List of Typical Acronyms in‎ - San Diego County, California

|List of Typical Acronyms in

Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) | |

| | | |

|A |AAQS |Ambient Air Quality Standards |

| |ac |acre(s), acreage |

| |ac-ft/yr |acre-feet per year |

| |ACOE |U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |

| |ADA |Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 |

| |ADT |Average Daily Traffic (Trips) |

| |AIA |Airport Influence Area |

| |ALUCP |San Diego County Airport Land Use Commission |

| |ALUCP |Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan |

| |amsl |above mean sea level |

| |ANSI |American National Standards Institute |

| |APCD |San Diego County Air Pollution Control District |

| |APN |Assessor's Parcel Number |

| |AQIA |Air Quality Impact Analysis |

| |ASTM |American Society for Testing of Materials |

| |ASTs |Aboveground Storage Tanks |

| | | |

|B |BACM |Best Available Control Measures |

| |BACT |Best Available Control Technology |

| |BAT |Best Available Technology |

| |BCT |Best Control Technology |

| |bgs |below ground surface |

| |BMO |Biological Mitigation Ordinance |

| |BMP |Best Management Practice(s) |

| |BOD |Biochemical Oxygen Demand |

| |BO |Biological Opinion |

| |BRCA |Biological Resource Core Area |

| | | |

|C |CAA |Federal Clean Air Act |

| |CAAQS |California Ambient Air Quality Standards |

| |CALINE4 |California Line Source Dispersion Model |

| |CALTRANS |California Department of Transportation |

| |CalEPA |California Environmental Protection Agency |

| |CAPCOA |California Air Pollution Control Officers' Association |

| |CARB |California Air Resources Board |

| |CBC |California Building Code |

| |CC&Rs |Convenants, Conditions and Restrictions |

| |CCR |California Code of Regulations |

| |CDC |California Department of Conservation |

| |CDF |California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |

| |CDFG |California Department of Fish & Game |

| |CDMG |California Division of Mines & Geology |

| |CDWR |California Department of Water Resources |

| |CEQA |California Environmental Quality Act |

| |CERCLA |Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act |

| |CESA |California Endangered Species Act |

| |cfm |cubic feet per minute |

| |CFR |Code of Federal Regulations |

| |cfs |cubic feet per second |

| |CGS |California Geological Survey |

| |CHP |California Highway Patrol |

| |CIP |Community Improvement Program |

| |CIWMB |County Integrated Waste Management Board |

| |CIWMP |County of San Diego Integrated Waste Management Plan |

| |CLUP |Comprehensive Land Use Plan |

| |CMU |Concrete Masonry Unit |

| |CMP |Congestion Management Program |

| |CNEL |Community Noise Equivalent Level |

| |CNPS |California Native Plant Society |

| |CO |Carbon Monoxide |

| |CO2 |Carbon Dioxide |

| |COC |Constituents of Concern |

| |COD |Chemical Oxygen Demand |

| |CPUC |California Public Utilities Commission |

| |CRHR |California Register of Historical Resources |

| |CTMP |Community Trails Master Plan |

| |CSS |Coastal Sage Scrub Vegetation |

| |CWA |Federal Clean Water Act |

| |c.y. |Cubic yards |

| | | |

|D |dB |Decibel(s) |

| |dBA |A-weighted sound level |

| |DEH |Department of Environmental Health (San Diego County) |

| |DHS |State Department of Health Services |

| |DOT |United States Department of Transporation |

| |DPLU |Department of Planning & Land Use (San Diego County) |

| |DPM |Diesel Particular Matter |

| |DPW |County of San Diego Department of Public Works |

| |DTSC |California Department of Toxic Substances Control |

| |du |(Number of) dwelling unit(s) |

| |du/ac |(Number of) dwelling unit(s) per acre |

| |DWR |California Department of Water Resources |

| | | |

|E |EDUs |Equivalent dwelling units |

| |EIR |Environmental Impact Report |

| |EMFAC |Emission Factor (computer model) |

| |EMF |Electromagnetic Field |

| |EPA |Environmental Protection Ageny |

| |ESA |Endangered Species Act |

| | | |

|F |FAA |Federal Aviation Administration |

| |FAHJ |Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction |

| |Farmland |Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or Farmland of Statewide Importance |

