Introduction - National Archives

System Requirements Specification (SyRS)Description and Authority Services (DAS)Version 5.6 FINALPrepared by the NARA Requirements Management Division (IR)July 7, 2020Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc525806579 \h 51.1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc525806580 \h 51.2Scope PAGEREF _Toc525806581 \h 51.2.1Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc525806582 \h 51.3References PAGEREF _Toc525806583 \h 61.3.1Compliance PAGEREF _Toc525806584 \h 61.3.2Guidance PAGEREF _Toc525806585 \h 62System Abstract PAGEREF _Toc525806586 \h 72.1System Purpose PAGEREF _Toc525806587 \h 72.2System Scope PAGEREF _Toc525806588 \h 82.3System Overview PAGEREF _Toc525806589 \h 82.3.1Description Service Software Perspective PAGEREF _Toc525806590 \h 82.3.2Authority Service Software Perspective PAGEREF _Toc525806591 \h 92.3.3User Groups and Characteristics PAGEREF _Toc525806592 \h 143System Requirements PAGEREF _Toc525806593 \h 193.1Attributes PAGEREF _Toc525806594 \h 193.1.1Types PAGEREF _Toc525806595 \h 193.1.2Categories PAGEREF _Toc525806596 \h 193.1.3Verbs and Grammar PAGEREF _Toc525806597 \h 193.2Requirements PAGEREF _Toc525806598 \h 20Tables that Support the DAS Requirements PAGEREF _Toc525806599 \h 23Description and Authority Service Appendices PAGEREF _Toc525806600 \h 56Appendix A: Glossary PAGEREF _Toc525806601 \h 56Appendix B: Data Entry Permissions PAGEREF _Toc525806602 \h 62Archival Descriptions Permissions: PAGEREF _Toc525806603 \h 62Authorities Permissions: PAGEREF _Toc525806604 \h 67Appendix C: Accessibility Constraints PAGEREF _Toc525806605 \h 70Appendix D: Review and Tracking Workflow PAGEREF _Toc525806606 \h 72Appendix E: Review Canned Language PAGEREF _Toc525806607 \h 73Appendix F: Report Templates PAGEREF _Toc525806608 \h 126Description Service Reports PAGEREF _Toc525806609 \h 126Authority Service Reports PAGEREF _Toc525806649 \h 156Revision HistoryDateVersionAuthorRevision Description12/03/20101.0Project Performance Corporation (PPC)Original version01/12/20111.1Project Performance Corporation (PPC)Accepted NARA Edits08/26/20111.2Project Performance Corporation (PPC)Updates to all sections based upon Detailed Design06/24/20152.0Adil Latiwala (PPC)Updated Ingest (section 3.3) Requirements09/09/20152.1Adil Latiwala (PPC)API Requirements (section 3.3.2.)10/08/20152.2Carol LagundoUpdated various sections based on comments received from Sara Schlanger (IQS).11/02/20152.3Carol LagundoUpdated sections throughout to note deferred requirements and remove obsolete requirements.12/03/20152.4Carol LagundoAdded three new requirements for Partner Object Availability Date (section 3.3.4) and added Partner Object Availability Date definition to the Glossary of Terms.04/28/20163.0NARA IQ TeamMigrated the DAS Requirements Document to the NARA System Requirements Specification (SyRS) and SyRS Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) standard templates. Added two new requirements to support the capability to cancel an ingest, and one new requirement for the capability to import Authority Lists. In addition, updated 10 requirements, added 23 requirements, and removed 24 requirements in order to bring the DAS Requirements baseline up-to-date and in-line with the requirements maintained by PPC in TFS. 09/27/20163.1NARA IQ TeamUpdated embedded requirements spreadsheet to add seven (7) new requirements to support Task Order 003 for DAS Delta Ingest.03/02/20173.2NARA IQ TeamUpdated three requirements for clarity in support of RFC IQ TeamUpdated one requirement (REQ 652) in support of DAS Release IQ TeamAdded one requirement (REQ 1415) in support of DAS Release IQ TeamAdded one requirement (REQ 1416) in support of DAS Release IQ TeamAdded and updated requirements in support of legacy DAS Releases 1.3 and 2.0, which were deployed in production in 2014-2015. Deferred two requirements relating to Basic Search, and added new requirements in support of DAS Release Requirements Management Division (IR)Revised the search requirements in the RVTM and accompanying search tables in the SyRS in support of DAS Task Order 6 and the move to Elasticsearch. Added new parent stakeholder requirements for all features throughout the RVTM to better organize the legacy requirements into a true hierarchy.10/18/20185.1NARA Requirements Management Division (IR)Removed numeric fields from Table 11 and added them to Table 15 for numeric field searches. Updated operators for the Running Time and Total Running Time searches in Table 15. Removed Object Type from the filters in Table 18.02/14/20195.2NARA Requirements Management Division (IR)Updated Tables 10-22 in support of minor search changes for Task Order 6.04/11/20195.3NARA Requirements Management Division (IR)Updated Tables 8, 11-12, 15-19, and 21 in support of minor search changes for Task Order 6 discovered during UAT.07/02/20195.4NARA Requirements Management Division (IR)Added 3 requirements for XML import error notification and search term highlighting; updated 1 requirement to clarify search term highlighting; and updated 7 requirements to mark them Obsolete and remove the digitizing import capability from the user interface in support of DAS Release Requirements Management Division (IR)Added one new requirement to support DAS Release and a new error notification for failed ingest files.07/07/20205.6NARA Requirements Management Division (IR)Updated two requirements and added six requirements to support DAS Release and fixes to the digitizing import capability.IntroductionThis section introduces the System Requirements Specification (SyRS) for the Description and Authority Services (DAS). It discusses the purpose and content of the document and provides an overview of the functionality that is addressed by the requirements.PurposeThis document provides the requirement specifications for NARA’s Description and Authority Services. The document describes the requirements related to each service as well as overall solution requirements. ScopeThe document addresses the full scope of the DAS project. Since this document is a requirements specification, every effort has been made to constrain the document to address “what the Description and Authority Services should do” (i.e., requirements) rather than “how the tool should do it” (i.e., design.) This approach was taken so the ultimate design of the Description and Authority Services is not inappropriately constrained.This document is organized into the following sections:Section 1, Introduction, contains the introduction to the document and a description of the description and authority services. Section 2, System Abstract, describes at a general level the major elements of the system, user classes and characteristics, and how they interact. The system overview includes appropriate diagrams and narrative to provide the context of the system, and lists assumptions and dependencies.Section 3, System Requirements, contains the constraints and functional requirements for DAS, as well as the non-functional requirements such as performance, availability, reliability, scalability, and usability requirements.AssumptionsThe following assumptions pertain to the contents of this document in general and to the requirements specifically:Public users shall be accessing the Authority Service data through the National Archives Catalog (NAC) system but not directly via the Authority Service.The tool shall be designed and implemented in alignment with NARA’s Enterprise Architecture guidance.The contractor shall be responsible for understanding service requirements and making service granularity decisions based on a set of well understood design criteria (vendor-defined and NARA-approved).Variable-length character fields shall have no length limit. Assumption is that a limit of up to 2GB is acceptable.The vendor and NARA shall work together to prototype and finalize display requirements.Workflow has not been accounted for in the LDM. NARA and the contractor will need to work together to determine the workflow entities and attributes.ReferencesThis section lists the documents that were utilized during the development of the DAS system requirements. It consists of two sub-sections, “Compliance” and “Guidance”. The documents listed under “Compliance” directly influenced the content of the stakeholder requirements (i.e., they contain requirements); the documents listed under “Guidance” contain information pertinent to the stakeholder requirements but do not themselves contain plianceDAS Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Version 1.0; Project Performance Corporation (PPC); 12/08/2010.DAS Requirements Document Version 2.4; NARA; 12/03/2015.Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide (LCDRG) Version 2.0; NARA; January 18, 2002.Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. '794 d), as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105 - 220), August 7, 1998 (original source in uscode.); United States Federal Government; 8/7/1998; and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); NIST Special Publication 800-53, revision 4; 4/2013.GuidanceNARA Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodology, Version 1.6; NARA; 11/27/2013.NARA Requirements Management Plan: Guide to Services, Version 3.3; NARA (IR); 2/18/2020.NARA Requirements Verification Traceability Matrix (RVTM) Template, Version 2.4; NARA (IR); 2/25/2019.NARA System Requirements Specification (SyRS) Template, Version 3.6; NARA (IR); 4/23/2018.International Standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011(E): Systems and software engineering —Life cycle processes — Requirements engineering; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE); 12/1/2011.System AbstractThis section introduces the Description and Authority Services (DAS) project and describes its system context.System Purpose The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) serves as a public service gateway between United States citizens and the records and archives of their Government. NARA’s mission is to serve American democracy by safeguarding and preserving the records of our Government, ensuring that the people can discover, use, and learn from this documentary heritage. NARA ensures continuing access to the essential documentation of the rights of American citizens and the actions of their government. NARA supports democracy, promotes civic education, and facilitates historical understanding of our national experience.Multiple NARA business process activities involve entering and/or looking up information about Organizations and People described in the Description and Authority Services requirements. It is possible these business processes may also need or want to update other information stored in the Description and Authority Services. These business activities are discrete business functions that cross multiple NARA business process areas and business offices, and are currently identified as functional requirements for multiple NARA IT systemsThe new Authority Service will create and maintain authority records for names of Federal agencies and other sources (organizations, people, etc.) of records in the National Archives’ custody as authority records. Additionally, the Authority Service will create and maintain thesauri authority files for subject headings, as well as code lists or ‘authority lists’. It shall interface/exchange data with the Description Service and shall interface with NARA’s National Archives Catalog (NAC) system providing context for archival materials in NARA’s holdings and ensuring that archival descriptions are indexed consistently. A review of the lifecycle description activities across NARA business process flows indicates that users of the Electronic Records Archive (ERA) and the Holdings Management System (HMS) need to reference or enter information about the creators of records in order to identify and understand the archival context of the records.The Description Service shall maintain descriptions of holdings at various levels of hierarchy, ranging from the broad level (Record Groups/Collections) to the detailed Item/Item (AV) level. It shall provide authorized data for public consumption including descriptive information about NARA’s holdings as well as links to digitized copies of archival holdings, and internal and external web pages.The Description Service shall be developed so that it may interface/exchange data with the Authority Service, NARA’s Electronic Records Archive (ERA) system, NARA’s Holdings Management System (HMS), and NARA’s National Archives Catalog (NAC) System via the DAS Application Programming Interface (API).System ScopeAuthority ServiceThe Authority Service shall provide context to the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) through the description of archival creators. The Authority Service shall also supply consistent data values for archival description access points and authority lists (in the Description Service). As designed, the Authority Service shall expand access to NARA’s knowledge base by providing both standardized index terms for precise retrieval and also full, indexable authority records for the richer recall of relevant materials. Description ServiceThe Description Service shall enable NARA staff to enter and track the review process for descriptions about NARA’s archival holdings. The tool shall be developed for NARA, which serves as a public service gateway between United States citizens and the records and archives of their government. System OverviewDescription Service Software PerspectiveThe Description Service shall enable authorized NARA staff to create, retrieve, update and delete archival descriptions. 451294564198500Archival Description is organized into five hierarchical levels comprising seven different types of description—Record Groups or Collections, Preliminary Descriptions (for Unprocessed Records), Series, File Units, and Items or Items (AV). Authorized versions of Preliminary Descriptions and Series description must link up to either a Record Group or a Collection. Every File Unit description must link up to a Series description. Every Item/Item (AV) description must link up to either a Series description or a File Unit description. These parent/child linkages maintain the hierarchy of the records. These linkages may be changed over time. Unless otherwise specified, the requirements in this document refer to the ‘current’ hierarchical relationships, not to former relationships. An Archival Control Group (ACG) is a grouping of archival materials and is identified as either a Record Group or a Collection. An Archival Materials Set (AMS) is a grouping of archival holdings that exist at the Preliminary Descriptions, Series, File Unit, or Item/Item (AV) level. Each Archival Materials Set may belong to one and only one current Archival Control Group at a time (the AMS may have formerly belonged to one or more different ACGs).The term Archival Description is used to refer to any record that contains information for existing archival materials. An Archival Description can be either an Archival Control Group record or an Archival Materials Set record.Authority files are used to ensure that Description Service index entries use consistent headings. Requirements for authority files and authority lists are covered in the Authority Service Requirements Specification.The word domain is used to logically separate archival descriptions from authority headings and to further separate ‘Under Edit’ descriptions from ‘Approved’ descriptions that are ready for web publication.Authority Service Software Perspective The Authority Service will enable authorized NARA staff to create, retrieve, update and delete authority records. Authority Files are collections of authority records. They provide a source of access points for indexing archival descriptions and/or other authority records with consistent headings. Two Authority Files in DAS (Organizations and Person Names) also provide context for NARA holdings by capturing the historical background of the organizations and individuals who created the archival materials.Each record in an Authority File has a heading or display name (created by concatenating separate fields of information) that represents the name of the Person, Organization, Geographic Area, Program Area, Specific Records Type, or Topical Subject captured in the authority record.An authority record shall be further designated as either a preferred term or a non-preferred term. Only the headings or display names of preferred terms shall serve as indexable data values for access points in DAS. The application of consistent preferred terminology provides for precise retrieval within DAS. Non-preferred terms are synonyms or variants that have not been selected as authorized headings/display names and are captured so that users can search on any known term and be guided to the preferred term. Non-preferred terms may also be used as alternative access pathways to indexed material when associated with the preferred terms in a search engine.Authority Lists are also used to standardize data values; however, these are simpler forms of authorities, and for the purpose of this document are treated as a separate category because the requirements are less complex.The Authority Service has three conceptual Authority Files – (1) Organizations, (2) Person Names and (3) Subjects – as well as numerous pick lists that are managed as Authority Lists. The term ‘record type’ is used to distinguish a class of information within an authority. The record types provide data values for specific attributes found in the Description and Authority Services.The Organization Authority File data structure can be found in the Authority Service LDM. It provides a graphical representation of the structure. The organization data structure is compatible with the external standards ISAAR(CPF) and EAC. Part Two of the LCDRG documents the data content standards for this record type.Record Types:OrganizationControls data values in the following Description Service attributes:Creating OrganizationOrganizational ContributorOrganizational DonorOrganizational ReferenceThe Person Name Authority data structure matches MARC 21. Record Types:PersonControls data values in the following Description Service attributes:Creating IndividualPersonal ContributorPersonal DonorPersonal ReferenceControls data values in the following Authority Service attribute:Organizations: Personal ReferenceThe Subject Authority hierarchical data structure is based on the ANSI/NISO Z39.19 standard Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies. The Authority File is divided into four separate authority files that have distinct data content standards:The Geographic Reference authority file is controlled by a content standard provided by the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN).Record Types:Geographic ReferenceControls data values in the following Description Service attribute:Geographic ReferenceControls data values in the following Authority Service attribute:Organizations: JurisdictionThe Program Area authority file is controlled by a content standard that is NARA-specific.Record Type:Program AreaControls data values in the following Authority Service attribute:Organizations: Program AreaThe Specific Record Type authority file is controlled by a content standard provided by the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).Record Types:Specific Records TypeControls data values in the following Description Service attribute:Specific Records TypeThe Topical Subject authority file is controlled by a content standard that is NARA-specific, but is compatible with the Library of Congress rules established for in Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings.Record Types:Topical SubjectControls data values in the following Description Service attribute:Topical SubjectAuthority Lists are “pick lists” that have simple, non-hierarchical data structures. These pick lists control data values in DAS or in other external lifecycle systems.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: DAS Authority ListsAuthority List Record TypesControlled Attribute(s)Access Restriction Status Access Restriction StatusAccession NumberAccession NumberAgency and Record Group MappingAgency and Record Group MappingBaseBaseBegin CongressBegin CongressClass IdentifierClass IdentifierColorColorCopy StatusCopy StatusContributor TypeOrganizational Contributor TypePersonal Contributor TypeCreator TypeCreating Individual Creator TypeCreating Organization Creator TypeDate QualifierArchival Descriptions:Broadcast Date QualifierCopyright Date QualifierCoverage End Date QualifierCoverage Start Date QualifierDescription Date QualifierInclusive End Date QualifierInclusive Start Date QualifierProduction Date QualifierRelease Date QualifierAuthority Records:Organization: Abolish Date QualifierOrganization: Establish Date QualifierPerson: Birth Date QualifierPerson: Death Date QualifierData Control GroupData Control GroupDescription StatusDescription StatusDescription TypeDescription TypeDifficulty LevelDifficulty LevelDigitizing Project/PartnershipDigitizing Project/Partnership NameDimensionDimensionDisposition Authority NumberDisposition Authority NumberDisposition CodeDisposition CodeEdit StatusEdit StatusElement NumberElement NumberEmulsionEmulsionEnd CongressEnd CongressFinding Aid TypeFinding Aid TypeFinding Aid URLFinding Aid URLFormatFormatGeneral Media Type General Media TypeGeneral Records TypeGeneral Records TypeGPRA IndicatorGPRA IndicatorHoldings Measurement TypeHoldings Measurement TypeInternal Transfer NumberInternal Transfer NumberLanguageLanguageLegal Transfer TypeLegal Transfer TypeLocation FacilityLocation FacilityLocation Facility and Custodial UnitLocation Facility and Custodial UnitMedia DispositionMedia DispositionMicroform PublicationsMicroform Publication IdentifierMicroform Publication TitleObject TypesObject TypesOnline ResourceOnline ResourceOther Preservation CharacteristicsOther Preservation CharacteristicsParty DesignationParty DesignationPriorityPriorityProcessProcessRecord CoveredRecord CoveredRecording SpeedRecording SpeedRecords Center Transfer NumbersRecords Center Transfer NumbersRecord SourcePerson Name: Record SourceOrganization: Record SourceGeographic: Record SourceProgram Area: Record SourceSpecific Records Type: Record SourceTopical Subject: Record SourceReference UnitReference UnitRetention InstructionsRetention InstructionsReview Canned LanguageReview Canned LanguageRG Number and RG TitleRG Number and RG TitleRoll TypeRoll TypeSecurity ClassificationSecurity ClassificationSound TypeSound TypeSoundtrack ConfigurationSoundtrack ConfigurationSpecial MarkingSpecial MarkingSpecial ProjectSpecial ProjectSpecific Access Restriction TypeSpecific Access Restriction TypeSpecific Media TypeSpecific Media TypeSpecific Use RestrictionSpecific Use RestrictionStatutory CitationStatutory CitationTape ThicknessTape ThicknessTransaction Number TypeTransaction Number TypeTransfer Guidance Category NameTransfer Guidance Category NameTransfer InstructionsTransfer InstructionsTransfer Problem TypeTransfer Problem TypeUse Restriction StatusUse Restriction StatusVariant Control Number TypeVariant Control Number TypeWindWindUser Groups and CharacteristicsEach user performs data entry of archival descriptions or authority records, and is part of a User Group. The User Groups determine permissions for data entry, as well as for creating and saving searches and/or folders. Users are assigned to User Groups based on the actions they need to be able to perform and the data they need to have access to in the system. Users are also assigned to ‘Data Control Groups’ based on their Reference Unit, which controls the data they are allowed to create and update and in DAS. Below are the characteristics and permissions for both the Description and Authority User Groups.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: Description User Groups User GroupCharacteristicsMain Tool Component(s)?UsedMain User GroupsAll Main User GroupsUsers who are able to edit data in the Description Service have, at a minimum, the following data entry permissions.Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (C/R/U/D) permissions for ‘Under Edit’ records that match his/her assigned Data Control Group(s) (DCG).Create Edit Versions of ‘Approved’ records that match his/her assigned DCG(s).Create Close Copies of ‘Approved’ and ‘Under Edit’ records regardless of the DCG value(s).Mark descriptions as completed and ready for review.View review comments for descriptions they marked as ready for review.Update descriptions that require changes per the quality review process and mark them as ready for re-review.Provide comments explaining non-compliance with individual review comment(s).Users also have the ability to create, view, update, and delete Saved Searches for archival descriptions via the use of folders.