Reading Workshop Launch

2nd Grade | |

|Desired Results for the Unit |

|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |

|Students will learn the roles and routines of the reading workshop while being immersed in read aloud. |

|Students will learn that readers respond to reading by talking and writing about the books they read. |

|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our|

|Students will understand that… |actions?) |

|Readers choose just right books from class library & look after books | |

|Readers know what to do when they have finished reading a book |How do readers self-select books? |

|Readers practice independent reading |How do readers respond to what they have read? |

|Readers talk about books they have read |What does it mean to be an active listener? Why is it important to actively listen? |

|Readers use book bags | |

|Readers use a reader’s response notebook | |

|Readers build stamina (monitor with reading logs) | |

|Readers recognize the differences between fiction/nonfiction | |

|Readers use prior knowledge | |

|Readers read with a purpose | |

|Assessment Evidence |

|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |

|Class charts |should be collected?) |

|Reading Notebooks |Running Records |

|Book Baggies |Reading Response Logs |

|Organized Library |Turn and talk |

|Resources |

|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |

|TC 2nd grade Unit 1: Reading with Stamina and Meaning |Book baggies with self-selected, level-appropriate books |

|Books to support lessons: Frog and Toad are Friends, Stone Fox, George’s Marvelous Medicine, Poppleton, |Reading notebooks |

|Chrysanthemum, Koala Lou |Class “teaching” charts that support learning |

|Read Alouds: | |


|WEEK 1: |Mgt: Readers understand the schedule |Mgt: Readers practice coming to |Mgt: Readers practice coming to reading|Mgt: Readers practice coming to |Mgt: Readers practice coming to |

|Reading Workshop |of reading workshop |reading workshop and use active |workshop, use active listening for a |reading workshop, use active |reading workshop, use active |

| | |listening for a read aloud – Begin to|read aloud and pay close attention to |listening for a read aloud, pay close|listening for a read aloud, pay close|

| |Read aloud |create chart: |the mini lesson and practice it back at|attention to the mini lesson and |attention to the mini lesson, |

| |Mini lesson with practice | |their seats. (15 minutes IR) |practice it back at their seats. (15 |practice with a partner (turn and |

| |Independent work time |Active Listeners | |minutes) |talk)and then practice the TP back at|

|* Please see TC Lesson|Share |Focus eyes on the speaker |Add to listening strategy chart - |Add to listening strategy chart - |their seats. |

| |Readers walk to the rug and find a |Remain quiet |practice active listening |practice active listening |Add to listening strategy chart - |

| |spot… |Keep your body still | | |practice active listening |

| | |Clear your mind |TP: Readers can select books, treat |TP: Readers have strategies for |Read for 15 minutes |

| | |Think about what the speaker is |them with care, read them quietly and |choosing books* | |

| | |saying |return them carefully | |TP: Good readers reread to recall |

| | | | | |where they left off * |


|WEEK 2: |Mgt: Readers practice coming to |Mgt: Readers practice coming to |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |

|Reading Workshop |reading workshop, use active |reading workshop, use active |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |

| |listening for a read aloud, pay close|listening for a read aloud, pay close|workshop. |workshop. Readers practice shared |workshop. |

|Prepare book baggies |attention to the mini lesson, |attention to the mini lesson, |Readers know how to read during a |reading- led by the teacher. |Continue to practice listening |

| |practice with a partner (turn and |practice with a partner (turn and |shared reading of text - Teacher first |Add to listening strategy chart - |strategies |

|Get Reading Response |talk), practice it back at their |talk), practice it back at their |then students when asked - set up rules|practice active listening | |

|Notebooks ready |seats and then come back for a share.|seats and then come back for a share.|for shared reading of text with | |Teacher’s role during independent |

| |Add to listening strategy chart - |Add to listening strategy chart - |pointer. |During independent reading: When you |reading vs. Students’ roles during |

| |practice active listening |practice active listening |Add to listening strategy chart - |finish with one book you can: read |independent reading |

| |Read for 15 minutes |Read for 15 minutes |practice active listening |another book Hand out - individual |Students will practice taking another|

| | | |Read for 15 minutes |book bags - Read for 15 minutes |book from their baggy and reading for|

| | | | | |15 minutes while the teacher confers |

| |TP: Sometimes when we are reading, we|TP: Good readers benefit from getting| |TP: Readers can retell their books to|with a reader |

| |lose our hold on the meaning. One |to know ourselves as readers: What | |their partners.* | |

| |strategy readers can use to regain |kinds of books do I like? How much do|TP: Readers try to increase stamina by | |TP: Readers find things they want to |

