Kelas /Semester : XII/1

|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Menyatakan permintaan maaf | |

|terutama berbentuk naratif |Merespon wacana monolog naratif |I am sorry |

| | |A boy named Abe |

|Berbicara | | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dalam wacana |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|transaksional dan atau monolog lisan |transaksional berupa: | |

|terutama dalam wacana berbentuk naratif |Menyatakan permintaan maaf | |

| |Melakukan monolog berbentuk naratif | |

|Membaca | |Forgive me for… |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah | | |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Merespon teks berbentuk Narrative | |

|berbentuk naratif |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text naratif | |

| |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text naratif | |

| |Past simple dan Past Continuous |Ali Baba |

|Menulis |Reported speech | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan | |Orientation, Complication, resolution|

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu | |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean |Ali Baba was sleeping when the |

|naratif |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks |thieves came |

| |berbentuk naratif |Ali Baba said that…. |

| | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Long time ago, ….

(Spoken Narrative)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Listening

Activity 1

Fill in the blank with the words you heard

One day when a seven-year old boy and his dog were walking ____(1) the woods in Kentucky, they came to a ____(2). What the boy wanted to do was to go inside the cave to see what was in it. But what happened _____(3) after he was inside made the boy cry. A very big ____(4) of rock fell from the ____(5) of the cave, shutting him in.

The dog, that left outside, was unable to help its master. What it could do was only to ___(6) all the time. At last it ran to the nearest house. There it barked until the owner knew that something was wrong. He and some of his friends followed the dog until it stopped in front of the cave. What the men saw was the big stone that ____(7) the mouth of the cave. When they moved it away they were very surprised. What they found inside was a crying boy. The boy was Abraham Lincoln, who later became one of the most _____(8) presidents of the U.S.A..


1. _________________

2. _________________

3. _________________

4. _________________

5. _________________

6. _________________

7. _________________

8. _________________

Activity 2.

Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions.

1. Who is the main character of the story?


2. Where did the story happen?


3. When did the story happen?


4. What problem faced by the main character?


5. Can he solved the problem? How?


6. How is the ending of the story, sad or happy ending?


7. What kind of story is it?


Activity 3.

Here are words taken from the answer of the listening section in activity 1. Use them to complete the sentences.

1. The little dog always _____________to every person who comes to Mr. Wuryanto’s house.

2. The boy scouts are passing the river ___________ a shallow path.

3. If you want to write a letter, you must prepare a ___________ of paper first.

4. Jaka Tarub is one of the ________ folktales in Java.

5. I was walking along the road when ___________the accident occurred.

6. If you want to explore the ________ you must prepare a light and rope.

7. When you have finished using my computer, you must ________it down.

8. The rainy season comes, some people in my village fix the _______of their house to prevent it from


Activity 4.

Since grade X, you have heard and read many kind of stories, right? So to warm up your mind, match the kind of the story and its main characters.

|Answer |No. |Kinds of stories | |No. |Main Character(s) |

|______ |1. |Fable | |A. |Pinocchio |

|______ |2. |Fairy tales | |B. |Tangkuban Perahu |

|______ |3. |Legend | |C. |The mouse deer and The crocodiles |

|______ |4. |Myth | |D. |Nyi Roro kidul |

|______ |5. |Folktales | |E. |Jaka Tarub |

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Reviewing Simple Past, Past Continuous and Past Perfect.

We found these sentence in the story above:

One day when a seven-year old boy and his dog were walking trough the woods in Kentucky,

they came to a cave

There are three kinds of tenses found on the sentences; came presented simple past, were walking presented past continuous. Let’s learn summary.

|No. |Name of tense |Pattern |Time references |

|1. |Past Tense |a. Verb pattern |Yesterday |

| | |(+) S + V2 |Last….. |

| | |(-) S + did not + V1 |……ago |

| | |(?) Did + S + V1 ? |this morning |

| | | |in…….(past years) |

| | |b. Be pattern | |

| | |(+) S + was/were + Noun/Ajd/Adv | |

| | |(-) S + was/were not + Noun /adj/adv | |

| | |(?) Was/were + S + Noun/adj/adv ? | |

|2. |Past Continuous |a. Verb pattern |While S + was/were + V-ing |

| | |(+) S + was/were + Ving + ….. |As S + was/were + V-ing |

| | |(-) S + was/were not + Ving + …. |When S + V2 |

| | |(?) Was/were + S + Ving + …. ? | |

| | | | |

| | |b. Be pattern | |

| | |(+) S + was/were + Noun/Ajd/Adv | |

| | |(-) S + was/were not + Noun /adj/adv | |

| | |(?) Was/were + S + Noun/adj/adv ? | |

|3. |Past Perfect Tense |a. Verb pattern |Before S + V2 |

| | |(+) S + had V3 + … |When S + V |

| | |(-) S + had not + V3 + … | |

| | |(?) Had + S + V3 ? |After ………. , S + V |

| | | | |

| | |b. Be pattern | |

| | |(+) S + had been + Noun/Ajd/Adv | |

| | |(-) S + had not been + Noun /adj/adv | |

| | |(?) Had + S + been + Noun/adj/adv ? | |

|No. |Name of tense |Verb pattern |Be pattern |

|1. |Past Tense |(+) Ria wrote the letter yesterday. |(+) Ria was strong |

| | |(-) Ria didn’t write the letter yesterday. |(-) Ria wasn’t strong |

| | |(?) Did Ria write this letter yesterday? |(?) Was Ria strong ? |

|2. |Past Continuous |(+) Ria was writing a letter when … |(+) They were strong |

| | |(-) Ria wasn’t writing a letter when … |(-) They weren’t strong |

| | |(?) Was Ria writing letter when …? |(?) Were they strong ? |

|3. |Past Perfect Tense |(+) Ria had written the letter |(+) Ria had been here |

| | |(-) Ria hadn’t written the letter |(-) Ria hadn’t been here |

| | |(?) had Ria written this letter ? |(?) Had Ria been here ? |

Activity 4

Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form (past tense, past continuous or past perfect)

Example :

Example : Budi …….(fly) to Pontianak this morning

Budi flew to Pontianak this morning

1. When the security officers arrived at the office, the robber……………(steal) all the money.


2. Shinta …….(ride) to school by her bicycle this morning ?.


3. Susi……(jump) so high at this athletic competition last week.


4. After Budi ………(not, meet) his parents, he went to the school yard. They usually picked him up there


5. You ….(go out) when I called you last night?


6. Aprillia ……(not, finish ) watering the flowers in the garden when I came home.


7. Artika …….(write) his application before he sent to the office.


8. Alia……(drive) his new car to school this morning.


9. Kareen and I ………(practise ) sport in the school yard while Andi was jogging.


10. After Budi ………..(get) his Diploma degree, he would apply for the army


A.2.2. Reported Speech

1. Snow White said, “ My uncle wants to go to America now”.

2. Snow White said that her uncle wanted to go to America then.

The first sentence is a direct speech while the second one is reported speech. How to change them into the indirect one. Here are the rules.

A. Indirect speech Affirmative (Pernyataan Tidak Langsung)

To change a direct sentence into indirect one, there are some basic changes that must be considered.

1. Changes of Tenses

The tense of the direct sentence changes if the reporting verb of the direct tense is in the past form, the tenses in the indirect speech change

| |Direct Speech |Indirect speech |

|1. |Simple present tense |Simple past tense |

| |Ira said, “ I like the show” |Ira said that she liked the show |

|2. |Simple future tense |Past future tense |

| |Ira said, “ I will go to Solo” |Ira said that she would go to Solo |

|3. |Present perfect tense |Past perfect tense |

| |Ira said, “ I have finished my work” |Ira said that she had finished her work |

|4. |Simple past tense |Past perfect tense |

| |Ira said, “ I went out with my father” |Ira said that she had gone out with her father |

Note: If the reporting verb doesn’t not in past form so the indirect speech tense doesn’t


Example: Maria says, “ I will cook fried chicken tonight”.

Maria says that she will cook fried chicken the following night

2. Changes of Pronouns

| |Direct Speech |Indirect speech |

|1. |Simple present tense |Simple past tense |

| |Ira said, “ I like the show” |Ira said that she liked the show |

|2. |Present perfect tense |Past perfect tense |

| |Ira said, “ I have finished my work” |Ira said that she had finished her work |

3. Changes in the adverb of times

|In direct speech |In Indirect speech |

|Now |then /at that time |

|next (month) |the following (month) |

|tomorrow |The following day |

|last (week) |The previous (week) |

|yesterday |The previous day |

|today |That day |

|tonight |That night |

|an hour ago |The previous hour |

|three hours ago |Three hours before |


Doni said , “ My father will spend his holiday in Langkawi Island next week”

Doni said that his father would spend his holiday in Langkawi Island the following week.

Rina said, “ I came to Slank concert last week

Rina said that she had come to Slank concert the previous week.

B. Indirect speech Interrogative (Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung)

To change a direct sentence into indirect one, there are some basic changes that must be considered.

1. Changes of Tenses

2. Changes of Pronouns

3. Changes in the adverb of times

4. Changes of sentenced format (as in interrogative form)

There are two formats in making interrogative indirect speech.

a. Yes/no question (kalimat tanya yang bisa di jawa dengan Yes atau No). For this form we must add conjunction “If” or ” Whether” and change the interrogative form into affirmative one.

|No. |Direct speech |Indirect speech |

|1. |Dani asked me, “Do you know me” |Dani asked me if I knew him. |

|2. |Dany asked me, “Are you ill” |Dani asked me if I were ill |

|3. |Dany asked me, “Can you help me” |Dani asked me whether I could help him |

b. Pronominal question ( kalimat tanya yang mengunakan kata tanya – Wh-questions)

For this form we use the Wh question as conjunction then we change the interrogative form into affirmative one.

|No. |Direct speech |Indirect speech |

|1. |Dani asked me, “Where do you live” |Dani asked me where I lived |

|2. |Dany asked me, “Who is he” |Dani asked me Who he was |

|3. |Dany asked me, “When will you arrive” |Dani asked me when I would arrive |

|4. |Dany asked me, “Why did Ani go out” |Dani asked me why Ani went out |

|5. |Dany asked me, “How old are you” |Dani asked me How old I was |

C. Indirect speech imperative and prohibition (Perintah dan larangan tidak langsung)

To form imperative and prohibition in indirect speech please study the following explanation.

A. Imperative indirect speech

Example: He said, Open the door, please” She said, “ Be careful on the way.”

He asked me to open the door She asked me to be careful on the way

B. Prohibition indirect speech

Example: He said, “ Don’t open the door,?” She said, “ Don’t be naughty, boys?”

He asked me not to open the door She asked the students not to be naughty

Activity 5.

Change these sentences and questions into Reported Speech.

1. Ari said, “ Marry is picking some flowers now”

Ari said _________________________________________________________________

2. Budi said to me, “ I drove my car very fast last night”

Budi said to me __________________________________________________________

3. Aci told them, It will be a wonderful trip”

Aci told them ____________________________________________________________

4. Ari asked me, “ Did Ida go to the party last night?”

Ari asked me _____________________________________________________________

5. John asked me, “ Why do they go abroad so often?”

John asked me ___________________________________________________________

6. My teacher told me , “ Don’t put your book on my table”

My teacher told me ________________________________________________________

7. Father ordered me, “ Switch off the television”

Father ordered me _________________________________________________________

8. Joko asked me, “ Can you tell me what the time is?

Joko asked me ____________________________________________________________

A.3. Speech Function

A.3.1 Expressing regret

Activity 6.

Look at the picture and answer the questions

1. The daughter is coming late. What does she say to express his regret?


2. How does the father respond her?


3. Does it mean that he accepts the apology?


4. Mention other expressions of regret.


5. Mention other expressions of accepting an apology.


Activity 7.

Learn these expressions!

Activity 8.

Work in pairs.! Write dialogue based on the following situation!.


You are painting your home fence. Unfortunately, you spill a can of paint to your brother’s clothes. You ask him apology.

You : Oops! I’m extremely sorry for spilling your clothes with this paint!

Your bro : Don’t worry about that. I’m OK.

You : I promise I’ll wash them then

Your bro : Thank you very much!

1. You and your family are having dinner in a well-known restaurant. The waiter drops the soup on your clothes. He asks your pardon.

Waiter : ____________________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Waiter : ____________________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________________

2. You lose your friend camera. You beg his pardon

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________

3. You attend an English class. The class is very noisy. You can not hear teacher’s explanation.

You ask your teacher to repeat his speech.

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Your teacher: ____________________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Your teacher: ____________________________________________________________________

4. You are walking in the sidewalk. Someone bump you. All of your books dropped .He apologizes to you

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Someone : ____________________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________________

Someone : ____________________________________________________________________

B. Modelling of Text

Activity 9.

Read this story. Don’t forget the understand the generic structure and language features of this Narrative story.

|Title: |Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves |Language Features |

|Orientation |Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter, happened to see and | |

|who |overheard a large band of thieves - forty in all - |1. Simple past tense |

|where |visiting their treasure store in the forest where he |- happened, overheard |

|when |was cutting wood. The thieves' treasure was in a cave, |2. Action verbs |

| |the mouth of which was sealed by magic - it opened on |- cutting, opened, sealed |

| |the words "Open, Sesame", and sealed itself on the |3. Linking verbs |

| |words "Close, Sesame". When the thieves were gone, Ali |- was, were |

| |Baba entered the cave himself, and took some of the |4. Connectives of time |

| |treasure home. |- when |

|Complication 1 |When Ali Baba's rich brother, Kasim, found out about | |

|A Crisis arises |his brother's unexpected wealth, Ali Baba told Kasim | |

| |about the cave. Kasim went to the cave to take more of | |

| |the treasure, but forgot the magic words to get back | |

| |out of the cave, and the thieves found him there, and | |

| |killed him. When his brother did not come back, Ali | |

| |Baba went to the cave to look for him, and found the | |

| |body, bringing it home | |

|Resolution 1 |With the help of Morgiana, a clever slave-girl in | |

|The crisis is resolved |Kasim's household, they were able to give Kasim a | |

| |proper burial without arousing any suspicions about his| |

| |death. | |

|Complication 2 |The thieves, finding the body gone, realize that | |

|A Crisis arises |somebody else must know their secret, and set out to | |

| |track him down. The first several times they were | |

| |foiled by Morgiana, who was now a member of Ali Baba's | |

| |household, but eventually they were able to ascertain | |

| |the location of Ali Baba's house. | |

| |The lead thief pretended to be an oil merchant in need | |

| |of Ali Baba's hospitality, bringing with him mules | |

| |loaded with 40 oil jars, one filled with oil, the other| |

| |39 with the other thieves. Once Ali Baba was asleep, | |

| |the thieves planed to kill him. | |

|Resolution 2 |Again, Morgiana discovered and foiled the plan, killing| |

|The crisis is resolved |the 39 thieves in their oil jars by pouring boiling oil| |

| |on them. When their leader came to rouse his men, he | |

| |discovered that they were dead, and escaped. | |

|Complication 3 |The lead thief, disguised as a merchant, befriended | |

| |Ali Baba's nephew (who is now in charge of the late | |

| |Kasim's business), and was invited to dinner at Ali | |

| |Baba's house. | |

|Resolution 3 |He was recognised by Morgiana, who performed a dance | |

| |with a dagger for the dinners and plunged it into the | |

| |heart of the thief when was off his guard. | |

|Re-orientation |Thus, the story ended happily for everyone except the | |

| |forty thieves and Ali Baba's brother. | |

(taken from: wikipedia. Org/fairytales)

Activity 10. Understanding the text structure.

