NSVRC Acronym List

National Sexual Violence Resource Center Acronym List

|Acronym |Description |

|ADA |Americans with Disabilities Act |

|ADA |Assistant District Attorney |

|AG |Attorney General |

|CCR |Coordinated Community Response |

|CJS |Criminal Justice System |

|COPS |Community-Oriented Policing Services |

|CVC |Crime Victims Compensation |

|DA |District Attorney |

|DHHS |Department of Health and Human Services |

|DNA |Deoxyribonucleic Acid |

|DOH |Department of Health |

|DS |Direct Service |

|DSS |Direct Services Supervisor |

|DV |Domestic Violence |

|EC |Emergency Contraception |

|ED |Executive Director |

|EMTALA |Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act |

|ETA |Estimated Time of Arrival |

|FNE |Forensic Nurse Examiner |

|FVPSA |Family Violence Prevention and Services Act |

|FY |Fiscal Year |

|GHB |Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (drug used to facilitate sexual assault) |

|GTEA |Grants to Encourage Arrest |

|HIV |Human Immunodeficiency Virus |

|HIPAA |Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |

|HMO |Health Maintenance Organization |

|IPV |Intimate Partner Violence |

|LAV |Legal Assistance for Victims Grants |

|LE |Law Enforcement |

|LGBT |Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender |

|LGBTIQQ |Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexed, Queer, and Questioning |

|NIJ |National Institute of Justice |

|OPRA |Open Public Records Act |

|OVC |Office for Victims of Crime |

|OVW |Office on Violence Against Women |

|PHHSBG |Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant |

|PFA |Protection From Abuse |

|PSA |Public Service Announcement |

|PTSD |Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |

|RO |Restraining Order |

|RCC |Rape Crisis Center |

|RFP |Request for Proposal |

|RPE |Rape, Prevention & Education Grants |

|RTS |Rape Trauma Syndrome |

|SA |Sexual Assault |

|SA |State’s Attorney |

|SAAM |Sexual Assault Awareness Month |

|SAE |Sexual Assault Examiner |

|SAFE |Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner |

|SANE |Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner |

|SART |Sexual Assault Response Team |

|STD |Sexually Transmitted Disease |

|STI |Sexually Transmitted Infection |

|STOP |Services Training Officers Prosecutors Grant |

|SV |Sexual Violence |

|TA |Technical Assistance |

|TANF |Temporary Assistance to Needy Families |

|TTY |Text Typewriter (communication device for deaf and hard-of-hearing people) |

|UCR |Uniform Crime Report |

|V/W |Victim/Witness |

|VAWA |Violence Against Women Act |

|VOCA |Victims of Crime Act |


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