CHEMISTRY 331 - Western Illinois University

CHEMISTRY 332 Syllabus Fall 2012


Course Description: A study of nomenclature, preparations, reactions, and reaction mechanisms of the functional groups of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Prerequisite: CHEM 331 (C grade or better, strictly enforced). 3 hrs. lect.; 3 hrs. lab.

Course Instructor: Dr. Shaozhong Zhang Currens Hall 430-B (309)298-1685

Attendance: You are expected to attend class regularly and punctually. Excessive absences will be reported to the financial aid office. If you anticipate or suffer an absence by emergency or tragedy, it may be possible to make up missed work. Notify the course instructor at the earliest opportunity. Students who are called away from the campus to participate in University sponsored trips such as athletics or professional meeting may be allowed to make up missed work if the student provides a signed memo from the faculty sponsor. Attendance is taken as 50 points out of 1000 total points as shown in the grading portion.

Required Texts & Materials:


Organic Chemistry (10th Edition) by Solomons & Fryhle

Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Microscale Approach

by Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, and Engel

Laboratory Notebook (Carbonless Copy Sheets, Required)


Meeting Times: 1:00 pm-1:50 PM; M,W,F in Currens 315. Laboratory meets on Thursday (11:00 AM- 1:50 PM Sec 22; 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM Sec 21) in Currens 431.

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 AM-11:30 AM or by appointment

Course Objectives:

• To know and understand the bonding, structure and reactivity of organic compounds

• To appreciate the dependence of molecular properties on bonding and structure

• To know the reactions and to understand the mechanisms by which those reactions take place

• To obtain the ability to carry out simple reactions and learn the process of chemical synthesis

• To learn spectroscopic and related techniques to determine the structure of organic molecules

• To gain practical laboratory experience in a modern organic chemistry laboratory setting


Topic Coverage for CHEM 332

|Week |Title of Chapter |Topics |

|1 |Alcohols and Ethers |Synthesis of alcohols from alkenes, reactions of alcohols, conversion of alcohol |

|Aug 20-24 |(11) |into leaving groups |

|2 |Alcohols and Ethers |Synthesis of ethers, reactions of ethers, reactions of epoxides |

|Aug 27-31 |(11) | |

|3 |Oxidation-reduction and organometallic |Oxidation of alcohols, reduction of carbonyl compounds |

|Sept 4-7 |compounds (12) | |

|4 |Oxidation-reduction and organometallic |Preparation and reactions of Grignard, alkyllithium and cuprates reagents |

|Sept 10-14 |compounds (12) | |

|5 |Conjugated system and aromatic compounds |Conjugation, resonance theory, electron delocalization, allylic substitution, |

|Sept 17-21 |(13, 14)) |1,4-addition, Diels-Alder reaction, Huckel’s rule |

|6 |Aromatic reactions (15) |Electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS), activating/deactivating substituents |

|Sept 24-28 | |direction effects |

|7 |Aromatic reactions (15) |Nucleophilic aromatic substitution, addition-elimination mechanism, benzyne |

|Oct 1-5 | |mechanism, preparation and reactions of aromatic diazonium salts |

|8 |Aldehydes and ketones (16) |Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones |

|Oct 8-11 | | |

|9 |Aldehydes and ketones (16) |Nucleophilic addition to C=O |

|Oct 15-19 | | |

|10 |Carboxylic acids and their derivatives (17) |Nucleophilic addition-elimination at the acyl carbon, preparation of carboxylic |

|Oct 22-26 | |acids |

|11 |Carboxylic acids and their derivatives (17) |Inter-conversions of carboxylic acids and their derivatives, |

|Oct 29-Nov 2 | |preparation of polyesters and polyamides |

|12 |Enols and enolates (18) |Formation of enols and enolates, halogenations of carbonyl compounds at α carbon, |

|Nov 5-9 | |alkylation of carbonyl compounds at α carbon |

|13 |Enols and enolates condensation reactions (19) |Aldol reactions, Claisen condensation |

|Nov 12-16 | | |

|14 |Thanksgiving break | |

|Nov 19-23 | | |

|15 |Enols and enolates condensation reactions (19) |Conjugate addition, Robinson annulations, Mannich reaction |

|Nov 26-30 | | |

|16 |Chemistry of life (22-25) |Introduction of carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, nuleic acids |

|Dec 3-7 | | |

|17 |Final Exam |1:00-2:50 pm |

|Dec 12 | | |

Quizzes & Exams: Twelve in-class quizzes (10-15 min. duration) will be administered during the term and the “best ten” scores for the quizzes will be considered along with other scores when assigning the final grade for the course. The other two quizzes will be counted as your bonus points for the course. Students will not be allowed MAKE-UP missed quizzes. In class exams will consist of multiple choice questions as well as those requiring short paragraph answers. Under no circumstance will a student be allowed to make–up a missed exam without a doctor’s note indicating your inability to attend class on the day of the exam.

The standardized American Chemical Society (ACS) test will be taken as the final exam. “Preparing for your ACS examination in organic chemistry” is a suggested book to review for taking ACS exam. It can be ordered online.

Schedule of Exams and Quizzes: CHEM 332

|Assessment |Week |

|Quiz 1 |1 |

|Quiz 2 |2 |

|Quiz 3 |3 |

|Exam 1 |4 |

|Quiz 4 |5 |

|Quiz 5 |6 |

|Quiz 6 |7 |

|Exam 2 |8 |

|Quiz 7 |9 |

|Quiz 8 |10 |

|Quiz 9 |11 |

|Quiz 10 |12 |

|Exam 3 |13 |

|Quiz 11 |15 |

|Quiz 12 |16 |

Homework: Homework assignments will be provided on Western Online, and will not be distributed in class. Due dates are posted on the top of all homework assignments. Five homework problem sets (20 pts each) will be given throughout the semester and are due at the beginning of class on their due date (Homework assignment turned in late (for any reason) will have two point deducted per day; Homework turned in two weeks after the due date will not be graded.). Each problem set is worth 20 points and will encompass material from your text and lecture. The problem sets will be designed to aid in your understanding of the course material and act as an additional guide for test preparation.


And Grading:

Lecture Examinations (100 pts x 3) 300 pts

Final Examination 150 pts

Quizzes (15 pts x 10) 150 pts

Problem set (20 pts x 5) 100 pts

Attendance 50 pts

Lab Grade 250 pts

TOTAL 1000

|Letter Grade |%Points (+) | |% Points (-) |

|A | |100-90 |>90 - 85 - 80 - 75 - 70 - 67 - 64 - 60 - 57 - 54 - ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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