Answer the following questions

1. What does the writer want with the story?


2. In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?


3. In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?


4. Who are the characters in this story?


5. Who is the main character?


6. When did the story happen?


7. Where did this story take place?


8. What do you learn from the complication?


9. What do you learn from the resolution?


10. What moral do you learn from this story?


Activity 11. Understanding the content of the story

Answer these questions.

1. Who was Ali Baba?


2. What did he usually do everyday in the woods?


3. What did he find in the cave?


4. How to open and close the cave?


5. Why did Kasim die?


6. How did the leader of the thieves effort to kill Ali Baba?


7. How did Morgiana foil the thieves’s plan?


Activity 12.

Study the following summary.

C. Joint Construction of Text.

Activity 13.

Work in group of three or four students. Re-arrange the following sentences into a meaningful paragraph.

|Answer |No. |The Beauty and The Beast |

|{_____} |A. |Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly, the Beast |

| | |changed into handsome prince. |

|{_____} |B. |One day, through the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. |

|{_____} |C. |Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after. |

|{_____} |D. |The Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her. |

|{_____} |E. |One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-one was in but there was food on |

| | |the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast |

| | |appeared. He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was brought to him. |

|{_____} |F. |One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that the Beast was sick. |

|{_____} |G. |Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her sisters in a small village. |

| | |Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hardworking. She always helped her father on the farm. |

|{_____} |H. |Beauty’s father told her daughters what had happened. Beauty’s sisters ordered her to see the Beast. Beauty went |

| | |to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run away but was |

| | |stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast. |

Activity 14.

Finishing rearrange the story above , Put the story in this chart. pay attention to the generic structure of the narrative

|Title | |

| |…………………………………. |

|Orientation | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|Complication |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|Resolution |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |……… |

D. Independent Construction of text

Activity 15.

Now, it is time for you to write your own narrative

❑ Choose a very well known tale, myth, fable or fairy tale in your town

❑ Make a raw draft first

❑ Use the generic structure of Narrative

❑ Consult your teacher before developing your draft into final one.

❑ Finishing writing the final draft, perform it in front of the class.


The Golden Swan

There was once a mighty hunter who lived in Laos. He was a good husband and a kind father, and he looked after his family well. In fact, he was such a good hunter that people called him the Chief Hunter. People knew that he was a very lucky man.

Everything about the Chief hunter’s life was fortunate. His children always had food. His wife could trade the birds and animals he caught for the best rice in the village. They had the best cloth to make their clothing. Life was rich and happy for the Chief Hunter’s family.

Then one day the Chief Hunter hurt himself while he was hunting . He came home to his wife , and She said, “ What’s wrong? Your face is pale, and you are moving so slowly. What happened?”.

“I don’t know,” the Chief Hunter said wearily, “ I feel very sick . Let me lie down.” So he took to his bed, and his family nursed him devotedly and watched him with great care.

At first the Chief Hunter seemed to get better, but then he slipped back. He died a week later.

His widow grieved terribly. She missed her husband, and she did not know how to live without him. The family became poor, and it was difficult to find enough food to eat. The children often cried when they went to sleep because they were hungry. The Widow could not sleep because of her worries and sadness.

One night, as the poor widow was sleeping restlessly, she heard her husband’s voice. “ I have come back to help you,” the voice said.

The Widow sat up and looked around. She knew she was dreaming, and in her dream she went outside. A large swan spoke to her with the Chief Hunter’s voice.

“ I know how hard it is for you, “ the Swan said in Chief Hunter’s voice.

The Widow was happy to hear her husband’s voice, yet sad because she knew it was a dream.

The words stuck her throat so she could not speak. The swan stood in the moonlight and said, “ I wish I could be here with you.” Then it came closer. She could she that many of its feathers were made of gold. In the moonlight it seemed to be a golden swan.

The golden swan said, “ Put your hand out and take one of my golden feathers. Use the money for yourself and the children. Go on, I will return whenever you need more. Pull a feather out of my wing.”

The Golden Swan said in the voice of the Chief Hunter, “ Go to sleep now. In the morning you will know this was a special dream.” So the Widow put the feather beside her bed and went back to sleep. She slept so well and so deeply it was as if her husband were still alive.

When she woke up, she remembered the dream and looked for the golden feather. There in its place was money and gold. The woman was very happy and later she went to the village and bought food and clothing. She was careful not to spend to much.

Hence, every time the Widow was lack of money, the Golden Swan came and gave his golden feathers. The Widow and her children were no more lack of money.

Taken and adapted from English Teaching Forum, 1995.

Your story telling:

Good morning class. This morning. I’ll tell you a folktale from Laos. Who knows where Laos is? ……Yes. Good. Laos closes to Vietnam. Here is my story. Long ago ……………………………………………..






|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|A. Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Menyatakan pengaduan | |

|terutama berbentuk naratif |Merespon wacana monolog naratif |I am complain about… |

| | |A Fly and A bull |

|B. Berbicara | | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dalam wacana |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|transaksional dan atau monolog lisan |transaksional berupa: | |

|terutama dalam wacana berbentuk naratif |Menyatakan pengaduan | |

| |Melakukan monolog berbentuk naratif |You promise to fix my.. but … |

|C. Membaca | |The Emperor’s New Clothes |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah | | |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Merespon teks berbentuk Narrative | |

|berbentuk naratif |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text naratif |The Emperor’s New Clothes |

| |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text naratif |Orientation, Complication, resolution|

| |Conditional Sentence | |

|D. Menulis |Subjunctives | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan | |If Ali Baba were here |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |I wish you came |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean | |

|naratif |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks |Editing checklist of the writing |

| |berbentuk naratif | |


Let’s Write a Story, ….

(Written Narrative)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Listening

Activity 1.

Fill in the blank with the words you heard from your teacher.

The Fly and The Bull

……..(1), there was a little fly that thought he was very important. He always acts as if he were the most important animal in the forest. One sunny morning, he ……(2) around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull ……(3) in a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.

The little fly flew down and …….(4) around the bull’s head. The bull did not bother with him . He went on chewing grass. The fly then buzzed right ……(5) the bull’s ear. The bull continued chewing grass.

Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull’s ……(6) to make the bull notice him. He waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.

The fly then shouted ……(7), “ Oh bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly …….(8).”

The bull laughed and said, “ Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so ……(9) that your weight does not make any ………(10) to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.”.

(Adapted from : Look Ahead 1, 2005, 134)


1. _________________

2. _________________

3. _________________

4. _________________

5. _________________

6. _________________

7. _________________

8. _________________

Activity 2.

Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions.

1. Who is the main character of the story?


2. Where did the story happen?


3. When did the story happen?


4. What did the fly want to show to the bull?


5. How did the fly attract to bull’s attention ?


6. How was the Bull opinion about the fly?


7. What kind of story is it?


Activity 3.

Use the words above to complete these sentences.

1. I saw a folk of deer are ___________ in Bogor garden

2. A Pea is a __________ creature. It is smell and suck our blood.

3. _______,the teacher orders the naughty students to go out of the class.

4. The craftsman is making a souvenirs from the Buffalo’s ___________

5. I saw some Pelican Birds ___________to South yesterday.

6. If you want to see the fable book. It is laid ___________the cupboard.

7. Folktales are ____________ from Fable.

8. When I was sleeping I was annoyed with the fly that _______around my head.

Activity 4.

Make your own sentence based on the following words.

1. Fly : _________________________________________________________________________

2. Bull : _________________________________________________________________________

3. chew : _________________________________________________________________________

4. quiet : _________________________________________________________________________

5. weight: _________________________________________________________________________

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Conditional sentences

From the text we have this sentence:

“ Oh bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away.”

The sentence above uses a conditional pattern. The patterns are as the following.

1. Sentences patterns

|No |Type |If Clause |Main clause |Examples |

|1. |Future conditional|If Present Tense |Future Tense | |

| | |S + V1(S/es) |S + Shall/will + V1 |If Dani eats a lot he will get fat. |

| | |S + is/am/are |S + shall/will be |If you are happy we will be happy too. |

|2. |Present |If Past Tense |Past Future | |

| |Conditional |S + V2 |S + Would + V1 |If Dani ate a lot he would get fat. |

| | |S + were |S + would be |If You were happy we would be happy too. |

| | | |could | |

| | | |might | |

| | | |should | |

|3. |Past Conditional |If Past Perfect |Past Future Perfect | |

| | |S + had V3 |S + would have V3 |If Dani had eaten a lot he would have got fat |

| | |S + had been |S+ would have been |If You had been happy we would have been happy |

| | | |could |too. |

| | | |should | |

| | | |might | |

Activity 5.

Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form of conditional

Example : If Mr. John … (be) here I would meet him.

If Mr. John were here I would meet him.

1. If you … (not, go) I shall be angry.


2. If he studies hard he … (get) good mark.


3. If it rained I …. (cancel) our trip.


4. If Amir had come his mother … (be) very happy


5. I would accept this job if I … (be) you.


6. My mother would have cooked the chick if you …(not, let) it go out.


7. If Sinta … (be) smart she will be accepted at the prestigious school.


8. If Mr. Hanson had not arrived you …(can, take) over this meeting.


2. Finding the facts from conditionals

Secara umum hanya tipe 2 dan 3 yang memiliki fakta sedangkan tipe 1 mengandung makna

kemungkinan ( bisa terjadi /tidak)

|No. |Tipe |Conditional |fakta |

|1. |Tipe 1. | | |

| |Future conditional |If I have much money I will buy a new car|There is possibility for me to buy a new car |

|2. |Tipe 2. | | |

| |Present conditional |If I had much money I would buy a new car|I don’t have much money so I will not (can not ) buy a |

| | | |new car. |

|3. |Tipe 3. | | |

| |Past conditional |If I had had much money I would have |I didn’t have much money so I would not buy a new car. |

| | |bought a new car | |

Activity 6.

Example : If you went to Solo I would follow you.

Means: You don’t go to solo so I will not follow you

I will not follow you because you don’t go to Solo

1. If it rained today I would not go to school.


2. If I had come earlier I could have met Tony


3. If I had got up early I should not have come late to school.


4. If Rudi were healthy I would ask him to play tennis with me


5. If Rina is clever enough The university of Indonesia will admit her as its student.


A.2.2. Subjunctives

From the text “The Fly and The Bull ” We got this sentence:

1. He always acts as if he were the most important animal in the forest.

The sentence above contain the meaning of unreal past. It is called subjunctive pattern.

A. Subjunctive Pattern

|1. | Present Pattern |Adverb of time |Examples |

| | | |I wish you were here today |

| |…wish |Now |If only you were here today |

| |…if only V2 |Today |I would rather you were here today |

| |…would rather S + ____ + C |At present | |

| |…as if were |At this moment |Mr. John walks as if he were drunk |

| |…as though | |Mr. John walks as though he were drunk |

|2. |Past Pattern |Adverb of time |Examples |

| | |Yesterday |I wished you had come yesterday |

| |…wish |This morning |If only Dina had been here last night |

| |…if only had V3 |Last ….. |I would rather Dina had arrived |

| |…would rather S + ____ + C |……. ago | |

| |…as if had been | |I ran fast as if I had chased a thief |

| |…as though | |I talked to Rina as though I had known much about her |

Activity 7.

Supply a suitable tense of the verbs in the bracket.

1. If only he (not drink) so much wine yesterday.


2. Mr. John is poor. But he acts as if he (be) a rich man.


3. My sister couldn’t sing well. However, she often pretended as though she (be ) a diva.


4. The hunter wished he (catch) a lot of deer. But none he got.


5. Rina wishes I (attend) her party last night.


6. The sky is so cloudy. I wish you (go) now.


7. If only I (know) her address. I will send her a letter.


8. My father would rather I (stay) at home today.


B. Finding the meaning of subjunctives.

|1. |Present Subjunctive |Meaning |Examples |

| |> S + were + … |> S + is,am,are not + … |I wish Rina were here now |

| |S + were + not + … |S+ is, am,are+ … |Fact : Rina is not here now |

| |> S + V2 |> S+do/does not+ V1 + … | |

| |S + did not + V1+ ... |S+ V1/s,es |If only Rina came to my house |

| |> S + could + V1+ … |> S+ cannot + V1+ … |Fact : Rina doesn’t come to my house |

| |S + Could not + V1+ .. |S + can + V1+ … | |

| | | |Bertentangan dengan fakta present |

|2. |Past Subjunctive |Meaning |Examples |

| |> S + had been + … |> S+ was/were+ not + … |I wished Rina had been here last night. |

| |S + had not been+ … |S+ was/were + … |Fact : Rina was not here last night. |

| |> S+ had + V3 + …. |> S+ did + not+ V1 | |

| |S + had not + V3 + … |S+ V2 |If only Rina had come last night. |

| |> S + could+have+V3+ .. |> S + could +not+ V1+ .. |Fact : Rina didn’t come last night. |

| |S + could not +have+V3 |S+ could + V1+ … | |

| | | |Bertentangan dengan fakta past time |

Activity 8.

