MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING – February 9, 2009

Central Administration Office Boardroom

Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and/or posting in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the Agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceeding of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to attendance of the public.


At the beginning of this meeting, the chairperson announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meeting Act is posted on the West wall of the meeting room.

Mitch Deines called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Central Administration Boardroom. Those members present: Steve Winter, Terry Cossel, Jon Zimmerman, Randy Coleman, Lisa Pieper, Monte Lofing, Jim Spangler and Tobias Tempelmeyer. Dr. Dale Kruse, Secretary of the Board was also present.


The Board of Education and those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


a. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the agenda be approved as submitted.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

b. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the minutes of the January 10, 2009 board retreat, January 12, 2000 regular board meeting and the January 21, 2009 board retreat are approved as circulated.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

c. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the proposed accounts for payment be paid.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

d. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the budgetary receipts and expenditures be received and placed on file.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

e. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the committee minutes of the Finance and Facilities Committee, Instruction and Activities Committee and the School and Community Committee be approved.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

f. Moved by Steve, seconded by Terry Cossel to approve the following choice requests

Freeman 09/10 – Mitchell Trout – From Southern 09/10 – Raquel Moore – From Norris 09/10 – Morgan Mahoney and To Freeman 09/10 – Owen Miner

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

g. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel to approve the resignation at the end of the 2008-2009 school year of Steve Hartman – Paddock Lane and Stoddard Elementary - Physical Education and Debra Hartman – Paddock Lane Elementary - Kindergarten.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried


The Board of Education did not have anyone to recognize at this meeting.


a. Superintendent's Report – Dr. Kruse reported the District had received preliminary numbers on the amount of State Aid Beatrice Public Schools might be receiving for the 2009-2010 school year based on the State Aid being fully funded. Based on this, Beatrice Public Schools would be receiving $200,000.00 less than the 2008-2009 school year. We will know the actual amount on April 1, 2009. Dr. Kruse shared the ESU # 5 will be holding a dinner on March 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM for superintendents and board members of schools they service to share information about the ESU. Dr. Kruse asked who would be interested in attending. On March 19th from 7:45 AM – 8:45 AM we will be having the Staff Appreciation Breakfast. Board members are invited to come and help and have breakfast with staff. Dr. Kruse reported that over the next few months administration will be updating the Board on the Board Goals. Dr. Kruse sent out the dates of May 19th and June 2nd as possible work sessions for the Board to go over the status of goals in more detail. Dr. Kruse asked the Board if there were any conflicts to these dates for board members and seeing none asked the Board to put these two dates on their calendars.

b. GNSA/Legislative Report –Steve Winter shared that he attended a meeting that was held on January 21, 2009 with most of the discussion centering on finance. Steve shared with the Board the three main goals of GNSA. LB 240 and LB 255 were the main bills that were discussed during the meeting.

Steve explained to the Board that LB 240 requires expenditures to direct instruction be no less than 65% and LB 255 deals with the installation of lap and shoulder belts on buses.

c. Student Update – Ethan updated the Board that by the time we meet again in March most of the winter sports will be over except for Boys State Basketball. Ethan wished wrestlers, swimmers, girls and boys basketball teams well for the remainder of the season. Ethan reported Limited Edition will be competing at the University of Nebraska – Omaha on Thursday. Our speech and debate teams will be competing in District competition on March 4th. On Friday, February 13, 2009 the High School will be dismissing early for District Wrestling. Parent Teacher conferences are February 16 and 17 with no school on February 20th. During the Staff Development on February 25th, staff will be working on Essential Learning, Common Assessments and Smart Goals.

d. Review of Board of Education Goal # 1 –Mr. Sutter updated the Board on the progress of each of the strategies for Indicator # 1 – The District ACT scores will be at or above the state average. Mr. Sutter reported that our 2008 graduates had a composite score of 22.5, which is above the state average. Last year we had 42 students participate in the ACT Prep class and they will be offering it again in March. The High School Counselors have also been working with the juniors and seniors reviewing their scores and then looking at the ACT objectives to help them prepare for the score the student would like to achieve. The High School has held a Parent ACT session with over 50 parents participating to gain a better understanding of the ACT. During the October staff development, teachers rotated through a presentation to learn more about the ACT. Students in the sophomore class took the PLAN test on November 19th and counselors have been reviewing the results with the students and will be offering a Parent Plan Workshop during Parent Teacher conferences. The last strategy is to align the ACT objective to the State Standards. As of this update the State Standards are not complete.

Summer Stephens updated the Board on the progress of each of the strategies for Indictor # 2 – TerraNova Composite scores will reflect a 5% increase in the number of students above the 50th percentile.

The TerraNova has been given to 4th – 8th grade students and staff is reviewing the results looking at trends. For those students not meeting the 50th percentile, interventions are being set up. As staff are reviewing the results and looking at strengths and trends, they will be reviewing the content, context and cognitive level of the Terra Nova test to ensure we are using the same content, context and cognitive level in our classroom instruction. In March, Summer will be sharing with the administrative team information she has been gathering on effective grading practices. Summer shared with the Board a Quick Facts Handout About Data from the Nebraska Department of Education that she had shared with the Instruction and Activities Committee. The handout explained about the different types of tests like criterion-referenced, statewide or norm-referenced and explained the data that they gather and how that data is measured by focusing on the same grade level over multiple years, not the same students, which is referred to as program data or monitoring one group of students over time, which is referred to as cohort data.

