Cooperative Education Proposal

Writing Capstone ObjectivesThe graph below shows how the capstone objectives align with the four highest levels of learning based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.Note what the student can do at each level. Your four objectives will align with the four highest levels, starting with Objective 1 at the Applying level and progressing still higher with completion of Objective 2 at the Analyze level and Objective 3 at the Evaluate level. Objective 4 demonstrates the highest level of your capstone performance—the Create level, and this then is your final capstone deliverable to your capstone supervisor.Continue on to the worksheets in the following pages. Make sure to read carefully the instructions as you construct your four objectives.BAAS Capstone 4-Objectives WorksheetsStudent Name:____________________Objective-4 StatementHere is the Objective 4 standard format:[Create Action Verb] a [Number-Unit] [Product] on (for, to, about) [Content Phrase] relevant to (or “based on”) [External Qualitative Reference] as defined by [Outside Authority].Steps:Select one of the following Create Action Verbs: Compose, Create, Modify, or ProduceIdentify the Number-Unit of the final product. The number should be 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10, and the Unit can be “chapter”, “section”, “topic”, “module”, “channel”, “function”, “stage”, or “component”. Make sure to hyphenate the number-unit you select.Product can be a manual, handout, poster, video, or plan (lesson, marketing, business, funding, etc.) Consult with the Capstone Coordinator if you have another “product” in mind.The Content Phrase defines what the final product is about (e.g., “technical sales”, “math strategies”, “non-profit fundraising”, “new product launch”, etc.). Follow this with the phrase “relevant to” or “based on”.Replace External Qualitative Reference with “standards”, “criteria”, “guidelines”, “recommendations”, or “best practices”. Make sure what you pick will be recognized by the public, capstone supervisor, and the independent evaluator.Follow this with the phrase “as defined by”.Replace the Outside Authority with the name of the source for the External Qualitative Reference you are using as the basis of your final product.Example:Create a 7-section plan on expanding business to Mexico based on international business practices as defined by the Organization of American States.Produce a 5-topic video about the history of Crystal City based on criteria as defined by the Crystal City Historical Society.Modify a 10-module lesson plan for teaching fifth-grade science relevant to the state TEKS standards as defined by the Texas Education Agency.Now write your capstone’s Objective-4 statement in the space below using steps 1 – 8 above:In your Objective-4 statement above, label the parts as follows: (1) the Create Action Verb; (2) Number-Unit; (3) Product; (4) Content Phrase; (5) the words “relevant to” or “based on”; (6) the External Qualitative Reference; (7) the words “as defined by”; and (8) the Outside Authority.Objective-3 StatementHere is the Objective 3 standard format:[Evaluate Action Verb] [Number] [Sub-Units] on (for, to, about) [Content Phrase] relevant to (or “based on”) [Internal Reference] as defined by [Source].Steps:Select one of the following Evaluation Action Verbs: Appraise, Assess, or EvaluateThe Number is the quantity of the sub-units you will appraise, assess, or evaluate, and it should be a quantity of 5 to 10 higher than the number you have in Objective 4.Your Objective 4 Unit is made-up of Sub-Units. Here are some units (from Objective 4) and their sub-units (for Objective 3) in parenthesis you might consider: section (topics), topics (main ideas), modules (sections or topics), channels (outlets), functions (steps), stages (transformations), components (elements). Consult with the Capstone Coordinator if you have another sub-unit in mind. The Content Phrase defines what the final product is about (e.g., “technical sales”, “math strategies”, “non-profit fundraising”, etc.).Follow this with the phrase “relevant to” or “based on”.Replace Internal Reference with “preferences”, “needs”, “guidelines”, “findings”, “best practices”.Follow this with the phrase “as defined by”.Complete Objective 2 worksheet to identify the Source component for your Objective 3 statement. (The Objective 3 Source identifies where you obtained your Internal Reference.)Example:Appraise 12 topics on expanding business to Mexico based on guidelines as defined by a survey of Mexican-import local vendors. Assess 10 topics about the history of Crystal City relevant to preferences as defined by a questionnaire to Crystal City Council Members.Evaluate 15 modules for teaching fifth-grade science based on needs as defined by interviews of fifth-grade teachers across elementary schools in a district.Now write your Objective-3 statement in the space below using steps 1 – 8 above:In your Objective-3 statement above, label the parts as follows: (1) the Evaluation Action Verb; (2) Number; (3) Sub-Units; (4) Content Phrase; (5) the words “relevant to” or “based on”; (6) Internal Reference; (7) the words “as defined by”; and (8) Source.Objective-2 StatementHere is the Objective 2 standard format:[Analyze Action Verb] [Number] [Items] from (in, of) [Source] on (for, to, about) [Content Phrase] relevant to (or “based on”) [External Reference] as defined by [research of selected sources… a study of established materials.]Steps:Select one of the following Analyze Action Verbs: Analyze, Categorize, or Classify.The Number is a quantity for an Item you select in step 3 below: surveys and questionnaires (20+); narratives (12+); models and sites (10+); records (50+). Consult with the Capstone Coordinator if you have another number in mind. The Items can be a variety of terms. Use “surveys”, “questionnaires”, and “narratives” if you are collecting data from a group. Use “sites” (“locations”, “places”), if your capstone requires geographic selections. Use “models” for testing technical products (e.g., websites, mobile apps). Use “records” when using extensive data base collections. You will need to identify the Source of the Items. For surveys, questionnaires, or interviews name the population of respondents (e.g., Real Estate Brokers, Field Agents, Teachers, etc.) For models, make sure to use “end-users” to test a