Find out the meaning of these subjunctives.

1. She goes to the black board as if she knew to solve the problem.

It means that _________________________________________________________________

2. Ani talked as if she had understood the problem well.

It means that _________________________________________________________________

3. If only his son had studied harder.

It means that _________________________________________________________________

4. I wish I hadn’t been late.

It means that _________________________________________________________________

5. They wish they had enough time to play together.

It means that _________________________________________________________________

A. 3. Speech Function

A.3.1. Complaining.

Activity 9

Study the dialogue on the picture, then answer the questions.

1. Guess!. Where are they?


2. What are they?


3. What are they talking about?


4. Why did the customer come to the hotel officer ?


5. What did the customer say to the hotel officer?


6. Give the other expressions to say complaining


Activity 10.

Learn these expressions!

Activity 11.

Work in pairs.! Write dialogue based on the following situation!.

1. You bought a new shirt. You asked the shop attendant to wrap it. But, when you open it at home.

It was not the shirt that you bought. It was an old one. You went back to the shop and complain about


You : __________________________________________________________________

The attendant: __________________________________________________________________

You : __________________________________________________________________

The attendant: __________________________________________________________________

2. You are watching a movie in a theatre. The movie is a horror one. But a couple next to you always

talking al the time. It bothers you. You complain them to stop talking.

You : __________________________________________________________________

The man : __________________________________________________________________

You : __________________________________________________________________

The girls : __________________________________________________________________

3. You are in a well-known restaurant. You order the most expensive meal. But when it serves, it is

spoiled already. You complain to the waiter.

You : __________________________________________________________________

The waiter : __________________________________________________________________

You : __________________________________________________________________

The waiter : __________________________________________________________________

Activity 12.

Perform the dialogue you made in front of the class!.

B. Modelling Text

Activity 13.

❑ Read the text loudly

The Emperor’s New Clothes

| Many years ago there lived an emperor who cared only about his clothes and about showing them| |

|off. One day he heard from two swindlers that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the | |

|most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible | |

|to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position. | |

|Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent | |

|two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth | |

|and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how | |

|stupid their neighbors were. | |

|The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never | |

|admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid that the | |

|other people would think that he was stupid. | |

|Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to | |

|admit that they could not see them, until a small child said: | |

|"But he has nothing on"! | |

|This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor | |

|had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and | |

|finished the procession. | |

|(taken from . Wikipedia. Org. / fairy tales) | |

Activity 14.

Answer the following questions

1. What does the writer want with the story?


2. What was the Emperor crazy with ?.


3. From whom the emperor heard about the finest and the most beautiful clothes?


4. What was the special capability of the clothes ?


5. How did the Emperor show off his new clothes?


6. What did the people do when they see their emperor?


7. Who was dare to say that the Emperor had nothing to wear on his body?


8. What did the emperor do when he knew about it?


9. What moral do you learn from this story?


10. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct… (Last Prg, stc 2). The word “it” refers to… .


Activity 15. Identifying the language features

Find out the action verbs, saying verbs, thinking verbs, feeling verbs, time conjunctions and connectives and relational processes (if any)in the passage. Then write down in the chart below.

|No. |Action verbs |Saying verbs |Thinking verbs |Feeling verbs |Time conjunction and |Relational processes |

| | | | | |connectives | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

C. Joint Construction of Text

Activity 16.

> Make a group of four

> Read the story once again. Put every part of the story in its text structure.

|Title: | |

| |___________________________________________________ |

|Orientation |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|Complication |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|Resolution |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………… |

D. Independent Construction of Text

Activity 17. Writing a Narrative

❑ Write your own narrative (factual or imaginary)

❑ Get your friend to read your first draft then revise it.

❑ Submit your revised first draft to your teacher and then revise your second draft

❑ Use the checklist below to control your draft.

|No. | | |Yes |No |

| |Structure | | | |

|A. |Have I written about…. |1. The characters of the story? |( | |

| | |2. The time when the story took place? | | |

| | |3. The place where the story took place? | | |

| | |4. The problem(s) faced by the character(s)? | | |

| | |5. The way out of the problem(s) faced by the | | |

| | |character(s)? | | |

| | |6. The ending of the story? | | |

| |Language features | | | |

|B. |Did I use…. |1. The first person? | | |

| | |2. The past tenses ? | | |

| | |3. Active verbs (e.g. action verbs, thinking verbs…) ? | | |

| | |4. Conjunction or linking verbs? | | |

| | |5. adjectives and adverbs? | | |

| | | | | |

Uji Kompetensi 1

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.

Text 1.

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Many years ago there lived an emperor who cared only about his clothes and about showing them off. One day he heard from two swindlers that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.

Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.

The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid that the other people would think that he was stupid.

Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:

"But he has nothing on"!

This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and finished the procession.

01. Nia : Who told the Emperor that they could make the finest suit clothes?

Ani : … .

a. his trusted men c. two swindlers e. neighbours

b. the Emperor himself d. a small child

02. Nia : To whom the clothes are invisible ?

Ani : … .

a. To two swindlers c. to the other people e. from person to person

b. To anyone who are clever d. to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position

03. Nia : How did the Emperor show off his new clothes?

Ani : … .

a. in a procession trough town c. from village to village e. in a ball party

b. in his palace d. in a parade

04. “…afraid to admit that they could not see them, until .. (prg 4). The bold typed word refers to… .

a. the two swindlers c. small children e. all the town people

b. the Emperor’s trusted men d. the crowd

05. Nia : "But he has nothing on"! . This sentence means that the Emperor… .

Ani : …

a. wears a new clothes c. has no clothes on his body e. has all of his clothes in his body

b. wears his magnificent clothes d. wears the invisible clothes

06. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid

or not fit for his position. The closest meaning of the underlined word is … .

a. out of eye c. out of date e. out of ears

b. out of sight d. out of time

Text 2.

|A Bat and The Weasels |

| One evening, a bat went out to hunt for food even though he was not well. As he flew after some insects, he felt dizzy and fell to |

|the ground in a field. |

| Before he could get up, a weasel pounced on him. “Please, Mr. Weasel,” the bat pleaded,” please let me go!”. The weasel just |

|laughed, “Certainly not! I am a great hunter of birds!” |

| Thinking quickly, the bat replied,” Oh, but I am not a bird, I am a mouse. Look closely at my face. Don’t I look like a mouse?”. The|

|weasel agreed and let him go. |

| A short time later, the bat fell to the ground again and was caught by a second weasel. Once again, he had to plead for his life. |

|“Why shouldn’t I kill you? I hunt mice! Exclaimed the weasel. |

| “Oh, but I am not a mouse,” he answered. “ I am a bat. Have you ever a mouse with wings?” he asked, spreading his wings for the |

|weasel to see. The weasel was convinced and set him free. |

07. Ani : What did the bat went out for?

Nia : It came out … .

a. to hunt for food. c. to fly its prey e. to meet the weasel

b. To sight seeing d. to fall down to the ground

08. Ani : Where did it fall down.

Nia : It fell down … .

a. in a forest c. in a jungle e. in a field

b. in a rice field d. in the garden

09. Ani : What did the first weasel think about the bat?

Nia : It think that the bat like a … .

a. bird c. a bat e. weasel

b. mouse d. a wing

10. Ani : What did the second weasel think about the bat?

Nia : It think that the bat like a … .

c. bird c. a bat e. weasel

d. mouse d. a wing

11. Ani : What kind of narrative is the text?

Nia : It belongs to … . text.

a. legend c. fairy tales e . fable

b. folktales d. anecdote

12. Dina : What did you do last night when I called you?

Anita : I ….a folklore

a. compose c. composes e. composing

b. composed d. to compose

13. Ani : When I called you last night , no one answered my phone. Where did you go?

Nia : Oh I … a bath in the bathroom when you phoned me .

a. took c. was taking e. takes

b. is taking d. were taking

14. Ani : You finished your composition. I didn’t see you wrote it. When did you finish it?

Nia : I … this composition when you went out to Solo last night.

a. Write c. have written e. was written

b. Wrote d. had written

15. Andi: “ I took this picture yesterday”

Nia : What did Andi say?

Ani : He said … .

a. that he took this picture yesterday d. that he had taken that picture yesterday

b. that he has taken this picture yesterday e. that he had taken that picture the day before

c. that he had taken this picture yesterday

16. Arif : “Can you help me?”

Ria : What did he say to me?

Lia : He asked you … .

a. If can you help me d. If you could help him

b. If you can help me d. If you could help me

c. If you could help her

17. Mr. John : “ Don’t take my cake”

Mr. Bond : What did he say?

Mr.Lie : He ordered you … .

a. to take my cake c. not to take my cake e. not to take his cake

b. to take his cake d. not to take your cake

18. Lia : Did you meet Mr. Agus Wuryanto at school this morning?

Nia : If I had gone to school this morning I would have met Mr. Wuryanto.

From Nia’s utterance we can conclude that…

a. She went to school this morning d. She doesn’t go to school this morning

b. She didn’t go to school this morning e. She will go to school today

c. She goes to school this morning

19. Kelly : I am very upset. Leo didn’t love me anymore

Meilan : If I … you, I would not be sad. I’ll find better than him

a. Is c. are e. were

b. Am d. was

20. Budi : Do you know Rina’s address ?

Santi : I wish I Knew her address

From santi’s utterance we can conclude that …

a. Santi knew Rina’s address d. Santi doesn’t know Rina’s address

b. Santi knows Rina’s address e. Santi will tell Rina’s address

c. Santi didn’t know Rina’s address

21. Budi : I am so sorry Lina. I could come to your wedding last week.

Lina : I wished you … .

a. Came c. has come e. had come

b. Comes d. had came

22. Via : The old man walked as if he … drunk.

Beni : Yes he was.

a. Is c. has been e. had been

b. Was d. have been

23. Lina : I am sorry for coming late, Sir.

Mr. Theo :never minds

The first speaker shows her…

a. Pride c. regret e. thanks

b. Complain d. capability

24. Beni : …….for dropping you glasses. I’ll buy you the new ones.

Ali : It’s OK. It’s not your fault

a. I am complain about c. I am apologized e. I am sure

b. I am really satisfied d. I am fine

25. Mr. Wu : This soup is too salty. Who cooks it?

Mr. Zhe : I am sorry, I’ll change it.

From the dialogue we can conclude that Mr, Wu expresses his…

a. satisfaction c. like e. complain

b. happiness d. regret

|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Expression of asking for information | |

|terutama berbentuk explanation |Merespon monolog lisan text explanation |Can you explain how…. |

| |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|Berbicara |transaksional berupa: | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dalam wacana |Expression of asking for information | |

|transaksional dan atau monolog lisan |Melakukan monolog lisan text explanation | |

|terutama dalam wacana berbentuk explanation |Merespon teks berbentuk explanation | |

|Membaca |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text explanation | |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text explanation|I wonder how …. |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Present tense | |

|berbentuk explanation |Noun phrase | |

| |Abstract noun | |

| |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |How Desert remains dry? |

| |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean | |

|Menulis |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks |General statements, sequenced of |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan |berbentuk explanation |explanation |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang | | |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk | | |

|explanation | |Desert is a place that… |

| | |The wide hot area |

| | |The temperature |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Explain to me, how desert remains dry ?

(Spoken Explanation)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Brainstorming

Activity 1.

Look at this picture. Answer the questions

1. What kind of animal is it?


2. In what region does it usually live?


3. How is the climate of the region?


4. How is the geographical condition of the region ?


5. Why does the desert remain dry?


Activity 2.

Underline the countries which have desert region

Saudi Arabia USA Japan Irak Nepal China

Germany Indonesia Oman Qatar Nigeria Thailand

Canada Kuwait Swiss Bolivia Senegal Fiji

Activity 3.

Listen to your teacher reading this text. Complete the missing words with the words you heard from your teacher.

Desert is a place in the earth that is mostly covered with sand or ____(1). There is a little vegetation in it. Only in certain place that some kinds of vegetation can grow. In Wadi , for example, ____(2) trees or ___(3) trees can live there. Wadi is a spring in a desert. The Badouins usually live around the wadi. They rise their _____(4) such as camels, sheeps and oftenly horses there.

The temperature in the desert is very hot at day and very cold at night. It can ____(5) almost 45 ( celcius at noon and minus 15 ( Celcius at night. The contrast condition of temperature makes the desert ____(6) as one of the dangerous places in the earth. Men, vegetation or animals can die of dehydration or _____(7) or coldness. The Tuareg ____(8) is one of the desertmen who can adapt with the environment.

Activity 4.

Use the words you hear to complete the sentences

1. Dayak is a well-known _________who lives in the middle of Kalimantan jungle.

2. You can _________the mangoes by using this ladder.

3. When we go to Parangtritis beach we can play sand in the ______ that can be found along the beach.

4. When the Islamic pilgrims are coming from Mecca they usually buy ________ originally form Madinah

for their family and friends.

5. When you are “sunbathing” in the beach, don’t forget to use sunblock cream to avoid ______

6. The little cowboy is driving his _______ to the farm to get fed.

A.2. Speech function

A.2.1 Asking for information

Activity 5.

Observe this picture.

Activity 6.

Read this dialogue.

Nina : Dani, look at this picture.

Dani : What picture is it? Oh, an American Indian

Nina : Yes, an American Indian

Dani : I wonder if you tell me, Why were they extinct ?

Nina : As I know, there are many factors that caused them tend to extinct but the most important factor

is the migration of the white men to America. The White saw the Indian as their enemy so

they killed them and occupied their land.

Dani : I understand now. Thank you.


1. What does Nina want to show to Dani?


2. Why is it interesting for Nina?


3. I wonder if you tell me, Why were they extinct?. What kind of expression is it?


4. Could you mention the other utterances for the expression?


Activity 7.

Learn this expressions

Activity 8.

Fill in the blank with the expression of asking information

1. A young boy : Father, ………………………………….. this handycam, please?

A father : Open the lens cover, then direct the handycam to the scenery you want to take and just

push the “on” button.

2. A little girl : ………………………………………………this iron works?

A maid : I am sorry I can’t explain. Ask your mother

3. A student : ……………………………………………….this facsimile works?

A instructor : Let’s read the manual first.

4. A lady : ……………………………………………to use the camera of this cellular phone

A man : I am sorry. I am not familiar with this kind of phone.