| |FAZ |Flight Activity Zone |

| |FEMA |Federal Emergency Management Agency |

| |FESA |Federal Endangered Species Act |

| |FHWA |Federal Highway Administration |

| |FIRM |Flood Insurance Rate Map |

| |FMMP |Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program |

| |FMZ |Fuel Modification Zone |

| |FWPCA |Federal Water Pollution Control Act |

| | | |

|G |GIS |Geographic Information Systems |

| |GP2020 |San Diego County General Plan 2020 |

| |GPA |General Plan Amendment |

| |gpd |gallons per day |

| |gpm |gallons per minute |

| |gpm/ft |gallons per minute/ per foot |

| |GPS |Global Positioning Satellite |

| | | |

| | | |

|H |HA |Hydrologic Area |

| |HAPs |Hazardous Air Pollutants |

| |HARP |Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program |

| |HCM |Highway Capacity Manual |

| |HCP |Habitat Conservation Plan |

| |HCS |Highway Capacity Software |

| |HDPE |High Density polyethylene |

| |HHW |Household Hazardous Waste |

| |HHWE |Household Hazardous Waste Element |

| |HIRT |Hazardous Incident Response Team |

| |HLP |Habitat Loss Permit |

| |HMP |Habitat Management Plan |

| |HOA |Homeowners' Association |

| |HP |Horsepower |

| |HP-HRS |Horse Power-Hours |

| |HRA |Health Risk Assessment |

| |HSA |Hydrologic Subarea |

| |HU |Hydrologic Unit |

| |HVAC |Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning |

| |HWEP |Hazardous Waste Exclusion Program |

| |Hz |Hertz |

| | | |

|I |I-8 |Interstate Highway 8 |

| |IFP |Integrated Facilities Plan |

| |ILV |Intersecting Lane Vehicle |

| |In/Out |Ratio of trips in to trips out |

| |IOD |Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate |

| |ITE |Institute of Transportation Engineers |

| |ITS |Intelligent Transportation System |

| |ISCT3 |Industrial Source Complex - Short Term Regulatory air Dispersion Model |

| | | |

|J |JPA |Joint Power Authority |

| |JTD |Joint Technical Document |

| | | |

|L |LAFCO |Local Agency Formation Commission |

| |LE |Land Evaluation |

| |Leq |Time-average sound level |

| |LESA |California Land Evaluation & Site Assessment |

| |LEA |Local Enforcement Agency |

| |LLC |Limited Liability Company |

| |LOS |Level of Service |

| |LPC |Light Pollution Code (County of San Diego) |

| | | |

|M |MBTA |Migratory Bird Treaty Act |

| |MCAS |Marine Corps Air Station |

| |MCL |Maximum Contaminant Levels |

| |MEP |Maximum Extent Practicable |

| |MGD |Million Gallons per Day |

| |mg/l |milligrams per liter |

| |mg/m3 |Milligrams per cubic meter |

| |mg/m3 |Micrograms per cubic meter |

| |MHCP |Multiple Habitat Conservation Program |

| |MHOSCP |Multiple Habitat Open Space Conservation & Program |

| |min |minute(s) |

| |MLS |Mass Loading Station |

| |mm |millimeters |

| |MM |Mitigation Measure |

| |MMRP |Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program |

| |MND |Mitigated Negative Declaration |

| |mph |miles per hour |

| |MRZ |Mineral Resource Zone |

| |MSA |Major Statistical Areas |

| |MSCP |Multiple Species Conservation Program |

| |MSP |Master Specific Plan |

| |MUP |Major Use Permit |

| |MWD |Metropolitan Water District |

| | | |

|N |NAAQS |National Ambient Air Quality Standards |

| |NCCP |Natural Community Conservation Plan (California) |

| |NHPA |National Historic Preservation Act |

| |NO2 |Nitrogen Dioxide, Nitrite |

| |NOx |Nitrogen Oxides |

| |NO3 |Nittrate |

| |NOx |Nitrogen Oxides |

| |NOC |Notice of Completion |

| |NOD |Notice of Determination |

| |NOI |Notice of Intent |

| |NOP |Notice of Preparation |

| |NPDES |National Pollution Discharge Elimination System |

| |NPDWRs |National Primary Drinking Water Regulations |

| |NPPA |Native Plant Protection Act |

| |NPS |National Park Service |

| |NRCS |Natural Resources Conservation Service |

| |NSA |Noise Sensitive Area |

| | | |

|O |O3 |Ozone |

| |OEHHA |Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (USEPA) |

| |OFFROAD |California Air Resources Board Off-Road Emission Inventory Model |

| |OHWM |Ordinary High Water Mark |

| |ORV |Off-Road Vehicle |

| |OSE |Open Spance Easement |

| |OSWER |Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (USEPA) |

| | | |

|P |PAA |Plan Amendment Authorization |

| |PAMA |Pre-Approved Mitigation Area |

| |PCBs |Polychlorinated Biphenyls |

| |PCE |Passenger Car Equivalents |

| |PDP |Private Development Permit |

| |PhD |Doctor of Philosophy |

| |PM10 |Particulate matter smaller than 10 microns in diameter, respirable particulate matter |

