Technical Profile Questions: - WooCommerce Docs

Technical Profile Questionnaire

For Orbital Gateway

to Tandem

Merchant/Submitter Name:      

Technical Contact:       e-mail address:      

Contact Phone:      

1. What is the physical location of your computer system and associated connectivity?

Data center address      



2. List applicable production Merchant ID(s) (12 digit number)      

3. List applicable test MID information:


Need new test MID

4. Please identify the integration option that you will use to send transactions to the Orbital Gateway.

XML API – written by in-house programmers

XML Batch Format

CSV – written by in-house programmers

SFTP Reporting

Chase Paymentech Solutions supplied SDK

Java – please specify SDK version number      

Perl – please specify SDK version number      

C++ – please specify SDK version number      

COM – please specify SDK version number      

.NET – please specify SDK version number      

Note: if the supplied SDK’s are installed on a platform other than the ones identified in the Orbital Specification, please understand that non-compatibility and/or unknown errors could occur. While Chase Paymentech Solutions will make every effort to assist with the debugging of these issues, we may not be able to provide a solution.

Chase Paymentech Solutions supplied Web Services (SOAP) API

Third Party Software (please specify)

-Software Vendor Name      

-Software Version      

Chase Paymentech Solutions supplied Web Services Retail Card Present (US only) (includes iTerminal)

5. What protocol will be used for on line processing?


Not Applicable (not sending online authorizations)

6. What security authentication will you use for online processing ?

User Name & Password at MID level or User Name & Password at Chain level

7. What Protocol will be used for batch processing?

S – FTP: User setup at the Chain (Company) level at the MID (Division) level

           Not Applicable (not sending batch files)

8. S-FTP requires IP Security authentication.  For batch processing and CSV file uploads, what is the IP address(es) of your host system(s)?  Dynamically allocated IP addresses are not supported. 



9. Additionally, S-FTP requires RSA Key or User Name & Password authentication. For batch processing and CSV file uploads, which of these authentications will be used?

 User Name & Password

 RSA SSH Key  

* Keys must be sent to the analyst you are working with, identified for both test and production.

10.  For batch processing and CSV file uploads, which file encryption will be used?


PGP Key (specify which key suffix will be used) PGP GPG   ASC

* Keys must be sent to the analyst you are working with, identified for both test and production.

11. For CSV file uploads only, which method will be used to upload the file?

S-FTP with CSV format for 1 MID

- User must be set up at the MID level

- Must also complete numbers 8, 9, and 10

Virtual Terminal CSV file Import

Contact user to be setup with Virtual Terminal access:


Phone:       Email:      

12. For CSV file uploads only, how will you receive the Closed and Reject Batch reports:

Virtual Terminal

email merchant will need to setup in the Reporting Admin screen in the VT      

S-FTP account

13. For Reporting only, at what level will the SFTP User be set up at?

              Chain (Company) level

              MID (Division) level

NOTE: The merchant SFTP User is responsible for Admin setup


14. What Request/Response Transaction Type Messages do you intend to test:

New Order (used for all MOP’s except GiftCard)

Mark for Capture (used for all MOP’s except GiftCard)

Reversal (void a previous transaction)

Gift Card (US and Canada)

Inquiry (to inquire on a previous transaction - requires Retry Logic)

Profile (to add, change, delete a profile – does not include transaction processing with a profile)

15. What Industry Type will be used? MO RC EC IN RE

16. What Currency will be used? US Canadian

17. If you checked off New Order (used for all MOP’s except GiftCard) in Request/Response Transaction Type

Messages (question # 12), complete this section:

Credit Card Methods of Payment (MOP’s):

Visa MasterCard Discover Discover Diners American Express JCB

PIN-Based Debit CR CZ ChaseNet MOP Re-assignment

Message Type (for Credit Card MOP’s and Other Payment Brands):

A (Authorization)

AC (Authorization and Mark for Capture)

FC (Force-Capture)

R (Refund request)


Full AVS for Zip Code format: US CA UK/GB

Zip only AVS for Zip Code format: US CA UK/GB


Card Security Value for MOP: VI MC AX DI DD JC CR CZ

- Only available via Online HTTPS (not batch)

- Not supported in CSV file uploads

Account Verification

Partial Authorization

Procurement/Purchasing Cards Level 2 (for US and Canada) for MOP: VI MC CR CZ

Procurement/Purchasing Cards Level 3 (for US only) for MOP: VI MC CR CZ

- Not supported in CSV file uploads

Verified by Visa - (XML tag = AuthenticationECIInd): 5 6

ChaseNet Verified by Visa - (XML tag = AuthenticationECIInd): 5 6

MasterCard SecureCode - (XML tag = AuthenticationECIInd): 5 6

- What vendor was the code provided by?      

Merchant Descriptor for Credit Card (Canada only)

Merchant Selectable Response (MSR) for AVS:

At Chain (Company) level at MID (Division) level

- which AVS responses should display the transaction as declined?      

Merchant Selectable Response (MSR) for Card Security Value:

At Chain (Company) level at MID (Division) level

- which CSV responses should display the transaction as declined?      

Customer Profiles: at Chain (Company) level at MID (Division) level

Manage Billing (Profiles must be set up at the MID level)




Auth Recycle

Retry Logic

18. If you checked off Mark For Capture (used for all MOP’s except GiftCard) in Request/Response Transaction Type Messages (question # 14), complete this section:

Note: Not applicable to Retail

Credit Card Methods of Payment (MOP):

Visa MasterCard Discover Discover Diners American Express JCB CR CZ


Procurement/Purchasing Cards Level 2 (for US and Canada) for MOP: VI MC CR CZ

Procurement/Purchasing Cards Level 3 (for US only) for MOP: VI MC CR CZ

19. If you checked off Reversal (Void a previous transaction) in Request/Response Transaction Type Messages

(question # 14), complete this section:

Credit Card methods of Payment (MOP):

Visa MasterCard Discover Discover Diners American Express JCB

CR CZ PIN-Based Debit



Authorization Reversal

20. If you checked off Gift Card (US and Canada) in Request/Response Transaction Type Messages

(question # 14), complete this section:

FlexAction (for Gift Card):

Activate Refund

DeActivate Balance Inquiry

ReActivate Void

AddValue Block Activation

Auth Block De-Activation

Redemption Block Re-Activation


Card Security Value for MOP: SV (GiftCard)

- Only available via Online HTTPS (not batch)

21. If you checked off Inquiry (to inquire on a previous transaction) in Request/Response Transaction Type

Messages (question # 14), complete this section:

Credit Card Methods of Payment (MOP):

Visa MasterCard Discover Discover Diners American Express JCB

CR CZ PIN-Based Debit

22. If you checked off Profile (to add, change, delete a profile – does not include transaction processing with a

profile) in Request/Response Transaction Type Messages (question # 14), complete this section:

Credit Card Methods of Payment (MOP):

Visa MasterCard Discover Discover Diners American Express JCB CR CZ

23. How will you specify End of Day for settlement?

XML message

Virtual Terminal


24. Who will be the application testing contact?

Contact Name:      

Phone #:      


25. When will you be ready to begin application testing?      

26. Production Contact Information

Contact Name:       Contact Phone:      

Address:       e-mail address:      




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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