5. A little boy : ……………………………………………this bike is repaired?

A mechanic : Of course . I’ll explain to you.

A.3. Grammar function

A.3.1. Simple Present review

Explanation text in general uses Simple Present Tense as its main tense. Here is the summary.

A.General pattern

|Pattern |Time reference |

|a. Verb pattern |Every…. |

|(+) S + V1(-s/-es) |Always never |

|(-) S + do/does not V1 |Often occasionally |

|(?) Do/does + S + V |Sometimes seldom |

|B. To be pattern |Rarely |

|(+) S + is/am/are + adjective/adverb/nouns |Ever |

|(-) S+ is/am/are not + adjective/adverb/nouns | |

|(?) Is/Am/Are S + adjective/adverb/nouns | |

B. Function

1. Expressing habitual actions or customs

2. Expressing general truth

C. Examples

1. The desert is hot and dry.

2. Camels live in the desert.

3. Date tree grows well in the desert

4. We aren’t Arabian but Indonesian.

5. They don’t go to Mecca every year

6. Are you hungry?

7. Does Shinta walk to school everyday.

D. Special Note

If the subject is third singular person (e.g) he, she, it John, Smith, Karen, the earth), we must

add a final –s pr –es to the verb.

1. Add –es if the verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x or z

cross – crosses

crush - crushes

catch - catches

mix - mixes

buzz - buzzes

2. If the verb ends in –y preceded by a consonant , change the –y into I and add -es

cry - cries

fry - fries

Activity 9.

Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form.

Do as Example : Lani ….. (drive ) a cab to her school every day.

Lani drives a cab to her school everyday.

1. The Badouins … (be) the tribes that live in the sahara.


2. The eagle … (hunt) for its prey every morning.


3. The rattle snakes never ….(sleep) at night.


4. The cloud ….(not, be) so thick. I think it won’t be rain now.


5. You …. (not, dispose) the waste to the desert. It will pollutate its environment.


6. The camels (live) Indonesia? No. They live in the Saudi Arabia.


7. Shinta (be ) ill ?. She looks pale.


8. Why you (be) sleepy?


A.3.2. Noun Phrase

We found this phrase in the monolog above.

…. the dangerous places in the earth.

The phrase is called noun phrase. In Indonesia “noun phrase “ is “ sekelompok kata yang

mempunyai satu unit pengertian dan secara keseluruhan berfungsi sebagai kata benda”. Here is

the order pattern.

|Deter-m|Quality |size |Age/ |

|iner |characters | |temperature |

|1. |Verbs |-ion | |

| |Act | |Action |

| |Elect | |Election |

| |direct | |Direction |

|2. |Verbs |-ment | |

| |Advertise | |Advertisement |

| |Pay | |Payment |

| |argue | |Argument |

|3. |adjectives |-ity | |

| |Complex | |Complexity |

| |curious | |Curiosity |

|4. |adjectives |-ness | |

| |tender | |Tenderness |

| |ugly | |Ugliness |

|5. |nouns |-ship | |

| |owner | |Ownership |

| |member | |Membership |

|6. |nouns |-hood | |

| |mother | |Motherhood |

| |child | |Childhood |

|7. |Nouns/adjectives |-dom | |

| |king | |Kingdom |

| |free | |freedom |

Activity 12.

Change the words into abstract nouns. Use the appropriate suffixes above.

|No. |Root words |Abstract nouns |No. |Root words |Abstract nouns |

|1. |Brother | |11. |Wise | |

|2. |Careless | |12. |Imagine | |

|3. |Bitter | |13. |Adjust | |

|4. |Sensitive | |14. |Abstract | |

|5. |instruct | |15. |Martyr | |

|6. |Neighbor | |16. |React | |

|7. |Generous | |17. |Kind | |

|8. |Combine | |18. |Able | |

|9. |Achieve | |19. |Loyal | |

|10. |Partner | |20. |Relation | |

Activity 13.

Complete these sentences by using the abstract nouns you made in activity 12.

Example : The __________between I and my sister is so close.

The relation between I and my sister is so close.

1. We have to keep our ______________ clean and nice to see.

2. Thanks for your ____________. It is because of you I got this job.

3. The commander gives a clear __________ how to arrest the robber.

4. As a student, we have to increase our ____________ in acquiring the lessons.

5. Nuclear __________ can be used to generate electricity.

6. Art and music can develop student’s ____________. So they can create new kind of arts.

7. Because of Mr. John’s ____________ All of the poors can buy food for a month.

8. Barbara and Joe has a ____________ in the new bussiness. They share the gain and the loss equally.

B. Modelling of Text

Activity 13. Identifying the Structure of an Explanation

❑ Read the text below

❑ Pay attention to the structure of this text


| | |

|General Statement |These are three possible reasons why deserts remain dry. These are high mountain barrier, cold ocean |

| |currents and high pressure systems. |

|Sequence of Logical | |

|Reasons |Mountain Barriers |

| |When warm air passes over the ocean it picks up moisture in the form of water vapour. As this moist |

| |air travels over mountain ranges. When begins to rise, the air cools and this causes the water vapour|

| |to condense into droplets which fall as rain. When the air reaches the other side of the mountain |

| |barrier, it has lost all its moisture and so the other side of the mountain remains dry. |

| | |

| |Cold Ocean Currents |

|Sequence of Logical |Air passing over cold ocean currents is cooled and therefore is unable to pick up and hold much |

|Reasons |moisture. When this cold air mass reaches the warm desert, any moisture in the air is evaporated and |

| |so does not fall as rain and so the desert remains dry. |

| | |

| |High Pressure Systems |

| |In a high pressure system, the air is dry and is moving downwards. As this system moves over the land|

| |it draws in moisture from the land surface. Consequently the moisture does not fall as rain and so |

|Sequence of Logical |the desert remains dry. |

|Reasons | |

(Lampiran Kurikulum 2004: Depdiknas, 34)

Activity 14. Understanding the structure of the text.

Answer these questions.

1. What is the purpose of this text?


2. Mention the text organization of the text (the generic structure) ?


3. What kind of tense is mainly used in the text?


4. Why is the tense used in the text?


5. Are there any abstract words in the text? What are they?


6. Are there any passive construction in the text ? What are they?


Activity 15. Understanding the content of the text.

Answer the questions

1. How many factors make the desert remain dry


2. When does the other side of mountain have lost its moisture and remains dry ?


3. What happens if the cold air mass reaches the warm desert ?


4. What happens in a high pressure system ?


5. Find the words which has the same meaning with the word “boundary”


Activity 16.

Read the summary about “explanation text”

C. Joint Construction of text

Activity 17.

Work in group of three or four students. Observe this diagram. Then answer the question below.

What does the diagram tell about?



Activity 18.

After observing the diagram, write an explanation text about “ How the rain is formed”. Use the words below as clues.

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Activity 19.

❑ Now it is time for you to write your own explanation text.

❑ Re write the explanation text “How the rain is formed” above.

❑ Tell to your friends in front of the class.

Example :

Hello, good morning my teacher, and all my friends. This morning I would like to explain about How The rain is formed. In the rainy season, we always get wet of rain, don’t we? Yes. Do you know how rain is formed? …..good. Ok. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………






|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Expressing response for hope | |

|terutama berbentuk explanation |Merespon monolog lisan text explanation |I hope so |

| | | |

|Berbicara |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dalam wacana |transaksional berupa: | |

|transaksional dan atau monolog lisan |Expressing response for hope | |

|terutama dalam wacana berbentuk explanation |Melakukan monolog lisan text explanation | |

| | | |

|Membaca | |I wish you luck |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah |Merespon teks berbentuk explanation | |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text explanation | |

|berbentuk explanation |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text explanation| |

| |Passive voice | |

| |Connectives of time and cause |Making paper from woodchips |

| | |General statements, sequenced of |

|Menulis |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |explanation |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean |Closing |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks | |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk |berbentuk explanation |The woods are cut off |

|explanation | |Because, so that |

| | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Making Paper from Woodchips

(Written Explanation)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Brainstorming

Activity 1

Answer the following questions

1. What picture is it?


2. What is it used for?


3. What is it usually made of?


4. What is the paper made of?


5. Do you know how to make papers?


Activity 2.

In pairs, read this dialogue aloud.

Ais : What do you do?

Nia : I am folding these coloured paper into origami. These are our assignment at English Class.

Ais : Origami! Wow what a wonderful art. But the papers you use are still new.

Nia : Yes they are. What’s the problem?

Ais : I think it is better for you to use “ a used paper”. The new paper is too precious.

Nia : I don’t understan. What do you mean?

Ais : Paper making is a long complex process. So we must use paper effectively.

Nia : Tell me how to make a paper.

Ais : Okay. What is paper made of?

Nia : I think it is made from wood!

Ais : Good. You are correct. It is started with “wood chipping”.

Nia : What is Wood chipping?

Ais : Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper product from forest trees.

Woodchipping is a process used to obtained pulp and paper products from forest trees.

The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of forest

called a coupe.

Nia : And then?

Ais : Mmm, Next tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill.

Nia : What did the mill do to the trees.

Ais : At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken into a chipper which cut

them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and

other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by

chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.

Nia : The next step?

Ais : Oh, I almost forgot The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. And finally the

pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Nia : Wow, What a complicated process.

Ais : You are right. Considering the complexity of making paper, let’s appreciate any paper on our

hands. Use it more effectively.

Nia : Thanks for your explanation. I will make my origami from the used paper from now on.

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are they?


2. What is made by Nia?


3. What material is used by Nia to make Origami?


4. Why does Ais protest Nia?


5. How is Ais opinion about the use of paper?


6. Why does Ais have such kind of opinion?


7. Do you agree with Ais? Why?


A.2. Grammar Function

A.2.1. Passive Sentence

When Ais explain how to make paper, she used the following expressions:

1. The trees are cut down…

2. The logs are taken…

3. The woodchipped are then screened…

4. The pulp is then bleached..

5. The water contents is removed…

6. They are exported …

The sentences uses a “passive constriction” here are the patterns.


|Simple present | |

|I write a letter |The letter is written by me |

| |S + is/am/are + V3 |

|Simple Past Tense | |

|She read the book |The book was read by her |

| |S + was/were + V3 |

|Present Continuous | |

|He is playing card |The card is being played by him |

| |S + is/am/are/ being + V3 |

|Past Continues | |

|We were learning match when he come |Match was being learnt when he came |

| |S + was/were being + V3 |

|Present Future | |

|They will visit grandma |Grandma will be visited by them |

| |S + modal be +V3 |

| | |

|Future Continuous | |

|They will be washing cloths |Cloths will be being washed by us |

| |S + Will be + V3 |

|Present Perfect | |

|She has passed the exam |The exam has been passed by her |

| |S + has/have been + V3 |

|Present Perfect Continuous | |

|We have been listening to the radio |The radio has been listened by us |

| |S + has/have been being + V3 |

|Past Perfect | |

|she had done the test |The test had been done by her |

| |S + had been + V3 |

|Past future Continuous | |

|You had been studying English |English had been being studied by you |

| |S + had been being + V3 |

|Future Perfect | |

|I will have passed the exams |The exam will have been passed by me |

| |S + Will have been + V3 |

|Future Perfect Continuous | |

|She will have been doing the test |The test will have been being done by her |

| |S + Will have been being + V3 |

Activity 3.

Change the following sentences into passive form.

1. Two buffaloes pulled the farmer’s plough in the rice field .


2. Anissa had borrowed the novel to the library.


3. By this time tomorrow, the Mr. Ari will have finished his short story.


4. Ami didn’t phone Jim about the problem.


5. Robert Frost created many well-known poems .


6. Alia will invite Keanu to the party.


7. Dian is preparing the presentation for a meeting tomorrow.


8. The cook fried the lobster before he serves it to the customers.


A.2.2. Connectives of time and cause

This sentence is taken from the text.

The woodchipping process begins When the trees are cut down.

Study the following connectives

1. Conjunction of Time

|1. |When |When the trees have been cut, the chipper will do the next process. |

|2. |After |After I graduate from school, I will go to USA. |

|3. |Before |I had cleaned all my dress before I leave for Bandung |

|4. |while |Rina was cooking while her mother was gardening |

|5. |until |I worked over time until my boss called me to go home. |

2. Conjunction of Cause

|1. |Because |Because air has lost all its moisture, the other side of the mountain remains dry |

|2. |Because of |The other side of the mountain remains dry because of the loss of its moisture |

|3. |Due to |The other side of the mountain remains dry due to the loss of its moisture |

|4. |If |The other side of the mountain remains dry if it has lost all its moisture |

|5. |As |As the wind stop, the windmill can’t produce energy to generate electricity. |


1. When, while, after, before, while , until, as and if are followed by sentences.

2. Because of and due to are followed by noun phrase or gerund.

Activity 4.

Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction of cause and time.

1. I will pass you some book to you ………..I visit you again.

2. We wait…………the rain stopped.

3. She can’t walk now …….the fracture of her legs.

4. The baby will cry …….the mother is out of sight.

5. I posted the letter…… I had finished writing it.

6. …….He was walking home, he saw a little girl crying by the road.

7. Carol is jumping for joy ……she has won the first prize for the singing competition.

8. My father was gardening … mother was sewing here shirts.

9. The match stopped ……….the referee blew his whistle.

10. Always greet your teacher ………..she starts the lessons.

Speech Functions

A. Giving and responding to general wishes.

Activity 5

Learn these dialogue.

Fani : Indah, you look that you confuse today. What’s wrong with you?

Indah : Yes, I am so nervous. Today, I have to write an explanation text, the title is “Making paper from

Woodchips.I don’t master the materials well.

Fani : Oh, I see. But don’t worry. I am sure that you can do this well. Good fortune be with you

Indah : Very many thanks.

Fani : OK, Go! Don’t be late.

Indah : Good bye

Fani : Bye, see you.

Activity 6.

With your partners. Discuss the following questions.

1. What are they talking about?


2. Who are they?


3. Why does she wish good fortune for her friend ?


4. Could you mention the other expression of giving and responding wishes?


Activity 7.

Learn the following expressions

|Expression of General Wishes |Expression of respond to general wishes |

|I wish you luck |Thank you |

|Good luck |Thank you very much |

|Good fortune be with you |Thank . You too |

|I hope that everything goes OK with you |Very many thanks |

|Well, I hope that everything will be all right | |

Activity 8.

