ACT Writing Prompt

ACT Writing Test Tip Sheet

Note: This is a general guideline. The items here need to be in your essay, but the order and body paragraph number is subjective.

Paragraph 1 - Introduction

A. Begin with an attention-getter (state the issue in your own words)

B. Convince the reader that you understand the complexity of the issue (or big picture) and the two sides that were presented in the writing prompt. Explain Side 1 argument. Explain Side 2 argument (This should be the side you take, so you lead into the thesis.)

C. Write your thesis at the end of your introduction. What side of the issue do you support?

Paragraph 2 – Body Paragraph

A. Topic Sentence (Reason #1)

B. Example

C. Explanation

Paragraph 3 – Counter-argument – Body Paragraph

A. Topic Sentence: It states the other side’s reason for why you are wrong. Nouns used in this sentence are critics and opponents. Verbs used in this sentence are argue, claim, and contend. (Transition + some critics / opponents + argue / claim + that + argument against your thesis)

B. Example of the opposing point

C. Rebuttal- States the reason why the objection (counterargument) is weak or why your side is stronger. It is introduced by a transition such as however, nevertheless, or nonetheless. (Transition + reason why the opposing point is weak or a reason why your side is stronger)

Paragraph 4 - Body Paragraph

A. Topic Sentence (Reason #3)

B. Example

C. Explanation

Paragraph 5 – Concluding Paragraph

A. Transitions AND restated thesis (pick up key words from the prompt)

B. Summarize arguments on your side

C. Summarize other side’s arguments

D. Summarize why other side is wrong and you’re right

E. Universal clincher (goes beyond just this essay)

ACT Writing Test

Some Important Reminders

1. Prewrite! (Make a “game plan” before you write). Some ideas:

- A quick outline

- bullet points

- map/web/graph/chart

- anything to organize your thoughts. . . DO NOT just start writing!

2. **Examples, Examples, Examples!**

- Once you make a point or a claim, give an example. THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HIGH AND LOW SCORE!

BAD (:

A greater variety of classes will appeal to more student interests. If a student is not interested in a class, most likely, he or she will not do well in school overall. As a result, many students drop out of school because they are bored or uninterested.


A greater variety of classes will appeal to more student interests. A more artistic student, for example, may choose to take a class in Abstract Art because it would provide them a creative outlet for their talents. Another student more interested in business may choose to enroll in a class such as Advanced Accounting. More specialized classes encourage students to pursue their interests and stay in school.

3. You MUST provide a counterargument (address the opposing side)

- You should not only address opposing arguments to your position, but you should also analyze/explain WHY they are not strong. This shows that you have looked at both sides of the issue. It strengthens your argument! (thesis)

- Again, this is the difference between a high and low score, in most cases!

4. Have an INTRO, a BODY, and a CONCLUSION

-you should also, of course, have a clear thesis statement

5. Avoid “circular” arguments

-Example: When a person likes a class, he will do well in it because he likes it.

6. Watch your WORD CHOICE

-You are writing for a college-educated audience; therefore, your word choice should stay FORMAL. Avoid slang, cliché, or informal words or phrases. (Examples: hanging out, stupid, totally boring)

7. Go BEYOND the obvious

- Provide arguments or points that go beyond the obvious. They show higher-level thought and more in-depth answers. Remember: They are sometimes reading hundreds of essays on the SAME topic! Try to WOW your reader.

8. Lastly. . . . WRITE LEGIBLY Essays that can’t be read easily or that are just plain messy will be tossed aside. PRINT if you need to!

ACT Writing Prompt (example)

Schools in some states have changed their school calendars so that they are now year-round schools. Advocates of year-round schooling argue that the traditional summer break is a waste of students’ time that could otherwise be spent learning. Opponents charge that today’s students are already overburdened with the stresses of school, and need the summer to get a much needed break. In your view, should the traditional three-month summer vacation from school be maintained?

In your essay, take a position on the question. You may write about either of the two points of view given, or you may present a different point of view on this question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Argument Counter argument





Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Topic: My position:

A. State the problem/issue

B. Acknowledge both sides of the issue:

C. Thesis:

A. Reason #1 Topic Sentence:_____________________________________________________



C.Explanation:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


This is the first argument for your side of the issue. Use numerous, specific examples as support for your point.

Acknowledge the opposing position here and give an example or two of their points. Then, in the same paragraph, argue against or refute this opposing position with reason #2.

This is the third argument for your side of the issue. Use numerous, specific examples as support for your point. This should be your strongest argument.

A. Counter-Argument Topic Sentence:______________________________________________



C.Rebuttal:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

A. Topic Sentence:______________________________________________________________



C.Explanation:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

A. Restate Thesis




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