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Main User Groups: Local ReviewAll Local Review User GroupsMembers of these User Groups may also carry out the following functions for ‘Under Edit’ archival descriptions they have permission to modify:Create, modify, and delete their own review comments and mark descriptions ready for “local compliance.”Generate and print a ‘Review Sheet’, containing all of the review comments entered by the reviewer for each description.Review local compliance comments at the same time as the updated description, to ensure that all required changes were made to the description, and if not, why not.Mark descriptions as ready for the next level of review.Delete local review compliance comments.Create central review non-compliance comment(s) prior to marking descriptions as ready for re-review at the next level.Main User Groups: Central Review Central Staff Level 1This User Group may make changes to descriptions of any description type.Same as all local review permissions, but users within this group may also:Create, modify, and delete their own review comments and mark descriptions ready for “local compliance” for ‘Under Edit’ archival descriptions of any type and assigned to any Data Control Group.Mark descriptions as ready for the next level of review.Review Central Compliance comments at the same time as the updated description, to ensure that all required changes were made to the description, and if not, why not.Mark individual review comments as being fixed/completed or not fixed/not completed.Mark descriptions as ready for re-review.View Archival Description tracking filters.Enter tracking data as needed.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Central Staff Level 2Same as Central Staff Level 1, except members of this group also have the following abilities:Mark any ‘Under Edit’ descriptions as ‘Approved’.Create, modify, and delete ‘canned/standard review language’.Mark any ‘Under Edit’ descriptions as ‘Approved’, but with changes made by the reviewer.Create review comments.Modify and Delete review comments provided by any reviewer.Generate and print a ‘tracked changes’ report for the ‘Central Staff Level 1’ reviewer, showing what changes were made to the first level review comments.Mark descriptions as ready for “central staff compliance.”Assign batches of archival descriptions for review to both ‘Central Staff’ Levels 1 and 2 reviewers.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Supplemental User Groups: Members in these user groups must also belong to one of the main user groups.Import DataUsers can:Import descriptions via XML files as opposed to manually entering the data.Import Digital Objects to Approved descriptions.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Global ChangesThese users (OPA Manager and Authority Manager) may perform the following functions globally across all records in any record type to which they have create/update/delete permissions:update records, globally delete recordscreate new, update, and delete field valuesTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3: Authority User Groups User GroupCharacteristicsMain ToolComponent(s)?Used Main User GroupsAll Main User GroupsAll users may search the main Authority Files (Organizations, People, Subjects), as well as Authority Lists.All users may also create, view, update, and delete Saved Searches for authority records via the use of folders.Archival Description StaffIncludes users from archival description program units. This User Group is split into multiple groups within the Description Service, but in relation to the Authority Service, this user group may Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete (C/R/U/D) archival lifecycle numbers as managed by associated Authority Lists.In order to populate archival description attributes controlled by the authorities, users may also search for and select from an authority and link authority records to the archival descriptions.C/R/U/D authority records in the lifecycle numbers Authority List record types:Disposition Authority NumberRecords Center Transfer NumberAccession NumberInternal Transfer NumberRetrieve/Select authority records and link them to archival descriptions in the Description Service.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Central Authority Staff Level 1Users within this group have the same abilities as the Archival Description Staff User Group as well as the following:Users within this group may C/R/U/D authority records in the Organization, Person Name, and Subject authorities as well as a limited number of Authority Lists.Users may also create and view Saved Searches. Users may also grant other users the right to view, update, or delete the Saved SearchesC/R/U/D records in the Organization, Person Name and Subject authorities.C/R/U/D records in multiple Authority Lists.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Central Authority Staff Level 2Users within this group have the same abilities as the Central Authority Staff Level 1 User Group as well as the following:Review and Approve all authority recordsC/R/U/D additional Authority ListsC/R/U/D records in the main authorities (Organizations, Person Names, Subjects).C/R/U/D records in multiple Authority Lists.See the Appendix for Data Entry Permissions.Supplemental User Groups: Members in these user groups also belong to one of the main user groups.Global ChangesThese users (OPA Manager and Authority Manager) may perform the following functions globally across all records in any record type to which they have create/update/delete permissions:Update records, globally delete recordsCreate new, update, and delete field valuesThe System Administrator role is used to perform customization and configuration of the tool. The System Administrator is defined as the user account that encompasses full application management.System RequirementsThis section describes how the DAS requirements are organized and provides access to the requirements via an embedded Microsoft? Excel? object.AttributesThis section describes some of the attributes of a system requirement utilized for the DAS system.TypesTwo types of requirements are specified in Figure 1.0. The attached requirements spreadsheet includes only one type, System requirements, for the DAS system.Figure 1.0: Types of RequirementsCategoryDescriptionStakeholderStakeholder requirements define decisions about business needs, goals, and objectives from the perspective of the stakeholders and their role in the business.Stakeholder requirements are expected to decompose the business requirements.Stakeholder requirements are included with the system requirements to provide traceability and to promote a better understanding of the system requirements.SystemA system requirement is a characteristic or feature that must be included in an information system to satisfy business requirements and be acceptable to users.System requirements are expected to decompose the stakeholder requirements. CategoriesThree categories of system requirements are utilized for DAS, as specified in Figure 2.0.Figure 2.0 Categories of System RequirementsCategoryDescriptionConstraintConstraints limit the options open to a designer of a solution by imposing immovable boundaries and limits (e.g., the system shall incorporate a legacy or provided system element, or certain data shall be maintained in an on-line repository).FunctionalFunctional requirements describe the system functions or tasks to be performed.Non-FunctionalNon-Functional requirements identify operational or system properties. They define how a system should be. Information Management, Availability, Backup and Recovery, Compatibility, Maintainability, Reliability, Transferability, Performance, Capacity, Scalability, Security, Usability, and Interface requirements are examples of this type.Verbs and GrammarEach requirement is formulated as a “shall” statement. For example, “The tool shall provide a means for the user to do a basic search.”The standard verbs listed in Figure 3.0 are used in the text of the system requirements for DAS.Figure 3.0 Verbs in System RequirementsVerbDescriptionshallMandatory (binding: requirement)Example: “The system shall require...”willOptional (non-binding provisions: facts or declaration of purpose).Example: “The system will enable...”shouldSuggestion or allowance (goal).Example: “The system should...”The standard grammar listed in Figure 4.0 is used in the text of the system requirements for DAS.Figure 4.0 Grammar in System RequirementsPhraseDescriptionshall require a userAction performed by a DAS user: required when the associated business process or task is performed.shall enable a userAction optionally performed by a DAS user.shall provide the capability toAction that may be performed by a DAS user or automatically by the system.shall verbAction performed automatically by the systemRequirementsThe DAS system requirements are maintained in a Microsoft? Excel? workbook that is embedded in this document. To view the contents of this workbook, double-click the following icon.↑ double-click to open ↑Note: You must have Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer to view the above workbook.The equivalent “viewing” application may also be used.This workbook consists of two worksheets:RequirementsThis worksheet contains the Requirement Id (i.e., Req #), requirements text and related information. The contents of this worksheet are sorted in ascending order by “Legacy Req Id”.Standard ValuesThis worksheet contains the lists of standard IQ values that are used to instantiate drop-down lists for some of the columns of the Requirements worksheet.The columns in the Requirements worksheet are defined as follows:Req #A unique identifier for the requirement as assigned in the IQ Management System (i.e., HP ALM.)Legacy Req IDThe legacy requirement number used in the original hard copy version of the DAS Requirements Document in MS Word.Requirement TextThe text of the requirement.TypeThe type of the requirement, such as "Stakeholder" or "System". Refer to REF _Ref445889322 \h Figure 1.0.CategoryThe category of the requirement, such as "Functional" or "Non-functional". Refer to Figure 2.0 Categories of System Requirements.FeatureThe high-level function, capability, feature or other grouping that has meaning for the stakeholders. For categories of requirements other than "stakeholder", the system requirement should inherit its Feature from its parent stakeholder requirement.Req PriorityThe priority of the parent stakeholder requirement as assigned by the stakeholders "flowed down" to the system requirement.The valid values for this column (MoSCoW) are recorded in Section 6 of Reference REF _Ref431906679 \r \h 1.3.2-2 and are reproduced below:Mustrequirements that are CRITICAL to meeting the project's objectivesShouldrequirements that are critical and should be included if possible, but can be excludedCouldrequirements that are part of the project's scope and add or enhance project benefitsWouldrequirements that do not have a significant impact on project benefits or could be considered as a “would like to have”StatusThe status of the requirement.Target ReleaseThe release number for which the requirement will be developed and implemented.NotesPertinent additional information about the requirement.For example, it is sometimes very difficult to state a function clearly and precisely without resorting to confusing language syntax. In this case, simpler and more easily understood requirement text should be used with additional information under “Notes” which expands upon the intent of the requirement.Tables that Support the DAS RequirementsThe following tables are those referenced within the requirements ‘shall’ statements enclosed within the embedded Requirements Verification Traceability Matrix (RVTM) spreadsheet.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4: Keyword Searching – Ignored Punctuation MarksPunctuation MarkName of Punctuation.Period!Exclamation Point@‘at’ Sign#Pound Sign^Caret+Plus Sign&Ampersand=Equal Sign[Left Square Bracket]Right Square Bracket|Divider Bar;Semi-Colon,Comma<Left Angle Bracket>Right Angle Bracket\Back Slash?Question Mark~Tilde’Single ApostropheTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5: Keyword Searching – Stop Lista?because?have?last?on?such?we?after?been?he?more?one?than?were?all?but?her?most?other?that?when?also?by?his?mr?out?the?which?an?can?if?mrs?over?their?who?any?could?in?ms?s?there?will?are?for?into?mz?so?they?with?as?from?is?no?says?this?would?at?had?it?only?she?to?up?be?has?its?of?some?was?Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6: Description Basic SearchThe Description Basic Search is a keyword search over selected archival description fields. The following archival descriptions fields are indexed and searched when selecting the Description Basic Search in DAS.Fields to SearchCommentsNAIDTitleLocal IDAccession NumberVariant Control NumberParent NAIDRecord Group NumberScope and Content NoteGeneral NoteCustodial History NoteDate NoteCollection IdentifierCreating IndividualSearch on the Person Name HeadingCreating OrganizationSearch on the Organization Name HeadingTopical ReferencePersonal ReferenceSearch on the Person Name HeadingOrganizational ReferenceSearch on the Organization Name HeadingGeographic ReferenceOrganizational ContributorSearch on the Organization Name HeadingPersonal ContributorSearch on the Person Name HeadingTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 7: Authority Basic SearchThe Authority Basic Search is a keyword search over selected authority fields. The following authority record fields are indexed and searched when selecting the Authority Basic Search in DAS.Fields to SearchCommentsAdministrative History NoteBiographical NoteDescriptionHeadingThis searches the Organization Name Heading, Person Name Heading, Topical Subject Heading, Geographic Reference Heading, Specific Records Type Heading, and Program Area Heading.JurisdictionNoteNotesScope NoteSource NoteTerm Name / Data ElementThis searches across all Authority Lists on the Term Name or Data Element field (e.g., Access Restriction Status, Base, Color, etc.)TitleVariant NameTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 8: Description Pre-Defined SearchesThese pre-defined description searches are available to DAS users in the search criteria builder. DAS users simply select the search and add their search parameters to the pre-configured search.Search NameType of SearchFields to SearchCommentsCollection IdentifierKeyword SearchCollection IdentifierThis search should only retrieve Collections (and not associated children).Record Group NumberKeyword SearchRecord Group NumberThis search should only retrieve Record Groups (and not associated children).Variant Control NumberKeyword SearchVariant Control NumberParent Series NAIDExact Match SearchParent Series NAIDThis search should search the National Archives Identifier of the parent Series description for File Units, Items, and Items (AV).Local IdentifierKeyword SearchLocal IdentifierNAIDExact Match SearchNational Archives IdentifierTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 9: Authority Pre-Defined SearchesThese pre-defined authority searches are available to DAS users in the search criteria builder. DAS users simply select the search and add their search parameters to the pre-configured search.Search NameType of SearchFields to SearchCommentsOrganizationsOrganization: Variant NameKeyword SearchVariant Organization NameOrganization: JurisdictionKeyword SearchJurisdictionOrganization: Personal ReferenceKeyword SearchPersonal ReferenceOrganization: Program AreaKeyword SearchProgram AreaOrganization: Administrative History Note KeywordKeyword SearchAdministrative History NotePerson NamesPerson Name: Creating Individual KeywordKeyword SearchName (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Biographical NoteLimited to Person authority records linked to Archival Descriptions as a Creating Individual.Person Name: HeadingBegins WithName (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Topical SubjectsTopical Subject: Full KeywordKeyword SearchTopical Subject Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Scope NoteSource NoteSource Not Found NoteSpecial Project NameNotesTopical Subject: HeadingBegins WithTopical Subject Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Geographic ReferencesGeographic Reference: Full KeywordKeyword SearchGeographic Reference: Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Scope NoteSource NoteSpecial Project NameNotesGeographic Reference: Heading Begins WithGeographic Display Name (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Specific Records TypesSpecific Records Type: Full KeywordKeyword SearchSpecific Records Type Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Scope NoteSource NoteSpecial Project NameNotesSpecific Records Type: HeadingBegins WithSpecific Records Type Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Program AreasProgram Area: Full KeywordKeyword Search Program Area Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Scope NoteSource NoteSpecial Project NameSource Not Found NoteNotesProgram Area: HeadingBegins WithProgram Area Heading (Preferred and Non-Preferred)Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 10: Description Advanced Searches on Note FieldsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesRecord GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)ContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankDate NoteScope and Content NoteStaff Only NoteRecord GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankFinding Aid NoteFinding Aid SourceCollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)ContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankVariant Control NumberVariant Control Number NoteSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)ContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankAccess Restriction NoteCustodial History NoteExtentGeneral NoteLocation NoteMedia Occurrence NoteMicroform Publication NotePhysical Occurrence NotePhysical Restriction NoteScale NoteTechnical Access Requirements NoteTransfer NoteUse Restriction NoteSeriesFile UnitContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankArrangementSeriesContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankContainer ListFunction and UseNumbering NoteItemItem (AV)ContainsDoes Not ContainIs BlankIs Not BlankShot ListSubtitleTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 11: Description Advanced Searches on Small Text FieldsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesRecord GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs BlankIs Not BlankDescription AuthorRecord GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs Not BlankTitleRecord GroupEqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs BlankIs Not BlankRecord Group NumberCollectionEqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs BlankIs Not BlankCollection IdentifierSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs BlankIs Not BlankContainer IDLocal Identifier Other Title EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithAccess File NameLabel FlagObject DescriptionObject DesignatorObject IdentifierThumbnail FilenameSeriesEqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs Not BlankFormer Collection Title Former Record Group Title Parent Collection IdentifierParent Collection TitleParent Record Group NumberParent Record Group TitleFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs Not BlankParent Series Former Collection TitleParent Series Former Record Group TitleParent Series Parent Collection IdentifierParent Series Parent Collection TitleParent Series Parent Record Group NumberParent Series Parent Record Group TitleParent Series TitleItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs Not BlankParent File Unit Parent Series Parent Collection IdentifierParent File Unit Parent Series Parent Collection TitleParent File Unit Parent Series Parent Record Group NumberParent File Unit Parent Series Parent Record Group TitleParent File Unit Parent Series TitleParent File Unit TitleItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualContainsDoes Not ContainBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithIs BlankIs Not BlankProduction Series NumberProduction Series SubtitleProduction Series TitleTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 12: Description Advanced Searches on Authority – Controlled FieldsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesRecord GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsFinding Aid URLCollectionContainsEqualsDoes Not EqualIs BlankIs Not BlankBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithOrganizational DonorPersonal DonorSeriesContainsEqualsDoes Not EqualIs BlankIs Not BlankBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithCreating IndividualCreating OrganizationDisposition Authority NumberHoldings Measurement TypeSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)ContainsEqualsDoes Not EqualIs BlankIs Not BlankBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithAccession NumberGeographic ReferenceInternal Transfer NumberLanguageMicroform Publication IdentifierMicroform Publication TitleOnline ResourceOrganizational ContributorOrganizational ReferencePersonal ContributorPersonal ReferenceRecords Center Transfer NumberSpecific Records TypeTopical SubjectFile UnitItemItem (AV)ContainsEqualsDoes Not EqualIs BlankIs Not BlankBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithParent Series Creating IndividualParent Series Creating OrganizationItemItem (AV)ContainsEqualsDoes Not EqualIs BlankIs Not BlankBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithParent File Unit Parent Series Creating IndividualParent File Unit Parent Series Creating OrganizationTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 13: Description Advanced Searches on Authority List FieldsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesAll:Record GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)Begins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsDoes Not EqualData Control GroupBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsDoes Not EqualIs BlankIs Not BlankSpecial ProjectRecord GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitEqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankFinding Aid File Type Finding Aid Type CollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankVariant Control Number TypeSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankAccess Restriction StatusColorCopy StatusDimensionGeneral Media TypeGeneral Record TypeLocation FacilityOrganizational Contributor TypeParty DesignationPersonal Contributor TypeProcessReference UnitSecurity ClassificationSpecific Access RestrictionSpecific Media TypeSpecific Use RestrictionUse Restriction StatusBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsApproved ByBrought Under Edit ByChanged ByEntered ByEqualsObject TypeSeriesFile UnitItem (AV)EqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankEdit StatusSeriesEqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankCreating Individual Creator Type Creating Organization Creator Type GPRA IndicatorFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankParent Series Creating Individual Creator TypeParent Series Creating Organization Creator TypeItemItem (AV)EqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankBaseEmulsionParent File Unit Parent Series Creating Individual Creator TypeParent File Unit Parent Series Creating Organization Creator TypeItem (AV)EqualsIs BlankIs Not BlankFormatRecording SpeedRollSoundtrack ConfigurationSoundtrack LanguageTape ThicknessWindTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 14: Description Advanced Searches on Date FieldsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesAll:Record GroupCollectionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToApproved OnBrought Under Edit OnCoverage End DateCoverage Start DateDate Changed/Changed OnDate Entered/Created DateImported OnCollectionEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToOrganization Donor Abolish DateOrganization Donor Establish DatePersonal Donor Birth DatePersonal Donor Death DateRecord GroupCollectionSeriesEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToInclusive Start DateInclusive End DateSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToOrganization Contributor Abolish Date Organization Contributor Establish Date Organization Reference Abolish Date Organization Reference Establish Date Personal Contributor Birth Date Personal Contributor Death Date Personal Reference Birth Date Personal Reference Death Date Partner Object Availability Date SeriesEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToCreating Individual Birth Date Creating Individual Death Date Creating Organization Abolish Date Creating Organization Establish Date File UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToParent Series Inclusive End DateParent Series Inclusive Start DateItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToCopyright DateProduction DateItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBroadcast DateRelease DateTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 15: Description Advanced Searches on Number FieldsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesAll:Record GroupCollectionPreliminary DescriptionSeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToNAID [National Archives Identifier]SeriesFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToAccess File SizeBegin CongressDepthEnd CongressHeightPiece CountReproduction CountThumbnail File SizeWidthSeriesEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToHoldings Measurement CountParent Collection NAIDParent Record Group NAIDFormer Collection NAIDFormer Record Group NAIDFile UnitItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToParent Series Former Collection NAIDParent Series Former Record Group NAIDParent Series NAIDParent Series Parent Collection NAIDParent Series Parent Record Group NAIDItemItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToParent File Unit NAIDParent File Unit Parent Series NAIDParent File Unit Parent Series Parent Collection NAIDParent File unit Parent Series Parent Record Group NAIDItem (AV)EqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToElement NumberFootageReel/Tape/Disc NumberTotal FootageEqualsDoes Not EqualRunning TimeTotal Running TimeTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 16: Authority Advanced Searches for Authority FilesRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesAll:OrganizationOrganization NamePerson NameTopical SubjectGeographic ReferenceSpecific Records TypeProgram AreaContainsDoes Not ContainAll Fields[Note: See Table 7 for the selected fields that are indexed for a basic search across “all fields”]Begins WithDoes Not Begin WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsHeading / Name Heading / Term NameBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsApproved ByChanged ByEntered ByEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToNAID [National Archives Identifier]Date EnteredDate ChangedDate ApprovedOrganizationBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsJurisdiction Term NameOrganization NamePersonal ReferenceProgram Area Term NameSpecial ProjectContainsDoes Not ContainAdministrative History NoteSource NoteDoes Not EqualEqualsNACO SubmittedEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToOrganization Name NAIDOrganization NameBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsProposer NameProposer's Reference UnitRecord SourceVariant NameEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToEstablish DateAbolish DatePerson NameBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsImport Record Control NumberProposer NameProposer's Reference UnitRecord SourceSpecial ProjectContainsDoes Not ContainBiographical NoteNotesSource NoteEqualsDoes Not EqualBetweenGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBirth DateDeath DateDoes Not EqualEqualsNACO SubmittedTopical SubjectGeographic ReferenceSpecific Records TypeProgram AreaBegins WithDoes Not Begin WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsImport Record Control NumberProposer NameProposer's Reference UnitRecord SourceSpecial ProjectContainsDoes Not ContainNotesScope NoteSource NoteDoes Not EqualEqualsSACO SubmittedTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 17: Authority Advanced Searches for Authority ListsRecord TypeOperatorsField NamesAll Authority Lists[Note: The label in the DAS user interface for this search is “All”]Begins WithDoes Not Begin WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsTerm Name / Data Element / NumberApproved ByChanged ByEqualsDoes Not EqualGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBetweenNAID [National Archives Identifier]Date ApprovedDate ChangedDate EnteredBegin CongressEnd CongressEqualsDoes Not EqualGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBetween End DateStart DateFinding Aid URLOnline Resource URLContainsDescriptionNoteBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsURLHoldings Measurement TypeBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsCodeTypeMicroform Publication TitleBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsIdentifierObject TypeBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsMIME TypeReview Canned LanguageContainsBrief StatementFieldFull StatementReference UnitBegins WithContainsDoes Not ContainEqualsNameTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 18: Filter Options for Archival Description SearchesFilter AttributeOperatorsCommentsAccess Restriction StatusEquals??Base?Color?Copy Status?Creating Individual – Creator Type?Dimension?Emulsion?Finding Aid Type?Format?General Media Type?General Records Type?Location Facility?Process?Recording Speed ?Reference Unit?Roll?Security Classification?Sound Type?Soundtrack Configuration?Special Project?Specific Access Restriction?Specific Media Type?Specific Records Type?Specific Use Restriction?Tape Thickness?Use Restriction Status?Variant Control Number TypeBroadcast DateEqualsGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBetween?Copyright Date?Coverage End Date?Coverage Start Date?Date Changed?Date Entered?Description Date?Inclusive End Date?Inclusive Start Date?NAID?Production Date?Release Date?Workflow DatesFilters on dates associated with completed review steps.Changed ByBegins WithContainsEqualsIs Blank?Collection Identifier?Creating IndividualFilter on the Person Name Heading.Creating OrganizationFilter on the Organization Name Heading.Data Control GroupDescription TypeEntered ByFormer Collection IdentifierFormer Record Group NumberGeographic ReferenceHoldings Measurement TypeLanguageMicroform Publication IdentifierOnline ResourceOrganizational ContributorFilter on the Organization Name anizational DonorFilter on the Organization Name anizational ReferenceFilter on the Organization Name Heading.Personal ContributorFilter on the Person Name Heading.Personal DonorFilter on the Person Name Heading.Personal ReferenceFilter on the Person Name Heading.Record Group NumberReview Batch NumberThe batch number assigned to a batch of descriptions for Central Staff review, e.g., ical SubjectVariant Control NumberTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 19: Filter Options for Authority SearchesFilter AttributeOperatorsCommentsAll Authority Files (Organizations, People, Subjects)Authority TypeBegins WithContainsEqualsGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToIs BlankLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBetween?Changed ByIs PreferredEqualsOrganization Name FiltersEntered ByBegins WithContainsEqualsGreater ThanGreater Than or Equal ToIs BlankLess ThanLess Than or Equal ToBetweenReference UnitEqualsThis is the Reference Unit that proposed a particular Organization Name.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 20: Sort Options for Archival Descriptions SearchesSort AttributeCommentsAccess Restriction StatusNational Archives IdentifierCollection IdentifierCoverage End DateCoverage Start DateCreating IndividualSort on the Person Name HeadingCreating Individual: Birth DateCreating Individual: Death DateCreating OrganizationSort on the Organization Name HeadingCreating Organization: Abolish DateCreating Organization: Establish DateData Control GroupDate EnteredEntered ByDate Last ChangedLast Changed ByDescription TypeFormer Collection IdentifierFormer Record Group NumberInclusive End DateInclusive Start DateLocation FacilityRecord Group NumberReference UnitTitleUse Restriction StatusVariant Control NumberVariant Control Number TypeTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 21: Sort Options for Authority SearchesSort AttributeCommentsAll AuthoritiesAuthority TypeThe type of authority such as Organization Name, Person Name, Topical Subject, Base, Color, anization SortsAbolish Date Relates only to OrganizationsEstablish DateRelates only to OrganizationsHeadingCase insensitive order Organization Name Date EnteredRelates only to OrganizationsOrganization Name Entered ByRelates only to OrganizationsOrganization Name Date ChangedRelates only to OrganizationsOrganization Name Changed ByRelates only to OrganizationsDate ChangedThis relates to the last date any part of the full Organization record was changed and not just to the last date that a specific Organization Name was changed.Changed ByThis relates to whoever last changed any part of the full Organization record and not just to the Organization Name(s).Record SourceSpecial ProjectPerson SortsDisplay NameEntered ByDate EnteredLast Changed ByDate Last ChangedRecord SourceSpecial Project NameSubject Sorts (Topical Subject, Geographic Reference, Specific Records Type, Program Area)HeadingDefault (sort by Heading is in case insensitive order)Date Last ChangedLast Changed BySpecial Project NameTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 22: Archival Description Layouts – Secondary SearchesFieldSearch NameCommentsCollectionsOrganizational DonorOrganization Authority File: All Names KeywordDefaultOrganization Authority File: Names OR Variant Names KeywordOrganization Authority File: Full KeywordPersonal DonorPerson Name: Full KeywordDefaultPerson Name: Heading Preliminary DescriptionsContained ByRecord Group NumberDefaultCollection IdentifierRecord Group/Collection TitleRecord Group/Collection National Archives IdentifierSeriesContained ByRecord Group NumberDefaultCollection IdentifierRecord Group/Collection TitleRecord Group/Collection National Archives IdentifierFormerly Contained ByRecord Group NumberCollection IdentifierRecord Group/Collection TitleRecord Group/Collection National Archives IdentifierCreating OrganizationOrganizational ContributorOrganizational ReferenceOrganization Authority File: All Names KeywordDefaultOrganization Authority File: Names OR Variant Names KeywordOrganization Authority File: Full KeywordCreating IndividualPersonal ContributorPersonal ReferencePerson Name: HeadingPerson Name: Full KeywordFile UnitsContained bySeries: Title/Creating Organization DefaultSeries: Title/Creating IndividualSeries: TitleSeries: National Archives IdentifierItems and Items (AV)Contained bySeries: Title/Creating Organization Series: Title/Creating IndividualSeries: National Archives IdentifierHierarchy: File Unit TitleHierarchy: File Unit National Archives IdentifierTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 23: Authority Record Layouts – Secondary SearchesFieldSearch NameCommentsOrganization Secondary SearchesJurisdictionGeographic Reference: NAIDGeographic Reference: Display NameDefaultGeographic Reference: Full KeywordPersonal ReferencePerson Name: HeadingDefaultPerson Name: Full Keyword Person Name: NAIDProgram AreaProgram Area: HeadingDefaultProgram Area: Full KeywordProgram Area: NAIDProgram Area: Begins WithOrganization Name Secondary SearchesPredecessorSuccessorOrganization Authority File: All Names KeywordDefaultOrganization Authority File: Organization NamePerson Name Secondary SearchesSee AlsoPerson Name: HeadingDefaultPerson Name: Full Keyword Topical Subject Secondary SearchesBroader TermNarrower TermRelated TermTopical Subject: HeadingDefaultTopical Subject: Full KeywordGeographic Reference Secondary SearchesBroader TermNarrower TermRelated TermGeographic Reference: Display Name DefaultGeographic Reference: Full KeywordSpecific Records Type Secondary SearchesBroader TermNarrower TermRelated TermSpecific Records Type: HeadingDefaultSpecific Records Type: Full KeywordProgram Area Secondary SearchesBroader TermNarrower TermRelated TermProgram Area: HeadingProgram Area: Full KeywordTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 24: Default Field Values for Archival DescriptionsLevel of DescriptionField NameDefault ValueSeriesGeneral Records TypeThe default shall be set based on the user’s Data Control Group:RDSC = Maps and ChartsRDSM = Moving ImagesRDSS = Photographs and other Graphic MaterialsRDTP1 and RDTP2 = Textual RecordsLL = Textual RecordsRDEP = Data FilesAll RE*, RL*, RM* and RW* Data Control Groups = Textual RecordsAll LP* Data Control Groups = Textual RecordsCopy StatusPreservation-Reproduction-ReferenceGPRA IndicatorYesReference UnitThe default shall be set based on the user’s Reference Unit. If the user is associated with more than one Reference Unit, the tool shall provide one as the default. Location FacilityThe default shall be set based on the user’s Location Facility.Special Media TypeThe default shall be set based on the description’s Data Control Group:RDSC = PaperRDSM = No default as choices will varyRDSS = No default as choices will varyRDTP1 and RDTP2 = PaperLL = PaperRDEP = No default as choices will varyAll RE*, RL*, RM* and RW* Data Control Groups = PaperAll LP Data Control Groups = PaperFile UnitGeneral Records TypeThe default shall be set based on the General Records Type for the parent Series.Access Restriction StatusThe default shall be set based on the Access Restriction Status of the parent Series.Specific Access Restriction/Security ClassificationThe default shall be set based on the Specific Access Restriction of the parent Series.Note: Security Classifications must be associated with Specific Access Restrictions.Access Restriction NoteThe default shall be set based on the Access Restriction Note of the parent Series.Use Restriction StatusThe default shall be set based on the Use Restriction Status of the parent Series.Specific Use RestrictionThe default shall be set based on the Specific Use Restriction of the parent Series.Use Restriction NoteThe default shall be set based on the Use Restriction Note of the parent Series.Copy StatusPreservation-Reproduction-ReferenceReference UnitThe default shall be set based on the user’s Reference Unit. If the user is associated with more than one Reference Unit, the tool shall provide one as the default. Location FacilityThe default shall be set based on the user’s Location Facility.Special Media TypeThe default shall be set based on the description’s Data Control Group:RDSC = PaperRDSM = No default as choices will varyRDSS = No default as choices will varyRDTP1 and RDTP2 = PaperLL = PaperRDEP = No default as choices will varyAll RE*, RL*, RM* and RW* Data Control Groups = PaperAll LP Data Control Groups = PaperItemReference UnitThe default shall be set based on the user’s Reference Unit. If the user is associated with more than one Reference Unit, the tool shall provide one as the default. Location FacilityThe default shall be set based on the user’s Location Facility.Item AVReference UnitThe default shall be set based on the user’s Reference Unit. If the user is associated with more than one Reference Unit, the tool shall provide one as the default. Location FacilityThe default shall be set based on the user’s Location Facility.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 25: Data-Determined Mandatory Elements for Archival Descriptions Data ElementStandards RequiredAccess FilenameEach digital object attached to a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description must have an Access Filename data value.Access File SizeEach digital object attached to a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description must have an Access File Size data value.Access Restriction NoteAn Access Restriction Note is required:If the Access Restriction Status is “Restricted – Possibly” or “Undetermined.”If a description has one or more of the following Specific Access Restriction data values:Donated – StatuteDonor RestrictedFOIA (b)(3) StatuteHouse RulePresidential Records Act (p)(3) StatuteSenateOtherAccess Restriction StatusFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,If Access Restriction Status is populated with "Restricted – Fully" or "Restricted – Partly", then one or more Specific Access Restrictions must be indicated.If Access Restriction Status is populated with “Restricted – Possibly" or “Undetermined”, then an Access Restriction Note must be provided.BaseFor descriptions with an Item and Item (AV) description type, to have Base, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Broadcast Date QualifierFor descriptions with Item and Item (AV) description types, a Broadcast Date Qualifier cannot be included unless the description has a Broadcast Date value.ColorFor descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, and Item (AV) description type, to have Color, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Container IDFor descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, and Item (AV) description type, to have Container ID, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Container ListFor descriptions with a Series description type, to have Container List, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Copyright Date QualifierFor descriptions with Item and Item (AV) description types, a Copyright Date Qualifier cannot be included unless the description has a Copyright Date value.Coverage End DateFor all description types, if Coverage Start Date is specified, then a Coverage End Date must be created.Coverage End Date QualifierFor all description types, to have a Coverage End Date Qualifier, a Coverage End Date must be created.Coverage Start DateFor all description types, if Coverage End Date is specified, then a Coverage Start Date must also be included.Coverage Start Date QualifierFor all description types, to have a Coverage Start Date Qualifier, a Coverage Start Date must be created.Creating Individual (inherited down to File Units and Items)For archival descriptions with a Series description type,The series may have only Creating Individual or Creating Organization value(s), but not both.Creating Individual Type must be provided for each Creating Individual.Creating Individual Type (inherited down to File Units and Items)If a series has Creating Individual value(s), Creating Individual Type must also be included with each value.Creating Organization (inherited down to File Units and Items)For archival descriptions with a Series description type, The series may have only Creating Organization or Creating Individual value(s), but not both.Creating Organization Type must be provided for each Creating Organization.Creating Organization Type (inherited down to File Units and Items)If a series has Creating Organization value(s), Creating Organization Type must also be included with each value.Date NoteFor all archival description types/levels, one or more of the date elements must be populated for a Date Note to have a data value.For archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, a Date Note must be included if multiple date elements are populated.DepthFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,Depth may not be populated if the Dimension attribute is populated.To have Depth, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.DimensionFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, Dimension may not be populated if Depth, Height, and/or Width is populated.To have Dimension, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Element NumberFor archival descriptions with an Item or Item (AV) description type, to have Element Number, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.EmulsionFor archival descriptions with an Item or Item (AV) description type, to have Emulsion, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.ExtentFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Extent, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Finding Aid NoteFor archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, to have Finding Aid Note, Finding Aid Type must be populated.Finding Aid SourceFor archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, to have Finding Aid Source, Finding Aid Type must be populated.FootageFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Footage, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.FormatFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Format, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.GPRA IndicatorFor archival descriptions with a Series description type, to have GPRA Indicator, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.HeightFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,Height may not be populated if the Dimension attribute is populated.To have Height, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Holdings Measurement CountFor archival descriptions with a Series description type,To have Holdings Measurement Count, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.For each type of holding in the Series, Holdings Measurement Count and Holdings Measurement Type must both be included.Holdings Measurement TypeFor archival descriptions with a Series description type, To have Holdings Measurement Type, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.For each type of holding in the Series, Holdings Measurement Count and Holdings Measurement Type must both be included.Inclusive End Date (inherited down to File Units and Items)For archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, if Inclusive Start Date is specified, then an Inclusive End Date must be created.Inclusive End Date Qualifier (inherited down to File Units and Items)For archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, to have an Inclusive End Date Qualifier, an Inclusive End Date must be created.Inclusive Start Date (inherited down to File Units and Items)For archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, if Inclusive End Date is specified, then an Inclusive Start Date must also be included.Inclusive Start Date Qualifier (inherited down to File Units and Items)For archival descriptions with Record Group, Collection, or Series description type, to have an Inclusive Start Date Qualifier, an Inclusive Start Date must be created.Location FacilityFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Location Facility, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Location NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,To have Location Note, Location Facility must be populated.To have Location Note, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Media Occurrence NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Media Occurrence Note, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Microform Publication IdentifierFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type that include references to Microform Publications, both Microform Publication Identifier and Microform Publication Title must both be included.Microform Publication TitleFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type that include references to Microform Publications, both Microform Publication Title and Microform Publication Identifier must both be included.Microform Publication NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, Microform Publication Note may only be populated if both Microform Publication Title and Microform Publication Identifier have been populated.Object IdentifierEach digital object attached to a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description must have an Object Identifier data value.Object TypeEach digital object attached to a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description must have an Object Type data value. Online Resource DescriptionFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Online Resource references are included, Online Resource Description and Online Resource URL must both be populated.Online Resource NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, to have Online Resource Note, Online Resource Description and Online Resource URL must both be populated.Online Resource URLFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Online Resource references are included, Online Resource Description and Online Resource URL must both be anizational ContributorFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Organizational Contributors are included, both Organizational Contributor and Organizational Contributor Type must be anizational Contributor TypeFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Organizational Contributors are included, both Organizational Contributor and Organizational Contributor Type must be populated.Other Preservation CharacteristicsFor archival descriptions with an Item or Item (AV) description type, to have a data value in Other Preservation Characteristics, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Personal ContributorFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Personal Contributors are included, both Personal Contributor and Personal Contributor Type must be populated.Personal Contributor TypeFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Personal Contributors are included, both Personal Contributor and Personal Contributor Type must be populated.Physical Occurrence NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Physical Occurrence Note, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Physical Restriction NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Physical Restriction Note, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Piece CountFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Piece Count, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.ProcessFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Process, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Production Date QualifierFor descriptions with Item and Item (AV) description types, a Production Date Qualifier cannot be included unless the description has a Production Date value.Production Series NumberFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, Production Series Number may only be populated if Production Series Title is populated.Production Series SubtitleFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, Production Series Subtitle may only be populated if Production Series Title is populated.Recording SpeedFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Recording Speed, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Reel/Tape/Disc NumberFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Reel/Tape/Disc Number, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Reference UnitFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Reference Unit, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Release Date QualifierFor descriptions with Item and Item (AV) description types, a Release Date Qualifier cannot be included unless the description has a Release Date value.Reproduction CountFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Reproduction Count, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.RollFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Roll, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Running Time: MinutesFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Running Time: Minutes, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Running Time: SecondsFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Running Time: Seconds, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Security ClassificationFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, the following Specific Access Restriction data values require that Security Classification be populated:Donated – Security ClassifiedFOIA (b)(1) National SecurityPresidential Records Act (p)(1) National Security ClassifiedPRMPA – National Security Classified (B)Soundtrack ConfigurationFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Soundtrack Configuration, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Soundtrack LanguageFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Soundtrack Language, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Specific Access Restriction For archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,A Specific Access Restriction is required if the Access Restriction Status is “Restricted-Fully” or “Restricted-Partly”.The following Specific Access Restriction data values require an Access Restriction Note:Donated – StatuteDonor RestrictedFOIA (b)(3) StatuteHouse RulePresidential Records Act (p)(3) StatuteSenateOtherThe following Specific Access Restriction data values require an accompanying Security Classification data value:Donated – Security ClassifiedFOIA (b)(1) National SecurityPresidential Records Act (p)(1) National Security ClassifiedPRMPA – National Security Classified (B)Specific Media TypeFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Specific Media Type, General Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Specific Use RestrictionFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,If Use Restriction Status is populated with "Restricted – Fully" or "Restricted – Partly", then one or more Specific Use Restrictions must be indicated.If one of the following Specific Use Restriction data values appear in an archival description, a Use Restriction Note is required.CopyrightDonor RestrictionsOtherService MarkTrademarkSubtitleFor archival descriptions with an Item or Item (AV) description type, to have Subtitle, Title must be created.Tape ThicknessFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Tape Thickness, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Technical Access Requirements NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV) description type, to have Technical Access Requirements Note, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Total FootageFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Total Footage, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Total Running Time: MinutesFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Total Running Time: Minutes, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Total Running Time: SecondsFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Total Running Time: Seconds, Copy Status must be populated for that copy (physical occurrence) of the materials.Transfer NoteFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, to have Transfer Note, either Internal Transfer Number or Records Center Transfer Number must be populated.Use Restriction NoteUse Restriction Note is requiredIf the Use Restriction Status is “Restricted – Possibly” or “Undetermined.”If the Specific Use Restriction is one of the following:CopyrightDonor RestrictionsOtherService MarkTrademarkUse Restriction StatusFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type,If Use Restriction Status is populated with "Restricted – Fully" or "Restricted – Partly", then one or more Specific Use Restrictions must be indicated.If Use Restriction Status is populated with “Restricted – Possibly" or “Undetermined”, a Use Restriction Note must be provided.Variant Control NumberFor archival descriptions with a Collection, Preliminary Description, Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Variant Control Number information is included, both Variant Control Number and Variant Control Number Type must be populated.Variant Control Number TypeFor archival descriptions with a Collection, Preliminary Description, Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Variant Control Number information is included, both Variant Control Number Type and Variant Control Number must be populated.Variant Control Number NoteFor archival descriptions with a Collection, Preliminary Description, Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, if Variant Control Number Note is populated, both Variant Control Number and Variant Control Number Type must also be populated.WidthFor archival descriptions with a Series, File Unit, Item or Item (AV) description type, Width may not be populated if the Dimension attribute is populated.To have Width, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.WindFor archival descriptions with an Item (AV) description type, to have Wind, Specific Media Type must be populated for the media occurrence.Description and Authority Service AppendicesAppendix A: GlossaryBelow are abbreviations and terms used in this document, as well as, those found in the requirements defined in the embedded Requirements Verification Traceability Matrix (RVTM).AbbreviationDescriptionAATArt & Architecture ThesaurusACGArchival Control GroupAMSArchival Materials SetANSIAmerican National Standard InstituteAPIApplication Programming InterfaceASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information InterchangeAVAudio-VisualDASDescription and Authority ServicesEACEncoded Archival ContextEADEncoded Archival DescriptionERA Electronic Records ArchivesHMSHoldings Management SystemHTMLHyperText Markup LanguageISOInternational Standards OrganizationLCNAFLibrary of Congress Name Authority FileMOMedia OccurrenceNACNational Archives CatalogNARANational Archives and Records AdministrationPOPhysical OccurrencePOMOPhysical Occurrence/Media OccurrenceRTFRich Text FormatRVTMRequirements Verification Traceability MatrixSKOSSimple Knowledge Organization SystemSQLStructured Query LanguageSyRSSystem Requirements SpecificationTGNGetty Thesaurus of Geographic NamesXMLExtensible Markup LanguageGlossary TermDefinitionAdvanced SearchAn advanced search is a search mechanism that allows the user to combine one or more searches across selected description or authority fields with a variety of search operators.ApproveThe process through which an ‘Under Edit’ record that has been reviewed becomes an Approved record.Approved RecordA term that applies to any record with a Record Status of Approved.Archival Control GroupA grouping of archival materials that is identified as either a Record Group or a Collection. The Archival Control Group is the highest grouping of archival descriptions in the archival description hierarchy.Archival DescriptionA record that contains information for existing archival materials. An Archival Description can be either an Archival Control Group record or an Archival Materials Set record.Archival Materials SetA grouping of archival holdings that exist at the Preliminary Descriptions, Series, File Unit, or Item level. Each Archival Materials Set belongs to one and only one current Archival Control Group.Authority FileA collection of authority records. Authority Files are used to standardize access points in the archival descriptions, as well as those in other Authority Files. The Authority Files are Organizations, Person Names, and Subjects (includes Geographic References, Program Areas, Specific Records Types, and Topical Subjects).Authority ListPick Lists that are used to control and standardize the values used in entering data into various description and authority fields, such as Access Restriction Status, General Records Type, and Sound Type.Authority RecordA record from an external or NARA authority that was created according to the rules for that Authority File or Authority List.Basic SearchA basic search is a search mechanism that allows the user to perform a keyword search over a pre-defined limited set of description or authority fields.Child RecordA term used in the Archival Description hierarchy to refer to a record that is linked up to a record that is at a higher level of the hierarchy. The term Children is used when referring to multiple child records.Close CopyThe process by which an independent copy is made of an existing record.Close Copy VersionA new record that has been duplicated from an existing record. The close copy version exists as a new record independent of the original record.CollectionAn artificial accumulation of documents brought together on the basis of some characteristic (e.g., means of acquisition, creator, subject, language, medium, form, name of collector) without regard to the provenance of the documents. The highest grouping of archival materials in the hierarchy will be a Record Group or Collection.Data EntryThe process by which a new record is created or the information for an existing record is modified.Data GroupA data group is a logical collection of fields on a layout. For example, a Creating Organization is a data group that is made up of the Organization Name, Establish/Abolish Dates, and Creator Type.Data RulesThe set of checks that are performed when information is entered into a record, such as ensuring that a date is a valid value.Description StatusFor Archival Descriptions, the description status is an indicator of whether the archival description is waiting to be reviewed with a status of New, Modified, Description Completed, Local Review Completed, Awaiting Compliance, or Compliance Updated; or if the record is ready to be marked Approved. Display NameIn the Person Name authority file the Display Name concatenates multiple fields either imported from LCNAF or created via the MARC fields/subfields.In the Organizations authority file, the Display Name for Organization Names concatenates multiple fields either imported from LCNAF or created via the MARC fields/subfields.In addition, Display Names are created for Geographic Reference records that concatenate the heading with its hierarchy that provides the broader context, i.e., parents, grandparents, etc. of the place.The Display Name is shown in place of the heading for Person Names, Organizations, and Geographic Reference records.Edit VersionThe process by which a copy of an Approved record is copied and then available for modifying.Exact Match SearchA search that performs an exact match on a full column value. Wildcards are not allowed for an Exact Match Search. An example of an Exact Match Search is the National Archives Identifier search.FieldA field is an individual piece of information that is stored in a record or displayed on the screen.File UnitAn organized unit (folder, volume, etc.) of documents grouped together either for current use or in the process of archival arrangement. The File Unit is the intellectual handling of the record item, which may or may not be the physical handling. The third highest grouping of archival materials in the hierarchy is the File Unit level.FolderA storage area used to hold the results of a saved search for Archival Descriptions, Organizations, Person Names, and Subjects. Each folder contains search results only from the corresponding record types. Users can create their own folders.HeadingA main term in an authority file used to create an access point in an archival description record or authority record. A heading can represent the name of a person, corporate body, geographic area, topical subject, specific records type, etc. A heading will be either a preferred term or a non-preferred term.Hierarchy: Archival DescriptionsAn ordering of the Archival Descriptions. A Record Group or Collection is the top level of the hierarchy, followed in order by Series, File Unit, and Item/Item (AV). An Item/Item (AV) may be the child of either a Series or a File Unit.Preliminary Descriptions can be a child of a Record Group or a Collection, but because it is not a traditional archival grouping this Description Type will not have children archival descriptions.Hierarchy: ThesaurusBroader (generic) to narrower (specific) or whole-part relationships, which are generally indicated in a controlled vocabulary through codes or indentation.Hierarchy DisplayThe display that presents the current hierarchy and former hierarchy for a specific Archival Description that is being viewed. This display should be included for each level of Archival Description and should include all higher levels of the hierarchy and all descriptions in the immediate level below.ItemThe smallest intellectually indivisible archival unit (e.g., a letter, memorandum, report, leaflet, or photograph). The lowest grouping of archival materials in the hierarchy is the Item/Item (AV) level.Keyword SearchA search that allows the user to search for a word or phrase anywhere within the description or authority record fields that are indexed for the keyword search.LayoutThe arrangement of fields for display and/or data creation/modification. For example, the Archival Description layout is comprised of all (or a subset) of the fields/data elements for archival descriptions.Level of DescriptionUsed to distinguish the five levels of Archival Descriptions: Record Group/Collection, Preliminary Descriptions, Series, File Unit, and Item/Item (AV). May also be referred to as Description Type.Name Authority RecordA record that shows a person, organization or meeting heading in its established form cites the sources consulted in determining the choice of form or name, and indicates the references (variants) made to the heading. Although Authority List records are a type of authority record, they are not included in the term authority record within this RS.National Archives IdentifierA unique number assigned to each Archival Description. Once assigned, this is a permanent identifier for that record. This number does not change as a description is created, or as the record moves from an ‘Under Edit’ to ‘Approved’ status.National Archives Catalog (NAC) Online system available to the Public that provides access to the descriptions of NARA holdings as well as to the holdings themselves – digitized and born digital.Parent RecordA term used in the Archival Description hierarchy to refer to a record that has records at a lower level of the hierarchy linked up to that record.Partner Object Availability DateThe date on which the digital object can be made available for public access by NARA, based on the digitization partner agreement (e.g., five years after the object is digitized by the digitization partner.)Pick ListA list of values from which the user can select one or more items to be included in the current record. Pick lists are used for Authority Lists.Pre-defined SearchA pre-configured set of selection criteria that specifies the fields to be searched for a particular record type (e.g., Title / Creator Keyword Search).Primary KeyThe unique control number that is automatically assigned to each record. RecordAn entry that stores the information for a specific occurrence of a record type. The information for a record may be stored in multiple places. Record GroupA major archival unit that comprises the records of a large organization, such as a Government bureau or independent agency. The highest grouping of archival materials in the hierarchy will be a Record Group or Collection. Record TypeUsed to distinguish the type of information that is being stored in that record. For Archival Descriptions: Record Group, Collection, Series, File Unit, Item, or Item (AV). For Authorities: Organization, Person Name, Topical Subject, Geographic Reference, Specific Records Type, Program Area, or one of the many Authority Lists.Search OperatorsA string of characters used in a?search?query to narrow the focus of the?search. Includes the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT, as well as Begins With (stemming), Equals, Greater Than, Between, etc.Search Results SetThe set of records that are retrieved by a primary or secondary search using the saved search entered by the user.Search StatementThe user-entered term(s) along with any search operators and the selected field name(s) that are used to match against the data when performing a search.Saved SearchThe set of parameters used to retrieve records, including the selected search (may be multiple searches for an advanced search), the user-entered search statements, the selected filters, and the selected sort options. Users may create, update, and delete their own saved searches.Secondary SearchA look-up mechanism that allows the user to select and retrieve authority records. The purpose of a Secondary Search is to select specific valid value(s) for a field in a record that is controlled by an Authority File or Authority List. Sequence NumberThe number assigned to each Archival Description record that sequences the children (lower level) records under their parent (higher level) records within the hierarchy. The sequence number is a number that changes if you re-order a title record under a parent. The Sequence Number is not the same as the National Archives Identifier.SeriesFile units or documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or maintained as a unit because they result from the same accumulation or filing process, the same function, or the same activity; have a particular form; or because of some other relationship arising out of their creation, receipt, or use. The second highest grouping of archival materials is the Series level.Stop WordA commonly used word (such as ‘a’ or ‘the’) that is ignored when retrieving records because it has the potential of matching on a large number of irrelevant records.Subject Authority RecordA record of a subject heading that shows its established form, cites the sources consulted in determining the choice and form of the heading, and indicates the cross references made to and from the heading. Subject headings include Topical Subjects, Specific Records Types, Geographic References, and Program Areas.Preliminary DescriptionsGroupings of archival materials accessioned into the holdings of the National Archives, but not yet processed. Also known as “Unprocessed Records”.‘Under Edit’ recordAn Archival Description that has not yet been Approved. These records may be ‘Edit Versions’ of existing authorized (approved) records, ‘Close Copy’ versions, or new records.Unreviewed RecordNew or modified records that have a description or record status of ‘New’, ‘Modified’, or ‘Description Completed’. These records may be ‘Close Copy’ versions, previously approved records that have been modified or new records that have not yet been reviewed. Variant NameFor an organization, a familiar or commonly used name other than the official NARA name.Appendix B: Data Entry PermissionsArchival Descriptions Permissions:User Group: Central Staff Level 1Key:DCG = Data Control Group(s)SA = System Administratorgreen background = possible with appropriate permissionsred background = not possible without appropriate permissionsgray background = not possible due to system restrictionsyellow background = only possible for the System AdministratorActivitiesApproved Archival DescriptionsUnder Edit Archival DescriptionsMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGRecord Group?Create New RecordN/AN/AYSACreate Edit Version*YSAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyYYYYReview?S/ASAYSAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASAYSACollection?Create New RecordN/AN/AYSACreate Edit Version*YSAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyYYYYReview?S/ASAYSAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASAYSASeries, File Unit, Item, Item (AV)?Create New RecordN/AN/AYSACreate Edit Version*YSAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyYYYYReviewS/ASAYSAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASAYSAImport DataC/R/UD/Link ObjectLink Online Resource to Archival Descriptions*Create Edit Version will only work if no Under Edit Version already exists.User Group: Central Staff Level 2Key:?DCG = Data Control Group(s)SA = System Administratorgreen background = possible with appropriate permissionsred background = not possible without appropriate permissionsgray background = not possible due to system restrictionsyellow background = only possible for the System AdministratorActivitiesApproved Archival DescriptionsUnder Edit Archival DescriptionsMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGRecord Group?Create New RecordN/AN/AYSACreate Edit Version*YSAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyYYYYReviewSASAYSAApproveN/AN/AYSAModify and DeleteSASAYSACollection?Create New RecordN/AN/AYSACreate Edit Version*YSAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyYYYYReviewSASAYSAApproveN/AN/AYSAModify and DeleteSASAYSASeries, File Unit, Item, Item (AV)?Create New RecordN/AN/AYSACreate Edit Version*YSAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyYYYYReviewSASAYSAApproveN/AN/AYSAModify and DeleteSASAYSAImport DataC/R/UD/Link ObjectLink Online Resource to Archival Description* Create Edit Version will only work if no Under Edit Version already exists.User Group: Import DataKey:DCG = Data Control Group(s)SA = System Administratorgreen background = possible with appropriate permissionsred background = not possible without appropriate permissionsgray background = not possible due to tool restrictionsyellow background = only possible for the System AdministratorApproved Archival DescriptionsUnder Edit Archival DescriptionsMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGRecord Group?Create New RecordN/AN/ASACreate Edit Version*SAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyReviewS/A?SASAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASASACollection?Create New RecordN/AN/ASACreate Edit Version*SAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyReview?S/ASASAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASASASeries, File Unit, Item, Item (AV)?Create New RecordN/AN/A?SACreate Edit Version*?SAN/AN/ACreate Close Copy????Review?S/ASA?SAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASA?SAImport DataYSAYYC/R/UD/Link Object Link Online Resource to Archival Description*Create Edit Version will only work if no Under Edit Version already exists.User Group: Create/Edit ObjectsKey:DCG = Data Control Group(s)SA = System Administratorgreen background = possible with appropriate permissionsred background = not possible without appropriate permissionsgray background = not possible due to tool restrictionsyellow background = only possible for the System AdministratorActivitiesApproved Archival DescriptionsUnder Edit Archival DescriptionsMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGRecord Group?Create New RecordN/AN/ASACreate Edit Version*SAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyReviewS/A?SASAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASASACollection?Create New RecordN/AN/ASACreate Edit Version*SAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyReview?S/ASASAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASASASeries, File Unit, Item, Item (AV)?Create New RecordN/AN/A?SACreate Edit Version*?SAN/AN/ACreate Close Copy????Review?S/ASA?SAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASA?SAImport DataC/R/UD/Link Object YYLink Online Resource to Archival Descriptions*Create Edit Version will only work if no Under Edit Version already exists.User Group: Online ResourcesKey:DCG = Data Control Group(s)SA = System Administratorgreen background = possible with appropriate permissionsred background = not possible without appropriate permissionsgray background = not possible due to tool restrictionsyellow background = only possible for the System AdministratorActivitiesApproved Archival DescriptionsUnder Edit Archival DescriptionsMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGMatches User’s DCG(s)Does Not Match User’s DCGRecord Group?Create New RecordN/AN/ASACreate Edit Version*SAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyReview?S/ASASAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASASACollection?Create New RecordN/AN/ASACreate Edit Version*SAN/AN/ACreate Close CopyReview?S/ASASAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASASASeries, File Unit, Item, Item (AV)?Create New RecordN/AN/A?SACreate Edit Version*?SAN/AN/ACreate Close Copy????Review?S/ASA?SAApproveN/AN/A?SAModify and Delete?S/ASA?SAImport DataC/R/UD/Link Object Link Online Resource to Archival DescriptionsYY*Create Edit Version will only work if no Under Edit