Fill in the blank with suitable expressions.

1. X: Rin, I will move to San Fransico tomorrow.

Y: So, it is our last meeting then.

X : I hope not.

Y: Ok _________________________________________

X: Thank you and the same to you.

2. X: I will have my final examination tomorrow.

Y: Have you prepared for it.

X : Of course. I have

Y : Well, ________________________________________

X: Thank you very much.

3. X : Wow, It’s a wonderful party, isn’t it?

Y : Yes, it ‘s right. By the way, I saw you go to custom office yesterday. Any business?

X : Yes, I made a visa. I got a scholarship from Monash University. I will leave next week

Y : Wow. What a good chance. _______________________

X : Thank you.

4. X: Dedi, IBM company called me for an interview.

Y: How is the result?

X: They accepted me to work there.

Y : Congratulation. May you be happy and successful in your new career.

X: _______________________________________________

5. X: Well, here goes…

Y; Where are you going?

X: I’m going to ask Mr. Wuryanto for a remedial test. I got 5 on the test yesterday

Y: I wish you luck.

X : ______________________________________________

B. Modelling of Text

Activity 9.

Read the text below and pay attention to the generic structure and the language features of the text.

|Title : |Making Paper from Woodchips |

|General statement | Woodchipping is a process used to obtained pulp and paper products from forest trees. The|

| |woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of forest called a coupe|

|Sequenced of explanation |Next tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. |

| |At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken into a chipper which cut them |

| |into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other |

| |impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals |

| |and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. |

|Closing |Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper. |

(taken from: lampiran contoh text Kurikulum 2004, depdiknas, 2004)

Activity 10.

Answer these questions

1. What is the purpose of the text?


2. Mention the action verbs used in the text?


3. Are there any abstract words in the text? What are they?


4. Are there any time or cause connectives in the text? What are they?


5. How many sentences are there written in passive construction? Write them!


6. What is “Wood Chips”?


7. How many stages are there in making paper? What are they?


8. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed….. The word “they” refers to … .


C. Joint Construction of text

Activity 16.

Work in group of three or four students. Write an explanation text using the words given and give its generic structure.

| Words/Phrases |Hydroponics: Farming Without Soil |Generic Structure |

|Soil |Hydroponics is an unconventional ……..(1) technique. It | |

|Gravel |is the ………(2) of plants in water. The idea of | |

|Growing |hydroponics comes from the assumption that plants do | |

|Nutrient |not need ……..(3) as such. They need only the …….(4) and| |

|cultivation |moisture in the soil, and these can be supplied …….(5) | |

| |beds that contain water. | |

| |Hydroponics is not a new process. As long ago as 1960, | |

|Cucumbers |an English ……(6) tried growing plants in water in a | |

|Formulas |laboratory experiment. In 1800 some German researchers | |

|Average |used the method to develop many of the ……(7) for plants| |

|Physician |nutrient solution that are still in use today. About a | |

|Physiologist |generation ago, hydroponics moved out of the research | |

|Crops |laboratory into commercial use. In 1936 a California | |

|Leading |……..(8), W.F. Gerick, published guidelines for | |

|Green houses |hydroponics agriculture. | |

| |One of the …….(9) companies in the fields of | |

| |hydroponics is Hydroponics Incorporated of Glendale, | |

| |Arizona. It operates about 200 …….(10) on a 48 hectare | |

| |site. It produces more than 2,7 million kilograms of | |

| |fruits and vegetable each year mostly tomatoes, but | |

| |also ………(11), lettuce and melons. Crop yields are | |

| |excellent: for example, each mature tomato plant | |

| |produce an ……(12) of 12,1 kilos of fruits in a year of | |

| |two growing cycles. This compares with about 9 kilos | |

| |for two ……(13) of the average soil-grown plant. | |

|Weeds |Everything is carefully controlled in the greenhouse: | |

|excluded |the temperature, the humidity, and the air circulation.| |

| |Wind, hail, frost, drought, …….(14), and insects are | |

| |all …….(15). | |

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Activity 17.

❑ Now it is time for you to write your own explanation text.

❑ Choose one of the titles below

❑ Don’t forget to use the generic structure of an explanation text.

Titles :

❖ How telephone works?

❖ How telex works

❖ Why leaves fall in Autumn season

❖ …………………………………(your own title)

|Generic Structure | |

| |…………………………………… |

|A General Statement | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|Explanation | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |…………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|Closing (if any) | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|No. |Questions |Answer |

| | |Yes |No |

|1. |Text Organization | | |

| |a. Does the text have general statement | | |

| |b. Does the text have a sequenced explanation of why | | |

| |or how something occur | | |

| |c. How many reasons occur in the sequenced of | | |

| |explanation | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2. |Lexicogrammatical features | | |

| |a. Does the text focus on generic, non human | | |

| |participant | | |

| |b. Does the text use mainly material process or verbs of | | |

| |doing? | | |

| |c. Does the text use relational verbs | | |

| |d. Does the text use temporal and causal circumstances | | |

| |and conjunctions | | |

| |e. Does the text use passive voice in its sentence | | |

| | | | |

Uji Kompetensi 2

Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e

Text 1.

Why many Americans are fat

Scientists and doctors say that about 34 million Americans are too fat. Why is this ? one cause is the kind of food American eat. Many American like “Fast Food”. These foods (such as hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening in them. Another cause is the way Americans eat. .They often eat little snacks between regular meals, these extra foods add extra fat on the body. A third cause is not enough exercise. American like driving everywhere, instead of walking They often have machines to do a lot of the work. Some Americans are also too heavy because of health problem. But for most of those 34 million Americans, the problem is the American lifestyle.

01. Shinta : What kind of text is it?

Anita : It is called …………..text.

a. Narrative c. report e. recount

b. explanation d. description

02. Shinta : How is the text organization of this text?

Anita : usually it consists of …..

a. Orientation, events, re-orientation.

b. Orientation, events, twist

c. Orientation, complication, resolution

d. Issue, argument for, argument against, conclusion.

e. General statement, sequenced of explanation

03. Shinta : What is the purpose of this text?

Anita : It is used to ……

a. explain the audience where something happen

b. explain the processes in the formation or workings of natural or social cultural phenomena

c. tell about funny stories

d. amuse or entertain the audience

e. tell about natural phenomena

04. Shinta : What kind of tense is mostly used in the text?

Anita : It uses ……..

a. simple present tense d. present continuous tense

b. simple past tense e. past continuous tense

c. simple future tense

05. Kenny : How many functions does nuclear energy have ?

Robert : I has …….functions

a. one c. three e.five

b. two d. four

06. Ani : What does the first paragraph tell us about ?

Uni : It discusses about …..

a. the effect of Americans are fat

b. the research about the Americans are fat

c. the reasons why Americans are fat

d. the impact why Americans are fat

e. the study why Americans are fat

07. Budi : Who stated that Americans are too fat?

Ani : … .

a. Many Americans c. scientist e. scientists and doctors

b. Some Americans d. doctors

08. Amin : How many reasons are stated in the text why American are too fat?

Asri : As I count there are … . reasons

a. 3 c. 5 e. 7

b. 4 d. 6

09. Andi : What is the biggest cause of why Americans are too fat?

Asri : I think it is … .

a. fast food c. lack of exercise e. Lifestyle

b. fattening d. health problem

10. These foods (such as hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening in them. (prg 1. stc 4)

The underlined word refers to … .

a. doctors c. fattening e. Americans

b. scientist d. fast food

11. Ani : How does Rina go to school everyday?

Sania : Oh, She always … . her motor cycle.

a. Drive c. drives e. driving

b. to drive d. drove

12. Mr. Ali : What can I do for you, Madam?

Mrs. Mul : I want to buy a kilo of … .

a. those red big fresh Chinese Orange d. those fresh big red Chinese orange

b. those fresh red big Chinese orange e. fresh red big those Chinese orange

c. those Chinese fresh red big orange

13. Mr. Andi : The bridge that was damaged the flood last week needs new … .

Mr. Ali : I agree with you.

a. to construct c. constructing e. construction

b. constructed d. constructly

14. Mr. Ali : Which one is your car?

Mr. Agus : My car is … .

a. The antique small old green Volkswagen d. The green old small antique Volkswagen

b. The small old antique green Volkswagen e. The Volkswagen antique small old green

c. The old small antique green Volkswagen

15. Mrs. Wu : ___________________ how to use this computer?

Mrs. Nie : I am a little forget. Let me look the manual first.

a. Would you like me d. would you like to explain

b. Could you explaining me e. can you explained to me

c. Would you mind explain me

16. We used to play marble in our … .

a. Childness c. chilhood e. childment

b. Childnation d. chilly

17. Sania : When did you submit your homework?

Kelly : I submitted it …. Mr. Agus Wuryanto went to Australia

a. After c. until e. when

b. Before d. while

18. Akbar : All of my properties lost … . the flood

Beni : I am sorry to hear that

a. Because c. if e. as

b. because of d. due

19. Beni : Where is your car

Ari : It is in the garage. It …. Now

a. is repaired c. is repairing e. is repairly

b. is being repaired d. repaired

20. Wendy : When will you finish this picture?

Akbar : I promise the picture … . by the time you come here this afternoon

a. will finish c. will be finished e. will have been finished

b. will be finishing d. will have been finishing

21. Barney : When did you fried the chicken?

Barkley : … .

a. the chicken is fried last night d. the chicken were fried last night

b. the chicken was fried last night e. the chicken had been fried last night.

c. the chicken are fried last night

22. Mr. Zoe : I will go to Italy to follow the Pizza making contest.

Mr. Zula : Good fortune be with you.

From the dialogue we can conclude that the second speaker expresses his… .

a. opinion c. wish e. regret

b. pride d. complain

23. Amir : I’ll follow an English debate contest tomorrow.

Ali : Good luck.

Amir : … .

a. never mind c. very many thanks e. what a surpise

b. not at all d. I hope too

24. Beni : After chopping down the tree, please …. . all the branches and tops.

Ali : yes, Sir.

a. cut on c. cut out e. cut up

b. cut of d. cut from

25. Americans like driving everywhere, instead of walking. The closest synonym of the underlined word is…

a. nevertheless c. the best e. better than

b. because of d. unless

|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Expressing agreement/ | |

|terutama berbentuk discussion |Disagreement |I agree with |

| |Merespon monolog lisan text discussion |I am not with you |

|Berbicara |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa |transaksional berupa: | |

|makna dalam wacana transaksional dan atau |Expressing agreement/ disagreement | |

|monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk|Melakukan monolog lisan text discussion | |

|discussion | | |

| |Merespon teks berbentuk discussion |I have no objection |

|Membaca |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text discussion |This is out of my sense |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text discussion | |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Connectives of Contrast | |

|berbentuk discussion |Causative | |

| | |Nuclear energy |

| | | |

| |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |Issue, argument for, argument |

| |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean |against, conclusion |

|Menulis |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan |berbentuk discussion |However, |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang | |We get the Nuclear Power plant |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk | |constructed |

|discussion | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

(Spoken Discussion)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Brainstorming

Activity 1

Answer this questions

1. What picture is it?


2. When did it explode for the first time?


3. Where did it explode for the first time?


4. In what war was the bomb exploded?


5. What country develop this bomb for the first time?


6. What were the effects of the explosion?


Activity 2.

Answer these questions

1. What picture is it?


2. What is it used for?


3. What are produced from the structure?


4. What is the main fuel of this facility?


5. Mention the countries which developed this facility?


6. What are the advantages of this facility for mankind?


7. What are the disadvantages of this facility for mankind?


Activity 3.

Complete this paragraphs with the words provided.

An (1)________-bomb explosion shows how powerful nuclear energy is. You have probably read of nuclear (2) ________ described in term of megatons, or million of tons of TNT. You may have known that TNT is the (3)_________ of trinitrotoluene. It means a high(4) ___________.

The breakdown, or fission, of uranium atom supplies about 2 percent of the word’s energy (5) __________. Fission releases (6) ________ amount of heat, which can be used to make (7) ______ to drive electric (8) ___________.

Activity 4.

Discuss with your friends. Mention the constructive and destructive uses of nuclear energy. List them in the following table.

|No. |Constructive uses |No. |Destructive uses |

|1. | |1. | |

|2. | |2. | |

|3. | |3. | |

|4. | |4. | |

|5. | |5. | |

A.2. Grammar Functions

A.2.1. Connectives of Contrast

|No. |Connectives |Examples |

|1. |However |I had studied hard. However, I only got 4 at the test. |

|2. |Although |Although I had studied hard I only got 4 at the test |

|3. |Even though |I only got 4 at the test even though I had studied hard |

|4. |Though |I only got 4 at the test. I had studied hard, though. |

|5. |Even if |I only got 4 at the test even if I had studied hard |

| 1. |Despite |Despite studying hard, I only got 4 at the test. |

|2. |In spite of |In spite of studying hard, I only got 4 at the test. |




even though are followed by sentences


even if


In spite of are followed by noun phrase or gerund

Though usually used in the end of sentence

Activity 5.

Use the appropriate contrastive connectives to fill in the blank.

1. I keep trying to do the math test. The math test is very difficult, ……… .

2. Mr. Smith always do jogging every morning, ………….. He is 80 years old.

3. ………the bleeding, The wounded soldier kept walking to the front.

4. …….. being punished, the naughty students never gives up cheating

5. The poor man works days and nights. He, ……….., never gets enough money to eat

6. ……….my school is far from my house. I never come late.

A.2.2. Causative

Activity 7.

Read the dialogue and answer the questions

Ais : What do you read, my brother?

Fathur : I read an article about the planning of the building of Nuclear Power plant in Blora, Central


Ais : Wow. It will be a big project in our province.

Fathur : I think so. But, can our engineers develop the building? I am still doubt with their capability.

Ais : In my opinion, the Indonesian government can have the foreign engineers build it.

Father : What do you mean?

Ais : I means Indonesia government can ask American contractors who had experience in building

such structure to build it.

Father : I know what you mean.


1. Who are Ais and Fathur?


2. What are they talking about?


3. Did father think that Indonesian has capability to build Nuclear Power plant?


4. What is Ais opinion to solve Fathur’s worries?


5. What do the underlined sentence mean?


Activity 8.