e. 2009-2010 School Calendar – Dr. Kruse reviewed with the Board of Education, a draft copy of the proposed 2009-2010 calendar he had shared with them previously. The calendar shows school starting for new staff on August 11 and all staff back on August 13 and school starting for students on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 and ending on May 19, 2009. School starting on Tuesday for students is a compromise to try and balance the semesters and still have finals before Christmas break. Dr. Kruse shared that this calendar has been shared with the BEA and Administration. The Board discussed the possibility of reducing the number of days in the calendar. Some felt this had the potential to be a cost saving to the District while others felt we would not want to decrease instructional time for students. After much discussion, Dr. Kruse stated that he would look at the calendar again and meet with each board committee for further review and have a recommendation for the March board meeting. The Board will vote on the calendar at the March Board of Education meeting.

f. Appointment of Chairman for Standing Committees – Terry Cossel shared with the Board that he felt when looking at Policy 9000, Policy 9115 and Policy 9225.5, that it says the President of the Board is an ex-officio member of all committees and as such cannot be a chairman of a committee and that if our policy does not address something, then the Robert’s Rules of Order apply. Tobias Tempelmeyer shared that our policy does not address the President being chairman of a committee and Robert’s Rules of Orders does not say he can’t be chairman of a committee, but says that if the Board votes to appoint him they can and that is what the Board did at the January meeting. The Board will take action on reaffirming the appointment of the Chairman and committee members of the Instruction & Activities Committee later on in this meeting. The Superintendent was asked to review Policy 9115 with each board committee before the March board meeting.

g. District Financial Update – Dr. Kruse asked Chris Nelson to share with the Board a financial update. Mr. Nelson shared that the enrollment is down by 200 students and equals a loss in State Aid of 1.4 million dollars per year. We have had an increase in the severity of the needs of our students, which in turn has required more staff. Each year we are using more and more of our building fund dollars to offset the loss in the general fund. At this point, we will have no dollars going into the building fund next year. Mr. Nelson also shared the District is concerned about the impact the new State Aid formula could have on our District. Dr. Kruse has been taking this information to all the buildings and sharing it with staff. Dr. Kruse shared that the District is looking at all areas and programs to be more effective and efficient to save dollars. As employees leave the District each position will be looked at on a case by case basis as to whether the position is filled. Dr. Kruse also shared that building budgets have had a 0% increase for next year.


a. Finance & Facilities – Steve Winter reported that the committee met on February 9, 2009. The committee was updated on district finances that would be presented to the Board. The committee reviewed the current policy and discussed what steps to take to develop a fund-raising plan.

b. Instruction & Activities –Mitch Deines reported that the committee met on February 6, 2009. Summer Stephens shared information on the Statewide Assessment for reading and math that will be piloted this spring and begin in next school year. The results of the TerraNova and PLAN testing were shared and progress on Board Goal #1 was discussed. Summer shared the timeline of progress for the elementary reading curriculum review. The district will host an external visitation team for accreditation on March 2-4. Kathy Sebby provided the committee with information about the Florida Band and Orchestra trip set for May 29-June 2.

c. School & Community – Jim Spangler reported the committee met on February 5, 2009 at the High School. The committee was asked if the government stimulus package would have an impact on our District. Dr. Kruse shared that all schools will receive something, but there are certain categories and criteria that determine the amount. The committee heard that the Professional Learning Communities have been a positive addition. John Jarosh shared that several students have shown an interest in the Career Academy and that there will be information for parents available during Parent Teacher conferences. Mr. Sutter shared with the committee that he and the staff have been very busy preparing for the External Team visit from Advance Ed and NDE that will take place on March 2-4. Mr. Spangler and Mr. Sutter will set up a time to meet with Student Advisory Committee in the near future.


No one spoke in public forum.


a. Steve Winter moved that the Board of Education of District #15 reaffirm the Board appointment of Mitch Deines as Chairman and Tobias Tempelmeyer and Terry Cossel as members of the Instruction & Activities Committee. Monte Lofing seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Deines, Lofing, Pieper and Tempelmeyer

Nay: Cossel, Spangler, Zimmerman and Coleman Motion Carried

b. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading of Policy 1140 Trespasser (New Policy)

c. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading of Policy 5205 Confidentiality of Records (Revised)

d. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading of Policy 5109 Guidelines for Elementary Classes (New Policy – Replaces 5110.1 Attendance Zones and Elementary Transfers and Policy 5110.3 Guidelines for Large Elementary Classes and 5110.5 Guidelines for Minimum Elementary Classes)

e. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading to repeal Policy 5110.1 Attendance Zones and Elementary Transfers.

f. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading to repeal Policy 5110.3 Guidelines for Large Elementary Classes

g. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading to repeal Policy 5110.5 Guidelines for Minimum Elementary Classes.


The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, March 9, 2009

at 7:00 PM in the Central Administration Boardroom. An agenda for the meeting, which shall be kept continually current, is readily available for public inspection at the Superintendent’s office during normal business hours. .The Board of Education will visit Cedar Elementary on Thursday, February 26, 2009 from 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM.


Tobias Tempelmeyer moved that the Board of Education go into Executive Session and Terry Cossel seconded motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

The Board of Education took a five-minute recess before going into executive session to discuss administrator evaluations and negotiation procedures. The Board went into closed session at 8:30 PM. Immediately prior to the closed session, the presiding officer restated on the record the limitation of the subject matter of the closed session.

The Board of Education returned to open session at 10:16.


Steve Winter moved that the Board of Education adjourn and Randy Coleman seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Winter, Zimmerman, Deines, Spangler, Coleman, Cossel, Pieper, Lofing and Tempelmeyer

Nay: None Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 10:17 PM.

_____________________________________________________ ______________

Dale F. Kruse, Ed. D., Superintendent Date


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