Chapter 05 - Ground Rules of Metabolism

?Multiple Choice1.?What are the effects of long term excessive alcohol consumption on the liver??a.?fat accumulation and abnormal discoloration of the liver?b.?scarring, hardening, and increased fat metabolism?c.?increased ability to degrade fats and toxins?d.?decreased production of ethanol and cholesterol?e.?scarring, hardening, and fat accumulationANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.1 A Toast to Alcohol DehydrogenaseLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.1 - Outline the negative effects of ethanol on the liver.2.?The enzyme responsible for breaking down alcohol is ____.??a.??alcohol methylase?b.??alcohol polyphosphorylase?c.??hydroxyl alcoholgenase?d.??transmethylogenase?e.?alcohol dehydrogenase?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.1 A Toast to Alcohol DehydrogenaseLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.1 - Outline the negative effects of ethanol on the liver.3.?Energy is commonly defined as ____.??a.??a form of heat?b.??thermodynamics?c.??the capacity to change?d.??the capacity to do work?e.?the ability to do work?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.2 - Examine the laws of thermodynamics.4.?According to the first law of thermodynamics, ____.??a.??the energy of a system always increases?b.??the amount of energy in the universe is changeable?c.??chemical reactions do not create or destroy energy?d.??energy is always stable?e.?energy always decreases?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.2 - Examine the laws of thermodynamics.5.?The second law of thermodynamics states that ____.??a.??energy can be transformed into matter, and because of this, something is obtained for nothing?b.?energy can be destroyed during nuclear reactions such as those that occur inside the sun??c.??if energy is gained by one region of the universe, another place in the universe also must gain energy in order to maintain the balance of nature?d.??energy tends to flow from concentrated to less concentrated forms?e.?energy tends to be stable over time?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.2 - Examine the laws of thermodynamics.6.?What type of energy is the energy in chemical bonds???a.??solar energy?b.??activation energy?c.??kinetic energy?d.??potential energy?e.?thermal energy?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.3 - Examine the importance of energy to all living organisms.7.?What statement is an application of the first law of thermodynamics???a.??The level of entropy increases as time passes.?b.??Living organisms represent an exception to the laws of energy.?c.??The quantity of energy does not increase or decrease in the universe.?d.??Fungi and plants do not make their own energy but derive it from somewhere else.?e.?The amount of energy found in the compounds on one side of an equation is equal to that on the other side.?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.2 - Examine the laws of thermodynamics.8.??The activation energy of a reaction refers to the minimum amount of energy ____.?a.??released by the reaction?b.??in the reactants?c.??in the products?d.??necessary to cause a reaction to proceed on its own?e.?variation between the energy of the reactants and the energy of the products?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.3 Energy in the Molecules of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.4 - Examine the significance of chemical bond energy and entropy.9.?CO2 and H2O will not form glucose on their own because ____.??a.??CO2 does not contain sufficient energy?b.??H2O does not contain sufficient energy?c.??neither CO2 nor H2O contain sufficient energy?d.??the concentration of CO2 is too low in the atmosphere?e.?the bonds of CO2 and H2O are too stable to be broken without an input of energy?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.3 Energy in the Molecules of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.5 - Examine endergonic and exergonic reactions.10.??Endergonic reactions ____.?a.??result in products with less energy than the reactants?b.??require a net input of energy?c.??occur in the breakdown of glucose?d.??are used by cells to provide energy for biological reactions?e.?break down large molecules into smaller molecules?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.3 Energy in the Molecules of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.5 - Examine endergonic and exergonic reactions.11.?What is a key characteristic of exergonic reactions???a.??They consume energy.?b.??They require glucose fusion.?c.??Their products have more energy than the reactants.?d.??They convert some energy to less biologically useful forms.?e.?They involve the formation of bonds.?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.3 Energy in the Molecules of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.5 - Examine endergonic and exergonic reactions.12.?What is a key characteristic of enzyme behavior???a.??Enzyme shape is stable during catalysis.?b.??The active site of an enzyme orients its substrate molecules, thereby promoting interaction of their reactive parts.?c.??All enzymes have an active site where coenzymes are temporarily bound.?d.??Each enzyme can catalyze multiple reactions.?e.?Enzyme activity is not affected by pH and temperature.?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.13.?Enzymes ____.?a.?control the speed of a reaction??b.??change shapes to facilitate certain reactions.?c.??may place physical stress on the bonds of the substrate.?d.??always work on their own.?e.??lower activation energy.ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.14.???

