VIKASANA-ASHA for Education

|Title of the Project |Bridge School Programme, Duglapura |

|Supported by |ASHA for Education, Seattle |

|Project Holder |VIKASANA |

| |[Org for Education & Social Development] |

| |P.B. No. 23, Galihalli cross, Tarikere-577228, |

| |Chickmagalur Dist. Karnataka. India. |

| |Ph/fax. 08261-222500, 222570 |

| |E-mail- ngovikasana@ |

| |tovikasana@ |

| | |

|Reporting period |January 2015 to December 2015 |

Executive summary:

Here this narration takes your reflection over the progress, insights, information, achievements, changes and developments undertaken in the premises of Duglapura bridge school center during the year 2015. All together 20 children (9 girls and 11 boys) with different reasons for educational gap continuously received an opportunity to stay in the center. An educational support continued followed by residential facilities. We also elaborated reflection on children daily routine, progressive activities, systems and qualities in implementation and relevant measures aiming at overall development and well being of all the children.

Progress in description:

1. Children at ASHA supported bridge school in Duglapura Center:

Sl. NoNameGenderClassSl. NoNameGenderClass1Niveditha.RFemale2ndStandard11Gangamma.NFemale5th Standard2Adarsha.JMale3rd Standard12Sangheetha.KFemale5th Standard3Santhosh.GMale3rd Standard13LakshmiFemale5th Standard4Lalitha.JFemale4th Standard14Sharath.MMale6th Standard5Sangheetha.GFemale3rd Standard15AravindaMale6th Standard6VenkateshMale4th Standard16Seetha.JFemale6th Standard7Prajwal.SMale4th Standard17Pradeep.VMale6th Standard8SnehaFemale4th Standard18YashavanthMale6th Standard9KanchanaFemale4th Standard19KirankumarMale7th Standard10SandeepaMale5th Standard20Varun.VMale4th Standard

New year celebration:

As like every year, on the first day of New Year a small celebration arranged at the premises of bridge school center, it was a pleasant moment followed by cake cutting, sweets, snacks and exchange of best wishes for the successful flow of New Year.

Morning exercise:

It was slightly challenging and so energetic to involve children in the practice of physical exercises in daily morning. The child leaders and teachers accomplished this task successfully. Children have done various exercises of yoga which are (surya namaskara, pranayam, meditation) and sitting and standing warm up exercise. It has been resulted in keep the children mentally active and physically fit.

Improved progress in educational support:

To make children perfect in education, it was continued to refer new time table for educational support. Teachers cooperated to smooth management of additional coaching classes to children especially in morning 7.00a.m. to 8.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. to 9p.m in the evening. Teachers reserved time for subject wise, class wise teaching, reviewed copy writing, notes correction and learning support in morning, where as revision of subjects taught in school, question and answer, notes correction and home work accomplishment in the evening.

Effective utilization of teaching aids, learning materials and extra concentration resulted in slow progress among children who were lack in studies. Now they know alphabets in kannada/English, number counting, find colors and etc., this has brought gradual improvements in their skills and performances in school exams. Besides they were being taught about morality, principles, need of education, clean and discipline measures. As a result good progress was found in the performance and scores in their studies.

Monthly tests:

As like every year, it was continued to call assessment of children performance by conducting tests in center. We conducted 03 monthly tests during the year; it was made more meaningful through using question paper contained series of question according to class wise in related to subject matter through which children appeared confidently with pre-preparation and scored good marks. Just after the test, answer sheets of each child were evaluated, verified and obtained marks details have informed to respective children. The monthly tests have revealed that 05 children secured fewer marks that were much focused during the special coaching classes to improve their performance.

March annual examination:

In the second week of March 2015 all the children attended their annual examination, before that they attended pre-preparation exams at hostel. So it was reduced exam fear and nervous among the children. All the children were passed in the annual examination March 2015 and promoted to next standards.

Summer Holidays

Children received summer holidays over the period of one month and a week. They all went to home and enjoyed their holidays with families and friends. They all back to hostel in the last week of May 2015 with joyful memories from the holidays.

School re-open and enrollment of new children

After completion of the whole summer holidays, the school re-opened on 1st June 2015. The new children first admitted to the center followed by the interview with their parents and they were made oriented on their roles, responsibilities, parents meeting and rules of the children center. Thereafter, they were admitted to the school at Station Duglapura and government school at Seetapura Kavalu. Similarly, we completed the renewal of admission formalities of old children in the same schools.

