Learning Activities Planning Sheet

Pine Technical & Community CollegeEarly Childhood Development ProgramLearning Activities Planning SheetStudent's Name:????Lisa Snorek????????????Date Implemented:????3/22/2016?????????????Activity Name:??????????????Plop Art?????????????Children's Ages:????16 mos.-33 mos.???????????????????? Objectives and ECIPs (Please be detailed in this area):ObjectiveECIPS Domain, Component & IndicatorThe Creative Curriculum Goals/ObjectivesAssessment (How will you know children have met the objective[s]?)The children will dip the stocking filled with sand into the paint. This will give them a beginning understanding of cause and effect. Domain: Cognitive DevelopmentComponent: Exploration and Discovery Indicator: Pays attention to people and objectsUses senses to explore people, objects, and the environmentAttends to colors, shapes, patterns, or picturesMakes things happen and watches for results or repeats actionDomain: Cognitive DevelopmentComponent: Shows a beginning understanding of cause and effectIndicator: Explores objects and notices how they reactDiscovers that repeated actions yield similar effectsExpects people objects to responds to actions in particular waysBegins to investigate causes when something unexpected happensI will see the children lifting the stocking and dipping it into the paint repeatedly. The children will watch intently as the paint is soaking there stocking. The children will explore the different colors of paint.I will hear the children’s comments about the different ways they can get the paint on the stocking. The children will hold the stocking as high they can demonstrating basic gross motor skills. Domain: Physical and Motor DevelopmentComponent: Gross Motor DevelopmentIndicator: Moves body, arms, and legs with coordinationDemonstrates large muscle balance, stability, control and coordinationDevelops increasing ability to change positions and move body from place to placeDomain: Physical Development Component: To learn about movingIndicator: Begins moving with a purposeBegins to gain balance and to move from place to placeWalks forward with increasing coordinationAttempts a variety of large-muscle activitiesBalances while moving arms and legs in active playChildren will use their arms and pick up the stocking.Children will lift the stocking to dip into the paint. Children will move their arms with a purpose as they are lifting the stocking.Children will move their body from place to place. The children will drop the stocking onto the butcher paper understanding their stocking is being used as painting tool. Domain: Cognitive DevelopmentComponent: Exploration and DiscoveryIndicator: Pays attention to people and objectsAttends to colors, shapes, patterns, or picturesShows interest and curiosity in new people and objectsMakes things happen and watches for results or repeats action Domain: Cognitive DevelopmentComponent: To learn about the world, understanding how objects can be used. Indicator: Explores objects, using all sensesLearns how objects work by handling them and watching others use themPlans ways to use objects to perform one-step tasksChildren will drop the stocking onto the butcher paper to make a splatter with the paint.Children will pay attention to the different ways they can make the paint splatter. Children will repeat the action over and over again. Children will take turns and play with each other. Domain: Social/Emotional DevelopmentComponent: Relationships with other childrenIndicator: Shows interest in and awareness of other childrenResponds to and interacts with other children Begins to respond to other children’s feelings and emotionsBegins to show concerns for othersDomain: Social/Emotional DevelopmentComponent: Plays with other childrenIndicator: Watches and responds to other childrenReaches out to and engages momentarily with other childrenHas brief play encounters with other children Participates in longer play encounters with children who are engaged with identical or similar activitiesChildren will use each other’s names to address each other. Children will be excited to play with each other. Children will engage in play with each other.Children will wait until there friend is done, so they can have a turn. Equipment/Materials/Supplies (be very specific):10 old stockings or pantyhose filled with rice6 colors of Tempera paint (Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green, Brown, and Red)6 Pie Tins1 roll of Butcher paperStep stool 8 aprons to protect children’s clothingResource Materials Used (name of book, magazine, etc.): Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Art, A. P. (2007). A Place of Our Own. Retrieved from A Palce of Our Own: Plop Art : , M. D. (2007). Eaarly Childhood Indicators of Progress. Department of Human Services and Department of Health.Teaching Strategies. (2006). Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood. Retrieved from The Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos: StepsBeginning Transition (In what?a fun and interesting way will you gather the children?): Who likes to paint? Who likes to paint? Follow me if you like to paint! It’s fun to paint. It’s fun to paint. Don’t you agree? Don’t you agree? With all the other girls and boys it’s fun to paint any day! Introduction (What?will?you say/do to introduce the activity to the children?):With all our friends we will be painting today. But this isn’t going to be in an ordinary way. Ordinary means a way you have done it before. Today we will learn a different way to paint. This activity is called plop art. You will each get a stocking with rice in it. You will create different colors and patterns by paint splattering on to the paper. Let’s get started! Step-By-Step Procedure (be specific) and Questions to Guide Learning (remember, open-ended ones encourage thinking):Each child gets one stocking filled with rice.Encourage kids to dip the stocking filled with rice into the paint.Have the kids hold the stocking as high as they can and let them drop it onto the butcher paper.“Use a step stool so children can get even higher before releasing their stocking dipped in paint.”*Remember to hold onto the kids at all time to prevent them from falling.* Encouraging Statements:Wow I have never seen a painting like that! You are so creative!Your arms are working hard to lift that stocking. You are so big and strong! Thank you for being so patient and waiting for your friend to finish! It takes balance to stay on the stool. Your arms, legs, and eyes are helping you to stay coordinated.Taking turns helps make sure all our friends have a chance to go through.This is how we use the stocking for plop art. We want to make sure all the paint goes on the paper. Open-Ended Questions:What do you think will happen when you drop your stocking? Would you like to share with me what you think your painting looks like?Where have you seen colors like this before? What do you think will happen when we stand on the stool? What other ways have you painted before? What is your favorite part about painting? Why do you think this happened this way?If you mix these colors what do you think will happen? Can you tell me about an experience like this before? Conclusion/Summary (How will you draw the activity to a close?) and Ending Transition (How will you move the?children to the next activity/place?):It has been a super fun day, but now it’s time to move our play. Our time has come to an end, but there will be another time we can paint again! We used our bodies to help us paint. Our arms and legs went up and down, we used our eyes to help us see. We all created our own special paint, what a victory. Good bye my friends I will see you soon. ................

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