??What is the item labeled “C” in the accompanying figure??a.??The reactant?b.??The substrate?c.??The active site?d.??The transition state?e.?The product?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.15.????What is the key activity of panel II in the accompanying figure???a.?The enzyme is consumed as the products form.?b.??The substrate leaves the active site.?c.?The conversion of substrates to products occurs.??d.??The product leaves the enzyme.?e.?The product decomposes to the reactants.?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.16.????What is the item labeled “B” in the accompanying figure???a.??The enzyme?b.??The substrate?c.??The active site?d.??The transition state?e.?The product?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.17.?The active site of an enzyme ____.??a.??is where the coenzyme is located?b.??is a specific bulge or protuberance on an enzyme?c.??is a groove or crevice in the structure of the enzyme complementary to the substrate?d.??will react with only one substrate no matter how many molecules may resemble the shape of the substrate?e.?rigidly resists any alteration of its shape?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.18.?An enzyme lowers activation energy by ____.??a.??keeping substrates apart?b.??orienting substrates randomly?c.??breaking the laws of thermodynamics?d.??shutting out water molecules?e.?physically breaking chemical bonds?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.19.?An enzyme is thought to optimize the fit between substrates by restraining and stretching or squeezing them into certain shapes and moving them to the transition state, as described by the ____ model of enzyme activity.??a.??lock and key?b.??induced-fit?c.??template?d.??activation?e.?conformational?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.20.?In order to work best, enzymes ____.??a.??always need coenzymes?b.??randomly grab surrounding molecules?c.??need low pH?d.??need high temperatures?e.?need set environmental conditions?, specific for each enzymeANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalysisREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.7 - Examine the factors that affect the activity of enzymes.21.?Allosteric inhibition generally results from ____.??a.??excess substrates?b.??binding of regulatory molecules at sites other than the active sites?c.??a change in the temperature of the system?d.??a lack of coenzymes?e.?changes in pH?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.22.?Allosteric enzymes ____.??a.??have regions that bind with inhibitor or activator molecules?b.??are associated with important energy-carrying nucleotides?c.??are not affected by temperature or pH?d.??have two active sites?e.?have a broader range of working conditions?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.23.????The figure above represents ____.??a.??an exergonic reaction?b.??a metabolic pathway?c.??allosteric inhibition?d.??allosteric regulation?e.?an endergonic reaction?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: EvaluateREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.24.????In the image above, the substance indicated as "B" is a(n) ____.??a.??inhibitor?b.??regulatory molecule?c.??substrate?d.??coenzyme?e.?cofactor?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: EvaluateREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.25.???In the image above, the substance indicated as "C" is a(n) _____.??a.??inhibitor?b.??regulatory molecule?c.??substrate?d.??coenzyme?e.?cofactor?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: EvaluateREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.26.?In some cases, inhibitors or activators of enzyme-catalyzed reactions act by ____.??a.??binding to the substrates?b.??affecting the supply of ATP?c.??reversibly binding to an enzyme's allosteric site?d.??reducing or increasing the concentration of enzymes?e.?binding to the products?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.27.?Which statement below characterizes metabolic pathways???a.??They are a random sequences of reactions.?b.??They are always biosynthetic.?c.??They are always degradative.?d.??They are enzyme-mediated sequences of reactions.?e.?They are always linear reactions.?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.28.?In oxidation-reduction reactions, ____.??a.??both molecules give up electrons?b.??both molecules gain electrons?c.??cells harvest energy?d.??the molecule that accepts electrons is reduced?e.?hydrogen ions are usually absorbed?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalysisREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.29.?A "high-energy bond" in ATP ____.??a.??absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is attached during hydrolysis?b.??is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group?c.??is similar to the bonds in glucose molecules?d.??forms as part of an endergonic reaction?e.?cannot be readily used in reactions?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.6 Cofactors in Metabolic PathwaysLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.9 - Examine the unique characteristics of different types of cofactors using examples.30.?During the process of phosphorylation, ____.??a.??a molecule gains a phosphate group?b.??a molecule synthesizes a phosphate group?c.??molecules become more stable?d.??molecules are passed to enzymes?e.?ADP is produced from ATP?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??5.6 Cofactors in Metabolic PathwaysLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.9 - Examine the unique characteristics of different types of cofactors using examples.31.?What term best describes the role of certain metal ions and coenzymes in metabolic processes???a.??reactants?b.??intermediates?c.??cofactors?d.??products?e.?catalysts?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.6 Cofactors in Metabolic PathwaysLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.9 - Examine the unique characteristics of different types of cofactors using examples.32.?The mosaic of the fluid mosaic model refers to ____.??a.?specific proteins in membranes??b.??the liquid inside a cell?c.??the phospholipids in membranes?d.??the passage of materials into cells?e.?the diverse molecules making up membranes?