| |PM2.5 |Particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter, fine particulate matter |

| |ppm |parts per million |

| |PRC |Public Resource Code |

| |psi |pounds per square inch |

| |PVC |Polyvinyl Chloride |

| | | |

|Q |Q |Quantity of water flow |

| | | |

|R |RAQS |Regional Air Quality Strategies |

| |RARE |Rare, threatened or endangered species |

| |RCA |Resource Conservation Area |

| |RCP |Regional Comprehensive Plan |

| |RCRA |Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |

| |RGMS |Regional Growth Management Strategy |

| |RMDZ |Recycling Market Development Zone |

| |RMWD |Ramona Municipal Water District |

| |ROCs |Reactive organic compounds |

| |ROG |Reactive organic Gas |

| |ROW |Right-of-Way |

| |RPO |Resource Protection Ordinance |

| |RTP |Regional Transportation Plan |

| |RTIP |Regional Transportation Improvement Plan |

| |RWQCB |California Regional Water Quality Control Board |

| | | |

|S |SA |Site Assessment |

| |SAA |Streambed Alteration Agreement |

| |SANDAG |San Diego Association of Governments |

| |SANGIS |San Diego Geographic Information Systems |

| |SANTEC |San Diego Traffic Engineers' Council |

| |SCAQMD |South Coast Air Quality Management District |

| |SCS |Soil Conservation Service |

| |SEIR |Subsequent/Supplemental Environmental Impact Report |

| |SDAB |San Diego Air Basin |

| |SDAPCD |San Diego Air Pollution Control District |

| |SDCWA |San Diego County Water Authority |

| |SDG&E |San Diego Gas & Electric |

| |sec. |second(s) |

| |s.f. |square foot, square feet |

| |SIP |State Implementation Plan |

| |SMP |Stormwater Maintenance Plan |

| |SO2 |Sulfur Dioxide, sulfite |

| |SOx |Sulfur Oxides |

| |SO4 |Sulfate |

| |SP |Specific Plan |

| |SPA |Specific Plan Amendment |

| |SR |State Route |

| |SRA |State Responsibility Area |

| |SRRE |Source Reduction & Recycling Element |

| |SSA |Special Study Area |

| |SUSMP |Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan |

| |SUV |Sport Utility Vehicle |

| |SWF |Solid Waste Facility |

| |SWMP |Stormwater Management Plan |

| |SWMPP |Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan |

| |SWRCB |State Water Resources Control Board |

| | | |

|T |TACs |Toxic Air Contaminants |

| |T-BACT |Toxics Best Available Control Technology |

| |TDS |Totally Dissolved Soils |

| |TIF |Transporation Infrastructure Development Fee |

| |TIS |Traffic Impact Stude |

| |TMDL |Total Maximum Daily Load |

| |TOC |Total Organic Carbon |

| |tons/yr |tons per year |

| |TP |Total phosphorus |

| |tpd |tons per day |

| |TPM |Tentative Parcel Map |

| |tpy |tons per year |

| |TSS |Total Suspended Solids |

| | | |

|U |UBC |Uniform Building Code |

| |URBEMIS |Urban Emissions Model |

| |URDS |Urban Runoff Diversion System |

| |URMP |Urban Runoff Management Program |

| |USACOE |United States Army Corps of Engineers |

| |USDA |United States Department of Agriculture |

| |USEPA |United States Environmental Protection Agency |

| |USFS |United States Forest Service |

| |USFWS |United States Fish & Wildlife Service |

| |USGS |United States Geological Survey |

| |USTs |Underground Storage Tanks |

| | | |

|V |V/C |Volume-to-Capacity ratio |

| |VMT |Vehicle Miles Traveled |

| |VOCs |Volatile organic compounds |

| | | |

|W |WDR |Waste Discharge Requirement |

| |WILD |Wildlife Habitat |

| |WPO |Watershed Protection, Stormwater Management, and Discharge Control Ordinance |

| |WURMP(s) |Watershed Urban Runoff Management Program(s) |

| | | |

|Z |ZOI |Zone of Influence |

| | | |

|Symbols |2-M |Two-Lane major roadway |

| |4-M |Four-Lane major roadway |

| |D ADT |Change in ADT (average daily trips) |

| |D AM Delay |Change in delay during the AM peak period |

| |D PM Delay |Change in delay during the PM peak period |

| |D V/C |Change in V/C (Volume-to-Capacity ratio) |

| |D Delay |Change in delay |


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