Individual Files:

The systems and practice of updating child individual file is continued in the centre, now the file contained details such as personal information, health status, marks card, caste certificate and enrolment application form. It experienced to find information easily and immediately whoever searched.

Parents and children interface meeting:

We called 02 parents and children interface meetings wherein we discussed about children behavior, attitude, educational progress, improvements, health status and other relevant issues. Children were happy to meet and interact with their mother and father and expressed their feelings and happiness at this moment. These, regular meetings helps to build good rapport with the parents.

Celebration of local and national festivals:

An importance to involve children participation in celebration of local and national festivals was given at the center. We celebrated national festivals such as Republic day on 26th January and Ambedkar jayanthi on 14th April, World Environment day on 5th June, Independence Day on 15th August, Gandi Jayanthi on 2nd October and children day celebration on 14th November 2015. Besides, some children went home to celebrate Shiva rathri, yugadi, gowri-ganesha, ayuda pooja and deepavali local festivals of Karnataka.

Robotic Lab Training:

A training on Robotic Lab was organised in K.Chattanahalli village of tarikere block on 16th July 2015. The teacher from Duglapura center was also happily part of this event. They newly learnt the concept of robotic lab, how it functions, how to build ROBO and how to assign instructions. Mr.Sridhar from Bangalore was coordinated this training.

Distribution of educational materials

For this begin of new academic year, we distributed the note books, pen, pencils, eraser and cardboards to all children and made them oriented about the proper utilization of all education materials.

Formation of Children Ministry:

We called the meeting of children and teachers on 16th July 2015 in order to formation of Children Ministry and make them more involved in all process of center. With the proper instruction about this ministry system, children were directed to elect the President for ministries followed by voting in to the box. With the highest votes, Kiran Kumar P was chosen as President while Pradeep was Vice President. Accordingly we formed Education Committee, Sports and Cultural Committee, Health and Hygiene committee followed by the team leader in each committee.

Visit by Taluk Health Department:

The official from Taluk Health Department were visited the center on 19th July 2015 and given instruction for the better management of health and hygienic surrounding. They also made examination and medical test of the children. Besides, they also gave orientation about the Dengue fever.

Sports and games:

Everyday children returned to center at 4-45pm after the formal school over, they played until 5-30pm at campus not only indoor games but also outdoor varieties. By using playing materials like Volley ball, foot ball, cricket ball and bat and other games materials.

Cluster level Sports competition:

04 Children from Duglapura center were participated in the cluster level sports competition held in the school of Karkuchi village. Kiran kumar got 2nd place in long jump, Sandeep S third prize in Kabaddi and Aravind second prize in high jump, 100mtr running and relay. They were very happy to bring the prize for center.

Exposure visit:

The teams of children were taken to the Mysore and Gommateshwar Temple at Shravana Belagola in this area around. The teachers were explained about the historical importance of these places. The children enjoyed the day all together.

Update of Health progress:

The teachers and child leaders carried monitoring of health and hygiene of children. Simple orientations on health aspects were conducted four times during the year. The health progress of each child is monitored and their height, weight, skin disease and remarks were updated in the child individual files at regular intervals.

Focus to personal hygiene:

Much importance was given to establish personal hygiene among children. The teacher and health committee members focused to monitor care for teeth, brush properly, daily showering and importance to cut nails on regular basis. Old medicines in the first aid box replaced by new validated medicines, children accessed the first aid boxes to fight against cold, cough and fewer.

Updates on land development and organic farming activities:

VIKASANA is actively engaged in utilization of land supported by ASHA for education to generate income to run sustainable bridge school education to most needy and backward children in rural region. Since we have received average rainfall in begin of this monsoon we could able see the better growth in the land development activities. Similarly, we have done the land cleaning and ploughing initiatives before the monsoon began. The plantation of teak and silver plants has grown more vertical as well as horizontal. In addition to that we have planted few more forestry plants like silver, teak and gliricidia in the edges of land field. Whereas the horticulture plants such as banana sapota, mango, neem and areca nut plants are growing well. On the other hand, we cultivated vegetable like brinjal, cucumber, pumpkin, and beans and chilly. Some of part of the cocunuts and vegetables has been utilized for the consumption of bridge school children.

At the same time, some part of the tamarind, vegetable, banana, nursery plant, horticulture plant and arecanut have been sold at the market, by which around INR.1,11,382.00 (Tamarind sale: 9,500.00, Vegetable cultivation: 22,500.00, Banana selling: 14,500.00, nursery plant selling: 25,500.00, horticulture plant selling: 28000.00 and Arecanut: 11,500) income generated. The same has been utilized for the management of bridge school centre as well as up gradation of land development activities like fencing, supply of manure, watering, plant development, and transportation and labour charges.