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??5.7 A Closer Look at Cell MembranesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.10 - Outline the components of a cell membrane and examine their features.33.??What affects the rate of diffusion through a selectively permeable membrane?I.concentration gradientII.temperatureIII.molecular size?a.??I only?b.??II only?c.??I and II?d.??II and III?e.?I, II, and III?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: EvaluateREFERENCES:??5.8 Diffusion and MembranesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.11 - Examine the five factors that affect the rate of diffusion.34.?The rate of diffusion through a selectively permeable membrane will be lowest when ____.I.concentration gradients are steepII.temperatures are lowIII.solutes are small molecules??a.??I only?b.??II only?c.??I and III?d.??II and III?e.?I, II, and III?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: EvaluateREFERENCES:??5.8 Diffusion and MembranesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.11 - Examine the five factors that affect the rate of diffusion.35.?What method of movement requires the expenditure of ATP molecules???a.??simple diffusion?b.??facilitated diffusion?c.??osmosis?d.??active transport?e.?bulk flow?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.9 Membrane Transport MechanismsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.12 - Examine the different mechanisms of transporting material across cell membranes.36.?Which of the following is a form of active transport???a.??osmosis?b.?facilitated diffusion??c.??simple diffusion?d.??exocytosis?e.?glucose transport?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??5.10 Membrane TraffickingLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.13 - Differentiate between endocytosis and exocytosis using diagrams.37.?The action of a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is known as ____.??a.??pinocytosis only?b.??phagocytosis only?c.??exocytosis and phagocytosis?d.??endocytosis and pinocytosis?e.?phagocytosis and endocytosis?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.10 Membrane TraffickingLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.13 - Differentiate between endocytosis and exocytosis using diagrams.38.?During receptor-mediated endocytosis, ____.??a.??plasma membrane receptors bind molecules to be expelled?b.??a small channel forms beneath the receptors?c.??a pit opens inside a cell?d.??a vesicle forms?e.?a vesicle is destroyed?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.10 Membrane TraffickingLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.13 - Differentiate between endocytosis and exocytosis using diagrams.Matching?Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.a.??amount of energy to start a reactionb.??coenzyme that carries electronsc.??attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bondd.??an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathwaye.??part of an enzyme that binds to the substratef.??by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathwayg.??affects rates of chemical reactions by reducing activation energyh.??important energy currency in metabolismi.??enzyme that participates in the neutralization of hydrogen peroxidej.??a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has been dispersedDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.4 How Enzymes WorkLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.6 - Examine the role played by enzymes in reactions.39.??active siteANSWER:??e40.??enzymeANSWER:??g?Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.a.??amount of energy to start a reactionb.??coenzyme that carries electronsc.??attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bondd.??an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathwaye.??part of an enzyme that binds to the substratef.??by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathwayg.??affects rates of chemical reactions by reducing activation energyh.??important energy currency in metabolismi.??enzyme that ?participates in the neutralization of hydrogen peroxidej.??a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has been dispersedDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.41.?allosteric enzyme??ANSWER:??f42.??feedback inhibition?ANSWER:??d?Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.a.??amount of energy to start a reactionb.??coenzyme that carries electronsc.??attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bondd.??an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathwaye.??part of an enzyme that binds to the substratef.??by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathwayg.??affects rates of chemical reactions by reducing activation energyh.??important energy currency in metabolismi.??enzyme that participates in the neutralization of hydrogen peroxidej.??a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has been dispersedDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.6 Cofactors in Metabolic PathwaysLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.9 - Examine the unique characteristics of different types of cofactors using examples.43.??adenosine triphosphate?ANSWER:??h44.??NADP+??ANSWER:??b45.???catalase?ANSWER:??i46.??phosphorylation?ANSWER:??c?Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.a.??amount of energy to start a reactionb.??coenzyme that carriers electronsc.??attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bondd.??an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathwaye.??part of an enzyme that binds to the substratef.??by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathwayg.??affects rates of chemical reactions by reducing activation energyh.??important energy currency in metabolismi.??enzyme that participates in the neutralization of hydrogen peroxidej.??a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has been dispersedDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.2 - Examine the laws of thermodynamics.47.??entropy?ANSWER:??j?Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.a.??amount of energy to start a reactionb.??coenzyme that carries electronsc.??attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bondd.??an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathwaye.??part of an enzyme that binds to the substratef.??by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathwayg.??affects rates of chemical reactions by reducing activation energyh.??important energy currency in metabolismi.???enzyme that participates in the neutralization of hydrogen peroxidej.??a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has been dispersedDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.3 Energy in the Molecules of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.4 - Examine the significance of chemical bond energy and entropy.48.?activation energy??ANSWER:??aClassification. The items below are processes that occur during different cellular reaction or metabolic pathways. Answer the following questions by selecting the correct term.a.??oxidationb.??reductionc.??phosphorylationd.??electron transport chainDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.49.??This process leads to the formation of ATP from ADP plus inorganic phosphate.ANSWER:??c50.??This process occurs when an electron is received by an electron acceptor molecule, such as NADP+.ANSWER:??b51.??This process involves a series of enzymes and requires membranes.ANSWER:??d52.??This process occurs when an electron transport molecule gives up an electron.ANSWER:??a?Classification. The terms below relate to the movement of materials and membranes. Answer the following questions by selecting the correct term.a.??diffusionb.??hypertonicc.??hypotonicd.??isotonice.??osmosisf.??osmotic pressureg.??turgorDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.8 Diffusion and MembranesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.11 - Examine the five factors that affect the rate of diffusion.53.??pressure from a fluid against a boundaryANSWER:??g54.??pressure that prevents the movement of waterANSWER:??f55.??fluid with a high solute concentration relative to another fluidANSWER:??b56.??movement of molecules across a membrane would be equalANSWER:??d57.??movement of water molecules across a membraneANSWER:??e58.??movement of molecules would be into this fluidANSWER:??c59.??fluid with a low solute concentration relative to another fluidANSWER:??c60.??movement of molecules would be out of this fluid?ANSWER:??b61.??fluid with the same solute concentration relative to another fluidANSWER:??d62.??spontaneous movement of moleculesANSWER:??aCompletion63.?A chemical interaction in which the products contain less free energy than the reactants is called a(n) ____________________ reaction.?ANSWER:??exergonic?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.3 Energy in the Molecules of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.5 - Examine endergonic and exergonic reactions.64.?____________________ ?enzymes are controlled by having regulatory molecules bind outside the active site and result in a change in their overall structure.?ANSWER:??Allosteric?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.65.?The loss of an electron by a molecule is called ____________________.?ANSWER:??oxidation?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.5 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated ReactionsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.8 - Examine the different types of metabolism mechanisms using diagrams.66.?The enzyme that works in conjunction with ATP to produce bioluminescence is called ____________________.?ANSWER:??luciferaseDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.6 Cofactors in Metabolic PathwaysLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.9 - Examine the unique characteristics of different types of cofactors using examples.Subjective Short Answer67.?Describe how the laws of thermodynamics would impact the Earth were the sun’s light suddenly blocked.?ANSWER:??According to the first law of thermodynamics, the absence of incoming energy would limit life on Earth to the energy already available. Photosynthesizers would die rapidly, while consumers would last longer. However, the second law of thermodynamics tells us that energy would be lost with each transformation (one organism eating another), so eventually there would be insufficient amounts of energy on Earth to support lifeDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??5.2 Energy in the World of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.2 - Examine the laws of thermodynamics.68.?Discuss the role of turgor in the crisp lettuce purchased at the grocery store looking much limper by the time it gets home.?ANSWER:??At the grocery store, they mist the vegetables with water. The water enters the lettuce cells generating turgor which keeps the leaves full and crisp. Once you buy the lettuce and the mist is lost (possibly combined with a ride in a hot trunk), the water leaves the leaf cells reducing the turgor and causing the lettuce to wilt.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??5.8 Diffusion and MembranesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.11 - Examine the five factors that affect the rate of diffusion.69.?Compare and contrast facilitated and active transport.?ANSWER:??Both of these have in common that they move substances across cell membranes via transmembrane proteins. However, facilitated transport can only move substances down their concentration gradient and does not require an input of energy.? On the other hand, active transport requires energy. and moves substances against their concentration gradients.DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??5.9 Membrane Transport MechanismsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.5.12 - Examine the different mechanisms of transporting material across cell membranes. ................

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