Study the following information

Causative have and get

Causative “have” adalah susunan kalimat dengan menggunakan “have” yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan yang dikerjakan oleh orang lain untuk sang “subyek”. Jadi, kata “have “ ini bermakna menyuruh atau memerintah. Selain kata “have” kata lain yang mengandung makna serupa adalah “get” . Hanya saja penerapan dalam kalimat mempunyai perbedaaan pola.

|Causative have dan get dengan obyek aktif |Causative have dan get dengan obyek pasif |

| S + have + O 1 + V1 + O2 | S + have + O + V3 |

|Example: |Example: |

|Mr. Andi has the workers build the wall |Mr. Andi has the wall built |

|My aunt had me cook the fish |My aunt had the fish cooked |

| S + get + O 1 + to V1 + O2 | S + get + O + V3 |

|Example: |Example: |

|Mr. Andi gets the workers to build the wall |Mr. Budi gets the wall built |

|My aunt got me to cook the fish |My aunt got the fish cooked |

Makna dari sebuah causative adalah :

Example : The head master has the annual report typed

It means :

The head master asks someone to type the annual report.

Activity 9.

Example : Mr. Smith has the janitor …………..(sweep) the floor.

Mr. Smith has the janitor sweep the floor

Aisyah got get the servant …………(cook) the meal

Aisyah got the servant to cook the meal

1. Mr. Jono had his hair ……………(cut)


2. My mother will get the curtains …………(short)


3. My father lets the maid ……………(clean ) his trousers.


4. The wise teacher always asks the students………………(study) hard yesterday.


5. The chef will have me…………….(prepare) the food for dinner


6. The manager had had the workers …………(unload) the container from the harbour


7. I got the old lady …………..(sit) in my chair.


8. We have had the our shirt ……………..(iron)


9. We will get the operator …………….(run) the machines


10. The foot ball trainer got the player ……………..(kick) the ball


Activity 10.

Example : Mrs. Indri had the eggs boiled

It means:

Mrs. Indri asked someone to boil the eggs.

1. I had my hair set last week

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. The old tree is dangerous. I’ll have it cut tomorrow

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. My sister got her room painted yesterday.

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. The director had his office redecorated

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. I had my bike repaired.

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. The teacher has the cassette listened

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. Mr. Braddock had the oil of his car changed this morning.

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

8. The employer must have the work finished before Saturday

It means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A.3. Speech Function

A.3.1. Expression of agreement and disagreement

Activity 11.

Observe the picture, then answer the questions.

Mr. Lie Mr. Hanson Mr. Cussack

1. What motion was proposed by Mr. Lie?


2. Did Mr. Hanson agree with the motion? What did she say?


3. Did Mr. Cussack agree with the motion? What did she say?


Activity 12.

Learn these expression of Expressing agreement and disagreement

|Expression of agreement |Expression of disagreement |

|Of course |I don’t agree….. |

|I agree …… |I disagree |

|That’s a good idea |I don’t think so |

|That’s fine |What about …………….? |

|That’s sound nice |I’d rather not………….. |

|I don’t have any objection | |

|I approve it | |

Activity 13.

Make a transactional dialogue using expression of agreement or disagreement based on the situation given.

1. The headmaster plan to increase the school tuition . You discuss it with your friend. You agree but your friend doesn’t.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. You want to borrow your sister purse. She refuses it because she want to use it to a party.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………

3. You ask your mother for extra money . She refuses it.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Your leader asked you to accompany him to Jayapura. You accept it.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B. Modelling of Text.

Activity 14.

Read this text. Then answer the questions

|Title: |Using Nuclear Energy Should Be Avoided For the Sake of Environment Safety |

|Statement of Issue | Nuclear Energy is commonly offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of |

| |energy. The debate whether the use of nuclear energy is an appropriate choice has not come|

| |to end. Some people agree with the utilization of it because of its benefits. Some |

| |others, however, disagree because of its risks to environment. For the sake of the |

| |environmental safety, nuclear energy should be avoided. |

|Arguments for | Those who agree with the operation of nuclear reactors usually argue that the energy |

| |produced from them can be used for multipurposes. The reactors can produce radioisotopes |

| |utilized in medical, industrial, and agricultural fields. They also claim that nuclear |

| |energy is the only feasible choice to answer the ever-increasing energy needs. According |

| |to them, the other sources of energy: oil, coal, and liquid natural gas are not renewable |

| |and safe, while nuclear energy can be sustainably produced in a safe way. |

| |Some government officials also point out that this kind of energy is the safest one in |

| |response to environment compared to the non-renewable ones mentioned above. They claim |

| |that the reactor operates on a”zero-release” basis, which means that waste materials are |

| |processed do that none will be released into the environment. In addition, they believe, |

| |nuclear energy will never cause pollution, but the others , especially oil and coal |

| |really do. |

|Arguments against | In reaction to environment, they add that the operation of nuclear reactors dies not |

| |make any sense. Some NGOs specializing in efforts to save environment argue that their |

| |waste product completely destroy environment and human lives. On the other hand, it is |

| |true that the other kinds of energy like coal and oil support the environmental pollution,|

| |but their contributions can still be tolerated. It is also true that the nuclear reactors |

| |provide energy in great quantities, but their contributions to destroy environment and |

| |lives cannot be avoided. A meltdown in a reactor, for example results in a contamination |

| |of soil and water under its core, making human lives impossible for miles around. The |

| |reactor is also dangerous to lives because of its radiation leaking. In this case, it is |

| |often said that under a good control no fission products are allowed to leak out from the |

| |reactor. But who can guarantee this? |

|Conclusion/recommendation | It is obvious that nuclear energy should be avoided because it endangers environment.|

| |If we continue using it, while the radiation is very poorly controlled , then it will kill|

| |ourselves sooner or later. The government should pay much attention to the fact and revise|

| |the choice. |

(Lampiran Standar Kompetensi bahasa Inggris, 2004, )

Answer the question related to the text organization and language features.

1. What is the purpose of this text?


2. What do you call this kind of text?


3. What is the content of the “issue” ?


4. What does the argument “for point” consist of?


5. What does the argument “against point” consist of?


6. What is the content of “Conclusion”?


7. What kind of tense is mostly used in writing this text?


8. Did you find any contrastive connectives used in the text? Mention!


Activity 15.

Answer the question related to the content of the text

1. What is offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of energy?


2. What are the multi purposes of the nuclear reactors?


3. Can the nuclear energy be sustainably produced in a safe way?


4. What sources of energy are not renewable and safe?


5. What is meant by “zero release” ?


Activity 16.

Read the summary

C. Joint Construction of Text

Activity 17.

Work in group of three or four. Complete the argument for and the argument against from this discussion text.

|Title: |Cellular Phone must be banned at high school |

|Issue | Cellular phone is one of the communication devices that grow faster more than the other equipments. |

| |Its practical forms and its simplicity in the usage made Cellular phone is well accepted by its |

| |user. Cellular phone is also getting cheaper and cheaper. Even the student of high school can afford|

| |to buy it. It is no problem when they used it out of school environment but when it is used at school|

| |it raises controversy. Some, especially students, agree but others do not allow the use of cellular |

| |phone at school. And the controversy goes on till now. |

|Arguments for | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|Arguments against | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|Conclusion/ |The controversy will still go on, but the most important thing is that it is better for us to |

|recommendation |consider the major opinion that cellular phone is useful for students to ease their communication |

| |among them and parents. |

Activity 18.

Change the result of your group to other group. Ask their opinion and judging about your composition.

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Activity 19.

❑ This time we will do a debate.

❑ We will adopt the Australian Parliament model in this debate.

❑ Before doing the debate. Let study this explanation.

A. Setting


|A1 : Affirmative team 1 |N1 : Negative Team 1 |

|A2 : Affirmative team 2 |N2 : Negative Team 2 |

|A3 : Affirmative team 3 |N3 : Negative Team 3 |

|Md : Moderator |Adj1 : Adjudicator 1 |

|Tk : Time Keeper |Adj2 : Adjudicator 2 |

| |Adj3 : Adjudicator 3 |

B. Duties of each participant

1. Moderator.

✓ Opens the debate.

✓ Introduce the participants (both teams)

✓ Collects and checks the adjudication

✓ Count and sum up the adjudication (asks the adjudicators to give oral adjudication if necessary)

✓ Announces the winner

✓ Closes the debate

2. Time Keeper

✓ Tells the speaker about time limitation

✓ Gives sign if the time for speaking is over

✓ Announces to the floor if the time for debate is over

3. Adjudicators

✓ Tell the common errors done by the contestants

✓ Give the adjudication

4. Affirmative team (it is usually called as the government team)

✓ Define the statements being proposed (the motion)

✓ Give supporting arguments for the motion proposed

5. Negative team (it is usually called as the opponent team)

✓ Reject the motion proposed by the affirmative team

✓ Give supporting arguments against the issue

✓ Ask the affirmative team to propose new arguments if the issue presented before is not accurate

6. Time allocation

✓ for the primary speech : 7 minutes for each member of the team

✓ for reply speech : 5 minutes for each member of team

C. How it carried out.

1. Moderator

a. Opens the debate.

Good ……..ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the ……..debate. Our debate today will be a match between affirmative and negative teams.

b. Introduces all the participants

> Here are the affirmative teams:

The first speaker is …….

The second speaker is…..

The third speaker is ……

> Here are the negative team:

The first speaker is …….

The second speaker is…..

The third speaker is ……

Now , we call the speaker from the affirmative team.

The first speaker speaks …….

The second speaker speaks..

The third speaker speaks ……

Now, we call the reply speaker from negative team.

The first speaker speaks …….

The second speaker speaks..

The third speaker speaks ……

Now, we call the adjudicators to give oral adjudication

… .

Adjudicators tells the commons errors …

That’s all of our debate today. Thank you for your attention

2. Time keeper

Tells the speaker about time limitation

✓ Knock : The speaker starts giving argumentation

✓ Knock, knock : 1 minutes left for the speaker

✓ Knock, knock, knock : Time is out for the speaker

3. Affirmative team

a. Define the statements (motion) being proposed:

Example : Nuclear energy is energy that derived from the atom or nucleus. …

b. Give supporting arguments for the case.

Example : Nuclear energy is a safe alternative for the source of energy because ….

1. …

2. ….

3. ….

4. Negative team

a. Reject the motion defined by the affirmative team

Example : I think the definition given by the affirmative team about nuclear energy is incorrect. …

b. Give supporting arguments against the issue.

Example : To my group. Nuclear energy is not safe. Even, it is the most dangerous source of

energy ever know. It is because….

1. ….

2. ….

Activity 20.

Let do the debate.

❑ Choose one of the following “Topics”

- Hand phone should be banned from school

- Students are not allowed to drive motorcycle to school

- School uniform: is it necessary?

|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Expressing interrupting | |

|terutama berbentuk discussion |Merespon monolog lisan text discussion |Excuse me,…. |

| | | |

|Berbicara |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa |transaksional berupa: | |

|makna dalam wacana transaksional dan atau |Expressing interrupting | |

|monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk|Melakukan monolog lisan text discussion | |

|discussion | | |

| |Merespon teks berbentuk discussion |Can I something here? |

|Membaca |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text discussion | |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text discussion | |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Modal and Modal Perfect | |

|berbentuk discussion | |School uniform |

| | | |

|Menulis |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |Issue, argument for, argument |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean |against, conclusion |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks | |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk |berbentuk discussion |Should have abandoned |

|discussion | | |

| | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Is school Uniform necessary?

(Written Discussion)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Brainstorming

Answer these questions .

1. What does he wear?


2. Who do usually wear the school uniform?


3. Who has the authority to issue the school uniform?


4. Do you wear the school uniform to school?


5. Does your school regulation allowed you not to wear it at school?


6. What is the punishment of your school if you don’t wear the uniform?


Activity 2.

Fill in the bubbles with the kinds of school uniform that you know.

A.2. Speech Function

A.2.1. Expression of interrupting .

Activity 3.

Read this transactional dialogue.

Nani : I heard that our school plans to free the school uniform.

Dana : Is it? Wow it will bring new environment for us.

Nani : But, I disagree with the plan. I think it will increase the gap between the rich and the poor.

Dian : Excuse me, Can I say something here?

Nani : Please.

Dian : It is better for us to give a suggestion to school administration to postpone the plan. I am as the

OSIS leader will gather the students opinion first.

Dana : OK, I am with you.

Note: The underline sentence is the example of interrupting expression. Here are the more complete one.

Activity 6.

Make a transactional dialogue based on the following situation.

1. You and some of your friends are discussing about the school uniform. Someone interrupting your


X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. You and your sister are discussing about the banning of the cellular phone use at school. Your father

interrupting you.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. You and your sister are discussing about the banning of boy scout activity use at school. Your mother

interrupting you.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. You are leading a discussion about the importance home work for students. A student interrupting


X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Z : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A.3. Grammar Focus

A.3.1. Modal and Modal Perfects

Activity 7.

Read and understand the dialogue and answer the questions.

Nissa : Uhm. I heard that our principle had signed a rule to free our school uniform.

Ning : You mean that we are free to wear any kind of clothes to school regardless the white and gray


Nissa : Yes, we can wear anything.

Ning : I think it is all right . But I will increase the gap among students especially between the rich and

the poor.

Nissa : You may be right. But the problem is the principle had signed the rule!

Ning : Is that right. Mmm, I personally think that he should not have signed it before consulting with

the school council.


1. Who are they?


2. What are they talking about?


3. Look at the bold typed words, what are they called?


4. Do you know the function of …

a. Can : It shows ______________________________________________________________

b. Will : It shows ______________________________________________________________

c. Should : it shows ______________________________________________________________

5. Can you mention the other example of modality words?


Activity 8.

Learn the explanation below.