Version already exists.Authorities Permissions:Key:V = View OnlyC = CreateR = Retrieve & select as an access pointU = UpdateD = DeleteNA = Not ApplicableRecord TypesUser GroupsArchival Description StaffAuthority Staff Level 1Authority Staff Level 2Online ResourcesPerson NameRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAOrganizationsRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAGeographic ReferenceRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAProgram AreaVC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNASpecific Records TypeRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNATopical SubjectRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAAccess Restriction Status RC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAAccession NumberC/R/U/DC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNABaseRNAC/R/U/DNABegin CongressRNAC/R/U/DNAColorRNAC/R/U/DNACopy StatusRNAC/R/U/DNAContributor TypeRNAC/R/U/DNACreator TypeRNAC/R/U/DNADifficulty LevelRNAC/R/U/DNADigitizing PartnershipNAC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNADimensionRNAC/R/U/DNADisposition Authority NumberC/R/U/DC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAEdit StatusRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAElement NumberRNAC/R/U/DNAEmulsionRNAC/R/U/DNAEnd CongressRNAC/R/U/DNAFinding Aid TypeRNAC/R/U/DNAFinding Aid URLRNAC/R/U/DNAFormatRNAC/R/U/DNAGeneral Media TypeRNAC/R/U/DNAGeneral Records TypeRNAC/R/U/DNAGPRA IndicatorRNAC/R/U/DNAHoldings Measurement TypeRNAC/R/U/DNAInternal Transfer NumberC/R/U/DC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNALanguageRNAC/R/U/DNALocation FacilityRNAC/R/U/DNAMicroform Publication TitleRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAObject TypesVVC/R/U/DNAOnline ResourceRNANAC/R/U/DOther Preservation CharacteristicsRNAC/R/U/DNAParty DesignationRNAC/R/U/DNAPriorityRNAC/R/U/DNAProcessRNAC/R/U/DNARecording SpeedRNAC/R/U/DNARecords Center Transfer NumbersC/R/U/DC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAReview Canned LanguageRNAC/R/U/DNARoll TypeRNAC/R/U/DNASecurity ClassificationsRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNASound TypeRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNASpecific Access Restriction TypeRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNASpecific Media TypeRNAC/R/U/DNASpecific Use RestrictionsRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNASoundtrack ConfigurationRNAC/R/U/DNATape ThicknessRNAC/R/U/DNAUse Restriction StatusRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAVariant Control Number TypeRNAC/R/U/DNAWindRNAC/R/U/DNARecord SourcesNANAC/R/U/DNADate QualifierRNAC/R/U/DNAReference UnitRC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNASpecial ProjectsVC/R/U/DC/R/U/DNAAgency and Record Group MappingVNAC/R/U/DNAClass IdentifierVNAC/R/U/DNADisposition CodeVNAC/R/U/DNALegal Transfer TypeVNAC/R/U/DNALocation Facility and Custodial UnitVNAC/R/U/DNAMedia DispositionVNAC/R/U/DNARecord CoveredVNAC/R/U/DNARetention InstructionsVNAC/R/U/DNARG Number and RG TitleVNAC/R/U/DNASpecial MarkingVNAC/R/U/DNAStatutory CitationVNAC/R/U/DNATransaction Number TypeVNAC/R/U/DNATransfer Guidance Category NameVNAC/R/U/DNATransfer InstructionsVNAC/R/U/DNATransfer Problem TypeVNAC/R/U/DNAAppendix C: Accessibility ConstraintsSection 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d), requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology, Federal employees with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and use by Federal employees who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. Section 508 also requires that individuals with disabilities, who are members of the public seeking information or services from a Federal agency, have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to that provided to the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.This section reproduces the requirements that are relevant to Web applications. It is based the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. In the points listed below, (a) – (k) are consistent with the level A (priority 1 checkpoints) of this guide. In addition, points (l) – (p) also apply. Section 1194.22 Web-based Internet information and applicationsNotesA text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content).Use ALT tags to describe visual elementsEquivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation.Add synchronized captioning to audio and text transcripts to video presentationsWeb pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.Use text as well as color to convey informationDocuments shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet.Verify that the page is readable and displays correctly when style sheets are disabledRedundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side image map.Provide text links and ALT tags; use client-side image maps, or no maps at allClient-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape.Use client-side image map elements and text for hotspots, use text-only version as wellRow and column headers shall be identified for data tables.Avoid using tables for design, use Scope attribute to define columns and rowsMarkup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.Code data tables with TH and TD tags and Scope attributeFrames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigationInclude text within the body of each frame and a title to identify the frame; use noframes Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.Avoid using <BLINK> tags, check speed of animated gifs, Java applets, and plug-insA text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be updated whenever the primary page changes.Add text-only page that contains equivalent information or functionality as primary pagesWhen pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by Assistive Technology.Add image and ALT tags with application and/or “title” tags in the <A> tags as alternative contentWhen a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with section 508 requirements §1194.21(a) through (l). Link to accessible plug-inWhen electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow people using Assistive Technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues. Use labels adjacent to input form fieldsA method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links. Use image and anchor link to skip navigation linksWhen a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required. Add prompt to alert users and allow users to increase timeAppendix D: Review and Tracking WorkflowAppendix E: Review Canned LanguageFieldBrief statementFull statementHyperlinkArrangementArrangement: add periodPlease add a period to the end of the arrangement statement.: Must begin with arrangedUnless the arrangement is “Unarranged” or left blank, the statement must begin with “Arranged.”: Delete "folder."Delete the word “folder” because this is physical information. Please replace it with the word “file.”ArrangementArrangement: AcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in a narrative field for the first time, must be defined unless it has been previously defined in the scope and content note or the title.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).Access RestrictionsAccess Restrictions: Restricted fully/partly must include Spec. Acc. Restr.If you select “Restricted-Fully” or “Restricted-Partly,” you must include a specific access restriction. RestrictionsAccess Restrictions: Possibly/undetermined – include Acc. Rest. NotePlease provide an access restriction note. According to the LCDRG, if “Restricted-Possibly” or “Undetermined” is the access restriction status, an access restriction note is also required. RestrictionsAccess Restrictions: Records of Concern "Restricted – Fully/Partly"Please review the LCDRG guidance relating to Records of Concern and revise the description accordingly:For archival materials that have been screened and identified as including Records of Concern, choose "Restricted – Fully" or "Restricted – Partly" as the appropriate access restriction status and choose the appropriate term(s) from the specific access restriction authority list. If required by the access restriction status selected, apply the appropriate term from the security classification authority list.Explain that the archival materials were identified as Records of Concern in the staff only note. Do not explain that the archival materials were identified as Records of Concern in the access restriction note.Access RestrictionsAccess Restrictions: Preliminary DescriptionsAccess Restrictions for Preliminary DescriptionsPlease review the following and update the description, as needed.Access restrictions are legal restrictions, not restrictions of availability due to processing. If the Preliminary Descriptions are not available for public use due to the restrictions placed on them by donor deed of gift, then please change the access restriction fields to the following:Access restriction status: Restricted – Partly (or Fully)Specific access restrictions: Donor RestrictedAccess restriction note: The bulk (or all) of this series is unprocessed. As per the donor’s deed of gift, all unprocessed materials are fully restricted.If the Preliminary Descriptions are not available to the public due to NARA unit policy regarding access to unprocessed materials and not because of a specific legal restriction, please change the access restriction fields to the following:Access restriction status: UndeterminedAccess restriction note: The bulk (or all) of this series is unprocessed and may have access restrictions. Unprocessed materials are not made available to researchers. RestrictionsAccess Restrictions: Provide Specific Access RestrictionPlease provide a specific access restriction(s), as appropriate. According to the LCDRG, if “Restricted-Fully” or “Restricted-Partly” is the access restriction status, a specific access restriction is also required.Access RestrictionsAccess Restrictions: Records of Concern – "Restricted – Possibly"Please review the LCDRG guidance relating to Records of Concern, and revise the description accordingly:For archival materials that have been screened and identified as possibly including Records of Concern, choose "Restricted – Possibly" for access restriction status.Provide a generic note in access restriction note, such as "The materials may be restricted and need further review." Do not indicate in this note that the archival materials were identified as Records of Concern; instead provide that information in staff only note.tblCannedLanguage.rtf.docAccess RestrictionsRD/FRDIf Restricted Data / Formerly Restricted Data is used as an access restriction, please delete FOIA (b)(1) and add FOIA (b)(3) Statute as the Specific Access Restriction. Add an Access Restriction Note statement that the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, is the statute restricting the records. For example:“These records or portions of these records are restricted under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.”Creating Organization/IndividualPredecessor Creator(S): more than onePredecessor Creator(s): Please delete the predecessor Creating Organization(s) that already appear(s) in the full organization authority record of the most recent Creating Organization. Names that appear in the same full organization authority records are considered "minor" predecessors/successors and should not all be listed as Creating Organizations in the same description. Only the one most recently associated with the materials should be noted as a Creating Organization. Organization/IndividualCreator/SCN: most recent and prev creator have overlapping dates: add a noteThe LCDRG states “when there are three or more creators and at least two of the creators have overlapping dates, an explanation of the relationship between the creators and the records must be added” to the Scope and Content Note. “The explanation should describe the relationship of the creators to the records not to each other.”For example,The records were originally maintained by the Passport Clerk. The Bureau of Accounts had responsibility for these records from July 11, 1895 to July 2, 1902 after which the Passport Bureau assumed responsibility for the records.Some case files were created by the U.S. District Courts for the Elkins and Philippi Divisions of the Northern District of West Virginia but transferred to Fairmont Division in 1938.These records were originally maintained by the Department of Justice (DOJ). The DOJ's new Alien Property Bureau assumed responsibility for them in 1934, responsibility was then transferred to the Office of Alien Property Custodian in 1941, and finally to the Office of Alien Property in 1946.tblCannedLanguage.rtf.docCoverage DatesIf coverage date used, use date noteIf Coverage Dates are provided at the series level, a Date Note is required to explain the distinction between the Inclusive and Coverage Dates.For example:Although this series was created between 1981 and 1983, some material in it dates back to 1966.Coverage DatesCoverage date same as inclusive date – deletePlease delete. The Coverage Dates are the same as or fall within the Inclusive Dates, but Coverage Dates should only be provided if they differ from the Inclusive Dates.Custodial History NoteCustodial History Note: Please deleteCustodial History Note: Please delete. This field should be used to indicate breaks in the chain of government custody, or to provide information about the custodian that transferred the archival materials to NARA, especially if the information relates to the authenticity, integrity, or interpretation of the archival materials. It should not be used for accessioning or internal transfer information.Collection IdentifierCollection Identifier – left blank, please addCollection Identifier: Please add a Collection Identifier, following LCDRG guidance, because it is required at the Collection level. Enter a unique identifier.For collections held by the Office of Records Services – Washington, D.C. (NW) or the Office of Regional Records Services (NR), enter the identifier of the collection exactly as it appears on the collection allocation statement.For collections held by the Office of Presidential Libraries (NL), create a unique identifier starting with the president's initials and followed by a dash. Do not use spaces. Use the following conventions for initials:DDE – Dwight D. EisenhowerFDR – Franklin D. RooseveltGB – George BushGRF – Gerald R. FordHH – Herbert HooverHST – Harry S. TrumanJC – Jimmy CarterJFK – John F. KennedyLBJ – Lyndon Baines JohnsonRN – Richard NixonRR – Ronald ReaganWJC – William J. Clinton ListContainer list: please deletePlease delete. There should not be a container list for a 1-container series.Container ListContainer List: review guidance and formatPlease review the guidance for Container List, and re-format accordingly.List the container, followed by a colon and one space, before the title of the contents.Each entry should include the starting title and ending title of the contents of each container.Separate each container entry with a line break.Do not list all of the contents of the container, and do not include narrative annotations. TypeChange to Most RecentPlease change the Creator Type from Predecessor to Most Recent.Creator TypeCreator – no most recentCreating Organization Or Individual: Please add a Most Recent Creator. The description currently has only a Predecessor Creator.Inclusive DatesInclusive Start Date precedes establish dateInclusive Start Date / Creator Establish Date: The Inclusive Start Date of the series precedes the Establish Date of the Creating Organization, and that Creating Organization's authority record does not contain a minor predecessor that would accommodate the earlier dates. Please handle in one of the following ways:If the Inclusive Start Date is really a Coverage Date, please add it to the Coverage Dates, change the Inclusive Start Date, and explain the existence of both Inclusive and Coverage Dates in Date Note.If the Establish Date of the Creating Organization is wrong, please submit a request to change it.Select a predecessor Creating Organization to accommodate the Inclusive Start Date.If 1 and 2 do not apply, and it cannot be determined who the Predecessor Creator is, please let us know.Inclusive DatesInclusive End Date post-dates abolish dateInclusive End Date / Creator Abolish Date: The Inclusive End Date of the archival materials post-dates the Abolish Date of the creator. Please handle in one of the following ways, as applicable:If the Abolish Date of the Creating Organization is wrong, please submit a request to change it.Change the creator to a Predecessor Creator, and choose a different Most Recent Creator.If none of the above apply, explain in the Date Note. This option should be used rarely, for example, in the case where a Congressional committee staffer added a few documents to a committee for a few weeks or months after the official end of the committee. It generally would not apply to Federal or presidential materials.Inclusive DatesCreator establish date post dates series end dateDates / Creator: The Birth / Establish Date of the Creator post-dates the series Inclusive End Date. Please reconcile this in one of the following ways:Select a different creator.If the Birth / Establish Date of the Creator is wrong, please submit a request to change it.Change the Inclusive Dates of the series.Inclusive DatesGaps in Creator dates don't cover inclusive dates and no predecessorsCreator Dates: The creator dates do not cover the Inclusive Date span of the records, and there are no minor predecessors in the Creating Organization authority record(s) that cover the date span. Please select different or additional creators as necessary.Inclusive DatesReplace creator with another from the same authority fileThe creator's dates do not cover the inclusive date span of the records. Please replace the predecessor with "[Fill in creator name and dates]" (in the same authority file).Description AuthorDescription Author: full name in direct orderPlease revise so that a full name is used and it is in direct order (first name, middle name/initial, last name), e.g., Moe K. Szyslak. NoteDate Note: Explain difference between inclusive and coverageWhen using this field to explain the difference between Inclusive and Coverage Dates, please be as explicit as possible to help external users (who have made it clear they do not understand all of the archival dates). Please revise following this model: “Although this series was created in 1924, material in it dates back to 1912.” Or, “The [CREATOR] began creating this series in 1924, but gathered material that dates back to 1912.”Date NoteDate Note: Matching creator in SCN and creating orgThe way you refer to the creator in the Date Note does not match the name of the creator in the Creating Organization field. Please change this to be consistent.Date NoteAbbreviationsReview the guidance on abbreviations. Please do not abbreviate the following [insert erroneous abbreviation]. NoteAcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in a narrative field for the first time, must be defined unless it has been previously defined in the Scope and Content Note or the Title elements.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).ExtentExtent: delete periodPlease delete the period at the end of the Extent statement.: replace "and" with commaPlease replace "and" with a comma, e.g., "3 linear feet, 2 linear inches": use comma with 4 digit numberPlease use a comma in 4-digit numbers, e.g., “1234 linear feet” should be “1,234 linear feet.”: string together three or moreWhen the Extent statement includes three or more phrases, separate the last phrase with a comma and an “and.” For example: 4,000 pages, 2 audiocassettes, and 24 data files: Reconcile with HMPlease reconcile the Extent with the Holdings Measurement Type/Count.Finding AidFinding Aid: each occurrenceEach finding aid should be placed in its own occurrence of the Finding Aid Type / Note / Source fields.Finding Aid TypeFinding Aid Type and Note: Delete InventoryPlease delete Inventory. Inventories and Preliminary Inventories (PIs) are not finding aids to individual series. (The exception would be if the PI contained an appendix that did, in fact, serve as a finding aid for a specific series.) PI entry numbers for series belong in the Variant Control Number elements. For further information, please see the Finding Aids and Microform Publications Tip sheet in the training binder or view it online at: AidFinding Aid: Delete second occurrencePlease delete the second occurrence of the Finding Aid fields and combine the Finding Aid Notes into one. For example, “A folder list for this series is available in two forms; an electronic version that is keyword searchable is available on the Library's web site, and a paper version is available in the Library's research room.” As currently written, the Finding Aid fields describe two physical copies of the same finding aid. AidFinding Aid: referring to a series that is a microfilm publicationIf a series is indexed by another series, and that series has been made into a microfilm publication, it is fine to cite the microfilm publication as long as the original records are referred to as well. Please revise the entry to follow this model:Finding Aid Type: IndexFinding Aid Note: This series is indexed by the series “Alphabetical Index to Canadian Border Entries Through Small Ports in Vermont, 1895-1924.” It is available as Microfilm Publication M1462. AidFinding Aid: explain 'database' contentIf the Finding Aid Type is “Database,” a Finding Aid Note is required to explain further the type and content of the database, because a database can emulate various types of finding aids. For example: “This database contains an entry for each ship and gives the ship name, ship hull number and the captain’s name. It is available in the research room." Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: no specific NARA unitsPlease do not cite specific NARA units, as the names might change over time. Instead, use a more general citation such as "This finding aid is available in the research room." Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: Use full sentencesPlease write in full sentences.Finding Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: Referring to another seriesFormatting Related Records ReferencesWhen referring to another series, it should be clear that the material being cited is a series. For example:An index to these records is available in the series “Index to Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987.”Notice that the word series is used, dates are included, and the series title and dates are in quotes.In cases where the series will have annual accretions, the reference does not have to include dates to avoid having to make frequent updates.Do not include parenthetical identifiers for the series being cited, such as the MLR Number or PI entry number; however, the National Archives Identifier may be provided. If it is, “Identifier” must be spelled out and the following format used:This series indexes the series “Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987” (NAID 555555).Finding Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: use of publication titlesPlease place the publication title(s) in quotes.Publication titles (such as titles of articles, finding aids, newspapers, books, and journals) that appear in narrative notes should be placed in quotation marks, e.g., This series contains clippings from newspapers such as the “Washington Post,” “Newsday,” and the “Chicago Times.” Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: Write present tense for series/past tense for events in seriesPlease correct verb tense according to the following guidance:In the Scope and Content Note and other narrative notes, refer to the series or records in the present tense (“This series consists of . . .”).When discussing the historical events and issues relating to the records, past tense should be used.For example:Correct: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith wrote.Incorrect: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith writes.Correct: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers made decisions regarding inmate treatment.Incorrect: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers make decisions regarding inmate treatment.Finding Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: citing and using quotesWhen citing a finding aid, give the full publication citation and include the title in quotation marks. For example:Copies of "Television Interviews 1951-1955: A Catalog of Longines Chronoscope Interviews in the National Archives,” compiled by Sarah L. Shamley (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1991), are located both in the research room finding aid drawer and with the records.A box list can be found in Appendix A of “Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States Regular Army Mobile Units, 1821-1942,” (RG 391), compiled by Sarah Powell and Randall Roots.A list of subjects can be found in Appendix A of the inventory “Records of the United States Naval Academy, 1845-1950” (RG 405), compiled by Geraldine N. Phillips and Aloha South (1975). Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: Don't use postal codes for state namesPlease spell out the state name(s) and do not use the postal code(s). This will assist with keyword searching. Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: Delete related records referencePlease delete the references to related records or revise so the direct relationship between the series is clear. References based on subject or provenance are not allowed in any Note field.Finding Aid NoteFinding Aid Note: Delete physical infoDelete the note referring to a finding aid “in the first box” because this is physical information. Please replace it with “There is a finding aid at the beginning of the series.”Finding Aid NoteRelated Rec move to SCNRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationReferences that describe the scope or content of the materials must go in the Scope and Content Note. For example:This series consists of an index to the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678).This series includes cross reference sheets to letters found in the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Letters Received, 1818-1862" (National Archives Identifier 456789).The registers include annotations about letters found in the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678). The annotations include the date sent, name of recipient, and a summary of the letter.Finding Aid NoteRelated Rec move to Fun. Use NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that describe the function or use of a series must be placed in Function and Use. For example:This series was used to index the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678).The dockets were maintained by the clerk of the court to keep track of all proceedings associated with individual cases in the series "Civil Case Files, 1938-1970" (National Archives Identifier 456789).Finding Aid NoteRelated Rec move to Gen. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references to materials that have a direct relationship but do not refer to the function and use or scope and content of the series; are not about finding aids; and are not about shared boxes must be placed in General Note. For example:The series have preceding or succeeding relationships to another series: Cases filed after 1950 can be found in the series "Case Files, 1951-1960" (National Archives Identifier 567890).For duplicate copies found in another series: Annotated copies of the letters in this series received between 1840 and1850 can be found in the series "Endorsements of Letters Received, 1840-1850" (National Archives Identifier 678901).The materials were separated into multiple series due to size: Oversized materials were removed from this series and can be found in the series “Oversized Exhibits, 1900-1911.”Tapes are in one series and transcripts in another series: A transcript of the recording in this series can be found in the series “Transcript of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s D-Day Speech, 6/6/1944.”Finding Aid NoteRelated Rec move to Phys. Occ. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that indicate that materials are stored in the same container must be placed in Physical Occurrence Note. For example:This series shares a box with the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1803" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Index to Letters Received, 1800-1818" (National Archives Identifier 545454).Finding Aid NoteNumbers nine and underNumbers nine and under should be spelled out. Please revise [fill in number].Finding Aid NoteNumbers 10 and higherNumbers 10 and higher should be written with numerals. Please revise [fill in number]. Aid NoteCorrect the related series titlePlease correct the related series title so that it matches the title of the related series' description.Finding Aid NoteCorrect the related National Archives IdentifierPlease correct the National Archives Identifier of the related series.Finding Aid NoteCorrect the related series datesPlease correct the dates of the related series so that they match the dates of the related series' description.Finding Aid NotePlace related series title and dates in quotesPlease place the related series title and dates in quotes. For example, This series is indexed by the series "General Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1903 – 1927" (National Archives Identifier 595144).Finding Aid NoteAbbreviationsReview the guidance on abbreviations. Please do not abbreviate the following [insert erroneous abbreviation]. Aid NoteAcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in a narrative field for the first time, must be defined unless it has been previously defined in the Scope and Content Note or the Title elements.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).Finding Aid SourceFinding Aid Source: No Unit namesPlease do not cite specific NARA units, as the names might change over time. Instead, use a more general citation such as "NARA" or "National Archives and Records Administration.”Function and Use NoteFunction and Use: Use full sentencesPlease write in full sentences.Function and Use NoteFunction and Use: use of publication titlesPlease place the publication title(s) in quotes.Publication titles (such as titles of articles, finding aids, newspapers, books, and journals) that appear in narrative notes should be placed in quotation marks, e.g., This series contains clippings from newspapers such as the “Washington Post,” “Newsday,” and the “Chicago Times.” and Use NoteFunction and Use: Write present tense for series/past tense for events in seriesPlease correct verb tense according to the following guidance:In the Scope and Content Note and other narrative notes, refer to the series or records in the present tense (“This series consists of . . .”).When discussing the historical events and issues relating to the records, past tense should be used.For example:Correct: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith wrote.Incorrect: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith writes.Correct: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers made decisions regarding inmate treatment.Incorrect: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers make decisions regarding inmate treatment.Function and Use NoteUse space when name has two initialsPlease add a space between the two initials, as needed, in the names you have mentioned. For example, George H.W. Bush should be George H. W. Bush.Function and Use NoteUse person's full nameThe first time that a person is mentioned in a description, his or her full name should be used (e.g., President Ronald Reagan, not President Reagan.)Function and Use NoteFunction and Use: unnecessaryPlease delete or provide more specific information. The current statement can be inferred from the rest of the description.Function and Use NoteFunction and Use: Don't use postal codes for state namesPlease spell out the state name(s) and do not use the postal code(s). This will assist with keyword searching. and Use NoteFunction and Use: includes Admin HistoryYour note includes administrative history information for the Creating Organization. The Function and Use Note should be a description of the specific activities or actions that resulted in the creation of the archival materials. Please revise the Function and Use Note so that the information you currently have is woven into a description of the function and use of the records, or delete the note and submit this information to be added to the creator’s Administrative History Note in the Organization Authority File: and Use NoteFunction and Use: Delete related records referencePlease delete the references to related records or revise so the direct relationship between the series is clear. References based on subject or provenance are not allowed in any Note field.Function and Use NoteFunction and Use: Formatting relating records referenceWhen referring to another series, it should be clear that the material being cited is a series. For example:An index to these records is available in the series “Index to Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987.”Notice that the word series is used, dates are included, and the series title and dates are in quotes.In cases where the series will have annual accretions, the reference does not have to include dates to avoid having to make frequent updates.Do not include parenthetical identifiers for the series being cited, such as the MLR Number or PI entry number; however, the NAID may be provided. If it is, “Identifier” must be spelled out and the following format used:This series indexes the series “Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987” (National Archives Identifier 555555).Function and Use NoteRelated Rec move to Find. Aid NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references to finding aids must be placed in the Finding Aid Note. For example:This series is indexed by the series "Index to Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 123456).This series is registered by the series "Registers of Telegrams Received, 1880-1903" (National Archives Identifier 234567).Function and Use NoteRelated Rec move to SCNRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationReferences that describe the scope or content of the materials must go in the Scope and Content Note. For example:This series consists of an index to the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678).This series includes cross reference sheets to letters found in the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Letters Received, 1818-1862" (National Archives Identifier 456789).The registers include annotations about letters found in the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678). The annotations include the date sent, name of recipient, and a summary of the letter.Function and Use NoteRelated Rec move to Gen. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references to materials that have a direct relationship but do not refer to the function and use or scope and content of the series; are not about finding aids; and are not about shared boxes must be placed in General Note. For example:The series have preceding or succeeding relationships to another series: Cases filed after 1950 can be found in the series "Case Files, 1951-1960" (National Archives Identifier 567890).For duplicate copies found in another series: Annotated copies of the letters in this series received between 1840 and1850 can be found in the series "Endorsements of Letters Received, 1840-1850" (National Archives Identifier 678901).The materials were separated into multiple series due to size: Oversized materials were removed from this series and can be found in the series “Oversized Exhibits, 1900-1911.”Tapes are in one series and transcripts in another series: A transcript of the recording in this series can be found in the series “Transcript of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s D-Day Speech, 6/6/1944.”Function and Use NoteRelated Rec move to Phys. Occ. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that indicate that materials are stored in the same container must be placed in Physical Occurrence Note. For example:This series shares a box with the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1803" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Index to Letters Received, 1800-1818" (National Archives Identifier 545454).Function and Use NoteNumbers nine and underNumbers nine and under should be spelled out. Please revise [fill in number]. and Use NoteNumbers 10 and higherNumbers 10 and higher should be written with numerals. Please revise [fill in number]. and Use NoteCorrect the related series titlePlease correct the related series title so that it matches the title of the related series' description.Function and Use NoteCorrect the related National Archives IdentifierPlease correct the National Archives Identifier of the related series.Function and Use NoteCorrect the related series datesPlease correct the dates of the related series so that they match the dates of the related series' description.Function and Use NotePlace related series title and dates in quotesPlease place the related series title and dates in quotes. For example, This series is indexed by the series "General Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1903 – 1927" (National Archives Identifier 595144).Function and Use NoteReplace negative with photographsDelete the word “negatives” because this is a reference to physical characteristics of the records.Please replace it with the word “photographs.”Function and Use NoteAbbreviationsReview the guidance on abbreviations. Please do not abbreviate the following [insert erroneous abbreviation]. and Use NoteAcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in a narrative field for the first time, must be defined unless it has been previously defined in the Scope and Content Note or the Title elements.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).General NoteGen Note: Use full sentencesPlease write in full sentences.General NoteGeneral Note: Referring to another seriesWhen referring to another series, it should be clear that the material being cited is a series. For example:An index to these records is available in the series “Index to Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987.”Notice that the word series is used, dates are included, and the series title and dates are in quotes.In cases where the series will have annual accretions, the reference does not have to include dates to avoid having to make frequent updates.Do not include parenthetical identifiers for the series being cited, such as the MLR Number or PI entry number; however, the NAID may be provided. If it is, “Identifier” must be spelled out and the following format used:This series indexes the series “Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987” (National Archives Identifier 555555).General NoteGeneral Note: use of publication titlesPlease place the publication title(s) in quotes.Publication titles (such as titles of articles, finding aids, newspapers, books, and journals) that appear in narrative notes should be placed in quotation marks, e.g., This series contains clippings from newspapers such as the “Washington Post,” “Newsday,” and the “Chicago Times.” NoteGeneral Note: Write present tense for series/past tense for events in seriesPlease correct verb tense according to the following guidance:In the Scope and Content Note and other narrative notes, refer to the series or records in the present tense (“This series consists of . . .”).When discussing the historical events and issues relating to the records, past tense should be used.For example:Correct: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith wrote.Incorrect: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith writes.Correct: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers made decisions regarding inmate treatment.Incorrect: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers make decisions regarding inmate treatment.General NoteAbbreviationsReview the guidance on abbreviations. Please do not abbreviate the following [insert erroneous abbreviation]. NoteGeneral Note: if more than one title only use one General NotePlease combine your notes into one note.If the description has one or more occurrence in the Other Title field, each does not need its own explanatory General Note (e.g., This series was referred to as “General Correspondence” and “Correspondence” in previous finding aids.)General NoteGeneral Note: Please delete notes about gaps; use SCN or Date NotePlease delete your note explaining gaps. Gaps in coverage should be explained in either Date Note (when the gap is a date gap) or Scope and Content Note (when the gap is any type of gap, including dates). NoteGeneral Note: Delete related records referencePlease delete the references to related records or revise so the direct relationship between the series is clear. References based on subject or provenance are not allowed in any Note field. NoteGeneral Note: Delete citation informationPlease delete. NARA researchers will not have the complete citation if they only have this information. The NARA directive found at states in part that "Researchers, not NARA staff members, are responsible for properly citing the source of a reproduction… Reference units furnishing reproductions to persons engaged in substantive research shall therefore encourage researchers to use Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States, GIL No. 17." Within the various fields in DAS researchers can find all of the necessary information to properly cite this record following the guidance in GIL 17 ().General NoteGeneral Note: Don't use postal codes for state namesPlease spell out the state name(s) and do not use the postal code(s). This will assist with keyword searching. NoteGeneral Note: delete "folder"Delete the word “folder” because this is physical information. Please replace it with the word “file.”General NoteRelated Rec move to Find. Aid NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references to finding aids must be placed in the Finding Aid Note. For example:This series is indexed by the series "Index to Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 123456).This series is registered by the series "Registers of Telegrams Received, 1880-1903" (National Archives Identifier 234567).General NoteGeneral Note: Delete note explaining gapsPlease move the note explaining gaps.Gaps in coverage should be explained in either Date Note (when the gap is a date gap) or Scope and Content Note (when the gap is any type of gap, including dates).General NoteRelated Rec move to Fun. Use NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that describe the function or use of a series must be placed in Function and Use. For example:This series was used to index the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678).The dockets were maintained by the clerk of the court to keep track of all proceedings associated with individual cases in the series "Civil Case Files, 1938-1970" (National Archives Identifier 456789).General NoteRelated Rec move to SCNRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationReferences that describe the scope or content of the materials must go in the Scope and Content Note. For example:This series consists of an index to the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678).This series includes cross reference sheets to letters found in the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Letters Received, 1818-1862" (National Archives Identifier 456789).The registers include annotations about letters found in the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678). The annotations include the date sent, name of recipient, and a summary of the letter.General NoteRelated Rec move to Phys. Occ. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that indicate that materials are stored in the same container must be placed in Physical Occurrence Note. For example:This series shares a box with the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1803" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Index to Letters Received, 1800-1818" (National Archives Identifier 545454).General NoteNumbers nine and underNumbers nine and under should be spelled out. Please revise [fill in number]. NoteNumbers 10 and higherNumbers 10 and higher should be written with numerals. Please revise [fill in number]. NoteCorrect the related series titlePlease correct the related series title so that it matches the title of the related series' description.General NoteCorrect the related National Archives IdentifierPlease correct the National Archives Identifier of the related series.General NoteCorrect the related series datesPlease correct the dates of the related series so that they match the dates of the related series' description.General NotePlace related series title and dates in quotesPlease place the related series title and dates in quotes. For example, This series is indexed by the series "General Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1903 – 1927" (National Archives Identifier 595144.General NoteAcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in a narrative field for the first time, must be defined unless it has been previously defined in the Scope and Content Note or the Title elements.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).Geographic ReferenceGeographic Reference: delete larger geographic bodyPlease delete the following access point(s): [LIST THEM].Only the specific geographic locations should be listed in Geographic Reference unless the materials also relate to the broader geographic area. For example, if the description refers to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then Philadelphia should be the Geographic Reference. The description should not also have Pennsylvania as a Geographic Reference, unless the state of Pennsylvania is clearly anchored as a separate concept in the description.GPRA IndicatorPlease verifyPlease verify that the GPRA Indicator should be "No."Holdings Measurement CountHoldings Measurement Type/Count – partial boxIf a series fills up only part of a box, the Holdings Measurement Type / Count should reflect that. For example, 1 inch of material in a 5 inch box would have a Count of .2. Please revise the Count accordingly.Holdings Measurement CountHMC/Container IDPlease resolve the discrepancy between the total number of boxes represented in your holdings measurement count listings ( ) and the total number of boxes represented in the container ID field ( ).If the discrepancy results from an unusual box numbering sequence, please describe it in the physical occurrence note field. For example: “The box numbering sequence includes boxes numbered 3A, 10A, and 13A.”If there are gaps in the container numbering sequence, revise the Container ID statement so that it identifies the gaps, e.g., “Boxes are numbered 1 – 4, 6 – 7, and 8 – 22.”Internal Transfer NoteInternal Transfer NotePlease add a Records Center Transfer Number or an Internal Transfer Number or delete the Transfer Note. According to the LCDRG, Transfer Note may only be used if a Records Center Transfer Number or an Internal Transfer Number has been provided.Local IdentifierLocal Identifier: No NARA mailcodesPlease delete the mailcode at the beginning of your Local Identifier. The LCDRG provides the following guidance: Please do not include mail codes in the local identifiers. Mail codes can change over time due to reorganizations. NumbersRecord Center Transfer Number contains extra info, please deleteRecords Center Transfer Numbers: Please delete all extra information (such as box numbers) from each occurrence of this field, as needed. This field should contain only the actual records center transfer number as it appears on a Standard Form 135, in NARS 5, or on a private records center dossier. TypeMedia Type: Change to "Bound Volumes"Please change the Media Type to "Bound Volumes" because although "Paper" is the currently selected as the Media Type, the Holding Measurement Type(s) is/are "Volume, Oversize" and/or "Volume, Journal Size.”Occasional Commentssub-series to subseriesPlease change the term “sub-series” to “subseries.” We realize this sounds picky, but this is a common term in the database and we just had to pick one way to do it. CommentsNREL NumberPlease delete the reference to the NREL Number, which represents the shipment number for materials sent to Lee’s Summit, Missouri for offsite storage. This should not be displayed to the public. In cases where material has been sent to Lee’s Summit for offsite storage, you must do the following:Indicate so by placing the following in the Location Facility field: NARA's Central Plains Region (Lee’s Summit, MO)Include a Physical Restriction Note, to the effect of: "Because these records are stored offsite, researchers must request the records 48 hours in advance."You may also do the following:Include the NREL shipment number, if desired, in the Staff Only Note. Do not refer to it as an "accession number," as accession refers to the transfer of legal custody to NARA.Refer to it as a shipment number. For example, “The NREL shipment number for this material is NREL 000-04-003.”Occasional CommentsFinding Aid – SF 135 is not a finding aidPlease delete. The SF 135 is not considered a finding aid to a series.However, if the SF 135 contains a box or folder list, that can be cited as a finding aid.If the SF 135 is mentioned in the Finding Aid Note, it must be referred to so that it is clear to users what it is (external users will not be familiar with the form).Examples:Finding Aid Type: Container ListFinding Aid Source: Department of JusticeFinding Aid Type: Folder ListFinding Aid Note: A folder list that the agency created to transfer the records to NARA is available in the research room.Finding Aid Type: Folder ListFinding Aid Note: A folder list that the agency sent with the form that transferred the records to NARA (Standard Form 135) is available in the accession dossier. CommentsPlease delete "United States"Please delete "United States." This term should be used only when the materials being described provide a broad overview of U.S. history, geography, or economics.For example, the reference can