoms following mild TBI.2. Formulate best-practice approaches for the management of cognitive dysfunction in Veterans and Service members with TBI and comorbid conditions.3. Identify available resources and tools to support a best-practice approach to cognitive rehabilitation.VOICE: Evidence-Based Process for Transforming Gender Expression 1. Learner will be able to explain how gender culture may influence services or approach. 2. Learner will be able to assess a client’s vocal situation as it relates to their needs and well-being. 3. Learner will be able to develop evidence-based intervention plans related to gender presentation. CENTRAL OFFICE and FAC UPDATE: Round Table Discussion/DOD BREAK-OUT: Current State of Affairs of Speech Pathology in the Department of Defense: Two Years in Review: An Opportunity to Ask Questions, Share Knowledge and Experiences, and to Collaborate1. Participants will be able to identify strategic plan objectives set forth by the National Program Office.2. Participants will be able to identify upcoming projects and their impact that influence Speech Pathology practice in VHA.3. Participants will demonstrate participation in round-table discussions of relevant obstacles or issues related to Speech Pathology practice in VHA.4. Participants will have the opportunity to review and hear about changes occurring across military treatment facilities (MTF).5. Participants will be able to gain new knowledge and ideas in addressing specific issues or concerns related to their MTF and/or practice.6. Participants will have the opportunity to forge collaborative relationships with other SLP providers to address shared practices and procedures.POSTERS:IMPROVING THE HBPC REFERRAL PROCESS FOR SWALLOWING EVALUATIONS BY USING VIDEO-ON-DEMAND TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION OF ENHANCED RECOVERY AFTER SURGERY (ERAS) PROTOCOL IN THE HEAD AND NECK SURGICAL POPULATIONAUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION (AAC) IN ACUTE CARE: A NURSING AND SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPING PARTNeR: DETAILS OF AN ADVANCED TRAINING PROGRAM IN APHASIA REHABILITATION FREQUENCY OF ACQUIRED APRAXIA OF SPEECH AND WORD-FINDING MANAGEMENT IN THE OEF/OIF/OND VETERAN POPULATIONDEVELOPMENT OF AN OUTPATIENT DYSPHAGIA EDUCATION PROGRAM TO OPTIMIZE CAREMYOFASCIAL RELEASE IN VOICE AND DYSPHAGIA; INTRODUCING THIS METHOD TO THE CLINICAL SETTING IMPACT OF A DEVICE- FACILITATED INTENSIVE DYSPHAGIA TREATMENT PROGRAM FOLLOWING CHEMORADIATION: A CASE STUDYMyVA IMAGES: A NEW VA MOBILE APP FOR SECURE STORE AND FORWARD VIDEO COMMUNICATION FROM VETERANS TO THEIR PROVIDERSCOLLABORATION OF THE REGISTERED DIETITIAN AND THE SPEECH PATHOLOGIST IN MANAGEMENT OF ALS AND UTILIZATION OF THE EAT-10 SWALLOWING SCREEN1. The learner will be able to demonstrate an increase in knowledge regarding the ability to use Video On Demand technology for different specialty evaluations.2. The learner will be able to list key team members essential to successful utilization of the Video -on-demand process for Clinical Swallow Evaluations in the Home setting.3. The learner will be able to discuss the benefits and short falls of utilizing the Video On Demand platform for veteran's enrolled in Home Based Primary Care programs. 1. Participants will identify benefits of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocol for the head and neck cancer population.2. Participants will discuss screening tool to identify patients in need of Speech Pathology consultation prior to surgery.3. Participants will discuss functional outcome can be maximized by early identification of patients in need of Speech Pathology consultation prior to head and neck cancer surgery. Participants will learn how this interprofessional AAC delivery model is executed, including how to:1. Identify champions from each nursing unit to help develop an AAC toolbox in nursing units that contains appropriate low- and high-tech AAC tools.2. Provide an SLP-led staff education on the proper use and selection of AAC techniques and tools to provide early communication intervention for patients in acute care.3. Advocate for appropriate and timely SLP consults for patients with more complex AAC needs in acute care.As a result of this poster presentation, attendees will:1. Discuss the impetus and development of the Pittsburgh Aphasia Rehabilitation Training and Network Residency (PARTNeR) program. 2. List the key components of this unique aphasia rehabilitation clinical mentoring program.3. Identify opportunities for additional clinical mentorship programs within VHA based on the PARTNeR model. With the use of this research project, professionals will be able to: 1. Identify the prevalence and severity of acquired Apraxia of Speech and word-finding difficulty within the OEF/OIF/OND Veteran population post-TBI. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of various therapeutic options for acquired Apraxia of Speech and difficulty with word-finding. 3. Discuss how reframing negative thoughts associated with communication can improve a Veteran’s comfortability associated with using learned skills and strategies in various settings. 1. Participants will identify at least three barriers to patient compliance with dysphagia recommendations and the need for improved education models.2. Participants will demonstrate understanding of foundational principles of adult learning and describe how these tenants of adult learning can impact the quality of dysphagia education.3. Participants will be able to develop an outpatient dysphagia education protocol following the Hines Dysphagia Clinic model.1. Reader will demonstrate understanding of existing research in myofascial release in rehabilitation.2. Reader will identify candidates who may benefit from exploration of this treatment modality.3. Reader will be able to discuss cases in which patients have demonstrate improvements subjectively and objectively.1. Learner will be able to describe an intensive exercise-based dysphagia treatment program and demonstrate understanding of how this can be implemented in clinical practice.2. Learners will be able to identify possible factors, challenges and successes in providing an intensive dysphagia treatment protocol.3. Learners will be able to discuss the benefits and challenges of using a standardized assessment and treatment protocol in dysphagia intervention for individuals with late effects of hand and neck cancer.1. Participants will demonstrate how MyVA Images app enables providers to better understand the impact of the home environment on individual patient’s health & function.2. Participants will identify at least 5 types of patient care needs that providers will be able to respond to via the MyVA Images app.3. Participants will discuss appropriate processes for obtaining workload using the MyVA Images App.1. Describe the role of the registered dietitian and the Speech Pathologist in assessment and management of dysphagia. 2. Describe the role of the Registered Dietitian in maintaining adequate nutrition in ALS patients. 3. Review on the importance of a collaboration between the Registered Dietitian and the Speech Pathologist in assessment and management of dysphagia. 4. Discuss the collaboration of these disciplines in the care of the patient with ALS as it is to also assist in determining the appropriate time in which to recommend PEG placement. 5. Review on the implementation of EAT-10 Swallowing Screening Tool including the potential benefits of this assessment tool in ALS team appointments.THURSDAY, APRIL 16PresentationLearning ObjectivesEthical Issues in Clinical Supervision1. Participants will examine the purpose and function of a professional code of ethics.2. Participants will discuss common ethical dilemmas that may occur in a supervisory relationship.3. Participants will understand the process of solving an ethical dilemma.Reflective Practice in Clinical Supervision1. Participants will identify stages of skill acquisition in the development of clinical skills and knowledge. 2. Participants will discuss evidence-supported strategies promoting self-assessment through critical reflection.3. Participants will complete a self-assessment tool for development of competencies in supervision.LARYNGECTOMEE: TEP Problem Solving1. Demonstrate and describe the evaluation of Post-operative TEP complications.2. Demonstrate and describe the interventions for Post-operative TEP complications.3. List at least 2 preventive measures to reduce Post-operative TEP complicationsCollaborative Interdisciplinary Tele-AAC: From Caregiver to Vendor, A Comprehensive Overview1.? Describe the applications for use of Tele-AAC in persons with degenerative neurological conditions.2. ?Describe how Tele-AAC improves access to medical care and quality of life for Veterans with ALS and other movement disorders. 3. ?Explain the value of a transdisciplinary team for deploying Tele-AAC to Veterans with ALS and other movement disorders.4. Identify applications, peripherals and procedures for providing Tele-AAC services. DYSPHAGIA: The Role of the Speech Pathologist in Palliative Care1. Discuss the role of speech pathologists in the management of patients with dementia and co-morbid communication and swallowing disorders.2. Discuss best practice regarding decision making for artificial nutrition in different patient populations.3. Describe the risks and benefits of diet modification. ................

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