Romeo and Juliet Act IV Quiz -

Romeo and Juliet Act IV Quiz

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Recalling and Interpreting (Romeo and Juliet, Act 4)

____ 1. Which of the following best describes Juliet's remarks to Paris in Friar Lawrence's cell?

|a. |She lies to him. |

|b. |She says truthful things to him that he understands. |

|c. |She says things she believes are true but are not true. |

|d. |She speaks truthfully but with meanings he does not understand. |

____ 2. Juliet's mood when she asks for Friar Lawrence's advice is one of

|a. |optimism. |c. |bewilderment. |

|b. |desperation. |d. |guilt and shame. |

____ 3. Which of the following seems most likely to have inspired the particular plan that Friar Lawrence proposes to Juliet?

|a. |a message from Romeo |

|b. |Juliet's threat to kill herself |

|c. |Juliet's references to bones and graves |

|d. |Paris saying that what " 'may be' must be" |

____ 4. The point of Friar Lawrence's plan is to

|a. |fake Juliet's death. |c. |make Capulet change his mind. |

|b. |help Juliet kill herself. |d. |end the Capulet-Montague feud. |

____ 5. The most likely reason that Capulet moves the wedding ahead one day is because he believes that

|a. |Juliet is plotting something. |c. |Juliet has had a sincere change of heart. |

|b. |Juliet may change her mind again. |d. |Paris may change his mind if given time. |

____ 6. Capulet's decision to move up the date of the wedding affects

|a. |the potion's ability to work in time. |

|b. |the timing of Friar Lawrence's plan. |

|c. |Paris's feelings about marriage to Juliet. |

|d. |Juliet's ability to be left alone to take the potion. |

____ 7. Before she drinks the potion, Juliet has all of the following fears EXCEPT that

|a. |it will not work at all. |c. |Romeo will not come for her. |

|b. |it will actually kill her. |d. |she will wake up early and go mad. |

____ 8. In Friar Lawrence's cell, Paris believes that Juliet's air of sadness has to do with

|a. |her upcoming marriage to him. |

|b. |her reactions to Tybalt's death. |

|c. |her strained relationship with her father. |

|d. |a secret sin she has come to confess to the friar. |

____ 9. The potion is supposed to make Juliet sleep for

|a. |a few hours. |c. |about two days. |

|b. |one full night |d. |about a week. |

____ 10. Juliet asks her parents' forgiveness and agrees to marry Paris because

|a. |she has no choice. |c. |she can't bear their anger. |

|b. |she is truly repentant. |d. |it is part of the Friar's plan. |

____ 11. Who first discovers Juliet's "death"?

|a. |Paris |c. |the Nurse |

|b. |Capulet |d. |Friar Lawrence |

____ 12. According to Friar Lawrence, why did the Capulets want Juliet to marry Paris?

|a. |to spite Romeo |c. |to get the better of the Montagues |

|b. |to raise Juliet's station in life |d. |to improve their own social standing |

Short Answer

Interpreting and Evaluating (Romeo and Juliet, Act 4)

13. Think about the isolation Juliet feels as—alone in her room—she prepares to take the sleeping potion. Identify FOUR people Juliet has depended on for love, advice, or help, and explain why she cannot turn to them now.


Evaluating and Connecting (Romeo and Juliet, Act 4)

14. What do you think of Friar Lawrence's plan? What are its strong points and drawbacks?

Romeo and Juliet Act IV Quiz

Answer Section


1. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

2. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

3. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

4. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E

5. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

6. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

7. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

8. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

9. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

10. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

11. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E

12. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E


13. ANS:

Possible answers:


• banished; in Mantua; not in Verona

• doesn't know about the plan


• advised Juliet to marry Paris

• would probably tell Juliet's parents whatever Juliet told her

• Juliet no longer trusts her


• threatened to disown her

• would force her to marry Paris

Lady Capulet:

• will do what Capulet tells her to do

• would force her to marry Paris

Friar Lawrence:

• his plan prevents any meeting between them at this point

• slim possibility (in her mind) that he actually means to kill her

Tybalt: is dead



14. ANS:

Students could say that the plan's strong points are that it will (or is intended to)

• prevent Juliet from marrying Paris.

• avoid an open conflict between Juliet and Capulet.

• keep Juliet safe from Capulet's anger.

• free Juliet from her parents' control.

• allow Romeo and Juliet to begin a new life together.

• avoid a new outbreak of violence between the families—at least until the lovers are safely together.

Possible weaknesses of the plan include the following:

• The potion could fail or backfire. If it's too strong, it could kill Juliet. If it's too weak, Juliet could wake up early and go mad with terror. If it doesn't produce a convincing imitation of death, the plan could be exposed, leading to negative consequences for both Juliet and the Friar.

• The rescue by Romeo could fail. He could be delayed for any number of reasons. Upon returning to Verona, he could be seen and arrested.

• The plan is short-sighted and too limited. The Friar hopes that Romeo and Juliet's marriage will somehow, someday, end their families' feud; there's no good reason to believe this will happen. Even if the plan succeeds in the short term, there will be consequences when the deception is exposed, as it inevitably will be.

• The plan's morality is questionable. It's cruel to make Juliet's loved ones think she's dead, regardless of their behavior. It's unfair to Paris, an apparently nice man who has wronged no one. The plan assumes that the ends justify the means.



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