product’s performance (i.e., Note: the “testing” must be independent!) For sites, locations, places use an official geographic name (e.g., Dallas, Lake Mason Park, Pine Creek, etc.) Use the name of the data base for “records” (e.g., 2017 Customer Profiles). You may now complete Objective 3 using the source identified!The Content Phrase defines what the Items relate to (e.g., a survey may relate to “math instruction”; models may relate to “website functions”)Follow this with the phrase “relevant to” or “based on”.Replace External Reference with “standards”, “criteria”, “preferences”, “needs”, “guidelines”, “findings”, or “best practices”.Follow this with the phrase “as defined by”.Next, finish your Objective 2 statement with one of these two phrases: research of selected sources. or a study of collected artifacts at (from) [location]. Note: you will perform the phrase selected in Objective 1.Example:Analyze 25 surveys from entrepreneurs on expanding business to Mexico based on best business practices as defined by research of selected sources. Categorize 15 sites in Crystal City for historical significance based on guidelines as defined by a study of collected artifacts at the community library.Classify 30 instructional strategies from fifth-grade science teachers based on performance standards as defined by the Texas Education Agency. Now write your Objective-2 statement in the space below using steps 1 – 9 above:In your Objective-2 statement above, label the parts as follows: (1) the Analyze Action Verb; (2) Number; (3) Items; (4) Source; (5) Content Phrase; (6) the words “relevant to” or “based on”; (7) External Reference; (8) the words “as defined by”; (9) the words “research of selected sources” or “a study of collected artifacts at (from)” [a location]. Objective-1 StatementHere is the Objective 1 standard format:[Apply Action Verb] [Number] [sources/artifacts] on (for, to, about) [Content Phrase] relevant to (or “based on”) [External Qualitative Reference] as defined by [an Outside Authority].Select one of the following Apply Action Verbs: Research or Study.The Number should be 15 or higher (max 20).Use “sources” if you do not have an established collection of information to draw from for Objective 2; use “artifacts” if you have access to an established collection of documents, records, reports, etc.—that is, information you do not have to perform a search for but simply study to support Objective 2.The Content Phrase defines what the sources or materials relate to (e.g., “math instruction”, “doing business in Mexico”, “training new hires”, “web design”, etc.)Follow this with the phrase “relevant to” or “based on”.External Qualitative Reference refers to “standards”, “criteria”, “guidelines”, “recommendations”, or “best practices” recognized by the public, capstone supervisor, and the independent evaluator.Follow this with the phrase “as defined by”.An Outside Authority is an actual entity that you identify as the source of the external qualitative reference you are using to endorse your final product.Example:Research 15 sources on expanding business to Mexico based on international business practices as defined by the Organization of American States. Study 15 artifacts about Crystal City history based on criteria as defined by the Crystal City Historical Society.Research 15 sources on fifth-grade instructional practices relevant to the state TEKS standards as defined by the Texas Education Agency. Now write your Objective-1 statement in the space below using steps 1 – 8 above:In your Objective-1 statement above, label parts as follows: (1) the Analyze Action Verb; (2) Number; (3) the words “sources” or “artifacts”; (4) Content Phrase; (5) the words “relevant to” or “based on”; (6) External Qualitative Reference; (7) the words “as defined by”; and (8) the Outside Authority.Note how the Objective 1 statement has parts from Objective 4. This is intentional. Your final product you deliver to the capstone supervisor is only as good as the foundation you establish in Objective 1… Thus, (6) and (8) above are the same as in Objective 4. (Also, compare Objective 1 and 4 examples!)When you are done with all four objectives, follow the directions on the next page to validate your objectives conform to the capstone required format, structure, and content.Final ReviewIn the space below, write your four objectives from 1 to 4 from the worksheets above.Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: Study your objectives. Check to make sure that all four objectives meet the following 4 criteria:There are no conjunctions like “and”, “or”, or “in addition to” in any of the objectives, nor are there any commas “,” either! If not, go back and revise your objective(s). This issue is important. For example, say your Objective-4 is:“Produce a 10-topic video relevant to the client’s criteria and preferences for marketing effectively their new product to senior citizens or to young children.” How will you evaluate if your video met the client’s criteria, but the preferences were not, and the senior citizens hated the video but the children though it was wonderful? Make your life simple: do not use conjunctions. Deliver one product to the supervisor based on criteria defined in the qualitative component!If yes, continue…You see the words “relevant to” or “based on” somewhere mid-way or so in the objective statement. If not, go back and revise your objective(s).If yes, continue…You have a quantitative aspect, i.e., a number (e.g., 5, 12, 15, etc.) in the phrase to the left of the words “relevant to” (or “based on”); and a qualitative aspect, e.g., standards or criteria reference to the right of these words. If not, go back and revise your objective(s).If yes, continue…Lastly, the sequence of objectives 1 through 4 should build from one to the next resulting in your successful completion of the capstone. If not, there is the possibility that you are working on multiple capstones! Make sure to focus only on one capstone—and that should be Objective 4, the other objectives build toward the creation of your final product for the capstone supervisor. If not, go back and revise your objective(s).If all four criteria above are “yes”, you are then ready to copy and paste your four objectives in your Application, where indicated (Capstone Objectives section). ................

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