GES Trip Report Template

Foothill DeAnza College

Student Technical Trip Report for February 24-26, 2009

February 26, 2009

|Account Information |

|Project name: |Student Technical Training |

|Prepared by: |Debbie Jones |

| |Technical Consultant |

| |debbie.jones@ |

| |325-370-1776 |

|Distribution |

|SunGard Higher Education |Rob Bailey |Project Manager |

|Foothill DeAnza College |Kathy Kyne |Project Manager |

|Objectives |

Learn about the forms, tables, and processes necessary to perform daily technical support tasks in Sungard Higher Education’s Banner Student System.

|Progress Report |

|Accomplishments |

During the week, the following topics were reviewed:


• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

• Client is converting catalog.

• The decision has not been made of how much. No inactive courses have to be converted because Academic History will hold all courses taught at the College including the term, beginning date, and ending date. History for all students in each course for each term will be populated. SHRINST will hold Faculty assigned to all Academic History courses. SSRMEET will hold time and day historical courses were taught and the building/room where the course met.


• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

• Client is converting schedule.


• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

• Client is not converting registration. This data will be converted as Academic History.

Overall Tables

• Discussed overall tables.

o SORHSCH (High School) contains STVSBGI code and PIDM

o SORPCOL (Previous College) contains STVSBGI code and PIDM. This table is used for both student and faculty.

o SORDEGR (Degree information) is used for both student and faculty.

o SORTEST (Test scores) contains one row per test score. The client only has test scores for own college exams. They do not capture SAT, ACT, or any other outside test scores.

Location Management

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

• Client is converting location for course scheduling only.

• Client uses Resource 25 for assigning classrooms to course sections.

General Person

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SPRIDEN is the name and ID table.

o SPRADDR is the address table. Do not populate phone columns in SPRADDR. Sequence number is incremented by address type.

o SPRTELE is the telephone table. Sequence number is incremented for each phone number entered. Phone numbers marked as primary and associated with an address by address type and sequence number will be displayed with the address by using SPAIDEN’s Address tab.

o SPBPERS is biographic and demographic information.

o SPREMRG is emergency contact information. Priority number will be 1 for main contact. PIDM is the pidm of the student, not the contact person.

o SPRHOLD is the hold table.

o SPRMEDI is the medical and disability information.


• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SRBRECR is the base Recruiting table.

o They will not convert Recruiting.


• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SARADAP is the Admissions application table.

o SARAPPD is the Admissions decision table.

o SARCHKL is the checklist table.

o They do not know how much admissions information they will convert.

General Student

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SGBSTDN is REQUIRED for every student who has Academic History. The SIS extract programs will create one SGBSTDN record for each term a student has registration.

o SGRSACT is the student activities table.

o SGRSPRT is the student sports table.

o SGRVETN is the student Veteran’s information.

Institutional Academic History

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SHRTTRM is REQUIRED to have a record for every term of Academic History for each student.

• SHRTTRM_UPDATE_SOURCE_IND = “S” for all rows (S = System, U = User)

• SHRTTRM_PRE_CATALOG_IND = Pre-Catalog Indicator. Specifies if the term course information if based on the existing Banner catalog or is conversion data being entered prior to the Banner catalog. Valid values are: Y - Pre-catalog, and N - Current Catalog.


• One row per student per term

o SHRTCKN is the course table.

• CRN can be any number.

• One row per course per student per term

o SHRTCKG is the grade table.

• SHRTCKG_SEQ_NO = 1 for all rows is no grade changes are migrated.

• SHRTCKG_FINAL_GRDE_CHG_USER can be “Migration”

• SHRTCKG_GRDE_CODE_FINAL – Grade can be null, but shouldn’t be. Use N or X if no grade is available

• One row per grade per course per student per term

o SHRTCKL is the level table.


• One row per level per course per student per term

o SHRTCKD is the degree table that applies the course to a degree.


• One row per degree per course per student per term

• The SHRTRCD_DGMR_SEQ should be 1. A cleanup report should be produced with students who received more than one degree and these students should be corrected manually.

