College Reading and Study Skills

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College Reading

and Study Skills

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College Reading

and Study Skills

Fourteenth Edition


Niagara County Community College


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: McWhorter, Kathleen T., author.

Title: College reading and study skills / Kathleen T. McWhorter, Niagara

County Community College, Brette McWhorter Sember.

Description: Fourteenth Edition. | New York : Pearson, [2019]

Identifiers: LCCN 2018051785| ISBN 9780135228067 (Annotated Instructor¡¯s

Edition) | ISBN 0135228069 (Annotated Instructor¡¯s Edition) | ISBN

9780134996295 (Student Edition) | ISBN 0134996291 (Student Edition) | ISBN

9780135227084 (Loose-Leaf Edition) | ISBN 0135227089 (Loose-Leaf Edition)

Subjects: LCSH: Reading (Higher education) | Study skills.

Classification: LCC LB2395.3 .M386 2019 | DDC 428.4071/2¡ªdc23 LC record

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-530506-5

Student Edition



ISBN-13: 978-0-13-499629-5

Loose-Leaf Edition

ISBN 10:


ISBN 13: 978-0-13-522708-4

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Sample Preface. Do not distribute.


Detailed Contents

Preface xiii

Part Four: Thinking Critically

as You Read 262


SUCCESS 6. Build Your Information Literacy

Part One: Building a Foundation for

Academic Success 2

Chapter 10

SUCCESS 1. Read and Learn Online 2

Evaluating the Author¡¯s

Message 266

Chapter 11

Evaluating Authors¡¯

Techniques 299


2. Manage Your Electronic Life

Chapter 1

First Steps to Academic

Success 10

Chapter 2

Taking Notes in Class

Chapter 3

Communicating in the

Classroom 62




Part Five: Strategies for Academic

Achievement 316


SUCCESS 7. Think Critically About College


Course Content 316

8. Manage Stress 320

Part Two: Using College

Textbooks 76

Chapter 12

Reading and Thinking Critically in

Academic Disciplines 324

SUCCESS 3. Work with New Course Formats:

Online, Hybrid, and Flipped

Courses 76

4. Strengthen Your Concentration 80

Chapter 13

Preparing for Exams

Chapter 14

Taking Exams

Chapter 4

Identify and Organize What to

Learn 84

Part Six: Thematic Readings

Chapter 5

Learning and Memory



Part Three: Essential Reading

Skills 144

SUCCESS 5. Improve Your Reading Rate and


Flexibility 144

Copyright ? 2020 by Pearson Education, Inc.

and Recognize Fake News

Chapter 6

Active Reading Strategies


Chapter 7

Expanding Your Vocabulary

Chapter 8

Understanding Paragraphs


Chapter 9

Following Thought Patterns






Theme A

Non-Traditional Addictions

Theme B


Theme C

Controversies in Science




Part Seven: Sample Textbook

Chapter: Textbook Reading

and Writing 436

Text Credits 459

Index 463



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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