be applied to a series that contains histories and geographical books and studies about the United States – information that provides in depth coverage not typically associated with a body of records created by a federal agency in the ordinary course of business.Occasional CommentsHoldings Measurement Type – do not use otherPlease delete the value of OTH (Other). This value is in the authority list to accommodate legacy data, but should not be used for new or edited descriptions. Please select a different container. If the container needed is not on the list, please request that it be added using the form at CommentsWeb site two words[FIELD]: Please change "website" to "web site.”Occasional CommentsOnline no hyphen[FIELD]: Please delete the hyphen in “on-line” so that it is one word, “online.”Occasional CommentsArrangement: change "by subject XYZ" to "by subject"Please change “subject XYZ” to simply “subject.” “Arranged by subject” is NARA's traditional way to convey this type of arrangement.Occasional CommentsMissing blank line between paragraphsPlease add a blank line between paragraphs, as needed.Occasional CommentsExtra blank line between paragraphs, please removePlease delete the extra blank lines between paragraphs, as needed. There should be only one blank line between anizational ReferenceOrganizational Reference: delete creating org as referencePlease delete the Organizational Reference that contains the Creating Organization name.The creator should only rarely be used as a subject reference, and then only if the materials contain information about that creator beyond what is normally found or implied in the holdings (like a history of the creator). Materials inherently convey information about the creator because the simple creation, use, and maintenance of a series provides evidence of the creator's functions and anizational ReferenceOrg Reference: Delete and add as Org ContributorPlease delete the Organizational Reference and add it as an Organizational Contributor. The Organizational Reference describes who the records are about while the Organizational Contributor describes who the records are by.Other TitleOther title: if you use General Note, explain sourcePlease include both the variant title and the source of the variant title. For example:Dawes Rolls is the informal name of this series.This series was known as “Miscellaneous” in previous finding aids.This series was titled “Index to Entry 36” in “Preliminary Inventory XYZ.”Other TitlePlease delete quotation marks from Other TitlePlease delete the quotation marks around the Other Title.Other TitleDon't use narrative note or quotes in other titlePlease revise the Other Title so that only the variant title (no narrative notes) appears in this field. Do not place the title in quotation marks.Physical Occurrence NoteRelated records reference formattingWhen referring to another series, it should be clear that the material being cited is a series. For example:An index to these records is available in the series “Index to Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987.”Notice that the word series is used, dates are included, and the series title and dates are in quotes.In cases where the series will have annual accretions, the reference does not have to include dates to avoid having to make frequent updates.Do not include parenthetical identifiers for the series being cited, such as the MLR Number or PI entry number; however, the NAID may be provided. If it is, “Identifier” must be spelled out and the following format used:This series indexes the series “Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987” (National Archives Identifier 555555).Personal ReferencePersonal Reference: Delete Creating Individuals namePlease delete the Personal Reference that contains the Creating Individual name.The creator should only rarely be used as a subject reference, and then only if the materials contain information about that creator beyond what is normally found or implied in the holdings (like a biography of the creator). Materials inherently convey information about the creator because the simple creation/use/maintenance of a series provides evidence of the creator's activities.Personal ReferencePersonal Reference: Delete and add as ContributorPlease delete the Personal Reference and add it as a Personal Contributor. The Personal Reference describes who the records are about while the Personal Contributor describes who the records are by.Specific Access RestrictionSpec. Acc. Restr.:FOIA(b)1, PRA (p)1, or PRMPA – national securityPlease add a Security Classification(s).If the Specific Access Restriction is "FOIA(b)1", "Donated-Security Classified", "PRA (p)1", or "PRMPA – national security classified", the Security Classification field must be completed as well. Access RestrictionSpec. Acc. Restr.:FOIA(b)3, PRA (p)3, House/Senate, explain in Acc. Restr. NotePlease provide an Access Restriction Note.If the Specific Access Restriction is “Donor Restricted,” “FOIA (b)(3) Statute,” “PRA (p)(3),” “House Rule,” “Senate,” or “Other,” an explanation must be provided in the Access Restriction Note. and Content NoteSCN: Mixing SRT's and topics, please revisePlease revise.This [paragraph, sentence] mixes records types and topics in a way that blurs distinctions between them.For example:Mixed Records Types / Topics: This series consists of press releases, election issues, memos and oil policy.Corrected Sentences: This series consists of press releases and memos relating to election issues and oil policy.Or: This series consists of press releases and memos. Topics covered include election issues and oil policy. and Content NoteSCN: Use full sentencesPlease write in full sentences.Scope and Content NoteUse space when name has two initialsPlease add a space between the two initials, as needed, in the names you have mentioned. For example, George H.W. Bush should be George H. W. Bush.Scope and Content NoteUse person's full nameThe first time that a person is mentioned in a description, his or her full name should be used (e.g., President Ronald Reagan, not President Reagan.)Scope and Content NoteSCN: use of publication titlesPlease place the publication title(s) in quotes.Publication titles (such as titles of articles, finding aids, newspapers, books, and journals) that appear in narrative notes should be placed in quotation marks, e.g., This series contains clippings from newspapers such as the “Washington Post,” “Newsday,” and the “Chicago Times.” and Content NoteSCN: Don't use postal codes for state namesPlease spell out the state name(s) and do not use the postal code(s). This will assist with keyword searching. and Content NoteNumbers 10 and higherNumbers 10 and higher should be written with numerals. Please revise [fill in number]. and Content NoteNumbers nine and underNumbers nine and under should be spelled out. Please revise [fill in number]. and Content NoteSCN: Write present tense for series/past tense for events in seriesPlease correct verb tense according to the following guidance:In the Scope and Content Note and other narrative notes, refer to the series or records in the present tense (“This series consists of . . .”).When discussing the historical events and issues relating to the records, past tense should be used.For example:Correct: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith wrote.Incorrect: This series consists of press releases Joe Smith writes.Correct: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers made decisions regarding inmate treatment.Incorrect: This video recording contains examples showing how corrections officers make decisions regarding inmate treatment.Scope and Content NoteSCN: delete "bound volumes" physical infoDelete the word “bound” because this is physical information. “Bound volume” may be selected as a Media Type. and Content NoteSCN: Replace "folder" with "file"Delete the word “folder” because this is physical information. Please replace it with the word “file.”Scope and Content NoteReplace negative with photographsDelete the word “negatives” because this is a reference to physical characteristics of the records.Please replace it with the word “photographs.”Scope and Content NoteSCN: subordinate org for actual orgPlease clarify the relationship of the "XYZ" to the Creating OrganizationIf the “XYZ” is the series Creator, please request that it be added to the Organization Authority File so that you may select it as the Creating Organization. and Content NoteSCN: Matching creator in SCN and creating orgPlease change the way you refer to the creator in the Scope and Content Note because it does not match the name of the creator in the Creating Organization field.Scope and Content NoteSCN: Delete details of Admin HistoryPlease delete the portion of the Scope and Content Note that details the administrative history of the Creating Organization. According to the LCDRG, “Do not include agency history, personal biographies, or other information about the creators in Scope and Content Note (submit this information for inclusion in the proper authority file.)” If you wish, you may submit this information to be added to the creator’s Administrative History Note in the Organization Authority File: and Content NoteCorrect the related series titlePlease correct the related series title so that it matches the title of the related series' description.Scope and Content NoteCorrect the related National Archives IdentifierPlease correct the National Archives Identifier of the related series.Scope and Content NoteCorrect the related series datesPlease correct the dates of the related series so that they match the dates of the related series' description.Scope and Content NotePlace related series title and dates in quotesPlease place the related series title and dates in quotes. For example: This series is indexed by the series "General Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1903 – 1927" (National Archives Identifier 595144).Scope and Content NoteSCN: Delete related records referencePlease delete the references to related records or revise so the direct relationship between the series is clear. References based on subject or provenance are not allowed in any Note field.Scope and Content NoteReferring to another seriesWhen referring to another series, it should be clear that the material being cited is a series. For example:An index to these records is available in the series “Index to Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987.”Notice that the word series is used, dates are included, and the series title and dates are in quotes.In cases where the series will have annual accretions, the reference does not have to include dates to avoid having to make frequent updates.Do not include parenthetical identifiers for the series being cited, such as the MLR Number or PI entry number; however, the NAID may be provided. If it is, “Identifier” must be spelled out and the following format used:This series indexes the series “Joe Smith’s Correspondence, 1980-1987” (National Archives Identifier 555555).Scope and Content NoteSCN: Related Rec move to Find. Aid NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references to finding aids must be placed in the Finding Aid Note. For example:This series is indexed by the series "Index to Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 123456).This series is registered by the series "Registers of Telegrams Received, 1880-1903" (National Archives Identifier 234567).Scope and Content NoteSCN: Related Rec move to Fun. Use NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that describe the function or use of a series must be placed in Function and Use. For example:This series was used to index the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1850" (National Archives Identifier 345678).The dockets were maintained by the clerk of the court to keep track of all proceedings associated with individual cases in the series "Civil Case Files, 1938-1970" (National Archives Identifier 456789).Scope and Content NoteRelated Rec move to Gen. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references to materials that have a direct relationship but do not refer to the function and use or scope and content of the series; are not about finding aids; and are not about shared boxes must be placed in General Note. For example:The series have preceding or succeeding relationships to another series: Cases filed after 1950 can be found in the series "Case Files, 1951-1960" (National Archives Identifier 567890).For duplicate copies found in another series: Annotated copies of the letters in this series received between 1840 and1850 can be found in the series "Endorsements of Letters Received, 1840-1850" (National Archives Identifier 678901).The materials were separated into multiple series due to size: Oversized materials were removed from this series and can be found in the series “Oversized Exhibits, 1900-1911.”Tapes are in one series and transcripts in another series: A transcript of the recording in this series can be found in the series “Transcript of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s D-Day Speech, 6/6/1944.”Scope and Content NoteRelated Rec move to Phys. Occ. NoteRelated Records References and Appropriate Field LocationRelated records references that indicate that materials are stored in the same container must be placed in Physical Occurrence Note. For example:This series shares a box with the series "Letters Sent, 1800-1803" (National Archives Identifier 345678) and "Index to Letters Received, 1800-1818" (National Archives Identifier 545454).Scope and Content NoteDelete extra paragraph returnsPlease delete the multiple hard returns at the end of the note.Scope and Content NoteAcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in the Scope and Content field for the first time, must be defined unless it has been previously defined in the Title elements.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).Scope and Content NoteAbbreviationsReview the guidance on abbreviations. Please do not abbreviate the following [insert erroneous abbreviation]. Records TypeSRT: Delete broader term (correspondence)Please delete "Correspondence" because the description only refers to "Letters.”Please review the scope notes for these two Specific Records Types to see the distinction between the two terms:Correspondence – Any forms of addressed and written communication sent and received, including letters, postcards, memorandums, notes, telegrams, or cables.Letters (correspondence) – Use for pieces of correspondence that are somewhat more formal than memoranda or notes, usually on paper and delivered.Specific Records TypeSRT: delete narrower term (letters: correspondence)Please delete "Letters (correspondence)" because the description only refers to "Correspondence.”Please review the scope notes for these two Specific Records Types to see the distinction between the two terms:Correspondence – Any forms of addressed and written communication sent and received, including letters, postcards, memorandums, notes, telegrams, or cables.Letters (correspondence) – Use for pieces of correspondence that are somewhat more formal than memoranda or notes, usually on paper and delivered.Specific Use RestrictionSpecific Use Restriction: If Donor or other must explain in Use Restriction NotePlease add a Use Restriction Note.If the Specific Use Restriction is “Donor Restrictions” or “Other,” an explanation is required in the Use Restriction Note.: remove periodPlease remove the period at the end of Title.: Remove creator's namePlease remove the creator’s name from the Title.The LCDRG guidance for Title at the series level states “Do not include dates or creator names in a title. Dates belong in Inclusive Start Date or Inclusive End Date. Creator names belong in Creating Individual or Creating Organization. It is necessary to have separate elements for dates and title because they have different values and different search techniques. Though titles, dates, and creators have separate elements, they can be displayed together to form a unique header for archival materials.”TitleTitle: Use initial caps except for prepositions and articlesPlease use initial capitals, except for articles and prepositions, e.g., “Correspondence Relating to the Civil War,” or “Photographs of Union Soldiers.”: Make records type pluralPlease make the records type plural (e.g., “Subject Files” not “Subject File”). According to the LCDRG, at the series level, the specific records type term usually will be plural.: include a records typePlease include a records type. The LCDRG guidance states “Include a Records Type. The title may include a term selected from the General Records Type Authority List or the Specific Records Type Thesaurus, such as memorandums, registers, indexes, minutes, reports, letters, files, etc.Do not use a physical term like "prints" or "negatives" in the title. Instead, choose an appropriate intellectual records type like "photographs" or "portraits." Terms from the Media Type Authority List or Process Authority List are generally considered physical.For example, “Records Relating to Oil Policy” or “Oil Policy Files” not just “Oil Policy.” Be as specific as possible (“Letters Relating to Oil Policy” is better than “Records Relating to Oil Policy” and “Oil Policy Files.”)TitleTitle: revise title so it is clearer/more explanatoryPlease revise the title so that it is clearer/more explanatory.The title is one of the main identifiers for archival materials and should be as clear as possible so researchers know if they want to review the full description. Also, titles that are ambiguously short, catchy, or contain jargon are not helpful to the researcher and should not be used at the series level.Variant titles may be added to the other title field if they likely are known by researchers.Examples:Incorrect: General Correspondence – “A” SeriesCorrect: General Correspondence Filed Under the Letter A: no punctuation for subgroupings, use natural languagePlease revise the title so that it does not include punctuation to indicate subgroupings or characteristics; natural language should be used instead.Incorrect: Correspondence: IncomingCorrect: Incoming Correspondence: 2 series cannot have same Title/Creator/DatesTitle / Dates / CreatorThis series has the same title, creating organization, and overlapping inclusive dates as National Archives Identifier [Fill in numbers]. You cannot have more than one series with the same title, dates, and creator, because although titles, dates and creators are separate elements, they are displayed together to form a unique header for each description.Please revise the title, creating organization, and/or inclusive dates accordingly.TitleTitle: Numbers nine and underNumbers nine and under should be spelled out. Please revise [fill in number].: Number 10 and higherNumbers 10 and higher should be written with numerals. Please revise [fill in number]. person's full nameThe first time that a person is mentioned in a description, his or her full name should be used (e.g., President Ronald Reagan, not President Reagan.)TitleUse space when name has two initialsPlease add a space between the two initials, as needed, in the names you have mentioned. For example, George H.W. Bush should be George H. W. Bush.TitleAcronymsThe LCDRG states that an acronym used in the Title must be defined.Please define the acronym in the following format: the full defined name followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g.,Petroleum Administration for War (PAW).TitleAbbreviationsReview the guidance on abbreviations. Please do not abbreviate the following [insert erroneous abbreviation].: NegativesDelete the word “negatives” because this is a reference to physical characteristics of the records.Please replace it with the word “photographs.”Topical SubjectTopical Subject: Already have narrower termPlease delete [Fill in term]. You have already chosen [Fill in narrower term]. When choosing access points you should always chose the narrowest possible term. For example, if the Scope and Content Note mentions the American Civil War, you should choose only “American Civil War, 1861-1865” as an access point rather than choosing both “Civil War” and “American Civil War, 1861-1865.”Topical SubjectTopical Subject: Replace with narrower termPlease delete [Fill in term] and replace with the more specific term [Fill in narrower term]. For example, if the Scope and Content Note mentions North American Indians, you should choose “Indians of North America” as an access point rather than “Indians.”Topical SubjectTopical Subject: Delete and add SRTPlease delete the Topical Subject Reference and add [Fill in SRT] as a Specific Records Type. Topical Subjects are the topics represented in the archival materials – what the records are “about.” Specific Records Types are the physical form of the archival materials – what the records “are.”Use RestrictionUse Restr: Restricted Fully/Partly must include Spec. Use Restr.Please add a Specific Use Restriction(s).If “Restricted-Fully” or “Restricted-Partly” is the Use Restriction Status, a Specific Use Restriction is required. RestrictionUse Restrictions: Restricted Possibly/Undetermined include Use Restr. NotePlease add a Use Restriction Note.If “Restricted-Possibly” or “Undetermined” is the Use Restriction Status, a Use Restriction Note is required. RestrictionUse Restriction Status: copyright and news clippingsPlease update Use Restriction Status to "Restricted – Possibly" and update the Use Restriction Note to account for the possibly copyrighted material mentioned in your Scope and Content Note.Please change the Use Restriction Note to: Some or all of the records may be subject to copyright restrictions. Researchers should contact the publisher for further information.Or: Most government records are in the public domain, however, this series includes commercial materials, such as newspaper clippings, that may be subject to copyright restrictions. Researchers should contact the copyright holder for information.Variant Control Number Note:Variant Control Number Note: delete MLR notePlease delete the Variant Control Number Note(s) associated with the MLR entries. This information belongs in the MLR itself, not in DAS, which will eventually link to the MLR. The information should not be maintained in both systems.Variant Control NumberVariant Control Number: Enter each separatelyPlease enter each number separately, as this is a repeatable field. For example:Variant Control Number Type: Master Location Register (MLR) Entry NumberVariant Control Number: A1 10445Variant Control Number Type: Master Location Register (MLR) Entry NumberVariant Control Number: A1 10446Appendix F: Report TemplatesThe following shall be included with the Description Tool. Sample data has been included. Report layouts are not required as shown.Description Service ReportsThe following reports shall be included with the Description Service as standard reports. Sample data has been included. Report layouts will be finalized at a later date, but all the data elements displayed will be included. Parameters for each report are also included.1.0 Summary Report of Digital Objects Linked to Descriptions in NARA’s Online Catalog1.1 Report ParametersMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office Group1.2 Sample ReportSummary Report of Digital Objects Linked to Descriptions in NARA’s Online CatalogCatalog Descriptions With Digital Objects (Deferred – the first table of this report)Source of digitization# Series descriptions in the Catalog# Item descriptions in the Catalog# File Unit descriptions in the CatalogCubic Footage of descriptions linked to digital objects in the catalogFootnote801297695.04 cu. ft.Google0000 cu. ft.Amazon1192760012557.462 cu. ft.Access to Archival Databases (AAD) system560549227902419 ldrAncestry4333912069.88 cu. ft.In-house Digitization27529214.935 cu. ft.Digital Objects Linked to Catalog DescriptionsDigital Object TypesTotal # of Each Digital Object TypeNumber of Objects linked to Item DescriptionsNumber of Objects linked to File Unit DescriptionsNumber of Objects linked to Catalog DescriptionsASCII Text10131821Audio/Visual (RealMedia Video Stream)1000Audio/Visual File (AVI)3101Audio/Visual File (MOV)2000Audio/Visual File (MP4)2941480148Audio/Visual File (WMV)4034311423116EBCDIC Text0000HTML0000Image (BMP)47000Image (GIF)1280851198780119878Image (JPG)23263614499549757194752MS Excel Spreadsheet6505Microsoft PowerPoint Document1101Microsoft Word Document3202Microsoft Write Document1101Portable Document File (PDF)2573013666531418980Shapefile0000Sound File (MP3)1561440144Sound File (WAV)48101World Wide Web Page20314XML - Extensible Markup Language0000ZIP0000Total # of Digital Objects391168Total # of Linked Archival Descriptions199298Number of catalog descriptions by custodial unit with digital objects created by NARANumber of NW Descriptions with Digital Objects Attached: 161,572Number of NW File Unit Descriptions: 4,240Number of NW Item Descriptions: 157,332Number of NW Descriptions by Reference Unit:NWCS-C????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 59,600NWCS-M????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 3,237NWCS-S????File Unit(s): 1,074????Item(s): 80,274NWCT1R????File Unit(s): 8????Item(s): 2,362NWCT2R[C]????File Unit(s): 6????Item(s): 830NWCT2R[M]????File Unit(s): 3,008????Item(s): 8,557NWCTF????