A.3.1.1. Modals

To give emphasis on our argument in speaking we use some modals .

|No |Modals |Meaning |Illustrative sentences |

|1. |Can |Ability, permission |Dina can solve the sophisticated problem easily |

|2. |May |Possibility, necessity |Hari may leave the school early, he is ill today |

|3. |Must |Conclusion |Dina always studies hard. She must be diligent |

|4. |Shall |Plan/promise |I shall return here. I promise |

|5. |Will |Plan/intention |We will visit National museum on Sunday |

|6. |Might |Strong possibility/past form of may |The train was late. It might stop somewhere |

|7. |Should |Advice, past form of shall |Anto was badly wounded. He should be brought to the hospital to get |

| | | |more intensive cure |

|8. |would |Permission, polite request, past form|Would you mind moving ahead, please? |

| | |of will | |

Activity 9

Fill in the blank with suitable modals: can, may, must, shall, will, might, should or would

1. You _______go to the village office whether you are listed or not.

2. Mr. President __________pay attention to the poor people.

3. As a parents, we __________pay attention to the personal development of our children

4. If you insist to go, you __________ go now.

5. We __________force ourselves to do exercise if we want to have a healthy body

6. The BOS fund __________use to buy the students books.

7. The government ________cut loss the fuel subsidy as long as for the prosperity of the people.

8. As Mrs. Sardiyem is poor, she _________ask the compensation card from the village office

9. The library o __________pen until midnight to attract the people to come.

10. If it is necessary , we _________arrange a mass demo to force our government to cancel the rise of

fuel price.

Activity 10

What do you say if…

1. You promise to visit your grandma soon


2. You conclude that the thieves still hide in your city.


3. You suggest your little brother to brush his teeth.


4. You convince your teacher that you do the test by your self.


A.3.1.2. Modal Perfect

Activity 11.

Learn this explanation

|No. |Pattern |Function and Examples |

|1. |Should + have + V3 |Menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada waktu lampu |

| | |Ex: A thief stole Dona’ money. She should have saved it in the bank |

|2. |Could + have + V3 |Menyatakan kemampuan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan di masa lampau yang tidak dilakukan. |

| | |Ex: Mr. Budi was rich. He could have bought a plane if he wanted |

|3. |Might + have + V3 |Menyatakan kemungkinan pada masa lampau |

| | |Ex: Mrs. Budiman came late. She might have missed the bus |

|4. |Must +have + V3 |Menyatakan kepastian atau kesimpulan atas sesuatu yang terjadi di waktu lampau. |

| | |Ex. The window was opened. Someone must have entered before we arrived at home. |

Activity 12.

Fill in the blank with the correct modal perfect.

1. You ….. (attend) the gathering, some old friends of ours were there.


2. Ani has just missed the train to Jakarta. She …. (be) at the train station at least 30 minutes before the



3. I could not find the harbour you told me about. I ……(take) the wrong bus.

4. I did not know there was a meeting yesterday. You ….(tell) me about it.


5. Mrs. Armand told me a lot about Japan. She ….(live) there for a long time.


6. Shandy did not keep her promise to call us soon. She …. (be) very busy.


7. Last year the couple not save much money, otherwise, they ….(afford) to make a tour around the



8. There was so much noise next door. Our neighbour…. (come) back from their vocation abroad.


9. You ….. (buy) a new house if you saved the money you earned when you worked in USA.


10. The frying oil was frozen. It ……(be) very cold last night.


B. Modelling of Text

Activity 13.

Read the text carefully.

|Title: |Is school uniform necessary? |

|Statement of Issue | One of the topics still discussed in the education sphere is whether students need |

| |to wear school uniform. Some, especially students who live in big cities such as Jakarta |

| |or Surabaya, agree that they are free of wearing school uniform. While some others, |

| |especially the students who live in rural areas, disagree about the plan of freeing the |

| |school uniform based on some reasons. The debate still goes on. |

|Arguments for | Some of students think that wearing a school uniform restrict their eagerness to |

| |express the way of their life. They are teenagers who like to show off their funkiness . |

| |they like to wear something casual such as T-shirt, Casual shirts, denim, blue Jean and |

| |fancy bag. They also like to wear accessories such as rings, necklace, bracelet. They |

| |state that wearing these stuff will increase their dignity as a teens. |

| |They also feel what they wear doesn’t have any relation with their achievement in |

| |study. Learning at school need a free atmosphere to make them fun. And free outfits is one|

| |of the way that make them fun. Fun means happiness, and happiness increases their spirit |

| |to study. |

| |They, too, believe that there will be no gap among the students, because one wears a |

| |simple and ordinary outfits while others put on a well-known designed dresses. They think|

| |that it is natural to create a distinction. The distinction will trigger the ordinary |

| |students to reach the wealth. They think the students can work as part timer to get extra|

| |money for buying the proper outfit. |

|Arguments against | While for those who agree with the school uniform give their arguments as the |

| |following. Firstly, school uniform is an identity. As in the army, we can differentiate |

| |between army, navy,, air force and police squad just from the uniform they wear. School |

| |uniform is too. We can identify whether she /he is a kindergarten boy, an elementary |

| |school girls, a band of junior high school boys or a group of senior high school girls |

| |from their uniform. |

| |Secondly, school uniform gives us such a feeling of togetherness. The students who come |

| |from rich families are not too different from the students who come from the poor ones. |

| |The uniform will erase the gab between the rich and the poor. So, the learning atmosphere |

| |will not be disturb by inferiority feeling from the have not students because they can’t |

| |wear an expensive outfits. |

| |They emphasized that the government should cancel the plan due to the social condition of |

| |our nations which is in collapse. School uniform is still badly needed to unify the |

| |students at school. |

|Conclusion/recommendation | The controversy is still on going and being discussed. It is need to underlined that |

| |both side must consider the economical crisis that struck Indonesia. The school uniform is|

| |still needed to unify the students in our country. |

Activity 9

Answer the question related to the text organization and language features.

1. What is the purpose of this text?


2. What do you call this kind of text?


3. What is the issue discussed in the text?


4. Summary why do some students agree with the use of school uniform?


5. Summary why do some students disagree the use of school uniform?


6. . because they can’t wear an expensive outfits. (prg 6, last sentence)

the underlined word refers to…


7. Find the words in the text that have similar meaning with the following words:

a. eagerness (prg 2) : ________________________

b. clothes (prg 3) : ________________________

c. common (prg 4) : ________________________

d. group (prg 5) : ________________________

e. wipe out (prg 6) : ________________________

Activity 10.

State True (T) or false (F) to the following statements based on the text above.

|No. |Statements |True (T) |False (F) |

|1. |Students who agree to the abandoned of school uniform are mostly from rural areas. | | |

|2. |School uniform can decrease nationality | | |

|3. |The use of school uniform can erase the gap between the poor and the rich students. | | |

|4. |The government will give school uniform freely. | | |

|5. |School uniform decrease student’s creativity. | | |

C. Join construction of the text.

Activity 11.

In group of four , rearrange these jumbled paragraph into a good and meaningful text. When finished, write the conclusion for the text.

|{ } |A. | I think homework is bad because I like to play and discuss things with my family. |

|{ } |B. |I think we should have homework because it is helps us to learn and revise our work. |

|{ } |C. |But many times, doing homework is not a great idea. I think we shouldn’t have homework because I like to go |

| | |out after school to a restaurant or the movies. Sometimes homework is boring and not important. |

|{ } |D. |I have been wondering if homework is necessary |

|{ } |E. |Homework helps people who aren’t very smart to remember what they have learned. Homework is really good |

| | |because it helps with our education |

|{ } | | |

| | |? |

Activity 12.

Finishing rearranging the text above, write down the text into the chart below.

|Title: |Homework |

|Issue |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

|Argument “for” point |____________________________________________________________ |

|elaboration |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

|Elaboration |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

|Argument “Against” |____________________________________________________________ |

|Point elaboration |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

|Elaboration |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

|Conclusion |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

| |____________________________________________________________ |

D. Independent Construction of text.

❑ Make your own composition of discussion text.

❑ The topic is “ The Controversy of National Examination”

❑ Don’t forget to use the generic structure of discussion text .

❑ Finishing your first draft , ask your friend to check it by using the checklist below.

|No. |Questions |Answer |

| | |Yes |No |

|1. |Text Organization | | |

| |a. Does the text present an issue? | | |

| |b. Does the text present argument for ? | | |

| |c. Does the text present argument against? | | |

| |d. Does the text present conclusion/ recommendation | | |

| | | | |

|2. |Lexicogrammatical features | | |

| |a. Does the text use general nouns | | |

| |b. Does the text use thinking verbs | | |

| |c. Does the text use relating verbs | | |

| |d. Does the text use contrastive connectives | | |

| |e. Does the text use modalities in its conclusion /recommendation? | | |

| |f. Does the text use adverbial manner | | |

Uji Kompetensi 3

Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.

Text .1

|Students are not allowed to have hand phones at school. |

| The development in the means of communication device is in progress. One of the newest invention in cellular phone or hand phone. |

|When it first appeared , it was an expensive things. But now the price was reduced even the teens can buy it. And it becomes a |

|lifestyle among them. We often see some students bring hand phone at school. This rise a controversy. Some agrees but others disagree |

|even prohibit it. |

| For some students, having personal hand phone means a freedom of communication among them. They want to communicate freely , |

|effectively and any time. They can contact their parents when they go home, or where they go after school. They can also ask their |

|friend about homework or school assignment when they were absent. |

| For some people, however, especially school administrators, letting their students bring hand phone to school brings some bad |

|effects. Among others; it is disturbing when the phone rings when the lesson is on going. Students play games during the lesson from his|

|phone or listening songs from MP3 players built in their hand phone. When the hand phone is stolen, it causes another problem; school |

|security. In short, for them, hand phone must not be allowed at school neighbourhood. |

| The controversy is still on going and being discussed. It is need to underlined that handphone is a useful media but at school it |

|must be used in a proper way so that will not disturb its system. |

01. Sari : What kind of text is it?

Adri : It is … text.

a. Procedure c. narrative e. explanation

b. Recount d. discussion

02. Asri : What is the purpose of this text?

Marni : It is used to ……

a. explain the audience how or why something occur

b. tell about embarrassing or unforgettable experience

c. tell about funny stories

d. amuse or entertain the audience

e. present two point of view about an issue

03. Alia : If I’m not mistaken, our teacher had explained about the generic structure of

the text above. But, I forget it. Can you tell me?

kaifa : Of course, they are…

a. Orientation, events, re-orientation.

b. Issue, argument for, argument against , conclusion/recommendation

c. Orientation, complication, resolution

d. Issue, argument for, argument against, conclusion.

e. General statement, sequenced of explanation

04. Meisha : Sentences” it is disturbing when the phone rings when the lesson is on going. Students play games during the lesson from his phone or listening songs from MP3 players built in their hand phone. When the hand phone is stolen, it causes another problem; school security “. in the generic structure of the text above belongs to….

Rani : It belongs to…..

a. Issue c. arguments against e. re-orientation

b. arguments for d. conclusion

05. Dania : ….. They can also ask their friend about homework or school assignment when they

were absent..(pr. 2 Last sentence) . The word “they “ refers to ….

Sumarni : it refers to ….

a. school administrator c. students e. parents

b. teens d. friends

06. If you bring a cellular phone to school, use it ….

a. Proper c. propering e. properly

b. to proper d. propered

07. Students are not allowed to have cellular phones at school. The synonym of the underlined words

is …

a. permitted c. trespassed e. bought

b. prohibited d. brough

Text 2.

For number 8 –13, fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Everyone knows that computers are useful. And there are many (8) … . new computer programs. But there are other (9) … .to like computers. Some people like the (10)… .computers hum and sing when they are (11)… . It is a happy sound of toys. Computers also have lights and pretty pictures. With a computer anyone can feel (12) … an artist. And computers even seem to have (13) … .That may sound strange (14) … computers seem to have feeling. Sometimes they seem happy. Sometimes they seem angry. It is easy, to think, they are like people.

08. a. wonderful c. wonderless e. wonder

b. wondering d. wondered

09. a. explanation c. expectation e. judgement

b. desire d. reason

10. a. way c. performance e. action

b. mechanism d. process

11. a. writing c. working e. drawing

b. computing d. processing

12. a. such as c. similar e. like

b. the same d. alike

13. a. personalities c. souls e. lives

b. desires d. characteristics

14. a. though c. as if e. and

b. but d. also

15. Budi : look at the football player. …….his injured leg, he keeps trying to pass the ball.

Beni : Yes, you are right.

a. Although c. because of e. despite

b. Because d. in spite

16. Anita : I have no money. I want to continue my study abroad, …. .

Asri : I wish you luck

a. Although c. though e. despite

b. due to d. in spite of

17. Andy : Gus, let me help you clean your car. It’s too dirty.

Agus : No, think you, I will have the servant … .it soon.

a. have washed c. to wash e. washed

b. washing d. wash

18. Mother : Have you planted the flowers?

Son : No, Mom. I … . last Monday. Our gardener did it.

a. got him planted c. had planted him e. had them planted

b. had him to plant d. got them to plant

19. Dono : Do you make your dresses yourself?

Andi : No, I have my dress made.

The underlined sentence means …

a. She has made her dresses d. She asks someone to make her dress

b. She made her dress herself e. Someone asks her to make dress

c. Someone has made dress of her

20. When I got up this morning, the light was on. I … .to turn it off.

a. must have forgotten d. had forgotten

b. may have forgotten e. forgot

c. have forgotten

21. Michael : Has someone repaired this computer?

Nike : Well, it’s working again, so it …

a. should have repaired d. should have been repaired

b. would have been repaired e. must have been repaired

c. must have repaired

22. On a very cold days, we … warmly in order not to catch a cold.

a. must not dress c. should dress e. might dress

b. may not dress d. can dress

23. Santi : I plan to visit our grand mother at village. What do you think?

Amir : ….. It has been long time not visiting her.

a. I have no objection c. I disagree e. I am not with you

b. I have no time d. that’s is out of sense

24. Badu : I and my gang want to attack SMA “LuhurZ”. Will you join us?

Andi : ….. it is breaking the law.

a. I have no objection c. I really support you e. I am not with you

b. That’s a good idea d. that’s sound nice

25. Adi : The US government planned to attack the Iran Nuclear Reactor facilities.

Ina : I think that USA has no right to do that. It means that USA doesn’t honour Iran sovereignty .

Adi : I think so.

Andi: Excuse me, Can I say something here?

Adi : Please.

The underlined utterance expresses…

a. Agreement c. regret e. wish

b. Disagreement d. interrupting


A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.

Text 1.

One day Sudirno decided to go fishing. He told his wife, “There a pond near the forest with plenty of fish in it. I shall come back with at least half a dozen fish for you to cook” !