| |focus is to reread.* |I usually read during reading time?* |pushing ourselves to read more.* | |talk about with their partner. They |

| | | | | |talk to a partner about a connection |

| | | | | |they can make to the story. “That |

| | | | | |makes me think about…”* |


|WEEK 3: |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |

|Reading Workshop |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |

| |workshop. |workshop. Continue to practice |workshop. Continue to practice |workshop. Continue to practice |workshop. Continue to practice |

| |Continue to practice listening |listening strategies |listening strategies |listening strategies |listening strategies |

| |strategies |Readers can work with a partner. |Readers can work with a partner. |Teacher and students practice | |

| | | |Teacher and students practice |independent reading, partner reading |Teacher and students practice |

| | | |independent reading, partner reading |and teacher conferring. |independent reading, partner reading |

| |Teacher and students practice |Teacher and students practice |and teacher conferring. | |and teacher conferring. |

| |independent reading with conferring. |independent reading, partner reading,|Practice: During independent reading: |Practice: During independent reading:| |

| | |teacher conferring. |When you finish with one book you can: |When you finish with one book you |Practice: During independent reading:|

| | |Practice: During independent reading:|read another book |can: |When you finish with one book you |

| |During independent reading Chart: |When you finish with one book you |write a retelling in a reader’s |read another book |can: |

| |When you finish with one book you |can: |response notebook |write a retelling in a reader’s |read another book |

| |can: |read another book |Read for 15 minutes or more if able |response notebook |write a response in a reader’s |

| |read another book |write a response in a reader’s | |Read for 15 minutes or more if able |response notebook |

| |write a response in a reader’s |response notebook |TP: Good readers can retell as a way to| |Read for 15-20 minutes |

| |response notebook |Read for 15 minutes or more if able |make sure they understand what they | | |

| |Read for 15 minutes or more if able | |read. They can tell as much about the |TP: Good readers listen carefully to |TP: Readers can have good discussions|

| | |TP: Good readers use what they |story/text that they can -including |themselves and make sure that the |by thinking about connections they |

| | |already know about the topic to help |many details - in their own words. |words they are saying make sense. |make to books. (revisit ways to talk |

| |TP: One way to respond to what you’ve|them to be better readers.* | | |or write about reading chart) |

| |read is to write or talk about your | |“Ways to Talk or Write about My |“Ways to Talk or Write about My | |

| |favorite part. |“Ways to Talk or Write about My |Reading” |Reading” |“Ways to Talk or Write about My |

| | |Reading” | | |Reading” |

| |Begin Chart to use when responding to| |My favorite part was… |My favorite part was… | |

| |reading during talk or writing.. |My favorite part was… |My topic is about… |My topic is about… |My favorite part was… |

| | |My topic is about… |The story was about… |The story was about… |My topic is about… |

| |“Ways to Talk or Write about My | | |This story made me think of… |The story was about… |

| |Reading” | | |The character I liked the best in the|This story made me think of… |

| | | | |story was… |The character I liked best in the |

| |My favorite part was… | | | |story was… |

| | | | | |I think the author wrote this story |

| | | | | |because… |

| | | | | |As I read the story, I wondered… |


|WEEK 4: |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice |Mgt: Readers continue to practice | | |

|Reading Workshop |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s |working in the style of reader’s | | |

| |workshop. Continue to practice |workshop. Continue to practice |workshop. Continue to practice | | |

| |listening strategies |listening strategies |listening strategies | | |

|From here on in the | | | | | |

|structure of the |Teacher and students practice |Teacher and students practice | | | |

|workshop should be in |independent reading, teacher |independent reading, teacher |Teacher and students practice | | |

|place - monitor that |conferring, partner talk & written |conferring, partner talk & written |independent reading, teacher | | |

|everyone is doing his |responses in reading notebooks. |responses in reading notebooks. |conferring, partner talk & written | | |

|or her job | | |responses in reading notebooks. | | |

| |Read for 15-20 minutes |Read for 15-20 minutes | | | |

| | | |Read for 15-20 minutes | | |

| |Practice: During independent reading:|Practice: During independent reading:| | | |

| |When you finish with one book you |When you finish with one book you |Practice: During independent reading: | | |

| |can: |can: |When you finish with one book you can: | | |

| |read another book |read another book |read another book | | |

| |write a response in a reader’s |write a response in a reader’s |write a response in a reader’s response| | |

| |response notebook |response notebook |notebook | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |TP: Good readers make their reading |TP: Good readers make connections |TP: Good readers can talk about books | | |

| |sound like talking. |between what they are reading and |and tell why they think what they | | |

| | |their own lives which helps you to |think. | | |

| | |understand the story. | | | |


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