Test on The Act of Davening - Aish Essentials

Test on The Act of Davening

1. What are the minimum kavanah requirements for Shema and Shemoneh Esrei?

2. From where do we derive these chiuvim?

3. If you are in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei and you realize that you didn’t fulfill the minimum kavanah requirement what should you do?

4. What if you are in the middle of the first Beracho?

5. What should you do if you didn’t fulfill the minimum kavanah requirement in Shema?

6. Explain what you should do if you haven’t started “Veahavtah”, what if you are in the middle of the first paragraph, if you have finished the first paragraph, if you have finished the second paragraph, if you have already finished the third paragraph, if you have already finished the Shemoneh Esrei.

7. What are the lechatchila kavanah requirements for all of davening?

8. What can you be mafsik for in Pesukei Dezimra and when?

9. What should you do if you see that you are going to have to be mafsik the Pesukei Dezimra?

10. Do you have to follow the eitzah of question 9 if you are answering to Divrei Kedusha or saying Berchos of Hodaah in Pesukei Dezomra? Why/ Why not?

11. What is considered a hefseik in Krias Shema and its Berachos that would require you to start again?

12. What is considered a hefseik in Krias Shema and its Berachos that would not require you to start again? In such a case where should you start?

13. What is considered a hefseik in Shemoneh Esrei that would require you to start again?

14. What is considered a hefseik in Shemoneh Esrei that would not require you to start again? Where should you start from in such a case?

15. Can you walk to a different place during Shemoneh Esrei? When and why?

16. Are there any circumstances in which you could talk during the Shemoneh Esrei beheter?

17. What is the required feet position for Shemoneh Esrei?

18. Why is there a chiuv to stand during Shemoneh Esrei?

19. What is the halacha by shuckling during davening?

20. What should you do if you are unable to stand?

21. Can you stand up for the Shema? Why/ why not?

22. What is the halacha regarding saying the Shema while lying down on your back or stomach? What about Shemoneh Esrei?

23. How should you enter into the place in which you plan to say Shemoneh Esrei?

24. Describe step by step how to go through the bowing in Shemoneh Esrei as well as how to back out of Shemoneh Esrei?

25. Can you bow at other times?

26. What are the vocalization requirements for the different parts of davening and where do we learn them from?

27. How careful should a person be when pronouncing the words of davening?

28. What language should Shema be said in? Why?

29. What about Shemoneh Esrei? Why?

30. What should you do if you are in a Shul that davens in a different nussach than you? What if you are the Shatz?


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