GO FOR THE GOAL “GOAL SETTING” CLASSBY WANDA MARTINWHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE GOALS?_______ IS OF THE ESSENCE3 IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE HOURGLASS#1-NONE OF US HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH SAND IS AT THE TOP.#2- NONE OF US CAN STOP THE SAND FROM GOING TO THE BOTTOM #3-ONCE YOUR SAND HITS THE BOTTOM, IT’S GONE. YOU CAN’T GET THE SAND BACK. People with goals ______________ and MAKE MORE ____________ than those without them.. People w/ goals earn________as much .NOTE: Just having goals will increase you _______________.IF YOU DON’T HAVE GOALS, YOU WILL ALWAYS WORK FOR SOMEONE WHO DOES. GIVE YOUR LIFE ____________YOU CAN’T BE _______________ WITHOUT THEM There are no highly successful people that became successful without having goals. GOAL SETTING STRATEGIES, TIPS, AND PRINCIPLES that many successful people utilize to be apart of the 8%. Principle #1- HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT GOALS ARE. WHAT ARE GOALS?_________ (DREAMS) YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH but with a DEADLINE. GOALS ARE YOUR DREAMS W/ A DEADLINEEXAMPLES OF GOALS WITH A DEADLINEGRADUATE WITH MY BACHELOR W/ A 4.0 BY 2020.WITHOUT A DEADLINE, YOUR GOAL IS JUST A “WISHLIST” TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS MAKE SURE THEY HAVE “DEADLINES”. AVOID THIS COMMON MISTAKE WHEN SETTING GOALS. DON’T MAKE GOALS BEYOND YOUR CONTROL I will win the lottery by in the amount of 5k by March 1st.ACTIVITY: GIVE ME ONE GOAL WITH A DEADLINE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ACCOMPLISH IN 2020. ____________________________________________________________________PRINCIPLE #2 ________ GOALS DOWNALL Millionaires and very successful people have THIS ONE THING IN COMMON… their goals written down. This is one of the most overlooked keys to success.Your goals must be in writing. 97% OF AMERICAN adults are trying to live their lives without clear written goals. “POWER IN YOUR PEN”. When you write down your goals, your__________________ mind begins to look for ways to make those things happen.WRITING DOWN YOUR GOALS WILL HELP YOU __________ them by _____just by writing them down.__________ what you really wantMake goals _______ and_______Stay ________ to avoid________Put your________ in motionPRINCIPLE #3 –MAKE GOALS “S.M.A.R.T.”SPECIFIC-be as specific and detailed as possible of exactly what you want to have or do.Bad goal- “I will lose weight this year.Good goal- “I WILL LOSE 10lbs.”When your goals are NOT SPECIFIC, THE CHANCES OF YOU ACHIEVING THEM ARE ______________. FACT: “you will achieve your goals ______ faster when they are specific and crystal clear.ACTION ITEM: GIVE ME A SPECIFIC GOAL MEASURABLE- all goals must be ____________.Your goals must be measurable so you’ll know when you’ve achieved it and you can check it off. To have measurable goals, answer the question of ___________ and________ ACTION ITEM: MAKE GOALS MEASURABLE. ACTIONABLE-every goal should start w/ and action __________ like (quit, run, finish, start,)_____________ “to be” verbs “I want to be rich”.This is not an action verb.Example-Start attending Community College in the fall of 2020 by taking my electives. ACTION ITEM: ADD ACTION VERBS TO GOALS. REALISTIC- A realistic goal is something you can do and act on ____________ now in your ___________ (present season).Don’t set all your goals __________ because when you do and don’t reach them, you will be ___________ Set goals that will __________ you and cause you to ________ but are also attainable. SETTING REALISTIC GOALS MEANS BREAKING A BIG GOAL INTO ___________ AND MORE___________ PIECES. EX- I WILL SAVE $1200 BY 12/31 ( YOU CAN BREAK THIS DOWN TO SAVE $100 PER MONTH TO REACH THIS GOAL)ACTION ITEM: MAKE GOALS REALISTIC .TIME BOUND-________ goal needs a deadline date associated with it. This makes it different from an aspiration. If it doesn’t have a _________, it’s not a goal. Having a deadline date added to goals. makes them ___________ and creates a sense of___________. DON’T MAKE ALL YOUR DATES SAY 12/31.Note: If for some reason you don’t achieve your goal by the deadline, simple set a new deadline…but Make sure you SET ONE!!!ACTION ITEM: ADD REASONABLE DEADLINES TO GOALS. PRINCIPLE #4- MAKE GOALS FEW IN NUMBERSAll goal lists should preferably have_______ on them. (This is a goal list and not a bucket list)Having less than seven means you are probably not addressing the major areas of your life.Having more than ten will cause you to be ___________. PRINCIPLE #5 REVIEW THEM DAILY- Reviewing your goals _______will help you __________ them and make them more real to you. To daily review your goals:PLACE ON A WALLIN A FRAME IN A BOOK.THIS IS not a waste of time. (Everyday visualize yourself accomplishing every last one of your goals.) ................

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