Inauguration of Orphanage building with the support of PPI, Seattle:

As we informed you already, we mobilized part of the support from People for Progress in India (PPI) agency from Seattle and VIKASANA sources; we constructed 04 rooms for staying of girl children in Duglapura land. This building was inaugurated on 15th January 2015 by Mr.S.K.Srinath, Tresurer, People for Progress in India (PPI), Seattle. Besides, the local well wishers, VIKASANA board members, Gram pachayath members, local village leaders and children were part of this occasion. This has improved infrastructure facilities in this center. Now children got more space and privacy to enjoy their study life.

Attractive Wall painting by Volunteers:

Ms.Alena and Ms.Julia, the volunteers from Germany were painted the new walls of Orphanage building supported PPI, Seattle. Around the two weeks of duration they made this building with attractive pictures, painting and colours inside and outside. This is not only inspiring children but also visitors.

Installation of Solar lighting with the support of PPI, Seattle:

To reduce dependency on uncertain electricity and make use of solar energy, with the support of PPI, Seattle, VIKASANA received the financial assistance to install the solar lighting systems in Duglapura center where the orphanage new building rooms constructed. According to the quotation given we ordered this task to Selco Solar Pvt Ltd, Shimoga. Accordingly they installed 12 solar lights inside the building and two lights outside the building (Room1 office: 02 lights, Room2 accommodation: 01 lights, Room3 accommodation: 01 lights, Room4 accommodation: 01 lights, corridor-02 lights, 4 toilet: 04 lights and 2 bathroom: 02 lights and passage-01 light).

Recent results:

Still all these lights are working and switched on normally everyday between 6pm to 11pm

Children are using these lights to read, write and accomplish their homework in the evening

Children continued their studies even when there is no power, dependency on uncertain electricity reduced

Effective utilization of solar energy has been experienced by children

Adequate power availability throughout the nightlife and decreased cost on electricity

Solar water heater with the support of PPI, Seattle:

According to the proposal plan and sanction of the same, we selected the solar water heater and we ordered it from SELCO Solar Pvt Ltd, Shimoga district. As soon as the plumbing work completed, the technical team from the solar agency have installed it properly and the water heater systems is functioning properly. They also gave the use and maintenance of this unit to the teacher and cook of the center.

Recent results:

This 200 liters capacity of water heater provided 16 buckets of enough hot water every morning. The water gets re-hot every time within 10 hours

All together 20 children properly using this water heater system and taking warmer bath from the hot water collected

Improved hot water facility for all children and improved infrastructure access to continue the rehabilitation

Increased children interest to get fresh and ready school early

Mobilized infrastructure assistance from SMILE FOUNDATION, Bangalore:

With the support of SMILE FOUNDATION, Bangalore and VIKASANA contribution, we have additional mobilized and installed additional infrastructures for the benefit and utilization of bridge school children. Now there are 02 solar lights (wiring, switch and lights along with electrification), playing materials ((Ladder, sea saw and slider), cooking materials (Vessels, plate and other cooking equipments), 25 Child sleeping bed with cot and 01 Solar water heater. All these facilities are properly using by the children under the supervision of respective teacher.

Visit by Asha TEAM:

On 29th August 2016, Mr.Kiran from ASHA team along with Mr.Manjunath and Mr.Chandrashekar were visited the centre. They interacted with the children and asked updates about their daily routine, food and accommodation, education and individual progress. They advised and motivated children to study well and score good marks. Then, they walked around the land supported by ASHA for Education and seen the development of organic agriculture and plantation work done. He also had seen the orphanage building constructed with the support of PPI, Seattle.

Concluding lines:

We have managed to successful rehabilitation of 20 children and supported for their education continuation with residential facilities. All initiatives put together to reach overall welfare and development of children with a special focus on improved educational systems and quality aspects at all level. We observed better progress in education, health, cultural, sports and extra curriculum development among the children. It would be continued for further development. We the team of VIKASANA staff, Bridge school teacher and children were expressed our gratitude to ASHA for EDUCATION for their kind cooperation and support.

Project Director,





“Report on Bridge School Programme, Duglapura” from Jan 2015 till Dec 2015

Supported by:


Implemented by



(Organization for Education & Social Development)

P.B.No.23, Galihalli cross, Tarikere taluk,

Chikmagalur dist, Karntaka state, India.

Ph.08261-222500, Mobile:09448224872,

e-mail – ngovikasana@

website –





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