Statements of Understanding

STATEMENTS OF UNDERSTANDINGTED 100 EDUCATION SEMINARMISERICORDIA UNIVERSITYTEACHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENTDIRECTIONS: This form should be completed by the applicant and presented with attachments to the instructor of TED 100 Education Seminar.STUDENT INFORMATIONA) Basic Information:Name____________________________________Home Address _____________________________Campus Box/Address ____________ _____________________________Home Phone _____________________________Campus Phone _________________E-mail ________________________TED Advisor _______________________________________B) Current Status: (Please check one.)[ ] First Year Student[ ] Internal Transfer from __________________________[ ] External Transfer from __________________________C) Proposed Major:Check only one.[ ] Early Childhood Education/ Special Education (PreK-4)[ ] Middle Level Education (4-8)[ ] Secondary EducationIf Secondary Education in either program, select area of specialization below:[ ] Biology [ ] Chemistry [ ] Citizenship [ ] English [ ] MathSTATEMENTS OF UNDERSTANDINGBefore making a decision to enter any program offered by the TED, applicants must understand certain matters. For example, applicants should understand that the TED’s programs are governed by a variety of Federal and State laws that specify requirements for admission, retention, and certification. Additionally, the TED has established its own set of expectations, which in some cases exceed federal and state mandates. Students should understand all of the following matters, all of which are explained in the TED Guidebook and in TED 100 Education Seminar.Read each statement below carefully. To signify your awareness and understanding of the policies described in the statements, sign your name under each statement. This form will be forwarded to your advisor and will become part of your permanent record.1. PublicationsI have a copy of the College Catalog and a copy of the TED Guidebook (available online). I will maintain and update both during my years at MU. I understand that I am bound by the policies listed in the current TED Guidebook (updated annually).I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature2. Experience Working with Children I understand that I should have experience with groups of children or adolescents (other than my own children or children in my family), preferably in some sort of instructional situation.Describe Experience: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature3. Participation in Professional OrganizationsI understand that, as a preservice teacher, I will be expected to participate in my chosen profession by becoming active in professional organizations (such as the MU Education Club and the National Education Association) and by participating in activities related to the profession.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature4. GPA Requirement of 3.0I understand that I need to maintain a 3.0 or above cumulative GPA. Traditional students with 24 credits (and non-traditional/transfer students with 12 credits) completed at Misericordia University who earn less than a 3.0, but have a reasonable chance to raise their GPA to 3.0 by the completion of 48 credits (24 credits for nontraditional/transfer students), may be continued on Departmental Probation, albeit only if all other retention requirements have been met. Students whose GPA is so low that it is unreasonable to assume that it can be raised to a 3.0 within the completion of 48 credits (24 credits for non-traditional/transfer students) may be dismissed from the TED.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature5. Math and English RequirementI understand that in order to apply for “formal” acceptance to the TED, I must have successfully completed 48 credits (24 credits for non-traditional/transfer students), including two college-level math courses (one in Statistics) and two college-level English courses (University Writing Seminar and one course in American Literature).I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature6. Required ClearancesI understand that I must apply for and obtain three clearances: Act 34 (Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance), Act 151 (Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check), and Act 114 (Federal Criminal History Record), and Act 24 (Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form). I must renew the Act 34 and Act 151 clearance annually, and I understand that there is an approximate cost of $10 for the renewal of each. I have to apply for the Act 114 (fingerprinting) clearance only once during my matriculation at MU. I understand that I must submit a current copy of each clearance to my advisor during advising week each semester, along with an application for field experience in order to be allowed to register for classes. I understand that I cannot enter any public school building nor can I complete the requirements of the TED program without obtaining and maintaining current clearances.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature7. Field Experiences I understand that I will be expected to complete a structured Field Experience each semester (approximately one-half day per week) and that eventually I will need to complete a fifteen-week full-time Student Teaching placement. I know that previously completed field experiences or work experiences do not cancel these requirements. I understand that to arrange field experiences, I must complete a Field Experience Application to my advisor during advisement week each semester (applying for a placement for the next semester), and I must attach current Act 34, 151, 114, and Act 24 clearances and negative TB / Mantaux test results.