Transfer Academic History

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SHRTRIT is the transfer institution information

• One row per institution per student.

o SHRTRAM is the student’s attendance period at the transfer institution.

• One row attendance period per institution per student.

o SHRTRCR is the transfer institution’s course information

• One row per transfer course per attendance period per institution per student.

o SHRTRCE is the institution’s equivalent course information

• One row per equivalent course per attendance period per institution per student.

o SHRTRCD is the degree information this equivalent course is applied to.

• One row per degree per equivalent course per attendance period per institution per student.

• The SHRTRCD_DGMR_SEQ should be 1. A cleanup report should be produced with students who received more than one degree and these students should be corrected manually.

Degree Information and Other tables

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o SHRDGMR is the degree table.

▪ One row per degree per student.

o SHRDGIH is the institutional honors table.

▪ One row per institutional honor per student.

o SHRDGDH is the departmental honors table.

▪ One row per departmental honor per student.

o SHRTGPA is the term gpa table. This table can be populated or calculated with SHRCGPA procedure.

▪ One row per term per student for institutional gpa with GPA_TYPE_IND = ‘I’.

▪ If applicable, one row per term per student for transfer gpa with GPA_TYPE_IND = ‘T’.

o SHRLGPA is the level gpa table. This table can be populated or calculated with SHRCGPA procedure.

▪ One row per level per student for institutional gpa with GPA_TYPE_IND = ‘I’.

▪ If applicable, one row per level per student for transfer gpa with GPA_TYPE_IND = ‘T’.

▪ One row per level per student for overall gpa with GPA_TYPE_IND = ‘O’.

Faculty Load

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

• SIS contains some Faculty information and other information may be obtained from Human Resources.

Accounts Receivable

• Provided an overview and discussed major tables.

o TBRACCD is the account detail table.

▪ TBRACCD_TRAN_NUMBER is incremented for each transaction by pidm.

▪ TBRACCD_ACCT_FEED_IND should be ‘F’ for fed.

o TBBDETC is the detail code table.

▪ TBBDETC_LIKE_TERM_IND This field indicates if a detail code can only be applied to a detail code in the same term in the application of payment process. Valid value is: Y - Yes, only apply to a like term. Used primarily for financial aid.

▪ TBBDETC_INST_CHG_IND INSTITUTION CHARGE INDICATOR: This field indicates if the detail code is identified as Institutional Charges detail code. Valid value is: (Y)es, Institutional charge detail code, and (N)o. This is used by the application of payment process.

▪ TBBDETC_LIKE_AIDY_IND AID YEAR INDICATOR: This field indicates if a detail code can only be applied to a transaction in the same aid year in the application of payment process. Valid value is: (Y)es, apply only to a like aid year, and (N)o; Used primarily for financial aid transactions.

Major Validation Tables

• STVSBGI is the table of school codes. STVSBGI values will be converted from 7 character legacy value.

• STVMAJR is the major table. This table should contain all Major, Minor, and Concentration codes used in SIS.

• SMRPRLE is the Program Codes table.

|Progress Report |

|Decisions Made and/or Actions Taken |

The Student Technical Training course went very well. The participants are very anxious to get started with their conversion. We discussed the flow of the conversion efforts using the extract programs and Conversion Toolkit. They are beginning work with their Banner Team to create the crosswalks from SIS values to Banner Validation Table values.

|Concerns / Decisions to be made |

|Description |Owner |Target Date for Closure|Action Plan |

|How to use Value Based Security to protect Employee General Person | | | |

|data. | | | |

|How to capture cumulative GPA by term. | | | |

|Create script to roll disability to next term. | | | |

|Create script to inactivate student according to college policies and| | | |

|procedures. | | | |

|How to separate offering of course sections between campuses using | | | |

|terms and/or course number. | | | |

|How to separate programs between campuses. | | | |

|How to use Clean Address during conversion processing. | | | |

|How much Admissions data to convert. | | | |

|Supplemental Documents Attached |

These documents are attached:

Academic History spreadsheets (Academic History - Institutional.xls &

Academic History - Transfer.xls)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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