Khatidjah smiled at her husband’s confidence, but she did say anything. Instead, she packed him some luch to take along.

At the pond, Sudirno fast his line and chose a shady place to rest. Soon, Sudirno grew impatient. He began to wander around. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash. This was followed by the sound of buzzing bees. Sudirno turned and saw A swarm of bees coming in his, direction.

The frightened Sudirno thought, “I must escape or I shall be stung to death.” He ran as fast as he could. When he reached the pond. He jumped straight in.

Sudirno was very wet, and had not caught any fish either. It was an experience he would never forget.

“Something must have hit their nest and broken it. That is why the bees were so angry,” he told Khatidjah later.

01. Sari : What did Sudirno want to ?

Aris : He wanted to …

a. Eat fish

b. See fish

c. Buy fish

d. Sell fish

e. Tell his wife

1. Asri : When did Sudirno go out ?

Ardi : He went out …

a. Before breakfast

b. After lunch

c. After breakfast

d. At linch time

e. Just before dinner

2. Asri : How many fish Sudirno would bring home?

Ardi : He told his wife that he would return with at least …..

a. Three fish

b. Five fish

c. Twelve fish

d. Six fish

e. Ten fish

3. Ari : What experience didn’t he want to forget ?

Ani : …

a. He got very wet

b. He fell into the pond

c. The bees ran after him

d. He hit the bees nest

e. He was wandering around the forest

4. Apri : How did he feel when he saw the bees flying towards him ?

Asri : He felt …..

a. Tired

b. Sad

c. Happy

d. Afraid

e. Angry

Text 2.

Most of the Balinese people are members of the Hindu religion. They have religious in their temples and other places almost every day. When a person dies family burns him in a cremation ceremony so that his soul enter a better place.

How ever this ceremony is not a sad one.

06. What does a Balinese do when one of his family dies ?

a. They bury the dead body in the wood

b. They dig a hole in the garden and put the dead body into it.

c. The dead body is burned ceremoniously

d. The dead body is

e. The dead body is thrown into the sea

07. When do the Balinese hold religious ceremonies ?

a. Once a year

b. Almost daily

c. Every week

d. Monthly

e. Never

Text 3.

Penicillin, the first and still most widely used antibiotic discovered by Sir Alexander Flening through a laboratory accident. It is derived from a bread mold.The molds used to produce antibiotics are grown in laboratoinist under carefully controlled condition. The concentrated antibiotic is testes on animals whose biological make – up is similar to that of humans, in order to discover what effect the antibiotic will on people.

08. Beni : What is the concentrated antibiotic tested on ?

Asri : …. .

a. Animals

b. Living things

c. Domestic animals

d. Plants

e. Humans beings

09. Wahyu : Why is the concentrated antibiotic tested ?

Widya : It is tested in order to discover …..

a. What effect the antibiotic will have on rabbits

b. What effect the antibiotic will have on plants

c. What effect the antibiotic will have living cells

d. What effect the antibiotic will have on living animals

e. What effect the antibiotic will have on people

Text 4.

Having a Large Family

A marriage couple at present day usually has one or two children only. Comparing to the old time, a family usually has many children; four or five children minimally. Which one is more advantages ? having a few or many children?

For those who support a large family, having a large family get a lot of benefits. When the outing times is come, for example, picnics, visits and trips are much more enjoyable in a larger group. There is also more help available if any work or chores need to be done. In times of trouble, too, more heads are often better than fewer.

For those who are against having a large family, large family means more mouths to feed and more bodies to clothe. The family may have to sacrifice the education of some of the children in order to further that of the others, or even sacrifice the education of all children for survival of the family. If the father is the sole bread-winner, an unfortunate accident which prevents him from working may plunge the whole family into despair and helpless.

In summary, having a large family should be considered again

10. Mita : What kind of text is it?

Dita: It is … text.

a. Procedure c. narrative e. explanation

b. Recount d. discussion

11. Mita : What is the purpose of this text?

Dita: It is used to ……

a. explain the audience how or why something occur

b. tell about embarrassing or unforgettable experience

c. tell about funny stories

d. amuse or entertain the audience

e. present two point of view about an issue

12. Mita : If I’m not mistaken, our teacher had explained about the generic structure of

the text above. But, I forget it. Can you tell me?

Dita : Of course, they are…

a. Orientation, events, re-orientation.

b. Issue, argument for, argument against , conclusion/recommendation

c. Orientation, complication, resolution

d. Issue, argument for, argument against, conclusion.

e. General statement, sequenced of explanation

13. Mita : Sentences” A marriage couple at present day usually has one or two children only.

Comparing to the old time, a family usually has many children; four or five children minimally “. in the generic structure of the text above belongs to….

Dita : It belongs to…..

a. issue c. arguments against e. re-orientation

b. arguments for d. conclusion

14. Mita : … unfortunate accident which prevents him from working may plunge the whole

family into despair and helpless.(pr. 3 stc 3). The word “him” refers to ….

Dita : it refers to ….

a. large family c. husband e. children

b. small family d. wife

15. A : Do I have to go to the post office to get my package?

B : No, You can ….

a. have delivered it c. have it to be delivered e. have it delivered

b. deliver it d. have to deliver it

16. The floor is dirty. Mother will have it cleaned. The underlined sentence means…

a. She’ll have to clean it. d. She’ll have cleaned it

b. She’ll get someone to clean it e. She’ll clean it

c. She’ll get it cleaned by herself

17. Doni; Why didn’t you come to my party last night?

Susi: I wish I … to your party last night but my father was in the hospital . I must take care of


a. had come c. came e. am coming

b. has come d. come

18. Aldo : I tried to fax this copy but I failed. Doesn’t your machine work?

Diana : No. It doesn’t . ….

a. It is fixing c.. It can be fixed e. It has been fixed

b. It is being fixed d. It was fixed

19. X : I love music …….I can’t play the instruments?

Y : So do I

a. when c. though e. despite of

b. because of d. although

20. The teacher wait the test …. The last student is out of the class.

a. When c. after e. until

b. before d. as

21. Diana : Did you go to the cinema with Dina?

Doni : If only I ……. To the cinema with her.

a. come c. has come e. had come

b. came d. were come

22. If he had not lost his money, he would have bought a motor cycle. It means that …

a. he lost his money d. he would lose his money

b. he didn’t lose his money e. he hasn’t lost his money

c. he doesn’t lose his money

23. Aprilia : What would you do if you were accepted as stewardess.

Anita : I would serve the passengers well.

The underlined utterance means ……in a airline

a. Anita is accepted d. Anita was not accepted

b. Anita was accepted e. Anita has been accepted

c. Anita is not accepted

24. By next week, Rink ….. her homework.

a. Will to have finished c. Will have finished e. Will had finished

b. Shall have finished d. Will has finished

25. Mrs. Anne : This room is dirty and my bathroom is full of cockroach . What kind of hotel is it?

Hotel manager : I am sorry , madam. We will clean it soon

The underlined sentence expresses ……..

a. agreement c. interrupting e. complain

b. disagreement d. regret

26. Badu : …………………….for bumping you in this street

Beni : Never mind

a. excuse c. I have no objection e. That’s good

b. I beg your pardon d. not at all

27. Leni : …………………how to operate this air conditioner

Ari : Just push the “start” button.

a. Can you showing me d. Could you mind showing me

b. could you please showing me e. could you

c. could you like to tell me

28. Alia : Mel, I’ll have my first concert to night.

Melia : …………..

a. hard luck c. I wish you luck e. Don’t mention it

b. what a pity d. can you do that?

29. Neni : What about going to beach? I think it will be fun.

Nano : ……………. It has been long time not going to beach. Let’s prepare!

a. I am fine c. that’s good idea e. I’m sorry I can’t

b. I have no money d. Pardon!

30. Manny : Did he tell his name to you?

Boer : Yes, he ……….me his name after I ……….him twice.

a. tells, asked c. told, had asked e. tells, was asking

b. told, asked d. tell, was asked

31. Ani : Can I use your phone?

Lia : What did Ani say to me?

Ali : He asked you ………….

a. if she can use your phone d. whether she could have used your phone

b. if she could use my phone e. whether she could used your phone

c. if she could use your phone

32. Anita : What did you buy from Hong Kong?

Nita : Oh, I bought …..

a. magnificent big new round red Chinese mask a

b. a big magnificent new round red Chinese mask

c. a new big magnificent round red Chinese mask

d. a magnificent new big red Chinese mask

e. a magnificent big new round Chinese mask

Text 5.

The Lion and The Mouse

Once when a Lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon woke the him, who placed his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow (33)…….” Pardon, O King, “ cried the tiny mouse.” Forgive me this time., I shall not forget it: who knows, but I may (34) …… to do you a (35)……… turn of these days?”. The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him and that he lifted up his (36)……….and let him go.

33. a. him b. us c. we d. they e. them

34. a. be b. not c. don’t d. doesn’t e. was

35. a. bad b. worse c. better d. good e. best

36. a. swallow b. paws c. chin d. mouth e.stomach

37. Dona : I hope the thief will be arrested soon.

Rina : I’m ………sure. The police have known where he hides

a. Easily c. definitely e. Absolutely

b. Regularly d. deny

38.Bonny : I have a plan to visit grandma next week. Do you agree ?

Bella : of course.

From the dialog we knows that Bella……….

a. asks greeting c. states his apology e. asks agreement

b. gives agreement d. expresses his opinion

39. Which of the following sentence containing the expression of possibility

a. There is less chance for me to get married soon.

b. Andi is incapable in finishing his project

c. I’m not satisfied with her cooking.

d. There is a chance that Adi can reach the peak of mount Lawu tomorrow

e. There is a bus under the tree.

40. Which of the following sentences that expressing contras?

a. He is always humble man because of his success

b. He is always good to everybody whatever he does

c. He is always smile to every body in spite of their bad deeds to him

d. He is always good to everyone consider his position

e. He is a well-to do man although he is rich.

B. Essay

41. Alice : … I’ve lost your scarf

Nancy : Forget it. I still have some

42. Alia : Will you agree that the general election is held once on a year?

Anita : I can’t go along with you on that. It needs a lot of fund.

From the dialogue we know that Anita expresses her… .

43. We are not rich, so we can’t buy a car.

If only …..

44. The man looked very sad. He ….. (think) about his only son who had gone sailing and never


45. ….his low wages, the old gardener works diligently


Famous shut trough roof

Suddenly bark cave piece

That’s OK for this time, but don’t come home late again tomorrow!

Sorry for coming late, father. I have an additional lesson at school


To express regret we can use these expressions.

Informal expressions

1. Sorry for….. 3. I feel bad about…

2. How stupid of me 4. Oops! Sorry!

Formal expressions

1. Please accept my apologies for 4. I’m extremely sorry ……

2. Please accept my apology 5. I can tell you how sorry I am.

3. Please forgive me for…. 6. I really must apologize for….

Very formal expressions

1. I beg your pardon for… 3. May I offer you my sincerest apologies?

2. I do beg your pardon.

See the complete explanation in previous page

Reporting sentence to V1

Reporting sentence not to V1



The text above is organized in Narrative form. The text organization includes:

1. Orientation : introducing the characters of the story, the time and

the place the story happened. (Who/What, When and


2. Complication : a series of events in which the main character attempts

to solve the problem.

3. Resolution : the ending of the story containing the problem solution

4. Re-orientation: how the story ended (if any)

We are sorry Sir for this inconvenience . Our janitor will clean it.

I stay at Suite room, but the bath room is so dirty and bad smell. I am not satisfied with the service of this hotel !.



To express complaining, we can say:

❖ I want to complain about this …..

❖ I must object to/about ….

❖ I am not at all satisfied with your services

❖ I’m sorry to say about this , but …

❖ I’m afraid ….it’s just not good enough

❖ Well, this is the most unsatisfactory. …..

❖ I’m afraid I’ve got a complain about …

❖ Would you mind not smoking please?




(2) My tribe had extinct because they died of hunger. They had no food because your troops killed all the Bison.

(1) Could you please tell me why your tribe had extinct ?



To ask information you can use these expression

1. Could you tell me why ……….

2. Excuse me, could you explain ………

3. I wonder if you could tell me ………..

4. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but ……?

5. Excuse me, do you know how ….?

6. Can you tell me how……..?

7. Sorry for trouble you but do you know how…….?

8. Can you help me how …..?







Sun River





Clouds rivers sea/ocean sun wind air

Rise drop go up warm shine carry

How the rain is formed

Rain is drop of water falling from the clouds in the sky. It is a natural phenomena that happens every year. The rain is formed through several steps of process including rivers, seas, sun and cloud.
















Requirements steam abbreviation tremendous

Atomic explosive explosion generators

S + ask someone to V1 + O




Indonesian Government plan to build a Nuclear Power Plant, What do you think?

I have no objection. It will add the electricity power in our country.

I absolutely disagree with the plant. It can endanger our environment.









Adj1 Adj2 Adj3

Sport short







Discussion Text

A. Definition

Discussion texts are used to look at more than one side of an issue. This text allows us to

explore various perspectives before coming to a conclusion.

B. Purpose

To present information and opinions about an issue in more than one side .

C. Structure

✓ Opening statement presenting the issue

✓ Arguments or evidences of “pros”

✓ Arguments or evidences of “Cons”

✓ Concluding /Recommendations

D. Language Features;

The text mainly use :

✓ General nouns : Nuclear

✓ Relating verbs :is, are

✓ Thinking verbs : think, feel

✓ Contrastive connectives : although

✓ Causal connectives : because

✓ Modalities : should, must, can

✓ Adverbial manners : hopefully

Explanation Text

A. Definition

Explanation text tells how and why things occur in scientific and technical fields.

B. Social Function

To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural


C. Text organization

✓ A general statement to position the reader

✓ A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs

✓ Closing

D. Language Features

✓ Focus on generic, non-human participants

✓ Use mainly:

a. General and abstract nouns

b. Action verbs

c. Simple present tense

d. Passive voice

e. Conjunction of time and cause

f. Noun phrase

g. Adverbial phrase

h. Technical language

✓ Excuse me…..

✓ Sorry, but….

✓ Sorry..

✓ Can I say something here?

✓ Can I add that ….

✓ Can I ask a question?

✓ May I ask something?

✓ Excuse me for interrupting, but…


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