Procedures Greg Mackie Sheetmetal

Procedures Greg Mackie Sheetmetal

Entering purchases that contain some items with GST and some items that are GST Free.

• From within “Enter Bills” or “Banking/Cheques” as appropriate

• Enter Name, Date, Amount as applicable.

• Tick the amounts including Tax box

• Choose the appropriate account (with GST) to allocate the expense ie. Staff Amenities with GST

• The tax code NCG should come up

• Press Tab, Tab

• In the Gross Amount column type in the total amount of the GST from the docket.

• Then press the * button (near the top right of the numbers keyboard) (this will activate an inbuilt calculator in Reckon Accounts.

• Type in 11 (the numbers 1 and 1 off the numbers keyboard)

• Type Enter

• You will now have done a calculation of the total GST amount off the docket x 11. This will be the amount now showing in the Gross Amount Column

• Press Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab

• You will now be on the next line

• Choose the appropriate GST free account to allocate the rest of the expense ie. Staff Amenities – GST Free.

• The NCF code will come up automatically.

• Press Tab, Tab

• In the Gross Amount column type in the total amount of the whole purchase from the docket.

• Press the – (minus) key (at the furthest top right of the numbers keyboard) to activate the inbuilt calculator

• Type the Gross Amount on the line above

• Type Enter

• You will now have done a calculation of the total purchase cost less the total purchase cost that includes GST leaving you in the Gross Amount column the Total amount of the purchase that is GST free.

• Either Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab and continue with the rest of the entry if you have further lines to enter or Save and Close if you are now finished.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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