Active and Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice

A verb in the active voice expresses an action done by its subject. A verb in the passive voice expresses an action done to its subject.


Dorothy Parker wrote many humorous poems. [The subject, Dorothy Parker, performs the action.] Many humorous poems were written by Dorothy Parker. [The subject, poems, receives the action.]

EXERCISE On the line provided, write AV if the sentence is in the active voice. Write PV if it is in the passive voice.

Example PV 1. The lawn was mowed today by Alyssa.

1. The new bill was presented to Congress by Senator Thompson. 2. Montreal was defeated by Pittsburgh, eight to two. 3. Low-flying airplanes impaired our television reception. 4. The delicate glass was dropped accidentally by Maria. 5. The novel Ethan Frome was written by Edith Wharton. 6. Excessive heat and a lack of rain ruined the crops last summer. 7. The pitcher is throwing fast curve balls. 8. The play Romeo and Juliet was performed by the drama class last

week. 9. The best-actor award had been won by a newcomer to the screen. 10. Carlo Rinelli was elected president of the Student Council by the

student body. 11. Both of the boys finished the homework in an hour. 12. What kind of cake has he baked for the party? 13. Hooray! We have been given another week for this assignment. 14. The deer trotted warily to the side of the highway. 15. Most of us have learned a little French. 16. Most of these stories were written in the 1920s. 17. Did you take an earlier bus? 18. Announcements are read daily at three o'clock. 19. My grandparents were raised on a cattle ranch. 20. Please take that wet dog out of the house!

Answer Keys:

1. PV 2. PV 3. AV 4. PV 5. PV 6. AV 7. AV

8. PV 9. PV 10. PV 11. AV 12. AV 13. PV 14. AV

15. AV 16. PV 17. AV 18. PV 19. PV 20. AV


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