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 201NWL????File Unit(s): 120????Item(s): 2,269NWME????File Unit(s): 24????Item(s): 2Number of NR Descriptions with Digital Objects Attached: 25,455Number of NR File Unit Descriptions: 9Number of NR Item Descriptions: 25,446Number of NR Descriptions by Reference Unit:NRAAB????File Unit(s): 1????Item(s): 125NRAAN????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 511NRBA????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 340NRCA????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 2,637NRDA????File Unit(s): 1????Item(s): 7,304NREA????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 3,133NREA[A]????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 0NRFA????File Unit(s): 4????Item(s): 4,797NRGA????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 1,956NRHAR????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 995NRHAS????File Unit(s): 3????Item(s): 892NRIAA????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 1,086NRIAS????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 1,552NRPAO????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 9NRPCO????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 5NRPM????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 104Number of NL Descriptions with Digital Objects Attached: 12,263Number of NL File Unit Descriptions: 2,163Number of NL Item Descriptions: 10,100Number of NL Descriptions by Reference Unit:NLDDE????File Unit(s): 103????Item(s): 132NLFDR????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 3,468NLGB????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 155NLGRF????File Unit(s): 2,058????Item(s): 370NLGRFM????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 0NLGWB????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 0NLHH????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 33NLHST????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 2,316NLJC????File Unit(s): 2????Item(s): 929NLJFK????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 1,225NLLBJ????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 312NLMS????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 0NLRN????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 444NLRNS????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 0NLRR????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 415NLWJC????File Unit(s): 0????Item(s): 3012.0 Overall Review Statistics 2.1 Report ParametersMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office Group2.2 Sample ReportSummary Report of Digital Objects Linked to Descriptions in NARA’s Online CatalogReview Statistics – FY 2009 Year-to-Date (also run monthly)Note: This report provides review statistics from the beginning of the fiscal year to the chosen date. Users shall also be able to produce this report based on other date parameters, e.g., for a particular month. This is a central office report; submitted in this case means it was submitted to the central office. The figures are submitted to LCS by reference unit – in this case, data control group.Total Descriptions Submitted Total Currently Under ReviewBy LevelCollection155Collection1Series24,009Series524File Unit4,145File Unit49Item400Item0Item (AV)1,947Item (AV)10Total30,656Total584This is the total number of descriptions retrieved by This is the number of descriptions under review byLCS since 10/1/2008.LCS as of 8/31/2009 that have not been approved orhad a review sheet returned to the unit.Review Sheets SentTotal Approved with LCS CorrectionsCollection34Collection16Series3,274Series1,321File Unit159File Unit29Item41Item41Item (AV)293Item (AV)269Total3,801Total1,676This is the number of review sheets sent by LCS This is the number of descriptions that LCS correctedbetween 10/1/2008 and 8/31/2009. It may include prior to approving and during compliance. LCS makesdescriptions retrieved prior to 10/1/2008. Review sheets corrections to descriptions that have typographical, refer to descriptions returned to POCs with comments.grammatical, or descriptions status errors only. Notethat descriptions corrected by LCS and then approvedare not counted with the number of descriptions thatrequired changeApproved without CommentTotal ApprovedCollection119Collection152Series20,193Series23,374File Unit3,721File Unit3,874Item347Item384Item (AV)1,644Item (AV)1,959Total26,024Total29,743This is the number of descriptions approved without This is the number of descriptions approved by LCScomment by LCS between 10/1/2008 and 8/31/2009. between 10/1/2008 and 8/31/2009.Submitted to LCS by Unit, All Levels ofApproved by LCS by Unit, All Levels of Description DescriptionCustodial UnitTotal Custodial UnitTotal ApprovedNLDDE27NLDDE23NLFDR60NLFDR37(remaining custodial units)…Total30,656Total29,743The approved column may include descriptions review in prior fiscal years that were synched in FY09. The total includes everything that was sent back and has been resubmitted as approved.Review Sheets Sent since 10/1/2008Currently Awaiting ComplianceCustodial UnitTotalCustodial UnitTotalNLDDE6NLFDR23NLFDR44NLGB1(remaining custodial units)…Total3,801Total357This is the number of descriptions LCS has reviewedand sent required changes to the units, but the unitshave not yet sent notification to LCS that the changeshave been made as of 8/31/2009.Possible parameters: Year-to-date, month-to-date, Total-to-date, date range, DCG, region3.0 Review Turnaround Statistics3.1 Report ParametersDate RangeLocal Office Group3.2 Sample ReportReview Turnaround Statistics - 2009First Quarter Average TurnaroundSecond Quarter Average TurnaroundThird Quarter Average TurnaroundJuly FY 2009 Average TurnaroundAugust FY 2009 Average TurnaroundTotal8 business days9 business days5 business days4 business days6 business daysCollections8 business days9 business days6 business days4 business days7 business daysSeries8 business days9 business days5 business days4 business days5 business daysFile units6 business days7 business days3 business days3 business days5 business daysItems8 business days6 business days4 business days4 business days7 business daysItems (AV)8 business days9 business days7 business days8 business days10 business daysThis is the average for the number of days between LCS retrieval and the date the review sheet was sent or the date the description was approved (for descriptions not requiring a review sheet). The elapsed time stops being measured after the second level review.Average Turnaround with Review Sheet in August 2009: 7 business daysThis is an average of the number of days between the LCS retrieval of a description from the review folder and the day the review sheet was sent to the unit. In FY 2008, it took LCS an average of 6 business days to review descriptions that needed to be returned to the unit.Average Turnaround with No Review Sheet in August 2009: 6 business daysThis is an average of the number of days between the date of LCS retrieval and the date of approval for descriptions that did not require a review sheet. In FY 2008, it took LCS an average of 5 business days to review and synchronize descriptions that did not need revision.Average Processing Days in August 2009: 69 business daysThis is an average of the number of days between the date of LCS retrieval and the date of approval for description that required revision. In FY 2008, it took an average of 24 business days to review, return the description to the unit, await unit corrections, check for compliance, and approve descriptions.4.0 Total File Units by Staff4.1 Report ParametersMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office Group4.2 Sample ReportMonthly Total File Units by Staff – [Reference unit]Note: Provide for all Reference units.StaffNumber of FileUnits AddedBlack63Clingerman11Crowder/Clinge60Gardner51Henderson29McAnear1Neptune81Paul733Thiele370Waldman592Walker129Grand Total8431Whoever submits the file unit to the workflow should be counted as the description author5.0 Monthly Count – Series – Final Approval5.1 Report ParametersMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office Group5.2 Sample ReportNote: Provide separate reports for all Reference Units. Provide for all and Collections that have series associated with [Reference Unit]. Sort by Record Group first and then Collection; thereunder, sort Record Groups numerically and Collection Identifiers alphanumerically.RG 033MLRDescription IDSeries Date Entered Date sent to Central StaffDate of Final ApprovalCubic FeetSubmitted ByP512965661Records of National 4-H Development Committees7/20/20098/6/20098/19/20091.632AtkinsonP522990032Records Related to 4-H Staff7/20/20098/6/20098/19/20091.224AtkinsonNC 23 33314732Registers of Department of Agriculture Pay Warrants8/17/20098/17/20098/19/20090.438SaxtonRG 039MLRDescription IDSeries Date Entered Date sent to Central StaffDate of Final ApprovalCubic FeetSubmitted ByNC 23 33314732Registers of Department of Agriculture Pay Warrants8/17/20098/17/20098/19/20090.438Saxton… [Continue for all Record Groups and then Collections.]6.0 Series Reviewed/Returned to Units with Comments6.1 Report ParametersDate RangeLocal Office Group6.2 Sample ReportNote: Provided for all NL*, NR* and NW* Reference Units.POC1st Qrtr 2009 # Reviewed2nd Qrtr 2009 # Reviewed3rd Qrtr 2009 # ReviewedAugust FY09 # Reviewed1st Qrtr FY 2009 # that Required Changes2nd Qrtr 2009 # that Required Changes3rd Qrtr 2009 # that Required ChangesAugust FY09 # that Required Changes1st Qrtr FY09 % Reviewed that Required Changes2nd Qrtr FY09 % Reviewed that Required Changes3rd Qrtr FY09 % Reviewed that Required ChangesAugust FY09 % Reviewed that Required ChangesNLDDE-152-111-100%20%50%NLFDR12384-9312-75%82%50%-… provide for all NL* Data Control GroupsTOTAL4875041331521116949643%34%37%40%This report can also be run on demand as needed. Required changes will be sent back to POCs.7.0 Series Retrieved by Month with Collaboration7.1 Report ParametersMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office Group7.2 Sample ReportThis report counts the number of series that are moved to the local office for review monthly.8.0 Description Service Summary Statistics8.1 Report ParametersMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office Group8.2 Sample ReportAgency TotalsAuthorized‘Under Edit’ – New, ‘Local Approved’‘Under Edit’ – Edit version of previously AuthorizedTotal ‘Non-Authorized’ = New, Edit VersionsRecord Groups/CollectionsRecord Groups5035121Collections2,3481626176Total RG & Collections285116718177Lower LevelsPreliminary Descriptions0000Series94,3927,7147449,264Files2,328,6301,5091041,670Items/Items (AV)292,2631,0363181625Total Lower Levels2,715,28510,2591,16612,559Total 2,718,13610,4261,18412,752GPRA Holdings in the Description ServiceCubic Feet2,455,494160,28548,011230,454Logical Data Records 6,313,095,79398,671,3903,892,402,3504,047,242,301Artifacts464,996700221921Non-GPRA Holdings in the Description ServiceCubic Feet1,044,161252372,363Logical Data Records 20,925,970000Artifacts0000Total (GPRA & Non-GPRA) Holdings Cubic Feet3,499,655160,53748,048232,817Logical Data Records 6,334,021,76398,671,3903,892,402,3504,047,242,301Artifacts464,996700221921Office/Reference Unit BreakdownNote: This portion of the report shall be repeated for NR and NW and include all NR* and NW* Reference Units, respectively.Authorized‘Under Edit’ – New, ‘Local Approved’‘Under Edit’ – Edit version of previously AuthorizedTotal ‘Non-Authorized’ = New, Edit Versions (a + b)Preliminary Descriptions, Series, Files, ItemsPreliminary DescriptionsNLDDE0000NLFDR0000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL0000SeriesNLDDE67210314NLFDR21752129Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL6,59639846469FilesNLDDE255101NLFDR21,419000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL252,48244864513ItemsNLDDENLFDREtc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NLItems (AV)NLDDE157112NLFDR3,357326Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL15,1622876108Total NL Preliminary Descriptions, Series, Files, Items274,2408741861,090Office/Reference Unit BreakdownNote: This portion of the report shall be repeated for NR and NW and include all NR* and NW* Reference Units, respectively.Authorized‘Under Edit’ – New, ‘Local Approved’‘Under Edit’ – Edit version of previously AuthorizedTotal ‘Non-Authorized’ = New, Edit VersionsGPRA Holdings in the Description ServiceCubic FeetNLDDE12,781162946NLFDR10,3873093139Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL140,5026,2913,60510,235Logical Data RecordsNLDDE0000NLFDR0000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL20,232,240000ArtifactsNLDDE66,950000NLFDR29,627000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL463,175000Office/Reference Unit BreakdownNote: This portion of the report shall be repeated for NR and NW and include all NR* and NW* Reference Units, respectively.Authorized‘Under Edit’ – New, ‘Local Approved’‘Under Edit’ – Edit version of previously AuthorizedTotal ‘Non-Authorized’ = New, Edit VersionsNon-GPRA Holdings in the Description ServiceCubic FeetNLDDE67210314NLFDR21752129Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL140,5026,2913,60510,235Logical Data RecordsNLDDE0000NLFDR0000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL20,195,886000ArtifactsNLDDE0000NLFDR0000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL0000Office/Reference Unit BreakdownNote: This portion of the report shall be repeated for NR and NW and include all NR* and NW* Reference Units, respectively.Authorized‘Under Edit’ – New, ‘Local Approved’‘Under Edit’ – Edit version of previously AuthorizedTotal ‘Non-Authorized’ = New, Edit VersionsTotal (GPRA & Non-GPRA Holdings) in the Description ServiceCubic FeetNLDDE12,783272957NLFDR10,4713093139Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL140,7246,3023,60710,248Logical Data RecordsNLDDE0000NLFDR0000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL40,428,126ArtifactsNLDDE66,950000NLFDR29,627000Etc. for all NL* Ref. UnitsTotal NL463,1750009.0 Description Service Record Group Statistics – Record Group Totals9.1 Report ParametersGPRA/Non-GPRADate RangeLocal Office GroupRegion9.2 Sample ReportRecord Group Statistics – Record Group TotalsNote: Include data for all Record Groups in Record Group Number order. For Office Totals, list separately each Reference Unit that has Cubic Feet, Logical Data Records, and/or Artifacts for that Record Group. Do not list individual Reference Units if they do not have holdings for a particular Record Group.RG 0001Records of the War Labor Policies Board, 1918 – 1919Series: 7Agency TotalsCubic FeetGPRA17Non-GPRA 0Total17Logical Data RecordsGPRA 0Non-GPRA 0Total 0ArtifactsGPRA 0Non-GPRA 0Total 0Office TotalsCubic FeetGPRATotal NL 0Total NR 0NWNWCT2R[C]17Total NW17Non-GPRATotal NL 0Total NR 0Total NW 0Logical Data RecordsGPRATotal NL 0Total NR 0Total NW 0Non-GPRATotal NL 0Total NR 0Total NW 0ArtifactsGPRATotal NL 0Total NR 0Total NW 0Non-GPRATotal NL 0Total NR 0Total NW 010.0 Description Service Collection Statistics – Collection Totals10.1 Report ParametersGPRA/Non-GPRADate RangeLocal Office GroupRegion10.2 Sample ReportDescription Service Collection Statistics – Collection TotalsNote: Include data for all Collections in Collection Identifier alphanumeric order. For Office Totals, list separately each Reference Unit that has Cubic Feet, Logical Data Records, and/or Artifacts for that Collection. Do not list individual Reference Units if they do not have holdings for a particular Collection.Kennedy Family Photographs, 1878 – 1980Series: 0Agency TotalsCubic FeetGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total0Logical Data RecordsGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total 0ArtifactsGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total0Office TotalsCubic FeetGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0Non-GPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0Logical Data RecordsGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0Non-GPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0ArtifactsGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW01AVWhite House Films (Kennedy Administration), 01/20/1961 – 11/25/1963Series: 2Agency TotalsCubic FeetGPRA3Non-GPRA0Total3Logical Data RecordsGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total 0ArtifactsGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total0Office TotalsCubic FeetGPRANL0NLJFK3Total NL3Total NR0Total NW0Non-GPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0Logical Data RecordsGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0Non-GPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0ArtifactsGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0AASAmerican Antiquarian Society Collection, 1923 – 1926Series: 1Agency TotalsCubic FeetGPRA1Non-GPRA2Total3Logical Data RecordsGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total 0ArtifactsGPRA0Non-GPRA0Total0Office TotalsCubic FeetGPRATotal NL0Total NR0NWNWCS-M1Total NW1Non-GPRATotal NL0Total NR0NWNWCS-M2Total NW2Logical Data RecordsGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0Non-GPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW0ArtifactsGPRATotal NL0Total NR0Total NW011.0 Users Who Have Accessed the Description and Authority Services between {MM/DD/YYYY} and {MM/DD/YYYY}11.1 Report ParametersMonth to Current DateQuarter to Current DateYear to Current DateTotal to DateLocal Office GroupDate Range11.2 Sample ReportUser’s Login IDNumber of LoginsMost Recent LoginADAVEREDE101/30/2009 7:20 AMAPUGSLEY102/07/2009 1:20 PMBABRAMS402/21/2009 1:46 PMBBURGER702/27/2009 5:06 PMBGETCHELL202/21/2009 3:01 PMBKEPLEY1102/14/2009 8:34 PMBPARHAM2301/30/2009 10:13 AMBZERBY602/11/2009 8:19 AMCGOERINGER902/11/2009 2:45 PMCHANSON502/11/2009 3:02 PMCLAGUNDO802/11/2009 9:27 AMCMWRIGHT602/11/2009 10:28 AMCSAVO1202/11/2009 12:46 PMCWRIGHT402/11/2009 10:37 AMDBLANTON402/11/2009 7:47 AMDBYRD602/11/2009 2:28 PMDCONNELL902/11/2009 10:33 AMDEDGE402/11/2009 12:38 PMDKODIAK802/11/2009 11:56 AM**Organized by data control group. Note in title.12.0 Users Currently Logged into the Description and Authority Services12.1 Report ParametersLocal Office Group12.2 Sample ReportUser’s Login IDFirst NameLast NameADAVEREDEAJDAVEREDEAFISHERALISONFISHERARICEANNERICEBBOHANANBOBBOHANANBGETCHELLBILLGETCHELLBGROVERBILLGROVERBKEPLEYBRENDAKEPLEYCHANSONCOURTNEYHANSONCLAGUNDOCAROLLAGUNDODBOTTOMSDARRYLBOTTOMSDCLARKDAVIDCLARKDHOLMESDEBRAHOLMESDLELANSKYDEBORAHLELANSKYDWALLDEBRAWALLDWALLACEDAVIDWALLACEEBITTNERERICBITTNERGLONGACRGLENNLONGACREGSTERNGARY H.STERNIKIRSHENBAUIRAKIRSHENBAUMTotal Number of Users Logged on: 19**Organized by data control group. Note in title.13.0 List of All Current Description and Authority Service User Accounts13.1 Report ParametersUser GroupRole13.2 Sample ReportUser’s Login IDFirst NameLast NameMost Recent LoginADAVEREDEAJDAVEREDE01/30/09AFISHERALISONFISHER10/11/08ARICEANNERICE10/21/08BBOHANANBOBBOHANAN06/08/07BGETCHELLBILLGETCHELL09/20/09BGROVERBILLGROVER08/16/09BKEPLEYBRENDAKEPLEY05/04/09CHANSONCOURTNEYHANSON09/19/09CLAGUNDOCAROLLAGUNDO09/19/09DBOTTOMSDARRYLBOTTOMS07/14/09DCLARKDAVIDCLARK04/14/08DHOLMESDEBRAHOLMES09/17/09DLELANSKYDEBORAHLELANSKY05/12/06DWALLDEBRAWALL01/30/09DWALLACEDAVIDWALLACE10/11/08EBITTNERERICBITTNER10/21/08GLONGACRGLENNLONGACRE06/08/07GSTERNGARY H.STERN09/20/09IKIRSHENBAUIRAKIRSHENBAUM08/16/09JGEARINJOANGEARIN05/04/09JHARTLEYJAMESHARTLEY09/19/09JMARTINEZJOHNMARTINEZ09/19/09JMATHISJAMESMATHIS07/14/09JREILLYJILLREILLY04/14/08KANSONKATEANSON09/17/09KMAXWELLKATHLEENMAXWELL05/12/06KSCATESKIMSCATES01/30/09LGOODSELLLYNNGOODSELL10/11/08LHARALAMPUSLISAHARALAMPUS10/21/08LSIMMONSLEANNESIMMONS06/08/07MBENNETMARJORIEBENNET09/20/09MFINCHMIKEFINCH08/16/09MKNILLMARYKNILL05/04/09MMCSWEENEYMARYANNMCSWEENEY09/19/09MMOOREMICHAELMOORE09/19/09MPROCTORMADELINEPROCTOR07/14/09NGORENANCYGORE04/14/08NSULLIVANNANCYSULLIVAN09/17/09PANDERSONPAMELAANDERSON05/12/06PBROWNPATRICEBROWN01/30/09PCONNELLYPATRICIACONNELLY10/11/08RHENDERSRICHARDHENDERSON10/21/08RSODANORONSODANO06/08/07SDAVISSTACYDAVIS09/20/09SNELSONSHARONNELSON08/16/09TCHESTNUTTRACYCHESTNUT05/04/09TFRANCETIMFRANCE09/19/09THULLTEDHULL09/19/09WCARPENTERWILLIAMCARPENTER07/14/09WMAHONEYWILLIAMMAHONEY04/14/08WMCNITTWILLIAMMCNITT09/17/09**Organized by data control group. Note in title.Authority Service ReportsThe following reports shall be included with the Authority Service as standard reports. Sample data has been included. Report layouts will be finalized at a later date, but all the data elements displayed will be included.14.0 NARA Authority Sources14.1 Report ParametersWeek-to-DateMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office GroupStandard/Non-StandardAuthority Type14.2 Sample ReportNARA Authority Sources Monthly (also quarterly and yearly) Statistics Report (as of 07/01/2009)Standard Authority Records:Authority File/ThesaurusTotalsSubject headingsXxx,xxx,xxxPerson namesXxx,xxx,xxxOrganization namesXxx,xxx,xxxTotal authority records:X,xxx,xxx,xxxNon-Standard Authority Records:Authority File/ThesaurusTotalsSubject headings23782Organization headingsPerson names16868Total authority records:40650Archival Descriptions Linked to Standard Authority Records:Authority File/ThesaurusTotalsSubject headingsXx,xxxPerson namesXx,xxxOrganization namesXxx,xxxTotal authority records:Xxx,xxxArchival Descriptions Linked to Non-Standard Authority Records:Authority File/ThesaurusTotalsSubject headings19847Person names13469Total authority records:30605Authority File/Thesaurus Maintenance:Authority Work TypeTotalsBiography notes created49Admin. history notes created162Orphan headings created0Duplicate headings created0Authority records edited579Authority records de-duplicated 12,000Authority records deleted 4NACO contributions49SACO contributions1715.0 Statistics for Authority Work15.1 Report ParametersWeek-to-DateMonth-to-DateYear-to-DateQuarter-to-DateTotal-to-DateDate RangeLocal Office GroupStandard/Non-StandardAuthority Type15.2 Sample ReportStatistics for Authority Work:Organization NamesSummary Statistics:Proposals received356Proposals approved350Proposals denied?6Headings added415Headings edited51Headings deleted??1Administrative Histories requested11Administrative Histories rejected0Total Administrative Histories edited0Total Administrative Histories added55NACO contributions0Headings de-duped0Pending this month0Pending from prev. month(s)0NRProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedAdmin. Hist. RequestedAdmin. Hist. RejectedNRAP00000NRAN22000NRCAA55000NRAAB (Boston)11000NRBA (Philadelphia)54100NRDC88040NREKA22000NRFF00000NRGDC00000NRHSA88000NRHLA00000NRISA99020NRIA-A00000NRPM00000Total NR4039160NLProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedAdmin. Hist. requestedAdmin. Hist. rejectedNLHH00000NLFDR00000NLHST10100NLDDE00000NLJFK00000NLLBJ00000NLNS11000NLMS00000NLGRF00000NLJC00000NLRR00000NLGB0000NLWJC00000Total NL21100NWProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedAdmin. Hist. requestedAdmin. Hist. rejectedNWCR00000NWCS-S10100NWCS-M00000NWCS-C00000NWCT00000NWCTB/NWCTC-1P1616000NWCTC/NWCT-2P270268250NWCTF00000NWL00000NWME 55000NWMD-A100000NWMD-A22221100NWTS00000Total NW314310450LCSProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedAdmin. Hist. requestedAdmin. Hist. rejectedLCS Staff00000Authority File: Person NamesSummary Statistics:Proposals received?36Proposals approved?34Proposals denied?2Biographies requested?1Biographies added?54Headings added?59Headings edited?94NACO contributions?29Headings de-duped?6Pending this month?0Pending from prev. month(s)?0Detailed Breakdown by NARA OfficeNRProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedBios. RequestedNRAA0000NRAP0000NRAAN0000NRCA0000NRBA0000NRB0000NRDA0000NREA0000NRFA0000NRGA0000NRHAS0000NRHAL0000NRIAS0000NRIAA0000NRPA-O0000NRPM0000Total NR0000NLProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedBios. RequestedNLHH0000NLFDR0000NLHST312920NLDDE0000NLJFK0000NLLBJ0000NLNS1101NLGRF0000NLJC0000NLRR0000NLGB0000NLWJC3300Total NL353321NWProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedBios. RequestedNWCR0000NWCS-S0000NWCS-M0000NWCS-C0000NWCTB0000NWCT-2P1100NWCTF0000NWCTM0000NWL0000NWME 0000NWMD-A10000NWMD-A20000NWTS0000Total NW1100LCSProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedBios. RequestedLCS Staff0000NS CleanupDe-dupesDeletesCombined Totals# Desc. AffectedPerson Names60010Authority File: Subject HeadingsSummary Statistics:Proposals received?3Proposals approved?3Proposals denied?0Total Headings added?18Headings edited?69SACO headings?0Headings de-duped?1882Pending this month?0Pending from prev. month(s)?0Detailed Breakdown by NARA OfficeNRProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedNRABA000NRAP000NRAN000NRC000NRBPA000NRB000NRDC000NREA000NRFF000NRGDA000NRHSA00NRHLA000NRISA000NRIAA000NRPM000Total NR000NLProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedNLHH000NLFDR000NLHST110NLDDE000NLJFK000NLLBJ000NLNS000NLGRF000NLJC000NLRR000NLGB000NLCP000Total NL110NWProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedNWCR000NWCS-S110NWCS-M000NWCS-C000NWCTB000NWCTC000NWCTF000NWCTM000NWL000NWME 000NWMD-A1000NWMD-A2000NWTS000Total NW110LCSProposals ReceivedProposals ApprovedProposals DeniedLCS Staff110NS CleanupDe-dupesDeletesCombined TotalsTopical terms1,88200 ................

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