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature8. Emotional Fitness and Responsibility to Become a TeacherI have reviewed the TED’s Essential Performance Demands (EPD’s) in the TED Guidebook. The EPD’s state the capabilities and qualities essential for every future teacher. Briefly stated, the EPD’s deal with the following capabilities: senses and perception (visual, auditory, and from multiple sources), temperance (emotional control), time management, organization, written and spoken language, gross and fine motor skills, and strength and stamina. I attest that I can meet the EPD’s. As far as I know, I do not have any mental or physical problems that might eventually disqualify me as a teacher. I understand that I must continually demonstrate my emotional fitness to be a teacher and must function as a responsible professional (see PA Code of Conduct and Behavior for Teachers and the TED Code of Ethics). If members of the faculty become concerned about my emotional fitness and/or if I violate the TED’s Code of Ethics, I know that faculty will inform me of their concerns and may take action to place me on Departmental Probation or dismiss me from the TED.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature9. PPST State-required ExamsI understand that Pennsylvania Department of Education requires me to pass the three PAPA exams (math, reading, writing) in order to become a teacher. I also understand that the TED program requires students to sit for all three PAPA exams by the completion of 24 credits (12 credits for non-traditional/transfer students), and the TED requires students to pass all three PPST exams before formal admittance to the TED, after completion of 48 credits (24 credits for non-traditional/transfer students). If I do not meet up with these requirements, I understand that I might not be allowed to continue in the TED.PAPA MODULESACTION/RESULT (Check one item per exam below.)Reading[ ] Passed[ ] Failed[ ] Registered[ ] No action yetWriting[ ] Passed[ ] Failed[ ] Registered[ ] No action yetMath[ ] Passed[ ] Failed[ ] Registered[ ] No action yetI understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature10. National Teachers’ ExamI understand that before I apply for certification, I will need to successfully complete all required PECT and/or PRAXIS II specialty area tests in areas I wish to be certified. I also understand that I must receive a satisfactory rating or above on PDE Form 430 before I can apply for certification.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature11. Initial Review ProcessI understand that at the completion of my first 24 credits taken at MU, the TED Faculty will review my progress, known as the Initial Review Process (IRP). As part of the preparation for the IRP, I will have to demonstrate that I have:Taken (at least once) the 3 PAPA exams (reading, writing, and mathematics). Note: If I do not pass all sections of the test by the time I have successfully completed my first 24 credits at MU then I will be put on departmental probation for the following semester and will need to continue to re-take the tests until all three tests have been successfully completed. While I am on probation I will not permitted to take TED courses at the 300 and 400 level. If I have not successfully completed all three tests by the end of my probation semester then I will no longer be able to remain a declared TED major, but may reapply when I am able to demonstrate successful completion of all three PAPA tests.A 3.0 GPA or better in classes taken at Misericordia University.Passing grades (C+ or better) in all MU TED courses taken.Obtained and submitted an acceptable Act 34 (Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance), Act 151 (Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check), Act 114 (Federal Criminal History Record), and Act 24 (Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form).Obtained and submitted Negative TB / Mantaux test pleted TED 100 Education Seminar with a passing pleted TED 190 Ed Seminar Field and TED 191 Freshman Field (or other field experience for transfer students) with a passing grade.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student Signature12. Formal Admission ProcessI understand that by the completion of 48 credits (either taken at MU or transferred into MU), I must apply for Formal Admission to the TED. As part of the Formal Admission process I will have to show that I have successfully:Completed (passed) PAPA tests in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.A 3.0 GPA or better in classes taken at Misericordia University.Passed all TED courses taken with a C+ or better.Maintained acceptable and up-to-date Act 34, Act 151, and Act 24 clearances and negative TB / Mantaux test results.Adhered to the TED Ethics Policy and Professional Code of pleted two college-level mathematics courses (one in statistics).Completed University Writing Seminar and an American literature core course.I understand this policy: _______________________________ Student SignatureI certify that I have carefully read all of the policies listed in this document. By signing my name under each statement, I certify that I understand each policy (each policy is described in TED 101/102 Freshman/Transfer Seminar, and can be found in the University Catalog and/or the TED Guidebook)._____________________________________________________Student Signature Date ................

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